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ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT: Getting Reel: Craig Created Bond With Audience

No Time to Die review

by Robert Soroky

“The name’s Bond. James Bond.” After 15 years and five movies, actor Daniel Craig has delivered this iconic phrase for the final time.

“No Time to Die,” the swan song for Craig’s tenure as Ian Fleming's master spy, rounds out a complex story arc first introduced, along with Craig himself, in 2006’s “Casino Royale.”

Craig has been masterful in his portrayal of James Bond. Not only did he capture the rugged toughness reminiscent of Sean Connery’s Bond, but he also brought a deeper emotional perspective to the character, adding traits like vulnerability and compassion.

The audience was brought closer to Bond than ever before through Craig’s multi-dimensional portrayal of Bond, which was significantly more relatable. This connection would pay big dividends in “No Time to Die.”

For me, though, the most fascinating part about the Craig era of Bond movies (“Casino Royale,” “Quantum of Solace,” “Skyfall,” “Spectre,” and “No Time to Die”) is that they construct an actual beginning, middle and end to the James Bond character.

This is unique as, traditionally, Bond movies tend to be episodic in nature, each one its own contained story, with little need to see any of the others to gain context. Craig’s movies, however, played out like a mini-series, taking us through Bond’s entire MI6 career, from earning his double-0 status as a rookie agent, through the ultimate mission that brings his illustrious career to a gut-wrenching close.

As for “No Tme to Die,” the final movie in the arc, there is a lot to unpack, and every detail is a spoiler. Therefore, my mouth is sealed. What I can say, though, is that it is the perfect wrap-up and send-off for Craig’s James Bond.

It has action, suspense, beautiful girls, crazy car chases, classic Bond one-liners and, of course, the tried-and-true gadgets from Q. It is also pleasant, heartfelt and deeply emotional, something not always associated with a Bond film.

I laughed and cried through this one. I left the theater quietly appreciating the awesome journey through Craig’s Bond movies and how Craig made his time as an MI6 agent truly special.

Robert Soroky is a lover of science fiction and a lifelong cyclist who regularly participates in long-distance charity rides and is the manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. Contact Soroky at robert@centurycycles.com to chat about science fiction or bikes, he loves to hear from readers!

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