Colorful Thoughts from Sanndi Thompson
Even if I was not an artist, I think I would still be fascinated with colors. Colors can lift moods, or can bring back memories or make new memories. Color is everywhere in our world. Outdoors, indoors, no matter where you are, there is color. I have always thought interesting the psychological, healing properties it can have on us, such as how just going outdoors or to a park where there is a lot of green can be so instantly calming, or how gazing at the blue of a swimming pool is soothing. Everyone usually has colors they love or colors they hate. No matter who you are or what age, color truly feeds our psyche from early on. I have often wondered about someone who is born blind and has never experienced any colors, how would color then work in their world? Would they feel it on another level perhaps? Or how would you describe a color to someone who had never seen any? Could you describe a color? (Food for thought here.) For instance, if I had to describe red to someone who had never seen red, then I guess I would use adjectives such as bright, vivid, bold, warm, strong. There are so many avenues and aspects of color to write about, I really am just rambling here; but I know it plays an important part in my world — for sure, in my art. I would say colors make statements, whether you are trying to be bold or subtle. Even if you think you are not making a statement by choosing neutral colors, well that is still making a statement. So the whole realm of color can be fascinating if you really stop and take time out to think on it. What colors do you have in your home? What color do you wear often? And our favorites, of course, change over time, because we grow and change as well. As an example. I love turquoise lately; my bedroom walls are this shade, for now, at least. It seems that after a color serves its time for us, on whatever level that may be, then when it has done its magic for us or our souls, we tire of it and then get a new fave. Colors are there for us when we go through changes in life or need a boost. How about stories of women who all of sudden go buy a red dress or that snazzy pair of red shoes? Yes, color is our friend and is always there for us for whatever mood or transition we are going through. All you have to do is let your feelings/intuition guide you. Your body, mind and spirit always know what you need. -57-