Part 4 of Valentine Masque by Lyle Dagnen In the family coach on the way home, Grandfather snoozed softly. Ian sat between Ellie and Christina, snuggling both of them close under the blankets. Grandmother smiled across the carriage at the young people as she called them. It was late and Ian knew that proper behavior called for them to retire to their rooms. Ellie was sharing a room with her sister. He wanted so badly to sit by the fire with her, just to be with her. If truth be known, he wanted her in his bed. He knew the joyous intimacies of being in love with a woman, of having her in his bed. He wanted Ellie there, beside him, waiting for him to take her. He wanted to feel her surrender as he claimed her as his, he wanted to feel her joy as she reached her peak of happiness and called out his name. He had to stop thinking like this or he would embarrass himself. “Ian?” Ellie ask softly. “Are you all right.” “Yes,” his voice was husky. “I was just having a fantasy. That's all.” He smiled, and she blushed. Ellie was experiencing feelings that she had never imagined she would. Almost every male she had ever come into contact with had somehow repulsed her. Ian drew her to him; she wanted to be with him. She had even ask him to kiss her. She was still amazed that she had asked him. She was even more amazed at the storm of emotions and feeling his lips on hers had aroused in her. When he had held her, when he lowered her from the chair, how her heart had raced and her breath had left her body. Tonight when he had stepped up to read his part of the lessons, her heart had so burst with pride at the wonderful sound of his voice as it filled the church. She loved to hear him sing the carols. She was leaning close now to hear him absently hum “The Holy and The Ivy” as they shared a cup of hot chocolate and a piece of cake before they retired. She found herself wondering what it would be like to walk with Ian to his bed. Ian was not the only one who was having a fantasy. *** As Ian had prepared for the meeting with her father he remembered the cold day in the garden when he had made sure that Ellie knew he wanted to marry her. He thought it proper that he ask her first. They had spent time together and he thought she was agreeable. “Ellie it is no secret that
I am looking for a wife. I wanted to be sure that you would agree for me seeking you as my wife.” “Ian, I am not sure that I am exactly what you want in a wife.” Her response was not exactly what he expected. “Do you mean that you can think for yourself, that you can hold your own in a conversation, that you think and have your own ideas about things? Do you not realize that is what drew me to you? You were reading Plato during all of those empty headed conversations I had to endure.” He raised he eyebrows as he held both of her hands in his and pulled her toward him. “Lord, help me, I'd have no other than you. If it cannot be you, then the family will end without an heir.” “Ian, what if I cannot produce an heir. What if it is too late? I refused to be considered a piece of property to be handled like a thing that has no value.” He could see her temper rise. “You are not a piece of property that I am acquiring. If I wanted that I would be choosing one of those empty-headed children you brought round for me to meet.” Ian shivered at the thought. “I want you to marry me because I want a partner, someone I can talk to and be with, someone who laughs.” He touched her face with his hand. “I want you, Ellie. I want you as I have never wanted a single woman in my whole life.” They stood closely together. “God help me, I want you now,” he whispered as she looked into his eyes. “Ian, yes,” she whispered back. “I have never felt what I am feeling now. I don't understand it. But yes, I want to marry you.” If they had not been in the library garden of her house he would have swept her into his arms and covered her with kisses. It was enough that his rapid courtship had swept though the town and civilized society. He would not drive her parents to distraction by kissing their daughter the way he wanted to kiss her. The next day he had seen her father and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage. *** As he met with her father, Ian declared his intentions to ask for Ellie's hand to her rather startled father. He was in (continued further on in this issue)