Attempt Three: All right, this is my final attempt. If it doesn’t work this time, I’m done! Boil, brew; add vinegar and alum powder. Let tea cool down before adding the eggs, stir and put in fridge if you’re going to let them sit for any length of time. I don’t remember exactly how long they sat before I checked them the first time, but boy oh boy what a difference the Alum powder made! I think I left them alone for at least six hours or more, before I took them out for the picture.
Links I used for instructions: • Link #1from eHow - How to Color Easter Eggs With Tea • Link #2 from Third Planet Food How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally with Tea
The Green tea, Peppermint tea and Chamomile tea all colored yellow. One of the links said any tea with chamomile in it would do that. F.Y.I…most herbal teas have chamomile in them! The reddish brown is actually the Tetley black tea. The two greenish eggs, yeah, those were shockers. It was either the Blueberry and the Raspberry Zinger that came out with those colors or the Raspberry and the