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I’m extremely skeptical of infomercials that promote products with more hyperbole than cold scientific fact. That was until I purchased the Derma Wand.

Skin professionals use a variety of electrical appliances during a facial to maximise product absorption, stimulate circulation and increase oxygenation. The results are skin that looks refreshed, toned and lifted. The Derma Wand claims to accomplish exactly the same results, for the price of a facial in the comfort of your home.

At only R300 it just seems too good to be true, and I was justifiably wary, but I had nothing to lose as I decided I would return it if I wasn’t satisfied with the results. The instruction manual even advises you to record your results on camera over two weeks. Within 48 hours I decided that I didn’t need photographic evidence that the Derma Wand delivers visible results.

The Derma Wand emits multiple electrical impulses, which if the infomercials are to be believed, feels like the pleasant, tingling sensation of champagne bubbles bursting on your skin. Not! But it’s not uncomfortable either after your skin has grown accustomed to the sensation. Admittedly, I also like results fast so I may have been over-zealous when I dived head first into the strongest setting possible. It’s not going to give you the Botox perfection you may want, but at R300 you won’t find a moisturizer in the same price range which delivers the same results.

The Derma Wand retails for R300 at Homemark is excellent value for money.

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