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Immigration Policies
Democrat and Republican Immigration Policies: A Stark Divide
By Martha Roussopoulos
Edited by Stella Forbes
Despite an American being native-born, one in eight of these Americans will have at least one immigrant parent.41 Additionally, with one in seven residents of the United States of America being an immigrant, American voters should pay close attention to the electoral candidate's plans for immigration.42 Joe Biden postulates, if the Democrats win the 2020 elections, new immigration policies will be implemented to welcome immigrants to the United States while modernizing and improving the current American immigration system. Whereas, Donald Trump asserts that he will uphold the promises he has kept throughout his presidency, which includes making the removal of illegal immigrants from the United States a priority.
In the instance that Joe Biden wins the 2020 US elections, he has outlined six main goals he wishes to accomplish for immigration in the United States. The Biden plan for immigration includes: modernizing the American immigration system, welcoming in immigrants, establishing a commitment to asylum-seekers and refugees, determining what causes illegal migration, improving border screening, and undoing Trump’s damage.43
The Democrats will aim to modernize the American immigration system by providing a plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants to obtain citizenship.44 In 2015, 23.6 billion USD was collected from 4.4 million undocumented workers without Social Security numbers.45 Joe Biden’s proposed plan acknowledges that undocumented immigrants do pay their taxes, however many of them are paying for taxes they cannot benefit from due to the fact that they are not American citizens.46 Therefore, providing these undocumented immigrants with a clear road map to gain American citizenship it will contribute as well as strengthen the American economy, thus creating a win-win situation for not only immigrants who are wishing to move to America fairly, but as well to help preserve and provide for the economy.47
41 American Immigration Council. “Immigrants in the United States.” American Immigration Council,
42 Ibid.,
43 “The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants.” Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website, 2020.
44 Ibid.,
45 Ibid.,
46 Campbell, Alexia Fernández. “Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants Are an Economic Burden. They Pay Billions in Taxes.” Vox. Vox, April 13, 2018.
47 Ibid.,
Joe Biden promises to welcome immigrants to the United States because they generate economic, cultural, and social value to their communities.48 The Biden administration plans to implement initiatives in American communities to promote welcoming immigrants.49 These initiatives include establishing Offices of Immigrant Affairs in city halls to ensure the adoption of inclusive policies.50 The Biden Administration wants to ensure that inclusive immigration policies to welcome immigrants will be implemented at the federal-level and state-level. Making immigrants feel welcomed in American communities is key for the Biden Administration because they want to ensure these immigrants can fulfill the American Dream upon arrival to the US.
Joe Biden stresses that Donald Trump has harmed the United States of America, thus he will urgently work to undo Trump's damage.51 Joe Biden will work towards welcoming in more asylum seekers and refugees, which Trump has neglected and restricted throughout his presidency.52 To do so, the Biden Administration plans on setting the annual refugee cap to 125,000 refugees.53
The Republican Party has outlined the promises Donald Trump has kept during his presidency. Trump’s immigration policies focus on: the removal of illegal immigrants, the repeal of the DACA program, and restricting access to asylum seekers to the United States.54
The Trump administration has made the removal of illegal immigrants a priority throughout his presidency because illegal immigrants threaten the American workforce.5 The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in 2016, removed 81,603 illegal immigrants from the US.5 In 2017, a significant increase in removals was conducted for a total of 226,119 illegal immigrants removed from the US.55 Therefore, President Trump assures he has kept his promise to remove illegal immigrants throughout his presidency and will continue to do so if he wins the 2020 elections.56 The removal of illegal immigrants reverses the negative effects they have caused to the American workers and taxpayers.57
48 Campbell, Alexia Fernández. “Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants Are an Economic Burden. They Pay Billions in Taxes.” Vox. Vox, April 13, 2018.
49 Campbell, Alexia Fernández. “Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants Are an Economic Burden. They Pay Billions in Taxes.” Vox. Vox, April 13, 2018.
50 Ibid.,
51“The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants.” Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website, 2020.
52 Ibid.,
53 Ibid.,
54 “Immigration.” President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments, 2020.
55 Ibid.,
56 Ibid.,
57“Remarks by President Trump on the Illegal Immigration Crisis and Border Security.” The White House. The United States Government, 2018.
The Trump Administration stresses that the US is a welcoming country, however, there is a limit to the number of immigrants it can accept and a large influx of illegal immigrants does nothing but harm public safety and the economy.58
The Republican Party aims at limiting the annual cap of asylum seekers to the United States annually to ensure that America is protected so Americans can feel safe in their communities.59 In 2019, the annual cap for asylum seekers entering the US was set to 30,000 and, in 2020, the annual cap was almost reduced by half bringing the annual cap for asylum seekers entering the US to 18,000.60 Finally, Donald Trump’s plans to reduce the cap once more for the upcoming year to 15,000 authorized asylum seekers to enter the US.61
When looking at both political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, American values are of importance while adopting immigration policies. However, each party has a distinct interpretation of what it means to be American and to have American values. Joe Biden believes that generations of immigrants came to the United States in search of a new life. Biden asserts that "Immigration is essential to who we are as a nation, our core values, and our aspirations for our future”.62 Therefore, Biden will adopt policies that reflect his recognition of the important values immigration brings to the US. In contrast, Donald Trump believes immigrants are a danger to American values. Donald Trump’s strict immigration policies reflect his desire to protect American communities and American jobs. Consequently, the victor of the 2020 elections’ immigration policies will reflect the party’s view on American values.
59“Remarks by President Trump on the Illegal Immigration Crisis and Border Security.” The White House. The United States Government, 2018.
60Krogstad, Jens Manuel. “Key Facts about Refugees to the U.S.” Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center, August 20, 2020.
61Hansler, Jennifer, and Priscilla Alvarez. “Trump Administration Sets Refugee Cap at
15,000, a New Historic Low.” CNN. Cable News Network, October 1, 2020.
62“The Biden Plan for Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants.” Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website, 2020.