2011 University of the Ozarks Tennis Media Guide

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Tara Richards

Scott Eibes

Tom Lowe

Jason Morgan

University of the Ozarks

Briar Vona

T ab le of C on te nt s University of the Ozarks Location Founded Enrollment Nickname School Colors National Affiliation Conference President Athletic Director Web Site

Clarksville, Arkansas (7,719) 1834 650 Eagles Purple & Gold NCAA III American Southwest Dr. Rick Niece Jimmy Clark www.ozarks.edu

10 Women’s Overall Record Conference Record 10 Conference Tournament Letterwinners Returning/Lost 10 Men’s Overall Record Conference Record 10 Conference Tournament Letterwinners Returning/Lost

Team Information

Coaching Staff

Head Coach Alma Mater, Yr. Office Phone E-mail Assistant Coach Alma Mater, Yr. Office Phone E-mail

Sports Information Staff

Sports Information Director Alma Mater Office Phone Home Phone Cell Phone E-mail Address Student Assistant SID Student Assistant SID Chief Athletic Photographer

4-8 3-3 (4th) None 3/6 4-9 1-5 (5th) None 2/7

Shaun Wiseman (3rd season) Arkansas Tech University, ‘07 479-979-1332 swiseman@ozarks.edu Travis Smith (4th season) Ozarks, ‘09 479-979-1332 tsmith@ozarks.edu Josh Peppas Univ. of the Ozarks, ‘00 479.979.1483 479.670.3781 479.647.0415 jpeppas@ozarks.edu Sarah Otteman Kaitlyn Williams Zach Doty

General Information Table of Contents Quick Facts


Administration Bios

Media Information & Sports Information

Head Coach Shaun Wiseman Assistant Coach Travis Smith

Women’s Tennis Preview Schedule Roster & Team Picture

Coaching Staff

2011 Women’s Tennis Preview

Women’s Player Profiles Senior

Sophomores Newcomers

Women’s 2010 Results Team Results & Individual Statistics Women’s Tennis History Honors & Awards

All-Time Roster

Men’s Tennis Preview Schedule Roster & Team Picture

2011 Men’s Tennis Preview Men’s Player Profiles

Senior Juniors Sophomores Newcomers

Men’s 2010 Results

Team Results & Individual Statistics Men’s Tennis History Honors & Awards

All-Time Roster

American Southwest Conference ASC Staff & Overview

This Is Ozarks

Campus Overview

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1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8-9 10-15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22-25 26-28 29-36 37 38 39 40 41-48


A dm in is tr at io n & S ta ff

Dr. Rick Niece President Raised in a small town (pop. 900) in Ohio, Dr. Rick Niece attended a school that housed all classes, grades 1-12, in one building. After graduating from high school, Dr. Niece attended Ohio State University where he received a bachelor of science degree with majors in English and speech. His master’s degree and Ph.D. are from Kent State University.

in education as a high school Dr. Niece began his professional career tly held a variety of administraquen English and speech teacher. He subse department chair, supervisor, assistive positions at the public school level: nt superintendent. assista and tant principal, curriculum director, l sector and became an assistant In 1988, Dr. Niece left the public schoo at Kent State University in Ohio. professor and special assistant to the dean Ohio where he served in several on, Cant He later went to Walsh University in st, executive vice president, and positions: professor, academic dean, provo d president of the University of name was interim president. In 1997, Dr. Niece ntly live in Clarksville. the Ozarks. He and his wife, Sheree, curre


Jimmy Clark Athletic Director

Athletic Jimmy Clark begins his fifth year as the ball coach. As Director and his tenth year as head base aspects of the Athletic Director, he is responsible for all staff members. 17 of ight overs athletic department, with rsity of A former baseball standout at the Unive American 2005 the d name was Clark Central Arkansas, h of the Year after leadCoac all Baseb n Divisio East e erenc Southwest Conf n in nearly a decade. Clark’s 2007 ing the Eagles to their first winning seaso first time since 1996. The 2008 team club earned a spot in the playoffs for the y, and made the playoffs. That histor l schoo in d recor went 32-11, the best ll.com during the season. Two seba D3ba by team was ranked as high as 14th All-America honors from D3baseball. of his players from the 2008 club earned /Rawlings All-America Team. ABCA the to d name com and another was elor’s degree in mathematbach his d A native of Conway, Ark., he earne secondary education from Univerics from UCA and his master’s degree in wife, Kelli, have two sons, Dax and his and Clark . sity of Arkansas-Little Rock Cole.

Chad Floyd Head Athletic Trainer

full-ti me Chad Floyd is in his tenth year as the k, Ark., he head athle tic traine r. A nativ e of Ozar the Unive rsibega n his athle tic traini ng care er with to Arka nsas went then He . Smith Fort ty of Arka nsasto the MinTech Unive rsity for three years and on holds state , neso ta Twins mino r leag ue syste m. He ns and has icatio certif ng traini distri ct and natio nal ical educ ation . phys and h healt in icate certif hing an Arka nsas teac tic Train ers Assoc iation , South He is a mem ber of the Natio nal Athle Arka nsas Athle tic Train ers Aswest Athle tic Train ers Assoc iation and s Alvin C. Broyl es Outs tand ing rsity’ Unive the ived socia tion. Floyd rece ber of the profe ssion al staff mem a Profe ssion al Staff Awa rd, given to n, profe ssion alism and catio dedi plary exem ated onstr who has dem scho ol year. -2008 2007 the for ion, abilit y in his or her posit Tech Unive rsity wher e he Floyd is a 1995 grad uate of Arka nsas h and phys ical educ ation . He earn ed a bach elor’ s degr ee in healt one son, Jalen . of nts pare and his wife, Mary , are the

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

M ed ia In fo rm at io n Sports Information Staff

Media Services Coverage l athletic department web site. Up-toOzarks maintains a comprehensive officia ics, rosters and news releases for all date information, including schedules, statist information for players and coaches l phica Biogra ed. provid ten varsity sports are eagles.ozarks.edu. Media guides www. provide in-depth coverage found only on news, softball-related links, Aerie t rtmen depa ral gene with for all ten sports along the site. on Club and Hall of Fame information are found Credentials ed for admittance to Ozarks tennis Media or photo credentials are not requir is requested that media seeking to matches for working media. However, it ation Director prior to the match at Inform Sports the ct cover a game conta zarks.edu. 479.979.1483 or via e-mail at jpeppas@o Interviews arranged through the Sports Information All player and coach interviews must be ble following matches after a brief Office. Coaches and athletes will be availa coaches is typically in the mornings, iew interv to time best The cooling off period. time to interview student-athletes best Monday through Thursday. Generally, the ice. pract oon is directly before aftern Contact Information 83 Sport s Inform ation Offic e: 479.9 79.14 .edu zarks as@o jpepp Josh Pepp as, SID, Cell: 479.6 47.04 15 Home : 479.6 70.37 81 ozark s.edu Sarah Ottem an, Assist ant, sotte 6739@ s.edu ozark 156@ kwill7 ant, Kaitly n Willia ms, Assist rks.ed u Zach Doty, Photo graph er, zdoty @oza

Josh Pepp as Sport s Inform ation Direc tor Sport s Inform ation Direc tor at Ozark s. Jo sh Pepp as is in his tenth year as to the Direc tor of Athle tics. Pepant Assist the as s He addit ional ly serve tions of the Sport s Inform ation opera y pas is respo nsible for the day-t o-da site and prom oting Ozark s’ web tic athle the g tainin main ing Offic e, includ s Inform ation Direc tors Sport ge Colle of ber mem ten sport s. He is an activ e all Write rs Assoc iaBaseb giate Colle of Amer ica (CoSI DA) and the Natio nal a guide s earn “Best medi nine ined comb a had has as tion (NCB WA). Pepp the past three years . The cove r of in the Natio n” citati ons from CoSID A was name d the natio n’s best in its guide a medi r socce en’s wom the 2008 has been voted the top NCAA III guide a medi ball categ ory, and the base ces Eagle Inside r , a quart erly produ guide the past two years . Pepp as also t. rtmen depa tic athle the for e gazin alum ni E-Ma bach elor’s degre e in busin ess A nativ e of Ozark , Ark., he earne d his and his wife, Kelli, are the paren ts admi nistra tion from Ozark s in 2000. He (3). en Brayd of Brant (5) and Stude nt Assis tants Sarah Ottem an Kaitly n Willia ms er Zach Doty, Chief Athle tic Photo graph

SID Fax: 479-9 79-13 30

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C oa ch in g S ta ff

Travis Smith Assistant Coach

Shaun Wiseman Head Coach

Head Shaun Wiseman begins his third season as an, a Men’s and Women’s Tennis Coach. Wisem women’s native of Rogers, Ark., was the assistant University coach at NCAA Division II Arkansas Tech cts aspe all with d helpe he e wher from 2005-2007 his arrival of the Golden Suns Tennis program. Since s into at Ozarks, Wiseman has turned both team rded competitive programs within the highly-rega g amon been have s classe iting American Southwest Conference. His recru made an immedian Wisem s. Ozark at s tenni for bled the top classes assem y leading the women’s program ate impact on the court his first year, nearl earn ESPN The Magazine Acar playe a had has an to the playoffs. Wisem ns at Ozarks, and he has had seaso demic All-America honors in both of his ic Team the past two years. adem All-Ac ASC the on rs a combined 11 playe nference honors. Wiseman All-Co d Four of his women’s players have earne junior varsity programs in s men’ III NCAA of ful hand a initiated one of only Ozarks includes serving as at s dutie the country at Ozarks. His administrative or to the Student-Athlete advis and r office liance comp r the university’s senio d with the development helpe an Advisory Committee. Prior to Ozarks, Wisem unity. He is a member comm y Valle River the in am progr of the junior tennis ated from Arkansas gradu He try. Regis of the United States Professional Tennis music. He is curl voca in e degre elor’s bach a with Tech University in 2007 Arkansas Tech University in college rently pursuing his master’s degree from Alicia, were married in 2008. wife, his and an Wisem student personnel.

nt Travis Smith enters his fourth year as an assista , Smith Texas an, Kaufm of native A s. Ozark at h coac Smith was played collegiately in Texas and Hawaii. in Terrell, emy Acad ian Christ l Terrel of out ited recru highlyge’s Colle r Junio Tyler Texas, and was part of University ding atten to prior am progr s tenni ded regar y men’s of Hawaii. Smith oversees the junior varsit in NCAA III. ful hand a only of one s, Ozark at am progr nt. geme mana in e a degre Smith graduated from Ozarks in 2009 with

Career Notables: players -Coached two Academic All-America ASC All-Academic Team honors -Has had a combined 11 players earn from qualifying for post-season in -Women’s team finished one spot away back-to-back years l Tennis Registry -Member of the United States Professiona r office liance comp r senio s’ -Serves as Ozark lete Advisory Committee -Staff representative for the Student-Ath


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20 11 W om en ’s P re vi ew

2011 Season Preview

2011 Women’s Schedule February 11

Hendrix College

Conway, AR

2:00 pm


Mary Hardin-Baylor

Belton, TX

1:00 pm


Texas Lutheran Univ.

Seguin, TX

1:00 pm


Austin College


3:00 pm




9:00 am


Centenary College

Shreveport, LA

3:00 pm


Louisiana College

Pineville, LA

9:00 am


Mississippi College

Clinton, MS

10:00 am


Harding University

Searcy, AR

2:00 pm


LeTourneau University


2:30 pm


John Brown Univ.


1:00 pm


Arkansas Tech Univ.

Russellville, AR

4:00 pm




3:30 pm


Missouri Baptist Univ.

St. Louis, MO

2:00 pm


Fontbonne University

St. Louis, MO

5:00 pm



Apr 29-May 1 ASC Championships

Coach Shaun Wiseman had the In just his second season at Ozarks, Head ying for post-season play. qualif of cusp women’s tennis program on the of freshmen to help the group ising prom a to turn will an In 2011, Wisem d one spot away finishe s Eagle Lady The . Lady Eagles get over the hump ago. year a t amen tourn rence confe the for from qualifying and a pair of All-Conference The Lady Eagles return senior Briar Vona , that are expected to imcock Glass ea Chels and rds Richa players, Tara d. recor proves last season’s 3-3 conference includes Kailey Lampkin, Whitney The incoming freshmen class – which in Thompson – will help fuel Jasm and Lewis, Nichole Cook, Macie Kelley . ence Ozarks’ resurg in conference,” said Wiseman. “Kai “Briar Vona is our No. 1 singles player r. Whitney has been a big surprise. ley is a legitimate top of the lineup playe of the lineup. She has all the top the into I think she has worked her way . I expect her to come in and three top the in play will ea Chels intangibles. ” play better than she did last year. of leading a young team. Wiseman recognizes the ups-and-downs “We have one senior and the an Wisem “They are inexperienced,” said never know what you are going to rest are sophomores and freshmen. You ve in a sense that they can win positi the get. But I guess that can also be any better.” know don’t They win. dn’t shoul matches they attitude and intensity. ’s team the with Wiseman has been pleased said Wiseman. “There is ices,” pract our at sity inten the d uppe “We have past. We have worked a the in been has more internal motivation than there Team chemistry can istry. chem lot on being physically fit and with our team ry.” occasionally pull out a tight victo season play the last two seasons, With the program being so close to postpull them through the rigors of will ration Wiseman hopes the team’s prepa the American Southwest Conference. finish in third place or higher,” “Our goal is to get over the hump and y individual matches the last slopp some to down came “It an. said Wisem We just underachieved at the won. ally norm two years that we would have done in the offseason will lead us wrong time. We hope everything we’ve do that, we can go to conferwe If time. when it comes down to crunch sitting home.” ence. If we don’t, it will be another year

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20 11 W om en ’s R os te r

Whitney Lewis Nichole Cook Kailey Lampkin Jasmin Thompson Kalli Simpson Macie Kelley Tara Richards Chelsea Glasscock Briar Vona


5-3 5-3 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-6 5-6 5-3 5-7

Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Sophomore Sophomore Senior

Hartman, AR San Antonio, TX Kaufman, TX San Antonio, TX Henderson, NV Kaufman, TX Henderson, NV Prairie Grove, AR Washington DC

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Clarksville HS Communication Arts HS Kaufman HS Judson HS Foothill HS Kaufman HS Foothill HS Prairie Grove HS Home School

S en io r P ro fi le

VONA BIO Major: Political Science Parents: Bonnie Vona 2010: Went 3-6 in No. 1 singles... Finished 3-8 in doubles play...Picked up 6-0, 6-0 singles win over Louisiana College...Posted a 7-6, 6-2 victory against LeTourneau...Member of the ASC All-Academic Team. 2009: Named to the ASC All-East Division Honorable Mention Team in doubles play...Finished with a 4-6 overall singles record and a 2-3 record in ASC play...Posted a 6-1, 6-4 win over Louisiana College and a 6-4, 6-0 win over UT-Dallas...Went 5-5 in doubles action...Member of the ASC All-Academic Team.

Se nio r

a on V r a B ri Wa shi ngt on DC Ho me Sc hoo l

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite food: Sushi My pre-match ritual: Listen to music Favorite movie: Top Gun Favorite book: Tuesdays With Morrie When I was little I wanted to be: A lawyer I started playing tennis when I was: 12 Favorite TV show: House My favorite tennis shoes are: New Balance When I’m not playing tennis I am: Studying or traveling Most proud of: Surviving Morocco The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Roger Federer Furthest place I’ve traveled: Australia Best tennis memory: The bus ride to Louisiana I’d like To visit: Iraq/Afghanistan My favorite class at Ozarks: History of Political Thought II Why I chose Ozarks: Political Science and Tennis Something unique about me: I’m a certified PADI diver If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: My sister, my mom, my dad


S op ho m or e P ro fi le

GLASSCOCK BIO Major: Biology/Mathematics Parents: Wade and Sharon Jones 2010: Named to the ASC All-East Division Honorable Mention Team for doubles...Went 5-6 in singles play...Posted a 5-5 doubles record with Tara Richards... Took a dominating 6-0, 6-0 singles win against Rust College.

So pho mo re

C hPrelairseie GraovGe, ARla ss co ck Pr air ie Gr ov e HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite food: Spaghetti My pre-match ritual: Listening to music Favorite movie: Hitch and Wimbledon Favorite book: Twilight Series When I was little I wanted to be: Tall I started playing tennis when I was: A sophomore in high school Favorite TV show: CSI My favorite tennis shoes are: Nike When I’m not playing tennis I am: In the gym or library keeping my awesome GPA up! Most proud of: My accomplishments The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Shaun Wiseman Furthest place I’ve traveled: California Best tennis memory: Going to the overall tennis tournament as a Senior after winning conference I’d like To visit: Rome and Paris My favorite class at Ozarks: Comp II Why I chose Ozarks: Shaun Wiseman Something unique about me: I’m exactly 5-foot 7/8 inches If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Federer, Coach Wiseman, Kobe Bryant

S op ho m or e P ro fi le

RICHARDS BIO Major: Sociology Parents: Thomas and Cynthia Richards 2010: Named to the ASC All-East Division Honorable Mention Team for doubles... Went 3-8 in singles play...Had a dominating 6-1, 6-0 win in singles against Louisiana College...Posted a 5-5 doubles record with Chelsea Glasscock.

So pho mo re

s rd a h ic R T aHera nde rso n, NV Fo oth ill HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Sushi Pre-Match Ritual: Listening to music Favorite Movie: Across the Universe Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye When I was little I wanted to be: An Archeologist I started playing tennis when I was: 8 Favorite TV Show: Dexter My Favorite Tennis Shoes Are: Adidas When I’m not Playing Tennis I Am: hanging out with friends Most Proud Of: Coming to College Most Famous Athlete I’ve seen: Travis

Smith Furthest Place I’ve Traveled: Arkansas Best Tennis Memory: Being All-Conference I’d Like to Visit: Spain My Favorite Class at Ozarks: Sociology/ Spanish classes Why I chose Ozarks: Coach Wiseman recruited me Something unique about me: I set all clocks 8 minutes fast If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Paul McCartney and Michael Moore


F re sh m an P ro fi le

COOK BIO Major: Early Childhood Education Parents: William and Sandra Cook

Fr esh ma n

k oo C e ol h N ic Sa n An ton io, TX

Co mm uni cat ion Ar ts HS

grade Favorite TV Show: The Secret Life of the American Teenager My favorite tennis shoes are: Yellow Converse When I’m not playing tennis I am: Hanging out with my friends Most Proud of: My Dad The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Bruce Bowen Furthest place I’ve traveled: Germany and France Best tennis memory: Beating my opponents first round of district I’d like to visit: Italy My favorite class at Ozarks: Algebra Why I chose Ozarks: To play tennis Something unique about me: I feel weird when my fingernails are not painted a bright color If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Bruno Mars


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Favorite Food: Lasagna My pre-match ritual: Watch other opponents Favorite Movie: Aladdin Favorite Book: The Scarlet Letter My superstition is: Using the same ball I won the previous point with When I was little I wanted to be: A fairy Princess I started playing tennis when I was: In 7th

F re sh m an P ro fi le

KELLEY BIO Major: Biology Parents: Clayton and Renea Kelley

Fr esh ma n

y le el eK ci an, MKaaufm TX Ka ufm an HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Italian My pre-match ritual: Get hydrated Favorite Movie: The Little Mermaid Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice When I was little I wanted to be: A Singer I started playing tennis when I was: 8th grade Favorite TV Show: Sponge Bob My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: With family Most Proud of: My younger sister playing tennis The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Not sure Furthest place I’ve traveled: Ireland Best tennis memory: State tournament

my senior year I’d like to visit: Australia My favorite class at Ozarks: Psychology Why I chose Ozarks: Location Something unique about me: I am the only redhead in my family If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: My meme, papa, memaw


F re sh m an P ro fi le

LAMPKIN BIO Major: Psychology Parents: Tammy Congleton and Jimmy Lampkin

Fr esh ma n

p ki n m a L K aKailufmey an TX

Favorite Food: Fajitas My pre-match ritual: Drink water Favorite Movie: The A-Team Favorite Book: Devil in the White City When I was little I wanted to be: A Vet I started playing tennis when I was: 9 Favorite TV Show: Glee My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: Studying and hanging out with my friends Furthest place I’ve traveled: Cozumel Best tennis memory: Going to State I’d like to visit: London My favorite class at Ozarks: Psychology Why I chose Ozarks: To play tennis If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Maria Sharapova, Rafael Nadal, and Martina Navratilova


Ka ufm an HS


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F re sh m an P ro fi le

LEWIS BIO Major: Undeclared Parents: Kent and Yvonne Lewis Favorite Food: Twice baked potatoes. My pre-match ritual: Stretch for 10 minutes and tell myself, “ I got this in the bag.” Favorite Movie: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Favorite Book: The Fred Factor When I was little I wanted to be: Like my Dad, working for Tyson foods I started playing tennis when I was: 7 Favorite TV Show: Ace of Cakes My favorite tennis shoes are: Nike Air When I’m not playing tennis I am: Listening to music and dancing Most Proud of: My team and my family The most famous athlete I’ve seen:

Fr esh ma n

is ew L n ey it an, WHahrtm AR Cl ark sv ill e HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Albert Pujols Furthest place I’ve traveled: St. Louis Best tennis memory: Winning my first college match I’d like to visit: Wimbledon, England My favorite class at Ozarks: Fundamentals of Acting Why I chose Ozarks: The small school atmosphere Something unique about me: My middle name, Layne, is named after famous bull rider, Lane Frost If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Shania Twain, Rafael Nadal, and my tennis family


F re sh m an P ro fi le

SIMPSON BIO Major: Undeclared Parents: Penni Simpson

Fr esh ma n

n so p K aHellndeirsoSn,im NV


Fo oth ill HS

Favorite Food: Mexican My pre-match ritual: None Favorite Movie: Coyote Ugly Favorite Book: The Color Purple My superstition is: None When I was little I wanted to be: A Crime Scene Investigator I started playing tennis when I was: 15 Favorite TV Show: Full House My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: Hanging out with friends Most Proud of: My mom Furthest place I’ve traveled: Arkansas Best tennis memory: Playing doubles with my best friend I’d like to visit: Fiji My favorite class at Ozarks: Drug Education Why I chose Ozarks: I really liked the school when I came to visit Something unique about me: I can shake my eyes If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Roger Federer, Whitney Lewis and Tara Richards


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F re sh m an P ro fi le

THOMPSON BIO Major: English/Education Parents: Roderick and Dorothea Thompson Favorite Food: Spaghetti My pre-match ritual: Pray, focus, and listen to music Favorite Movie: Love and Basketball Favorite Book: Pretty Little Liars When I was little I wanted to be: An astronaut I started playing tennis when I was: 12 Favorite TV Show: Pretty Little Liars My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas

Fr esh ma n

p so n om h T in J aSasm n An ton io, TX Ju dso n HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Barricades When I’m not playing tennis I am: Sleeping, texing, and hanging out with friends Most Proud of: 3.0 GPA last semester The most famous athlete I’ve seen: David Robinson Furthest place I’ve traveled: Wash-

ington Best tennis memory: Going to Regionals I’d like to visit: Hawaii My favorite class at Ozarks: Music Appreciation Why I chose Ozarks: Small class size and tennis Something unique about me: I am obsessed with the color pink. If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Trey Songz, Tyra Banks, and the young Michael Jackson


20 10 S ea so n R ev ie w

2010 Women’s Results Feb 13 feb 23 Feb 27 Feb 27 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 30 Apr 9 Apr 10


at Hendrix College at Harding University at Schreiner University

*at Texas-Dallas *at LeTourneau University at #30 *Texas-Tyler


Overall 0-1-0 0-2-0 W 8-1 1-2-0 1-3-0 L 3-6 W 6-3 2-3-0 2-4-0 L 0-9 2-5-0 L 1-8 2-6-0 L 3-6 W 9-0 3-6-0 3-7-0 L 0-9 W 9-0 4-7-0 4-8-0 L 0-9

Result L 1-8 L 0-9

ASC 0-0-0 0-0-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 2-1-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 3-2-0 3-2-0 3-2-0 3-3-0

2010 Women’s Individual Statistics Singles Emily Drake Jennifer Fretwell Chelsea Glasscock Jessica Heidelberg Lauren Jardieu Katherine Menhard Tara Richards Briar Vona LeAnan White Totals Percentage Doubles Lauren Jardieu/Briar Vona Emily Drake/Tara Richards Jennifer Fretwell/Katherine Menhard Emily Drake/Briar Vona Lauren Jardieu/Tara Richards Jennifer Fretwell/Chelsea Glasscock Emily Drake/Lauren Jardieu Jennifer Fretwell/Briar Vona Chelsea Glasscock/Tara Richards Jennifer Fretwell/LeAnan White Jennifer Fretwell/Lauren Jardieu Totals Percentage

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

5-7 5-7 5-6 1-0 5-6 0-1 3-8 3-6 1-0 29-43 .403 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-2 0-1 0-1 2-6 2-5 5-5 0-1 0-1 11-25 .306

H on or s & A w ar ds East Division Player of the Year ASC Olivia Fisher 2008 ASC All-East Division First Team Olivia Fisher 2008 Olivia Fisher 2007 Olivia Fisher 2006 Julie Richardson 2003 Julie Richardson 2000 ASC All-East Division Second Team Lea Rana (singles) 2009 Karie Allen 2004 Jessica Bush 2003 Kim Jacky Karie Allen Julie Richardson 2002 Julie Richardson 2001 Saima Chauhan 1998 Ashley Wright

All-AIC 1992 1991 1990

ASC All-Academic Team

Gloria Garrison Gloria Garrison Gloria Garrison

Olivia Fisher

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1999 arances

ASC All-East Division Honorable Mention Chelsea Glasscock (doubles) 2010 Tara Richards (doubles) Ozarks Female Athlete of the Year 2008-09 Olivia Fisher 2007-08 Olivia Fisher Julie Richardson 2003 ASC Female Sportsmanship Award Julie Richardson 2003 ASC All-East Division Honorable Mention Lea Rana Lea Rana (doubles) 2009 les) (doub Vona Briar Julie Parr 2001 Liza Talley ASC Championship Tournament Appe 2003 ASC All-East Division 2007 Julie Richardson 1999

Katherine Menhard Briar Vona Brittany Hein Briar Vona Robin Bass Olivia Fisher Brittany Hein Olivia Fisher Robin Gattis Jessalyn Halsted Heather Hartlerode Brittany Hein Ember Smith Olivia Fisher Ember Smith Amanda Stang Claudia Aguilar Taylor Emanuelson Carrie Rogers Ember Smith Karie Allen Mandy Glantz Mandy Hock Holly Rexroat Karie Allen Mandy Hock Kim Jacky Holly Rexroat Julie Richardson Debbie Giesecke Mandy Hock Julie Richardson Julie Richardson Mary Bales Rebecca Farrar Erin Tobey

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

1998 1997 1996

Erin Tobey Rebecca McCollum Erin Tobey Paige Dean Rebecca McCollum Samantha Synder Emily Williams

Julie Richardson


A ll -T im e R os te r (1 9 9 7- 20 10 ) -K-

-AClaudia Aguilar (2005) Karie Allen (2002, 2003, 2004) -BMary Bales (2000, 2001) Robin Bass (2006, 2007, 2008) Olivia Baxter (2005) Deverene Bell (2006) Emily Burris (2006) Jessica Bush (2000, 2001, 2003) -CSaima Chauhan (1997, 1998, 1999) Chelsea Coleman (2009)

Yuki Kawamura (1997) Jenna Kessler (2004) -MRebecca McCollum (1997, 1998) Katherine Menhard (2009, 2010) -PJulie Parr (1999, 2000, 2001) -RLea Rana (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) Cindy Rapp (2000, 2002) Holly Rexroat (2002, 2003, 2004) Tara Richards (2010) Julie Richardson (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) -DCarrie Rogers (2005) Paige Dean (1997, 1998) Briar Ross (2007, 2009, 2010) ) (2010 Drake Emily -S-EMarcella Serano (2005, 2006) ) (2008 an Eastm ey Whitn Susie Smallwood (2004) 2005) , Taylor Emanuelson (2004 Ember Smith (2005, 2006, 2007) -FRose Southwell (2008) Rebecca Farar (1999, 2000) Amanda Stang (2006) 2008) 2007, 2006, , (2005 Fisher Olivia 2010) Samantha Synder (1997) 2009, Jennifer Fretwell (2007, 2008, -T-GLiza Talley (1999, 2000, 2001) Debbie Giesecke (2001, 2002, 2003) Erin Tobey (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000) ) (2010 cock Glass ea Chels -VMandy Glatnz (2003, 2004) Merary Villatoro (2001) -H-WJulie Harris (1998) Kayla Welden (2006) ) (2007 d Halste lyn Jessa LeAnan White (2010) Lindsey Hanna (2008, 2009) Emily Williams (1997) ) (2007 rode Hartle er Heath Ashley Wright (1998, 1999) 2010) , Jessica Heidelberg (2008 2009) 2008, 2007, , (2006 Hein ny Britta Tamara Higdon (2002, 2003) Mandy Hock (2002, 2003, 2004) -JKim Jacky (2003) Lauren Jardieu (2009, 2010) Jamie Johnson (2000, 2001)


Brittany Hein

Karie Allen

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

20 11 M en ’s P re vi ew

2011 Men’s Preview

2011 Men’s Schedule February 11

Hendrix College

Conway, AR

2:00 pm


Mary Hardin-Baylor

Belton, TX

1:00 pm


Texas Lutheran Univ.

Seguin, TX

1:00 pm


Austin College


3:00 pm




9:00 am


Centenary College

Shreveport, LA

3:00 pm


Louisiana College

Pineville, LA

9:00 am


Mississippi College

Clinton, MS

10:00 am


Harding University

Searcy, AR

2:00 pm


LeTourneau University


2:30 pm


John Brown University


1:00 pm




3:30 pm


Missouri Baptist Univ.

St. Louis, MO

2:00 pm


Fontbonne University

St. Louis, MO

5:00 pm



talented freshmen class to lead Head Coach Shaun Wiseman expects a the 2011 men’s tennis team. leaders on the court,” said Wiseman “I fully expect the freshmen to be the Lowe or Tyler Wilson. Tyler will Tom from ing “That is not to take away anyth thing he has on match day. every you gives He . lineup the in get some time can keep improving he will he If r. leade Tom is making strides to be a team

do well.” am making strides, according to The youth movement is part of the progr Wiseman. men’s team we have had here,” “I think it is safe to say that this is the best s. I expect this team to make a said Wiseman. “We are making great stride competitive against the better be will we jump this year. It is my hope that is capable of it. Whether they will teams in the conference. I think this team to play out over the course of have just will be able to do it as freshmen, that the season.” No. 1 and No. 2 singles. Wiseman expects two freshmen to play r Scott is No. 2,” said Wiseman. Trevo and 1 No. play will an “Jason Morg r level tennis players than we’ve highe are “They are both hard workers. They s players. Scott Eibes and tenni great and tes athle great had. They are ibute, too.” contr will that en Michael Skimbo are both freshm y for spot in the post-season. qualif to still is goal the t, talen ved With impro ament,” said Wiseman. “We have “Our goal is make the conference tourn to get there. We can taste it. I think some guys that will need to overachieve are better than we were last We fall. the we surprised some opponents in year.”

Apr 29-May 1 ASC Championships

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide


20 11 M en ’s R os te r

Camden Riley Tom Lowe Tanner Holman Matt Arant Trevor Scott Scott Eibes Tyler Wilson Jason Morgan Jeff Adams Colin Duvall Wesley Dunham Travis Murnan Michael Skimbo Jake Lee Shane Richardson Jordan King


5-4 6-2 5-8 5-11 5-11 5-9 5-8 6-1 6-3 6-0 5-10 6-0 6-0 6-2 5-10 6-1

Freshman Sophomore Sophomore Junior Freshman Freshman Senior Freshman Freshman Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman Junior Junior Freshman

Rock HS North Little Rock, AR North Little HS e Uvald Uvalde, TX Mesquite, TX Poteet HS Georgetown, TX Salado HS HS Stephens City, VA Sherando HS gton Burlin Burlington, IA Claremore HS Claremore, OK HS Jonesboro, AR Jonesboro HS Houston, TX Saint Pius Atkins, AR Atkins HS Weiner, AR Weiner HS Union HS Tulsa, OK Claremore HS Claremore, OK HS Pottsville, AR Pottsville Omaha, AR Omaha HS Bauxite HS Benton, AR

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

S en io r P ro fi le

WILSON BIO Major: Biology Parents: Mark and Debbie Wilson 2010: Went 2-9 in singles play and 4-6 in doubles action...Named to the ASC All-Academic Team. 2009: Posted a pair of singles wins and three wins in doubles...Member of the ASC All-Academic Team. 2007: Picked up a doubles win.

Se nio r

n so il T yCllearermoW re, OK Cl are mo re HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Steak My pre-match ritual: Listening to music Favorite Movie: The Hangover Favorite Book: All the King’s Men My superstition is: I listen to the same song before every match When I was little I wanted to be: Batman I started playing tennis when I was: 10 Favorite TV Show: PTI My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: Running Most Proud of: Being Academic AllConference The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Michael Jordan Furthest place I’ve traveled: Maine Best tennis memory: Winning Regionals in High School I’d like to visit: Rome My favorite class at Ozarks: Molecular Biology Why I chose Ozarks: For the family atmosphere Something unique about me: People know me If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Michael Jordan, John McEnroe, Shaun Wiseman


Ju ni or P ro fi le ARANT BIO

Major: History & Literature/Sociology Parents: Sam and Terry Arant 2010: Went 1-0 in singles and 2-0 in doubles. Favorite Food: BBQ My pre-match ritual: Shaking the hands of coaches Travis Smith and Shaun Wiseman Favorite Movie: Fast Times at Ridge-

Ju nio r

t n ttetoAwnra MGeaorg , TX Sa lad o HS

mont High Favorite Book: The Executioner’s Song by Norman Mailer When I was little I wanted to be: An astronaut I started playing tennis when I was: A sophomore in high school Favorite TV Show: House My favorite tennis shoes are: New Balance When I’m not playing tennis I am: Lounging Most Proud of: Making the Dean’s List every semester The most famous athlete I’ve seen: David Robinson Furthest place I’ve traveled: Seattle Best tennis memory: The 12:30 AM match in Tyler last fall I’d like to visit: United Kingdom My favorite class at Ozarks: The Great American Broadway Musical Why I chose Ozarks: Best out-ofstate buy for quality education Something unique about me: I own a piece of an American flag flown into space If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: John F. Kennedy, Jim Morrison, John McEnroe


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Ju ni or P ro fi le LEE BIO

Major: Physical Education Parents: Matt and Ann Lee 2010: Did not see action on the varsity team. Favorite Food: Bacon wrapped chicken My pre-match ritual: Hit around early before a match Favorite Movie: Anything with Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler Favorite Book: Bleachers My superstition is: Lucky underwear When I was little I wanted to be: Pro baseball player I started playing tennis when I was: 9th grade Favorite TV Show: Sportscenter My favorite tennis shoes are: Free

Ju nio r

J aPoketts vilLle,eeAR Po tts vil le HS

ones When I’m not playing tennis I am: Playing another sport Most Proud of: Being a big brother The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Corliss Williamson Furthest place I’ve traveled: Florida Best tennis memory: State tennis tournament my senior year I’d like to visit: Wrigley Field My favorite class at Ozarks: Volleyball with Brett Stone Why I chose Ozarks: Dad played baseball here Something unique about me: I’m

single If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Anyone who needed company

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide


Ju ni or P ro fi le

MURNAN BIO Major: Mathematics Parents: Lynn and Sandy Murnan 2010: Did not see action on the varsity team.

Se nio r

rn a n u M s vi T ra Tu lsa , OK Un ion HS


Favorite Food: My pre-match ritual: Favorite Movie: Favorite Book: My superstition is: When I was little I wanted to be: I started playing tennis when I was: Favorite TV Show: My favorite tennis shoes are: When I’m not playing tennis I am: Most Proud of: The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Furthest place I’ve traveled: Best tennis memory: I’d like to visit: My favorite class at Ozarks: Why I chose Ozarks: Something unique about me: If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite:

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Ju ni or P ro fi le RICHARDSON BIO

Major: Physical Education Parents: Tina Humphrey 2010: Did not see action on the varsity team. 2009: Played in one singles match and one doubles match.

Ju nio r

S hOmaahan e, ARR ic h a rd so n Om aha HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Food My pre-match ritual: Pray and pray Favorite Movie: Grown Ups Favorite Book: The Bible My superstition is: Cracks When I was little I wanted to be: Basketball/Baseball player I started playing tennis when I was: A freshman in college Favorite TV Show: The Office My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: “CoDing” (Call of Duty) Most Proud of: My little brother The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Scottie Pippen Furthest place I’ve traveled: Mexico Best tennis memory: None I’d like to visit: Rome My favorite class at Ozarks: Elmore classes, and Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Why I chose Ozarks: Ozarks chose me Something unique about me: I have no sense of humor or beard If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Pistol Pete Maravich, Dizzy Dean, Jesus


S op ho m or e P ro fi le DUNHAM BIO

Major: Management Parents: Lisa Morris and Donnie Summitt 2010: Did not play on varsity team.

So pho mo re

WWeesineler, yAR D u n h a m We ine r HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Cajun chicken and pasta at Chillis My pre-match ritual: Stretching Favorite Movie: Fast and Furious Favorite Book: none My superstition is: none When I was little I wanted to be: a police officer I started playing tennis when I was: in 9th grade Favorite TV Show: Family Guy My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: Working Most Proud of: Family history The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Chris Barnes Furthest place I’ve traveled: Australia Best tennis memory: Playing on clay courts during the high school state tournament I’d like to visit: China My favorite class at Ozarks: College Trigonometry Why I chose Ozarks: Size of school and friendliness of the staff Something unique about me: Can never say no to helping my friends If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Dane Cook, Jason Aldean

S op ho m or e P ro fi le HOLMAN BIO

Major: English/RTV Parents: Robert and Terry Holman 2010: Finished 0-1 in doubles play. Favorite Food: Good ole fashion hamburger My pre-match ritual: Click my heels three times Favorite Movie: Dan in Real Life Favorite Book: The Screwtape Let-

So pho mo re

an m ol H T aMensqun er ite , TX Po tee t HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

ters When I was little I wanted to be: A plumber I started playing tennis when I was: in 7th grade Favorite TV Show: How I Met Your Mother My favorite tennis shoes are: my only tennis shoes When I’m not playing tennis I am: Fighting mummies, getting chase by a herd of llamas, and doing homework Most Proud of: my dad The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Jason Witten Furthest place I’ve traveled: France Best tennis memory: 6 AM practices I’d like to visit: Purdy, Missouri My favorite class at Ozarks: Broadcast Journalism Why I chose Ozarks: For a change from big city life Something unique about me: I was once a live target for a paintball shooting gallery If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Steve Carell, Zooey Deschanel, Sondre Lerche


S op ho m or e P ro fi le LOWE BIO

Major: Physical Education Parents: Pat and Cheryl Lowe 2010: Posted a 4-9 singles record and had three wins in doubles play...Won three straight matches during the season.

So pho mo re

e ow L T om Uv ald e, TX Uv ald e HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Subway My pre-match ritual: Pasta and music Favorite Movie: Ghost and the Darkness Favorite Book: Eragon Series My superstition is: none When I was little I wanted to be: A chef I started playing tennis when I was: 3 Favorite TV Show: Justified My favorite tennis shoes are: Babolat When I’m not playing tennis I am: in class Most Proud of: Tennis history The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Andy Roddick Furthest place I’ve traveled: London Best tennis memory: State doubles I’d like to visit: Hawaii My favorite class at Ozarks: Skeet

shooting Why I chose Ozarks: Shaun Wiseman Something unique about me: I eat every 4 hours If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Shaun Wiseman, Andre Agassi, Andy Roddick

F re sh m an P ro fi le ADAMS BIO

Major: Undeclared Parents: John and Debbie Adams Favorite Food: Oreos My pre-match ritual: None Favorite Movie: The Blind Side Favorite Book: Biggio: The Final Game My superstition is: Heights When I was little I wanted to be: A police officer I started playing tennis when I was: in high school Favorite TV Show: Psych My favorite tennis shoes are: Nike When I’m not playing tennis I am: hanging out with friends or in class Most Proud of: graduating high

Fr esh ma n

J efHofustAon,dTXa m s Sa int Piu s HS

school The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Craig Biggio Furthest place I’ve traveled: Scot-

land Best tennis memory: None I’d like to visit: Switzerland My favorite class at Ozarks: Chapel

Choir Why I chose Ozarks: Small school and Jones Learning Center Something unique about me: I got to fly a plane when I was younger If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Shawn Johnson, Taylor Swift, Hunter Pence

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide


F re sh m an P ro fi le

DUVALL BIO Major: Chemistry Parents: Greg and Audrey Hankins Favorite Food: Any oriental food My pre-match ritual: Listen to Rush Favorite Movie: Salt Favorite Book: Zombie Survival Guide My superstition is: None When I was little I wanted to be: A pirate ninja I started playing tennis when I was: in 9th grade Favorite TV Show: Dexter or Adventure Time My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas When I’m not playing tennis I am: studying or sleeping Most Proud of: actually going to col-

Fr esh ma n

ll va u D C olAtin kin s, AR At kin s HS

lege The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Pete Sampras and John McEnroe Furthest place I’ve traveled: Washington Best tennis memory: Winning my first round at state I’d like to visit: Ireland My favorite class at Ozarks: Anything with Dr. Dippel Why I chose Ozarks: Men’s Tennis Something unique about me: I love meditating before I sleep If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Bill Clinton, Adam Sandler, Novak Djokovic


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

F re sh m an P ro fi le

EIBES BIO Major: Undeclared Parents: Kevin and Libby Eibes

Fr esh ma n

es ib E tt S co Bu rli ngt on, IA Bu rli ngt on HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Pizza My pre-match ritual: Jog and stretch with a big smile Favorite Movie: The Goonies Favorite Book: None My superstition is: I fear nothing When I was little I wanted to be: An actor I started playing tennis when I was: 3 Favorite TV Show: That 70’s Show My favorite tennis shoes are: Nike When I’m not playing tennis I am: Hanging with my friends and the ladies Most Proud of: being an athlete The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Shaun Wiseman Furthest place I’ve traveled: Cancun, Mexico Best tennis memory: Hitting the tweener I’d like to visit: Nicaragua My favorite class at Ozarks: Physical Education Why I chose Ozarks: Everyone is so nice here Something unique about me: I’m a red head If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, and Shawn Johnson


F re sh m an P ro fi le KING BIO

Major: Philosophy Parents: Randal and Holly King

Fr esh ma n

d an,nAR K in g J orBe nto Ba ux ite HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: My pre-match ritual: Favorite Movie: Favorite Book: My superstition is: When I was little I wanted to be: I started playing tennis when I was: Favorite TV Show: My favorite tennis shoes are: When I’m not playing tennis I am: Most Proud of: The most famous athlete I’ve seen: The furthest place I’ve traveled is: Best tennis memory: I’d like to visit: My favorite class at Ozarks: Why I chose Ozarks: Something unique about me: If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite:

F re sh m an P ro fi le MORGAN BIO

Major: Undeclared Parents: Pam Jenkins and Jay Morgan Favorite Food: Benihana Fried Rice My pre-match ritual: Listen to Lil’ Wayne Favorite Movie: Dumb and Dumber Favorite Book: None My superstition is: If a black cat crosses the road, turn around immediately When I was little I wanted to be: NBA

player I started playing tennis when I was: 15 Favorite TV Show: ESPN My favorite tennis shoes are: NIKE

Fr esh ma n

n a g or J aJosonesnborM o, AR Jo nes bor o HS

Vapors When I’m not playing tennis I am: playing basketball Most Proud of: being a multi-sport

athlete The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Roger Federer, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Rafael Nadal, Kobe

Bryant Furthest place I’ve traveled: Maine Best tennis memory: Winning overall doubles with Mitchell Troutt I’d like to visit: Not sure My favorite class at Ozarks: Not sure Why I chose Ozarks: To play the two sports I love Something unique about me: None If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Mike Miller, Michael Jordan, Lil’ Wayne

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide


F re sh m an P ro fi le

RILEY BIO Major: Undeclared Parents: John and Marilyn Riley

Fr esh ma n

ey il C aNomrthdLitentle R Ro ck, AR No rth Lit tle Ro ck HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: My pre-match ritual: Favorite Movie: Favorite Book: My superstition is: When I was little I wanted to be: I started playing tennis when I was: Favorite TV Show: My favorite tennis shoes are: When I’m not playing tennis I am: Most Proud of: The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Furthest place I’ve traveled: Best tennis memory: I’d like to visit: My favorite class at Ozarks: Why I chose Ozarks: Something unique about me: If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite:

F re sh m an P ro fi le

SCOTT BIO Major: Biology Parents: Jim and Judy Scott

Fr esh ma n

tt co S r vo T re St eph ens Cit y, VA Sh era ndo HS

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Favorite Food: Sushi My pre-match ritual: Relax alone with music Favorite Movie: Avatar Favorite Book: Gulliver’s Travels My superstition is: I have to warm up the same way before every match When I was little I wanted to be: Aeronautical engineer I started playing tennis when I was: 5 Favorite TV Show: Planet Earth My favorite tennis shoes are: Adidas Barricade 6 When I’m not playing tennis I am: Hanging out with friends Most Proud of: How fortunate I am to have the life experiences I have had The most famous athlete I’ve seen: Juan Matin Del Potro Furthest place I’ve traveled: Costa Maya, Mexico Best tennis memory: Winning districts for the first time in school history my sopho-

more year I’d like to visit: California My favorite class at Ozarks: Principles of Biology I Why I chose Ozarks: I was told it was warmer here Something unique about me: I hate cold weather If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Anll dre Agassi, Zach Galifianakis, and Russe Brand


F re sh m an P ro fi le

SKIMBO BIO Major: Education Parents: Lawrence and Valerie Skimbo Favorite Food: Chinese and Mexican Favorite Movie: Malibu’s Most Wanted Favorite Book: None When I was little I wanted to be: MLB

Fr esh ma n

MClicarehmoare,el OKS ki m b o Cl are mo re HS


20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Pitcher I started playing tennis when I was: 6 Favorite TV Show: Jersey Shore My favorite tennis shoes are: I’m just glad to have shoes g When I’m not playing tennis I am: Chillin ttas Rozhe with the Most Proud of: my parents and 2 sisters lf The most famous athlete I’ve seen: myse in the mirror each morning The furthest place I’ve traveled is: Cozumel Best tennis memory: #1 in state at 10 years old I’d like to visit: Hawaii My favorite class at Ozarks: All of them Why I chose Ozarks: The President is awesome Something unique about me: No hands If I could have dinner with any three people in the world, I would invite: Just one particular group: The Rhozettas

20 10 S ea so n R ev ie w

2011 Men’s Results Feb 13

at Hendrix College

Feb 20 at Sewanee Feb 23 at Harding University


Overall ASC

L 0-9



L 0-9



L 0-9



L 1-8



Feb 27

at Schreiner University

Feb 27

*at Texas-Dallas

L 0-9



Mar 4

*at #10 LeTourneau University

L 0-9



Mar 5

*at #20 Texas-Tyler

L 0-9



Mar 6

at Austin College

W 7-2



W 8-1



W 9-0



L 0-9



W 8-1



L 0-9





2010 Men’s Individual Statistics Singles

Matt Arant Jack Barry Brandon Carlson Matt Ede Philip Johnson Tom Lowe Shaun Renfro Brett Spahn Henry Stoltz Tyler Wilson Totals Percentage Doubles

Brandon Carlson/Tom Lowe Brett Spahn/Tyler Wilson Matt Ede/Tanner Holman Matt Ede/Tom Lowe Jack Barry/Henry Stoltz Phillip Johnson/Tyler Wilson Brandon Carlson/Brett Spahn Tom Lowe/Henry Stoltz Matt Ede/Tyler Wilson Jack Barry/Matt Ede Matt Arant/Tyler Wilson Jack Barry/Brett Spahn Matt Arant/Shaun Renfro Totals Percentage

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

1-0 2-5 3-7 1-7 0-2 4-9 1-2 4-7 3-8 2-9 22-56 .282 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-4 0-4 0-1 4-4 3-5 2-2 0-1 2-1 0-1 0-1 11-28 .282


H on or s & A w ar ds

ESPN The Magazine Academic All-America Brandon Carlson 2010

of the Year ASC East Division Sportsmanship Athlete Mike Laws 2009 ASC All-East Division Second Team Tyler Patterson 2008 Lee Short 2006 Taylor Dodds 2003 Zack Schiff Greg Gilliam 2001 Greg Gilliam 1999 Peter Maxwell ASC All-East Division First Team Peter Maxwell 2001 ASC All-East Division Shane Seamans 1997

Greg Gilliam


Peter Maxwell

ASC All-Academic Team Matt Arant 2010 Brandon Carlson Brett Spahn Tyler Wilson Brandon Carlson 2009 Huy Do Keith Edwards Tyler Wilson Brandon Carlson 2008 Huy Do Keith Edwards Mike Laws Huy Do 2007 Keith Edwards Mike Laws Paul Northcutt 2006 Lee Short Dan Benton 2005 Kevin Edwards Paul Northcutt Dan Benton 2004 Cesar Herrera Paul Northcutt Dan Benton 2003 Cesar Herrera John Manning John Manning 2002 Peter Maxwell 2001 Greg Gilliam Peter Maxwell Greg Gilliam 1999 Peter Maxwell Matt Young 1998 Andrew Smallwood 1997 Matt Young Jerry Allison 1996 Andrew Smallwood Matt Young

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Lee Short

Zack Schiff

A ll -T im e R os te r (1 9 9 7- 20 10 )

-AAaron Alderman (2009) Jerry Allison (1998) Matt Arant (2010) Josue Ayala (2006) -BJordan Bass (2006, 2007) Jack Barry (2010) Dan Benton (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) Josh Bettis (1992) Reggie Brasfield (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)

-CJared Cariker (1999) Brandon Carlson (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) Eric Carr (1992) Jason Chitwood (1999) Nick Courtney (2000)

-LMichael Laws (2007, 2008, 2009) Thomas Lowe (2010) -MJohn Manning (2002, 2003) Jeff Massengale (1992) Peter Maxwell (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001) Mark Mitchell (1992) -NShane Newman (2005, 2006) Paul Northcutt (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) -PTyler Patterson (2008) Brian Pillar (2005, 2006) Sinisa Popovic (2004)

-RShaun Renfro (2010) Shane Richardson (2009) -D-SHuy Do (2006, 2008) Zach Schiff (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006) Taylor Dodds (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) Shane Seamans (1997, 1998) -EDaniel Shepherd (1998, 1999) Matthew Ede (2010) mate (1997) William Shoe Keith Edwards (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) Lee Short (2004, 2005, 2006) Kevin Edwards (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) Mike Simmons (2001) -GPeter Skarda (2006) Jason Ghio (1997, 1998) Mike Slider (2009) Greg Gilliam (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003) Andrew Smallwood (1997, 1998) Luke Griffin (2001) Brett Spahn (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) Nick Guernica (2008 Henry Stoltz (2010) -H-TCesar Herrera (2002, 2003, 2004) Tyler Timms (2007) Aaron Hudson (1999) -W-JJosh Ward (1997) Phillip Johnson (2010) Kevin Warren (1992) James Johnston (2005, 2006, 2008) Tyler Wilson (2007, 2009, 2010) Brian Jolly (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001) -X-KCharter Xaykaothao (2002) Chad Kingston (2000, 2001) Fuyei Xaykaothao (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) -YMatt Young (1997, 1998, 1999)

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide

Brandon Carlson

Michael Laws


A m er ic an S ou th w es t C on fe re nc e Greg Weghorst Media Relations Director Assistant Commissioner

Amy Carlton ASC Commissioner

the Amy Carlt on is the Com missio ner of overs ight with ce eren Conf west South rican Ame adm inistra of the leag ue’s long- term and daily and ber mem ding inclu s, ation oper and tion and g dulin sche ce, plian NCA A relat ions, com Interi m inted appo was on Carlt hips. pions cham g as ASC Com missio ner July 1, 2006 after servin ia RelaMed of r irecto ner/D missio Com ant Assist

tions . ary 2002 after 13-1/ 2 years Carlt on joine d the ASC office in Janu I institu tions , inclu ding 10 years in sport s inform ation at NCA A Divisi on Relat ions at the Unive rsity of ia Med tic Athle as Assist ant Direc tor of ant Sport s Inform ation Direc tor Mich igan (1990 -2000 ). She was Assist and a grad uate intern at both -90) (1989 rsity at North ern Illino is Unive Mich igan (1988 -89). Carlt on West ern Illino is Unive rsity (1987 -88) and as an assist ant in the news tions institu III on bega n her care er at Divisi tor of News and Sport s Direc and bure au at Frank lin Colle ge (1981 -82) -87). (1982 ge Colle r Inform ation at Manc heste Assoc iation of Colle giate Carlt on is a mem ber of the Natio nal Assoc iation of Divisi on III nal Natio DA), Direc tors of Athle tics (NAC Assoc iation of Colle giate nal Athle tic Adm inistra tors (NAD IIIAA ), Natio the Colle ge Sport s and ), WAA (NAC tors Wom en Athle tic Adm inistra IDA). Inform ation Direc tors of Ame rica (CoS on is a 1981 grad uate of Frank A nativ e of Gree ncas tle, Ind., Carlt a Bach elor of Arts degr ee in lin Colle ge (Ind. ), wher e she earn ed journ alism .


of Med ia Greg Weg horst was name d Direc tor Conf eren ce Relat ions of the Ame rican South west m role in Febru ary 2007 after servin g in an interi oted to Assince Augu st 2006 . He was later prom sistan t Com missio ner in 2010 . direc tor of Weg horst is the fifth med ia relat ions conf erthe of ight overs an ides the ASC. He prov on of leag ue pilati com ding inclu , ation oper ions ence ’s med ia relat rts, prod uctio n of the ASC statis tics and stand ings and NCA A repo web site and assist ing with ASC the g tainin main rts, week ly sport repo tion. inistra adm conf eren ce issue s and tourn ame nt prior to com ing ram Teleg Daily le Temp the with r A sport s write rsity of Mary Unive the of rage to the ASC, Weg horst prov ided cove the North Ame riof s rshal s/Ma hawk Black s Texa ral Hard in-Ba ylor, Cent high scho ols. He was part of can Hock ey Leag ue and Temp le-ar ea Hous ton Bowl and the 2004 et EV1.n 2005 the for the cove rage team e of Wac o, Texa s, he is a nativ A e. Majo r Leag ue Base ball All-St ar Gam elor of Arts degr ee in Bach a with ylor in-Ba Hard Mary 2003 grad uate of mass com muni catio ns/jo urna lism.

20 11 Te nn is Me dia Gu ide


• First co-educational college west of the Mississippi • First Arkansas woman to receive a college degree • First historically white college in Arkansas to admit African- Americans

University Sponsored Groups Campus Activities Board (CAB) Residence Hall Association (RHA) Student Foundation Board (SFB) Student Government Association (SGA) Honor Societies Alpha Chi Beta Beta Beta (Biology) Kappa Delta Pi (Education) Phi Alpha Theta (History) Sigma Alpha (Sociology) Sigma Tau Delta (English) Student Publications/Media Aerie (Yearbook) Falstaff (Literary magazine) KUOZ-Channel 6 KUOZ-LP 100.5 FM Religious Organizations Alpha & Omega Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) Catholic Campus Ministries (CCM) Fellowship of Christian Athletes Methodist Campus Ministries (MCM) Presbyterian Connection Presbyterian Students Recreational Organizations Ozarks Disc Golf Association Ozarks Outback Club Ozarks Shooting Club Academic Organizations Beta Sigma Kappa Fortissimo (Music Club) Ozarks Alchemists Ozarks Art Club Ozarks Biological Society Ozarks Mathematical Society Ozarks Student Education Association Phi Beta Lambda (Business) Students in Free Enterprise University Players Special Interest Groups Amnesty International BACCHUS College Republicans Fire Corps In Focus Ozarks Photography Club Investment Club Martial Arts Club Planet Club Rotaract Screaming Eagles Forensic Club Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Model UN Group Young Democrats

Majors Accounting Art* Biology* Business Administration Business Education* Chemistry Communications-Radio, TV & Video Communications-Strategic Composite Science Early Childhood Education*† Economics English* Environmental Studies History* History & Literature Management Marketing Mathematics* Middle Level Education*† Music Philosophy Physical Education* Political Science Psychology Psychology of Human Behavior Religion Religion/Philosophy Social Sciences* Sociology Spanish Theatre Pre-Professional Programs Pre-Engineering Pre-Law Pre-Medical Sciences Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Respiratory Therapy Pre-Veterinary Sciences * Teaching Certificates available † Special education certificates available

• Average class size is 14 and the student/ faculty ratio is 13:1

• 60 majors, minors, and pre- professional degrees

• 75 percent of students live on campus

• 95 percent of students receive some type of financial aid

• Consistently ranked as one of the Best Values in the South by US News • Voted one of the best places to work by The Chronicle of Higher Education

• 650 students from 22 states and 20 countries.

• 80 percent of faculty hold the highest degrees in their fields



Feb. 11 Hendrix College

Conway, AR

2:00 pm

Feb. 11 Hendrix College

Conway, AR

2:00 pm

Feb. 17 Mary Hardin-Baylor

Belton, TX

1:00 pm

Feb. 17 Mary Hardin-Baylor

Belton, TX

1:00 pm

Feb. 18 Texas Lutheran Univ.

Seguin, TX

1:00 pm

Feb. 18 Texas Lutheran Univ.

Seguin, TX

1:00 pm

Feb. 25 Austin College


3:00 pm

Feb. 25 Austin College


3:00 pm

Feb. 26 UT-Tyler


9:00 am

Feb. 26 UT-Tyler


9:00 am

Mar. 3 Centenary College

Shreveport, LA 3:00 pm

Mar. 3 Centenary College

Shreveport, LA 3:00 pm

Mar. 4 Louisiana College

Pineville, LA

9:00 am

Mar. 4 Louisiana College

Pineville, LA

9:00 am

Mar. 6 Mississippi College

Clinton, MS

10:00 am

Mar. 6 Mississippi College

Clinton, MS

10:00 am

Mar. 9 Harding University

Searcy, AR

2:00 pm

Mar. 9 Harding University

Searcy, AR

2:00 pm

Mar. 11 LeTourneau University


2:30 pm

Mar. 11 LeTourneau University


2:30 pm

Mar 15 John Brown University


1:00 pm

Mar 15 John Brown Univ.


1:00 pm

Apr. 1 UT-Dallas


3:30 pm

Mar. 17 Arkansas Tech Univ.

Russellville, AR 4:00 pm

Apr. 8 Missouri Baptist Univ.

St. Louis, MO

2:00 pm

Apr. 1 UT-Dallas


3:30 pm

Apr. 9 Fontbonne University

St. Louis, MO

5:00 pm

Apr. 8 Missouri Baptist Univ.

St. Louis, MO

2:00 pm

Apr. 9 Fontbonne University

St. Louis, MO

5:00 pm

Apr 29-May 1 ASC Championships

Apr 29-May 1 ASC Championships

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