Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks
MYNAMS 100 Interview with Susanne Myers
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks
SUSANNE MYERS: Sweet, smart & slick-as-snot, Susanne Myers is a little power house with a huge affiliate marketing presence but, don’t let her quiet demeanor fool you. Susanne’s brain works at the speed of light formulating plans and plotting to take over whatever niche she happens to be working on at the time. The journey to a 6-figure income was filled with twists, turns and yes, failure but Susanne, never let the mistakes get her down. She educated herself and quickly learned how to choose profitable niche markets and the rest, as they say, is history. Today, Susanne has taken her love of all things internet & affiliate marketing and has started to teach others how to claim the same success she’s found by using a step-by-step, this-is-exactly-how-I-did-it strategy and she’s willing to teach it to you.
RESOURCES FROM SUSANNE MYERS: Daily Affiliate Tasks Check out Susanne’s membership site which allows you to virtually look over her shoulder as she implements her easy to follow tasks and strategies. HillBilly Housewife Visit Susanne’s super fun website that offers tried and true tips and recipes for anything under the sun. Food, cleaning supplies, bath and body products- all at affordable prices.
DAVID PERDEW: David is the founder of NAMS – the Niche Affiliate Marketing System – one of the fastest growing affiliate marketing workshops and affiliate training systems available today. What makes NAMS so different is that the instructors TEACH, demonstrate, and enable the students with handson workshops. Students learn from their current experience level. Beginners work with beginners, Intermediates work with intermediates, and Advanced students work with advanced groups. Everyone talks the language they understand. Page 2 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT The author and publisher of this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio. The information contained in this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND IT'S POTENTIAL. EVEN THOUGH THIS INDUSTRY IS ONE OF THE FEW WHERE ONE CAN WRITE THEIR OWN CHECK IN TERMS OF EARNINGS, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS IN THESE MATERIALS. EXAMPLES IN THESE MATERIALS ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS. EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELYDEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING OUR PRODUCT, IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES. WE DO NOT PURPORT THIS AS A “GET RICH SCHEME.” ANY CLAIMS MADE OF ACTUAL EARNINGS OR EXAMPLES OF ACTUAL RESULTS CAN BE VERIFIED UPON REQUEST. YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN OUR MATERIALS DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE PROGRAM, IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS. SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL. NOR ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS. MATERIALS IN OUR PRODUCT AND OUR WEBSITE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES OR IS BASED UPON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE SECURITIES LITIGATION REFORM ACT OF 1995. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS. YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS. THEY USE WORDS SUCH AS “ANTICIPATE,” “ESTIMATE,” “EXPECT,” “PROJECT,” “INTEND,” “PLAN,” “BELIEVE,” AND OTHER WORDS AND TERMS OF SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL. MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSES, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. This Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio is © copyrighted by Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc. and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, with ALL rights reserved. No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this Video, Ebook, and mp3 Audio under any circumstances without express permission from Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks
INTRODUCTION: In this presentation from Susanne Myers, you’ll discover how to organize task lists which is a key principle in creating your successful business. Although this is a NAMS 100 level session these lessons and principles can and SHOULD be utilized by any online affiliate marketer. Susanne teaches the fundamentals in breaking your projects and tasks into more manageable functions which means less time spinning your wheels and more time earning revenue. Some key highlights of her presentation include:
How to work toward goals that will afford you the lifestyle you want
Breaking your goals down into smaller projects
Creating weekly and daily to-do lists that will help you complete your projects including daily tasks for content creation, traffic generation, list building and email marketing
Tightening and Targeting Your Offers
Repurposing and Recycling Content Ideas
The Best Ways to Monetize Your Site
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks David: Good evening. This is David Perdew from the Niche Affiliate Marketing System and This evening is our weekly live training and we’re excited to have Susanne with us tonight, Susanne Myers from the HillBilly Housewife and several other websites. She’s a great niche marketer and she’s somebody that you can learn a ton of stuff from at the upcoming NAMS workshop just going to be very soon. There’s always an upcoming workshop by the way. It just seems like it is a new season for me because I’m always working online. We’re coming up on NAMS7 in about less than a week, well about a week. It’s a week for you guys for me because I got to do all kinds of stuff. And then I signed a contract today for NAMS8 and that will be in August also in Atlanta. And we are rocking and rolling with Niche Affiliate Marketing System. We get all kinds of great training there from people like Susanne. Susanne has done a lot of special training for us about things such as SEO, Blogging, Niche Marketing, lots of interesting information that she always pumps out and I always grab because she’s so good at it. And she’s somebody who lives it. She does not just preach it like a lot of folks. She lives it. She has numbers to prove it and she does a great job. So I’m really excited Susanne’s here and she’s going to teach again at NAMS7. Susanne thanks for being here. Susanne: Thanks for having me and I’m very excited about coming down to NAMS next week. It’s almost like getting to go to summer camp but learning a ton of great stuff at the same time. David: Except this is February. Susanne: It is but it’s Atlanta so it’s not that bad. David: It could be summer, you’re right. So what are you going to teach us tonight? Tell us about this? Susanne: Today is going to be about going from big goals to simple daily tasks. I’m a type of person who is most productive and gets the most done when I sit down and create a simple tasks list for myself that can I just work through, get through, and get my stuff done, move on and be productive. Towards the end of the year like December I started doing a lot of thinking about what I wanted to get accomplished in 2012. How I can really grow my business, take it to the next step? As a result, I blog a lot about it at and I’m focusing mostly on growing my affiliate treasure site and the related products that I have around it like my daily Page 6 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks affiliate tasks. But I applied the exact same methods with all my niche websites. That’s the only way I can keep all these different little projects straight. But on the blog itself I talked a lot about what I want to accomplish in the affiliate marketing. So what we will cover or talk about tonight is basically taking what I blog about and all the thought processes I went through during the past few weeks in working on the system that works for me, works for a lot of other people, and hopefully will work for you as well. That’s how you can work towards goals that will afford you the lifestyle that you want. When I’m talking about lifestyle, I’m not talking about the cliché internet marketer lifestyle of lying on the beach with a margarita on your hand and a big yacht park in the harbor and a major house sitting somewhere and a bunch of fancy sports cars. That’s not the lifestyle I’m after and that might not be the lifestyle that you’re after. For me it’s having a flexible schedule and a lot of time with my family being able to do a lot of traveling. A lot of my family is overseas in Germany. My husband’s family is scattered across the United States and we do a lot of traveling and are gone most weekends. So I’m gearing my goals towards being financially independent, being financially secure, and just having a lot of flexibility and being able to work when and where I want to. David: Everybody wants that. We all want that, right? That’s the deal for the rest of our lives. That’s reason we do this. Susanne: That’d be great, yes. I remember really well when my daughter was little and I was looking into all this stuff and it seemed like such an unattainable goal. But if you really break it down into smaller, bring it down to the smaller tasks list, it’s very attainable and you can attain it fairly quickly. I know we have both done it within less than a year going from nothing to a fairly substantial income and then from there to a very nice full time income. It’s all about making those goals, making those lifestyle goals, making financial goals, and then breaking them down into smaller projects. From those projects you can create weekly and daily to-do lists that will you complete your projects. Some of the things we’re going to look at and I’ll share some examples with you, your daily tasks for content creation, daily tasks for traffic generation, daily tasks for list building, and email marketing and this is something... David: So really when you’re talking about the daily tasks and to-do lists and those kinds of things, really we’re talking about what other big time marketers are calling these high powered checklists and it really comes down to this, doesn’t it? Page 7 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks Just repetitive tasks that you need to do to move yourself forward every day. Susanne: It does. I mean this whole business model really isn’t all that complicated. The people that want to sell you their big fancy $9,000 courses make it sound like it’s this very complicated system but it really isn’t. It breaks down into a couple of little steps and you just keep taking them over and over and you get better at writing emails, you get better at SEO. But basically you follow the same little tasks and just keep doing them over and over to grow your sites. David: It sounds less sexy than people want to hear some times but it is exactly the key to do doing it. I mean it’s something I really have to learn was that it wasn’t rocket science. It was doing the same thing over and over and doing it well. Susanne: It is. And you want to get to where you do it well. It’s not tedious at the same though because you’re going to be working in different niches, you’re going to be working on different topics; you’re going to put different spins on it. So it may be the same basic tasks like write three blog posts a week, write three articles per week. That type of thing. But you can keep it interesting and keep doing something new and something different every single day. It all comes down to something that I first picked up from Jimmy D. Brown who will be there next week as well. And that’s you basically want to focus on traffic, lists and offer. You want to get to traffic, generate the traffic, and there are a thousand and one methods of generating traffic. From there you want to get them on your lists, you want to get it at email marketing, and from there part of that is you want to make them an offer because you’re not going to make money unless you get comfortable with making them an offer. That’s something else we’re going to talk it a little bit tonight and that is the best ways to monetize your sites. David: Jimmy D. Brown, I’m really excited to meet Jimmy and I’ve been working on this a long time getting him at NAMS because he’s been one of my mentors as he has been yours and Nichole’s and several other people. His business model is so simple and you’ll learn from that.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks I’m really excited to see what he does as well as what you’re doing tonight to really play on that. Susanne: I’m very excited too because I’ve know of him and exchange emails with him for years but I have never met him in person because he attends such few events as do I. So it will be really fun to finally meet in person. That’s one of the big perks, one of the big reasons I keep coming back to NAMS every chance I get is you get to hang out and you get to meet these people not just the instructors. There are some awesome folks that attend classes as well. That’s just been so valuable. I come back from NAMS. I sleep for 24 hours straight because I’m so worn out and overwhelmed from everything that went on over the weekend and then I cannot wait to get back to work. My income takes a huge jump after every single NAMS. My accountant knows that expense report was coming because the numbers are going up. David: Yeah and before we beat the NAMS horse too long, the one thing I want to actually say is I sleep for like two weeks after NAMS. Susanne: I bet. David: Because running this 5-ring circus is pretty amazing work. But I want to point out that you came as a student at NAMS. Susanne: I did. David: We have probably 8 instructors this time out of our 29 who came as students and have really worked their way into fulltime living by being a student here and learning from other instructors and from other students. So it’s really fun to watch that happen. And that’s one of the things that I cherish is helping people move through the system and actually get into the instructor level. That’s fun. Susanne: It is. It’s a lot of fun. David: And these daily tasks will help. Susanne: They do. They’re the meat and balance of our business here. David: Yup. Susanne: But it all really starts with where you want to go. If you don’t have a good goal, you don’t start with the end in mind you don’t really know where you’re going.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks Mark Hendricks does this great little exercise where you tell him what your issue is what your problem is and he basically draws it out as a little line drawing and then he hitches you walk backwards. It illustrates really well that you have to start with the end in mind. As far as overall business principles go the end goal is really what you want your day to day life to be. What do you want your work days to look like? For me it’s being done in general by 2:00 p.m. Tonight is an exception but usually I get the bulk of my work done by 2:00 p.m. What doesn’t get done it’s just going to have to wait until tomorrow because I have to go pick up my daughter from school and I want to have some time to spend with her. It’s also about how much do you want to work. I have enough ideas at my head that I could probably work 48 hours a day if there was 48 hours available to me. But there are a lot projects that continually get put on the back burner because it’s more about quality of life and family time for me. Do you want a flexible schedule then you probably don’t want to set up something where you have to be on a call or on a webinar or have to have content ready on a certain day of the week. Where do you want to live? Are you going to be able to have internet access there on a daily reliable basis? How much are you going to have to make? It’s a lot cheaper to live here in South Carolina than it does in California for example. So those are all things you got to figure in. For me this year is a lot about paying the bills and setting some financial goals. We’ve spent the last few years just really getting rid of a lot of bills and I think this is going to be the year where we will be completely debt free including our mortgage which is the last thing left for us at this point. David: Nice. Susanne: It is. We just bought a little place at the beach in December. David: Wow. Susanne: And we are able to pay cash for it. David: Wow! Very nice! Susanne: It’s our little weekend home. Our first financial goals were much, much smaller. I remember my very first one was being able to pay the phone bill with this internet stuff. From there it went to car payments and to pay off credit card debt and making the house payment and all that kind of stuff. Page 10 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks David: That’s what I love about you Susanne is everything that you do is you start with such realistic goals and you move from one to the next. I’ve watched you do that on some stuff at the workshop as well and you do such a nice job with that. It was just a pleasure to watch you doing that. Susanne: Well thank you. It’s the way I guess my parents raised me. You just spend the money that you got so I’m not going after the big fancy corporate jets or the live-in maid which would be nice. So some of the things that I’ve been thinking about a lot is just how much money do I want to have satisfied for vacations each year? For fun money, we were able to take our daughter to medieval times for her birthday this month. I like the way it works well in my mind is if I assigned projects to this different little funds. So this little niche website is our going out to eat money and this one is our vacation money. Then with the 9-year old we are thinking about education, college for her which gets more and more expensive. As online entrepreneurs we have to look out for our own retirement. And then the other thing that’s really important for me just for peace of mind and being able to sleep well at night is having a safety cushion. And for my husband and I that’s enough that we can live off comfortably for six months figuring that pretty much no matter what happens where Google drops us or what else might happen, we can rebuild almost anything within a six months period at time. David: So people need to understand that this is really important stuff because everything is done up to this point is really setting a foundation for what kind of business you want and why you’re doing it. This gets really overlooked by a lot of people. Too often I think people come into this kind of business and I think all got to make money because they got a car payment to do and they’re desperate to make money. But they are not thinking it through in a long term way. That’s what we try to focus in at NAMS just how to think this through in a long term way. Susanne: Right because you don’t want to create just another job for yourself. You want to create a viable business that will be able to write out anything that might come along. Page 11 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks David: I agree. Susanne: And it makes your daily job so much easier when you have a clear vision of where you want to go because all of a sudden it will make sense where you should spend your time on. You’re not going to get bogged down by all these little fiddly tasks. You’re not going to end up surfing the web all day spending two hours on Facebook or spending a lot of time whatever the task maybe. You’re going to know exactly where you need to focus, what you need to work on, and that will allow you to work a whole lot less because you’ll be so focus on what you need to get done. So once you have those financial and lifestyle goals it’s time to create some work goals. I mentioned I like to think in terms of projects. I’m a projects person. I was talking about this with Nichole Dean the other day and the perfect example is I tried to do 100 articles in 100 days EzineArticles challenge back when they were doing it twice. I couldn’t finish it because it was an ongoing thing. Write an article everyday and keep doing it for 100 days. But if I were to sit down and say, “I’m going to write 100 articles.” It may take me 5 days, 10 days but I would get it done. Because that’s the project I’m focusing on and the project I’m working on. So that’s how I like to think of things. Like I mentioned I like to assign those various different projects to financial goals that we have. When you think about these projects and what you might want to tackle this year, do you want to build new passive stream of income or do you want to create something that may involve a more involve partnership or a business model or something like a membership site where you’re more involve in the day to day activities and have to be there, you have to be on top of things on a daily basis? Of course the first thing I go to before starting any new project in to take a look at what I already have. Look at my existing sites, list of products, and see what I can improve, what I can tweak to generate more income long term. David: So before you go on I want to ask about a couple of these. What do you think and describe to these folks what you think new passive income streams are? What kind of income is a new passive income stream? Susanne: I like to think of a passive income stream as something that I put a lot of work into in the beginning and then it will just take minimal maintenance to run it from thereon out. A good example would be a simple niche website that relies heavily on search engine traffic or articles that I put out there that generate traffic viral reports. Things that I can do once Page 12 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks and they continued to generate traffic to the site and then half the sites monetize with affiliate offers. Or if I offer my own products make sure that I have customer service and other day to day tasks, outsource to a virtual assistant. David: So you’re pretty much hands-off with those once you’ve got them moving? Susanne: Exactly. And I’d go back and I continue to work on these passive businesses but I can do it on my own schedule when I feel motivated and inclined to do that. And if I don’t do anything that still continue to bring money. I have a lot of websites that I built back in 2004-2005 that I haven’t touch since 2006. There are a lot of things that could be improve but it’s not a priority for me financially and its stuff that I sort of lose interest in a little bit. But they still make $200-300 a month. David: So that’s nothing to sneeze at. And when you’re talking about these kinds of websites are they the kind of websites do you use AdSense as well and you said Affiliate Offers as monetization on these. I assume you do other things as well to monetize those. Susanne: Yeah a lot of the times especially with those older sites it’s AdSense and Affiliate Offers. On quite a few of them I’m building list as well. I’m just having opt-in forms incorporated into the site and then I have a list of autoresponder emails that I wrote a good while back that have affiliate offers. So the only thing I try to do at least every six months or so is to go back and take a look to make sure those affiliate offers are still available. David: Sure. Susanne: And if not just redirect it to something else to a different offer. David: But you said something that’s really important you even have your communication automated so that it has been set up once and the list and the autoresponders continue feeding those people the information that they need and can buy from over a period of time. Susanne: Exactly those are actually my favorite lists to build. To either plug it into a site or just set up an opt-in page, an opt-in form and just send traffic there. Some of them are getting traffic from articles that I wrote back in 2004. David: Okay.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks Susanne: And every once in a while a new person, a couple of new people a week usually pop into those autoresponders then at the end of the month those affiliate checks start coming in from the offers that I made via email through those autoresponders. David: Okay, that’s great. Thank you. Susanne: Sure. And then I just want to stress again that before you jump in and tackle something else think about what you already have and what you can do to improve on that instead of setting up another opt-in page and a whole another list of autoresponder emails and a different niche. It will be a lot easier and probably just as profitable to sit down and write 5 new autoresponders to an existing list. And then you want to make a plan and what I did in December was come up with a plan for the entire year of 2012. A good start is to tackle just one of these projects for a month and just keep in mind that this is an addition to all the regular stuff that you’re already doing at this point to run your own business. If you want to take a look, you can go to my blog at and do /1938 and that will take you to the blog post that I wrote where I outlined my goals for the month and that will give you an idea of some of the projects that I’m going to be tackling this year. One of the projects was my January goal was to write 50 guest blog posts. So what I did there is I took the project, I wanted to promote my daily affiliate tasks a little bit more and guest blogging is a great way to get more traffic, get more attention to something and really showcase your expertise and get in front of whole segments of your target market. So I took that project which was getting more members into daily affiliate tasks by guest blogging and I broke it down into a more manageable task which I just arbitrarily decided I was going to write 50 guest blog posts. My only problem with that is that apparently my math skills have really deteriorated because I ended up writing about a blog post per day, Monday through Friday. And towards the middle of the month it dawned on me that that’s not going to quite add up to 50 guest blog posts. So what I should have done was to sit down and create better weekly goals and make one goal to write and promote about 12 blog posts per week. So even with my little math moment there I still got fairly close. I think to date I wrote about 35 guest blog posts this month and I have most of them published. David was kind enough to publish one of them for me on the MyNAMS blog.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks David: And why would I do that? Susanne: Why would you do that? Because I’m an awesome writer so you get some – David: It’s that. Susanne: -unique quality content for your site which is going to help you with the search engines and give your reader something new and interesting to read. The other reason is you are of course one of my affiliates for Daily Affiliate Tasks. David: Right. Susanne: And because of that you’re going to get a nice little recurring commission from everybody that signs up through that link. David: That’s right. But the big thing to me is I get good content on the website from experts. I love guest blog posts for that. One of my goals this year is to establish every Monday is to have a new guest blog post from somebody else, somebody who is an instructor or not, an instructor maybe a member who has good expertise. But the reason I want to do that is because it gets a good and different point of view about some areas that I may not be so great in but we still need to cover. Susanne: And there’s another benefit for doing that. As soon as you publish that blog post I went on Facebook and Twitter and mentioned it. I probably mentioned it in a mailing I did somewhere along the way. David: You did. I saw it. Susanne: And all sorts of other places and anything I can do to help get the word out and get more traffic that way. So it’s really a nice win-win situation. And each time you have a Monday where you need to fill in a slot, just let me know and give me about 20-30 minutes, I’ll write one. David: Sure. Susanne: So let’s back up here for a second though. I already mentioned this early on in the call in the introduction is the traffic list offer principle. When I think about these projects and how to break these projects down especially on a monthly basis I like to come back to this. I actually have a white board right in front of my desk and at the very top of it it’s written down traffic list offer. Just to make sure I’m always on top of that and I as I create my
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks monthly, weekly, and daily to-do lists that I don’t focus on just one aspect of this but instead tackle all three of them. So how can you adjust this for the monthly projects? Going back to the guest blogging example I’m going to be writing the content and submitting new content and getting it publish. That’s all part of traffic. I’m going to promote the content, also part of traffic. But then I also want to make that my site is ready to take advantage of all that extra traffic by making sure that I get them on my lists and then make them an offer. And that offer could be either in the guest blog post or in email follow-up messages to my list. Ideally it will be both and it will be either the same offer or closely related offer. You don’t want to be going out there and making all kinds of different wild offers here or there because if you present your audience with too many choices, you’re going to end up taking none. So keep it very tight, keep it very targeted, keep it exactly what they’re looking for, what’s the next thing they’re going to learn about with your offers, and you’ll do a lot better that way. So keep that in mind. I then want to take my weekly goals and break them into daily tasks and to-do lists. For example going back to my weekly goal of writing 12 blog posts per week, guest blog posts, I would write that down into writing 2-3 guest blog post per day. My next task would be to submit them to the bloggers. I may also throw a task in there to follow-up on posts that I submitted the previous week to follow-up to see if they have been published. If not, if there’s anything I can do to make that happen. Then I would also take a look at any blogs that were published the last few days or that day and promote them via Twitter, Facebook, anything you do online that you do to promote your own sites, you can do to promote the guest blog post as well. I would also go back and check on any comments on guest blog posts that were recently published and reply to those comments. Because one of the main reasons I guest blog is to get in front of that bloggers audience, to get to know them and start building a relationship with them. So I want to be there and answer questions, thank them for their comments, any additional ideas they may have shared. Then I would also stay with the offer and list building topics there. Set a little bit time aside to create some new follow-up email messages including some offers.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks So right there I’m covering the traffic, the list, and the offer. I’m keeping my weekly goal in mind but I’m breaking it down into manageable daily tasks. David: So, I’m sorry. On that I was looking at the – I was writing down a question about that. You did 12 a week, it’s almost like in the freelance business where you write an article and you submit it to other people. Instead of getting a commission from articles from folks by sending them an idea, do you do it both ways? Do you go to people and say I have an idea for an article or do you just send them the article? Susanne: I don’t. I like to send them the article. What I do is I take a look at the blog and then I write an article that’s usually a good fit for their blog. Or every once in a while I have an idea for a guest blog post like the one I wrote for you. I wrote and then I was like, “This would be the perfect fit for David.” David: Yeah. Susanne: But I started out as basically sending in proposals but I got tired of it. I was talking to Nichole Dean about it who did a huge blog tour a few summers ago. David: Nice. Susanne: And she said, “Don’t. Just send them the finished blog post.” And it was such a duh moment for me because I get these guest blog post proposals as well. As a blogger, as a marketer and a busy mom, it’s a pain to go back and forth between 5 different emails trying to get somebody to write something for me. But if somebody emails me with a well thought out, well written formatted blog post that I can just copy and paste then I’m good to go, that takes me two minutes to pop that into my blog. David: Right. Susanne: So I go ahead and do it where I may either I can already email or put it on the backburner to the point where it will eventually roll off my email inbox screen and then even with the best intentions I’m just never going to get back to it. So I approach it from that perspective and just write the blog post, get it out there, see if they’ll publish it. If they don’t, I give them a couple of chances, a couple of follow-up emails. But if they don’t I’ll just use it somewhere else. David: So I’m trying to anticipate people who might be asking or thinking in their head as they listen to this. And one of the things I think that might be riddling around them is where do you get the ideas? 35 blog posts in one month let’s say.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks I’m sure that somebody who’s new to this is thinking, “Holy crap how am I going to come up with 35 ideas in one month?” Do you focus on products that you have that can be in the tag or do you focus on the content of the blog person first, the blog owner first? Susanne: Both. David: Okay. Susanne: Both and both at the same time. With this round of guest blogging my main goal was to promote Daily Affiliate Tasks. So I knew from the get go that everything had to be somewhat affiliate marketing related or internet marketing related. And then I would go to the blog and read what was already there and get some ideas of how the two would tie together. So with you I did a post on recurring affiliate commissions. David: Right. Susanne: Because MyNAMS offers a recurring affiliate program and we talked about this quite a bit in the NAMS Workshops as well. If I were to write a blog post for Regina Smola who does the WordPress security stuff I would think about maybe some quick tips on how to keep your affiliate sites that you run on WordPress secure. I’m trying to think of some other good examples of some that I did. If it was an SEO type blog I might do a quick post on how to get your affiliate product reviews to rank well. That type of thing. So I try to tie the two together but at the same time sometimes it just pops into your head as well. I did a blog post for Nichole Dean the other week my daughter was invited to a birthday party at a bowling alley. I knew I was going to be sitting there for about an hour and a half, two hours. So I grab my Netbook and took it with me so I get a bit of writing done. And I ended up writing affiliate marketing tips from the bowling alley. So the inspiration comes from just about anywhere. The other thing that helps is to create a series of related articles as well. So I might come up with ideas for 5 articles that all work on different traffic generation ideas for affiliate marketers. David: You can almost find inspiration like your bowling alley thing everywhere you go. I walk through the woods about three times a week because we live on all this land. Page 18 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks Actually in the summer one time I was picking blackberries and I thought picking blackberries is like sorting your market. It’s like going after the really big juicy ones and getting out the little ones. I had this whole thing written. I think I wrote about it an article for EzineArticles. Susanne: Excellent. David: But it comes from wherever you’re looking. Susanne: And another good resource is the webinar that Kevin Riley did a few weeks ago. David: Right. Susanne: I was listening to that again this morning because I just love the way he teaches and the way he breaks things down and simplifies it. It was just slam full of content creation ideas. David: He’s great. Susanne: And those work just as well for guest blog posts just any type of content you create. David: Okay. Susanne: And then I reuse and recycle a lot of ideas as well. I don’t reuse the actual content but just little ideas of things like when I wrote a lot these guest blog posts I went back through some of the reports I’ve written with some articles. Some of my own blog posts that I wrote for my own blog just to take little ideas from there and present them in the different way and make it fit with the overall theme of the blog post. David: Okay. Susanne: So now let’s walk through some task lists. I already mentioned that I love making to-do lists, working off of them. Because they keep me track and they help me stay productive. So in the next few slides I’ll walk you through some examples of task lists and in this site I recycled again. These are copied and pasted from my Daily Affiliate Tasks which you and I talked about for just second a little bit later. But I’m going to share some daily tasks for content creation with you, some for traffic generation and some for list building and email marketing. In case you didn’t notice this goes back again to the list traffic offer thing there. The concept Jimmy D. Brown taught me. Along the way we’ll also talk a little bit about monetization because last time I check that’s why we were all in this business. Page 19 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks David: So before we move on to that. I want to take a minute... Susanne: Sure. David: Every week now we’re giving away a 12-month membership to MyNAMS during these webinars, during this live training and it’s only the people who are on here live get the opportunity to do this. So I wanted to ask the question and have people answer this before we move forward and it’s going to be really an easy one if you’ve been listening. So the question is – and when you hear this and you want to give me the answer just type the answer in your question box and hit Send on the Control Panel for the webinar. So the question is Jimmy D. Brown talks about three things and Susanne has been mentioning those things over and over tonight. The three things are traffic, list, and offer. And it’s going to be number 7, is the one who gets this. Traffic, list, and what? Traffic, list, and what? And I think if they were listening closely I actually said the answer. Susanne: You sure did. David: Laura Dues, you are the winner. Congratulations. You get 12 months of MyNAMS premium membership site. So Laura what you do is put a ticket in at I’ll send you this link in this question box area and you a ticket in that and we will get it assigned to you. If you’re a member already we’ll just add it your account. If you’re not, it will be brand new for you. So congratulations Laura. Now, we’re going to talk about these lists and these are from your Affiliate Daily Tasks Program that you have. These are going to be about monetization which I think everybody is really interested in, right? Susanne: Yes and there are a couple of different examples. Basically what I did as I was working with clients, students, and readers up my blog, I noticed that they all struggled with, “What do I today? What do I do next? What’s the most important thing for me to focus on and then work on?” So I created these Daily Affiliate Tasks which are basically just a short little report of here’s what we’re going to work on this week, explaining the exact process of how you go about this kind of stuff. Then at the very end there’s a little daily weekly task lists with daily tasks. We’ll get the presentation moving here. This is actually the daily task lists from week one. This particular lesson was about content creation and I walked them through a couple of different little exercises on how they can come up with content ideas.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks The basic goal for that particular week is you get their blog post done for the next 5 weeks so we can spend the rest of the time, next 4 weeks focusing on generating traffic, marketing, and making money. So I’m breaking it down into simple little tasks they can check off and work on each day of the week. The first was to make a list of articles or blog posts for the first week, writing the content or outsource it and then either go ahead and add it to your site or make a plan to have somebody else add it to a site. I recommend that they use WordPress to run their content sites so you can set it up to automatically drip out on certain days. So I cannot put in to any blog post today and help them come out every couple of days. But then basically we just repeat the same process for Week 2, 3, 4, and 5. So at the end of the week they have 5 weeks of blog content done. David: Nice. Susanne: The next one which is Week 2 focuses on traffic generation and that particular week was about article marketing. Again we talked a little bit about how to get started with that but then it comes down to actually sitting down doing the work. In this case it’s to write an article, submit it to 2 or 3 article directories, and of course on the first day of course they may need to sign up for at least a few of the article directories that I suggested earlier in the lesson. And then we break it down into Day 2, 3, 4, and 5. And then that particular lesson I actually gave them an additional plan, an ultimate plan because some of us like to work in batches where you do all your research and write all the titles for your articles on Day 1. On Day 2 you write 2 of the articles. On Day 3 you write 2 of the articles. On Day 4 you write all your outer resources like faxes and on Day 5 you submit the articles. So, just kind of trying to get you to move along and I’m focusing these on things that you can probably do within 30-45 minutes a day. David: So when you say you’re writing 5 articles, an article a day there, are you writing, are these 500 words, 1,000 words, 250?
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks Susanne: Usually I try to keep my articles between 450 and 550 words. David: Okay. Susanne: You don’t want to get too long. You definitely don’t want to go up to 1,000 words. Because your main goal is to create some interest, show that you know what you’re talking about, and then get them to your resource box so you can funnel them into your own website. So if it’s 1,000-word article, I might get bored two-thirds down the way and never end up at your resource box. So you really don’t want to over 550-660 words on these. Probably 450 is about a perfect length. David: Okay. Susanne: That’s a really good link for a guest blog post as well. Sometimes you can get away with shorter guest blog post especially when they are very tightly focus and to the point but that’s length I’m comfortable with and that add some good results with. David: Okay. Susanne: Then another task list example here is about short reports. This works really well if you spent one week writing articles. You can then take those same articles and turn them into short reports. So you would start by deciding which of your articles you would use and then what order if you’ve been writing and submitting articles for a while to EzineArticles like you have David. You might want to just log in there and pick and choose and find 5 articles you’ve written about blogging or 5 articles you’ve written about using WordPress. You want to just copy and paste all of those into a Word document and you’re done for Day 1. On Day 2 you want to write an introduction and work on some transitions from one article to the next. David: Can I tell you something I did not long ago that just amazed me and it helped in this kind of content origination thing. I hired somebody at one of the Elance, I think it was vWorker actually, I hired somebody for 100 bucks and gave them access to my autoresponder series and for all of my lists in one shopping cart that I have had in there since 2004-2005. They went in and copied all of those articles into a spreadsheet. So they have them all in one spreadsheet, one per row.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks So they put the entire text in a cell. And then I have them separate it by type and I can actually search that entire list of autoresponder articles and I think there were 2,000 of them and create reports from those as well and reuse those in any way. If you keep track of the content that you’re writing, you can do so much with it. It’s amazing. Susanne: Exactly and it’s something you want to – you spent the time writing all these good content, you want to be able to reuse it and repurpose it as many times as possible. David: Right. Susanne: Another quick idea that I picked at the last NAMS from Bob Jenkins was my issue was that Aweber is unsearchable same as 1Shoppingcart. So it’s very hard to figure out and find some of that content. And his little work around was to set up a new gmail account and then sign yourself up for all these autoresponders and save them all in gmail. And with that nice little search function you can then go in and find just about anything which works out really well once you have a lot of different autoresponders like we talked about. Because products are going to go away or you’re going to find out that a product is not as well supported anymore as it used to be or is very outdated, hasn’t been updated in four years, that type of thing. You want to be able to find those Autoresponder messages and replace it with something else. So if you can just search by the name of the product in your gmail account, you can find exactly what email message it was, what subject line it was, and then you can go into your Aweber, one shopping cart account or your feedblitz account and rework/edit that autoresponder message real quickly. David: That’s a great idea. Bob is a smart cookie. Susanne: He is. And those are the kind of things that you’re just going to pick up in little site conversations just another little bonus of coming to NAMS. But back to our weekly task lists here of creating a short report, we worked on the introductions and transitions and in this particular case I will go ahead and take out any auto resource boxes with formatting and that type of thing out. On Day 3 just a little bit of formatting. You create a cover page, outer footer, any header information, and if you’d like you can create some headings in Word and then have it auto Page 23 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks generate a table of content for you which isn’t that crucial if you’re just using 3 or 4 articles to make a quick little report. But if you’re getting to the point where it’s like 10 or 15, a really nice long meaty report, you probably want to include a table of content. Day 4 is all about monetization because we want to make some money from that report and then that particular case I might include some affiliate links within the content as appropriate and also I like to add a resources section where I show all those products that I’ve talked about in new report again at the end, makes it easier for people to go find a product that they actually want and need to take them to the next step. Then on Day 5 just do a little bit of editing. Make sure you don’t have any typos, the formatting didn’t look wonky. Then you turn it into a PDF and submit it to document touring sites like And of course you want to post it on Twitter, Facebook. If you have a list you want to send it to them. Of you don’t have a list now it’s a great time to start and you can use that short report as a little ethical bribe to get them to give you their email address and just get the word out about your short report. And let’s focus a little bit about list building. It’s kind of like what I just gave away. You want to use that same report as a bribe and update all your opt-in forms on your site to help fully get a better opt-in right which means you get more people that come visit your site to opt-in for your lists. Also just to go back to that little gmail trick we just talked about. Go ahead and first thing you want to do when you set up a new autoresponder, sign up for a new gmail account or use the gmail account that you set up for this and sign up for your list. If you don’t already have an opt-in page which is a separate page where the sole purpose is to get somebody to sign up for your newsletter, for your list of quick tips if it’s an autoresponder for your e-course, whatever you want to call that list that you’re building. You go ahead and set up one of those. Then on Day 3 spend a little bit of time if you have an opt-in page. Do a quick audit if it’s been out there for a long time.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks I have opt-in pages that I haven’t look at in years and I know a heck of a lot more. I’m a much better copyrighter so I can take a look at those, tweak some things, check some things and set up a little split test which is very easy with Aweber and see if I can’t improve that opt-in right. Same goes for the opt-in forms, the little forms that you have in the sidebar of your website or your blog or within your content. Take a look at those with some fresh eyes and see what you can do to improve those. The other thing that’s easy to overlook is your thank you page, the page that you send people to after they send up/sign up and your welcome email, the first email that they get. Take a look at those. Audit those every once in a while and see if they still work well for you. You may be promoting a way outdated offer on those pages. In the meantime you may have come across something that will convert a lot better for you or pay you a better affiliate commission. Or you may find that you just quickly set up a thank you page and you’re not promoting anything on there at all. Same with your welcome email, does it still make sense? Does it still reflect what they’re getting in the newsletter or on the lists? And then you also want to take a little bit of time to audit your email messages both for the content that you’re sharing and any special offers that you’re making. If you have a little bit extra time in that particular week, just go ahead and add another message or two to your autoresponder sequence. So those were my little examples of weekly task lists that I use for myself and that my students use. So now I promise you we talk just a little bit about monetization and you can start with something super simple. Just plug some Google AdSense in your content sites. That’s what I started with. I still use it on a lot of my sites and it still brings in a nice little chuck of income and it’s something very passive. You set it. You forget. Just keep blogging, keep moving on. But the downside of it, it’s not a whole lot of money. So a better option is to get into affiliate marketing. You want to promote, find some good offers that pay you a fairly decent commission and then you want to promote those within your content. More than worrying about a commission or a conversion rate though is you want to think about is it a good fit for my readers, for my target audience?
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks If so that will really help with the longevity of your affiliate marketing business and people will become loyal to you and keep buying from you. It’s just a really good business model. You can promote those as I said within your content. As I’m writing about NAMS on my blog, you’ll notice that usually that word NAMS is hyperlink and it has my affiliate link to the NAMS Workshop in there. Same goes with all sorts of other things and offers. You can also include some sidebar first just little things that you recommend products and services. You can take a look at my blog at Affiliate Treasure Chest. You’ll see a couple of those in the sidebar. Then you don’t want to forget about the P.S. This is something I learned from Lynn Terry from She does a really good job at writing great P.S.s at the end of her blog posts and just bringing down a point, making another offer or even just encouraging you to comment. Something else I talked about earlier is you don’t want to give them too many choices. You don’t want to promote Product A within your content, Product B and the P.S. and then just throw in a whole bunch of other stuff as well. You just want to stick to 1 or 2 things that closely relate to the content that you’re sharing on your site. David: Lynn, by the way is just a Master at monetization. She monetizes stuff that you just don’t even realize is monetized. I mean that looks like content but she’s getting paid for it. I just love it. Susanne: She does. She’s really good about that. I just picked up so many little tips tricks and ideas just from reading her blog and emulating what she does. David: So we got a question here from Ruth Date that is what do you consider good opt-in today? I was advised not to offer another eBook or report. People have overload on those. Is that true? Susanne: I don’t think so. I still use them quite a bit especially in my niche markets. A lot of things that seem kind of overdone in the internet marketing niche still work really well in every other niche. To be honest it kind of depends on the quality of your content, the relationship you have with your readers, and how good the topic of your short report is. And if you have something very specific, very interesting, you can get just a great opt-in rate today as you did 5 years ago. Page 26 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks So try it out, test it, and see what works well for you. I’m a writer. I’m not big into creating videos. I’m just getting started with, getting comfortable with audio so the short report, the eBook, that type of thing is still what I’m going to do. But if you can create some really neat looking videos the way Lou does, go with that. David: Yup. Susanne: But anytime you hear somebody say this technique is dead. There’s going so many people that it works just as well so far. I’m still writing articles even though article marketing is supposedly dead since the Panda update. There’s going to be few people talking about that kind of stuff all the time and those of us that are good content marketers and writing create solid content, it’s all these old school simple techniques still work really well for us. So the same goes for email marketing which we talked about a little bit. It works really well. If you can gain your readers’ trust enough that they’re willing to give you their email address, that’s one big step forward. So email marketing still works really well and I like to mix pure content with content that just has an affiliate offer in it here and there and solo emails. Those solo emails are geared and written mainly to sell a product or service. David: Okay. Susanne: A good ratio is to have about 3 or 4 content emails per solo email. So you don’t want to blast out just solo email offer after solo email offer unless you’re Connie Green who wraps so much interesting content around it that I don’t mind getting an offer from her in every single email. But for me, especially in my little niche markets, doing a lot of content with the occasional solo email offer drawn in works really, really well. And the most important thing here is do not be afraid to make offers. I struggled with this in the beginning. I would write content and content and content and build my list and I send them in this great little newsletter every week but I never made an offer. So I only made money by accident.
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Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks But once I started making those offers, not only did I get paid for all my work but people would thank me and work a lot about the recommendations I made because they were good quality products that I had checked out and made sure it was a good fit for them. So don’t be afraid to make those offers. Don’t be afraid, you’re going to get emails from people that aren’t happy that you’re trying to sell to them. You’re going to get unsubscribe but at the same time the people that are really interested in what you have to say and really are open to the idea of taking you up for those offers, they’re going to stick around and stay with you. And you’re going to get better at this. Looking back at some of the emails I’ve written. Some of the blog posts, articles I’ve written over the years, I look back at them and grimace but they’re all part of learning process and the more you do it, the better you get at this. David: Sure, that’s good advice. Okay. Susanne: And that is basically everything I was going to cover. I wanted to make sure we have a little bit of time for questions. David: I think we got a couple of minutes. I’m sorry, go ahead. Susanne: Excellent. Of course I would love for you guys to check out Daily Affiliate Tasks. This link up here the is David’s affiliate link. So go through that please. I’d love to have you come take a look at my blog at Read a little bit more about me, what I’m doing and I would love to connect with you over there so just leave me a comment. David: And we’ll also have this posted tomorrow on our website for the members of MyNAMS. If you have questions I’m sure you can leave a comment on this page and we’ll get Susanne or somebody else to answer these questions for you. Susanne: I’ll be glad to. David: This has been a really good foundational program for folks tonight. I don’t think we have any questions so far, Susanne. We had a couple and we answered them already. This is the real nuts and bolts stuff. This is the stuff that makes people successful and I’m so tickled that you are breaking it down into the what to do and how to do it so quickly and so easily for people because that’s key to doing this right and starting out right. So thank you so much for this. Susanne: You’re very welcome. It’s the same kind of stuff that I still do on a daily basis. I kind of spread it out over a couple of different projects but I sit down every night and I create a Page 28 Copyright (©), All Rights Reserved Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
Susanne Myers: Affiliate Daily Tasks task list just like those and half the time it’s those biggest stuff that’s in those lists that I share with you. I use a little App called “Remember the Milk.” David: Yeah. Susanne: On my tablet and I just love it. But a piece of paper and a pen work just as well. But there’s so gratifying about doing a quick little project, getting that article written, getting that blog post written and then being able to check that off. And looking back at the end of the day all the things you get crossed out your list and that’s kind of what keeps me going and keeps me making the list for the next day and push just a little bit harder every single day. David: Well you get so much more done when you have the list too. It’s because you can go right to the next thing and just keep moving through it. So that’s a really good thing. So people should go check this out at I’m going to put that in the list here and the question box. I got list on the brain now that we have this good list program in front of us, I hope that you’re all coming to the NAMS Workshop next week. If you would, just put in here if you’re coming next week in the question box. Let’s see who is coming. Be sure to introduce yourself to me and Susanne next week when you get there. I’m sure she’d like to hear from you too. Susanne: That would be wonderful. And of course feel free to come up with any questions there as well. David: Yup. Okay, I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you so much, Susanne. Susanne: Thank you so much for having me. This is fun. David: Sure. Bye-bye. Susanne: Bye.
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