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SEAL OF EXCELLENCE The seal represents the role of MSU-IIT in technological advancement. The solid circle represents the nucleus of scientific and technical knowledge upon which technology depends. The three graduated lines signify the increasing challenges and responsibilities a student in technology faces from year to year. The need for expansion, advancement, and excellence in technology is projected by the lines directed outward of the triangle, the symbol of stability. Red signifies the determination of MSU-IIT in pursuing her programs while yellow radiates a bright future ahead.


As we take on this new school year, we renew once more our commitment to the quest of attaining a research university status. In this endeavor, we need to join hands in changing our attitudes, in working towards excellence in all our activities—big or small—we need to remind ourselves that it is in unity and focus that we can achieve excellent results. We should begin the new school year by working at improved faculty, staff and student relationships, at improved systems and services within the Institute and among the general community. The end result is always efficiency within, and from the ranks in support of top management in carrying out new challenges that should make the people we serve happy and satisfied.

SET Hallway

Let’s have a fresh start. Let’s make everyone notice that our Institute is synonymous with efficiency, and excellence is its middle name.


OVERVIEW The Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) is an external unit and one of the ten campuses of the Mindanao State University System. Established on July 12, 1968 as provided for by Republic Act (RA) 5363, the institute has continually provided quality education to thousands of students from almost everywhere in the Philippines. These students flock to the institute every semester with one goal in mind - to study in MSU-IIT. We are humbled by the fact that these students choose and even dream to enroll in MSU-IIT. When asked why they choose this school, they strongly believe and admire our commitment to academic excellence. We envision MSU-IIT as a world-class institution of higher learning renowned for its excellence in science and technology and for its commitment to the holistic development of the individual and society. To live with our commitment, we offer our students a wide array of more than 115 academic programs, which include 43 graduate programs in a variety of fields including education, business, arts and humanities, engineering, information technology, the natural sciences, and mathematics. Our students are given opportunities to collaborate with more than 400 distinguished full-time faculty members passionate about teaching, research, extension, and community development. For these, MSU-IIT has received numerous institutional awards. Based on the standards of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), MSU-IIT is a Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Chemistry, Center of Development in Physics and Biology, Center of Development for Excellence in Information and Communication Technology, Center of Development in Ceramics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Material Science Engineering. We are the Zonal Research Center for Regions XII, IX, & ARMM. MSU-IIT is also known as the Information and Communication Technology Learning Hub for Northern Mindanao and the Virtual Center for Technology Innovation - Microelectronics based on the standards of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Many believed that we have achieved this far because of the powerful combination of big-university opportunities and a friendly, small-community campus setting. We are a public, non-residential, mid-sized, comprehensive university with a special emphasis on science and technology located in downtown Iligan City, Philippines - a small, safe, and vibrant city that is a regional hub of culture and commerce. Our students not only enjoy an intensely personalized academic experience but also participate in an extensive array of extracurricular activities that include more than 60 student organizations and a highly successful internationally-respected music and performing arts program. Not surprisingly, our graduates become wellrounded leaders in every field you can think of. Students come to MSU-IIT to fulfill their dreams. They choose to stay in MSU-IIT because they know that it is the ticket to their dreams. Not just that, MSU-IIT is so inviting. Our students are delighted with the warmth of welcome they receive, the ease with which they become part of this academic community, and the friendships they build here. At the end of the day, it makes us proud even more to know that our students are here because they feel at home. Indeed, it’s a home away from home. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS Student’s ID & Personal Data About IIT

INTRODUCTION BRIEF HISTORY OF MSU-IIT The history of the Institute goes way back to 1946 with the establishment of the Iligan City National High School (ICHS). In 1956, the ICHS was converted into the Lanao Technical School (LTS) under the Bureau of Vocational Education (BEV). In 1965, RA 4626 converted LTS into the Northern Mindanao Institute of Technology (NMIT). However, this law was not implemented. On July 12, 1968, RA 5363 integrated LTS into the MSU System. During the 62nd Meeting of the MSU Board of Regents on March 12, 1975, the first comprehensive reorganizational plan of the Institute was approved under BOR Resolution No. 894, Series of 1975. This plan made the Institute the first autonomous unit of the MSU System. In the years that followed, MSU-IIT continually expanded and developed its academic programs. While doing so, it also enhanced research, infrastructure, and cultural activities.

Institute Gym

Institute Gym


A world-class institution of higher learning renowned for its excellence in Science and Technology and for its commitment to the holistic development of the individual and society.


To provide quality education for the industrial and socio-economic development of Mindanao with its diverse cultures through relevant programs in instruction, research, extension, and community involvement.

OBJECTIVES To develop and implement training programs geared to meet the technical and skilled manpower requirements of the specific type, magnitude, and level of competence needed by existing and projected industries in Iligan City and its environs; To initiate and undertake projects and studies which bear on the manpower needs, industrial growth of Iligan, and other development projects including those needed by specific industries; To organize and implement, as needed by the community, academic programs for the development of the technical and

CORE VALUES To realize our vision, mission, and goals, we dedicate ourselves to the following code of conduct:


Being bound emotionally and intellectually to the institution.


Being superior in one’s performance, product and/or output.


Being able to work collaboratively with others in a group


Ability to stand up for what is morally right and to fulfill commitments and promises.


Accepting responsibility for other’s action. Commitment to Excellence through Teamwork anchored on Integrity and Accountability.

CASS Hallway

UNIVERSITY HYMN HIMNO NG PAMANTASANG MINDANAO Music by: Lucio San Pedro | Lyrics by: Angelito Flores

Silahis ang katulad mong nagsabog ng liwanag Ng pag-asa’t hangarin ng pag-unlad. Ang pook ng Mindanao tinanglaw at pinalad, Nang ika’y isilang na dakila ang hangad. Ating ipagkapuri Itong Pamantasan, Ang buhay at pag-ibig sa kanya’y iaalay; Saan man naroroon ay bigyang karangalan, Dakilang paaralan Pamantasang Mindanao. Download the audio file here:


| President | Executive Vice President | Vice President for Academic Affairs | Vice President for Administration and Finance | Vice President for Planning and Development | Secretary of the University and the Board of Regents | Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs | Assistant Vice President for Planning and Development


The Chancellor Office of the Chancellor

| Chancellor | Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance | Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension | Acting Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development | Acting Campus Secretary

Telephone: + 路 +63.63.492.1173 Facsimile: +63.63.351.6173 Website: Email:

ACADEMICS ACADEMIC POLICIES A. Classification of Students | (Articles 319-321, MSU-Code)

1. A Regular Student is one registered for formal academic credits and carries the full load called for in a given semester by the curriculum for which he is registered; Provided, That if a student has already finished some of the required subjects, the finished units shall added to the units he is actually taking in the computation of his load for the purpose of determining his status. Provided further, That in the computation of the load, the grades taken will not be included for computation of the grant of scholarship; Provided finally, That if the advanced units were taken from another University/School/College, the grades obtained after the accreditation shall be used in the computation for the grant of scholarship. 2. An Irregular Student is one registered for formal credits but carries less than the full load called for in a given semester by the curriculum for which he is registered; and 3. A Special or Auditing Student is one who is not earning formal academic credits for his work.

B. Academic Load | (Articles 327-332, MSU-Code) One university unit of credit is at least 6 full hours of instruction in the form of lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial or recitation of any combination of these forms within a semester. No undergraduate student shall be allowed to take in one semester more than 18 non-laboratory units or 20 units including laboratory works, except in a course where the formal semestral load is more than 18 units, Provided, however, That a student with an average of “1.5” or better in the previous regular term may be permitted by the Dean or Director of the academic unit The Chancellor Office of the Chancellor

Telephone: + · +63.63.492.1173 Facsimile: +63.63.351.6173 Website: Email:

to carry more than 21 non-laboratory units or 23 units including laboratory work and Provided, further, That this rule shall not affect or alter any existing course duly approved by the University Council and the Board of Regents in which the normal load per term is more than 18 units. In the third or summer term, the normal load shall be six (6) units but in justifiable cases, the Dean may allow the students to take nine units. A graduating student (one who needs only 42 units to satisfy the requirements of his course) may be permitted 21 non-laboratory units or 23 units with laboratory work in either regular term of his last year; Provided, That his average grade during the previous regular terms is “2� or better; and Provided, further, That his maximum load during the third term shall not be more than 9 units. On the graduate level, full time students are allowed normal load of 12 units or a maximum load of 14 units. In the summer or third term, the normal load is 6 units. The Dean or Director of the academic units is empowered to limit the academic load of students who are employed, whether full-time or part-time, outside the University, Provided, That no graduate student who is employed on a full-time basis shall be allowed in an academic load of more than 10 units, whether in formal course or in the graduate unit to which he belongs.

ADMISSION The Office of Admissions and Scholarship Administration (OASA) is a unit under the direct supervision of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the Institute. It is headed by an Admissions Officer who is tasked to supervise WWall the activities of the Office to see to it that the major functions of student recruitment, selection, placement and admission are being carried out in accordance to and consistent with the mandate of the University as stipulated in BOR Resolution Number 18, Series of 1984.



Freshmen / Walk-in Enrollees


Transferees and Special Students

Admission Card

Graduate Student

Certificate of Approval from the School of Graduate Studies



Certificate of Registration

1. Letter approved by the Registrar. 2. Ask for assessment. 3. Pay to the cashier the amount of Php110.00. 4. Present Official Receipt (OR).

SMS (InfoText) Registration

1. Name and ID number on a piece of paper 2.Write your name on the logbook.



Incoming Freshmen

1. Certification from High School Principal and High School 2. Card (for Out-of-School Youth) (Form138-A) 3. Pictures (2 copies 2x2) 4. Php 250.00 Testing Fee


1. Evaluation of Grades/Grade Card/li> 2. Pictures (2 copies 2x2) 3. Php 250.00.00 Testing Fee


1. Government 2. Private


1. Scholarship Status 2. Personal Information


1. Pre-SASE Information Drive to different High Schools on Admission Policies 2. Post-SASE Career Guidance (Cut-Off Score for every course/major and Scholarship Grants)

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Undergraduate Freshmen Students High School graduates seeking admission to degree and non-degree education must pass the MSU-SASE administered by the Mindanao State University Center for University Testing and Institutional Research, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mindanao State University, Marawi City. Applicants qualified for admission must present/bring the following requirements upon registration:

1. Original and one (1) photocopy of Form 138 (High School Card); 2. Original and one (1) photocopy of MSU-SASE Report of Rating; 3. Original and one (1) photocopy of Certificate of Good Moral Character issued by an official of the school previously attended; 4. Authenticated Copy of Birth Certificate from NSO (to be returned), and 1 photocopy of it; 5. Six (6) copies of ID pictures 1”x1” and one (1) 2”x2” size bust picture (recent and un-retouched); 6. Latest income tax return of the parents with one (1) photocopy of it (optional); 7. Certification from the principal if graduated as valedictorian or salutatorian in a school with at least sixty (60) graduates; 8. One (1) piece long brown envelope; 9. One (1) piece long white folder; 10. For MSU employees dependent: Certification from HRMO; 11. For scholarships other than the MSU granted: Notice of Scholarship Award issued by sponsoring agency (i.e. DOST, CHED, etc.).

B. Undergraduate Transfer Students Transferees from within the MSU System can be automatically admitted if his/her SASE rating is above 90 (taken not more than 3 years ago); carried a minimum load of 18 units during the past semester; and no grade of INC or FAILURE. Otherwise,

he/she has to take the MSU-IIT College Admission Test (MCAT) for transferees. Transferees from other schools who have earned at least 30 units are preferred provided that 75% of the units enrolled in the previous school are PASSED, with a GPA of at least 2.50 or better. Requirements to be presented during enrolment: 1. Report of Rating (MSU SASE or MCAT); 2. Transfer Credential/ Honorable Dismissal; 3. Duly accomplished Program Slot Availability Certificate (PSAC)*; 4. Birth Certificate from NSO; 5. Two (2) copies ID pictures 1”x 1”; 6. One (1) copy ID picture 2”x2”; 7. One (1) piece long brown envelope; 8. One (1) piece long white folder; and 9. HRMO-issued certification of dependency (if dependent), or Notice of Award issued by sponsoring agency (if scholar). * PSAC forms are issued by the Office of Admissions and Scholarship Administration (OASA).

C. International Undergraduate/Graduate Students Foreign students may be admitted provided that they meet the requirements from the Commission on Higher Education and from the Institute. All documents and other requirements must be received by the Office of the Registrar/Admissions at least one month before the start of registration. The requirements are as follows: 1. Duly Accomplished Application Form for foreign students: a. Admission Form AFS-2007; and b. Letter of Application.

2. Authenticated Transcript of Records (or Scholastic Records); 3. Personal History Statement; 4. Affidavit of Support; 5. Institutional Requirements: a.TOEFL or Certificate of English Proficiency for students coming from countries where English is not their medium of Instruction; b. Police Clearance issued by the country where the student came from (Certificate of Good Moral Character (CGMC) by the school principal or guidance counselor); c. Php150.00 Testing Fee; and d. Two (2) copies ID picture 1”x1”. 6. Notice of Acceptance (from IIT Admissions Office); 7. Student Visa (Foreign Service Post); 8. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)* 9. Certificate of Residence for Temporary Students (CRTS)* * These are secured from the Bureau of Immigration, Manila. Students who are not Filipino citizens nor permanent residents of the Philippines who wish to apply for Admission to MSU-IIT must apply with the Office of the Admissions. In addition to the basic admission requirements established by the Institute, foreign students must:

1. Provide evidence of English proficiency in the form of at least minimum passing score in TOEFL or other English proficiency test. In the case of a student seeking admission to the School of Graduate Studies but whose English proficiency is low, he/she will be advised to satisfy the English proficiency requirements before the studenct can be admitted as a regular student to the School of Graduate Studies. 2. Complete the sequence of preparatory studies required for university admission 3. Request that each school they attended mail their academic records or transcript directly to the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts must include the dates of attendance, level of study, list of subjects, studies and grades obtained, rank in class when possible, and the grading system used. Reports of examinations taken and a final average should be included. All these records must be official documents. Only certified copies or the originals will be accepted for

review. These official documents must have an official seal and signed in ink by the appropriate official from the institution(s), such as the registrar. If the school(s) is unable to mail the original oficial documents, exact copies certified by an appropriate official from the institution may be sent. 4. Include an official English translation for documents that are written in another language. Transfer credits are awarded at the Institute’s discretion. Be informed that all documents received become a part of the permanent student records at the MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology and cannot be released. 5. Pay all tuition and fees in full at the time of enrolment. Payment must be made in full in US dollars or equivalent. Student must also pay the following items: a. Application Fee of $25 for graduate studentl $15 for undergraduate student b. Tuition and other miscellaneous fees set by the Institute for all students. These fees vary by course enrolled in. c. Alien student fee per semester: - No-resident: $500 - Resident: $250

D. Graduate Freshmen/Transfer Students

Minimum Requirements

1. A bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree, from a recognized institution is required for admission to a master’s program or doctoral program, respectively. 2. For an applicant to a master’s program, an undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 or better, and for an applicant to a doctoral program, a GPA of 1.75 or better in the master’s program; or some evidences of potential ability to pursue a graduate degree, e.g., excellent performance in teaching or research. 3. Evidence of suitable background or its equivalent in the degree sought.

Other Requirements

Submit two sets of documents to the program coordinator, each containing the following items: (1) accomplished admission form (including this form), (2) Xerox copy of Transcript of Records, (3) Xerox copy of transfer credentials/ honorable dismissal (for non-MSU alumnus), (4) 2” x 2” picture attached to the application for admission form, and (5) official receipt of the admission fee. If possible, submit also the duly sealed two (2) letters of recommendation from former professors or experts in your field.

Admission Procedure

The student is required to prepare the following documents/items:

1. Two (2) sets Xerox copies for SGS and one (1) set certified true copies of Transcript of Records for the Registrar’s Office; 2. Two (2) pcs. 2×2 ID pasted to application forms for SGS and another two (2) pcs. with name at the back for the Registrar’s Office; 3. Two (2) Xerox copies of Transfer Credentials/Honorable Dismissal for SGS and one original copy for the Regis trar’s Office (required only to non-MSU-IIT alumnus). Present a promissory note that the same be submitted within a month after regular enrolment, if yet to be secured; 4. Two recommendation forms from former Professors or experts in the field of specialization sought (or promissory note if yet to be secured); see Guidelines on Forms, re: “Recommendation Form for Admission to a Graduate Program”; 5. Official Receipt for admission fee to be paid at the Cashier’s Office. (Secure billing statement from the program adviser/coordinator); 6. Xerox copy of marriage certificate (for married women) for the Registrar’s Office.

Once the above documents/items are prepared, the student should accomplish the following:

1. Fill up 2 sets of “Application for Admission to a Graduate Program” forms and submit these, together with items

1-5 above, to Program Adviser/Coordinator stationed at the College/School. 2. Program Adviser/Coordinator evaluates application and interviews applicant (an admission exam with appropriate

Typical Enrolment Procedure

A typical enrolment procedure is conducted as follows:

1. Get ID number from the Admissions Office (for first year students); 2. Pay Insurance and other Student Fees at the College-Deputized Collectors; 3. Go to Graduate Program Adviser for Preliminary Registration Form (PRF) and Advising (The Notice of Admission and the Application documents must be duly accomplished or on file in the Department); 4. Have your courses controlled and assessed by the College Controller and Assessor; 5. Pay tuition and other fees at the college-deputized cashier or other means, e.g., electronic, G-cash, etc. 6. Secure a Certificate of Registration (COR); 7. Go to Program Adviser and College Dean for signatures in the COR; 8. Submit the following documents enclosed in a long brown envelope to the college-deputized registrar: 9. Certified true copy of Transcript of Records; 10. Original Copies of Certificate of Transfer Credential/Honorable Dismissal from last school attended (only for non-MSU-IIT alumnus); 11. Xerox copy of Marriage Contract (for married women);

fees may be administered in some programs); 3. Program Adviser/Coordinator signs the forms and endorses the 2 sets of the application documents to the School of Graduate Studies; 4. The SGS Dean signs the two sets of application forms and issues Notice of Admission. Copies of the Notice of Admission are attached to the application documents. 5. One set of the application documents is filed at the School of Graduate Studies. The other set is returned to the Program Adviser/Coordinator for filing in the Department. 6. Student gets a copy of the Notice of Admission and proceeds to Program Adviser/Coordinator for enrolment.

12. Two (2) pcs. 2×2 pictures with name at the back; 13. Notice of Admission from the School of Graduate Studies; and 14. Certificate of Registration with Official Receipt of Payment from the Cashier’s Office 15. Proceed to the clinic; and 16. Secure ID from the Computer Center.

In the case of a student seeking admission to the School of Graduate Studies whose English proficiency is low, the student will be advised to satisfy the English proficiency requirement before the student can be admitted as a regular student to the School of Graduate Studies.

For International Students

Students who are not Filipino citizens nor permanent residents of the Philippines who wish to apply for Admission to MSU-IIT must do so with the Office of Admissions.

In addition to the basic admission requirements established by the Institute, foreign students must:

1. Provide evidence of English proficiency in the form of at least minimum passing score in TOEFL or other English proficiency tests. 2. Complete the sequence of preparatory studies required for university admission. 3. Request that each school they attended mail their academic records or transcripts directly to the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts must include the dates of attendance, level of study, list of subjects, studies and grades ob tained, rank in class when possible, and the grading system used. Reports of examinations taken and a final aver age should be included. All these records must be official documents. Only certified copies or the originals will be accepted for review. These official documents must have an official seal and signed in ink by the appropriate official from the institution(s), such as the registrar. If the school(s) is/are unable to mail the original official docu ments, exact copies certified by an appropriate official from the institution may be sent. 4. All documents must be accompanied by an official English translation if they appear in another language. Transfer credits are awarded at the Institute’s discretion. All documents received become a part of the permanent student

record at the MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology and cannot be released. 5. Pay all tuition and fees in full at the time of enrolment. Payment must be made in full in US dollars or equivalent. Students also must pay the following items: 6. Application fee of $25. 7. Tuition and other miscellaneous fees set by the Institute for all students. These fees vary by courses enrolled in. 8. Alien student fee per semester: Non-resident: $500.00 Resident: $250.00

School Fees (For Local Students)

Tuition Fee …………………………………... P1500/unit Laboratory Fee ………………………………. P 500/lab Miscellaneous ……………………………….. P660

Financial Assistance

1. Graduate Teaching Assistantships (A Student with a grade point average of 2.0 or better in his/her undergraduate, or graduate subject can apply. It carries monthly stipend and school fees waiver.) 2. Financial Assistance may be availed of by the graduate students in the form of the CHED Faculty Development Program Scholarship. 3. DOST Scholarship


Category A: With Leave of Absence (for one year)

1. Go directly to the department/college for interview; 2. Undergo the usual enrollment process.

Category B: Without Leave of Absence (for two or more years)

1. Apply for readmission/take test at the Admissions Office (for cognitive assessment). 2. Take personality test at the Guidance Office (for psychological assessment). 3. If 1 and 2 are passed, get PSAC from Admissions Office. 4. Proceed to department for final assessment/approval of PSAC. 5. If passed departmental assessment, proceed to enrollment process.

Note: The above guidelines may apply only to those students in good standing (not dismissed from the program), else admission is DENIED.

Category C: Returning Transferees

1. Apply for readmission/take test at the Admissions Office (for cognitive assessment). 2. Take personality test at the Guidance Office (for psychological assessment). 3. If 1 and 2 are passed, get PSAC from Admissions Office. 4. Proceed to department for final assessment/approval of PSAC. 5. If passed departmental assessment, proceed to enrollment process.


Category E: College of Law and Medical Students

1. Get PSAC from Admissions Office. 2. Proceed to department for interview and approval of PSAC. 3. Undergo the usual enrollment process.

Note: These are students taking in pre-requisite courses (for medicine and law) but enrolled elsewhere/outside IIT.

Category F: Second Degree Takers

1. Get PSAC from Admissions Office. 2. Proceed to department for interview and approval of PSAC. 3. Undergo the enrollment process.

Category G: Graduates of Technician Programs

1. Get PSAC from Admissions Office. 2. Proceed to department for interview and approval of PSAC. 3. Undergo the enrollment process.

SYSTEMS ADMISSION AND SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION The Mindanao State University System Admission and Scholarship Examination (MSU SASE) was considered necessary due to the rapid increase of high school graduates competing for admission and scholarship in the MSU Campuses. As an institutionalized MSU System-wide examination first implemented in 1989, the basic objectives of which is admission and scholarship evaluation. However, it is as well used as placement and classification test to identify poor, ill-prepared but potentially good students and give them special upgrading training before allowed for formal admissions. Moreover, the MSU-SASE was formulated in order to promote and maintain sound academic standards for the system, which unnecessarily neglecting the less fortunate people of the remote areas in Mindanao, Sulu, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi and Palawan. (MSU-SASE Manual, OVPAA, MSU-Marawi, 1993) MSU-SASE, which is given once a year, is good for admission to tertiary-level courses. It also results to grant of scholarship to those who would be classified as among the top 20 examinees.

A. MSU SASE REQUIREMENTS: When you apply in person at any MSU Campus or designated testing centers... 1. Certification from the High School Principal that the applicant is a graduating student or Form 138-A (Report Card) for out-of-school youth; 2. Two (2) Copies 2” x 2” ID pictures. 3. A non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00 to be paid directly to the MSU Campus Registrar/Admission Officer MSU SASE Examiner at the test center at least two days before the examination date; and, 4. Duly accomplished Application Form. Application Forms are available at the Admissions Office or Registrar’s Office of each MSU Campus, Test Center Examiners, Public or Private High School Principals or from Senior Class Advisers. You can also apply online here.

B. UNDERGRADUATE TRANSFER STUDENTS NOTE: Must take the MSU-IIT College Admission Test or MCAT in lieu of the MSU SASE. MCAT is usually held one week before the enrolment period.

1. Copy of grades previously taken (for evaluation purposes only); 2. Certificate of Agreement (COTA from Admissions Office); 3. 2 copies ID pictures 1 x 1; 4. Php 250.00 non-refundable testing fee; and 5. Duly accomplished MCAT Application Form.

C. Attendance | (Articles 333-338, MSU-Code) Any student who, for unavoidable cause, absents himself from class, must obtain an exercise slip from his dean to be presented to the instructor concerned not later than the second class session following the student’s return. Absence due to illness must be reported by the student concerned to the MSU-IIT Clinic (University Infirmary in MSU) within three days after his absence in which case a certification of illness must be secured form the MSU-IIT Clinic. Excuses are for the time missed only. All class work missed must be made up for the satisfaction of the instructor concerned within a reasonable time from date of absence. A student shall be dropped from his class when his absences reach 20 % of the scheduled hours of that particular subject.

D. Leave of Absences A student who is unable to continue with his class due to illness or a similar justifiable cause can request for a leave of absence. Prolonged leave of absence must be requested in written petition to the Dean stating the reasons for the leave and the period of the leave, which must not exceed one academic year. For a leave of absence availed of during second half of the semester, the faculty member concerned shall indicate the class standing of the student as either “Passing” or “Failing” at the time of application for leave. No leave of absence shall be granted later than two weeks before the last day of classes during the semester. A student who withdraws from the College without formal leave of absence shall have his registration privileges such as scholarship and other grants curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

Application for which leave of absence of any student under scholarship or grant must be certified to and recommend by the Institute, (University) Physician in order for his student not to forfeit his scholarship or grant.

E. Maximum Residence Rule A student must finish the requirement of a course of any college within a period of actual residence equivalent to 1 ½ times the normal length prescribed for the course. A four-year course must be finished within six years, a two-year course must be completed within three years and five-year program must be finished within seven years. This policy shall not apply to part-time students enrolling in not more than twelve (12) units per term or semester and to those admitted under special programs which normally require longer time for students to complete the course. Special student cases shall be considered at the discretion of the President of the University or Chancellor of MSU-IIT upon the recommendation of the Dean of the college, coursed through the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

F. Refund of Fees | (Articles 339-341, MSU-Code) Students who have paid their matriculation fees and who are granted honorable dismissal or absence shall be entitled to a refund of their matriculation fees, except entrance and registration fees, in accordance with the following schedule: Within one week from the opening of classes………………….................................80% Within the second, third and fourth weeks from the opening of classes……….50% After the fourth week…………………………………………………….....................…................No refund Provided, That in the case of students who withdraw before the opening of classes or those who register after the opening of classes and withdraw thereafter, the number of days shall be counted from the actual date of registration. Laboratory fees will not be refunded after one week from the opening of classes where voluntary change is made from one course to another.

Any student who is drafted for trainee instruction in accordance with the National Defense Act, by reason of his ineligibility to be a regular member of the ROTC of the University, may be refunded the proportional part of the total amount he paid for his matriculation fees for the term during which he is drafted.

G. Changing of Classes Transfer to any class after registration shall be made only for valid reasons. No change of matriculation involving the taking of a new subject shall be allowed after 12% or regular class meetings have been held. Changes in matriculation shall be effected by means of the change of matriculation form and must be recommended by the adviser, approved by the Dean and submitted to the Registrar for assessment and notation.

H. Dropping of Courses A student may, with the consent of his instructor and Dean, drop a subject by accomplishing the prescribed form. If the dropping takes place after three-fourths of the hours prescribed for the course has elapsed, the instructor concerned shall be requested to state whether or not the student shall be given a grade of “5� for the course.

I. Substitution | (Articles 346-352, MSU-Code) Every substitution of subjects must be based on at least one of the following: 1. When a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new one; 2. Conflict of hours between a required subject and another required subject, or 3. When the required subject is not offered. Every petition for substitution must:

1. Involve subjects within the same department if possible; if not, the two subjects concerned must be allied to each other. 2. Be between subjects carrying the same number of units; and 3. Be recommended by the adviser and by the heads of departments concerned. All petitions for substitution must be submitted to the office of the Dean or Director concerned before 12 percent of regular class meetings have been held during the term. Any petition submitted thereafter shall be considered for the following semester. No substitution shall not be allowed for any subject prescribed in the curriculum in which the student has failed or received a grade of “5� except when in the opinion of the department offering the prescribed subject or the faculty (in units without any department) the proposed substitute covers substantially the same subject matter as the required subject. All application for substitution shall be acted upon by the Dean or Director concerned.

I. Transfer of Students | (Articles 351-352, MSU-Code) Any student transferring from any college or university in the Philippines shall submit his transcript of records at least one month prior to registration and may be admitted to the University in probationary basis until such time as he shall have validated or repeated all the subjects taken outside the University which are required for his course subject to the following conditions:

1. He may not be allowed to enroll in a subject or subjects the pre-requisites of which, taken elsewhere, have not yet been validated or repeated in the University. 2. Courses being offered for advanced credits must be validated at the rate of 18 units in a term within a period not exceeding four terms from the date for registration privileges. 3. Failure to comply with this requirement will mean the cancellation of his registration privileges.

Provided, however, That validation may be waived in certain subjects where in the judgment of the department concerned the

quality of performance in the higher or related courses in which he is registered in the University demonstrated that he can carry on satisfactorily the academic requirements of the University. Provided, moreover, That request for waiver or validation must be initiated by the student concerned within a period not exceeding four terms from the date of his admission. Provided, Finally, that such requests must be favorably recommended by the department head concerned and approved by the Dean or Director of the College. The University shall give no credit for any course taken by any of its students in any other university, college, or school unless the taking of such course was expressly authorized. The authorization shall be in writing to be recorded by the Registrar and should specially describe the subjects authorized and the name of the University or college in which said subject shall be taken.

J. Advanced Credits A student who is duly matriculated or whose application for admission has already been approved may apply for advanced credit for works done in another institution of collegiate standing upon: (1) presentation of credentials showing that he has attended and passed in said institution courses fully equivalent to those given in Mindanao State University for which advanced credit is sought, and (2) passing the validating tests given for the purpose by the department concerned (Art. 353). Application for advanced credit shall be made on the prescribed form to the Dean or Director of the academic unit who shall recommend such application to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. If the Dean is satisfied that the application is in order, he shall cause the proper department head or division chairman to conduct the validating tests to begin one week prior to the first day of registration at the opening of each term and to end one week after the last day of registration. There shall be no payment for validating tests taken during this period. A validating test may be held outside of this period with the consent of the department head or division chairman and the approval of the Dean upon payment of the prescribed fee per subject (Art. 354). Courses taken by transfer student in government colleges and universities or in institutions accredited by the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines, Association of Christian Colleges and Universities may be validated and accredited by Mindanao State University (Art. 355). The grant of advanced credits for courses which are offered in other institutions but

which have no equivalent in this University shall be left to the discretion of the faculty of the unit concerned (Art. 356). Advanced standing may also be granted by the Dean or Director of the Academic unit upon approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to students graduated from an institution recognized by the Government for subject listed in the course or courses duly recognized. Advanced credit for work constituting only part of courses recognized by the Government shall be awarded by the departments or divisions concerned in accordance with the preceding Article (Art. 357). Courses taken for one year and satisfactorily completed in the United States and foreign schools duly recognized and Philippine Military Schools on collegiate level shall be given general advanced credits equivalent to one year, or not more than 30 units of general credit in Mindanao State University, Provided, That courses of less than a year in the United States and in the Philippine Military Training Schools shall be given pro-rata advanced credit on the basis of the forfeited rule. The awarding of corresponding general advanced credits to individuals concerned on the basis of the above principle is a matter of administration left with the Office of the Dean or Director concerned (Art. 358). For the purpose of the preceding rule, Military Service Schools are those operated by the Armed Forces of the United States or the Republic of the Philippines. For students enrolled for the first time, credit for courses taken in American Military Service Schools may be granted in courses duly evaluated by the American Council of Education in the case of the Graduate level. In case of courses above the bachelor’s degree level for which graduate college or school concerned and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (Art. 359). Each college or school may promulgate rules for the admission of transfer students and the granting of advanced credits provided they are not inconsistent with the general rules set by the University (Art. 360).

K. Integration Period A division or department chairman, with the approval of the Dean or Director, may authorize any member of his unit to suspend normal classes for a period not exceeding three (3) days before the final examination to enable students to review; Provided, That in case of colleges and schools having no divisions, departments, the suspension may be done by any member of the faculty, but also subject to the approval of the Dean or Directors, Provided, Further, That faculty members who have been au-

thorized to suspend their classes shall keep regular hours for consultation work (Art. 361).

L. Examinations The maximum period for each final examination shall be four (4) hours (Art. 62).

M. Honorable Dismissal A student in good standing who desires to sever his connection with his college shall present to the Dean or Director a written petition signed by his parent or guardian for this effect. If the petition is granted, the student shall be given honorable dismissal. Without such petition and favorable action, no record of honorable dismissal shall be made (Art. 411). Honorable dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from the university with the consent of the Dean or Director. All indebtedness to the University must be settles before a statement of honorable dismissal will be issued. The statement indicated that the student withdrew in good standing. If the student has been dropped from the rolls on account of poor scholarship, a statement to that effect may be added to the honorable dismissal (Art, 412). A student who leaves the University for reason of suspension, dropping, or expulsion due to disciplinary action shall not be entitled to honorable dismissal. Should he be permitted to receive his transcript of records or the certification of his academic status in the University, it shall contain a statement of the disciplinary action rendered against him (Art. 413).

N. Grading System The work of students both graduate and undergraduate shall be graded at the end of each term in accordance with the following system: (BOR Res. 12, S. 1997). 1.00 and 1.25


1.50 and 1.75

Very Good

2.00 and 2.25


2.50 and 2.75










A mark of “Inc.” shall be given to a student who fails to appear for final examination or to comply with the other prescribed requirements due to illness or other valid reasons. If in the opinion of the Dean or Director the absence from the examination is justified, the student fails to take the final examination for any reason, a grade or “5” is given. “Inc.” must be removed within the prescribed time, otherwise the grades become “5”. The period for the removal grades of “Incomplete”, must not extend beyond one academic year from the time the grade was received. The one-year academic period allowed for the removal shall be interpreted as extending to the regular semestral removal period immediately following the one-year period. If a student passes an examination for the removal of an “Inc.” he shall be given a final grade of “3” or better; if he fails, the final grade shall be “5” (Art. 363). Re-examination shall be permitted only for the purpose of removing “Inc.” grades. A student is not allowed re-examination for the purpose of improving his grade (Art. 356).

O. Removal of Grades of “Incomplete” Examinations for the removal of grades of “Incomplete” may be taken without fees:

a. during the regular examination periods, provided that the subject in which the student failed to take his final examination is included in the schedule of examination for the period during which said removal examination is to

be taken; otherwise, said student is to be charged the prescribed fee; b. during the registration in each semester, Provided, That the examination for a particular subject is taken at the time it is scheduled; and c. within the ten-day period preceding the Christmas vacation in colleges in which there is no inter-semestral vaca tion; Provided, Further, That the examination is taken at the time and place it is scheduled (Art. 374).

Removal examinations may be taken at other times, subject to the provisions of the next succeeding Article, on the recommendation of the Dean or Director and upon payment of the prescribes fee per subject (Art. 375). In no case shall the period for the removal of grades of “Incomplete” extend beyond one academic year from the date the grade was received; Provided, However, That this one-year academic period allowed for the removal shall be interpreted as extending to the regular semestral removal period immediately following the one-year period, and Provided, further, That students on any University Scholarship/Grants shall remove “Inc.” grades before the close of registration in the next succeeding term (Art. 376).

P. Scholastic Delinquency Any student whose scholastic performance in class is below a grade of “3” or “passing” shall be subject to the following rules:



Any student who at the end of the term obtains final grades below “3” in 25% to 49% of the total number of academic units for which he is registered shall be warned by the Dean to improve his work.

Any student who obtains at the end of the term final grades below “3” in 50% to 75% of the total number of academic units in which he has final grades shall be placed on probation for the succeeding term and his load shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the Dean; Provided, That his shall not apply to students who received final grades in less than 6 academic units.

Probation may be remove by:

a. raising the number of units passed to over 50% of the total number of units in which the student has final grades by passing removal examinations, or waiver examinations or by removing the “Inc.” grades before the close of the units in which he has final grades in the succeeding term, or b. passing in 100% of the units in which he has final grades in the succeeding term.


Permanent Disqualification

a. Any student, who at the end of the term, obtains final grades below “3” in at least 76% of the total number of aca demic units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the roll of his college or school; Provided, That this shall not apply to students who received final grades in less than 9 academic units. b. Any student on probation in accordance with Rule 2 who once again fails in 50% or more of the total number of units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the roll of his college or school. a. Any student who, at the end of the term, obtains final grades below “3” in 100% of the academic units in which he is given final grades shall be permanently barred from the readmission to any college or school of the University; Provided, further, That this shall not apply to students who received final grades in less than 12 academic units. b. Likewise, any student who has dropped in accordance with the Rule 3 (a) or (b) and once again fails, shall not be eligible for re-admission to any college or school of the University. c. The scholarship rule regarding permanent disqualification (Rule 4), does not apply to cases where the instructor concerned has certified that the grades of “5” were due to the student’s authorized dropping of the subject and not to poor scholarship. However, if the dropping takes place after the mid-term and the student’s class standing is poor, his grades of “5: shall be counted against him for the purpose of this scholarship rule. The Committee on Scholarship and Delinquency shall deal with these cases on their individual merits and shall recom mend to the President/Chancellor that the student be dismissed and be allowed to transfer to another department or college, or be placed on probation; but in no case of re-admission shall the action be lighter than probation.

Q. Graduation Policies

Graduation Requirements

Students in the undergraduate and high school programs must complete all the requirements of the official curriculum of their course, and must fulfill the tree-planting requirement during the junior year.

No student shall be recommended for graduation unless he has satisfied all academic and other requirements pre scribed for graduation.

Graduation With Honors

Students who completed their courses with the following averages, computed on the basis of units shall graduate with honors: Cum Laude

1.46 to 1.75

Magna Cum Laude

1.21 to 1.45

Summa Cum Laude

1.00 to 1.20

Provided, That all the grades in all academic subjects prescribed in the curriculum shall be included in the computa tion of the average (Art. 426).

In the computation of the final grade average of students who are candidates for graduation with honors, only resi dent credit shall be included (Art. 428).

Students who are candidate for graduation with honors must have completed in the University at least 76 percent of the total number of academic units or hours for graduation and must have been in residence therein for at least two years prior to graduation (Art. 427).

Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have been taken during each term not less than fifteen units (Art. 429).

That in case of students graduating with honors in courses the prescribed length of which is less than four years, the English equivalent shall be used.

R. Time Limit A student, to qualify for little or degree must complete the requirements of a course of any department or college within the following time limit at the start of school work: 1) For a two-year preparatory course…………………………Three years 2) For a three-year course…………………………………………...Five years 3) For a four-year course……………………………………………..Six years 4) For a five-year course……………………………………………...Seven years

S. Commencement Exercises Attendance at general commencement exercises is compulsory (Art. 431) Graduating students who cannot participate in the general commencement exercises due to justifiable reasons must write petition to the President/Chancellor through their Deans or Directors or their duly designated representatives before the commencement exercises, to be recorded by the Registrar (Art. 432). Graduating students who are absent during the general commencement exercises shall obtain their diplomas or certification and transcript of records from the Office of the Registrar. Provided, That they comply with the above provisions on attendance and upon presentation of the receipt of the payment of the graduation fee and student’s clearance (Art. 434).

The name of students elected to honor societies and awarded scholarships shall be included in the commencement program (Art. 434). The diploma shall bear only one date, which shall be the date of the commencement exercises (Art. 435).


| College of Arts and Social Sciences | College of Business Administration and Accountancy | College of Engineering | College of Nursing | College of Science & Mathematics | School of Computer Studies | School of Engineering Technology | School of Graduate Studeis

DEAN: Prof. Nora A. Clar ASSISTANT DEAN: Prof. Christian T.N. Aguado DEPARTMENT HEADS


English: Prof. Rosemarie B. Purganan Filipino at Ibang mga Wika: Prof. Marie Joy D. Banawa, Ph.D History: Prof. Ma. Cecilia B. Tangian Political Science: Prof. Hilton J. Aguja Psychology: Prof. Alma G. Maranda Sociology: Prof. Amabelle A. Embornas Philosophy and Humanities: Prof. Omar B. Bataluna


CONTACT US + Telephone: + Website: Email: FB: ilitech.scs Email:

OVERVIEW The College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) is home to the four (4) internationally acclaimed groups in Southern Philippines- the Integrated Performing Arts Guild, Kalimulan Cultural Dance Troupe, the Octava Choral Society and the Mindanao Creative Writers Guild. It is also the home of renowned artists, playwrights, poets, language experts, historians, sociologists, community organizers, and peace advocates, who have been constantly impacting the lives of the Mindanao community. With its strong faculty force, CASS offers six (6) undergraduate degree programs, namely: English, Filipino, Sociology, History, Political Science, and Psychology. It likewise offers six (6) masters and two (2) doctoral degree programs. It has gained the distinction of Level II status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) in all six (6) departments of the College and is recently set for Level III accreditation by AACCUP this school year 2010-2011. Such accomplishment adds prestige to CASS and the Institute in general, justified by the possession of quality standards in the Social Sciences; hence, a triumph shared by only few other Social Science campuses in the Philippines. CASS also offers the two-year (2) General Education program which caters to students who unfortunately did not meet the required passing rate under the System Admission Scholarship Exam (SASE) of the Mindanao State University (MSU) and those who were not admitted in some programs; thus, students are privileged to have equal access to quality education.

CASS MISSION To promote a peaceful and sustainable society through the development of globally competent, socially responsible, culturally sensitive and humanistic scholars and professionals.

PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Bachelor of Arts in Filipino Bachelor of Arts Major in History Bachelor of Arts in English Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Bachelor of Science in Psychology Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Special General Education Night Program (SGENP)

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS 1. Kabataang Pilipinong Aakay sa Bayan (KAPILAS-Bayan) 2. Political Science Society 3. ABEO: AB English Organization 4. Sociological Society

GRAUDUATE PROGRAMS Master of Arts in Filipino Master in Filipino Doctor of Philosphy in Filipino Master in English Language Studies (Non-Thesis Program) Master Of Arts In English Language Studies Doctor of Philiosophy in Language Studies Master in History (Non-Thesis Option) Master of Arts in Sociology Master in Sociology

FACULTY AND LECTURERS ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Ms. Fatimah Joy S. Almarez 2. Prof. Nelia G. Balgoa 3. Prof. Rosie E. Boniao 4. Prof. Judith S. Cagaanan 5. Prof. Lorna T. Caponong 6. Ms. Michelle Jeanne C. Caracut 7. Prof. Lynnie Ann P. Deocampo 8. Prof. Honeylet E. Dumoran 9. Prof. Nancy Q. Echavez 10. Prof. Rhodora N. Englis 11. Prof. Loreta L. Fajardo 12. Prof. Steven Patrick C. Fernandez 13. Mr. Amado C. Guinto Jr. 14. Mr. Peter Jon L. Mendoza 15. Prof. Faith O. Miguel 16. Prof. Maridette E. Molina 17. Prof. Christine G. Ortega 18. Prof. Maria Theresa B. Panzo 19. Prof. Venus R. Parmisana 20. Prof. Sittie Noffaisah B. Pasandalan 21. Prof. Jean Graciela E. Pe単ola 22. Mr. Rabindranath S. Polito 23. Prof. Rosemarie B. Purganan 24. Prof. Rizza E. Revelo 25. Prof. Saturnina S. Rodil 26. Prof. Ma. Theresa S. Villabona 27. Prof. Rodolfo P. Yu Lecturers: 1. Mr. Desiderio A. Pagdato Jr. 2. Ms. Onnah Pierre P. Talle FILIPINO DEPARTMENT Faculty Members:

1. Prof. Marie Joy D. Banawa 2. Prof. Rosario B. Dizon 3. Prof. German V. Gervacio 4. Ms. Kristine R. Herbito 5. Prof. Nerissa L. Hufana 6. Prof. Melba B. Ijan 7. Prof. Lydia L. Mata 8. Mr. Delfin H. Mundala Jr. 9. Prof. Chem R. Pantorilla 10. Prof. Marina G. Quilab 11. Prof. Mary Ann S. Sandoval 12. Prof. Angelina L. Santos 13. Prof. Teresita P. Semorlan 14. Prof. Danilyn A. Tayag 15. Prof. Reynaldo B. Tiosen 16. Ms. Dadine Kristine Ann D. Vacalares LECTURERS 1. Prof. Emma B. Magracia 2. Ms. Ivy C. Victorio HISTORY DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Ms. Marjorie Joy S. Almario 2. Prof. Melecita G. Baena 3. Prof. Juvanni A. Caballero 4. Prof. Quirico M. Calsado 5. Prof. Nora A. Clar 6. Prof. Artchil C. Daug 7. Prof. Rohane M. Derogongan 8. Prof. Jamail A. Kamlian 9. Prof. Rey Luis A. Montesclaros 10. Ms. Jamelyn B. Palattao 11. Prof. Manolita O. Regalado 12. Ms. Xandelyn Racel B. Reyes 13. Prof. Geoffrey G. Salgado 14. Prof. Ma. Cecilia B. Tangian 15. Ms. Phyllis Marie S. Teanco 16. Prof. Celyn J. Teatro

Lecturers: 1. Mr. Munap H. Hairulla 2. Mr. Michael Anthony R. Ngo PHILOSOPHY AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Omar B. Bataluna 2. Prof. Bernardino V. Cuino Jr. 3. Prof. Francisco A. Englis 4. Ms. Ma. Belen E. Hinacay 5. Prof. Julie O. Lao 6. Prof. Boylie A. Sarcina POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Hilton J. Aguja 2. Prof. David N. Almarez 3. Prof. Enrique B. Batara 4. Prof. Elaine M. Baulete 5. Ms. Princess Mae S. Chua 6. Prof. Elizabeth L. Codilla 7. Prof. Felicidad C. Gadiano 8. Ms. Eucil P. Hussien 9. Ms. Hazel D. Jovita 10. Prof. Darwin J. Manubag 11. Ms. Yasmira P. Moner 12. Prof. Marilou S. Nanaman 13. Prof. Rene Jose J. Padro 14. Ms. Lorigen M. Paterno PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Priscila B. Cada 2. Prof. Odessa Mae D. Escalona 3. Prof. Cora E. Lim

4. Prof. Alma G. Maranda Lecturers: 1. Mr. Jean S. Taypa SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Christian T.N. Aguado 2. Prof. Nimfa L. Bracamonte 3. Prof. Amabelle A. Embornas 4. Prof. Maria Cecilia M. Ferolin 5. Mr. Renebel O. Labadisos 6. Prof. Myrma Jean A. Mendoza 7. Prof. Hilarion G. Oliveros 8. Dr. Sulpecia L. Ponce 9. Dr. Liwayway S. Viloria



Dean: Prof. Nora A. Clar Assistant Dean: Prof. Christian T.N. Aguado Telephone: + Website: Email:

OVERVIEW The College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) is home to the four (4) internationally acclaimed groups in Southern Philippines- the Integrated Performing Arts Guild, Kalimulan Cultural Dance Troupe, the Octava Choral Society and the Mindanao Creative Writers Guild. It is also the home of renowned artists, playwrights, poets, language experts, historians, sociologists, community organizers, and peace advocates, who have been constantly impacting the lives of the Mindanao community. With its strong faculty force, CASS offers six (6) undergraduate degree programs, namely: English, Filipino, Sociology, History, Political Science, and Psychology. It likewise offers six (6) masters and two (2) doctoral degree programs. It has gained the distinction of Level II status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) in all six (6) departments of the College and is recently set for Level III accreditation by AACCUP this school year 2010-2011. Such accomplishment adds prestige to CASS and the Institute in general, justified by the possession of quality standards in the Social Sciences; hence, a triumph shared by only few other Social Science campuses in the Philippines. CASS also offers the two-year (2) General Education program which caters to students who unfortunately did not meet the required passing rate under the System Admission Scholarship Exam (SASE) of the Mindanao State University (MSU) and those who were not admitted in some programs; thus, students are privileged to have equal access to quality education.

CASS MISSION To promote a peaceful and sustainable society through the development of globally competent, socially responsible, culturally sensitive and humanistic scholars and professionals.

DEAN: Prof. Ernesto E. Empig ASSISTANT DEAN: Prof. Rolando L. Galucan DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN


Computer Science : Prof. Alquine Roy F. Taculin Electronics Engineering Technology : Prof. Danilo A. Adlaon Information Technology: Prof. lomesindo T. Caparida, Ph.D. Graduate Programs: Prof. Rabby Q. Lavilles


CONTACT US Telephone: + Website: FB: ilitech.scs Email:

OVERVIEW The School of Computer Studies (SCS) is responsible for the teaching, research and extension functions of the Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC). To this end, it offers degree and non-degree programs in the graduate and undergraduate levels. These programs are carried through on campus or distance mode by formal, non-formal or informal systems. Under SCS, the various programs were Computer Science and Computer Applications from the College of Engineering, Information Technology from the College of Business Administration and Accountancy, and Electronics and Communications Technology from the School of Engineering Technology. These departments were virtually removed from their mother units to form SCS, not without misgivings from them. But whatever was lost to the unit concerned was to be the Institute’s gain as we hoped to see the benefits to a more focused implementation of the IT programs.

VISION A Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology manned by motivated and highly competent workforce who adheres to Institute policies; equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure; founded on relevant instruction, strong culture of Research & Extension and enhanced resource-generating programs producing highly competitive graduates imbued with professional values.


Transform the deserving sector of the society into highly competitive graduates who will respond to the needs of the Local and International industries for ICT professionals.

- Develop a highly motivated versatile ICT workforce - Offer highly specialized and ladderized programs - Keep abreast with state-of-the-art technology - Develop a strong culture of research, extension and production


Two-Year Diploma in Electronics Technology Three-Year Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Bachelor of Science in Information of Technology

STUDENTS ORGANIZATIONS 1. ComSoc: Computer Science Society 2. JITS: Junior Info Tech Society



Faculty Members: 1. Mr. Renato V. Crisostomo 2. Prof. Dante D. Dinawanao 3. Mr. Cyrus G. Gabilla 4. Prof. Alexander R. Gaw 5. Prof. Emmanuel M. Lagare 6. Prof. Orven E. Llantos 7. Prof. Haroun Al Raschid Christopher P. Macalisang 8. Mr. Malikey M. Maulana 9. Dr. Eli S. Mostrales 10. Ms. Darlene Daryl D. Obach 11. Prof Jeremy V. Pinzon 12. Prof. Alquine Roy F. Taculin

Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Danilo C. Adlaon 2. Prof. Nerissa R. Adlaon 3. Ms. Aileen B. Caberos 4. Prof. Ricardo A. Coronado 5. Prof. Ernesto E. Empig 6. Prof. Rolando L. Galucan 7. Ms. Nieva M. Mapula 8. Prof. Antonio S. Marajas 9. Prof. Joseph Allan Y. Mascardo 10. Prof. Ofelia S. Mendoza 11. Prof. Michael A. Nabua 12. Ms. Harreez M. Villaruz

Lecturer: 1. Mr. Mark Anthony N. Manlimos


1. Mr. Allan P. Bicada 2. Mr. Jhon Ray M. Esic 3. Mr. Allen D. Lowaton 4. Mr. Joel I. Miano 5. Mr. Erwin J. Secosana INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Aloha May H. Ambe 2. Prof. Manuel C. Cabido 3. Prof. Lomesindo T. Caparida 4. Prof. Josephine U. Chiu 5. Prof. Rabby Q. Lavilles 6. Prof. Cenie V. Malabanan 7. Mr. Eddie Bouy B. Palad 8. Prof. Chona B. Que Esteves 9. Mr. Erik Louwe R. Sala

10. Prof. Delilah L. Soliva 11. Prof. Emily S. Tabanao 12. Ms. Romelyn I. Ungab 13. Prof. Grace B. Lecturers: 1. Mr. Stan Martin M. Obach 2. Mr. Lemuel C. Velasco

DEAN: Prof. Ernesto E. Empig ASSISTANT DEAN: Prof. Rolando L. Galucan DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN


Computer Science : Prof. Alquine Roy F. Taculin Electronics Engineering Technology : Prof. Danilo A. Adlaon Information Technology: Prof. lomesindo T. Caparida, Ph.D. Graduate Programs: Prof. Rabby Q. Lavilles


CONTACT US Telephone: + Website: FB: ilitech.scs Email:

PROGRAMS OVERVIEW The School of Computer Studies (SCS) is responsible for the teaching, research and extension functions of the Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC). To this end, it offers degree and non-degree programs in the graduate and undergraduate levels. These programs are carried through on campus or distance mode by formal, non-formal or informal systems. Under SCS, the various programs were Computer Science and Computer Applications from the College of Engineering, Information Technology from the College of Business Administration and Accountancy, and Electronics and Communications Technology from the School of Engineering Technology. These departments were virtually removed from their mother units to form SCS, not without misgivings from them. But whatever was lost to the unit concerned was to be the Institute’s gain as we hoped to see the benefits to a more focused implementation of the IT programs.

VISION A Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology manned by motivated and highly competent workforce who adheres to Institute policies; equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure; founded on relevant instruction, strong culture of Research & Extension and enhanced resource-generating programs producing highly competitive graduates imbued with professional values.


Transform the deserving sector of the society into highly competitive graduates who will respond to the needs of the Local and International industries for ICT professionals.

- Develop a highly motivated versatile ICT workforce - Offer highly specialized and ladderized programs - Keep abreast with state-of-the-art technology - Develop a strong culture of research, extension and production

DEAN: Prof. Esmar N. Sedurifa ASSISTANT DEAN: Dr. Manuel B. Barquilla DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN


Department of Science and Mathematics Education: Ms. Diamer B. Capilitan Department of Professional Education Dr. Adelfa C. Silor Department of Physical Education Prof. Melissa N. Casi単o Department of Home and Technology Education Ms. Vanessa B. Zabala Department of Technology Teacher Education Ms. Roxan Consolacion Integrated Developmental School (IDS Principal) Prof. Leila V. Bernaldez Integrated Rural Development Academy (IRDA) Ms. Debbie D. Aytona


CONTACT US Telephone: + Website: FB: ilitech.scs Email:

PROGRAMS MISSION A center of excellence in teacher education committed to the holistic development of man and society.

GOAL To produce highly competent teachers who will provide leadership in various disciplines through quality instruction, research and extension, to enable them to meet the demands of their social environment and its diverse cultures, thus making them productive agents of change in response to the country’s quest for global competitiveness.



Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, General Science Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) major in Science and Health Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) major in English Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in MAPEH Bachelor of Science in Technology Teacher Education (BSTTE) major in Drafting Technology, Industrial Technology Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Technology and Livelihood Education Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM)


PhD in Science Education (PhDSciEd) major in Chemistry Master of Science Education (MSciEd) major in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Elementary Mathematics, Secondary Mathematics, General Science Master of Science in Physical Education Professional Diploma in Physical Education (PDPE) Certificate in Professional Teaching


1. ASESMA: Association of Student Educators in Science and Mathematics 2. STEP-FHP: Student Technologists and Entrepreneurs Philippines – Future Homemakers of the Philippines 3. ITESO: Industrial Technology Education Students Organization 4. SEEEd: Society of Elementary English Educators 5. DPESO: Department of Physical Education Student organization

FACULTY AND LECTURERS HOME TEHNOLOGY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Ms. Beatriz Fina A. Ca単edo 2. Prof. Mariliz C. Crelencia 3. Ms. Cheryl C. Encabo 4. Prof. Rhea D. Febro 5. Prof. Yolanda P. Garcia 6. Ms. Angela Lyle S. Lozano 7. Prof. Judith A. Magnetico 8. Prof. Lydie D. Paderanga 9. Ms. Avril Joy R. Ramayan 10. Prof. Helen S. Romano 11. Ms. Lilagre R. Sevilla 12. Ms. Vanessa B. Zabala TEACHER TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Nicolas F. Aborido Jr. 2. Ms. Roxan A. Consolacion 3. Mr. Rey A. Etom 4. Ms. Michelle Samantha M. Gutierrez 5. Mr. John Alan D. Lee 6. Dr. Michael Art R. Napoles 7. Mr. Osuardo A. Pabatang Jr. Lecturer: 1. Mr. Arthur R. Sepe PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Rebecca M. Alcuizar 2. Prof. Joselito E. Baldonado 3. Prof. Edward L. Banawa 4. Prof. Corazon T. Biong 5. Prof. Jonathan M. Bucad 6. Prof. Marzania M. Bucad 7. Prof. Melissa N. Casi単o 8. Prof. Paz A. Enezario

9. Prof. Ramon C. Ferraris 10. Prof. Cesar T. Miguel 11. Prof. Arlene V. Reyes PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Ruben L. Abucayon 2. Prof. Ma. Faye M. Fajardo 3. Prof. Rebecca S. Galela 4. Prof. Rizalina G. Gomez 5. Prof. Elmer P. Nacua 6. Prof. Ronaldo R. Orbita 7. Prof. Enrico C. Riconalla 8. Prof. Shelanee Theresa P. Ruales 9. Prof. Adelfa C. Silor 10. Ms. Vita P. Sinconiegue 11. Prof. Josefina M. Tabudlong SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Manuel B. Barquilla 2. Prof. Amelia T. Buan 3. Prof. May A. Ca単edo 4. Mr. Jun Karren V. Caparoso 5. Ms. Diamer B. Capilitan 6. Prof. Ellen L. Jarantilla 7. Prof. Myrna E. Lahoylahoy 8. Prof. Joy R. Magsayo 9. Prof. Monera A. Salic 10. Prof. Esmar N. Sedurifa 11. Prof. Virginia A. Sombilon

DEAN: Prof. Esmar N. Sedurifa ASSISTANT DEAN: Dr. Manuel B. Barquilla DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN


Department of Science and Mathematics Education: Ms. Diamer B. Capilitan Department of Professional Education Dr. Adelfa C. Silor Department of Physical Education Prof. Melissa N. Casi単o Department of Home and Technology Education Ms. Vanessa B. Zabala Department of Technology Teacher Education Ms. Roxan Consolacion Integrated Developmental School (IDS Principal) Prof. Leila V. Bernaldez Integrated Rural Development Academy (IRDA) Ms. Debbie D. Aytona


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PROGRAMS OVERVIEW Welcome to the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM) – home to well trained faculty members and state of the art laboratory facilities, and producer of quality graduates. It has the distinction of being designated by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) as a Center of Excellence in all four departments of the College, namely Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. This accomplishment is shared by only three other campuses in the Philippines – UP Diliman, De La Salle University-Manila, and Ateneo de Manila University.

VISION An internationally recognized national center for research and education in the sciences and mathematics.


To maintain highly qualified faculty and staff committed to quality education, relevant research and extension services.

To continually develop curricular programs in basic and applied sciences, responsive to the manpower needs for a balanced and sustainable development of Southern Philippines in particu lar and the ASEAN region in general.

To provide a scholarly environment necessary for the evolution of a distinctive science culture. To develop disciplined students who value hard work, honesty, excellence and compassion for the common good of the country.


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Bachelor of Science in Statistics Bachelor of Science in General Biology Bachelor of Science in Botany Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology Bachelor of Science in Zoology Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Bachelor of Science in Physics


Certificate in Physics Master of Biology Master in Chemistry Master of Mathematics (Full-time) (Part-time) Master in Applied Statistics Master of Physics Master of Science in Biology Master of Science in Environmental Science Master of Science in Chemistry Master of Science in Mathematics Master of Science in Statistics Master of Science in Physics Doctor of Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy in Physics

FACULTY AND LECTURERS BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Liza A. Adamat 2. Prof. Faith B. Amorado 3. Prof. Ruben F. Amparado Jr. 4. Prof. Olive S. Anies 5. Prof. Edgardo C. Aranico 6. Prof. Karyl Marie F. Dagoc 7. Prof. Cesar G. Demayo 8. Prof. Marilu D. Dimalen 9. Prof. Maricris Gay P. Garcia 10. Prof. Buenaflor D. Jimenez 11. Prof. Maria Lourdes Dorothy G. Lacuna 12. Prof. Ma. Reina Suzette B. Madamba 13. Prof. Angeli V. Mag-aso 14. Prof. Joey Genevieve T. Martinez 15. Prof. Ephrime B. Metillo 16. Mr. Carlo Stephen O. Moneva 17. Prof. Clarence Bien L. Nebres 18. Prof. Olga M. Nu単eza 19. Prof. Lilybeth F. Olowa 20. Prof. Ma. Luisa S. Orbita 21. Prof. Angelo Jose A. Responte 22. Prof. Henry I. Rivera 23. Prof. Christine Cherry E. Solon 24. Ms. Nanette Hope N. Sumaya 25. Prof. Alicia Catalina E. Tabaranza 26. Ms. Sharon Rose M. Tabugo 27. Prof. Annielyn D. Tampus 28. Prof. Franco G. Teves 29. Prof. Ermelinda G. Tobias 30. Prof. Mark Anthony J. Torres 31. Prof. Sasha Anne L. Valdez 32. Prof. Sonnie A. Vedra 33. Prof. Josefa D. Villanueva 34. Prof. Dennis A. Warguez CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Ma. Cecilia V. Almeda

2. Prof. Manuelita S. Anonas 3. Prof. Lydia M. Bajo 4. Prof. Anelyn P. Bendoy 5. Mr. Francis Kirby B. Burnea 6. Prof. Luisita S. Cabanos 7. Prof. Mario B. Capangpangan 8. Prof. Evelyn C. Creencia 9. Ms. Enjelyn C. Gomez 10. Ms. Lovely Rose Hepowit 11. Prof. Edgar W. Ignacio 12. Prof. Ellen Dl. V. Inutan 13. Prof. Charlie A. Lavilla Jr. 14. Prof. Myrna S. Mahinay 15. Prof. Nonita P. Peteros 16. Prof. Lunesa C. Pinzon 17. Prof. Jessica D. Plesa 18. Ms. Kirstin Rys S. Pueblos 19. Mr. Mark Tristan J. Quimque 20. Prof. Anita P. Rivera 21. Prof. Myrna H. Salarza 22. Prof. Concepcion M. Salva単a 23. Prof. Jesusima V. Samson 24. Prof. Jenny Syl D. Tabunag 25. Prof. Mylene M. Uy MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Imelda S. Aniversario 2. Prof. Rosalio G. Artes Jr. 3. Prof. Carolina B. Baguio 4. Prof. Julius V. Benitez 5. Prof. Rolando N. Buenavista 6. Prof. Randy L. Caga-anan 7. Prof. Gloria L. Calio 8. Prof. Sergio R. Canoy Jr. 9. Prof. Catherine R. Ca単o 10. Prof. Oliver R. Capilitan 11. Prof. Emmy C. Chacon 12. Prof. Susan C. Dagondon 13. Prof. Charlotte F. Dumanjug 14. Prof. Ma. Cristina L. Duyaguit

15. Prof. Calixto G. Elnas Jr. 16. Prof. Chita P. Evardone 17. Prof. Veronica B. Florida 18. Prof. Michael B. Frondoza 19. Prof. Romulo C. Guerrero 20. Prof. Rowena T. Isla 21. Prof. Norma A. Jamboy 22. Prof. Ferdinand P. Jamil 23. Prof. Mhelmar A. Labendia 24. Prof. Elgie T. Liwagon 25. Mr. John Alfred M. Liwanag 26. Prof. Rosadelima V. Lopez 27. Prof. Gina A. Malacas 28. Prof. Sheila M. Menchavez 29. Prof. Catherine I. Merca 30. Prof. Belen B. Moncada 31.Prof. Mary Elvi A. Paler 32. Mr. Aljo Clair P. Pingal 33. Prof. Daisy Lou L. Polestico 34. Prof. Teresita U. Racines 35. Prof. Helen M. Rara 36. Prof. Ruth P. Serqui単a 37. Ms. Phoebe A. Sombilon 38. Mr. Michael E. Subido 39. Prof. Arnulfo P. Supe 40. Prof. Corazon P. Tejano 41. Mr. Mark Gil T. Torres 42. Prof. Bernadette F. Tubo 43. Prof. Joselito A. Uy 44. Prof. Mary Ann Ritzell P. Vega 45. Prof. Jocelyn P. Vilela PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Faculty Members: 1. Prof. Christine Joy G. Aban 2. Prof. Arnold C. Alguno 3. Prof. Leo Cristobal C. Ambolode 4. Prof. Dennis C. Arogancia 5. Mr. Filchito Renee G. Bagsican 6. Prof. Rolando V. Bantaculo 7. Prof. Jinky B. Bornales

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