Nrl december 2013

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Official Publication of The Nashville Rose Society Serving Rose Enthusiasts Throughout Middle Tennessee

NRS Annual Christmas Party!!! December 3rd 6:15 PM Cheekwood Botanic Hall DECEMBER 2013 Volume 46, Issue 11

Nashville Rose Society Annual Christmas Party! Next Tuesday, December 3rd is a great opportunity to come celebrate the Season an help deck Cheekwood’s Botanic Hall with your Christmas spirit! Great food, lot’s of fun and good friends is always a winning combination for a wonderful time. The party begins at 6:00 PM with dinner served around 6:15 along with seasonal cheer from live piano music. Honey Baked ham will be provided so bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. Speaking of sharing, one of the highlights is the gift exchange, some folks call it Dirty Santa. It is totally voluntary, but in order the get a gift you have to give one. The best part of simply sharing this special time of year with old friends and making new ones too.

Affiliated with the American Rose Society -

Beginner’s Workshops Back by popular demand, the Beginner’s Workshop is exactly what is sounds like. Led by consulting rosarian experts, a timely thirty minute topic on the basics of growing roses will be presented at 6:30 PM each month prior to the main program at 7:15 PM. Beginning with the February meeting, the first topic will be on how to select the right rose for your garden; just in time for spring!

Tenarky Winter Workshop February 21-22, 2014 Franklin, TN The Tenarky Winter Workshop will be held at the Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin, Tennessee on February 21st and 22nd. There will also be a consulting rosarian school on Sunday the 23rd. Complete details will be in the February newsletter and on the district website -

NRS 2014 Rose Sale The Nashville Rose Society 2014 Fortunia rose sale is now in progress. Make sure to get your order in early to get the varieties you want. For an order form either use the insert in the November newsletter or go to our website at or email Charles Lott at

2014 Nashville Rose Show - Thank you! Rose shows don’t just happen and especially not without the generous support of donations from our NRS members and friends. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this year’s rose show! A special thank you to Lori Emery for once again leading for rose show donation effort! Dan Andrews In Honor of Dr. Van Flat Lisa and Tom Beath Rowena Bennett In Memory of Crane Bennett Pat and George Bullard Gail Bursch In Memory of Bob & Sally Hatchett Anne Carpenter In Memory of Harry & Esther Painter Cynthia Cato In Memory of Aunt Ruby Moore Harriett Dunn Lori Emery Susie Garner In Memory of Peggy Garner Sara Jo Gill In Honor of Lori Emery Janie Lipps Hagan (Cont’d on Page 6)

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