Nashville Rose Leaf May 2011

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Official Publication of The Nashville Rose Society Serving Rose Enthusiasts Throughout Middle Tennessee

May 3rd NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 pm - Refreshments 7:00 pm Spring Rose Shows - Bob Jacobs + Spring Rose Care - Tom Beath

Reve d’Or’

‘Baronne Prevost’

Old Garden Roses Symposium Features a Great Program on May 21st

By: Jeff Harvey

‘Topaz Jewel’

Jennifer and I have been interested in 0ld garden roses since we first started gardening together. The first roses we purchased for a hedge for our new house were two old garden roses, a Hybrid Perpetual “Baronne Prevost”, and Hybrid Rugosa “Topaz Jewel”. The bloom is a beautiful yellow, rare amongst the Rugosa roses. We figured a nice yellow and pink would go good together. They were great choices for beginner rosarians. They sent us on a wild rose journey that is still in progress. As we all know you can’t stop with just a few roses. We wanted to make our rose hedge larger, so we went looking for more of the two roses to expand, (Newlyweds want a little privacy). We went back to the first two nurseries that were kind enough to help us. Neither had any more of “our roses”. This now became a mission of finding a place to help us expand our hedge. We went to three or four more nurseries; everyone had the same roses! It was starting to drive us crazy. We met some people from the Rochester Rose Society, in particular Gene Noto. Yes, he grew a bunch of the hybrid teas and such, but he also had an interest in “our roses”. He talked to us for an extended amount of time about rose care and roses. We saw him at many places that had horticulture events and he eventually got us to join the rose society. (Cont’d on page 4)

The Wilson County Master Gardeners with the help of Jennifer and Jeff Harvey are hosting an Old Garden Rose symposium on May 21st at the Education Building in the Ward Agriculture Center in Lebanon TN. The symposium was organized to benefit the programs of the Wilson County Master Gardeners and the American Rose Society Century Campaign. The Program will go from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. The registration of $25 includes a BBQ lunch. Pam Greenewald from Angel Gardens will be giving a lecture on Old Garden Roses that do well in the southeast, and organic practices. She will also be bringing roses to sell during the meeting. I am sure she will bring any pre-ordered roses you would like with her. (Cont’d on page 4)

‘Peggy Martin Rose’

Photo h courtesy off Tammy Rodriguez

Can You Give Me A Boost?

Affiliated with the American Rose Society -

Photo courtesy of David Horton

MAY 2011 Volume 44, Issue 4

Editor’s Desk

And then, just as we were ready to enjoy another meeting of the NRS, Mother Nature took over again. Tuesday morning, before the meeting we were informed that we would not be able to meet at Cheekwood, due to damage from the storms that ravaged the Nashville area the night before. What a disappointment. That was the night we had scheduled for distribution of the Fortuniana rootstock roses from K & M Roses, and they were already on the way. What to do? I know, call Charles Lott. That always gets it done.

I love how the wind lifts fragrance from a distant rose and delivers it in perfect time to my inward breath. As I stand perfectly still hoping to draw in more of its perfume, my thoughts are carried to long-forgotten people and places. I am instantly filled with melancholy and sweet memories of moments long past. While I could likely not name in one sitting the many qualities that draw me to the rose, its ability to kindle a memory is one that never ceases to bewilder me.

And sure enough , once again Charles came through. With his usual efficiency, before it was time to pick up the roses, he had contacted Imanuelle Baptist Church. They were gracious enough to allow us to use their parking lot to distribute the roses, and all worked out fine. Thanks to Imanuelle Baptist for the use of their lot, and once again, Thanks!, Charles. As usual, Jim and Daisy Mills brought a trailer full of beautiful roses to enhance our gardens and we thank them. An optimist will look to find a way to make something good out of a bad situation. An e-mail was sent out attempting to notify members of the meeting being cancelled. The bad – we want to apologize to anyone who did not receive that e-mail. The good – now we know our e-mail contact list is not as current as it should be. If you are not receiving NRS emails, please let us know so we can either add you to the list or correct an incorrect address. Send your information to Marty Reich at The annual NRS Rose Garden Tour is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, and Denise Thorne has a great variety of gardens to see. If you would like to have your garden featured on the tour, contact Denise at, and let her know. Thanks and see you at the May 3rd meeting, and we will try again to hear Vice President, Tom Beath and his general rose care program. — Larry Baird 2

Jim recently shared with me a rose tradition from his childhood that I had not known of before. Every Mother’s Day, his mother would pin a red rose to the lapel of the suit he wore to church. Apparently, this is a southern tradition that began as far back as the observance of Mother’s Day itself. A red rose was worn to honor a mother who was still living while a white rose was worn to honor the memory of a mother who was not. I am deeply touched by the sentiment of this tradition, before unknown to me, particularly in light of how much my own mother seems lost to me now. Greater than the 700 miles that separate us is the distance created by her failing health and steadily declining memory. While I am blessed that she is still with us, all too often I find myself referring to her in the past tense in terms of what she used to do, used to say and used to know. It is more often than not that she forgets who I am during our conversations and I find myself wondering if she ever remembers growing roses. Likely not, so my memory will have to stand for hers as I assure you that Pat Blackman was the most organic rose grower I have known to date. The word “chemical” was one of the dirtiest words in her vernacular and I miss the contorted face she used to make whenever the word was spoken, often by me. Luckily, I have been blessed with another mother figure that I am forced to share with Jim because she happens to be his mother too. Still, Jim and I tend to bicker over who she loves most. Gayle Harding is an amazing mother of four (five including me) and the blood that runs through her veins is clearly the source of Jim’s green thumb. Re-


cently, because I was unable to, she accompanied Jim to the Memphis Rose Show where their blue ribbons gave me pause to let her stand in for me ever again! That said, the grand prize for each of them that day was taking home a special memory held dear by mother and son. It may have even exceeded the rose memory of Jim’s childhood. Whether your mother is alive today, walking the rose gardens in heaven, or like my mother, somewhere in between, I hope you will join Jim and me this Mother’s Day as we revive the tradition of his childhood by wearing a rose to honor your mom. Happy Mother’s Day Pat and Gayle. — Starla & Jim Harding

Photos courtesy of Vernon Pairmore

President’s Column

Jim & Gayle Harding

May Rose Tips The dreaded chore of spraying must not be neglected. An evening rain or heavy dew often results in excessive moisture on the bushes and time is being wasted in waiting for leaf tissue to become dry.To accelerate this action, simply use the power blower to speed the drying process. As long as the bush is treated and no blackspot remains untreated, it will be well to help Mother Nature in this evaporation process. Spraying on wet tissue dilutes the spray material -- a no-no. — Ted Mills, Master Rosarian Don’t walk in your rose bed any more than absolutely necessary. It compacts the soil too much. — Marty Reich, Master Rosarian

Rooting Plants the Easy Way


By: Annie Owen, Master Rosarian Rooting roses and other plants is fun and easier than ever. One of the best stores in the Nashville area for gardening supplies and particularly supplies for propagation of plants is All Seasons on 8th Avenue. They have standard flats with several sizes of humidity domes (clear plastic covers). For rooting roses, I buy the flats with no holes in the bottom and the tall humidity dome. After rooting, you can add a little water to the bottom of the flat and create a mini greenhouse environment for your cuttings.


for children and impatient adults because you can see the roots forming before your eyes. Place the cuttings in a mini-greenhouse environment of your choice. The 3 liter soda bottle or other plastic containers also will give you the humidity you need.

A great mini humidity chamber for rooting cuttings and also be created by using the large plastic containers that Costco and Sams use for salad greens. I use two bottoms, placing one on top of the other and making a very inexpensive mini greenhouse.

The weather is finally warmer and that is a sign the “Nashville Rose Society Garden Tour 2011” is almost upon us. The tour will be Saturday, June 4th 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Jim and Starla Harding, our editors for the Rose Leaf, are opening their garden located at 1705 Catalpa Court in Thompsons Station , Tennessee 37179. We will be touring our President and First Lady’s (Larry and Connie Baird) gorgeous garden at 2571 Totty’s Bend Road in Duck River Tennessee 38454.

Rapid Rooter plugs

Create a mini green house with a flat and a tall himidity dome.

Annual Garden Tour

The Rapid Rooter is another excellent way to root plants. It comes in a package of 98 plugs that fits in a standard flat. You can also buy the plugs in bags of 50. Each plug is suited for a cutting or will root a seed. These starter plugs are made from composted tree bark with an excellent airto-water ratio which promotes root growth and makes very strong plants. After the cutting is rooted, just pot the cutting still in the plug into a larger pot.

Lyle and Ruby Worsham invite you to stop in and wander through the paths of their breathtakingly landscaped gardens at 212 Cheyenne Trail in Columbia, Tennessee 38401. The Belmont Rose Garden at Belmont University in Nashville will be another stop. We are also enlisting people to greet visitors and act as guides for the Belmont Rose Garden. You will answer questions and give information for joining the NRS. We could use more members to sign up to be on the tour this year or next year. Can’t wait to hear from you! Denise Thorne, Garden Tour Chairman Phone 615-237-9757 Cell 615-289-2138

Tenarky District News

Gel Rooter 6 Pack

Closeup off Rapid Cl id Rooter plugs l

The Gel Rooters come in a package of 6 pots covered with foil. After you prepare your cutting, just insert it into the gel through a hole in the foil. Each pot can hold up to 3 large cuttings or a few more smaller ones. No rooting powder is necessary. It’s great

Any annual or perennial that can be rooted from a stem cutting will root in the Gel Rooters or the Rapid Rooter plugs. I have had great success with both methods and would recommend either one depending on your needs.

The annual Bowling Green Rose Society rose show is May 21st. If you want to see roses this spring, the BGRS is the closest spring show to Nashville and is just a short 1 hour drive north on I-65. This is their 49th rose show and it is dedicated to Kent and Claire Campbell, long-time members of BGRS who have made many contributions to not only our society but also the Tenarky District and American Rose Society. For exhibitors who are interested the rose show schedule is available on our website:



Ann and Larry Peck from the Knoxville area will be speaking about 15 years of growing roses in East TN. They specialize in Old roses, shrubs and Species roses. Having been told that “we can’t grow tea roses in Tennessee,” she decided to see what temperatures would kill such pretty blooms. She found that almost all classes of roses grow on her mountain as well as many, many species. She’s also found that heavy slightly acidic red clays are embraced by some old garden roses and the rest like some of the loam soils towards the base of her hill. Dr. Martin Stone, Associate Professor of Horticulture, at Western Kentucky University will be giving a lecture titled Evil House of Roses. This is a fascinating talk on how Josephine Bonaparte was able to create the largest collection of roses in the world at that time. Remember her husband, Napoleon, was at war with just about everyone. Dr. Stone and his family have been in the nursery business for years and he has grown a Rugosa rose hedge from seed.

rose you have that is blooming in a vase with a name. We will have tags for you to use at the meeting. There will be a couple of people with roses and garden related products for sale if you see anything during the day presentations you liked. As an added benefit for our attendees our gardens will be open for the first time for visitors after the symposium. You will be able to see some of the growth habits of many classes of roses from the small china rose Rouletti to the huge Hybrid Kordessi Dortmund. We have a passion for plants of all genera, not just roses. If you are able to attend, please send the registration fee of $25 made to Jeff Harvey, 2910 Poplar Hill Road, Watertown, TN 37184. Deadline for registration is May 10th. Thank you. — Jeff and Jennifer Harvey

Give Me a Boost (Cont’d from page1)

Peggy Rose Martin, board of directors member for the Heritage Rose Foundation, will be giving a talk on growing roses organically in New Orleans and the rose that bears her name, the ‘Peggy Martin Rose’. You can read about some of her troubled history and fascinating adventure in the March American Rose Society magazine. The rose that was named for her has a portion of the sales donated to a fund to help restore the public gardens in New Orleans.

There we learned there were other people interested in these great old roses. We shared cuttings and sources for roses. Jackson and Perkins had been founded in Newark, NY and all the rose societies and even the state fair had roses named after them. What an experience that must have been, driving just a few hours to one of the largest nurseries in the country and picking a rose to call your own. Just about anyone that wanted to get into the nursery business or had experience had a chance to work there at one time or another.

We will also have a “help me identify my rose” panel. If you have a pass along rose that has been handed down through your family, please bring it and we will try to help identify it for you. If you have a rose and just forgot the name, we will try to help identify it. There will be a show and tell where you can bring any

Joseph Schraven, the founder of Pickering roses in Canada, was one of Jackson and Perkins workers when he first came to the United States. His family had been in the nursery business for years in Holland. He was only allowed to stay for a short time before having to go to Canada where he started Pickering Roses, one of the best nurseries for bare



root old garden roses we have used. While on a business trip in nearby Toronto, I was able to sneak out on an adventure to the fields of Pickering Roses. I showed up at their offices and asked if I could look around. They gave me a map and said have a good time. Of all the roses I saw while walking and driving was a rose that was not blooming. The rose had its two inch long red thorns glistening in the evening sun from 20 feet away; unfortunately I could not find the tag at the time. As I was enjoying myself this old fellow starts yelling from across the field. I could not figure out what he was saying or why he was waving his arms about. I was not sure what I had done, I was being careful not to damage anything. Eventually I went over to see what was wrong and he asked several times “Can I have a boost? I need a boost!” It turns out it was Joseph Schraven, the nursery’s founder. While he was walking up and down the rows of roses collecting bud wood he had left the tailgate open and run the battery down. Luckily I had an older car so I had jumper (i.e booster) cables with me and was able to help him out. Either he must have been watching me for a little while or remembered me asking about that rose with the really cool thorns, because that year my rose order from Pickering included a ‘Wingthorn’ (R. omeiensis or R. sericea pteracantha). This rose is not for the faint of heart or anyone on blood thinner. It is an intimidating specimen and will take over any small city yard. Our original ‘Wingthorn’ was ten feet tall by almost that wide and is not bothered by disease. It is a spring bloomer but with the bright red thorns in the fall puts on a show like no other. We gave it a lot of space and so did any intruder. Photo courtesy of Jerry Gaiser

Old Garden Roses Symposium Features a Great Program on May 21st (Cont’d from page1)

Choices Choices Choices By: Marty Reich, Master Rosarian How do you choose a fertilizer program for the beautiful roses you have just planted in full sun, in wonderful soil, and with a good water source? Well, it can be confusing and certainly intimidating to the novice rosarian. Let me help you with a little advice from over 35 years of rose growing. There are as many fertilizing regimens as there are rosarians, each with its own share of trial and error. I started out with a book on rose growing which suggested a few simple things to do. I did them and my roses looked fine. I joined the rose society and started exhibiting a bit and wanted even better roses so I started following the program of an exhibition winner. Did my roses look better? Yes, they did. Did I get around to doing everything in the regimen when it was supposed to be done? No. However, the roses didn’t seem to mind that I was working full-time and couldn’t really pamper them. They were not queens of show, but they were very nice. Through the years, I have added and taken away probably a

dozen products from my program. I also talk to people who grow spectacular roses and find out what they do and I try it. Maybe it works for me, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it is too much trouble or too expensive. Over the years I have also learned roses are pretty tough babies and have decided that as long as you spray and water them, it doesn’t really matter what I feed them. I do believe in being consistent with spraying and I am trying to be more consistent with watering. (Sorry, organic folks, but I adore hybrid teas and we all know they cannot live in Middle Tennessee without spraying.) But as for food, roses can manage with inexpensive garden fertilizer and the organic nutrients from composted manure. Bottom line - talk to Consulting Rosarians and find out what they use. Then pick a program t0 fit your pocketbook and your available time. Based on the results in your own garden, experiment to find what works best for you. To help get you started, the following fertilizing schedule is a culmination from several of the best rosarians in Middle Tennessee.

March - After spring pruning add 2 cups Mills Magic Rose Mix + 1 cup slow release fertilizer (i.e. Mills Bloomkote, Osmocote, etc.) per large rose. Adding 2-3 tablespoons of Epsom Salts is said to help encourage new basal breaks. A less expensive alternative to the slow release fertilizers is a 1/2 cup of a balanced granular fertilizer with trace elements, like a 13-13-13 formulation. Use half these amounts for miniature roses and double for large climbers.

Always water well before and after fertilizing.

Some rosarians stop here and are done fertilizing for the year, but for an extra kick start you can add 1/3 cup of ammonium calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0). Finally before covering their beds with their mulch of choice some rosarians will add a two inch deep top dressing of a good compost like Royal Soil from the Compost Farm.

Supplemental fertilizers - Monty’s Joy Juice - most rosarians add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon to their regular spray program as a foliar feed. Alfalfa Tea is another supplement that can be used anytime. Mills Easy Feed liquid fertilizer is also an excellent supplement that can be used once a month throughout the year.

April - May - After the first spring bloom cycle you can repeat the March feeding; 2 cups of Mills Magic Rose Mix or 1/2 a cup of a balanced fertlizer like 13-13-13 per bush. Late August - Early September - Repeat the spring feeding for the fall flush of blooms and fall rose shows.


Weight/ Cost

Amount per bush per season

Total Yield

Cost per Rose

Annual $ 25 Roses

Annual $ 100 Roses

Mills Magic Rose Mix


2 cups x 2 per year





Mills Bloomkote


1 cup




Osmocote - 9 month


1 cup




Osmocote - 4 month


1 cup x 2 per year




13-13-13 (trace elements)


1/2 cup x 3 per year





Ammonium Nitrate


1/3 cup





Epsom Salts


2-3 tbsp





*Indicates Special NRS Vendor Night Pricing NASHVILLE ROSE LEAF, MAY 2011


‘Help, I’m Shrinking!’ - Beginning Flower Arranging By: Denise Thorne Miniature arrangements are a vital part of any rose show and are not just “little” designs. They provide a medium to showcase the miniature, mini-flora and micro-mini roses. These arrangements adhere to all the same elements and principles of design as if they were standard size, such as a hybrid tea. Scale and proportion are key elements in executing a successful miniature design. The theme, tools, roses, accent plant material, containers, and staging must all be considered in making your design decisions. Theme - The rose show schedule will state the size limit in your design for height, width and depth. Three, five and eight inches are usually the limits for miniature and small arrangements in rose shows, (ten inches is the maximum). The schedule will also have a “theme”, which could factor in on your choice of container and the colors of roses. An example theme might be “Sunrise in April” and in your garden you have two perfect miniature roses; one white and one yellow. Thinking about the sunrise theme the yellow rose might convey the image of daybreak to a one’s imagination easier than a white rose. Take time to select the best rose that fits with the theme.

Accent Material - Think small in choosing accent plant material. You may discover many weeds and grasses provide some very interesting textures to add contrast and depth to the overall design. Herb foliage such as chives, rosemary and lavender can also be used successfully as added plant material to enhance the design. Containers - Choosing a container can be a daunting task in miniature design. The unwritten rule is the bloom should never be over one third the size of its container. For instance, if your container is two inches (in height and width) you would typically use blooms no more than 5/8 to ¾ of an inch in size. Use careful consideration in choosing a container so it will not overpower your design. Petite is the important point to remember. Also try thinking out of the box in creating your tiny designs. You will be surprised at the interesting container choices that can be used; a cap to an ink pen, a thimble, an empty nut hull, perfume caps, and even a bullet casing. Always be on the lookout for those tiniest of objects to be used in your miniature designs.

Photos courtesy of Reed Working

Tools - Also take time to outfit your tool kit for miniature arrangements. Tweezers, toothpicks, tiny scissors and needles may enter your box of mechanics to aid you in construction of these diminutive creations.

A Angular l Design:A D i A Modern M d Geometric G ti d deSchedule Your arrangment must sign in which- angular units are merged adhere the schedule now that the into oneto strongly angularso design. 6


container, rose(s) and all other plant material is selected, double check to make sure you are adhering to the schedule in type and size of the design. An example would be an “angular” design. You would need to know the definition of what makes this design an angular design. Important tip: always use a ruler to check dimensions while assembling. The publication Guidelines For Judging Roses printed by the ARS, defines all ARS arrangements. Your Rose Show schedule writer would also be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding flower arrangements. Staging - Important tips: 1. Always elevate the arrangement to eye level when designing, because the miniature design will be judged from eye level of the judges. The Nashville Rose Society staging committee has always provided superb staging for their shows. 2.Miniature and petite designs can sometimes get“lost” if not viewed with a background. This could be made of paper, cardboard, cloth material or any such solid background to keep your eye from traveling beyond the design.The background would be in the required height and width stated in the show schedule. A color and texture should be chosen for your background to complement your design. Looking beyond the rose world there are entire petite flower shows in the garden clubs where all the horticulture must be petite. I have just returned from Louisiana from judging a petite show, and it was amazing to see the different and creative materials and recycled pieces used to create miniature designs. If you want to see and learn more about miniature arrangements I will be giving a design program at the August NRS meeting at Cheekwood where I will be assembling several miniature designs. I would be happy to answer any design or arrangment questions you may have at the meeting or e-mail me at

Welcome New Members!

A Rose Lover’s Calendar

Amy Rochford 1422 Moran Rd. Franklin, TN 37069 615-370-8208

NRS, Tenarky, & ARS Coming Events MAY 3

NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 PM - Refreshments 7:00 PM Main Program: Bob Jacobs - Spring Rose Shows + Tom Beath - Spring Rose Care 14-15 Tri-State Rose Society Garden Tour - Chattanooga Contact for details 21 Bowling Green Rose Society Rose Show - American Legion Hall Contact for details 21 OGR Symposium - Wilson County Fairgrounds Contact Jeff Harvey at 268-7089 or

Rosemarie Naeser 9452 Smithson Lane Brentwood, TN 37027 615-373-4653 Mikki Roach 1703 Catalpa Ct. Thompsons Station, TN 37179 615-595-1056 Sheila Henry 1617 The Lane Murray, KY 42071 270-753-9490


Annual NRS Rose Garden Tour - Noon to 5 PM Contact Denise Thorne for details at 615-237-9757


Annual NRS Picnic - Location and time to be announced

ARS Consulting Rosarians South Nashville Leann Barron Marty Reich*

Details & other event news available at Nashville Rose Leaf is printed by: The Print Authority, Brentwood, Tennessee

Contributions Nashville Rose Society is a 501c-3 organization and all contributions to the society are tax-deductible. Contributions may be made as memorials or to honor some person, group or occasion. Checks for contributions should be made payable to Nashville Rose Society and mailed to: CINDY WORCH 137 Urban Farms Rd. Manchester, TN 37355 ((931) 723-2142

Nashville Rose Leaf The Nashville Rose Leaf is published eleven times annually by the Nashville Rose Society, Nashville, TN Editors: Jim & Starla Harding, Sam Jones & Leann Barron Editorial Advisory Committee: Marty Reich

(615) 269-0240 (615) 833-0791

West Nashville Keith Garman (615) 352-6219 Sam* & Nancy Jones (615) 646-4138

Nashville Rose Society 2011 Officers

Brentwood Area Cecil* & Bessie Ward (615)373-2245 Jerry & Marise Keathley(615)377-3034

President Larry Baird.........(931) 729-5259 Vice-Pres Tom Beath..........(615) 673-2435 Treasurer Gary Spencer......(615) 662-3819

Franklin Area Anne Owen* (615) 794-0138 Logan* & Joan Shillinglaw(615) 790-7346 Robbie*&Marsha Tucker(615) 595-9187

Rec. S’ty Hayes Gibson .......(615) 794-1708 Cor. S’ty Cynthia Worch .....(931) 723-2142

Nashville Rose Society Membership We are a non-profit organization serving the middle Tennessee area to educate persons on growing and exhibiting roses. Membership is open to everyone who supports the objectives of the organization. Annual dues of $20.00 per household include a subscription to The Nashville Rose Leaf, the official newsletter of the society. To join, send a check payable to Nashville Rose Society to: Marty Reich, 5020 Dovecote Dr., Nashville, TN 37220-1614 Phone: (615) 833-0791; E-mail:

Disclaimer: While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor(s) accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Nashville Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.

Hendersonville Area Ron Daniels (615) 330-7083 Charles Lott (615) 824-5614 Jack Wedekind (615) 824-8696 Murfreesboro Area Dillard & Diane Lester(615) 896-0203 Columbia Area Lyle Worsham*

(931) 388-4547

Lebanon-Watertown Area Jeff Harvey (615) 268-7089 Jennifer Harvey (615) 268-7032 Denise Thorne (615) 237-9757 Duck River-Centerville Area Larry* & Connie Baird(931) 729-5259 Manchester Area Cindy Worch

(931) 723-2142

*Indicates ARS Master Rosarian



5020 Dovecote Drive Nashville, TN 37220-1614


Address Service Requested

NRS Annual Rose Pruning Party

A special added attraction this year was free blade sharpening courtesy of NRS member Doyle Clark who transformed pruners and loppers that were not much better than butter knives into ginsu knives! A big thank you to everyone who participated in this annual event to perpetuate its To the pleasure of many rosarians continued success. For those who missed Doyle Clark makes old pruners look out we hope to see you next year. and cut like new again!

Photos Ph h t courtesy t off Ken K Wood W d

Pruning Party host and master rosarian Ron Daniels supervises hand on training.

On March 26th the weather looked a little sketchy for the Annual Nashville Rose Society Pruning Party, but Mother Nature cooperated with a rain-free event. Tenarky Director Sam Jones and host Ron Daniels shared their years of rose growing expertise to an attentive group that was eager to learn. They shared knowledge that was beneficial to both beginning and experienced rosarians alike. A person can read all day about how to prune a rose but there is no substitute for seeing and listening to an expert show how step by step the craft of pruning in a manner that will help you trade any hesitant doubts you might have had for the courage it sometime takes to chop away at your favorite rose.

A d llearn how h to make k the h Attendees perfect pruning cut and what it looks like.

Tenarky District President, Sam Jones (center), shares his teaching talents and pruning expertise with a group of onlooking rosarians

Just because a cane looks healthy on the outside Sam Jones shows how to make sure.

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