Official Publication of The Nashville Rose Society Serving Rose Enthusiasts Throughout Middle Tennessee
November 5th - NRS Meeting at Cheekwood Refreshments & Chili Cook-off at 6:30 PM Meeting at 7:00 PM - Richard Anthony, Owner of nursery For Love of Roses NOVEMBER 2013 Volume 45, Issue 10
Affiliated with the American Rose Society -
Louis Estes – Foolish Pleasure – Memphis King Receive Top Honors in Nashville Rose Show Exhibitors – Judges Come from Five States By Sam Jones Four large and beautiful blooms of ‘Louise Estes’ exhibited by David and Tammy Clemons from Grant, Alabama, and Rhonda and Joe Spruiell from Knoxville swept the honors at the Nashville Rose Show at Cheekwood Botanical Garden on October 12-13, 2013.
A perennial fixture of winners’ tables, ‘Louis Estes’ is a pink-blend, hybridtea rose created by Joe Winchel of Harbor City, California. Released in 1993, in addition to numerous Rose Show honors, the rose won the American Rose Center Trials and the ARS Gamble Fragrance award. Winchel has hybridized other roses also known (Cont’d on page 5)
Photos Ph hotos t cou courtesy rtesy t off Ken Ken Wood Wood d
The Clemons’ ‘Louise Estes’ was judged Queen of the Show, and the Spruiell’s entry of three ‘Louise Estes’ stems shown in one container was chosen Best of Show. ‘Foolish Pleasure,’ shown by Bill and Jill Chappell of Huntsville, Alabama was the Miniflora Queen, and ‘Memphis King,’ shown by David and Tammy Clemons, was crowned the Miniature Queen.
N November b Guest Speaker - Richard Anthony - Owner of For Love Of Roses Nursery
Photo top: Queen of Show ‘Louise Estes’ by David & Tammy Clemons, Huntsville AL. Photo center: Minflora Queen, ‘Foolish Pleasure’, Bill and Jill Chappell. Photo bottom: Victorian Queen ‘Rose de Rescht’ by Keith Garman.
The Nashville Rose Society is very fortunate to have Richard Anthony as our guest speaker. In addition to being one of the top exhibitor’s of miniature and miniflora roses, he recently moved from Ohio to Brighton, Tennessee to establish a new nursery For Love of Roses. The nursery is a collection of the best miniature and miniflora roses available on the market today and features roses from well known hybridizers such as Whit Wells, David Clemons and Robbie Tucker. Make plans to attend what will be an excellent presentation. Plus November meeting is our annual chili cookoff and cornbread competition. Good food, good fun!
President’s Column Hello Fellow Rosarians, My tenure as your president is winding to a close. It is fitting that one of my last columns follows a very successful Rose Show. We had a reasonable amount of exhibitors for our yearly rose show and the atmosphere was very positive. I was delighted to participate in the setup for the show and work both the Placement Committee and the tallying of the judges votes for awards. Ron Daniels and Gary Spencer did most of the hauling of tables and supplies. Dianne and Dillard Lester, as usual, labelled the tables. Dick Sittel headed up the placement committee. Marty Reich was instrumental in registering the clerks. Larry Baird was everywhere. He organized everyone and corralled the judges in order to get a proper tally of votes. Connie Baird advised many exhibitors, especially for arrangements. Sam and Nancy Jones made sure our judges were well taken care of during the show and at the Judges Luncheon afterward. More people showed up to help in all phases of the show. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, both workers and exhibitors alike.
Sincere apologies to anyone whose name was not mentioned. Thanks will be forthcoming. Members at the October were treated to a wonderfully entertaining presentation by Cindy Shapton that included stories about roses and herbs in the garden. Our November meeting will showcase our last guest speaker of the year, Richard Anthony. Jim Harding was able to arrange for his presence. As a national award winning exhibitor, Richard took over Whit Wells business, and is a wealth of information. Check out his website, for the most comprehensive selection of mini and miniflora roses available. Don’t miss this presentation! Once again, Bob Bowen is the man to beat as we enjoy another Chili CookOff Competition. You can’t beat his Ice Cream. This is your chance to level the playing field. He is formidable, but every dog has his/her day. Participate if you can. As officers leave their current positions, they are able to transition to chairing other events. This is a natural movement that allows for those who are willing to contribute their time to experience other activities. I will be working alongside Charles Lott on the Fortuni-
ana Rose Fundraiser. Please consider becoming more active in our society. You will be pleasantly surprised to find the outgoing officers will assist you in every way that they can. Jim and Starla need a break. Please talk to them and offer your assistance. At the very least, contribute a couple of paragraphs about your personal experiences with roses or other related topics. We all enjoy V.P. Gene Meyer’s articles on “Rogue Rosette”. Follow his example and help us out. Enjoying the cool weather? Already a couple of hard frosts? Do you know what you should be doing with your roses at this time? Bring your questions. We have a room full of experts. - Tom Beath
Free is a good thing and for ARS members there are lots of good free benefits. For example the guide to Growing Beautiful Roses is free by going to the ARS website and clicking on the “Members” and then clicking on “ARS Resources”. All you need is your most recent copy of the American Rose - the password to access the members only is on the inside cover.
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October speaker, Cindy Shapton with NRS President Tom Beath 2
What Is Insecticide Hormoligosis? By: Dr. Raymond A. Cloyd, Dept of Entomology, Kansas State University A number of pesticides including insecticides and miticides are used to “control” or regulate insect and mite pest populations on roses in order to prevent damage. However, the outbreak of insect and mite pests following pesticide applications is well-known. In general, the common explanations for insect and mite pest outbreaks following pesticide applications is 1) elimination of natural enemies (e.g., parasitoids and predators) that regulate pest populations thus allowing for uninhibited growth of pest populations; 2) pesticides may physically modify or alter plant leaf surfaces making them more suitable for colonization by pests; 3) pesticides may influence the nutritional quality or induce changes in plant physiology of treated plants, which may promote growth and enhance reproduction of pests; and 4) pesticides may directly or indirectly physically stimulate pests due to exposure to sub-lethal concentrations, which results in an increase in reproduction. This last explanation is often referred to as insecticide hormoligosis.
actual cause of the stimulation is primarily due to the pesticide. Stimulation of reproduction in pest populations may lead to increased population growth, and thus outbreaks that require pesticide applications. This then may result in an increase in the frequency of pesticide applications, which could enhance the selection pressure placed on pest populations and intensify the potential for resistance. Insecticides may have indirect effects on insect pests such as reducing or increasing reproduction (e.g., number of eggs laid or offspring produced per female). For example, insecticide hormoligosis has been implicated in increasing the reproduction of several insect species including the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae). Green peach aphid females produce 20 to 30% more offspring when exposed to certain organophosphate insecticides compared to aphids that have not been exposed to these insecticides. The increase in reproduction may be a direct result of the action of the insecticides on the aphids.
Insecticide hormoligosis, which is not the same as resistance, is a phenomenon by which reproductive stimulation occurs in response to the sub-lethal effects of pesticide applications when used at labeled rates or below label rates. The
Furthermore, spider mites may respond positively to insecticide applications. For example, foliar or drench applications of imidacloprid (Merit) increased the number of eggs laid by twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) fe-
NRS News NRS 2014 Fortuniana Rose Sale by Charles Lott The Nashville Rose Society 2013 Fortuniana Rose sale is bigger and better than ever before. Our supplier (K & M Roses, a.k.a. James Mills) has added new varieties with now more than 250 roses (all grafted on fortuniana root stock) available in the sale. The
order form for the 2014 NRS Fortuniana sale is an insert with this issue of your newsletter. The order form is also available on the NRS website . Quantities are limited, so send your order early if you want to ensure getting the roses you want. Remember that all proceeds from the rose sale go to support publication of our newsletter, the Nashville Rose Leaf. If you have any questions or need a copy of the order form contact Charles Lott at (615) 824-5614 or
males by 20 to 50%. In addition to increasing reproduction, exposure to sublethal rates of pesticides may alter insect sex ratios (female: male) or directly stimulate other life history parameters such as development or longevity. Also, low rates of an insecticide appear to improve the nutritional quality of host plants thus increasing the reproduction or decreasing the development time of certain pests. The sub-lethal effects of any pesticide may act as a “stressing agent,” which stimulates an organism to positively respond to environmental changes; thus increasing efficiency associated with either development or reproduction. This could be due to an increase in the production of specific enzymes or metabolism. In addition, the stimulatory effects of insecticides might be due to impurities, surfactants, or carries in the formulation and not the actual active ingredient. Insecticide hormoligosis is less frequently encountered than resistance but can be lead to severe insect or mite pest outbreaks thus resulting in damage to rose plants. Therefore, it is important to use the recommended label rates and not try to reduce costs by using rates that are below those stated on the label. If anyone has questions or comments regarding this article they may contact the author via email ( or phone (785-532-4750).
Annual NRS Chili Cook-off The month of November will host the Annual NRS Great Chili Cookoff. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite recipe for chili and cornbread for the competition. Whether your chili is a smack your mama, hot as blue blazes or mild and chunky version, whip up your batch for the night of November 5th. We will also have a category of cornbreads to sample and judge, so get out the iron skillet. Prizes will be awarded.
Earthworms By: Paulette Mouchet of nightcrawlers are anecic worms. Epigeic worms are surface dwellers that live in rich organic litter. Eisenia fotida, also called a red worm or red wriggler, is the most well-known epigeic worm. E. foetida does best in a warm, moist environment and doesn’t care if it has lots of company. These qualities make it perfect for the worm bin environment.
I love earthworms. The morning afer a rain, you’ll usually find me in my robe and slippers rescuing worms from our concrete driveway. Why do worms come out of the ground when it rains? I’m not sure (some people believe it’s so they can move overland while everything is wet). However, I can tell you a lot of other things about worms.
Another epigeic worm that feeds on rich organic material is Lumbricus rubellus. It prefers a lower temperature (around 50 degrees) than E. foetida (70-75 degrees), and it loves manure. What makes L. rebellus particularly interesting is that wherever it lives, it increases the number of Vitamin B12-producing bacteria and actinomycetes, which then increase the B12 (cobalamin) in the soil. When plants are grown in this enriched soil, they absorb the extra B12, making them more nutritious. According to the Soil Biology Primer, worms enhance soil quality in several ways:
Hundreds of different kinds of earthworms live in the U.S (but only two are native!). I have fond memories as a kid searching for nightcrawlers with my grandfather. We’d creep into the garden after dark armed with a flashlight and bucket. You have to be quick to grab them before they jump back into their holes!
• They shred organic matter, which accumulates microbial decomposition and nutrient release. • Their casts (a.k.a. worm poo) are a type of soil aggregate that improves soil stability, porosity and moisture-holding capacity. • They mix the soil like mini rototillers, taking down organic material and bringing up minerals.
Nightcrawlers are fat, long worms with a flat end. Two species are called nightcrawlers. Lumbricus terrestris is called an earthworm in Britain, a nightcrawler in the U.S. and a dew worm in Canada. The European nightcrawler, which is most commonly raised and sold for fishing bait, is the species Eisenia hortensis. Both are non-native to the U.S.
One of the easiest things you can do to improve your organic garden is to provide lots of rich organic material for earthworms to eat.
Worms that live in dirt (as opposed to vegetative litter) are called anecic or soil dwelling. They create burrows and tend to live alone. Both species
What kinds of things do worms like to eat? As noted above, manures are a favorite and can be applied as mulch. There has been a lot written about
The more worms you have in your garden and the longer they are there, the better your soil will be. The better your soil is, the healthier your plants are.
how fresh manures contain high levels of salt that will harm the soil; however, I have not found any actual research on this issue. From my own experience with horses, I know that husbandry and feeding practices affect the end product. My horses don’t pee in the same place where they poop, so their manure is not soaked with urine. When I give a de-wormer to my horses, I take the manure to the dumpster and don’t put it in my worm pile or garden. If you get manure from a local stable, this would probably not be the case. Unless you are using your own animal manure, I suggest you use well-aged or composted manures. Used coffee grounds are another worm favorite. Simply sprinkle them in the garden or add them to your compost pile. Interestingly, the texture of worm-worked soil is a lot like coffee grounds. Mulches of oat straw or composted redwood will feed beneficial soil fungi as well as earthworms. A mulch of alfalfa hay will produce triacontanol, a natural growth stimulant, when decomposed. Bottom line: Just about any vegetative material that you apply to the garden will be utilized by worms and beneficial soil organisms, and your plants will benefit from their activity. Paulette Mouchet has been growing roses organically for 20 years in the high desert of Southern California. She, with others, has established a website, Good Earth R.O.S.E. Care which supports responsible, organic, simple, earth-friendly horticulture. Reprinted from October 2013 issue of the Rose Gazette, newsletter of the Orange County Rose Society, Editor - Carolyn Elgar
Nashville Rose Show Highlights (Cont’d from page 1) for their size, beauty, popularity, and fragrance, such as ‘Dolly Parton and ‘Lynn Anderson.’ ‘Foolish Pleasure’ a pink-blend miniflora hybridized by David Clemons (2003) and named for a famous race horse, is a frequent winning selection for its form and coloration. ‘Memphis King,’ a dark-red miniature created by Whit Wells of Brighton, Tennessee, has gained a substantial amount of attention since its release in 2003, first as a miniflora; now re-classified as a miniature, it is poised to take command of its domain. Both of these winners are available from For Love of Roses, an on-line mail-order company by Richard J. Anthony, acquiring the assets of Wells Mid-South Roses ( Ed. Note: Richard will be our feature speaker at the November rose meeting! In the hybrid-tea/grandiflora class, other Royal Court winners include: King, ‘Veterans’ Honor’ (dark red), shown by David and Tammy Clemons; and Princess, ‘Classic Touch’ (light pink), by Bill and Jill Chappell of Huntsville, Alabama. Royal Court runners-up include ‘Hollywood’ (light yellow), by Joe and Rhonda Spruiell; ‘Hot Princess’ (deep pink), ‘Parole’ (deep pink), and ‘Gemini’ (pink blend) all by Bill and Jill Chappell; and ‘Moonstone’ (white blend) by Gene Meyer of Brentwood. Miniflora Royal Court (roses typically larger than miniatures but smaller than floribundas) winners also include: King, ‘Whirlaway’ (white), David and Tammy Clemons; and Princess, ‘Lady E’owyn’ (pink blend) by David and Tammy Clemons. (‘Whirlaway,’ another famous race horse, was hybridized by David Clemons and ‘Lady E’owyn’ by Robbie Tucker, Nashville Rose Society member from Thompson Station.) The Miniflora Court runners-up include Jennie Anne (red blend), by Richard Anthony; and ‘Alysheba’ (mauve), ‘Edisto’ (red blend), and ‘Pierrine’ (orange
pink), all by David and Tammy Clemons. Miniature Royal Court (smaller roses than miniflora) winners also include: King, ‘Bees Knees’ (yellow blend) by Larry Baird (Nashville); and Princess, ‘Nancy Jean’ (apricot blend) by Bill and Jill Chappell. The Miniature Court runners-up are ‘Abby’s Angel’ (yellow blend), ‘Jerry Lynn’ (apricot blend), and ‘Butter Cream’ (medium yellow), all by Bill and Jill Chappell; ‘Rocky Top’ (orange red) by Kristine Vance; and ‘Dr. Troy Garrett’ (medium red) by David and Tammy Clemons. More than 30 arrangements in 20 different classes formed a large part of the show, following the Nashville music theme of “A Tribute to George Jones.” The awards included: Gold Medal Certificate and Royalty Rosette, Sam Jones, for “The Grand Tour,” a line-mass design with ‘Crescendo’ (pink blend) roses; Silver Medal and Duke Rosette, Connie Baird, for “She’s My Rock,” a modern design using ‘Truly Yours’ (light pink) roses; and Bronze Medal and Oriental Rosette, Sara Jo Gill, for “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?,” a low container design with ‘Louise Estes’ (pink blend) roses. The Artist Rosette, Lanni Webb, was for “The King is Gone,” a modern design with ‘Marilyn Wellan’ roses. The Court of Etiquette, Connie Baird, was awarded for “Tennessee Whiskey,” an informal exhibition table design (including dish, vessel, and rose arrangement), with ‘Pope John Paul II’ (white) and ‘King of Hearts’ (medium red) roses. Best Judges Certificate, Mary Ann Hext, was for “Why Baby Why,” modern design with ‘Louise Estes’ roses.
Rosette, for “I Threw Away the Rose,” a modern design using Equinox (orange blend) roses; and Sam Jones, Mini Bronze Medal Certificate, for “The Right Left Hand,” an oriental tall design with an ‘Abby’s Angel’ (yellow blend) bloom. Jim Harding won the Mini Royalty Rosette for “The Race is On,” a traditional line design with ‘Starla’ (white) roses. Horticulture Division– Large Roses – Challenge-Class winners include: English Box (six rose blooms, no foliage), ‘Moonstone’ (white blend), Bill and Jill Chappell; American Box (nine rose blooms, no foliage), ‘Moonstone’ and ‘Marlon’s Day’ (white), Lavonne Glover of Winfield, Alabama; Rose in A Bowl (one bloom in a bowl of water, no foliage), ‘Louise Estes,’ David and Tammy Clemons; Judges’ Hybrid-Tea (one bloom stem and foliage), ‘Moonstone,’ Mike Thompson, White Pine Tennessee; Senior Challenge (two blooms in separate containers), ‘Louise Estes’ and ‘Opulence’ (white), Joe and Rhonda Spruiell; Hi-Lo (large and small matched pair of roses), ‘Veterans’ Honor’ (hybrid-tea dark red) and ‘Tammy Clemons’ (miniflora, deep red), David and Tammy Clemons; NRS Challenge (five roses, different classes), ‘America’ (orange pink), ‘Double Delight’ (red blend), ‘Tournament of Roses’ (pink blend), ‘Jilly Jewel’ (medium pink), ‘Belinda’s Dream’ (medium pink), Marty Reich; Three-Spray Challenge, ‘Europeana’ (dark red), Lavonne Glover; Shrub/ Old Garden Rose Challenge (three specimens in separate containers), ‘Gartendirektor Otto Linne’ (deep pink), ‘The Dark Lady’ (dark red), ‘Graham Thomas’ (deep yellow), Lavonne Glover. Large Roses – Single-Stem winners include: Open Bloom, ‘Sugar Moon’ (white), Keith Garman; Duke of the Show (hybrid-tea spray), ‘Dream Orange’ (orange), Lavonne Glover; Duchess of Show (floribunda spray), Gold Certificate, ‘Lavaglut’ (dark
Miniature or miniflora arrangement winners included Sara Jo Gill, Mini Gold Medal Certificate and Mini Oriental Rosette, for “Bartender’s Blues,” a low container design with Fairhope (white) roses; Connie Baird, Mini Silver Medal Certificate and Mini Artist (Cont’d on page 8) NASHVILLE ROSE LEAF, NOVEMBER 2013 5
Nashville Rose Show Highlights
Best of Show and Three Roses ‘Louise Estes’ by Joe and Rhonda Spruiell, Knoxville, TN
Miniflora in a bowl ‘Foolish Pleasure’ by Gene Meyer, Brentwood, TN
Best Nashville Rose Society Challenge, (five roses, different classes), ‘America’, ‘Double Delight’, ‘Tournament of Roses’, ‘Jilly Jewel’, ‘Belinda’s Dream’, by Marty Reich
Photos courtesy of Ken Wood
‘Randy Scott’ Queen of Show Bill & Jill Chappell
Mini Artist Palette, ‘Memphis King’, ‘Renegade’, ‘Joy’, ‘Hot Tamale’, ‘Bees Knees’, by Larry Baird, Duck River TN
Mini Silver Medal Certificate and Mini Artist Rosette, for “I Threw Away the Rose,” a modern design using ‘Equinox’ by Connie Baird, Duck River TN
American Box, (nine rose blooms, no foliage) ‘Moonstone’ and ‘Marlon’s Day’ by Lavonne Glover of Winfield, Alabama
Royal Court - ‘Moonstone’ by Gene Meyer, Brentwood, TN
The Artist Rosette, for “The King is Gone,” a modern design with ‘Marilyn Wellan’ roses by Lanni Webb, Nashville, TN
Bronze Medal and Oriental Rosette, “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?,” a low container design with ‘Louise Estes’ (pink blend) roses by Sara Jo Gill, Brentwood, TN
Silver Medal and Duke Rosette, Connie Baird, Duck River, TN for “She’s My Rock,” a modern design using ‘Truly Yours’ (light pink) roses;
Miniature Royalty Award - Traditional Line Design using ‘Starla’ roses by Jim Harding, Thompsons Station, TN
Photos courtesy of Ken Wood
Gold Medal Certificate & Royalty Rosette, Sam Jones, for “The Grand Tour,” a line-mass design using ‘Crescendo’ roses, Nashville, TN
Sara Jo Gill, Mini Gold Medal Certificate and Mini Oriental Rosette, for “Bartender’s Blues,” a low container design with Fairhope (white) roses.
Stakes – Mini Roses, David and Tammy Clemons.
red), Joe and Rhonda Spruiell; OneBloom Floribunda, ‘Johnny Bechnel’ (orange blend), Bill and Jill Chappell; Polyantha Spray, ‘Verdun’ (mauve), Mary Ann Hext; Climber or Rambler, ‘Clair Matin’ (medium pink), Jim and Starla Harding; Modern Shrub, ‘Gartendirektor Otto Linne’ (deep pink), Lavonne Glover; Dowager Queen (Old Garden Roses before 1867), ‘Clotilde Soupert’ (white), Keith Garman; Victorian Queen (Old Garden Roses 1867 or later), ‘Rose de Rescht’ (deep pink), Keith Garman; Most Fragrant Rose, ‘Fragrant Cloud’ (orange red), Keith Garman; Seedling Class, Unnamed Floribunda, David Clemons, hybridizer. Miniature/Miniflora – Challenge Class winners include: Mini English Box (six blooms, no foliage), ‘Joy’ (pink blend), Bill and Jill Chappell; Mini Stages of Bloom, ‘Jilly Jewell’ (medium pink), Marty Reich; Three Miniature/Miniflora Roses, ‘Cachet’ (white), Joe and Rhonda Spruiell; The Daily Double (five one-bloom stems hybridized by Robbie Tucker or David Clemons), ‘Lady E’owyn’ (pink blend— hybridized by Robbie Tucker), David and Tammy Clemons; Mini Artist Palette, ‘Memphis King’ (dark red), ‘Renegade’ (red blend), ‘Joy’ (pink blend), ‘Hot Tamale’ (yellow blend), ‘Bees Knees’ (yellow blend), Larry Baird; Miniflora in a Bowl, ‘Foolish Pleasure’ (pink blend), Gene Meyer. Miniature/Miniflora – Single-Stem winners: Mini Duchess (spray), ‘Joy’ (pink blend), David and Tammy Clemons; Miniflora Spray, ‘Powerhouse’ (red blend), Lavonne Glover; Open Bloom Miniature/Miniflora, ‘Ty’ (deep yellow), Richard Anthony. Sweep-Stakes – Large Roses (most accumulated winning entries) winner was Lavonne Glover; and Sweep8
A public seminar about growing beautiful roses was conducted by Marty Reich on Sunday afternoon. On both days, roses brought by the exhibitors but were not entered in the show were distributed to rose show visitors and the public either for free or donations to the Nashville Rose Society, with volunteer members manning the booth. American Rose Society Accredited Judges in the show included (Horticulture): Paul Colombo – Woodstock, Georgia; Cathy Farmer – Woodstock, Georgia; Montine Herring – Whigham, Georgia; Glen Hodge – Chelsea, Alabama; Linda Jansing – Louisville, Kentucky; Terry Lee – Tony, Alabama; Andrea Maceri – Woodstock, Georgia; Tammy Manderson – Bartlett, Tennessee; Gloria Purnell – Birmingham, Alabama; Eleanor Ramage – Lakeland, Florida; Sonia Richardson – Memphis, Tennessee; Michael Thompson – White Pine, Tennessee; (Arrangements): Glen Fuqua – Memphis, Tennessee; Dean Hodge – Chelsea, Alabama; Bobbie Reed – Lawrenceville, Georgia; Martha Jean Woodward – Quincy, Florida.
Martha & Keith Garman with two of thier winning entries; ‘Sugar Moon’ best open bloom and ‘Fragrant Cloud’ for most fragrant bloom
Connie Baird with her winning Mini Artist Award design using ‘Equinox’ Photos h courtesy off Jim i Harding di
Nashville Rose Show Highlights
Nashville Rose Society members hosted the annual Nashville Rose Show, perennially held in Cheekwood’s Botanic Hall. Committee Members include: Show Chairmen, Sam and Nancy Jones; Arrangements, Connie Baird, Sara Jo Gill; Clerks/ Records, Marty Reich, Susan Sinclair; Donations, Lori Emery; Finance, Gary Spencer; Hospitality; Ann and Charles Lott; Judges, Sam Jones; Judge’s Luncheon, Nancy Jones; Placement, Dick Sittel, Tom Beath; Schedule/ Programs, Anne Owen, Dillard and Dianne Lester; Seminar, Marty Reich; Staging, Ron Daniels, Gary Spencer; Royal Court Tally, Larry Baird, Tom Beath, Gene Leach; Trophies/ Awards, Cindy Worch, Hayes Gibson; Welcome Keith and Martha Garman; Photographer, Water Monitor, Ken and Brit Wood; Rose Booth, Gary and Lycretia Spencer.
Lanni Webb’s modern design
Challenge Class By: Gene Meyer. Consulting Rosarian Consultar the Rosarian here, to talk to you about a different Challenge Class. In a Rose Show like we just had, a Challenge Class is a section in which rosarians compete for prizes. There is another challenge that is far harder to succeed with. That being, getting Rogue Rosette out of Consultar’s neighborhood. When Consultar started his original goal was to clear him out of four subdivisions in the Brentwood valley. All he can say now is, boy was he naïve. Consultar’s new goal is to get Rogue Rosette out of his subdivision. So how big a job is it? Sixty out of 120 homes grow at least one rose. Consultar just surveyed the whole subdivision again and there are 13 homes that have one or more Rogue Rosette roses. Five of those cases are new. So as you can see it is hard to make any progress because the new cases keep coming. There are those that remove diseased bushes immediately. These wonderful people are obviously intelligent caring neighbors. Then there are the “don’t care” ones. For some of them Rogue Rosette has completely taken over. Others might have two Rogues out of ten. Consultar tells them it will spread, and
it has with some. Consultar tells them it will spread to their neighbor’s and it has. That’s why Consultar told you last month to keep an eye on what is being grown around you. One of my new tactics to deal with the “don’t cares” is to talk with their neighbors. I knock on their door and compliment them on their beautiful roses and then explain who Rogue Rosette is and take them to their neighbor’s yard and show them so that when he comes to their roses they will be prepared. Of course I hope they will talk to their neighbors and something gets done. The cases Consultar struggles with are the special cases. He is currently working with an older couple. The husband was just diagnosed with ALS. Consultar has been helping the wife with cane-ectomys for now but Rogue Rosette keeps coming back. Consultar will offer to take them out for them later this fall. At the rose show one of our members said she has lost seven roses this year. That was more than double any prior year’s losses. We Rose Society members will never let Rogue Rosette defeat us. Perseverance is the word, and we will not
give up. However Consultar is seeing the Knock Out grower giving up. They wanted something “easy” to grow and disease free. Rogue Rosette makes it “hard” and many are giving up. Lastly Consultar must admit that although his new goal is to get Rogue Rosette out of his neighborhood, sometimes he can’t help himself when he sees a bad case. Driving to the Rose Show several times took him by a grouping of ten or so Knock Outs with Rogue Rosette. He just had to stop and inform the owner. Now for the other Challenge Class. Consultar wants to challenge our consulting rosarians to spread the word about Rogue Rosette. I want to challenge you to inform at least one person each week. Start with your neighbor. See those in your neighborhood. Then, wherever you see it as you go to the store, church, doctor or any place Rogue Rosette resides. Stop, knock and inform. It’s a big job we Consultars have been given, but I know we are up to the task.
More Nashville Rose Show Highlights! David Clemons & Rhonda Spruiell preparing their roses for the show
Miniature King of Show - Memphis King, by David Clemons
Dick Sittel placing the roses to be judged
Mini Bronze Oriental Award - ‘Abby’s Angel by Sam Jones NASHVILLE ROSE LEAF, NOVEMBER 2013 9
Fall Cuttings By: Marty Reich, Master Rosarian My rose addiction started in about 1975 when a lovely rose grower and exhibitor,Mrs. Baker from Duck River, TN, gave my mother and I twelve cuttings each with directions for rooting these fall cuttings. As fate would have it, all of my mother’s cuttings died and all of mine survived and flourished. Thus began my real love affair with roses, though my first purchased rose was Peace, bought with one dollar and an All detergent box top. (It was a great bush despite my rose ignorance!)
sprayed the canes with fungicide before cutting them since blackspot can cause trouble later.
Find a place where the young plants will receive sunshine at least 6 hrs. daily, longer is alright. Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the cutting. Fill the hole with good potting mix or soil you use in your rose bed. The original instructions are to put sand in the bottom of the hole. That is fine but I started doing a variation of this which is a bit more trouble using two sticks. To Now I cannot tell you why my mother’s be honest, I have no idea why I started cuttings failed, but I do know that Mrs. doing this, but results have been good: Baker’s method has worked very well for me many other times thru the years Using a stick about an inch in diameter and long enough for your cutting, make so I want to pass it on to you: a hole in the soil and fill it with sand. First you need to take your cuttings: Dampen the sand so that you can make Wait until late fall when the nights are a hole in it with a stick slightly thicker really cool. Cut in the middle of a nice than your cutting. Take the leaves off cane where it is not too hardened off the bottom 4 nodes(at least) of the cutand not too soft. Try to have about 8 ting ,leave the leaves on the top part, dip nodes where the leaves are coming out the bottom part into Rootone, shake off of the cane. It is a good idea to have the excess and gently place it in the hole
in the sand. Pat the sand and soil down around the cutting until it is well settled in. Water the cutting, keeping the leaves dry. Cover the plant with a gallon plastic milk jug which has had the bottom removed. Push the jug firmly into the ground and tie the handle to a stick in the ground beside it to keep it safely in place. Now you still have the top on the jug so that you can inspect the cutting later or leave the top off on warm spring days. Leave the jugs on until the cuttings outgrow them---leave the tops off all the time once the weather is warm enough that frost is not a danger. Then begin feeding with Rapid Gro or other liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. I usually have started the cuttings in the rose bed where they will live permanently, but if started elsewhere, I suspect they would fare better being put in pots for a while after their jugs are outgrown before they go in the rose bed. I do so wish that Mrs. Baker was still around to know what a wonderful hobby she started me on. Give someone some cuttings and these directions and maybe you can create a rose nut as well.
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A Rose Lover’s Calendar
Welcome New Members!
NRS, Tenarky, & ARS Coming Events
Marjorie and Doug St. John
1745 Goforth Rd.
NRS Meeting at Cheekwood 6:30 PM Refreshments & Chili Cook-off and Cornbread 7:00 PM Program - Richard Anthony, Owner of For Love of Roses and national rose exhibitor
Morrison, TN 37357 931-409-3880
NRS Annual Christmas Party at Cheekwood 6:30 PM Social Time, 7:00 PM Dinner
Gerry Miller & Tom Thomas 16 Gen.N.B. Forrest Dr.
Franklin, TN 37069
No Meeting
ARS Consulting Rosarians Details & other event news available at Nashville Rose Leaf is printed by: The Print Authority, Brentwood, Tennessee
Contributions Nashville Rose Society is a 501c-3 organization and all contributions to the society are tax-deductible. Contributions may be made as memorials or to honor some person, group or occasion. Checks for contributions should be made payable to Nashville Rose Society and mailed to: CINDY WORCH 137 Urban Farms Rd. Manchester, TN 37355 ((931) 723-2142
Nashville Rose Leaf The Nashville Rose Leaf is published eleven times annually by the Nashville Rose Society, Nashville, TN Editors: Jim & Starla Harding, Sam & Nancy Jones Editorial Advisory Committee: Marty Reich
Nashville Rose Society 2f¿cers President Tom Beath.........(615) 481-3589 Vice-Pres Gene Meyer....... (615) 373-0303 Treasurer Gary Spencer......(615) 662-3819 Rec. S’ty Hayes Gibson .......(615) 794-1708 Cor. S’ty Cynthia Worch .....(931) 723-2142
Nashville Rose Society Membership We are a non-profit organization serving the middle Tennessee area to educate persons on growing and exhibiting roses. Membership is open to everyone who supports the objectives of the organization. Annual dues of $20.00 per household include a subscription to The Nashville Rose Leaf, the official newsletter of the society. To join, send a check payable to Nashville Rose Society to: Marty Reich, 5020 Dovecote Dr., Nashville, TN 37220-1614 Phone: (615) 833-0791; E-mail:
Disclaimer: While the advice and information in this newsletter is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the authors nor the editor(s) accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The Nashville Rose Society makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein.
South Nashville Leann Barron Marty Reich*
(615) 269-0240 (615) 833-0791
West Nashville Tom Beath (615) 481-3589 Keith Garman (615) 352-6219 Sam* & Nancy Jones (615) 646-4138 Brentwood Area Cecil* & Bessie Ward (615)373-2245 Gene Meyer (615) 373-0303 Franklin Area Anne Owen* (615) 794-0138 Logan* & Joan Shillinglaw(615) 790-7346 Robbie*&Marsha Tucker(615) 595-9187 Hendersonville Area Ron Daniels (615) 330-7083 Jack Wedekind (615) 824-8696 Murfreesboro Area Dillard & Diane Lester(615) 896-0203 Columbia Area Lyle Worsham*
(931) 388-4547
Lebanon-Watertown Area Jeff Harvey (615) 268-7089 Jennifer Harvey (615) 268-7032 Denise Thorne (615) 237-9757 Duck River-Centerville Area Larry* & Connie Baird(931) 729-5259 Manchester Area Cindy Worch
(931) 723-2142
*Indicates ARS Master Rosarian
5020 Dovecote Drive Nashville, TN 37220-1614
Address Service Requested
Photos courtesy of Howard Carman, Linda Jansing, Mary Ann Hext
Tenarky District Rose Show Highlights