NRL September 2010

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Nashville Rose Leaf

Official Publication of The Nashville Rose Society Serving Rose Enthusiasts Throughout Middle Tennessee SEPTEMBER 2010

Affiliated with the American Rose Society -

Volume Vl 44 44, IIssue 8

September 7th NRS Meeting Cheekwood

September Rose of the Month Lemon Spice

Color in the Garden By Mary Bates, ARS Consulting Rosarian

Photo courtesy of Mary Bates

Photo courtesy of

6:30 pm - Refreshments 7:00 pm - The What and Why of a Rose Show & Grand Prix II

Mixed bed with Betty Boop, First Kiss, Europeana and ‘Black and Blue Salvia’ Last year a bad cold kept me from attending one of my favorite rose meetings when excited rosarians get to meet their new fortuniana roses for the first time. Jim and I had just created a “fragrance” garden, and ordered a mountain of roses. Had I been able to attend that meeting, Jim would have had to choose between getting all of the roses back home versus leaving some roses behind to make room for me. I have, since, remained ignorantly content not to ask Jim that particular “what if” question. As packed as our car was that night, Jim even came home with an extra rose that we did not order, thanks to the lovely Leann Barron who was scurrying around the meeting beckoning everyone to smell an intensely fragrant, pastel yellow rose which is also September’s Rose of the Month… Lemon Spice. Bred in the United States by David L. Armstrong and Herbert C. Swim in 1966, this large-flowered, light yellow hybrid tea was introduced in the United States by Armstrong Roses. The bloom form ranges from high-centered (Cont’d on page back cover)

When starting a garden, color is often the first criteria considered. What color do you want the flowering plants to be and will there be successive waves of this color? While reading garden magazines, I noticed they often encouraged staying with a color scheme throughout the garden; so, when I started my garden I wanted pink. I chose all the pink pass-along plants from my mother’s and grandmother’s gardens and then added pink annuals and perennials from pale pink to deep rose pink. However, as the years slipped by I found that my garden had evolved to include white, yellow, blue, and red flowers. While traveling in New Zealand, my husband and I fell in love with roses. The rose is often, by nature, a flower of soft colors (blushes, yellows, and pinks with shades deepening into red and crimson), so incorporating these colors into our garden was easy. By accident, we started with easycare shrub roses and polyanthas which mingled happily (Cont’d on page 6)

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