La Península Ibérica en la Edad Media

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incluso responsabilizándolos de la muerte de Cristo. A raíz de estos conflictos, la conversión de judíos y mudéjares fue un objetivo prioritario de los reyes cristianos. Con el tiempo, se acabó persiguiendo a estos conversos o cristianos nuevos y, a tal fin, se creó el Tribunal de la Inquisición encargado de descubrir a los “falsos conversos” que practicaban a escondidas su religión. Finalmente, los judíos en 1492 y moriscos ya en 1609 serían expulsados definitivamente de la Península. 27.-¿Quiénes eran los mudéjares o moriscos?. 28.-¿Qué fueron los pogromos y porqué se produjeron?. 29.-¿Cuál fue la función del Tribunal de la Inquisición?.

7. THE CULTURE. A mix of cultures. The christian Kingdoms on the Iberian Peninsula were made up of Christians, Muslims and Jews. This mix led to the development of a rich, diverse culture. Many Greeks and Latin philosophical and scientific texts arrived to Europe via Al-Andalus brought by Muslims from the East, where they were translated into Arabic or Latin. An interest in these texts led to the establishment of the Toledo School of Translators by Alphonse X called “the Wise”. In these schools students learned to translate Latin Literature as well as texts related to medice, astronomy and mathematics. The Jewish community. Many members of Jewish community were doctors, moneylenders, scientists or translators. They used to work for Christian Monarchs. Jews lived in special neighbourhoods called Jewish quarters and attended synagogues. They had administrative and judicial autonomy. Finally, the Way of St James. This route had its origin in 813 when an hermit found a tomb in Galicia that he identified as the tomb of Santiago. Later pilgrims went to visit the tomb, either for penitence, or thanksgiving and have done so ever since. The pilgrims money stimulated the local economy. Bridges were built, as well as churches, monasteries, hospitals and hostals for the travellers. Cultural exchanges between the Christian Kingdoms and Europe -artist, ideas, art movements- were also more frequent. 30.-Translate the Key Words: made up, led, brought, Wise, moneylenders, neighbourhoods, hermit, either, thanksgiving, pilgrims. 31.-What was the Toledo School of Translators and why was so important?. 32.-Why the Way of St. James became an important cultural route?. 33.-Draw the map of the Way of St. James (page 75.)

8. LA UNIÓN DE LOS REINOS CRISTIANOS En 1469 se unieron en matrimonio el príncipe Fernando, hijo y heredero del rey de la Corona de Aragón, y la princesa Isabel, hermana del rey de Castilla. A la muerte de su padre, Fernando se convirtió en rey de la Corona de Aragón. Ese mismo año, Isabel se impuso como reina de Castilla, tras una guerra civil que la enfrentó a su sobrina Juana la Beltraneja en 1479. Se les conoce como los Reyes Católicos. La unión de los territorios castellano y aragonés no comportó su unificación en un mismo reino, sino que fue solo una unión dinástica en 1479. Ambos reinos Dpto. Ciencias Sociales. IES Doñana. 2019-20


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