Communication & Social Skills There's one simple thing you can say during a conversation or while public speaking that can almost completely destroy people's impressions of you. It's something that you actually hear people say all the time too, you've even probably said it before.
'I'm an intelligent person' Every time I hear this, especially as a defensive statement or from someone I just met I know I am dealing with someone who likes to stroke their own ego. Intelligence is very subjective quality so this is something that should always be proved as opposed to told. Consider that there are 9 different forms of intelligence. 1. Naturalist Intelligence ("Nature Smart") 2. Musical Intelligence ("Musical Smart") 3. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence ("Number/Reasoning Smart") 4. Existential Intelligence ("Philosophical Smarts") 5. Interpersonal Intelligence ("People Smart") 6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence ("Body Smart") 7. Linguistic Intelligence ("Word Smart") 8. Intra-personal Intelligence ("Self Smart") 9. Spatial Intelligence ("Picture Smart") Everyone on this planet is intelligent in at least one of these 9 forms, so making a blanket generalization of saying you are intelligent is like saying: I breath oxygen and eat food. By making this statement you are revealing yourself as lacking in Interpersonal Intelligence ("People Smart"), Linguistic Intelligence ("Word Smart") & Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart"). Any time you find yourself tempted to say 'I'm an intelligent person' do this instead: a) Think of what form of intelligence you are strong in. b) Find a way to prove and show your intelligence in this area. The Exception: The rare case in which you do want to blatantly state that you are intelligent is when its already been proved or when other people are saying it first. Even then realize that it's a very egotistical statement.
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