jr sports photography
{portfolio book 1}
Jenrette Romberg
jr sports photography
Jenrette Romberg
A publication of:
Sports Photography
Photographs copyright ©2013 JR Sports Photography© & Jenrette Romberg Photography© Text copyright ©2013 Jenrette Romberg All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages or reproduce images in a review. Photographs are available for exhibition, purchase, and licensing. www.jrsportsphoto.com First Edition December 2013 ISBN Printed and bound in the United States by Lulu Printing© Published by:
JR Sports Photography
JR SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY© 726 Dixon Drive | Gainesville GA 30501 678.677.5897 www.jrsportsphoto.com
This book is dedicated to my parents, Carl Romberg and Jennifer Romberg, for supporting me in all my crazy photography adventures. For allowing me to say “Stop!� when in the car, for paying for riding lessons that got me so into horses, and for funding my education in Kentucky where I have met some of the best people. This is also dedicated to all my subjects that have allowed me to chase them around with a camera, especially Alexa E. Ehlers, who has taught me not only about horses, but has allowed me to be her shadow at horse shows to take photos of her and her horses.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many individuals have helped contribute to this book and the development of my photography. My parents, Carl & Jennifer Romberg; my grandparents, Betty Romberg and Joan & Hugh Nichols; my aunts, Lee Anne White & Pamela Nichols; and a great friend Alexa E. Ehlers.
678.677.5897 JRSPORTSPHOTO.COM JRSPORTSPHOTO@GMAIL.COM Our Portfolio is available for viewing at jrsportsphoto.tumblr.com & proofing.jrsportsphoto.com