Final q review bxp report

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BRAND EXPERIENCE 2013-2014 A Year-in Review

We don’t attract enough of the Right People for our Programmes

Nobody externally understands Why we Do What we Do


(1) First Key Objective of the Term

Support the network to r each and attract m ore of the ri ght target audie nce among y oung people (whi ch ultimatel y leads AIESEC to b eing able to match and deliver more intern ship experiences ) Â

Marketing for ELD PURPOSE

Attract more of the Right Leads and Convert them into Customers Faster than ever before


Marketing is optimised so more of the right EPs are attracted to GIP and GCDP


Bringing clarity to the way Marketing and Communications supports 2015 MoS Achievement.

Fast and Simple Conversion from Global Channels to ELD

Strong AIESEC Brand in the Global and National Level

1st Sem. Project Highlights: Marketing & Branding LOGIC

In order to help with operations synergy and selecting the right EP, we produced concepts and tools such as •  Product-Customer Flow •  Customer Canvas •  G-T-C-M and Backwards Planning" "


A Sub-Brand Toolkit was released for Global Talent and Global Citizen


Global Content was produced to showcase the two Global Sub-Brands. These were posted on our AIESEC Global Facebook page for the network to see and share.

1st Sem. Project Highlights: Conversion INTERNAL CAMPAIGNS

In order to help with implementation, there was a need to encourage the right behaviours and to explain the purpose behind AIESEC’s shift in IT platforms. Among the formats of delivery included videos, info graphics, and conference presentations.


Wikis, Webinars and Presentations to educate the network on how to use the new systems.


Developments to constantly improve the system.

1st Sem. Project Highlights: Summits IGN GCDP SUMMIT

Developed a Sub-Brand Toolkit as well as education material to drive more results for Raising in oGCDP based on issues." "

Visit the Output Wiki, here.


A summit to develop education material for B2C and B2B Marketing for AIESEC. Visit the Output wiki, here.

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Entities have Entities have implemented implemented Global Citizen Global Talent

Entities are using the Brand Elements


Use the AIESEC Customer Canvas

Entities " Use GTCM

Success? Developing tools for brand education and alignment was strongly aligned with Tactics for Marketing for Programmes (Raising the Right EP)


Challenges? Clarity of KPI and how to measure success given that activities were mostly network education and challenges with OP conversion tracking

(2) Second Key Objective of the Term




To position AIESEC as the developer of high quality youth leadership for the world Improve our credibility as a youth leadership development organisation

Package AIESEC's stories to be more relevant to the world

Generate more champions and promoters of AIESEC

Contribution to becoming the most credible and diverse Global Youth Voice Short Term: Creating Quality Content that the network can use and learn from in order to create more of the right customers and promoters for the organisation." Long Term: A PR Strategy to position AIESEC as a credible organisation to involve in global agenda around youth and leadership.

PROJECTS UN Partnership Evolvements •  We have sustained 3 statuses with the United Nations: " UNESCO, DPI, ECOSOC" •  We have built relationships with the… •  Youth Envoy, Deputy Secretary General •  UN Habitat •  UNAOC, ILO, IPO, UNESCO, DESA, UNFPA, •  The Sustainable Development Foundation •  ICMYO (Other UN associated Youth organisations) •  IANYD" •  4 total trips to NYC to attend numerous events, Face time, and input spaces to youth policy, agenda and SDG inputs

WEF Understanding •  •

Attended a side event at Davos this past January" Currently working on securing the PAI’s seat in one of the leadership Councils for the next term

SUCCESS: (1) Consistency and involvement with the United Nations - have key contacts, and part of key groups now that will allow us to be first to the post on certain events and issues (2) Event attendance globally, means more insight, contacts and recognition for the organisation

Youth to Business •  A rebrand including logo, website and concept along with the AI BD team" •  5 delivered Y2B Forums: IC Egypt, IPM Mainland of China, APC Philippines, ILC Mexico, EuroXpro Poland" •  Over 40 partners involved, with over 50 speakers participating from companies and supporters" •  2 Reports delivered, content collected at all events" •  3 regional reports being drafted and ready for release before end of term" •  SUCCESS: Global Y2BRe-branding in Taiwan, designed, 3 speakers of Y2B - partners are confirmed, very happyspaces with the event, and it can still evolve for 16 partners to sponsor the event insightful for our partners and the organisation" from here to be even more meaningful,

IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF OUR GLOBAL CONTENT AND ROLE MODEL THIS TO THE NETWORK Global Marketing and Blog •  Global Design Summit Created Content for Release Across our different Online Channels. Output of summit is showcased on global social media channels and includes: •  Global Talent Video •  Challenge Yourself Video •  Top 10 Skills Campaign •  And many more to be released on AIESEC’s Facebook Page •  The AIESEC Blog was launched in September 2013, now with over 70,000 unique visitors" •  2 Huffington Post blog posts were able to drive traffic to AIESEC.ORG and

•  Since July 15, 2013 we’ve gone from 388k to 526k Facebook Fans

Promo&on Peak 1

Promo&on Peak 2

•  Reached 144,000 people in one day" •  22,000 people engaged (highest all year!) •  Reached 144,000" •  5,000 above the average rating of other posts

SUCCESS: Global content on media channels gives us exposure and drives traffic to our website – Youtube, Facebook, Huffington Post and the AIESEC Blog were great channels to test this out

IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF OUR GLOBAL CONTENT AND ROLEMODEL THIS TO THE NETWORK Global Website •  Redesigned to be simple, beautiful and conversion optimised and better in communicating our story" •  Final Stages of Editing. " Launched this 3rd week of July!

SUCCESS: Improving our website means positioning AIESEC in a better and stronger way to the 1 million people who visit us per quarter

ANNUAL REPORT •  Lessons in Leadership" •  Aimed to be the ultimate testament to how AIESEC develops leadership in young people as our term is one of the best examples of this. •  Released by End of July

YOUTHSPEAK •  First Phase Preparation Done, in alignment with PwC and 14-15 Team •  Development and Design happening in 14-15 •  Survey to run for 6 weeks from September to October

Wrap Up of Challenges •  Prioritisation: Media Relations and Additional Social Media Campaigns were also planned but did not fully come to form. •  Lesson: Stronger priorisitation is needed and as AI members, we much account for all the additional responsibilities that come with this that do not directly relate to BXP Communications Strategies (ex. Conference delivery etc.) •  Focus: •  Defining the lines between network education and global communications management •  Defining the lines between online platforms development and digital marketing strategies •  Lesson: Have Clear and Strong KPI’s and Objectives for each person’s JD/Project and use this to tell if you are moving away from main bottomlines •  HR : BXP Team took on multiple roles outside of Global Communications Activities this year (IPM, GIS, Transition, IC etc.), •  Lesson: in times like these, prepare for CEEDers/GST to run global comms activities in parallel!


-FIRST LESSON- " On managing capacity and priorities of a global brand team…

" We (AI) are the entity in the BEST position to invest in our organisational brand. If we don’t do this, it will be hard for the network to be organised enough to make a difference in this area. We’re never in short supply of amazing stories and content. Capacity and Prioritisation has always been the main issue. While addressing internal gaps seem urgent and are important, there’s a limit to how a global brand team can affect short-term growth- focus on this should remain with operations as much as possible." HR and Focus is needed to remain consistent in events and online/media content, you need to be constantly producing and creative. Use the network, key entities or GST to help you. "

Reached 144,000 people in one day



Filter down your messages and use them to guide you throughout the year. Or else you could be messaging everything which does not build AIESEC as a thought leader. Organisation: “Youth Leadership Provider” Global Talent: ??? Global Citizen: ??? Other Subrands…


Constantly Seek Validation to avoid being too Internal

Many of the concepts we try to message in AIESEC do not make so much sense in the outside world. If we want to introduce these concepts we need to prove ourselves as thought leaders in these areas - which means we need to be more consistent and clear about what we offer and we need better, more creative tactics to position our messages in order to REALLY enhance the brand. Experience vs Product vs Programme, " Global Talent vs. Global Internship Programme “Youth leadership Provider� "

Thank you! Jď Š

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