07-07-07: Notice to SA Gov: HC A696-04 transferred to US Navy JAG

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IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (CAPE OF GOOD HOPE PROVINCIAL DIVISION) Case No.: GSH 20/2003 Appeal #: 16/041 A696/04 In the matter between: The State v Lara Johnstone

Plaintiff (Respondent) Defendant (Applicant)




Take/NotIce That: I, Lara Johnstone [aka Lynn Johnstone (UK), Lara McVeigh (USA), Lara Putin (Russia), Lara Braveheart] herewith withdraw the aforementioned Application for Leave to Review with a View to Appeal.


South African Police (SAP Case # 572/02) George [Per Hand Delivery]


George Magistrate & Prosecution Officials (GSH Case # 20/2003 et al) George [Per Hand Delivery]


Registrar: CPD-HC, RSA (Appeal # A 696/04 et al) Cape Town High Court [c/o & via George Mag. Court]


Registrar: Constitutional Court, RSA (Appeals submitted in: GSH 20/2003) Johannesburg Constitutional Court [c/o & via CPD-HC Registrar]


Deputy Judge Advocate General Commander, Naval Legal Service Command, U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Office, 1322 Patterson Avenue, Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard, DC, 20374-5066, USA [Per Email]

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JAG Mil. Tribunal #

07-146: {12}

[LLE-Condor- IMGAI]






DElPOPULA TION VIRUS" SAP Case # 572/02 GSH Case # 20/2003 (et al) CPD-HC Appeal # A696/04 (et al) I

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Lara Johnstone (aka Lara McVeigh I Putin I Braveheart & Lynn Johnstone)


United States of America United Kingdom (incl. Scotland, Ireland & Wales) Russian Federation (incl. Former 'USSR' states) Islamic Republic's of Pakistan & Iran


Congress of South African Trade Unions clo & via: NULA W, York Street, George Office Per Hand Delivery

SA Government (Exec./Jud./Leg.) clo & via: Hon. MP Ms. Patricia de Lille Per Fax: 021-403 2350 clo & via Te1kom CEO: Mr. Ruben September SA JSE Traded Corporations [BB *] clo & via: Telkom CEO: Mr. Ruben September Per Email: AndyFord(FordAC@telkom.co.za) South African Miscellaneous Corp/Org's [BB **] clo & via: NASPERS Board of Directors Per Fax: 021-063753 clo & via: Te1kom CEO: Mr. Ruben September AIDS 'Concerned' Organisations [BB ***] clo & via: Radio 702 & Mr. Jon Qwelane Per Fax: 011-506 3670 clo & via: Telkom CEO: Mr. Ruben September ON BEHALF OF:

Everyone ignorant of Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS In particular: All individuals who have died of, and/or been diagnosed with AIDS in South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and worldwide, subsequent to 19 April 2002.


Law Society of South Africa Per Fax: 012-3620969


& via:

Telkom CEO ... )

Lawyers for Human Rights Per Fax: 012-3202949


& via: Telkom CEO ... )

Black Lawyers Association Per Fax: 011-403 0814-6 (c/o & via: Telkom CEO ... ) OBJECTIONS:

Any written objections to RSA 'official representation' as stated herein; by any South Africans (individual or otherwise), may be submitted, with reasons, before noon (EST) on 18 July 2007, to:

Deputy Judge Advocate General Commander, Naval Legal Service Command D.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Office 1322 Patterson Avenue, Suite 3000 Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5066, USA Page 3 of 22



Documentation provided by Lara Johnstone in the AIDS IS A 'BLACK' DEPOPULATION VIRUS TRIAL, namely: (i) SAP Case 572/02; (ii) GSH Case # 20/2003 (et al); and (iii) CPD-HC Appeal # A696/04 (et al), shows that the aforementioned recipients, namely: (A) COSATU, (B) SA Government, (C) SA JSE Traded Corporations, (D) SA Miscellaneous Corp/Org's, (E) AIDS 'concerned' Organisations, (F) South African Media Organisations, and (G) particular South African individuals, were in many cases repeatedly informed of the following information, by Ms. Lara Johnstone: a. AIDS is an Iatrogenic 'Black' Depopulation virus; b. The creators of the virus, attempted to come forward - via Ms. Johnstone, and the 'Aids is a Black Depopulation Virus' Trial- to publicly release the 'AIDS is a 'Black' Depopulation virus' evidentiary documentation, as to their motives for creation of the virus; including via subsequent Appeal and Civil Action Attempts.


Essentially, Ms. Johnstone - on behalf of the iatrogenic creators of the AIDS virus - attempted, via the AIDS IS A BLACK DEPOPULATION VIRUS TRIAL -- to create a socio-economic geopolitical climate whereby through the release of the aforementioned AIDS information, the lives of approximately 40 to 60 million Black Africans, and others worldwide, lives could be saved, and the information could contribute to a sense of urgency among nations to address the root causes for the creation of biological warfare depopulation viruses, i.e. overpopulation.


Official response (actions of omission and commission) from aforementioned South African (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) (F) and (G) governmental authorities, corporations, organisations and individuals, include among others: a. Allegations that Ms. Johnstone was (a) 'sick in the head'; (b) a 'conspiracy theorist' ; (c) psychologically retarded (i.e. 'hearing voices in her head', or having an overactive 'imagination'); (d) looking for attention; (e) threatening the safety and security of the community; (t) worthy of their death threats (Ministry of Intelligence); (g) a 'fI'&l\g racist' (Ministry of Intelligence), (h) etc. b. (i) Fraudulent Arrest Warrant Psychological Referral (J138A) Warrants (22 July 2002); (ii) Illegal Detention in Psychiatric Institutions, including illegal detention in solitary confinement within such institutions; (iii) detention in George Correctional Services Women prison for one year for 'telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth'; etc. c.

(i) Entirely ignoring (via executive, judicial, legislative, corporate, non-profit and media authority 'democratic' constitutional governmental and civil society human rights responsibilities) plausibly the most significant (in human death toll terms, past, present and future) trial occurring in Africa (if not worldwide) since trials were instigated as part of democratic governments judicial Page 4 of 22

proceedings; (ii) not only ignoring the judicial proceedings, but also ignoring even after having been officially legally notified thereof -- the intentionally tampering with evidence, obstruction of due process proceedings, withholding of evidence, tainting of evidence, and destruction of evidence, etc. d. It hardly needs to be stated that Ms. Johnstone's rights as enshrined in the 'Best Constitution in the World' South African Bill of Rights Constitution, were violated repeatedly, and often maliciously, by (i) the very individuals charged with upholding them; and (ii) South African ' 10 Years of Freedom and Democracy' and 'Proudly South African' corporate, non-governmental, media and individual citizens. IV.

In response to the aforementioned illegal and irregular conduct by governmental and non-governmental South African authorities, Ms. Johnstone filed complaints, legal appeal and review applications, to, among others: a. Magistrates Commission for Misconduct (2002) b. National Prosecuting Authority (22 July 2002) c. Public Protector (2002) d. Cape Provincial Division of the High Court: (2 Appeals and 1 Application for Review with a View to Appeal) (2003, 2004) e. Constitutional Court (2 Applications: 1 for a Writ of Mandamus, and Another Direct Appeal on the Constitutionality of Legislation) (2002, 2003) As of 07/07/07, not one of the aforementioned complaints or applications for redress have been enquired into or officially recognized in terms of scheduling any particular legislative, judicial or independent enquiry hearing on the issues raised.


Although it can safely be said that the majority of the South African media are aware of the aforementioned situation, for reasons known only to themselves, they have decided to remain silent on the issue, and to refrain from informing the South African people of the information.


Furthermore, on 23 May 2007, Ms. JOhnstone compiled a draft DVD Documentary Collage, titled, Legalising Evil: Disobedience to Authority: CPD-HC Appeal No. 696/04, with attached letter informing the recipients of the contents of the documentary and requesting their comment: a. Copies of the draft documentary were delivered to: (i) President Mbeki, NPA National Director, Mr. V. Pikoli, SAPS Nat. Commissioner, Mr. J.S. Selebi; Correctional Services, Minister, Mr. BMN Balfour; I.P. Leader, Ms. P. de Lille; Minister of Health, Ms. Tshabalala-Msimang; SADF Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Janse van Rensburg; Anglo-American, Senior Vice President (Medical), Mr. B. Brink; AIDS Law Project, Acting Executive Director, Mr. A. Hassim; all clo and via: Former President Mr. Nelson Mandela; (ii) Chief Justice Langa and Deputy Chief Justice Moseneke, care of and via: Former Chief Justice Mr. Arthur Chaskalson; (iii) Legal Aid Attorney Mr. Anton Marx, (iv) Prosecutors J.J. Marx, Evadne Kortje and Redelinghuys, (v) Magistrates Fortuin, Meyer, Buhr and Essel, requesting comment from the aforementioned to the documentary, prior to it's intended release on 18 July 2007. b. Not one of the aforementioned individuals had the decency to even acknowledge written receipt of the draft documentary, or letter, five weeks after it had been submitted to them for their perusal, let alone indicate their support for the urgency of it's submittal to the public. None of the aforementioned

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ff' -

recipients of the documentary indicated that the information in the documentary was of sufficient concern to their conscience, to encourage them to inform Ms. Johnstone oftheir sincere regret for their actions of commission or omission. Nor to inform her of any actions by themselves to attempt to instigate any official application to indicate that they wished to take personal or official responsibility for their former actions, and alter the course of events that occurred, including the consequences of their previous actions. In the absence of any response, within the aforementioned time-frame, it appears highly likely that waiting until the due date of 15 July 2007, for any response from the relevant parties, appears to be - yet again - a waste of time. c. Accordingly, Ms. Johnstone sees no reason for why she should wait until the due date for non-existent responses, indicating at the very least a monumental failure of moral, ethical or legal consciences, on the part of officials expecting such conduct, from their citizen subjects. Accordingly Ms. Johnstone herewith informs the relevant individuals, that her offer to distribute the documentary, subsequent to 18 July, is hereby withdrawn, for the aforementioned reasons. VII.

Finally, on 04 June 2007, the United States Government informed Ms. Johnstone, that it appeared that the actions of omission and commission by the South African government, sent the unequivocal constitutional message that they were not interested in resolving the matter, thereby declining the offer of the US Government, and making the U.S. Government's offer, via Ms. Johnstone, null and void. On 05 June 2007, Ms. Johnstone informed the SA Constitutional Court, that the U.S. Government et aI, requested the Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS evidence provided, to be returned to the US Government immediately. On the 14th of June, the Constitutional Court responded (without providing any Just Administrative Action reasons), stating that the matters raised in the aforementioned communications were not within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court or Chief Justice, and accordingly declined to assist in the matter. a. Irrespective of the U.S. Government aforementioned officially contractual request and the SA Constitutional Courts response declining to act, Ms. Johnstone delayed filing a Notice Withdrawing Her Cape Provincial Division High Court Appeal, hoping South Africans would come to their senses, and initiate independent individual or governmental (exec/legislative/judicial) action in the matter. Examples of such attempts to prompt action on the part of South African Government and Media include, 'Unofficially Urgent': Psychological Integrity, or not, of 'Lara Johnstone': JAG Military Tribunal (#07-146) and related proceedings, on 29 June 2007. b. As of, 07 July 2007, the South African Government has failed to respond to the 'Unofficially Urgent' request, with any attempt to clear Ms. Johnstone's South African Judicial 'psychological profile' as stated in South African court documents in the' AIDS is an Iatrogenic Black Depopulation Virus' .


In the continued absence of any written documentation clearly and unequivocally indicating the South African Government and people's official position -- including sincere intentions, to address the aforementioned matters, with full legal (fmancial, psychological and otherwise) completion thereof, -- by noon of 18 July 2007,


delivered to the Deputy Judge Advocate General Commander, Naval Page Legal6 of Service 22 KJ .6" .•...

Command, U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Office, 1322 Patterson Avenue, Suite 3000, Washington Navy Yard, DC, 20374-5066, USA, the unequivocal conclusion, as to the representation of the South African Government and people's actions of omission and commission to Ms. Johnstone (and those she represents) in this matter (AIDS is an Iatrogenic Black Depopulation Virus) shall be as follows: a. The South African Government, South African Corporations, South African Non-Profit Organisations, South African media and the South African people's, sincere intention and unequivocal representation, in response to the AIDS is an Iatrogenic Black Depopulation Virus evidentiary documentation, and Ms. Johnstone's actions in support of informing the South African government and people thereof, is that they: 1.


fully and explicitly support the original intentions and motivations for the creation of AIDS, as a biological warfare depopulation virus of predominantly blacks, and sexually promiscuous individuals; and see no need, nor express any desire, for any JAG [LLE-Condor] Military Tribunal witnesses to disclose to the world, including those suffering from AIDS, of the Iatrogenic origins of AIDS, or the original motivations for the creation, and distribution of AIDS, to predominantly African nations.

Dated at GEORGE on this day ofoih

day of July 2007.

Lara Johnstone (et al) Enclosures: •

ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Edited and Updated Excerpts (pages 8 -15).

[AA] South Africans, who directly supported my efforts to reveal "Aids is a Black Depopulation Virus' 'truth'.

[BB] South Africans, who (a) ignored their official duty to act in terms of the constitution, in the Aids is a Black Depopulation Virus Trial, (b) ignored, or refused repeated requests for financial, or any other form of logistical support, to inform the people of South Africa, that AIDS is a Black Depopulation Virus.

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THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON National Security Council Press Office Date: 07 July 2007: Midnight (pS1) CONTACT: Mr. Shaun McKormack Tel: (202) 4561414, Fax: (202) 456 2461.

'AIDSIs A BlacK Depopulation


Lionel Watson, UK Army: Queen's 'Guard', Trade Union Anti-Apartheid Activist, London, 1994 Jan Laaman, Marilyn Buck, Tom Manning and Jalil Muntaqim, US Anti-Apartheid

Political Prisoners, 1998

Leon Swinson Officer, Judge Advocate Generals Office, Anti-Apartheid Activist, Stanley, VA, Nov 1999 Johan de Jongh, SAP Bodyguard, PM P.W. Botha, Orania, 18 June 2002 (09:11) Wouter Basson, Head of South Africa's Biological & Chemical Warfare Program, 06 Oct 2002 (21 :09) Johannes Daniel Fraser, SADF Special Forces, Atomic Energy Corp, Bodyguard Pik Botha, 05 Apr 2004 Norman Bester, Bureau of State Security (BOSS), Orania, 18 June 2002 (09:11) Kelvin Haigh, SADF, Executive Outcomes, Shepherds Bush, London, 1996 'James M', Colonel, SADF, St. George's Square, George, 18 June 2002 (14:00) Timothy J. McVeigh, US Army Special Forces & NSA, Terre Haute Federal Prison, IN, May 2001 Michael Martin, US Army Special Forces, Phoenix,

Al, 15 Dec 2001, (09:11)

Stan Goff, US Army Special Forces, 18 Oct 2002 Scott Ritter, US Marine Corps, UNSCOM, 18 Oct 2002 Jon Michael Dye, Gunnery Sgt. US Marine Corps, Berkeley Marina, CA, Aug 2001 Peter Hubbard, US Marine Corps, USAID, US Embassy, Pretoria, 04 Aug 2002 'Alex Hallahan', IRA & French Foreign Legion, Comoros, 1999 'PoShepherd', MI5, Shepherds Bush, London, 1996 Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, US Army, Disclosure Project, 1998 'Nick I', Iraqi Army Intelligence Officer, Emeryville Marina, CA, Aug 2001 'R.D. Thierry', Mujahadeen (Afghanistan), Reunion Island, 1998 Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammed, Min. of Health, Nation of Islam, Atlanta, GA, 14 March 1997 Ron Pandolfi, Dep. Dir. Science & Technology, CIA, 09 Oct 2002 (09:11) John Callahan (Former FAA Executive) & Dr. Steven Greer, Disclosure Project, 6 Sep 2001 Nicholas Calio, Assistant to President George W. Bush and Director of Legislative Affairs, 6 Sep 2001 General R.E. Eberhart, Commander In Chief of NORAD (North American Defense Command), 11 Sep 2001 Senator's: S. Thurmond & H. Clinton; Rep's: T. Tancredo, 13 Nov 2001 (09:11) Steve West, Office of California Governor Gray Davis, California Capital Building, Jan 2002 President George W. Bush, President ofthe United States of America, 16 Oct 2002 (09:11) Presidents: W.J. Clinton, G.H.W. Bush Snr., J. Carter, R. Reagan, & G. Ford; 17 Oct 2002 (09:11) HE Mr. Cameron Hume, USAMt'assador

in Pretoria, 18 Oct 2002 (17:00)

Lara Johnstone (on 'behalf of Shaun McKormack) Page 8 of 22

RHODES HOUSE CAPE TOWN HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference The HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference Evening Benefit for Business Executives and the Media, scheduled for Sunday, 16 June 2002, also known as Youth Day and the anniversary of the Sowetho Uprising, was to be held at Rhodes House. Rhodes House is the ONLY South African Business who considered the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Conference as important enough to support. AB other South African Businesses, invited by HARTS to participate in the Conference did not respond at aB. HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week was In Memory of Hector Pieterson and the children who died in the Sowetho Massacre; in honour of former U.S. Marine Corps, Sgt. Jon Michael Dye and his efforts on behalf of the 1ife of Steve Biko and children everywhere; and in appreciation to President George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, for granting U.S. Special Forces Sgt. Timothy James McVeigh an unconditional pardon.

The ONLY SA Business to support the HARTS Mission! President George W. Bush almost made it to Rhodes House! We Are Honoured that the President of the United States, President George W. Bush, the White House and Former U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Jon Michael Dye responded so promptly by accepting the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week Invitation to be HOSTS at the Rhodes House Evening Benefit.

The END of AIDS, almost occurred at Rhodes House! We would also like to express our deepest appreciation to Dr. Boyd E. Graves, J.D.: Petitioner for a Global AIDS Apology, Petitioner in the landmark Federal Case, Graves vs. The President of the United States no. 99-4476, and Author of 'State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of Aids,' for accepting his invitation to be a brief er during the HARTS ReJuneVation Disclosure Week Conference.

The man who Saved Steve Biko's Life almost made it to Rhodes House! We would also like to extend our appreciation to Mr. Dye and the United States Embassy Staff who supported Mr. Dye's efforts to help Mr. Steve Biko leave South Africa at a time when his life was in grave danger. We respect Mr. Biko's decision to come back to South Africa, to do what he felt he needed to do to help his people. We regret the consequences of his decision.

IF ONLY South Africans wanted to tell the truth and forgive! We were greatly disappointed to hear from HARTS Spokesperson, Ms. Lara Johnstone that the South Africans invited to host the HARTS ReJuneVation Rhodes House Evening Benefit with President George W. Bush, namely Former Presidents Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk and Ms. Evita Bezuidenhout, chose not to respond to their HARTS Invitations, and that their lack of response resulted in the entire Conference being cancelled. We would be honoured to participate in any future such event, if and when, it may occur.

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