08-07-22: JAG-07-146: JMCSwan Disclosure: RUMCFast for Polynuclear Paradigm Icebreaker

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'There never was an idea stated that woke men out of their stupid indifference but its originator was spoken of as a crank." ~ US Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

July 22, 2008 TO: (i) Former President Nelson Mandela (ii) Chief Justice Pius Langa (iii) Archbishop Desmond Tutu PER: Adv. Gary Beale CC: → → → » »

Ref: Ref: Ref: Ref:

HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04 23/04/2007 Lara Braveheart 23/04/2003 Francis Xavier HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

All Embassy & High Commission Staff, Emb’s & High Comm’s, Pretoria For forwarding to all national City Mayors, with populations over 2.55 million inhabitants; PER: Iriquois Army Sec., JCS, JAG. International Criminal Court of Justice: Registrar, The Hague, Netherlands: Legal Disclosure Deposit: Ref: ICJ-JAG 07-146; PER: Esther Al’Quds Sec., Al’Qanoon Dr. Waldo Malan, Vision Magazine Ref: LJ v Dr. Malan & Mrs. N Joubert Mr. Eugene de Kock; c/o: Col. Pieter Uys, VryheidsFront Plus Adv’s: Jaap Cilliers, Tokkie van Zyl and Piet Mihalik; c/o Att. Milton De La Harpe

Mr. Mandela, Chief Justice Langa and Archbishop Tutu, In consideration of the South African Government’s dishonourable legal conduct towards (i) Mr. Eugene de Kock and my Truth and Reconciliation contributions, and (ii) my HC-CPD Appeal matter, prior to and subsequent to it’s transferral to the US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office; (iii) as an example of honourable military Afrikaner Shock and Awe Radical Honesty and Forgiveness, to all TRC Hypocrisy South Africans; (vi) please herewith be honourably informed of my honourable HUMINT - Buffalo Bill DMW Justice - OFFER, for the honourable resolution of these aforementioned matters: JMCSWAN DISCLOSURE RU-MCFAST: I shall be fasting for JMCSwan Disclosure, as of midnight on 30 July 2008, to 09:11 hrs on 13 September 2008, subject to request results. My request to be fulfilled by 12:21 hrs GMT+2, on 09 September 2008, arranged by Mr. Mandela, Archbishop Tutu, and Chief Justice Langa, to occur infront of the Voortrekker Monument, in Pretoria: A game of Russian Roulette with South Africa’s most honest man, Eugene de Kock. “[Only] days after the DOD requisitioned the $10 million from Congress to fund the development of AIDS-like viruses, on July 29, 1969, the House Republican research committee task force on earth resources and population, chaired by the Honorable George Bush of Texas, cited the urgent need for population control activities to fend off a growing Third World crisis. ~ Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Dr. Leonard Horowitz ~ Page 1 of 3

Russian Roulette, with the following conditions. Russian Roulette revolvers to be used: Colt Python, .357 Magnum, nickel finish, one 4” and one 6”, each with one bullet. We take ‘Deer Hunter’ alternate turns, decided by the flip of a Kruger Rand gold coin. Should Mr. de Kock outlive two rounds of Russian Roulette, he is granted an unconditional honourable military US NAVY JAG legal pardon and his freedom. Should I outlive two rounds, the SAP pay me, the full amount of my ICJ-JAG 07-146 R36.2 million civil claim made to SAP Dep. Commissioner Ms. Singh, dated 14 March 2008. HONOURABLE MILITARY US NAVY JAG LEGAL NOTICE: US NAVY JAG Legal Justification: In absence of acceptance of aforementioned HUMINT OFFER, as submitted. Please Take Notice of: Resignation of Lara Braveheart’s IAEA ‘zero tolerance’ veto, as of 09:11 hrs, on 11 September 2008. In the absence of aforementioned honourable resolution, of these matters; Mr. Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Chief Justice Pius Langa, shall take personal RSA TRC ‘Free Roast Chicken, Vote ANC’ responsibility, on behalf of all Foreign Ambassadors and High Commissioners in South Africa, for any suitcase nuke consequences of Project ICC-Caviar Promise Justice, and Project TRC Roast Chicken Hypocrisy Politics. 1. PROJECT ICC-CAVIAR PROMISE JUSTICE: Consequently, my AYE vote, to authorise five suitcase nukes to be activated in five different cities, on the same day. Cities to be fairly decided as follows: All cities of minimum 2.55 million inhabitants per city, -- in the Eastern Hemisphere -- names, excluding Japanese cities, to be placed in a hat. Cities to be suitcase nuked, to be drawn from the hat, by Timothy James McVeigh, at the NSA, in the presence of Admiral William Fallon, Admiral Michael Mullen, General Anthony Zinni, and the Russian Federation Ambassador, DC, on 06 September 2008. 2. PROJECT TRC ROAST CHICKEN HYPOCRISY POLITICS: Consequently, my AYE vote, to authorise a further five suitcase nukes to be activated in five different cities on the same day, as above. Remaining four cities to be fairly decided as above, from all relevant Western Hemisphere cities, the fifth being Johannesburg. Cities to be suitcase nuked, to be drawn from a hat, by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, at the Kremlin, in the presence of the Kremlin High Command, and the Ambassadors of Iran, China and Pakistan, on 07 September 2008.

“[Only] days after the DOD requisitioned the $10 million from Congress to fund the development of AIDS-like viruses, on July 29, 1969, the House Republican research committee task force on earth resources and population, chaired by the Honorable George Bush of Texas, cited the urgent need for population control activities to fend off a growing Third World crisis. ~ Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Dr. Leonard Horowitz ~ Page 2 of 3

Mr. Mandela, Chief Justice Langa and Archbishop Tutu, I look forward to hearing from you, so as to arrange the 09 September 2008 details for my Russian Roulette meeting at the Voortrekker Monument, with Mr. de Kock, as stated, and any other relevant Afrikaner Shock and Awe Radical Honesty and Forgiveness Russian Roulette witnesses. You may contact me on my personal cell: (071) 170 1954. Kind Nuclear Regards,

Lara Braveheart, Iriquois Army Secretary & Esther Al’Quds Secretary Pentagon codename: SLAMDUNK; CIA Handler: George Tenet For further information, please see: http://disclosure-jmcswans.blogspot.com/ http://jmcswans-postryder.blogspot.com/ http://whatisyourrrintelligence.blogspot.com/

“[Only] days after the DOD requisitioned the $10 million from Congress to fund the development of AIDS-like viruses, on July 29, 1969, the House Republican research committee task force on earth resources and population, chaired by the Honorable George Bush of Texas, cited the urgent need for population control activities to fend off a growing Third World crisis. ~ Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Dr. Leonard Horowitz ~ Page 3 of 3

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