09-08-11: Legal Argument 4/5: Miragestorum Navajo Whisper 32

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State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria Plaintiff: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Defendant: Lara Johnstone, HARTSSTARH CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08 George-CAS 572/02 ::: HC-CPD Appeal A 696-04

crimeninuria.blogspot.com in-gods-name.blogspot.com

Legal Argument: Miragestorum Navajo DwarfWhisper 321 MIRAGESTORUM: “What is the Alpha-Numeric code for the Latin word “Miragestorum” and what Ancient Musical Scale Frequency and Tone Did it Numerologically, Mathematically and Metaphysically derive from? Miragestorum & Miracle 6: In Healing Codes For The Biological Apocalypse, Dr. Horowitz revealed that the specific trigger that influences genetics is the Creator’s musical scale (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti) called the Solfeggio Scale. The specific note that caught his attention was “Mi” or Miragestorum in Latin. It has an electromagnetic frequency of 528. Based on the research he did into Pythagorean mathematics, he was able to decipher a hidden code with this frequency. If you study Pythagorean mathematics (the ancient mystery school), all numbers and words are in code. With mathematics, a key to unraveling the code is to keep adding multiple numbers until you obtain a single digit integer. For example; with the number 528, which is the electromagnetic frequency of “Mi,” it works like this: 5 + 2 + 8 = 15. Then you add the 1 plus 5 because you always reduce to the single digit integer and as a result you come up with 6. Dr. Horowitz termed it “Miracle 6” because the note “Mi” is the repair frequency for DNA. This is how he was able to decode MI6, the principle code of the British Secret Service, Royal Family of England. NAVAJO: Navajo Codetalkers is a term used to describe Native Americans who served in the United States Marine Corps whose primary job was the transmission of secret coded tactical messages, in the Pacific Theater, & the Invasion of Normandy, during World War II. Code talkers transmitted these messages over military telephone or radio communication nets using codes built upon their native languages. Their service was very valuable since ordinary codes and ciphers in shared languages can be broken, but codes based on a unique language must be studied for a long time before being understood. For example, the Comanche code word for tank was “turtle”, bomber - “pregnant airplane”, machine gun - “sewing machine”, handgrenade - “potato”, and Adolf Hitler “crazy white man”. The use of Navaho Codetalkers to the USMC was originally proposed by Phillip Johnston, a World War I veteran, raised on the Navajo reservation. The Navajo Code Talkers were commended for their skill, speed and accuracy accrued throughout the war. At Iwo Jima (Sulphur Rock), Major Howard Connor, 5th Marine Division Signal Officer, had six Navajo code talkers working around the clock, during the first two days of the battle. They sent and received over 800 messages, all without error. Connor later stated, “Were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima. The monument to Navajo Code Talkers is in Window Rock, AZ. The 2002 movie Windtalkers was a fictional story based on Navajo Code Talkers in the USMC, with white/European USMC Officers as bodyguards. DWARF2: Debugging With Attributed Record Formats, a debugging data format WHISPER 32: Whisper 32, a Cryptographic Password manager for Microsoft Windows 95 and NT.

Cryptic Messages in Documents (Chronology of Material Facts Ref #): 

16 August 2003: Iatrogenic AIDS Origins Theory: Letter to USMC Sgt. Hubbard, USAID, US Embassy: ‘Navaho Eagle Whisper’ for US Army Sgt. Blue Eye Berry-Berry-Berry3 Bossman Purple Sage ( 4.7.2)

29 February 2004: Petition to Judge-President of the High Court: Petition for Bail Pending Appeal ( 7.2) o

23 May 2007: Legalizing Evil: Disobedience to Authority: A Political Necessity o

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| 16 July | 6 | KAFFIR [LI]LLE | Imbecile | Moron | Hypocrit | Manhattan | HARTSSTARH | 5*: North Star | Gutless | Two-Faced | Rotting Brain | JAG

28 December 2008: For the Record: State v. Johnstone; ‘Crimen Injuria’: Incomplete Further Particulars: DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives to ‘Crimen Injuria’ Concepts (16.4) o


07-146 | LLE-Condor-IMGAI | 07/07 | 19 April | G | f*&^g racist | * | James Mythrill | MI6 | FreeMason

10 & 16 July 2007: Crimen Inuria SMS ( 8) o

(6.1.2, 6.2)

P-al’Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22 | 23 | Duckspeak: Zhen-OwnSpeak-Code


Wizard of Earthsea’s Sparrowhawk | Wisdom of No Escape | Black Swan Test

AIDS Depopulation | Exponential Fx - Usury | Kaffir Moron Imbecile | Rape & Torture

See also 23 See: 23 May 2007: ………. DuckSpeak: Zhen-OwnSpeak-Code See Myrtle

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23 May 2007: P-al’Qaeda + TARBush = Catch 22 | Duckspeak: Zhen-OwnSpeak-Code Myrtle Star * Mi.Rule 22 * Shibumi Samurai * DwarfSpeak * DwarfStar * Operation Mindfuck * Holy 23 * Law of Fives * 32 UCMJ

P-al’Qaeda: P4

[Nato Phonetics: ‘Papa’]

al-Qaeda [Al’Qanoon: The Law] TAR5Bush6


Esther (Hebrew: ‫תּר‬ ֵ ‫א ְס‬, ֶ Modern Ester Tiberian Estēr), born Hadassah, was a Jewish queen of the Persian Empire in the Hebrew Bible, the queen of Ahasuerus (traditionally identified with Xerxes I), and heroine of the Biblical Book of Esther which is named after her. The name Esther comes from the Persian word "star". Esther is one of the five heroines of the Order of the Eastern Star. According to Esther 2:7, Esther was originally named Hadassah. Hadassah means "myrtle" in Hebrew and the name Esther is most likely related to the Media word for myrtle, astra, and the Persian word setareh meaning star — the myrtle7 blossom resembles a twinkling star. The Targum provides a Midrashic explanation: that she was as beautiful as the Evening Star (or Morning Star), which is astara in Greek. In the Talmud, Tractate Yoma (29a), Esther is compared to the "morning star", and is considered the subject of Psalm 22 because its introduction is a "song for the morning star." Esther can also be understood to mean "hidden" in Hebrew, and her name is interpreted thus in another Midrash, where it is said that Esther hid her nationality and lineage as Mordecai had advised. Because the methods and aims of God are believed to be similarly hidden, "The Book of Esther" in Hebrew can be understood as "The Book of Hiddenness," representing God's hiddenness in the story. A peculiarity of Persian law that also occurs in the Book of Daniel is that royal edicts of the sort made by King Ahasuerus could not be reversed, not even by the king. By siding with the Jews instead of their persecutors, the king presumably dissuaded any pogroms. The king also issued a second edict allowing the Jews to arm themselves, and kill not only their enemies but also their wives and children, as well as betake of the plunder (Esther 8:11). This precipitated a series of reprisals by the Jews against their enemies. This fight began on the 13th of Adar, the date 4 Principia Philosophy Principles: If you are not hot for philosophy, best just to skip it. | The Aneristic Principle is that of apparent order; the Eristic Principle is that of apparent disorder. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of pure chaos, which is a level deeper than is the level of distinction making. | With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at reality through the ideas-aboutreality which our cultures give us. | The ideas-about-reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and unenlightened people are forever perplexed by the fact that other people, especially other cultures, see "reality" differently. | It is only the ideas-about-reality which differ. Real (capital-T) True reality is a level deeper than is the level of concept. | We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The order is in the grid. That is the Aneristic Principle. | Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be True. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the Aneristic Illusion. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other. | Disorder is simply unrelated information viewed through some particular grid. But, like "relation", no-relation is a concept. The artificial concept of no-relation is the Eristic Principle. | The point is that (little-t) truth is a matter of definition relative to the grid one is using at the moment, and that (capital-T) Truth, metaphysical reality, is irrelevant to grids entirely. Pick a grid, and through it some chaos appears ordered and some appears disordered. Pick another grid, and the same chaos will appear differently ordered and disordered. 5 tār (Persian: ‫ )'رات‬is a long-necked, waisted Iranian/Persian instrument. Other cultures and countries adapted this instrument into their culture, like Azerbaijan, Georgia, and other areas near the Caucasus region. The word tar ( ‫ )'رات‬itself means "string" in Persian. This is claimed to be the root of the names of the Persian setar and the guitar as well as less widespread instruments such as the dutar and the Indian sitar. The exact place of origin of the tar cannot be confirmed. However, the tar was invented in the territories of, or influenced by, the Persian Empire: Persia (Iran), Afghanistan, and parts of the former Soviet republics, such as Armenia and Georgia. Tar is one of the most important Iranian/Persian and Armenian musical instruments. 6 See also --------7 Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native to southern Europe and north Africa. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees, growing to 5 m tall. The leaves are entire, 3-5 cm long, with a fragrant essential oil. The star-like flowers have five petals and sepals, and numerous stamens. Petals are usually white. The fruits are globose blue-black berries containing several seeds. In Greek mythology and ritual the myrtle was sacred to the goddesses Aphrodite and also Demeter: Artmidorus asserts that in interpreting dreams “a myrtle garland signifies the same as an olive garland, except that it is especially auspicious for farmers because of Demeter and for women because of Aphrodite. For the plant is sacred to both goddesses.” At one of the Graces in the sanctuary at Elis holds a myrtle branch because “the rose and the myrtle are sacred to Aphrodite and connected with the story of Adonis, while the Graces are of all deities the nearest related to Aphrodite.” In Rome, Virgil explains that “the poplar is most dear to Alcides, the vine to Bacchus, the myrtle to lovely Venus, and his own laurel to Phoebus.” At the Veneralia, women bathed wearing crowns woven of myrtle branches, and myrtle was used in wedding rituals. In the Mediterranean, myrtle was symbolic of love and immortality.. In pagan and wicca rituals, myrtle is commonly associated with and sacred to Beltane (May Day). In Jewish liturgy, it is one of the four sacred plants of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles representing the different types of personality making up the community - the myrtle having fragrance but not pleasant taste, represents those who have good deeds to their credit despite not having knowledge from Torah study. Three branches are held by the worshippers along with a citron, a palm leaf, and two willow branches. In Jewish mysticism, the myrtle represents the phallic, masculine force at work in the universe. For this reason myrtle branches were sometimes given the bridegroom as he entered the nuptial chamber after a wedding. [See also]

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the Jews were originally slated to be exterminated. Esther and the Jews went on to kill only their would-be executioners, and not their wives and children, this altogether meaning three hundred killed in Susa alone, fifteen in the rest of the empire. The Jews also took no plunder (Esther 9:10, 9:15-16). As a result of Esther's intervention and influence, Jews lived in the Persian Empire for 2400 years thereafter. Esther's husband Ahasuerus followed in the footsteps of Cyrus the Great, in showing mercy to the Jews of Persia: Cyrus had decreed an end to the Babylonian captivity of the Jews upon his conquest of Babylon in 539 BC.

Catch 228: CATCH 22: refers to the novel by Joseph Heller, about Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier, and the airmen of the fictional Fighting 256th (or "two to the fighting eighth power") Squadron, based on the island of Pianosa, in the Mediterranean Sea west of Italy. Catch-22 is a general critique of bureaucratic operation and reasoning. Resulting from its specific use in the book, the phrase "Catch-22" is common idiomatic usage meaning "a no-win situation" or "a double bind" of any type. Within the book, "Catch-22" is a military rule, the self-contradictory circular logic that, for example, prevents anyone from avoiding combat missions. Other forms of Catch-22 are invoked throughout the novel to justify various bureaucratic actions. At one point, victims of harassment by military police quote the MPs as having explained one of Catch-22's provisions so: Catch-22 states that agents enforcing Catch-22 need not prove that Catch-22 actually contains whatever provision the accused violator is accused of violating. An old woman explains: Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing. This nightmare of a bureaucracy crushing the individual with absurdity is similar to the world of Kafka’s Trial', and Orwell’s '1984', the concept of 'doublethink' having definite echoes in Heller's work. Yossarian comes to realize that Catch-22 does not actually exist, but because the powers that be claim it does, and the world believes it does, it nevertheless has potent effects. Indeed, because it does not exist there is no way it can be repealed, undone, overthrown, or denounced. The combination of brute force with specious legalistic justification is one of the book's primary motifs. Several themes flow into one another, for example, 'that the only way to survive such an insane system is to be insane oneself,' is partially a take on Yossarian's answer to the Social dilemma (that he would be a fool to be any other way); and another theme, 'that bad men (who sell out others) are more likely to get ahead, rise in rank, and make money,' turns our notions of what is estimable on their heads as well. Heller suggests that bureaucracies, especially when run by bad or insane men, lead the members of the organization to trivialize important matters (e.g., those affecting life and death), and that trivial matters (e.g., clerical errors) assume enormous importance. Everyone in the book, even Yossarian at the beginning, is behaving insanely in their clerical decisions.

“Duckspeak[Sparrowhawk BlackSwan]: Zhen-OwnSpeak[Bumi]-Code’ DWARF9SPEAK: Dvergar or Norse dwarves (Old Norse dvergar, sing. dvergr) are highly significant entities in Norse Mythology, who associate with rocks, the underground, deathliness, luck, technology and forging. None of the early Norse sources describe dwarves as particularly small beings. In artwork made during the Viking Age and even later, both dwarves and humans are the same height. Many names of the Dvergar contain the syllable "álf", from "Álfar" ('elves'). Though there is a distinction between the race of elves and dwarves in Norse texts, the presence of "álf" in dwarven names seemingly serves as a title, in the sense they can be understood as a source of good luck, or even as guardians or deities. In the German Nibelungenlied, Andvari's name is Alberich. He is likely the source of the character Oberon, Shakespear's king of the fairies in "A Midsummernight's Dream". In the Poetic Edda, the Rúnatal section of the poem Hávamál identifies Dvalinn as a discoverer of runic writing. The mastery of runes suggests both knowledge and magical power. Like Óðinn discovered runes and transmitted the art of written language to the Æsir, Dvalinn discovered runes and transmitted them to the Dvergar. Apparently, the discovery of runes by Dvalinn was independent of that from Óðinn. Elsewhere in Hávamál, Óðinn describes how he was paradoxically both the victim and the beneficiary of a human sacrifice, 'myself to myself' – in a kind of shamanic trance transcending death and life – to achieve the power of language over reality itself. The Old Norse term runar literally means 'secrets', and by extension means runic 'alphabet' in the sense its letters transmit knowledge silently in a way that requires decoding. But runar can also mean the 'secrets' of magic in the sense of safeguarded knowledge. The poem Hávamál plays on both of these senses. While runes are the normal Norse alphabet and nonmagical in themselves, nevertheless they can mediate linguistic power over reality. The poem views the written runes as an aspect deriving from ultimate reality that transcends the temporal mundane reality of death and life. As such, Norse magic often uses mundane runes as part of its tranceinducing meditative technique. In Norse magic, verbalization or 'enchantment' (galdr) spontaneously describes the 8 9

See TARBush/[*TAR]/Esther » Psalm 22 » Song of the Morning Star See Zhen for Round Eyes: Operation Mindfuck (OM)

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current reality that a mage intends to change. By extension, runes may record this verbalization, thus become a physical vehicle of the enchantment. In sum, the mastery of runes by Dvalinn suggests mastery of written knowledge and magical enchantment. Nidavellir is the land of the dwarves in Norse mythology. Some dwarves of mythology and fairy tales include: rumpelstiltskin, the dwarves from Snow White, Dvalin, Lit, Fjalar and Galar, Alvis, Eitri, Brokkr, Hreidmar, Alfrik, Berling, Grer, Fafnir, Otr, Regin (rarely given as Mimir), Andvari, Alberich) or Lord of the Rings. Though most dwarves in the Arthurian romances of Chrétien de Troyes seem to be short humans, there is a reference to a kingdom or kingdoms of dwarves (suggesting a non-human race) in “Eric and Enide” Dwarf Star: Dwarf star alone generally refers to any main sequence star, a star of luminosity class V. Red Dwarfs are low-mass main sequence stars. Yellow Dwarfs are main sequence (dwarf) stars with masses comparable to that of the Sun. The Sun is a yellow dwarf. Other dwarf stars include: blue, white, black and brown. A Black Dwarf is a hypothetical stellar remnant, created when a White Dwarf becomes sufficiently cool to no longer emit significant heat or light. Since the time required for a white dwarf to reach this state is calculated to be longer than the current age of the universe of 13.7 billion years, no black dwarfs are expected to exist in the universe yet, and the temperature of the coolest white dwarfs is one observational limit on the age of the universe. ZHEN: refers to Japanese Buddhism, i.e. Zen Buddhism. Discordianism is known as ‘Zen for Round Eyes’. Zen for Round Eyes is based on similarities with absurdist interpretations of the Rinzai school (Rinzai is one of three Japanese Zen sects. Discordianism recognizes chaos, discord, and dissent as valid and desirable qualities, in contrast with most religions, which idealize harmony and order. The very idea of a Discordian organization is something of a paradox. The sect of Discordianism founded by Malaclypse the Younger and Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst is known as the Paratheo-Anametamystikhood Of Eris Esoteric (POEE), a Non-prophet Irreligious Disorganisation. POEE is “a tribe of philosphers, theologians, magicians, scientists, artists, clowns, and similar maniacs who are intrigued by Eris goddess of confusion and her doings.” Furthermore it states that “POEE subscribes to the Law of Fives of Omar's sect” and “POEE also recognizes the Holy 23.” Operation Mindfuck (OM) is an important practice of the Discordian religion: Operation Mindfuck is epitomized by a protagonist named Markoff Chaney, an anti-social dwarf who engages in subtle practical joking, in a deliberate attempt to cause Discord, as a protest against his mistreatment by society. One such joke involves the forging of signs that are signed by "The Mgt." (leading people to believe they're from "The Management" instead of "the Midget") that contain absurdities, and placing the signs in stores and other establishments. OM is most often manifested as a decentralized campaign of civil disobedience, activism, art movements, especially performant art and guerilla art, culture jamming, graffiti and other vandalism, pratical jokes, hoaxes, reality hacking, chaos magic, words of power, trolling and anything else that is believed to bring about social change through disrupting paradigms and thus forcing the victim to question the parameters of one's reality tunnel. There is a disagreement among Discordians as to whether or not, through OM, they should seek to improve society, topple it or claim that the practice is in fact only for entertainment. Because much of Operation Mindfuck itself involves hyperbole and exaggeration in regard to discussing the Discordian Society, it is difficult to determine the actual scale of the campaign, be it large or practically non-existent. HOLY 23: 23 in South Africa: refers to the 23 conscientious objectors who publicly refused to do military service in the Apartheid army in 1987 | 23 in Code: the codewords in the perfect (non-extended) binary Golay code are the size of 23 | 23 in Paradox: According to the birthday paradox, in a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen people, the probability is more than 50% that some pair of them will have the same birthday 32 USMCJ: 32 is considered the occult opposite of 23 | Power of 32: The fifth power of two, 32 is also a Leyland number since 24 + 42 = 32 | 32, Astronomy & ‘Kaffirs’: The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series began on June 1110, 1691 | 32 and Military Justice: Article 32 of the United States Military Code of Justice concerns pre-trial investigations. Such a hearing is often called an “article 32 hearing”. The purpose of an ‘article 32 hearing’ is to determine whether there is enough evidence to merit a general trial; so as to avoid wasting the court’s time, with trials, for which the Prosecutor’s Office clearly lacks sufficient evidence to prove. An Article 32 Hearing is required to investigate all documentary or real evidence, available against and in favour of the accused. LAW OF FIVES: The Law of Fives is one of the oldest Erisian Mysterees. It was first revealed to Good Lord Omar and is one of the great contributions to come from The Hidden Temple of the Happy Jesus. The Law of Fives states simply that: ALL THINGS HAPPEN IN FIVES, OR ARE DIVISIBLE BY OR ARE MULTIPLES OF FIVE, OR ARE SOMEHOW DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY APPROPRIATE TO 5. The Law of Fives is never wrong. Law of Fives Proofs: See: http://discordia.wikia.com/wiki/Law_of_Fives

Zhenbumi » Shibumi. Shibumi is a novel, whose plot takes place at the end of the 1970s, details the deadly struggle between a secret organization, which intends to exploit and rule the planet Earth - and a man, a kind of modern samurai, who, just as he thought he was about to reach the state of shibumi (or shibui) is compelled to take arms again, and to stand for the values of friendship and honour. Elaborately written, using a very extended vocabulary, based on a sound knowledge in history and 10

See 11 June

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geopolitics, switching easily from pessimism to wry humor, Shibumi is more than a mere thriller, and may be compared to other works such as Brave New World & Nineteen Eighty-Four dealing with dystopia. Shibumi means many things, one of them being ‘one must move through knowledge and arrive at refined/elegant simplicity’.

07 July 2007: 07-146 | LLE-Condor-IMGAI | 07/07 | 19 April | G | f*&^g racist | * | James Mythrill | MI6 | FreeMason 07-146

(DeadMansHand: AcesEights)

07-146: 07 + 146 (1+4+6 = 11) » 7+11 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9. 9 represents infinity & closure. DEAD MANS HAND: is a two-pair poker hand, namely "aces and eights". The hand gets its name from the legend of it being the five-card draw hand held by Wild Bill HIckock at the time of his murder (August 2, 1876), in a Deadwood, South Dakota Saloon. His murderer was one Jack McCall, acting on behalf of some crooked gamblers who felt Wild Bill’s imminent appointment as town marshall would be detrimental to their interest.


ELL : An ell (from Proto-Indo-European *el- "elbow, forearm"), is a unit of measurement, approximating the length of a man's arm. Several national forms existed, with different lengths, including the Scottish ell (approximately 37 inches or 94 centimetres), the Flemish ell (approx. 27 in or 69 cm) and the Polish ell (approx. 31 in or 79 cm). A Scottish ell (Scottish Gaelic: slat thomhais) was a measurement of length. It was standardised in 1661. It was generally assumed to be the length of an average person's arm, and came from the Latin ulnia, rather than "elbow" (or Scots "elbuck"). In Scotland, the Belt of Orion was called "the King's Ellwand." "The Three Kings," part of the constellation Orion. ζ Ori (Alnitak), ε Ori (Alnilam), and δ Ori (Mintaka) make up the asterism12 known as "Orion's Belt," the three bright stars in a row. Da Vitruvian Man Code: The Vitruvian Man is a world-renowned drawing created by Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1487. It is accompanied by notes based on the work of the famed architect, Vitruvius Pollio. The drawing, which is in pen and ink on paper, depicts a male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man. It is stored in the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, Italy, and, like most works on paper, is displayed only occasionally. This image exemplifies the blend of art and science during the Renaissance and provides the perfect example of Leonardo's keen interest in proportion. Cultural References include among others The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, and LOVE: The Real Da Vinci Code, by Dr. Leonard Horowitz Holding to Confucius and Mencius' conception of humanity as innately good, Zhu Xi articulated an understanding of li as the basic pattern of the universe, stating that it was by understanding these principles that one could live with li and live an exemplary life. In this sense, li according to Zhu Xi is often seen as similar to the [Dao] in Daoism or to [telos] in Platonic philosophy. Wang Yangming, a philosopher who opposed Zhu Xi's ideas, held that li was to be found not in the world but within oneself. Holding to Confucius and Mencius' conception of humanity as innately good, Zhu Xi articulated an understanding of li as the basic pattern of the universe, stating that it was by understanding these principles that one could live with li and live an exemplary life. In this sense, li according to Zhu Xi is often seen as similar to the [Dao] in Daoism or to [telos] in Platonic philosophy. Wang Yangming, a philosopher who opposed Zhu Xi's ideas, held that li was to be found not in the world but within oneself.

11 LLE-ELL: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, first published in 1994, with 2nd edition in 2006, is an encyclopedia of all matters related to language and linguistics. The Journal of Linguistics has described it as "the definitive and indispensable scholarly reference publication, on all branches of linguistics for any library where linguistics is taken seriously." The second edition has 11,000 pages and 3,000 articles


See * ‘f*&^g racist’

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LI+LLE= LILLE: LI (Confucian): 'Li' (禮 pinyin: Lǐ) is a classical Chinese word which finds its most extensive use in Confucian and postConfucian Chinese philosophy. Li encompasses not a definitive object but rather a somewhat abstract idea; as such, it is translated in a number of different ways. Most often, li is described using some form of the word 'ritual' (as in Burton Watson's 'rites', and Henry Rosemont and Roger Ames' 'ritual propriety'), but it has also been translated as 'customs', 'etiquette', 'morals', and 'rules of proper behavior', among other terms. Confucius envisioned proper government being guided by the principles of li. Since Confucian ideals proposed the perfectibility of all human beings (through the practices of li) as well as propriety being its own reward, government prescribed punishment was not seen as being necessary. LI (NeoConfucianism): Li (理)is a concept found in Neo-Confucian Chinese philosophy. It refers to the underlying intelligence and order of nature as reflected in its organic forms. It may be translated as rational principle or law. It was central to Zhu Xi's integration of Buddhism into Confucianism. Zhu Xi held that li, together with qi (氣: vital, material force), depend on each other to create structures of nature and matter. The sum of li is the TaiJi. This idea resembles the Buddhist notion of li, which also means principle. Zhu Xi maintained, however, that his notion is found in I Ching (Book of Changes), a classic source of Chinese philosophy. Zhu Xi's school came to be known as the School of Li, which is comparable to rationalism. To an even greater extent than Confucius, Zhu Xi had a naturalistic world-view. His world-view contained two primary ideas: qi and li. Zhu Xi further believed that the conduct of the two of these took places according to Tai Ji. Holding to Confucius and Mencius' conception of humanity as innately good, Zhu Xi articulated an understanding of li as the basic pattern of the universe, stating that it was by understanding these principles that one could live with li and live an exemplary life. In this sense, li according to Zhu Xi is often seen as similar to the [Dao] in Daoism or to [telos] in Platonic philosophy. Wang Yangming, a philosopher who opposed Zhu Xi's ideas, held that li was to be found not in the world but within oneself. LI (Numerology): The li (里, lǐ) is a traditional Chinese unit of distance, which has varied considerably over time but now has a standardized length of 500 meters or half a kilometer (c. 1640 feet). A modern li consists of 1,500 Chinese "feet" or chi and, in the past, was often translated as a "mile." | 51 (number) or LI in Roman numerals | Lille, France: Coat of Arms: Fleur-de-Lis: (French pronunciation: [lil]; Dutch: Rijsel) is a city in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country behind those of Paris, Lyon & Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France's border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department. The legend of "Lydéric and Phinaert" puts the foundation of the city of "L'Isle" at 640. Although the first mention of the town appears in archives from the year 1066, some archeological digs seem to show the area as inhabited by as early as 2000 BC, most notably in the modern-day quartiers of Fives, Wazemmes, and Old Lille. Lille, in the 16th century was marked, above all, by the outbreak of the Plague, a boom in the regional textile industry, and the Protestant revolts. In 1667, Louis XIV of France (the Sun-King) successfully laid siege to Lille, resulting in it becoming French in 1668 under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, provoking discontent among the citizens of the prosperous city. Lille is home to the Lille Comics Festival, the main British and American comic books convention in the north of France, held in November. Lille is twinned with Buffalo, New York. USA. Charles de Gaulle, the most influential leader in French Modern History was born in Lille. Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (22 November 1890 – 9 November 1970) was a French General and statesman who led the Free French Forces during World War II. He later founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958 and served as its first President from 1959 to 1969. [Dwarf]Lille, Canada: Lille, Canada, a ghost town in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, Canada. the history of this old Mining community remains only in history books and delapatated buildings still stand at the site of once a flourishing mining community, Lille was deserted in the early 1900's when the halt to mining in Southern Alberta vanquished,this old town is quite a site to see and for anyone interested in ghost towns this is a real treat. Ghost towns are towns that once had a considerable population, that have since dwindled in numbers causing some or all its business to close, either due to the rerouting of a highway, train tracks being pulled, or exhaustion of some natural resource.

[Kaffir] LILY (Fleur de Lis): Fleur-de-Lis13: The fleur-de-lis (or fleur-de-lys; plural: fleurs-de-lis) is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis means lily) or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be "at one and the same time, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic", especially in heraldry. Fleurs-de-lis appear on military insignia and the logos of many organizations


See Compass Rose

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Fleur-de-Lis, is a stylized design of an iris (eye) or lily, that is now used decoratively as well as symbolically. As a religious symbol it may represent the Trinity, or be an iconographic attribute of the archangel Gabriel, notably in representations of the Annunciation. In such contexts, the fleur-de-lis is associated with the Virgin Mary. Architects and designers use it alone and as a repeated motif in a wide range of contexts, from ironwork to bookbinding, especially where a French context is implied. The symbol is often used on a compass rose to mark the north direction, a tradition started by Flavio Gioja, a Neapolitan mariner of the 14th century. Fleur-De-Lis is also the name of a small village in the South Wales Valleys. There, Fleur-De-Lis is known as "The Flower of the Valley". Louis VII ordered the use of fleur-de-lis clothing in his son Phillips coronation in 1179, while the first visual evidence of clearly heraldic use dates from 1211: a Seal showing the future Louis VIII and his shield strewn with the "flowers". Until the late 14th century the French royal coat of arms was Azure semé-de-lys Or (a blue shield "seeded" (semé) with small golden fleurs-de-lis), but Charles V of France changed the design from an all-over scattering to a group of three in about 1376. These two coats are known in heraldic jargon as France Ancient & France Modern respectively. In the reign of King Louis IX (St. Louis) the three petals of the flower were said to represent faith, wisdom and chivalry, and to be a sign of divine favour bestowed on France. During the next century, the 14th, the tradition of Trinity symbolism was established in France, and then spread elsewhere. Today, fleur-de-lis is a national symbol of Bosniaks, one of three Bosnian constitutive ethnic groups, the other two being Serbs and Croats. The heraldic fleur-de-lis is widespread: among the numerous cities which use it as a symbol are some whose names echo the word 'lily', for example, Liljendal, Finland. This is called canting arms in heraldic terminology. As a dynastic emblem it has also been very widely used: not only by noble families but also, for example, by the Fuggers, a medieval banking family. The fleur-de-lis appears on the flags of Quebec and Nova Scotia in Canada, and south of the border on that of Detroit (originally a French name, though at present pronounced quite differently), New Orleans, and elsewhere. The Acadiana region and various cities in southern Louisiana, such as Lafayette, New Orleans and Baton Rouge, also use the fleur-de-lis. On 9 July 2008, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal signed a bill into law making the fleur-de-lis an official symbol of the state. Following Hurricane Katrina, the fleur-de-lis has been widely used in New Orleans as a symbol of grassroots support for New Orleans' recovery. In the Middle Ages the symbols of lily and fleur-de-lis (lis is French for "lily") overlapped considerably in religious art. Michel Pastoureau, the historian, says that until about 1300 they were found in depictions of Jesus, but gradually they took on Marian symbolism and were associated with the Song of Solomons's "lily among thorns" (lilium inter spinas), understood as a reference to Mary. Other scripture and religious literature in which the lily symbolizes purity and chastity also helped establish the flower as an iconographic attribute of the Virgin. The fleur could also draw its design from Jewish tradition. The design is very similar to a lulav, made with a palm frond which sticks up straight and the branches of willow and myrtle trees, which are not as rigid. The three petals of the heraldic design reflect a widespread association with the Holy Trinity, a tradition going back to 14th century France, added onto the earlier belief that they also represented faith, wisdom and chivalry. The "Flower of light" symbolism has sometimes been understood from the archaic variant fleur-de-luce (see Latin lux, luc- = "light"), but the Oxford English Dictionary suggests this arose from the spelling, not from the etymology. In building and architecture, the fleur-de-lis is often placed on top of iron fence posts, as a pointed defence against intruders. Fleurs-de-lis feature on military badges like those of the Israeli Intelligence Corps, the First World War Canadian Expeditionary Forces, the 256the Infantry Brigade Combat Team and the Corps of Cadets at Louisiana State University. The fleur-de-lis is the main element in the logo of most Scouting organizations, representing a major theme in Scouting: the outdoors and wilderness. The World Scout Emblem of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, has elements of which are used by most national Scout organizations. The symbol was chosen by Robert Baden-Powell as it had been the arm-badge of those soldiers qualified as "Scouts" (reconnaissance specialists) when BP served in the British Army. The classical description of this shape in Scouting literature connects the compass rose with the purpose of Scouting's principles—namely that Scouting gives one's life direction. The symbol has featured in modern fiction on historical and mystical themes, as in the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code and other books discussing the Prioy of Sion. It recurs in French literature, where examples well-known in English translation include the fleur-de-lis character in The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo, and the reference in Dumas’ The Three Musketeers to the old custom of branding a criminal with the sign14 (Fleurdeliser in French). During the reign of Elizabeth I of England, known as the Elizabethan era, it was a standard name for an iris, a usage which lasted for centuries, but occasionally refers to lilies or other flowers. IRIS15: Fleur-de-Lis: In Greek mythology, Iris (Ἴρις) is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods. As the Sun unites Earth and heaven, Iris links the gods to humanity. She travels with the speed of wind16 from one end of the world to the other, and into the depths of the sea and the underworld. Iris is represented either as a rainbow, 14

See Forget Me Nots Iris: a genus and subgenus of flowering plants, named for the Greek mythological figure | Iris: a genus of insects of the praying mantis family, in the subfamily Mantinae | 7 Iris, an asteroid named after the mythological figure | Iris Nebula: a reflection nebula, NGC 7023 | Iridescence: an optical phenomenon in which hue changes with the angle at which a surface is viewed | Iris recognition: a personal identification technique that identifies an individual via the human iris | IRIS (jamming device), a device developed by the Estonian Army for the purpose of jamming communications with remote-control explosive devices 16 See Navajo Windtalkers 15

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or as a young maiden with wings on her shoulders. As a goddess, Iris is associated with communication, messages, the rainbow and new endeavors. 'Fuggers of the Lily': The Fugger (German pronunciation: [‘fʊɡɐ]) family was a historically prominent group of European bankers, members of the fifteenth and sixteenth-century mercantile patriciate of Augsburg, international mercantile bankers, and venture capitalists like the Welser and the Höchstetter families. The Fuggers of the Lily, being a branch with arms of a flowering lily on a gold and blue background. The Fuggers established the Fuggerei, the world's oldest social housing complex still in work. It is a walled enclave within the city of Augsburg, Bavaria. It takes it name from the Fugger family and was founded in 1516 by Jacob Fugger the Younger (known as "Jacob Fugger the Rich") as a place where the needy citizens of Augsburg could be housed. The rent was and is still one Rheinischer Gulden per year (equivalent to 0.88 euros), as well as three daily prayers for the current owners of the Fuggerei - the Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and the Nicene Creed. The conditions to live there remain the same as they were 480 years ago: one must have lived at least two years in Augsburg, be of the Catholic faith and have become indigent without debt. The five gates are still locked every day at 10 PM. The Fugger family’s interests were in silver mining, merchants and financiers, and financed the successful election of Charles V as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 1519. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s great-grandfather, the mason Franz Mozart lived in the Fuggerei between 1681 and 1694, commemorated today by a stone plaque. MOSSAD Compass Rose/Fleur-de-Lis: The Israeli Intelligence Corps (Hebrew: ‫ חיל המודיעין‬Heil HaModi'in, abbreviated to Haman) is an Israel Defense Forces corps which falls under the jurisdiction of IDF Directorate of Military Intelligence (Aman) and is responsible for collecting, disseminating, and publishing intelligence information for the General Staff and the political branch. The corps includes Unit 8200, which is the IDF central collection unit, responsible for SIGINT collection and cryptographical analysis, including the Hatzav Unit, responsible for collecting OSINT intelligence. Unit 8200 (read as eight two-hundred, or ‫ הדיחי‬8200 (shmone matayim) in Hebrew) is an IDF Intelligence Corps unit, responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGING) and code decryption. It is also known in military publications as the Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps, and was formerly known as Unit 515, and later, Unit 848. It is the largest unit in the IDF, comparable in its function to the United States National Security Agency (NSA), except that it is not civilian, but military. The Hatzav Unit (Hebrew: ‫ יחידת חצב‬,Yehidat Hatzav) is a unit in the IDF Intelligence' Unit 8200, responsible for collecting OSINT intelligence. The unit monitors and collects military intelligence-related information from television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. The translation of various items accounts for part of what is termed "basic intelligence," which is collected by the corps' units.

THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR: a suspense drama, and exposition of the moral ambiguity of the actions of the United States government. It stars Robert Redford as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency who inadvertently becomes involved in a deadly power struggle within the agency. [The end dialogue script of 3 Days of the Condor is quoted in Annexure A 1-9: 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper…..Who is Serious About Peak Oil?...... Underlying reasons for USA Mainstream Media Complicity (Pages: 73-74)] CONDOR: is the name for two species of New World vultures, each in a montypic genus. They are the largest flying land birds in the Western Hemisphere. They are: The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) which inhabits the Andean mountains. The California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) nowadays restricted to western coastal mountains of the United States. Condors mate for life. NAVAJO CONDOR: The Moche people of ancient Peru worshiped nature. They placed emphasis on animals and often depicted condors in their art. The same is true of the later Inca civilizations: the condor represented sky as one of the three celebrated animals. California Condors are intertwined in many Native American cultures. There are people who believe California Condors were the origin of the Thunderbird mythology, while some Western tribes regarded the California Condors as sacred beings, using feathers in religious ceremonies. The Chumash tribe believes that if the condors become completely extinct, so will the tribe. The Thunderbird is a legendary creature in North American indigenous peoples history and culture. It's considered a "supernatural" bird of power and strength. It is especially important, and richly depicted, in the art, songs and oral histories of many Pacific Northwest Coast cultures, but is also found in various forms among the peoples of the American Southwest and Great Plains. Thunderbirds were major components of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex of American prehistory. IMGAI: refers to Images Artificial Intelligence, or backwards Information Assurance Images; or Image CryptoGandhian Symbolism. The FIVE images being: (i) The Russian Duma (Parliament), (ii) IAEA / United Nations / Iran flag, (iii) National Security Agency Symbol (iii) The Cover of the Russian Constitution; (iv) Central Security Service Symbol,

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of five Star Thorn, with five National Security Symbols; one image, including the ORDER OUT OF CHAOS Russian Prussian Eagle Symbol, on a Red background, in Gold17 (also found on the Constitution).


(Ivan of Kupala Al’Venus Day)

07/07: Ivan Kupala Day in Russia, Belarus, Poland & Ukraine: [1456] – A retrial verdict acquits Joan of Arc of heresy 25 years after her death. [1947] – Alleged and disputed Roswell UFO incident. [1959] – 14:28 UT Venus occults the star Regulus. This rare event is used to determine the diameter of Venus and the structure of the Venusian atmosphere. [1983] – Cold War: Samantha Smith, a U.S. schoolgirl, flies to the Soviet Union at the invitation of Secretary General Yuri Andropov. [2002] – A scandal breaks out in the United Kingdom when news reports accuse MI6 of sheltering Abu Qatada, the supposed European Al Qaeda leader. Ivan Kupala: The name of this holiday combines the words “Ivan”, the Slavic name of John (the Baptist), and Kupala, a word derived from the Slavic word for bathing. The latter refers to the tradition of John's baptizing people through full immersion in water and therefore with the his title of the Baptist. However, some sources indicate that Kupala was a name of a pre-Christian Slavic god or goddess. The holiday is still enthusiastically celebrated by Russian youth. The night preceding the holiday (Tvorila night) is considered the night for mischiefs (which is a great concern for law enforcement agencies). On Ivan Kupala day itself children are engaged in water fights and perform pranks mostly involving pouring water over someone. In some regions, Ivan Kupala Day is considered the first day of the swimming season, when the water of lakes and rivers becomes warm enough. Many of the rites related to this holiday within Slavic religious beliefs, due to the ancient Kupala rites, are connected with the role of water in fertility and ritual purification. Youths would jump over the flames of bonfires. Girls would float wreaths of flowers often lit with candles on rivers and would attempt to gain foresight into their relationship fortunes from the flow patterns of the flowers on the river. Men may attempt to capture the wreaths, in the hope of capturing the interest of the woman who floated the wreath. There is an ancient Kupala belief, that the eve of Ivan Kupala is the only time of the year when ferns bloom. Prosperity, luck, discernment and power would befall on whomever finds a fern flower. Therefore, on that night village folks would roam through the forests in search of magical herbs and especially the elusive fern flower18.

19 April (James Mythril Patriots Day) 19 APRIL: Patriots Day in Massachusetts, Maine and Wisconsin. [1529] – At the Second Diet of Speyer, a group of rulers (German: Fürst) and independent cities (German: Reichsstadt) protests the reinstatement of the Edict of Worms, beginning the Protestant Reformation. [1775] – American Revolutionary War: The war begins at the Battle of Lexington and Concord. [1943] – World War II: In Poland, German troops enter the Warsaw ghetto to round up the remaining Jews, beginning the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. [1985] – U.S.S.R performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalatinsk U.S.S.R [1995] – Oklahoma City Bombing: The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Buidling in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, is bombed, killing 168; allegedly by Timothy James McVeigh.

(G) A ‘F*&^G(Forget-Me-Not Lily) RACIST’ G in Masonry: The symbol ‘G’ is a Masonic symbol, found in the Masons Square and Compass Symbolic Image. The ‘G’ is said to represent among others; ‘God’. In Braille the letter ‘G’ represents four black balls19, to two white balls. Masonry is, according to its own philosophers, a system of pure religion expressed in symbols, one which cannot be understood without knowledge of the true meaning of them. This makes a proper understanding of those symbols terribly important. For the Christian Mason, accepting and guarding those symbols and their "secrets" with his physical life at stake, he must understand them to know that he is doing right. The foundation of Masonic Symbolism is Phallic Worship: Since the true meaning of Masonic symbols (and thus, the true meaning of Masonry itself) is to be known only by the Prince Adepts of Masonry, such as Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, J. D. Buck, Daniel Sickles and others, who teach that Masonry is a revival of the Ancient Mysteries (the mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Rome and Greece). These Ancient religions had two meanings, or interpretations. One was the apparent (exoteric) meaning, known to the uninitiated, ignorant masses; the other (esoteric) meaning was the true meaning, entirely different, known only to a small, elite group, initiated into their secrets and secret rituals of worship. These mystery religions were forms of nature-worship, more specifically and

17 18 19

See Mythrill See Kaffir Lily, Forget Me Not (FreeMasonry) and Myrtle Blossom (Esther) See, for example: four ‘black balls’ [::] in title of 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper

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most commonly the worship of the Sun as source and giver of life to the Earth. Since Ancient times, this worship of the Sun (and of the Moon, stars and of nature) has been sexual in its outworkings and rituals. Since the Sun’s rays, penetrating the Earth and bringing about new life, have been central to such worship, the phallus, the male [G] ‘generative principle,’ has been worshipped and the rituals climaxed with sexual union in the mystery religions of Isis and Osiris, Tammuz, Baal, etc. F*&^G: f*&^g = 2 letters + 3 symbols = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5 [23 & 5 are holy numbers, representing Eris as the God of Discord in Dischordianism; additionally five represents the Law of Fives: All things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5. The Law of Fives is never wrong; as well as Pentabarf Doctrine #5: A Discordian is Prohibited from Believing What he reads.] Two Letters: FG: In Miragestorum Alphanumeric Code; F=6, and G=7: (i) 1976: Ciliza -v- Minister of Police and Another 1976 (4) SA 243, was the year that the word “Kaffir” became legally actionable as an insult; G generally represents the ‘Generative Principle’ in FreeMasonry; F is the 6th letter of the Alphabet, & also represents ‘Miracle 6’ or Miragestorum & the Star of David. [There were 6 days between the first 3 Crimen Inuria SMS’s and the last 2 crimen inuria SMS]. In The Hidden Messages in Water, by Maseru Amuto, the six-sided crystals, represent the result of sincere honourable

reference to Mythrill

intention. In Greek, F denotes: Phi: Φ, φ or ϕ - Phi (Greek). Phi is also known as the Golden Mean, or Golden Ratio – i.e. 1.618 in mathematics, art & architecture --, and phi phenomeonon. [Phi Phenomeon is a perceptual illusion, the discovery of which was a milestone in Gestalt Psychology] Phi Day is celebrated on 18 June [18 June is the date of the original bomb threat, in the AIDS IS A BLACK DEPOPULATION VIRUS matter]. Principle of Gold is a

Three Symbols *&^: * An asterisk (*) (Latin asteriscum "little star", from Greek ἀστερίσκος) is a typographical symbol or glyph. It is so called because it resembles a conventional image of a star. Computer scientists and mathematicians often pronounce it as star * The syndicated comic Doonesbury uses a floating asterisk (referring to the name "asterisk president") wearing a Roman helmet to represent George W. Bush. * One or more asterisks may be used to strike out portions of a word to avoid offending by using the full form of a profanity (f**k), to preserve anonymity (Peter J***), or to avoid profanation of a holy name (G*d). & An ampersand (&), also commonly called an 'and sign', is a logogram representing the conjunction “and”. The symbol is a ligature of the letters in ET, Latin for "and". AND spelt backwards spells DNA. In Alphanumerology the (&) symbol represents infinity. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints or a recipe, or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information. Forensic scientists can use DNA in blood, semen, skin, saliva or hair found at a crime scene to identify a matching DNA of an individual, such as a perpetrator. This process is called genetic fingerprinting, or more accurately, DNA profiling. DNA is also the acronym for the Defence Nuclear Agency. DNA is also the title for a Red Dwarf episode20. ^ A Caret (^) is sometimes spelled carat, is the name for the symbol in ASCII and some other character sets. CARET is also the acronym for “Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology”, also humorously referred to as “Civilians Are Rarely Ever Trusted”. CARET ‘language’ is a system of symbols (which does admittedly very much resemble a written language) along with geometric forms and patterns that fit together to form diagrams that are themselves functional. Once they are drawn, so to speak, on a suitable surface made of a suitable material and in the presence of a certain type of field, they immediately begin performing the desired tasks. For CARET employees, it’s magic, even after they began to understand the principles behind it. The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is dependant on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently. Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally, contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another. The ability for a single, small symbol to contain, not just represent, tremendous amounts of data is another counter-intuitive aspect of this concept. Their technology, however, somehow merges the symbol and the meaning, so a subjective audience is not needed.

Compass Rose21: CIA: Star22 & Seal Symbols: The Central Intelligence Agency (humorously referred to as the Carnal Indoctrination Agency) is an independent U.S. Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior U.S. policymakers, 20 21 22

See…. ZhenBumi: Operation Mindfuck See LLE: Fleur de Lis See Esther

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founded on September 18, 1947. It is the successor of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) formed, during World War II, to coordinate espionage activities between the branches of the US military services, by Wild Bill Donovan. The Navigation Star is a Symbol of the Central Intelligence Agency. The 16-foot (5 m) diameter CIA seal (including the Navigation Star’) is found in the lobby of the Original CIA Headquarters Building. On the memorial wall at CIA headquarters, some of the stars have no name attached, because it would reveal the identity of a clandestine officer. The lives of 83 fallen CIA officers are represented by 83 stars on the CIA Memorial Wall in the Original Headquarters building.

James23 ‘Mythrill’ MITHRIL SILVER24 is a fictional metal from J.R.R. Tolkiens Middle-Earth fantasy writings. Like the real metal titanium, it is silvery and stronger than steel but much lighter in weight. The author first wrote of it in The Lord of the Rings, and it was retrospectively mentioned in the third, revised edition of The Hobbit in 1966. In the first 1937 edition, the mail shirt given to Bilbo was described as being made of "silvered steel".In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien writes that mithril was found only in Khazad-dum (Moria) in Middle-earth, where it was mined by the Dwarves. The wizard Gandalf explained mithril to others while passing through Khazad-dûm: “Mithril! All folk desired it. It could be beaten like copper, and polished like glass; and the Dwarves could make of it a metal, light and yet harder than tempered steel. Its beauty was like to that of common silver, but the beauty of mithril did not tarnish or grow dim.” Mythril (Secret Military Unit/parallel world): The name mithril or similarly spelled variations (mithral, mythril, and others) is present in other fictional contexts like roleplaying games, since the Tolkien Estate did not trademark the term. The name is usually used for a special type of metal (often used as armour, and is then almost always the best type), or as a denomination of currency, or as a name for a project or device. Mithril is also the name of a secret military unit in the anime Full Metal Panic. [Full Metal Panic! (フルメタル·パニック!) is an ongoing series of light novesl written by Shoji Gatoh. The series follows Souisuke Sagara, a member of the covert anti-terroris mercenary group Mithril. The series is set in a parallel world, based upon actual world events around the late 20th century to the early 21st century.

MIssion(Active Deniability) IMpossible(IMF Miragestorum6) Mission: Impossible is an American television series which was created and initially produced by Bruce Geller. It chronicled the missions of a team of secret American government agents known as the Impossible Missions Force (IMF). The series follows the exploits of the Impossible Missions Force (IMF), a small team of secret agents used for covert missions against dictators, evil organizations, and (primarily in later episodes) crime lords. On occasion, the IMF also mounts unsanctioned, private missions on behalf of its members. A hallmark of the series shows Phelps receiving his instructions on a tape that then self destructs, accompanied by the theme music composed by Lalo Shifrin, which is widely considered to be one of the most iconic television themes. Aside from giving Briggs/Phelps the basics of the mission, the recording always indicated that the IMF leader had the option of refusing the mission ("Your mission, should you decide to accept it..."), and that should any team member be "caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions". (In the history of the series, this happened only once when an IMF agent died during the 1988 revival series.) At this point the message needed to be destroyed in order to maintain secrecy; the most famous rendition of this is the recorded voice's advisory, "This tape will self-destruct in five seconds," at which time the tape would disintegrate in a cloud of smoke after the recorded voice usually says, "Good luck, Dan/Jim." Mission: Impossible is an 1996 thriller starring Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. The plot follows Hunt's mission to uncover the mole within the CIA who has framed him for the murders of his entire IMF team. Hunt is an agent of an Impossible Missions Force (IMF) team, an unofficial branch of the CIA. Led by Jim Phelps (Jon Voight), the team assembles for a mission in Prague to prevent an American diplomat from selling the Non-official cover (NOC) list: a comprehensive list of all covert agents in Eastern Europe.

Agent(Crimson Star of David) Free Mason(Forget Me Not) FREEMASON: Masonic/Nazi Agent Emblem: The preserved records of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (the Reich Security Main Office) show the persecution of Freemasons. RSHA Amt VII (Written Records) was overseen by Professor Franz Six and was responsible for “ideological” tasks, by which was meant the creation of anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic propaganda. While the number is not accurately known, it is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 Freemasons were killed under the Nazi regime. Masonic concentration camp inmates were graded as political prisoners and wore an inverted red triangle.

23 24

See Legal Argument: Chronology of Material Facts: # 7.1.5 and Footnote 33 [Ref: Ingsoc/KingSoci]; See also: 19 April See Zhenbumi Kallisti Gold Apple

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The small blue forget-me-not flower was first used by the Grand Lodge Zur Sonne, in 1926, as a Masonic emblem at the annual convention in Bremen, Germany. In 1938 the forget-me-not badge – made by the same factory as the Masonic badge – was chosen for the annual Nazi Party Winterhilfswerk, a Nazi charitable organisation which collected money so that other state funds could be freed up and used for rearmament. This coincidence enabled Freemasons to wear the forget-me-not badge as a secret sign of membership. Freemasonry: a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million. Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons’ tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon’s Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as "a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." While Freemasonry has often been called a “secret society”, Freemasons themselves argue that it is more correct to say that it is an esoteric society, in that certain aspects are private. The most common phrasing being that Freemasonry has, in the 21st century, become less a secret society and more of a “society with secrets” The private aspects of modern Freemasonry are the modes of recognition amongst members and particular elements within the ritual. Two of the principal symbolic tools always found in a Lodge are the square and compasses. Some Lodges and rituals explain these tools as lessons in conduct: for example, that Masons should “square their actions by the square of virtue” and to learn to “circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds toward all mankind”. However, as Freemasonry is non-dogmatic, there is no general interpretation for these tools (or any Masonic emblem) that is used by Freemasonry as a whole. These moral lessons are communicated in performance of allegorical ritual. A candidate progresses through degrees gaining knowledge and understanding of himself, his relationship with others and his relationship with the Supreme Being (as per his own interpretation). Any mason may speculate on the symbols and purpose of Freemasonry, and indeed all masons are required to some extent to speculate on masonic meaning as a condition of advancing through the degrees. There is no one accepted meaning and no one person "speaks" for the whole of Freemasonry. A candidate for Freemasonry must petition a lodge in his community, obtaining an introduction by asking an existing member, who then becomes the candidate's proposer. In some jurisdictions, it is required that the petitioner ask three times, although this is becoming less prevalent. Regardless of how a potential candidate receives his introduction to a Lodge, he must be freely elected by secret ballot in open Lodge. Members approving his candidacy often vote with “white balls” in the voting box. A certain number of “black balls” will exclude a candidate.

February 29, 2004: Wizard of Earthsea’s Sparrowhawk | Wisdom of No Escape | Black Swan Test Wizard of Earthsea’s Sparrowhawk WIZARD OF EARTHSEA: Sparrowhawk is the title character of A Wizard of Earthsea. He is born on the island of Gont in the village of Ten Alders and learns of his inborn magical strength at a young age defending the village against an attack. He ends up being apprenticed to Ogion the Silent, Master Wizard of Gont who also gives him his true name, Ged. The book is a coming of age tale telling of Sparrowhawk's growth to maturity and lessons learned along the way. Wizard of Earthsea exemplifies the beliefs of the Taoist philosophy around which Earthsea revolves. At the end of the novel, Ged embodies the Taoist way. The first principle of the Tao Te Ching is the theory of inactivity which means that people should only act when necessary. Ged learns through his mistakes and the teachings of the Masters that magic should not be used for fun. It serves a purpose and should only be used when it is needed, not because someone wants to see a trick. Ged did not learn this lesson from his master Ogion, who rarely used his magic. Instead of realizing that Ogion was concerned about the Balance, the Equilibrium, Ged found himself irritated that Ogion would let it rain on them rather than turning the storm aside. The second principle, the relativity of opposites, is the basis of the stability of Earthsea. In Taoist thought this principle, that opposites are dependent upon each other (light and dark, good and evil) is symbolized by yin and yang, the circle containing black and white swirls which originate from each other and then end in each other. This is the Equilibrium that Ogion as well as the Masters of Roke try to teach Ged. The Master Hand explains the concept of balance: "To light a candle is to cast a shadow..." By the end of the book, Ged has come of age. Through the choices he makes, Ged proves that he is gaining maturity. Twice, individuals give Ged quick-fix solutions to his problem of the shadow. The first time he is tempted with the name of the shadow is when he finds the dragon. Yevaud, the dragon, informs Ged that he will give Ged the name of the shadow if Ged will release him to be free to attack the islands of the east at will. Ged, rather than endanger the inhabitants of those islands, refuses the enticing offer. Another time, the Lady Serret presents him with the opportunity to ask the Stone of Terrenon for the name of the shadow. Once again, Ged declines an opportunity to learn the name of his nemesis, showing that he is becoming more mature. During his pursuit, Sparrowhawk encounters Vetch, the only friend he made at school. Together, the two wizards set off into the open sea. Sparrowhawk perceives the ocean gradually turning into land, an immensely powerful magic. Though Vetch cannot see the transformation, the boat runs aground. Sparrowhawk steps out of the boat and walks off to confront his waiting shadow. Though some of his teachers had thought it to be nameless, Sparrowhawk and his adversary speak at the same moment, each naming the other "Ged". Sparrowhawk embraces his foe and the two State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument:

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become one. For the shadow was merely him, his own dark side. This journey was necessary because without it he was incomplete. Without his shadow, he lacked the Balance, the Equilibrium. He was not whole.

Wisdom of No Escape WISDOM OF NO ESCAPE: by Pema Chodron: Chapter 825: No Such Thing as a True Story: In Taoism there's a famous saying that goes, “The Tao that can be spoken is not the ultimate Tao.” Another way you could say that, although I've never seen it translated this way, is, “As soon as you begin to believe in something, then you can no longer see anything else.” The truth you believe in and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new. By the way that we think and by the way that we believe in things, in that way is our world created. In the Middle Ages, everyone accepted the idea, based on fear, that there was only one way to believe; if you didn't believe that way, you were the enemy. It was death to all forms of creative, fresh thinking. Many things that people had been able to see, people just couldn't see anymore because they didn't believe in them. Once they began to think and believe in a certain way, there were all kinds of things that they literally couldn't hear, see, smell, or touch, because those things were outside their belief system. Holding on to beliefs limits our experience of life. That doesn't mean that beliefs or ideas or thinking is a problem; the stubborn attitude of having to have things be a particular way, grasping on to our beliefs and thoughts, all these cause the problems. To put it simply, using your belief system this way creates a situation in which you choose to be blind instead of being able to see, to be deaf instead of being able to hear, to be dead rather than alive, asleep rather than awake. Seeing when you justify yourself and when you blame others is not a reason to criticize yourself, but actually an opportunity to recognize what all people do and how it imprisons us in a very limited perspective of this world. It's a chance to see that you're holding on to your interpretation of reality; it allows you to reflect that that's all it is -nothing more, nothing less: just your interpretation of reality. If you spent the rest of your life just noticing that and letting it be a way to uncover the silliness of the human condition -- the tragic yet comic drama that we all continually buy into -- you could develop a lot of wisdom and a lot of kindness as well as a great sense of humour. It’s true, as they say, that we can only love others when we first love ourselves and we can only experience real joy when we stop running from pain. The key to understanding these truisms lies in remaining open to life in all circumstances. Because when we embrace the happiness and suffering, intelligence and confusion that are a natural part of life, we can begin to discover a wellspring of courageous love within our hearts.

Black Swan Test SWAN: The word "swan" is derived from Old English swan, akin to the German Schwan and Dutch zwaan, in turn derived from Indo-European root *swen (to sound, to sing), whence Latin derives sonus (sound). Swans form monogamous pair bonds that last for many years. In many cases these pair bonds can last for life, but divorces between pairs do occur. These bonds are maintained year round, even in gregarious and migratory species like the Tundra Swan, which congregate in large flocks in the wintering grounds. Many of the cultural aspects refer to the Mute Swan of Europe. Perhaps the best known story about a swan is The Ugly Duckling fable. The story centres around a duckling that is mistreated until it becomes evident he is a swan and is accepted into the habitat. He was mistreated because real ducklings are, according to many, more attractive than a cygnet, yet cygnets become swans, which are very attractive creatures. Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity because of their long-lasting monogamous relationships. See the famous swan-related operas Lohengrin and Parsifal. In the Irish legend The Wooing of Etain, the king of the Sidhe (subterranean-dwelling, supernatural beings) transforms himself and the most beautiful woman in Ireland, Etain, into swans to escape from the king of Ireland and Ireland's armies. Swans feature strongly in mythology. In Greek mythology, the story of Leda and the Swan recounts that Helen of Troy was conceived in a union of Zeus disguised as a swan and Leda, Queen of Sparta. Other references in classical literature include the belief that upon death the otherwise silent Mute Swan would sing beautifully - hence the phrase Swan Song; as well as Juvenals’ sarcastic reference to a good woman being a "rare bird, as rare on earth as a black swan", from which we get the Latin phrase rara avis, rare bird. Swans are revered in Hinduism, and are compared to saintly persons whose chief characteristic is to be in the world without getting attached to it, just as a swan's feather does not get wet although it is in water. The Sanskrit word for swan is hamsa or hansa, and it is the vehicle of many deities like the goddess Saraswati. It is mentioned several times in the Vedic literature, and persons who have attained great spiritual capabilities are sometimes called Parahmahamsa ("Great Swan") on account of their spiritual grace and ability to travel between various spiritual worlds. The ballet Swan Lake26 by Pyotr Tchikovsky is considered among both the most important works of this composer and among the often-performed classics of ballet. It is partially based on an ancient German legend, which tells the story of Odette, a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer's curse - to which were added similar elements from 25 26

See Bushido See 07/07 Ivan Kudovsky Day

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Russian Russian folk tales. Some major elements (girls turned to swans and living in a lake, and a hero falling in love with one of them) are also shared by the Irish mythology story of Caer Ibormeith. In the United Kingdom there is a popular belief that all swans are the property of the reigning Monarch. In fact their right to ownership of swans is restricted to unmarked Mute Swans on open water, and this right is exercised only on certain stretches of the Riber Thames and some of its tributaries between Windsor and Abingdon. However, strictly speaking the British swans are the property of the Queen, except for the Swans of Orkney. This is because of an old Udal Viking law that states that the swans are the property of the residents of the islands. This was proven in 1910 when an Orkney lawyer won the case of a man who shot a swan. KNIGHT OF THE SWAN: Lohengrin is a character in some German Arthurian literature. The son of Parzival (Percival), he is a knight of the Holy Grail sent in a boat pulled by swans to rescue a maiden who can never ask his identity. His story is a version of the Knight of the Swan legend. In 1848, Richard Wagner adapted the tale into his popular opera Lohengrin. According to Wagner the Grail imbues the Knight of the Swan with mystical powers that can only be maintained if their nature is kept secret; hence the danger of Elsa's question. The most famous piece from Lohengrin is the "Bridal Chorus" ("Here Comes the Bride"), still played at many Western weddings. Wagners Opera, Lohengrin proved inspirational towards other works of art. Among those deeply moved by the fairy-tale opera was the young King Ludwig II of Bavaria. 'Der Märchenkönig' ('The Fairy-tale King') as he was dubbed later built his ideal fairy-tale castle and dubbed it "New Swan Stone," or "Neuschwanstein," after the Swan Knight. It was King Ludwig's patronage that later gave Wagner the means and opportunity to build a theatre for, compose and stage his epic cycle, the Ring of the Nibelung. Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) is a cycle of four epic operas or 'music dramas', based loosely on characters from the Norse Sagas and the Nibelungenlied. The works are often referred to as "The Ring Cycle", "Wagner's Ring", or simply "The Ring". Wagner wrote the libretto and music over the course of about twenty-six years, from 1848 to 1874. The four operas that constitute the Ring cycle are, in the order of the imagined events they portray: Das Rheingold (The Rhinegold) ; Die Walküre (The Valkyrie) ; Siegfried; and Götterdämmerung (The Twilight of the Gods). Although individual operas are performed as works in their own right, a full understanding of the story of the Ring cycle requires attendance at all four operas, which was the intention and expectation of the composer. History provides few examples of artistic purpose so consistently followed as that which produced Wagner's tetralogy Der Ring des Nibelungen. Wagner's title is rendered in English as The Ring of the Nibelung. However the word Nibelung frequently confuses English speakers, resulting in misunderstanding of the German title, the English title, or how to use the word outside the title. The word Nibelung is in the singular. The Nibelung of the title is the Dwarf Alberich, and the Ring in question is the one he fashions from the Rhinegold. The title therefore means "Alberich's Ring". Parsifal is an opera in three acts by Richard Wagner. It is loosely based on Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival, the 13th century epic poem of the Arthurian knight Parzival (Percival) and his quest for the Holy Grail. Wagner's spelling of Parsifal instead of the Parzival he had used up to 1877 is informed by an erroneous etymology of the name Percival deriving it from a supposedly Arabic origin, Fal Parsi meaning "pure fool". In Norse mythology, a valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who choose which warriors will win or die in battle. The valkyries bring their chosen who have died bravely in battle to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin, where the deceased warriors become einherjar. There, when the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead. Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans. In Norse mythology, Kára is a valkyrie. The etymology of the name Kára either means "the wild, stormy one" (based on Old Norse afkárr, meaning "wild") or "curl" or "the curly one" (from Old Norse kárr). Eir (Old Norse "help, mercy") is a goddess and/or valkyrie associated with medical skill. In the Poetic Edda poem Fjölsvinnsál, the watchman Fjölsvðr presents a list of the maidens that attend the lady of the keep—Menglöð—that includes Eir, and states that they all sit on the hill Lyfjaberg (Old Norse "hill of healing" or "healing mountain"). BLACK SWAN: Mutant Message Down Under, by Marlo Morgan: At the end of the journey she undergoes rituals to enable her to enter a sacred site. She is told that she has made an agreement before birth to meet another, Regal Black Swan Elder, and to work together for their mutual benefit. She is surprised to hear this as it is the same information given to her by the palm reader. She is told by Regal Black Swan Elder that the tribe has elected to die out, by practicing celibacy, because they are upset with the way the world is going. He tells her that she has been chosen as their Mutant messenger to tell her kind that they are going. BLACK SWAN MYTHOLOGY: The Roman satirist Juvenal wrote in 82 AD of rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno ('a rare bird in the lands, and very like a black swan'). He meant something whose rarity would compare with that of a black swan, or in other words, as a black swan did not exist, neither did the supposed characteristics of the ‘rare bird’ with which it was being compared. The phrase passed into several European languages as a popular proverb, including English, in which the first four words (a rare bird in the land) are often used ironically. For some 1500 years the black swan existed in the European imagination as a methaphor for that which could not exist. The taking of Black Swans to Europe in the 18th and early 19th centuries brought the birds into contact with another aspect of European mythology: the attribution of sinister relationships between the devil and black-coloured animals such as a black cat. Black Swans were considered to be a witch's familiar, and often State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument:

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chased away or killed by superstitious folk. This may explain why Black Swans have never established a sizeable presence as feral animals in Europe or North America. Black Swan in Aborigine Lore: Daisy Bates recorded a totemic ceremony called ‘Woolberr’ that was practised by the ‘last of the black swan group’ of the Nyungar people of south-western Australia in the 1920s. The website of the Premier of Western Australia refers to Nyungar lore of how the ancestors of the Nyungar people were once Black Swans who became men. BLACK SWAN THEORY: The term Black Swan comes from the 17th century European assumption that 'All swans are white'. In that context, a black swan was a symbol for something that was impossible or could not exist. In the 18th Century, the discovery of black swans in Western Australia metamorphosed the term to connote that a perceived impossibility may actually come to pass.

10 July 2007: | 16 July | 6 | KAFFIR [LI]LLE | Imbecile | Moron | Hypocrit | Manhattan | HARTSSTARH | 5*: North Star | Gutless | Two-Faced | Rotting Brain | JAG 10 JULY | 16 JULY | 6 DAYS:

One Time Idiot Code Personal Messages: 19 April | DwarfStar | 51LLE18 "One if by land; two if by sea" * "Climb Mount Niitaka" * "Over all of Canada, the sky is clear" Sometimes messages are not prearranged and rely on shared knowledge hopefully known only to the recipients. An example is the telegram sent to U.S. President Harry Truman, then in Potsdam to meet with Stalin, informing Truman of the first successful test of an atomic bomb. "Operated on this morning. Diagnosis not yet complete but results seem satisfactory and already exceed expectations. Local press release necessary as interest extends great distance. Dr. Groves pleased. He returns tomorrow. I will keep you posted."

10 July

(Exponential French Riddle)

o [USURY] 1832 – U.S. President Andrew Jackson vetoes a bill that would re-charter the Second Bank of the United States; for which he earned the honourable title on the nuclear submarine USS Andrew Jackson: “One man with courage is a majority” o [MANHATTAN | KAFFIR LILY | ] 1985 – Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior is bombed and sunk in Auckland, New Zealand Harbor by French DGSE agents27. o [572/02] 1925 – Scopes Trial: In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called “Monkey Trial” begins with John T. Scopes, a young high school science teacher, is accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Butler Act, defended by clarence Darrow.

16 July

(Trinity Fleur-de Lis)

o SMS of 16 July: Ref: Manhattan: The Trinity Nuclear Test: At precisely 5:30 a.m. on Monday, July 16, 1945, the nuclear age began. Robert Oppenheimer chose to name this the “Trinity” test, a name inspired by the poems of John Donne. The site chosen was a remote corner on the Alamagordo Bombing Range known as the “Jornada del Muerto,” or “Journey of Death,” 210 miles south of Los Alamos. o Ref: TrinityLove EcoFamily: Mothers Limbic-Brain LoveConnections & Fathers Love 4 Justice; Kaffir Lily/Fleur-de-Lis, etc.


See also Fleur-de-Lis

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6 DAYS o Hidden Messages28 in Water, by Dr. Masero Emoto o Principle of Miragestorum: Latin for Miracle; MI6 o Braille: The Braille system was based on a method of communication originally developed by Charles Barbier in response to Napoleon's demand for a code that soldiers could use to communicate silently and without light at night called night writing. Barbier's system was too complex for soldiers to learn, and was rejected by the military. In 1821 he visited the National Institute for the Blind in Paris, France, where he met Louis Braille. Braille identified the major failing of the code, which was that the human finger could not encompass the whole symbol without moving, and so could not move rapidly from one symbol to another. His modification was to use a 6 dot cell — the Braille system — which revolutionized written communication for the blind.

Kaffir Lillÿ:  Kaffir Lily: the crimson flag; a iridaceous plant (Schizostylis cococinea) with clustered, fleshy roots, narrow leaves, and a slender cape bearing a number of crimson bell shaped flowers:  Tiger Lily: Ayuahuasca Shamanism | Water Lily: In the West equivalent to the Eastern symbol of the lotus, especially in Greek & Latin Churches. Signifies spiritual manifestations, thus the Archangel Gabriel is represented as appearing before the Virgin Mary with water lily/lilies. Just as the water lily or lotus rises out of the mud through the more ethereal water into the still more ethereal air, permeated by the sun, so does the individual follow the same progression of developing spirituality from the world of matter upwards through the astral light into the world of spirit illuminated by the divine sun as master of life | Also Represents Intention of Purity of Heart | See also Ref: French Riddle of the Lily Pond]  Fleur-de-Lis, is a stylized design of an iris (eye) or lily that is now used decoratively as well as symbolically. As a religious symbol it may represent the Trinity, or be an iconographic attribute of the archangel Gabriel, notably in representations of the Annunciation. In such contexts, the fleur-de-lis is associated with the Virgin Mary. The symbol is often used on a compass rose to mark the north direction, a tradition started by Flavio Gioja, a Neapolitan mariner of the 14th century  A native of Kafiristan, which is inhabited by the Presungalis, a primitive peaceable race, remarkable for endurance and industry, probably the earliest immigrants, and speaking a language of which practically nothing is known, & the Waigulies, of different language, but of whom little is known;

Imbecile:  consists in a defect of the mind, which renders it unable to examine the data presented to it by the senses, and therefrom to deduce the correct judgment; that is, a defect of intensity, or reflective power o Someone who does not practice Radical Hon(our)sty Futilitarian Discordianism, whose thinking consists of a defect of mind, which renders it unable to examine the data presented to it by the senses (such as for example, that it has not sincerely experienced sensate forgiveness); and therefore to deduce the correct ‘reality ‘ judgement (that s/he is deceiving themselves, and others); due to a defect of self analysis sensate knowledge; or reflective power.

Moron:  one deficient in judgement and good sense o Same as above; lacking in subjective impartial judgement and good sense; possibly as a result of unforgiven and repressed anger; or fragile ego-mind. o “Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying ... demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism ... [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant ... We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.” -– Margaret Sanger o “Nature abhors a Moron” – H.L. Mencken

Hypocrit: 28

See Esther: Hidden

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 a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives o

Someone who does not practice Radical Honesty Futilitarian Discordianism, but prefers to practice hypocrisy, calling it ‘civility’ or ‘diplomacy’ or ‘dignity’ etc.

o “The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his own deception, who begins to lie with sincerity” -- André Gide

Manhattan:  Top Secret Nuclear Weapons program worked upon by Albert Einstein Formally designated as the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), it refers specifically to the period of the project from 1942–1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the administration of General Leslie R. Groves. The scientific research was directed by American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Vannevar Bush became dissatisfied with Col. James Marshall's failure to get the project moving forward expeditiously and made this known to Secretary of War Stimson and Army Chief of Staff George Marshall. Marshall then directed General Somervell to replace Col. Marshall with a more energetic officer as director. In the summer of 1942, Col. Leslie Groves was deputy to the chief of construction for the Army Corps of Engineers and had overseen the very rapid construction of the Pentagon, the world's largest office building. He was widely respected as an intelligent, hard driving, though brusque officer who got things done in a hurry. Hoping for an overseas command, Groves vigorously objected when Somervell appointed him to the weapons project. His objections were overruled, and Groves resigned himself to leading a project he thought had little chance of success. Groves appointed Oppenheimer as the project's scientific director, to the surprise of many. (Oppenheimer's radical political views were thought to pose security problems). However, Groves was convinced Oppenheimer was a genius who could talk about and understand nearly anything, and he was convinced such a man was needed for a project such as the one being proposed. Groves renamed the project The Manhattan Engineer District. The name evolved from the Corps of Engineers practice of naming districts after its headquarters' city (Marshall's headquarters were in New York City). At that time, Groves was promoted to brigadier general, giving him the rank necessary to deal with senior people whose cooperation was required, or whose own projects were hampered by Groves' top-priority project. Within a week of his appointment, Groves had solved the Manhattan Project's most urgent problems. His forceful and effective manner was soon to become all too familiar to the atomic scientists. The first major scientific hurdle of the project was solved on December 2, 1942, beneath the bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, where a team led by Enrico Fermi, for whom Fermilab is named, initiated the first artificial self sustaining nuclear chain reaction in an experimental nuclear reactor named Chicago Pile-1. A coded phone call from Compton saying, “The Italian navigator [referring to Fermi] has landed in the new world, the natives are friendly” to Conant in Washington, D.C., brought news of the experiment's success.

HARTS/STARH:  Survival Truth Accountability using Radical Honesty  HARTS = five letters (5*)  STARH = HARTS anagram

Five:  The cardinal number equal to 4 + 1.  The fifth in a set or sequence.  Something, such as a quintet or a basketball team, that has five parts, units, or members.  A five-dollar bill.  fives (used with a sing. verb) Sports One of several forms of handball originating in England and played mainly at British schools and universities, in which only the receiving side can score points

5* | North(Nord) Star:

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 Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent things such as ideas and emotions. It contrasts with representationalism. Language is highly symbolic, but symbolism refers specifically to totemic symbols that stand on their own. In Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung envisioned symbols as being not of the mind, but rather the mind's capacity to hold information. The mind uses symbols to form free association, organization, and connections between symbols. Jung and Freud diverged on the issue of common cognitive symbol systems and whether they exist within the individual mind or among other minds, whether cognitive symbolism was innate or defined by the environment. This history of a symbol is one of many factors in determining a particular symbol's apparent meaning. Old symbols become reinterpreted, due perhaps to environmental changes. Consequently, symbols with emotive power carry problems analogous to false etymologies. For example, the Irish and Scottish American elements of design in the Rebel Flag of the American South predate the American Civil War. An early variant of the crossed bars can be seen on the Scottish Flag. Following the American Civil War, the KKK, founded in part by Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest, became notorious in the American South for conducting racially-motivated attacks. Its members associated themselves with the Confederate flag. This lead to a subsequent dispute over whether or not the flag has racist connotations. Another example is the superficial resemblance between the Christian cross, an execution device, and the Ancient Egyptian Ankh, signifying life. The cross derives from the Roman Empires' use of large wooden crosses to crucify alleged criminals. Juxtaposition further complicates the matter. Alone, the cross is a symbol of Christianity. However, a cross set on fire on a lawn is a distinct, racist symbol of the KKK, even though the original cross lacks racist implications.  Pentagon, Pentagram, Phi Day (18 June): Golden Mean’s relationship to the Fibonnaci Code: 1,2,3,5 (Reference to Dr. Horowitz: Love: The Real Da Vinci Code)  GHW Bush: ‘thousands points of light’ speech written by Peggy Noonan; and Vice Presidents Task Force on Combatting Terrorism, 1978; which concludes that the root cause of terrorism is overpopulation colliding with scarce, declining and finite resources  Fathers for Justice (Hand with Five fingers, Stars to their Children)  North Star: Georgia Guidestone: The Georgia Guidestones are a huge granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The structure is sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge". A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. The message includes references to certain themes such as "maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature", "guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity", "prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite", "Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts." "Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court" and others, concluding with "be not a cancer on the earth — leave room for nature — leave room for nature." The four outer stones are oriented based on the Sun's yearly migration. The center column features a hole through which the North Star can be seen regardless of time, as well as a slot that is aligned with the Sun's solstices and equinoxes. A 7/8" aperture in the capstone allows a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day, shining a beam on the center stone indicating the day of the year.  North Star: an antislavery newspaper published from 1847–1851 by the escaped slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, friend of Harpers Ferry, John Brown. In 1838, Frederik Douglass was first introduced to the ideology that would inspire the North Star after subscribing to The Liberator, a weekly newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison. The Liberator was a newspaper established by Garrison and his supporters based on core views of morality. Upon his return to the United States in March 1847 Douglass shared his ideas of the North Star with his mentors. Ignoring the advice of the American Ant-Slavery Society, Douglass moved to Rochester, New York to publish the first edition. Upon questioning on his decision to creating the North Star Douglass is said to have responded, “I still see before me a life of toil and trials..., but, justice must be done, the truth must be told...I will not be silent.”4  North Star: Minnesota: the North Star State; the state that elected Jesse Ventura as Governor.  North Star: reference to North Star as guide and protector, in The Patriot.  North Star: (Lode Star/Kryptos Lode Stone): Guiding Star, reference point, for strategic State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria: Legal Argument:

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navigation  North Star (formerly, North Star House) is an unincorporated community in Yuba County, California. It is located 2 miles (3.2 km) northeast of Strawberry Valley, at an elevation of 4019 feet (1225 m).  ‘North Star’ is the title of an episode from the third season of the television series Star Trek: Enterprise. Its episode number is 061, and it first aired on 12 November 2003. Archer, Trip and T'Pol head down to a planet where humans are living in a wild-west-like society. Archer learns that aliens named Skagarans brought humans from three hundred years ago there for slave labor, but the humans resisted and turned the tables on them. Now the humans' descendants are in charge and the Skagarans are forced to endure prejudice and unfair laws. The crew have to decide what to do with the humans and the prejudice will lead to a showdown.  Five: Dischordian Law of Fives is summarized in the Principia Discordia: The Law of Fives states simply that: All things happen in fives, or are divisible by or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5. The Law of Fives is never wrong. – Malacypse the Younger, Principia Discordia, Page 00016  Asterism (Minerology) a star-shaped figure with six rays that is seen in some crystal structures under reflected or transmitted light (Hidden Messages in Water/Intention)  Star Topology: configuration for a communication network

Gutless:  weak in will power

Two-Faced:  Russian Romanov Double Headed Eagle Hegelian Dialectic Symbolism: Staged Events, also known as: Order Out of Chaos, from the Latin: Ordo Ab Chao. The puppetmasters create “disorder” so the people will demand “order”. The price of “order” always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of “chaos” comes “order” - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It's the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO, i.e. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. It's also referred to as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who wrote about its effectiveness. He described it as: THESIS -- ANTI-THESIS -- SYN-THESIS. Others have described it as: PROBLEM -- REACTION -- SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly you provide a solution. The solution is what you were wanting to achieve in the first place, but wouldn't have been able to achieve under normal circumstances.

Rotting Brain:  to decay morally, to become degenerate  Reptilian » Limbic Brain » Neocortex (to degenerate from limbic brain, would be to act, with your reptilian brain); Ref: to A General Theory of Love; limbic brain love connections; i.e. Trinity Love – Eco Family  Ref: Covert Operations of the National Security Agency, by John St. Clair Akwei: John St. Clair Akwei vs. National Security Agency, Ft. Meade, MD, USA (Civil Action 92-0449): …. Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance: A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day.


 Judge Advocate General, US Navy JAG Corps

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