09-08-23: Evita Bezuidenhout: History of Kaffir Word in EU Expert Witness

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31 August 2009: Email to Evita Bezuidenhout inviting her to be an ‘Funigalore RDP Vaseline, and the History of the K-word, in Proudly DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only Demockery Intercourse’ Expert Witness in Lara Johnstone, Radical Honesty SA More-than-OneMeaning-for-‘Kaffir’ Crimen Injuria Trial

From: Lara Johnstone Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:24 PM To: 'evita@evita.co.za' Subject: Request to Evita For President: Expert Witness Funigalore RDP Affidavit, in Criminal Matter Dear Evita for President, I am writing to find out whether you would be willing to answer a few questions on an Affidavit, as an expert Funigalore and DeKaffirnated witness on the “History of the KWord” and related issues, for a criminal matter I am the Defendant in. Perhaps you read about it in Die Burger/Beeld. The criminal matter is about five charges of Crimen Injuria (Insulting another’s Dignity); that I made – as an act of civil disobedience -- against Six Politicians (Two of them Former Presidents) in South Africa; whom I accuse of violating and nullifying the Truth and Reconciliation Social Contract; and instead implementing a Kaffir (knowingly concealing the Truth) Cult of Secrecy Social Contract. In particular, as I stated before the court on 12 August 2009, to give you a very brief overview of the case: a.

“The time may be right for a society that has been undergoing transition for the past 13 years to appreciate new methods of defining the meaning of words and understanding their use in blunt, intense and provocative public speech”


If a “Kaffir” means, “someone who knows the truth, but conceals the Truth”; and if South African Government Officials are Knowingly Concealing the Truth, about: i.

The Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS


the Impending Malthusian DieOff consequences of Peak Oil


how Exponential Population Growth Policies, colliding with scarce and depleting resources, causes and exacerbates Crime, Violence, Unemployment, Poverty, Homelessness, Racism and Resource Wars


how the ANC’s Prison and Criminal Justice Policies in their University of Crime Prisons, are – negligently or intentionally, -- creating and fostering crime, violence, hate, unemployment, homelessness, racism and criminality on a massive scale


how (i) the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Hearings were all a fake farce pretend show, (ii) the ANC is not seriously committed to upholding the Truth and Reconciliation Social Contract; (iii) how the TRC Social Contract is null and void, and ‘Proudly South African’ citizens have been maliciously lied to and deceived;

then such South African Government Officials who participate in such a cover up and deception, actions, fit the description for the behaviour of “Kaffirs”?


Public Officials Have No Right Not to Be Criticised. If -– in the exercise of a Right -criticism of a Government or Public Official/s is Legitimate, Honest and Fair; it cannot be Unlawful!


It is time that South Africans confront reality, and admit: Unlike Black Dwarf Stars; Black Swans, Kaffir Lily’s and Kaffirs, do exist!

My Legal Defence is based upon primarily a Defence known as Political Necessity, which incorporates Civil Disobedience, and the Nuremberg Principles. [If you don’t know about the Political Necessity Defence, an excellent laymans view article is here] Your Expert Witness Affidavit deals in particular to your plays Funigalore and DeKaffirnated; which I have drafted for you as, Affidavit of Evita for President, evidencing my Funigalore RDP Vaseline on the History of the K-word; in Proudly DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only Demockery Intercourse (Word Attachment)

Naturally, that is a draft, if you agree to be an expert witness, via Affidavit, for now, then any and every word stated in your affidavit, is approved by yourself. What Happens if you Agree to Be an Expert Witness by Affidavit: If you do agree to submit an Affidavit as an Expert Witness in the matter, this is what happens. You edit the attached Affidavit. When done, you print it, and sign it before a Commissioner of Oaths/Notary, scan it to PDF format, and email the PDF to me. I print it, and submit it with the other Expert witness Affidavits in this matter (more about them below), to the court, with my Application (The Draft of that is also attached Notice of Intention: Defendants Provisional and Conditional Radical Hon(our)sty Offer to Plaintiffs). If the Prosecution/State dispute anything you state in your Expert Witness Affidavit, then they inform the court, and at that point; we can decide if you want to ‘live outside of Republic of South Africa’, or not. If you decide you live in South Africa, then you are subpoenaed to testify in court, to your expert witness testimony; on this matter. Other Confirmed Expert Witnesses by Affidavit, in this matter: Committed other Expert Witnesses, we are just finalizing their Affidavit Drafts: 

Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological and socio-political ‘skills and competencies’ relevance of Dr. Stanley Milgram’s studies on Obedience; to the application of the common law ‘reasonableness test,’ in cases of civil disobedience, as per the Nuremberg Principles

Affidavit of Leonard George Horowitz evidencing the Origin of AIDS sourcing from Hepatitus B Vaccine experiments conducted by Agents and Agencies of the Federal Government of the United States of America and the Merck Pharmaceutical Company

[..] Additional Other Expert Witnesses shall be contacted in the next few days, on each of the issues of: Ø

The Impending Malthusian DieOff consequences of Peak Oil


Exponential Growth Population Policies and their Resource War consequences Ø ANC’s University of Crime Prison Policies Ø Nullification of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Social Contract; etc….

If you have any suggestions, on anyone whom you consider a good candidate expert witness, and who may wish to be one in this matter, on any of the aforementioned issues; please let me know. I would appreciate it if you would take a look at the Draft Affidavit I have prepared for you (Attached word document), read it through and consider whether you would be willing to answer the questions, and formally submit an Affidavit in the matter. Thinking… Maybe… If you are willing to consider it, and require additional information, before making a decision; please simply ask, and I am happy to provide you with any – and I mean any – paperwork that has been filed in this matter, or other related; in my possession, to help you make an informed decision. Thinking… Definitely Not…. If your decision is NO. Please be so kind as to inform me asap; so that I know. Respectfully Requested,

Lara Johnstone

State v. Johnstone: Crimen Injuria. http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com Email: jmcswan@mweb.co.za Tel/Fax: +27 – 44 – 870 7239 Cell: +27 – 71 – 170 1954

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE WESTERN CAPE Mag.Crt: 14/1198/08 CT.CAS: 1340/7/07

State: Hon. Patricia de Lille, MP, ID Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Former President Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, Former NPA Nat. Dir. Mr. J.S. Selebi, Former SAPS Comm. Mr. BM Skosana, Former Min. Corrections Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President

[17/1384/07] [Grg: 572/02]

Primary Plaintiff / Respondent Secondary Plaintiff / Respondent Secondary Plaintiff / Respondent Secondary Plaintiff / Respondent Secondary Plaintiff / Respondent Secondary Plaintiff / Respondent

v. Lara Johnstone

Defendant / Applicant

Affidavit of Evita for President, evidencing my Funigalore RDP Vaseline, and the History of the K-word, in Proudly DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only Demockery Intercourse; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent

I the undersigned, Evita Bezuidenhout, the most famous white woman in Africa, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 1.

This affidavit is based on my personal knowledge, except where otherwise stated, and, if called upon to do so, I could and would competently testify to the matters herein stated.


I was born in Bethlehem, in the Orange Free State on 28 September 1935 as Evangelie Poggenpoel. I became the Killarney Film Actress in the mid 50’s in films like “Boggel en die Akkedis”, “Meisie van my Drome” and “Duiwelsvallei”.


I married Dr. JJ de V Bezuidenhout (Oom Hasie) in 1958; my children are De Kock, Izan and Billie Jeanne.


I have been associated with Parliamentary life as the wife of MP for Laagerfontein in the 60’s and 70’s, and I became an intimate friend of HF Verwoerd, Tini Voster and Eliza Botha. I was present at the momentous happenings such as MacMillians speech, Verwoerd’s assassination, Vorster’s rise to power; and PW Botha’s coup.


I became Ambassador to the Independent Black Homeland Republic of Bapetikosweti in 1983.


I assisted Pik Botha in the Total Diplomatic Onslaught on the world during the 80’s.


I am the grandmother to three black children from Billie-Jeane who married Leroy Makoeloelie. My son Izan is an active member of the AWB and my other son is with the Gay Liberation Movement.

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At present I am Ambassador without Portfolio, and chief liaison person with Former President Mandela’s Office with regard to Afrikaans Cultural Affairs. I am also on the committee looking into what to do with the old Symbols of State.


I am well known for my TV chat show, Funigalore, which was my contribution to the RDP: Reconstructuring Prejudice and Developing Compassion.


In 2000 I was awarded the Living Legacy 2000 Award in San Diego by the Woman’s Intenrational Center for my “contribution to the place of women in the last century.”


In my 10,000 km, 60 city voter education campaign, I came across much apathy, and many who believe they fought for freedom, but all they got was democracy. They cannot understand why their leaders cannot create jobs, as fast as they pop out ‘cheap labour’ unwanted children.


I am the host of DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only, which focuses on South Africans obsession with, navigating the pitfalls of the “K-word” limpit mines.


As so many of South Africa’s current apologists admit behind closed doors, “I used to say the K-word, but I can’t say it in the new South Africa – I’d lose my job; cause my manager, not to mention my President, is one.”


DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only, underlines how the hopes for the brave new world of the Rainbow Nation have in many cases been cruelly dashed. I think, “We quit a successful democracy, because we’re all equally pissed off!”


DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only demonstrates the frequent absurdity of politics, where language has been distorted beyond recognition by our politically correct Fat Cat Struggle Brothers. When a bus is stolen in a township these days, we call it “affirmative commuting.”


Our Coconut citizens so upset about the use of the ‘K-word’, are the same one’s who don’t want worldly goods like diamonds and gold, just aesthetic things, like cheap servants!


When I use the K-word, there are shouts of joy, gasps of laughter and congratulations from all corners, Nelson Mandela included.


“Hypocrisy is the Vaseline of political intercourse”


I do not know Ms. Johnstone, have never met her, until she contacted me, by email; to request I write this Affidavit, to provide my Funigalore RDP Vaseline, evidencing the History of the K-word, in Proudly DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only Demockery Intercourse’


Ms. Johnstone has told me that she is the Defendant in criminal court proceedings, regarding Political Necessity/Civil Disobedience Crypto-Gandhian French Riddle of the Lilly Pond1 ‘crimen injuria’ text messages2, she sent to some DeKaffirNated politicians3, at


See: Brief Statement of Defendant: Justification Defence: Political Necessity: Crypto-Gandhian French Lily Pond Riddle; at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/19056277/090708-S-v-Johnstone-A-19-Statement-of-Defendant-Justification-Defence-Political-Necessity 2 SMS @ 15:23 hrs, on 10 July 2007: [Be My Guest Kaffir! Quote SAP George Case 572-02, U Kaffir Moron Imbecile] SMS @ 15:32 hrs on 10 July 2007: [U r 1 stupid dumb kaffir bitch. Don’t u fucking dare say I didn’t warn u, u goddamn kaffir hypocrite! Lara Johnstone] SMS @ 18:32 hrs on 10 July 2007: [As usual u gutless 2faced hypocrite coloured kaffir imbecile, U r all talk & no action. SAP # 572/02 U rotting excuse 4 a brain!] SMS @ 10:23 hrs on 16 July 2007: [So Your Message to JAG is: “FUCK U, FUCK STARH, & AIDS IS A 5* SMS @ 11:32 hrs on 16 KAFFIR DIE B/W DEPOP’N PROGRAM. BEST INVENTION SINCE ‘MANHATTEN’, USURY, RAPE & TORTURE”?] July 2007: [Press Release: PDLille 2 LJohnstone: “FUCK U, FUCK STARH, & AIDS IS A 5* KAFFIR DIE B/W DEPOP’N PROGRAM. BEST INVENTION SINCE ‘MANHATTEN, USURY, RAPE & TORTURE”] 3 Lara Johnstone: “The factual truth:. I sent the SMS’s to six tough South African politicians, c/o the Primary Plaintiff, who: (i) I had been dealing with on this issue, since 2002; spoken to, written dozens of documents, including documents wherein I defined what I mean, when I use the word “Kaffir”, (ii) I had spoken to 15 minutes before I sent her the ‘crimen injuria’ SMS’s, for her forwarding, where we had a

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15:234; 15:325 and 18:326 hrs, on 10 July7; and at 10:23 and 11:32 hrs on 16 July8 2007; which are alleged to be ‘racially offensive’ and ‘an insult to the dignity’ of the Politicians. 21.

Ms. Johnstone has also told me that she has submitted, among others, the following Political Necessity: Civil Disobedience & the Nuremberg Principles: Freedom of

Speech: Radical Hon(our)sty and MI6GASM: KAFFIR LILLE: French Riddle of the Lilly Pond ‘Offer of Proof’ documentation, into the court record, on 08 July 2009 and 12 August, in written and DATA DVD format:




The 136 page, 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper9: … Why Are So Many People Who Have Heard of Peak Oil, in Denial?, cites I.

Dr. Susan Blackmore, Waking from the Meme Dream10, on the neuroscience studies, that conclude that there is no-one inside the brain, no central controller, no decisionmaker, to ‘have their dignity insulted’;


Erich Fromm, To Have or To Be, and The Sane Society on the pathology of normalcy, religion and character; in terms of Having vs. Being;


The Work of Stanley Milgram, excerpt from Practicing Radical Honesty [Having/Obedience to Authority] vs. [Being/Rebellion11];


The Sufi Levels of Consciousness, excerpt from Practicing Radical Honesty;

Population Policy Common Sense: Human Rights, Peace & Social Justice: Exponential Function Laws of Sustainability: Population, Politics & Political Cowards12: (P:38) I.

Exponential Functions: French Riddle of the Lily Pond: Understanding Exponential Growth: Bacteria in a Bottle, by World Population Balance


Population, Politics and Political Cowards, by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson

Engineering Consenting Psychological “Kaffirs”?: Conforming to Blind Obedience to Authority, or Cultural Belief? 13 I.

Conformity Paradigm and Experiments, by Dr. Soloman Asch


Reality is a Shared Hallucination, by Howard Bloom (The Global Brain)

heated discussion, which was finally terminated by her with the words “Fuck Your [Legal Military] Document. Fuck Your Racist Conspiracy Theories about the [Manmade Biological Warfare] Origins of AIDS; and Fuck You!” 23: (i) Holy Number in Discordianism; (ii) 23 in South Africa: refers to the 23 conscientious objectors who publicly refused to do military service in the Apartheid army in 1987 (iii) 23 in Code: the codewords in the perfect (non-extended) binary Golay code are the size of 23; (iv) 23 in Paradox: According to the birthday paradox, in a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen people, the probability is more than 50% that some pair of them will have the same birthday [18 July: 18 July 2006 :: PeakOil_RSA :: Briefing Paper]. 5 32: (i) 32 is the occult opposite of 23 (ii) Power of 32: The fifth power of two, 32 is also a Leyland number since 24 + 42 = 32 | 32 (iii) Astronomy & ‘Kaffirs’: The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series began on June 115, 1691 [“Kaffir” Rehabilitation Article was dated 11 June. See June 11 Anniversaries Footnote.] (iv) 32 and Military Justice: Article 32 of the United States Military Code of Justice concerns pre-trial investigations. Such a hearing is often called an “article 32 hearing”. 6 Minutemen: Minutemen were members of teams of select men from the American colonial militia during the American Revolutionary War. The Minutemen were among the first people to fight in the American Revolution. These teams constituted about a quarter of the entire militia, and generally were the younger and more mobile, serving as part of a network for early response. Minuteman and Sons of Liberty member Paul Revere spread the news that the British Regulars (soldiers) were coming out. The mobilization of the minutemen resulted in the events of April 19, 1775, of Concord, which jumpstarted the Revolutionary War. Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his "Concord Hymn", described the first shot fired by the Patriots at the North Bridge as the "shot heard ‘round the world’” 7 10 July Anniversaries: (i) 1832 – U.S. President Andrew Jackson vetoes a bill that would re-charter the Second Bank of the United States; (ii) 1985 – Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior is bombed and sunk in Auckland, New Zealand Harbor by French DGSE agents; (iii) 1925 – Scopes Trial: In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called “Monkey Trial” begins with John T. Scopes, a young high school science teacher, is accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Butler Act, defended by Clarence Darrow 8 16 July Anniversaries: (i) 1945: Manhattan: The Trinity Nuclear Test: At precisely 5:30 a.m. on Monday, July 16, 1945, the nuclear age began. Robert Oppenheimer chose to name this the “Trinity” test, a name inspired by the poems of John Donne. The site chosen was a remote corner on the Alamagordo Bombing Range known as the “Jornada del Muerto,” or “Journey of Death,”; (ii) 1969: Launching of Apollo 11 mission, the first manned mission to land on the Moon. It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon, or Moon orbit. Lunar Module callsign: EAGLE 9 http://crimeninuria.blogspot.com/2009/01/06-07-18-18-july-2006peak_9117.html 10 Waking from the Meme Dream, Paper presented at the Psychology of Awakening: International Conference on Buddhism, Science and Psychotherapy, at Dartington, 7 – 10 November 1996, (http://www.memes.org.uk/meme-lab/DART96.HTM) 11 MU (Zen for Round Eyes) and Rebellion: Still Life with a Woodpecker: “Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not. Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end. Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed, and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm.” 12 http://www.scribd.com/doc/16203475/090606Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-The-Laws-of-Sustainability 13 http://www.scribd.com/doc/18631336/090811-Legal-Argument-Encl-Engineering-Consenting-Psychological-Kaffirs 4

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DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts14: [Exponential Fx – Usury; Kaffir Moron Imbecile; Rape & Torture; AIDS], related documentaries/excerpts: I.

PRH: Beyond Good and Evil (00:39)


Politically Correct/Soft Language – George Carlin (06:56)


A Call To Arms for White People of Truth/Walking on Egg Shells Language, by Pastor David James Manning (04:32)

Here follows my Funigalore RDP Vaseline, evidencing the History of the K-word, in Proudly DeKaffirNated: Europeans Only Demockery Intercourse’

23. 24. 25. 26.

[Whatever else you want to say, or think relevant] I declare under penalty of law that the foregoing is true and accurate.

DATED: _____________, ____, 2009

_____________________________ DEPONENT: EVITA FOR PRESIDENT

SIGNED and SWORN TO before me at ___________________ on this the __________day of September, 2009; the Deponent having acknowledged that she knows and understands the contents of this affidavit, that she has no objection to taking the prescribed oath and that the oath is binding on her conscience.

__________________________ COMMISSIONER OF OATHS



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