10-02-28: Legal Resources Center: CEO: Janet Love: Comment on RH White Refugees

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Request Ms. Janet Love, National Resource Director, Legal Resources Center Official Comment on Free Speech Legal Issue: American politician and author Dr. Brad Blanton accuses SA Gov. of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience Radical Honesty White Refugee Free Speech dissenter. The Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ (PDF[9]), states among others, that: 

Hon. Mrs. De Lille, and the NPA Senior Prosecutor conducted a political and legal prosecution and persecution campaign against Johnstone.

If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.

The law of crimen injuria is a law so ridiculous, it appears to date back to a belief in curses from witchdoctors.

Confirms Johnstone’s culture and religion as that of Radical Honesty; namely to non-violently tell another the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God; with a commitment to remaining in the conversation until sincere forgiveness has occurred.

Johnstone’s defence of non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence was justified and accurate.

Johnstone’s opinion that there is a significant difference between posed forgiveness and real forgiveness and that this difference is almost always avoided by politicians, such as South Africa’s alleged Truth and Reconciliation politicians is entirely accurate.

Legal Resources Center: National Director: Ms. Janet Love: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Janet Love (National Director, Legal Resources Center) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Jhb LRC, Capetown LRC, Durban LRC, Grahamstown LRC. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112070/10-02-28-Janet-Love-Nat-Dir-Legal-Resource-Center



28 February 2010 Ms. Janet Love Ref: RSA-TRC Academics Letter to Canadian Charge D’Affaires[1] Natonal Director: Legal Resources Center 25 Rissik Street 7th Floor, Braam Fischer House Johannesburg, 2001 Tel: (011) 836 9831 Fax: (011) 838 8680 Email: Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

CC: Canadian High Commissioner: Ref: IRB RULING: MA8-04910: Brandon C. Huntley[2] CC: UNHCR: White Refugee Memo to UNHCR[3] CC: Mr. Brandon Huntley; c/o & via: Attorney Russell Kaplan

Ms. Love,

Request Your ‘RSA-TRC Academic Elite’ Official Comment on Free Speech Legal Issue: American politician, psychologist and author Dr. Brad Blanton accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ dissenter. As one of the signatories of the Open Letter to Canadian Charge D’Affaires Mr. White (PDF[4]), among others:  It is assumed your support for democratic values, would agree that: If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.  It is further assumed, that if you were informed of the South African government’s legal prosecution and persecution of any non-violent truth-telling civil-disobedient Free Speech South African citizen; you would wish to express your democratic objections thereto.  It is further assumed that if you were informed of complaints filed with the South African Police, alleging Perjury, Fraud, Persecution, Obstruction of Justice and Corruption; you would be concerned that the Police refused to accept the Affidavits of complaint, to open a file for an investigation into the allegations. As you no doubt recall, on 27 August 2009, the Canadian Immigration & Refugee Board (IRB) granted white South African, Brandon Huntley, Official Canadian Refugee Status[5]: The IRB ruling found Huntley “was a victim [of persecution] because of his race rather than a victim of criminality, who presented clear & convincing proof of state & security forces’ inability or unwillingness to protect him.” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/open-letter-to-canada-south-africas.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/white-refugee-petition.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/memo-to-unhcr.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/FF-04-b-142-SA-Academics-Open-Letter-to-Canada-Re-Brandon-Huntley http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/transcript-of-irb-william-davis-ruling.html

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

The statement in your letter to Charge D’Affaires White that Mr. Davids could not “recognize white backlash for the reactionary discourse it is,” was a rather strange allegation, I thought. Mr. Huntley was represented at the IRB, by Attorney Mr. Russel Kaplan, a liberal, who himself had fled to Canada, during apartheid. Lara Kaplan is yet another liberal, whose personal experience of the racial hatred displayed during the criminal acts upon her, and her brother, were cognitively not too dissimilar from the personal experience of anti-apartheid activist Jenifer Schute[6]. Lara testified about the ‘racially motivated’ attack on her brother, Robert; yet another liberal who had started a computer training academy dedicated to providing computer education for blacks. According to Salon Magazine, in What Happened to Rob Kaplan[7] (PDF[8]), written in June 1997: Irnest Kaplan found his elder brother Rob, 34, near death in his Johannesburg home on May 1. Rob, who ran a computer training center for blacks, had been shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron by three Zulu-speaking robbers seeking the keys to a nonexistent safe. The Kaplan incident was typical of the horrendous street crime that has enveloped South Africa. Carjackings, shootings, knifings and rapes have become so common that many newspapers have simply stopped reporting them unless the details are particularly grotesque -- a burning, for example, or a machete maiming. But Kaplan's Web site immediately attracted attention. In its first week it racked up 120,000 hits; in its second week, 1 million hits. So far President Mandela's office has remained silent, no doubt aware of the racial dimension of the issue. The Kaplans are white and those complaining most vocally about violent crime are white. And the alleged perpetrators are mostly black. They almost always involve a high degree of gratuitous violence. Gang rape is a growing phenomenon. Are these merely post-apartheid expressions of white racism? No, says former New York Police Commissioner William Bratton, who was asked to come up with a crime reduction proposal for South Africa's minister of police. “The situation seems to be getting worse ... The climate of fear has meant so many guns and people tend to shoot first. We did not meet a single person who did not know a victim of serious crime.” The former Lebanese ambassador, who fled the country after his house was broken into once too often, was quoted as saying that Beirut, even in its worst days, was safer than Johannesburg today. The exodus of whites has grown since the advent of black majority rule, and crime is usually cited as the most compelling reason. As you read through Kaplan's site you get the feeling that for the average white South African, the guerrilla war of the apartheid era is not over -it simply moved to their backyards, to their roads, stoplights, parking lots and to any place where they or their families are a target. Has the situation in South African gotten much worse, as Commissioner Bratton predicted it would, unless South Africa showed some leadership, and gave up its ideological insanity attachment to the Poverty is

the Root Cause of Criminality Illusion?[9]

According to the Committee of Enquiry into Farm Attacks Report[10], of July 2003: “The Committee also interviewed 15 prosecutors – all of them state advocates – in Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Kimberley, Pretoria and Pietermaritzburg. They were unanimously of the view that .. the degree of violence and cruelty exhibited during farm attacks was exceedingly high. Most state advocates attributed this extreme violence to racial hatred.”

According to Henri Boshoff, a military analyst with the Institute for Security Studies, in a January 2006 front page Saturday Star article, sophisticated urban criminals were exploiting the same “military precision” tactics used in farm attacks to hit homes in residential suburbs in South Africa’s major cities. Such military tactics include: (i) reconnaissance of the target beforehand; (ii) Secret signals left outside the house for other members of the gang; (iii) Heavily armed gangs; (iv) Use of violence including rape. [6]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/anti-apartheid-activist-changes-her.html http://www.salon.com/june97/news/news2970604.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/25781841/97-06-04-Salon-Rob-Kaplan-Robbed-Tortured-Shot-3-Times-by-3-Zulu-Armed-Robbers-Linksfield-Jhb [9] http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/crime-theory-demolished-poverty-is-not.html [10] http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/why-we-are-white-refugees-afrikaner.html [7] [8]

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

It appears you are either unaware, or if not, deliberately indifferent to the fact that criminals in South Africa, and those who yearn for ‘street cred’ amongst their fellow criminal gangsters, have a racial hierarchy of victims. It is only the naïve who don’t know that the murder, torture or rape of an Afrikaner farmer, or farmers wife or family, receives higher ‘street cred’ than the murder, rape or torture of a poor black man or woman. Are you totally oblivious to this racial hierarchy of victims, and its corresponding violence hierarchy of gangster ‘street cred’? If so, perhaps it is time you educate yourself on these matters. May I suggest you start at: “I like blood & hurting people; I like fu**ing up peoples lives” - SA prison gang member[11], which is an excerpt from correspondence titled, Who in South Africa’s political, media & academic hierarchy are serious and sincere, and who are simply being paid to pretend they are serious and sincere; about crime and rehabilitation? If you are sincere, as opposed to two-faced hypocrit liberal, perhaps you may wish to consider whether there is any legitimacy to: 74% of White SA’s Agree with Huntley; ANC & Liberals Deliberate Malicious Indifference Legitimize Huntley’s ‘White Refugee’ status[12] (excerpt follows): Brief Overview: Is IRB's Huntley Ruling justified in terms of UNHCR Refugee criteria? Brandon Huntley was granted Refugee Status by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board, in accordance with UNHCR refugee criteria (PDF). “a person who owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who is, … owing to such fear, … unwilling to return to it.” It can accordingly be inferred that Huntley was granted refugee status because the evidence Huntley submitted to the IRB, was sufficient to prove to the IRB that Brandon Carl Huntley subjectively and objectively felt that: (a) he was being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of race/membership of a particular ethnic group; (b) the South African government were deliberately and/or maliciously indifferent to his safety and security and/or unable or unwilling to protect him. Was the IRB’s Ruling Justified? 

Do other white South Africans feel that they are being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of their race/membership of a particular ethnic group?

Is the South African Government unwilling or unable to acknowledge that this group of South Africans feel the way that they do?

White South African’s Feelings of Persecution: Media Surveys: 74% Agree with Huntley     

IOL: 65% Rapport: 87% Beeld: 83% Burger: 62% Average: 74%

Is the South African Government unwilling or unable to acknowledge that Huntley and White South Africans feel persecuted? So Brandon Huntley and 74% of his fellow white South Africans fit the UNHCR white refugee criteria, by their experience of subjective feelings of being persecuted for being white. What is the SA Governments ability or willingness to respond to these feelings of persecution? May I suggest that you don’t wait until you are repeatedly arrested without an arrest warrant, denied your right to a bail hearing within 24 hours, and left in Pollsmoor for 33 days; before you ask yourself [11] [12]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-like-blood-hurting-people-i-like.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/74-of-white-sas-agree-with-huntley-anc.html

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

the aforementioned question! Or what about being arrested without a valid arrest warrant by a policeman who informs you, you are being arrested to shut you up, who irregularly delivers you to Lentegeur, with irregular documents signed by a corrupt Magistrate? How about a conversation at Lentegeur with a Chief Forensic Psychologist who appears oblivious to the psychological theories of Erich Fromm, or Thomas Ssazz; who informs you that she has every intention of having you certified? Might you feel persecuted if the only reason you weren’t certified, was not because any of South Africa’s blindly obedient arsekreeping politically correct psychologists objected, but because a black United States Marine, from the U.S. Embassy picked up the telephone, to demand an explanation? What might your worldview be if you file a complaint with the South African Police, providing evidence for your allegations that you are being legally prosecuted and persecuted, but they refuse to accept your affidavit of complaint, to open a case file for its investigation?

My ‘White’ Radical Honesty Worldview: I don’t know what ‘black’, ‘pink’ or ‘green’ or whatever, world/s you live in, but the ‘white’ world I live in is one dedicated to Radical honesty, to king or peasant, pink, brown, black, red or yellow skin, capitalist or communist; liberal or conservative, libertarian or anarchist; Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu, et al. Perhaps as a result of having had the benefit of joining the Radical Honesty community; I know the difference between sincere liberals, conservatives, libertarians and communists, and two-faced hypocrit politically correct tyrant liberals, conservatives, et al. I have little tolerance for the latter, and a huge amount of respect for the former. Dr. Brad Blanton, a sincere liberal, and founder of Radical Honesty, is undoubtedly a world expert on anger and forgiveness. See Radical Honesty About Anger and Sincere Forgiveness[13], for in-depth description. Practicing Radical Honesty means I determine my values and I apply those values to all equally. I don’t excuse behaviour that I consider that of a savage from anyone; I don’t care what their ethnicity, or social status is: peasant or king, black or white. For example: On 31 January 2003, I was convicted of giving the white Afrikaner Magistrate the highest respect I could give him by telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and refusing to proceed with the court appointed corrupt prosecutor, against whom I had filed repeated complaints, demanding she be replaced. Among others, she had not the foggiest clue what a ‘forensic psychologist’ was. The Magistrate refused my initial polite requests; whereupon I informed him I refused to proceed with the black kaffir bitch prosecutor. He demanded I apologise: I refused, with “Fuck You”. I was found guilty of Contempt in Facie Curiae and sentenced to one year in prison. What is there to respect about a justice system, that does not respect itself enough to value ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’; but is founded on lies, gatkruiping and two-faced hypocrisy? Perhaps if you practiced Radical Honesty, and accordingly observed everyone’s behaviour according to a set of values where truth was rewarded and lies condemned, as opposed to a set of politically correct excuses for savagery and incompetence; you would also be very, very cognisant of the fact that Proudly Rainbow Schizophrenic South Africa is founded upon lies and deception, duplicity, deceit, hate and falsehood. It is a Rainbow Hypocrisy House built on toxic quicksand of a fake feelgood crack-pipe illusion. Crime, Rape, Racially Motivated Torture has fuck all to do with a ‘legacy of apartheid’ and all to do with a legacy of two-faced hypocrites and their consistent Poverty Pimp excuse-making for savagery, hypocrisy, corruption and criminality. So, I hope I have now provided you with a somewhat enlightened perspective to my white Radical Honesty worldview. Perhaps you are even one of those enlightened two-faced hypocrites who think that people who consistently and without apology value truth, above hypocrisy, gatkruiping and lies, deserve to be politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted, in your ‘truth’ and ‘reconciliation’ Rainbow Hypocrisy. For the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ Court Record: American politician, psychologist and author Dr. Brad Blanton, accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience Free Speech dissenter. Please clarify your official comment of response to Dr. Blanton’s allegations that:  If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, non-violent, conscientious yet [13]


“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.  Hon. Mrs. De Lille, and the NPA Senior Prosecutor conducted a political and legal prosecution and persecution campaign against the defendant, myself.  The law of crimen injuria is a law so ridiculous, it appears to date back to a belief in curses from witchdoctors. Put differently, any society that values the principle of ‘crimen injuria’; is one that values protecting the right of people with fragile ego's to not be offended as more important; than protecting the right of Galileo’s and Voltaire’s to offend.  The South African government are deliberately and intentionally punishing me for practicing my culture and religion of Radical Honesty: non-violently telling another the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; with a commitment to remaining in the conversation until sincere forgiveness has occurred.  The South African government are deliberately and intentionally denying me my right to a defence; and ignoring the justification and accuracy of my non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence.  That there is a significant difference between posed forgiveness and real forgiveness and that this difference is almost always avoided by politicians, including South Africa’s alleged Truth and Reconciliation politicians. Additional background information and documents, if so required: On 22 September 2009 an Application for Review in the High Court, Western Cape # 19963-09 (PDF[14]) [Proof of Service (PDF[15])]; was filed by ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ protesting against political and legal prosecution and persecution by South African politicians and State officials. Among others, the respondents include Former Presidents Mbeki and Mandela, the Norwegian Nobel Institute and Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Mr. Jason Kenney. Two of the evidentiary attachments to HC-WC # 19963-09[16], are: [FF.04] [b] 142 SA Academics Open Letter to Canada, Re: Brandon Huntley (PDF[17]); and [FF.04] [a] Did 142 SA Academics Get It Wrong on Crime?(PDF[18]). On 12 October 2009, complaint WC-2009-O455BS[19] (PDF[20]) was also filed with the SA Human Rights Commission, against the same respondents, which also included the expert witness affidavit of Dr. Brad Blanton and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. Dr. Brad Blanton, psychologist, best selling author, activist, President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises, founder of the Center for Radical Honesty, Candidate for U.S. Congress of the United States from Virginia in 2004 and 2006; filed an expert witness affidavit, on behalf of the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’, in both aforementioned applications: Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ (PDF[21]). Please also consider yourself officially informed that: I also submitted the following Affidavits to the SAP in George last year to file charges against Hon. Patricia de Lille and Senior Pros. Jacobs, but the SAPS refused to accept the Affidavits, to open a file for an investigation into the allegations:  Affidavit of Complaint to SAPS against Hon. Patricia de Lille for Perjury, Fraud and Persecution (PDF[22])  Affidavit of Complaint to SAPS against NPA: Senior Pros. Jacobs for Obstruction of Justice, Persecution and Corruption (PDF[23])


http://www.scribd.com/doc/20878486/HC-WC-19963-09-Notice-of-Intention-Application-for-Leave-Judicial-Review-p12-Court-Stamped http://www.scribd.com/doc/20878135/KK-09-09-23-Affidavit-of-Lara-Johnstone-Proof-of-Service-of-Notice-of-Intention-P5-HCStamped http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2333061 [17] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/FF-04-b-142-SA-Academics-Open-Letter-to-Canada-Re-Brandon-Huntley [18] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519946/FF-04-a-142-SA-Academics-Get-It-Wrong-on-Crime [19] http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/2335596 [20] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20923652/SAHRC-Complaint-Indictment-Crimes-Against-Humanity-Crime-of-Apartheid [21] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20888675/HH-09-09-18-Affidavit-of-Brad-Blanton-Nuremberg-Principles-citizens-privilege-BradNotarySigned [22] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20890746/EE-SAPS-Complaint-DeLille-Perjury-Fraud-Persecution-Affidavit-Signed [15] [16]

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Cell: (071) 170 1954.

PLEASE NOTE: Final Memo: 140 SA Elite Say No Thanks to the Rule-of-Law (http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/) and Report: 10-03-21: Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter: 140 SA Elite: Deliberate Indifference to Rule-of-Law (http://www.scribd.com/doc/28486699/) were delivered to 79 TRC Academics who Petitioned Canadian Charge D’Affaires objecting to IRB granting Brandon Huntley ‘White Refugee’ status; c/o and via: Assoc. Prof. Melissa Steyn, Director: Institute for Intercultural and Diversity Studies, UCT; as well as all nine University Chancellor’s Offices (i.e. Dr. Max Price, UCT; Dr. M. Tom, U-Ft. Hare; Prof. Derek van de Merwe, U-Jhb; Prof. Makgoba, U-KZN; Prof. Mokgalong U-Limpopo; Prof. P Pityana, UNISA; Prof. J Jansen, U-OFS; Prof. C Pistorius, U-Pta; Prof. R Botman, U-Stb). [Academic Peer Review Transparency of Final Memo and Report to Ms. M. Steyn also sent to:] * Prof. Crain Soudien, Deputy Vice Chancellor: Executive Offices & Administrative Support Departments, Office of the Vice Chancellor; * Assoc. Prof. David Cooper, Dept. of Sociology; * Mr. Raymond R. Hartle, Media Manager: Executive Offices & Administrative Support Departments: Communication and Marketing Department Executive Unit.



“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” -- George Washington

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

From: melissa.steyn@uct.ac.za [mailto:melissa.steyn@uct.ac.za] Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 8:57 AM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: Delivered: UCT-Soc. Dept: Prof. Melissa Steyn; RE: Final Report: 140 of SA Elite; say 'No Thanks' to the Rule-of-Law Your message was delivered to the recipient.

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 2:42 AM To: 'Melissa.Steyn@uct.ac.za' Cc: 'Crain.Soudien@uct.ac.za'; 'David.Cooper@uct.ac.za'; 'Ray.hartle@uct.ac.za' Subject: UCT-Soc. Dept: Prof. Melissa Steyn; RE: Final Report: 140 of SA Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law Melissa Steyn Associate Professor in Sociology Department of Sociology University of Cape Town Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7700 Tel: (021) 650 2561 Fax: (021) 689 7576 Email: Melissa.Steyn@uct.ac.za Prof. Steyn, RE: Thank you. Final Report: 140 of SA Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law Hi. I am not sure if this is a South African thing; or not. Having spent 14 years backpacking around the world, I spent 6 of those working in the USA, 3 of them mentoring under two of America’s most radical psychologists – Dr. Brad Blanton and Prof. Richard Korn. Dr. Blanton you heard about, if you did read his affidavit to the court, which was the basis of my requests to you and your colleagues for your ‘white refugee’ comments. Dr. Korn however, was also a radical psychologist, and a criminologist. He was personally responsible for some of the most radical reforms that ever occurred in criminal justice policies in America. He was no less than one of the individuals who supported John Maher to found Delancey Street; which has since become, and remains the most successful rehabilitation program in the world (www.delanceystreetfoundation.org). Years ago, before I returned to South Africa, he offered to come and share some of his revolutionary criminal justice methods with the new South African Government. He suggested turning Robben Island into a living museum and Criminal Justice university with a vision of justice for the future; rather than just a dead museum, focused on the injustices of the past. His suggestion was not well received, irrespective of his criminal justice experience and the worldwide renowned success of Delancey Street. Having also spent some time working for cousins of the Royal Family in England, as well as a former White House Speech writer, I cannot say that I recall coming across Professional ‘elite’ who in my interpretation were so easily offended; as a few of those who signed your petition to the Canadian Charge D’Affaires. I don’t even think that in traveling around the Soviet Union and China in 1993,

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

have I ever felt such a need to practice ‘walking-on-eggshells’ language as I have experienced, since my return to South Africa. So, perhaps I just have this experience of having spent time with radical thinkers who are enthralled by new perspectives, so am not quite used to coming across people who are massively offended by new ideas, or contrarion opinions. But, I also want to respect their space; and yet also to provide them with their right to access to information, about the final report of all comments collected and submitted to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, regarding my social-science survey. So, in an effort to balance all those concerns; I am providing you with a copy of the final report, to share with them, or with those whom wish to view it; as per your expert opinion on your colleagues. Thank you for your and your colleagues comments; irrespective of contrarian views. Regards, Lara Johnstone Herewith find the Final Report of all Comments. Why We Are African White Refugees: 140 of SA Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law Table of Contents: African White Refugee Memo to: Min. of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada, For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”) For the White Refugee Record: 140 SA Elite on # 19963-09: » Radical Honesty Dr. Brad Blanton’s Allegations » [31] Editors, TV News Producers & Radio Station Manager, etc. » [09] Political Parties & Government Bodies » [12] Non-Profit Human Rights Related Org’s, including Mandela & De Klerk Foundations » [09] University Rectors & Vice Chancellors » [79] TRC Academics who Petitioned Canadian Charge D’Affaires objecting to IRB granting Brandon Huntley ‘White Refugee’ status. Admin: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt » Min of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada & IRB » Canadian High Commissioner, Pta & RSA Ambassador, Toronto » UNHCR, Amnesty Intn’l & EU Council for Refugees Google News article at Rant & Rave: 140 of RSA Elite Say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law » http://www.rantrave.com/Rant/140-of-RSA-Elite-Say-No-Thanks-to-the-Rule-of-Law.aspx White Refugees: 140 SA Elite Confirm their Deliberate Indifference to Rule-of-Law; No Objections to SA Gov. Persecution of ‘RH White Refugee’ » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/03/140-sa-elite-confirm-their-deliberate.html PDF Memo: 140 SA Elite Say No Thanks to the Rule-of-Law » http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-say-No-Thanks-to-the-Rule-of-Law PDF Report: Why We Are African White Refugees: The Rule of Law; or No Rules at All? » http://www.scribd.com/doc/28486699/10-03-17-Why-We-Are-African-White-Refugees-The-Rule-of-Law-orNo-Rules-at-All

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 4:53 PM To: 'Sarah Sephton' Subject: RE: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment No problem Sarah, Glad I could answer your question. ;-). For your info: The same letter sent to Ms. Love was sent to about 70 of the other academics who signed the original petition; not only to Ms. Love. A similar, letter requesting comment on the issue, excluding the issues directly related to the petition was also sent to all major political party leaders, major human rights organisations, all mainstream media editors. Lara

From: Sarah Sephton [mailto:sarah@lrc.org.za] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:04 PM To: 'Lara Johnstone' Subject: RE: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment

Thanks Lara This answers my question perfectly. I will circulate your email to my colleagues to whom your email was sent. Kind regards Sarah

From: Sarah Sephton [mailto:sarah@lrc.org.za] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:03 PM To: 'Lara Johnstone' Subject: Read: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment Your message To: Subject: Sent:

'Sarah Sephton' RE: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment 3/8/2010 12:24 PM

was read on 3/8/2010 3:03 PM.

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 12:24 PM To: 'Sarah Sephton' Subject: RE: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment Hi Sarah, For reasons as stated prior to your name in brackets, namely: [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Love signed the original petition to the Canadian High Commissioner, objecting to the granting of ‘white refugee’ status to Brandon Huntley, in her ‘Legal Resource Center’ professional ‘academic’ capacity; i.e. as the ‘National Director, Legal Resources Center’. I have provided her with some contradictory information to some of the alleged premises of the original petition, and the opportunity to object to my persecution by the SA Government, should she wish to do so. Furthermore, I imagine – you are her professional ‘peers’, and so, should you wish to conduct a ‘Peer Review’ of her decision, you may. If not, that’s okay too. But you can’t make decisions about matters that you are not aware of, because they are secret. We can only make decisions about matters that we are informed of, i.e. hence ‘transparency’. In Radical Honesty we work with maximum 100% transparency, because we value the feedback we get from our peers, regarding plausible erroneous decisions we may have made; or to hear other perspectives on decisions. In fact, generally the greater any goverments, or corporations ‘transparency’ the greater the amount of democratic decision-making occurring, by its members. Hope that answers your questions. If not, let me know. Lara

From: Sarah Sephton [mailto:sarah@lrc.org.za] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 8:19 AM To: 'Lara Johnstone' Subject: RE: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment

Dear Lara Why are you sending this to me?

From: The Legal Resources Centre [mailto:info@lrc.org.za] Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 6:59 PM To: jmcswan@mweb.co.za

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

Subject: Copy of: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment Copy of: This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.lrc.org.za/ from: Lara Johnstone <jmcswan@mweb.co.za> Ms. Janet Love Legal Resources Center 25 Rissik Street 7th Floor, Braam Fischer House Johannesburg, 2001 Tel: (011) 836 9831 Fax: (011) 838 8680 Email: Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za Ms. Love, Confirmation of your “Actions Speak Louder than Words” Comment: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Janet Love (National Director, Legal Resources Center) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and Lara Johnstone and Brandon Huntley, fits one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” In an email titled, “Request for ‘RH White Refugee’ Comment”; I contacted you, as a South African academic who had publicly in your professional capacity signed a petition to the Canadian Charge D’Affaires, objecting to the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board’s ‘White Refugee’ decision on behalf of Brandon Huntley: Brandon Huntley: An Open Letter to Canada (142 academics denounce granting of refugee status to white South African) » » http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/142-SA-Academics-Letter-2-Canada-Re-BHuntley In your Petition you were ‘conscious of the benefits that democracy’ had brought to you, and you were deeply insulted that Huntley would consider himself ‘persecuted’ in your new Democracy Rainbow South Africa. You painted a picture of yourselves as black and white South Africans who had embraced ‘reconciliation’ (which you did not define); and who valued the opportunity to participate in the building of a non-racial, non-sexist society, envisioned by your multi-cultural constitution. In that professional academic capacity, I contacted you to request you to provide comment, to the allegations made by Dr. Brad Blanton, founder of the Radical Honesty culture and religion; who had filed a written affidavit, as an international expert witness on ‘honesty in politics’, ‘anger and sincere forgiveness’ wherein he accused the South African Government of deliberately and intentionally punishing me for practicing my culture and religion of Radical Honesty; and denying me my right to a defence; and ignoring the justification and accuracy of my non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html You were informed that – contrary to your allegations in your petition -- the individuals who participated in the Huntley hearing, were hardly ‘right wing reactionaries’, but were in fact sincere liberals, who had left South Africa in objection to apartheid, and whose family made a financial commitment to the education of black South Africans; and who were not willing to be silent about

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

their family’s experience of being “shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron’ by robbers whose violence was ‘racially motivated’. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/ask-ernie-els-no-normal-sportin.html You were informed of evidence that the crime situation has gotten much worse, as Commissioner William Bratton predicted it would, unless South African academic, political and media elite showed some leadership, and gave up your ideological insanity attachments to the Poverty is the Root Cause of Criminality Illusion. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/crime-theory-demolished-poverty-isnot.html You were asked the question: Who in South Africa’s political, media & academic hierarchy are serious and sincere, and who are simply being paid to pretend they are serious and sincere; about crime and rehabilitation? For example: Are you serious enough about finding out the truth about crime, and criminals motives for their racially motivated crime, to go undercover into South Africa’s prisons, and find out ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’ about ‘racially motivated’ crime in South Africa? » » http://www.scribd.com/doc/26781258/10-02-11-Who-in-SA-Political-Media-Academic-Elite-areSerious-About-Crime-Rehabilitation You were informed that in the expert opinions of State Advocates, interviewed for a 2003 Committee of Enquiry into Farm Attacks Report, they were “unanimously of the view that .. the degree of violence and cruelty exhibited during farm attacks was exceedingly high” and “most state advocates attributed this extreme violence to “racial hatred”” » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/why-we-are-white-refugeesafrikaner.html You were informed of criminals and ‘street-cred’ culture in South Africa, namely those who yearn for ‘street cred’ amongst their fellow criminal gangsters, have a racial hierarchy of victims; where the murder, torture or rape of an white or coloured person, receives higher ‘street cred’ than the murder, rape or torture of a poor black man or woman; where Afrikaner farmers and their families are the ‘Big Five’; not too dissimilar than the stabbing of a ‘white afrikaner’ warder, gives a prisoner higher ‘prisoner cred’ than stabbing a black or coloured warder. You were provided with the verbatim statements of a gang member prisoner discussing the pleasure she derived from the blood and violence, and corresponding prison and street-cred, of a gang-rape and torture of another prisoner. You were asked whether you were (a) ignorant of this ‘racial hierarchy’ of victims, racially motivated crime; or (b) simply deliberately indifferent to acknowledging its reality? » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-like-blood-hurting-people-ilike.html See also: “Ghetto Life”: 3 gang-rape “white bitch”, for gang culture street-cred... » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/03/ghetto-life-3-gang-rape-white-bitchfor.html. You were also informed that surveys reveal that 74% of White SA’s Agree with Huntley; ANC & Liberals Deliberate Malicious Indifference Legitimize Huntley’s ‘White Refugee’ status; and provided the opportunity to demonstrate your ability or willingness to respond to the information and evidence of my persecution. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/74-of-white-sas-agree-with-huntleyanc.html You were also provided the opportunity to object to my persecution; should you wish to do so. Confirmation of: “Deliberate Indifferent No Comment” I herewith confirm your ‘Actions Speak Louder than Words” comment as follows: “No Comment:

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

Deliberate Indifference”, which is defined by (a) your actions and (b) your assumed motivations for your actions. Defining ‘Deliberate Indifferent Actions’: Subsequent to receipt of my request for Comment, and prior to Receipt of this ‘Deliberate Indifference’ Confirmation, you have made no effort whatsoever to (a) contact me to enquire for more information to make an informed comment; and/or (b) at least honourably and professionally notify me of your Deliberate Indifferent “No comment.” Defining ‘Deliberate Indifferent Intentions’: It is assumed that your motivations for your ‘Deliberate Indifferent Actions’ are a result of your, or your academic institution’s, deliberate indifference to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and that I, Lara Johnstone and Brandon Huntley fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom you are deliberately indifferent. In the event that aforementioned assumption as to your Deliberate Indifferent Intentions is incorrect; please inform me what your accurate intentions are for your “Deliberate indifferent Actions.” In the event that I receive no clarification of your ‘Deliberate Indifferent Intentions’; I shall interpret your ‘Actions Speak Louder than Words’ comment, to be correctly interpreted. Confirmation of Radical Honesty White Refugee Status: Please don’t be Offended! Please Note: No offence is taken from your Deliberate Indifferent Actions or Intentions, towards my persecution, or that your multicultural constitution does not recognize my culture of “Radical Honesty”. I most certainly would not want you to pretend to be concerned about my status as a legally and politically persecuted SA citizen; when in fact you couldn’t care less. It is better for me to be clear about whether there is any organization or person in South Africa’s academic, political and media elite, who are concerned about me being legally and politically persecuted, or if they all couldn’t care less. If nobody is concerned enough to object to my persecution; and I consequently apply for asylum to a foreign country, as a ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’; please do not be offended. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone Should you doubt Dr. Blanton’s credentials as a world renowned expert ‘truth teller’ and/or ‘honesty in politics’ politician, or be ignorant about the ‘radical honesty culture of freedom and sanity’: Dr Truth: ‘SA’s ‘TRC’ was a political PR stunt’ http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html And Nothing But the Truth: Television Interview: Brad Blanton’s Campaign for Congress & Honesty in Politics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx-OVdTkwvA Brad Blanton for Congress: Campaign: Honesty in Politics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqEfv2y1yk Esquire: I think You’re Fat: A Conversation About Radical Honesty http://www.scribd.com/07-07-24-Esquire-I-Think-You-re-Fat-A-Conversation-About-RadicalHonesty/d/27413307

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

Esquire: The Most Honest Conversation in the World http://www.scribd.com/doc/27413315/07-06-12-Esquire-The-Most-Honest-Conversation-in-theWorld-Brad-Blanton Dr. Blanton: What Will Sincere Forgiveness Look Like in SA? I once asked Dr. Blanton that if sincere forgiveness ever occurred in South Africa; what would it look like? Dr. Blanton said something to the effect of: ‘The day South Africans can have a huge belly laugh about the word ‘Kaffir’, about apartheid and the stupid shit both sides did, cause they couldn’t just sit down and have a fucking honest conversation like adults; is the day you know real sincere forgiveness has occurred. It may occur for those who have the emotional and psychological courage to experientially –- in the guts of the living -- attain that transcendent perspective, by being honest about, and non-violently sharing their anger, face to face, until sincere forgiveness occurs. Till then, the Truth and Reconciliation South Africans are just bullshitting themselves, but that’s what Fragile Ego cowards, who have no inner sense of dignity, and who rely on exterior arsekreeping for their sense of dignity do: bullshit themselves.’ Should you doubt Dr. Blanton’s credentials as a world renowned expert in ‘anger and sincere forgiveness’, I provided you with an excerpt from Dr. Blanton’s book Practicing Radical Honesty, namely the chapters on Radical Honesty About Anger and Sincere Forgiveness: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract [This document was also submitted as an evidentiary document, in the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee High Court matter: # 19963-09]

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 7:48 PM To: 'caroline@lrc.org.za'; 'kobus@lrc.org.za'; 'mahendra@lrc.org.za'; 'sarah@lrc.org.za' Subject: Ms. Janet Love, Nat. Dir. Legal Resources Center; Confirmation of 'Radical Honesty White Refugee' Comment Ms. Janet Love Legal Resources Center 25 Rissik Street 7th Floor, Braam Fischer House Johannesburg, 2001 Tel: (011) 836 9831 Fax: (011) 838 8680 Email: Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za Ms. Love, Confirmation of your “Actions Speak Louder than Words” Comment: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Janet Love (National Director, Legal Resources Center) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and Lara Johnstone and Brandon Huntley, fits one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion,

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” In an email titled, “Request for ‘RH White Refugee’ Comment”; I contacted you, as a South African academic who had publicly in your professional capacity signed a petition to the Canadian Charge D’Affaires, objecting to the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board’s ‘White Refugee’ decision on behalf of Brandon Huntley: Brandon Huntley: An Open Letter to Canada (142 academics denounce granting of refugee status to white South African) » » http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/142-SA-Academics-Letter-2-Canada-Re-BHuntley In your Petition you were ‘conscious of the benefits that democracy’ had brought to you, and you were deeply insulted that Huntley would consider himself ‘persecuted’ in your new Democracy Rainbow South Africa. You painted a picture of yourselves as black and white South Africans who had embraced ‘reconciliation’ (which you did not define); and who valued the opportunity to participate in the building of a non-racial, non-sexist society, envisioned by your multi-cultural constitution. In that professional academic capacity, I contacted you to request you to provide comment, to the allegations made by Dr. Brad Blanton, founder of the Radical Honesty culture and religion; who had filed a written affidavit, as an international expert witness on ‘honesty in politics’, ‘anger and sincere forgiveness’ wherein he accused the South African Government of deliberately and intentionally punishing me for practicing my culture and religion of Radical Honesty; and denying me my right to a defence; and ignoring the justification and accuracy of my non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html You were informed that – contrary to your allegations in your petition -- the individuals who participated in the Huntley hearing, were hardly ‘right wing reactionaries’, but were in fact sincere liberals, who had left South Africa in objection to apartheid, and whose family made a financial commitment to the education of black South Africans; and who were not willing to be silent about their family’s experience of being “shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron’ by robbers whose violence was ‘racially motivated’. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/ask-ernie-els-no-normal-sportin.html You were informed of evidence that the crime situation has gotten much worse, as Commissioner William Bratton predicted it would, unless South African academic, political and media elite showed some leadership, and gave up your ideological insanity attachments to the Poverty is the Root Cause of Criminality Illusion. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/crime-theory-demolished-poverty-isnot.html You were asked the question: Who in South Africa’s political, media & academic hierarchy are serious and sincere, and who are simply being paid to pretend they are serious and sincere; about crime and rehabilitation? For example: Are you serious enough about finding out the truth about crime, and criminals motives for their racially motivated crime, to go undercover into South Africa’s prisons, and find out ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’ about ‘racially motivated’ crime in South Africa? » » http://www.scribd.com/doc/26781258/10-02-11-Who-in-SA-Political-Media-Academic-Elite-areSerious-About-Crime-Rehabilitation You were informed that in the expert opinions of State Advocates, interviewed for a 2003 Committee of Enquiry into Farm Attacks Report, they were “unanimously of the view that .. the degree of violence and cruelty exhibited during farm attacks was exceedingly high” and “most state advocates attributed this extreme violence to “racial hatred”” » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/why-we-are-white-refugeesafrikaner.html You were informed of criminals and ‘street-cred’ culture in South Africa, namely those who yearn

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

for ‘street cred’ amongst their fellow criminal gangsters, have a racial hierarchy of victims; where the murder, torture or rape of an white or coloured person, receives higher ‘street cred’ than the murder, rape or torture of a poor black man or woman; where Afrikaner farmers and their families are the ‘Big Five’; not too dissimilar than the stabbing of a ‘white afrikaner’ warder, gives a prisoner higher ‘prisoner cred’ than stabbing a black or coloured warder. You were provided with the verbatim statements of a gang member prisoner discussing the pleasure she derived from the blood and violence, and corresponding prison and street-cred, of a gang-rape and torture of another prisoner. You were asked whether you were (a) ignorant of this ‘racial hierarchy’ of victims, racially motivated crime; or (b) simply deliberately indifferent to acknowledging its reality? » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-like-blood-hurting-people-i-like.html See also: “Ghetto Life”: 3 gang-rape “white bitch”, for gang culture street-cred... » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/03/ghetto-life-3-gang-rape-white-bitchfor.html. You were also informed that surveys reveal that 74% of White SA’s Agree with Huntley; ANC & Liberals Deliberate Malicious Indifference Legitimize Huntley’s ‘White Refugee’ status; and provided the opportunity to demonstrate your ability or willingness to respond to the information and evidence of my persecution. » » http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/74-of-white-sas-agree-with-huntleyanc.html You were also provided the opportunity to object to my persecution; should you wish to do so. Confirmation of: “Deliberate Indifferent No Comment” I herewith confirm your ‘Actions Speak Louder than Words” comment as follows: “No Comment: Deliberate Indifference”, which is defined by (a) your actions and (b) your assumed motivations for your actions. Defining ‘Deliberate Indifferent Actions’: Subsequent to receipt of my request for Comment, and prior to Receipt of this ‘Deliberate Indifference’ Confirmation, you have made no effort whatsoever to (a) contact me to enquire for more information to make an informed comment; and/or (b) at least honourably and professionally notify me of your Deliberate Indifferent “No comment.” Defining ‘Deliberate Indifferent Intentions’: It is assumed that your motivations for your ‘Deliberate Indifferent Actions’ are a result of your, or your academic institution’s, deliberate indifference to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and that I, Lara Johnstone and Brandon Huntley fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom you are deliberately indifferent. In the event that aforementioned assumption as to your Deliberate Indifferent Intentions is incorrect; please inform me what your accurate intentions are for your “Deliberate indifferent Actions.” In the event that I receive no clarification of your ‘Deliberate Indifferent Intentions’; I shall interpret your ‘Actions Speak Louder than Words’ comment, to be correctly interpreted. Confirmation of Radical Honesty White Refugee Status: Please don’t be Offended! Please Note: No offence is taken from your Deliberate Indifferent Actions or Intentions, towards my persecution, or that your multicultural constitution does not recognize my culture of “Radical Honesty”. I most certainly would not want you to pretend to be concerned about my status as a legally and politically persecuted SA citizen; when in fact you couldn’t care less. It is better for me to be clear about whether there is any organization or person in South Africa’s academic, political and media elite, who are concerned about me being legally and politically

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

persecuted, or if they all couldn’t care less. If nobody is concerned enough to object to my persecution; and I consequently apply for asylum to a foreign country, as a ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’; please do not be offended. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone Should you doubt Dr. Blanton’s credentials as a world renowned expert ‘truth teller’ and/or ‘honesty in politics’ politician, or be ignorant about the ‘radical honesty culture of freedom and sanity’: Dr Truth: ‘SA’s ‘TRC’ was a political PR stunt’ http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html And Nothing But the Truth: Television Interview: Brad Blanton’s Campaign for Congress & Honesty in Politics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx-OVdTkwvA Brad Blanton for Congress: Campaign: Honesty in Politics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqEfv2y1yk Esquire: I think You’re Fat: A Conversation About Radical Honesty http://www.scribd.com/07-07-24-Esquire-I-Think-You-re-Fat-A-Conversation-About-RadicalHonesty/d/27413307 Esquire: The Most Honest Conversation in the World http://www.scribd.com/doc/27413315/07-06-12-Esquire-The-Most-Honest-Conversation-in-theWorld-Brad-Blanton Dr. Blanton: What Will Sincere Forgiveness Look Like in SA? I once asked Dr. Blanton that if sincere forgiveness ever occurred in South Africa; what would it look like? Dr. Blanton said something to the effect of: ‘The day South Africans can have a huge belly laugh about the word ‘Kaffir’, about apartheid and the stupid shit both sides did, cause they couldn’t just sit down and have a fucking honest conversation like adults; is the day you know real sincere forgiveness has occurred. It may occur for those who have the emotional and psychological courage to experientially –- in the guts of the living -- attain that transcendent perspective, by being honest about, and non-violently sharing their anger, face to face, until sincere forgiveness occurs. Till then, the Truth and Reconciliation South Africans are just bullshitting themselves, but that’s what Fragile Ego cowards, who have no inner sense of dignity, and who rely on exterior arsekreeping for their sense of dignity do: bullshit themselves.’ Should you doubt Dr. Blanton’s credentials as a world renowned expert in ‘anger and sincere forgiveness’, I provided you with an excerpt from Dr. Blanton’s book Practicing Radical Honesty, namely the chapters on Radical Honesty About Anger and Sincere Forgiveness: http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract [This document was also submitted as an evidentiary document, in the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee High Court matter: # 19963-09]

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 12:19 PM To: 'caroline@lrc.org.za'; 'kobus@lrc.org.za'; 'mahendra@lrc.org.za'; 'sarah@lrc.org.za' Subject: Att: Ms. Janet Love, Legal Resources Center; RE: Request for 'RH White Refugee' Comment

28 February 2010 Ms. Janet Love Ref: RSA-TRC Academics Letter to Canadian Charge D’Affaires[1] Legal Resources Center 25 Rissik Street 7th Floor, Braam Fischer House Johannesburg, 2001 Tel: (011) 836 9831 Fax: (011) 838 8680 Email: caroline@lrc.org.za, kobus@lrc.org.za, mahendra@lrc.org.za, sarah@lrc.org.za CC: Canadian High Commissioner: Ref: IRB RULING: MA8-04910: Brandon C. Huntley[2] CC: UNHCR: White Refugee Memo to UNHCR[3] CC: Mr. Brandon Huntley; c/o & via: Attorney Russell Kaplan Ms. Love, Request Your ‘RSA-TRC Academic Elite’ Official Comment on Free Speech Legal Issue: American politician, psychologist and author Dr. Brad Blanton accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ dissenter. As one of the signatories of the Open Letter to Canadian Charge D’Affaires Mr. White (PDF[4]), among others:  It is assumed your support for democratic values, would agree that: If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.  It is further assumed, that if you were informed of the South African government’s legal prosecution and persecution of any non-violent truth-telling civil-disobedient Free Speech South African citizen; you would wish to express your democratic objections thereto.  It is further assumed that if you were informed of complaints filed with the South African Police, alleging Perjury, Fraud, Persecution, Obstruction of Justice and Corruption; you would be concerned that the Police refused to accept the Affidavits of complaint, to open a file for an investigation into the allegations.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/open-letter-to-canada-south-africas.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/white-refugee-petition.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/memo-to-unhcr.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/FF-04-b-142-SA-Academics-Open-Letter-to-Canada-Re-Brandon-Huntley

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

As you no doubt recall, on 27 August 2009, the Canadian Immigration & Refugee Board (IRB) granted white South African, Brandon Huntley, Official Canadian Refugee Status[5]: The IRB ruling found Huntley “was a victim [of persecution] because of his race rather than a victim of criminality, who presented clear & convincing proof of state & security forces’ inability or unwillingness to protect him.” The statement in your letter to Charge D’Affaires White that Mr. Davids could not “recognize white backlash for the reactionary discourse it is,” was a rather strange allegation, I thought. Mr. Huntley was represented at the IRB, by Attorney Mr. Russel Kaplan, a liberal, who himself had fled to Canada, during apartheid. Lara Kaplan is yet another liberal, whose personal experience of the racial hatred displayed during the criminal acts upon her, and her brother, were cognitively not too dissimilar from the personal experience of anti-apartheid activist Jenifer Schute[6]. Lara testified about the ‘racially motivated’ attack on her brother, Robert; yet another liberal who had started a computer training academy dedicated to providing computer education for blacks. According to Salon Magazine, in What Happened to Rob Kaplan[7] (PDF[8]), written in June 1997: Irnest Kaplan found his elder brother Rob, 34, near death in his Johannesburg home on May 1. Rob, who ran a computer training center for blacks, had been shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron by three Zuluspeaking robbers seeking the keys to a nonexistent safe. The Kaplan incident was typical of the horrendous street crime that has enveloped South Africa. Carjackings, shootings, knifings and rapes have become so common that many newspapers have simply stopped reporting them unless the details are particularly grotesque -- a burning, for example, or a machete maiming. But Kaplan's Web site immediately attracted attention. In its first week it racked up 120,000 hits; in its second week, 1 million hits. So far President Mandela's office has remained silent, no doubt aware of the racial dimension of the issue. The Kaplans are white and those complaining most vocally about violent crime are white. And the alleged perpetrators are mostly black. They almost always involve a high degree of gratuitous violence. Gang rape is a growing phenomenon. Are these merely post-apartheid expressions of white racism? No, says former New York Police Commissioner William Bratton, who was asked to come up with a crime reduction proposal for South Africa's minister of police. “The situation seems to be getting worse ... The climate of fear has meant so many guns and people tend to shoot first. We did not meet a single person who did not know a victim of serious crime.” The former Lebanese ambassador, who fled the country after his house was broken into once too often, was quoted as saying that Beirut, even in its worst days, was safer than Johannesburg today. The exodus of whites has grown since the advent of black majority rule, and crime is usually cited as the most compelling reason. As you read through Kaplan's site you get the feeling that for the average white South African, the guerrilla war of the apartheid era is not over -- it simply moved to their backyards, to their roads, stoplights, parking lots and to any place where they or their families are a target. Has the situation in South African gotten much worse, as Commissioner Bratton predicted it would, unless South Africa showed some leadership, and gave up its ideological insanity attachment to the Poverty is the Root Cause of Criminality Illusion?[9] According to the Committee of Enquiry into Farm Attacks Report[10], of July 2003: “The Committee also interviewed 15 prosecutors – all of them state advocates – in Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Kimberley, Pretoria and Pietermaritzburg. They were unanimously of the view that .. the degree of violence and cruelty exhibited during farm attacks was exceedingly high. Most [5]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/transcript-of-irb-william-davis-ruling.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/anti-apartheid-activist-changes-her.html http://www.salon.com/june97/news/news2970604.html [8] http://www.scribd.com/doc/25781841/97-06-04-Salon-Rob-Kaplan-Robbed-Tortured-Shot-3-Times-by-3-Zulu-Armed-Robbers-Linksfield-Jhb [9] http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/crime-theory-demolished-poverty-is-not.html [10] http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/why-we-are-white-refugees-afrikaner.html [6] [7]

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

state advocates attributed this extreme violence to racial hatred.” According to Henri Boshoff, a military analyst with the Institute for Security Studies, in a January 2006 front page Saturday Star article, sophisticated urban criminals were exploiting the same “military precision” tactics used in farm attacks to hit homes in residential suburbs in South Africa’s major cities. Such military tactics include: (i) reconnaissance of the target beforehand; (ii) Secret signals left outside the house for other members of the gang; (iii) Heavily armed gangs; (iv) Use of violence including rape. It appears you are either unaware, or if not, deliberately indifferent to the fact that criminals in South Africa, and those who yearn for ‘street cred’ amongst their fellow criminal gangsters, have a racial hierarchy of victims. It is only the naïve who don’t know that the murder, torture or rape of an Afrikaner farmer, or farmers wife or family, receives higher ‘street cred’ than the murder, rape or torture of a poor black man or woman. Are you totally oblivious to this racial hierarchy of victims, and its corresponding violence hierarchy of gangster ‘street cred’? If so, perhaps it is time you educate yourself on these matters. May I suggest you start at: “I like blood & hurting people; I like fu**ing up peoples lives” - SA prison gang member[11], which is an excerpt from correspondence titled, Who in South Africa’s political, media & academic hierarchy are serious and sincere, and who are simply being paid to pretend they are serious and sincere; about crime and rehabilitation? If you are sincere, as opposed to two-faced hypocrit liberal, perhaps you may wish to consider whether there is any legitimacy to: 74% of White SA’s Agree with Huntley; ANC & Liberals Deliberate Malicious Indifference Legitimize Huntley’s ‘White Refugee’ status[12] (excerpt follows): Brief Overview: Is IRB's Huntley Ruling justified in terms of UNHCR Refugee criteria? Brandon Huntley was granted Refugee Status by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board, in accordance with UNHCR refugee criteria (PDF). “a person who owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who is, … owing to such fear, … unwilling to return to it.” It can accordingly be inferred that Huntley was granted refugee status because the evidence Huntley submitted to the IRB, was sufficient to prove to the IRB that Brandon Carl Huntley subjectively and objectively felt that: (a) he was being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of race/membership of a particular ethnic group; (b) the South African government were deliberately and/or maliciously indifferent to his safety and security and/or unable or unwilling to protect him. Was the IRB’s Ruling Justified? 

Do other white South Africans feel that they are being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of their race/membership of a particular ethnic group?

Is the South African Government unwilling or unable to acknowledge that this group of South Africans feel the way that they do?

White South African’s Feelings of Persecution: Media Surveys: 74% Agree with Huntley     

IOL: 65% Rapport: 87% Beeld: 83% Burger: 62% Average: 74%

Is the South African Government unwilling or unable to acknowledge that Huntley and White South Africans feel persecuted?

[11] [12]

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/i-like-blood-hurting-people-i-like.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/01/74-of-white-sas-agree-with-huntley-anc.html

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

So Brandon Huntley and 74% of his fellow white South Africans fit the UNHCR white refugee criteria, by their experience of subjective feelings of being persecuted for being white. What is the SA Governments ability or willingness to respond to these feelings of persecution? May I suggest that you don’t wait until you are repeatedly arrested without an arrest warrant, denied your right to a bail hearing within 24 hours, and left in Pollsmoor for 33 days; before you ask yourself the aforementioned question! Or what about being arrested without a valid arrest warrant by a policeman who informs you, you are being arrested to shut you up, who irregularly delivers you to Lentegeur, with irregular documents signed by a corrupt Magistrate? How about a conversation at Lentegeur with a Chief Forensic Psychologist who appears oblivious to the psychological theories of Erich Fromm, or Thomas Ssazz; who informs you that she has every intention of having you certified? Might you feel persecuted if the only reason you weren’t certified, was not because any of South Africa’s blindly obedient arsekreeping politically correct psychologists objected, but because a black United States Marine, from the U.S. Embassy picked up the telephone, to demand an explanation? What might your worldview be if you file a complaint with the South African Police, providing evidence for your allegations that you are being legally prosecuted and persecuted, but they refuse to accept your affidavit of complaint, to open a case file for its investigation? My ‘White’ Radical Honesty Worldview: I don’t know what ‘black’, ‘pink’ or ‘green’ or whatever, world/s you live in, but the ‘white’ world I live in is one dedicated to Radical honesty, to king or peasant, pink, brown, black, red or yellow skin, capitalist or communist; liberal or conservative, libertarian or anarchist; Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or Hindu, et al. Perhaps as a result of having had the benefit of joining the Radical Honesty community; I know the difference between sincere liberals, conservatives, libertarians and communists, and two-faced hypocrit politically correct tyrant liberals, conservatives, et al. I have little tolerance for the latter, and a huge amount of respect for the former. Dr. Brad Blanton, a sincere liberal, and founder of Radical Honesty, is undoubtedly a world expert on anger and forgiveness. See Radical Honesty About Anger and Sincere Forgiveness[13], for in-depth description. Practicing Radical Honesty means I determine my values and I apply those values to all equally. I don’t excuse behaviour that I consider that of a savage from anyone; I don’t care what their ethnicity, or social status is: peasant or king, black or white. For example: On 31 January 2003, I was convicted of giving the white Afrikaner Magistrate the highest respect I could give him by telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and refusing to proceed with the court appointed corrupt prosecutor, against whom I had filed repeated complaints, demanding she be replaced. Among others, she had not the foggiest clue what a ‘forensic psychologist’ was. The Magistrate refused my initial polite requests; whereupon I informed him I refused to proceed with the black kaffir bitch prosecutor. He demanded I apologise: I refused, with “Fuck You”. I was found guilty of Contempt in Facie Curiae and sentenced to one year in prison. What is there to respect about a justice system, that does not respect itself enough to value ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’; but is founded on lies, gatkruiping and twofaced hypocrisy? Perhaps if you practiced Radical Honesty, and accordingly observed everyone’s behaviour according to a set of values where truth was rewarded and lies condemned, as opposed to a set of politically correct excuses for savagery and incompetence; you would also be very, very cognisant of the fact that Proudly Rainbow Schizophrenic South Africa is founded upon lies and deception, duplicity, deceit, hate and falsehood. It is a Rainbow Hypocrisy House built on toxic quicksand of a fake feel-good crack-pipe illusion. Crime, Rape, Racially Motivated Torture has fuck all to do with a ‘legacy of apartheid’ and all to do with a legacy of two-faced hypocrites and their consistent Poverty Pimp excuse-making for savagery, hypocrisy, corruption and criminality. So, I hope I have now provided you with a somewhat enlightened perspective to my white Radical Honesty worldview. Perhaps you are even one of those enlightened twofaced hypocrites who think that people who consistently and without apology value truth, above hypocrisy, gatkruiping and lies, deserve to be politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted, in your



[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

‘truth’ and ‘reconciliation’ Rainbow Hypocrisy. For the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ Court Record: American politician, psychologist and author Dr. Brad Blanton, accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience Free Speech dissenter. Please clarify your official comment of response to Dr. Blanton’s allegations that:  If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks, where ‘civil disobedience’ is defined as: “a public, non-violent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government”; then it is not a democratic country.  Hon. Mrs. De Lille, and the NPA Senior Prosecutor conducted a political and legal prosecution and persecution campaign against the defendant, myself.  The law of crimen injuria is a law so ridiculous, it appears to date back to a belief in curses from witchdoctors. Put differently, any society that values the principle of ‘crimen injuria’; is one that values protecting the right of people with fragile ego's to not be offended as more important; than protecting the right of Galileo’s and Voltaire’s to offend.  The South African government are deliberately and intentionally punishing me for practicing my culture and religion of Radical Honesty: non-violently telling another the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; with a commitment to remaining in the conversation until sincere forgiveness has occurred.  The South African government are deliberately and intentionally denying me my right to a defence; and ignoring the justification and accuracy of my non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence.  That there is a significant difference between posed forgiveness and real forgiveness and that this difference is almost always avoided by politicians, including South Africa’s alleged Truth and Reconciliation politicians. Additional background information and documents, if so required: On 22 September 2009 an Application for Review in the High Court, Western Cape # 19963-09 (PDF[14]) [Proof of Service (PDF[15])]; was filed by ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ protesting against political and legal prosecution and persecution by South African politicians and State officials. Among others, the respondents include Former Presidents Mbeki and Mandela, the Norwegian Nobel Institute and Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Mr. Jason Kenney. Two of the evidentiary attachments to HC-WC # 19963-09[16], are: [FF.04] [b] 142 SA Academics Open Letter to Canada, Re: Brandon Huntley (PDF[17]); and [FF.04] [a] Did 142 SA Academics Get It Wrong on Crime?(PDF[18]). On 12 October 2009, complaint WC-2009-O455BS[19] (PDF[20]) was also filed with the SA Human Rights Commission, against the same respondents, which also included the expert witness affidavit of Dr. Brad Blanton and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. Dr. Brad Blanton, psychologist, best selling author, activist, President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises, founder of the Center for Radical Honesty, Candidate for U.S. Congress of the United States from Virginia in 2004 and 2006; filed an expert witness affidavit, on behalf of the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’, in both aforementioned applications: Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for


http://www.scribd.com/doc/20878486/HC-WC-19963-09-Notice-of-Intention-Application-for-Leave-Judicial-Review-p12-Court-Stamped http://www.scribd.com/doc/20878135/KK-09-09-23-Affidavit-of-Lara-Johnstone-Proof-of-Service-of-Notice-of-Intention-P5-HCStamped http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2333061 [17] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519947/FF-04-b-142-SA-Academics-Open-Letter-to-Canada-Re-Brandon-Huntley [18] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20519946/FF-04-a-142-SA-Academics-Get-It-Wrong-on-Crime [19] http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/2335596 [20] http://www.scribd.com/doc/20923652/SAHRC-Complaint-Indictment-Crimes-Against-Humanity-Crime-of-Apartheid [15] [16]

[Last Update: 20 March 2010] Corr: Ms. Janet Love, National Director, Legal Resources Center [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Johannesburg LRC: caroline@lrc.org.za, Capetown LRC: kobus@lrc.org.za, Durban LRC: mahendra@lrc.org.za, Grahamstown LRC: sarah@lrc.org.za

acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ (PDF[21]). Please also consider yourself officially informed that: I also submitted the following Affidavits to the SAP in George last year to file charges against Hon. Patricia de Lille and Senior Pros. Jacobs, but the SAPS refused to accept the Affidavits, to open a file for an investigation into the allegations:  Affidavit of Complaint to SAPS against Hon. Patricia de Lille for Perjury, Fraud and Persecution (PDF[22])  Affidavit of Complaint to SAPS against NPA: Senior Pros. Jacobs for Obstruction of Justice, Persecution and Corruption (PDF[23]) Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Cell: (071) 170 1954.

[21] [22] [23]

http://www.scribd.com/doc/20888675/HH-09-09-18-Affidavit-of-Brad-Blanton-Nuremberg-Principles-citizens-privilege-BradNotarySigned http://www.scribd.com/doc/20890746/EE-SAPS-Complaint-DeLille-Perjury-Fraud-Persecution-Affidavit-Signed http://www.scribd.com/doc/20890741/FF-SAPS-Complaint-Pros-Jacobs-Obstruction-of-Justice-Persecution-Corruption-Signed

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