10-03-21: 140 SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to Kaffir Free Speech Rule-of-Law

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HC-WC # 19963-091 Human Consciousness2 Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter3 “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect; has intended us to forego their use” – Galileo Galilei

White Refugee1 Guerrilla-Law3 Social Science2 Enquiry:

Rule-of-Law vs. No Rules at All Freedom to Be Responsible vs. Freedom from Responsibility Power vs. Force and Consciousness vs. Belief 140 of SA’s Political, Media & Academic Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to Rule-of-Law Population Policy Common Sense Eco-Family Consciousness

If the only ultimate check on the growth of population is misery, then the population will grow until it is miserable enough to stop its growth. If something else, other than misery and starvation, can be found which will keep a prosperous population in check, the population does not have to grow until it is miserable and starves, and it can live ecologically and lovingly, and be stably prosperous. To advocate for human rights, peace & social justice; while ignoring their ecological basis -- a stable human population at slightly less than the eco-system’s long term carrying capacity -- is intellectual dishonesty & hypocrisy.

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http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2333061 http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520279/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Truth-Forgiveness-Social-Contract http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520277/AA-01-d-09-08-11-Population-Policy-Common-Sense-Exponential-Functions-Laws-of-Sustainability




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Why We Are African White Refugees....

140 of SA Political, Academic & Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law Table of Contents



Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence; ANC-Fanonstein ‘struggle’ spawned a Gov. of Comrade-tsotsis, Gangsters & Kleptomaniacs, by Mphutlane wa Bofelo


Brief Description of Stanley Milgram Psycho-Social Experiment on Obedience:

3-4 5

Excerpt from Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, author, psychologist & politician


African White Refugee Memo to: Min. of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada, For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)


For the White Refugee Record: 140 SA Elite on HC-WC Case: #19963-09: » Radical Honesty Dr. Brad Blanton’s Allegations




» Editors, TV News Producers & Radio Station Manager, etc.



» Political Parties & Government Bodies



» Non-Prof Human Rights Related Org’s



» University Rectors & Vice Chancellors



» TRC Academics who Petitioned Canadian Charge D’Affaires objecting to IRB granting Brandon Huntley ‘White Refugee’ status.


Admin: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt » Min of Citizenship & Immigration, Canada; IRB & High Commisioner » UNHCR, Amnesty Intn’l & EU Council for Refugees


34 – 39

The Rule-of-Law; or No Rules at All? ……..

140 of SA Political, Academic & Media Elite; say ‘No Problem’ to Persecution….




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Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence, Honour & Character.. ANC-Fanonstein ‘struggle’ spawned a Gov. of Comrade-tsotsis, Gangsters & Kleptomaniacs By Mphutlane wa Bofelo (Excerpts4) Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 10:47am The glorification of thoughtless action and the “dissmissing” of theory and marginalization of analytical minds have had dire and ghastly consequences for the country. The problems that the country has with regard to the violent nature of crime, apathetically low levels of respect of life, lack of appreciation of the self and indifference to parental guidance could be traced to the era in our history when we lionized youths who acted without first getting theoretical clarity of the situation facing them and weighing critically the strategic and tactical choices available to them. Even at that time, there were voices among youths that appealed for action rooted in the clarity of vision regarding the future. But the media and academia chose to give prominence to youth outfits that availed them the opportunity of covering dramatic incidents of empty classrooms, principals running for their lives, children making their mothers and fathers drink Jik and eat Sunlight soap, youngsters administering justice with petrol-fire and kerosene. To the media and academia the clamor of “liberation first, education after” was catchier than the erudite call of “Educate to Liberate”. Indefinite school boycotts made more spectacle sense than cautious, restrained calculation of how much damage a boycott inflicted on the system and how much loss it incurred on the students. Now that the problems accrued from the culture of more toi-toi and less thinkthink continue to bedevil our school system, none of the adults are willing to own the role they played in taking the struggle from the streets into the classrooms as opposed to the Black Consciousness-inspired youths of 1976 who took the struggle out of the classrooms into the streets, and towards the system. Today, we can only give prominence to Malema and ilk and marginalize young people with critical, creative, innovative minds at our own peril. Once the culture of violence, disrespect for life, intolerance for dissent and disdain of theory and analysis, and dismissing of thinking and reflecting has sets in, it will take centuries to do away with. It’s therefore regretful to notice the governing party and sections of academia and the media tacitly promoting the Malemarization of youth politics and public discourse in general. In the mid-eighties when youths where at the centre of rebelling against the regime and regiments of apartheid-capitalism, there were tragically also excesses and extremes in the manner in which young people – at the behest of the adults and with the involvement of many of their elders in political parties - went about the project of rendering South Africa ungovernable and apartheidcapitalism untenable. There were ghastly instances of blood-thirsty necklacing, witch-hunting of sell-outs and indiscriminate killing of people with dissenting political opinions. In this ghostly climate of intolerance of dissent, in some quarters there was an official vilification of theory and analysis at the expense of glorifying action and deifying recklessness as being gallant. People and organizations who engaged in critical and thoughtful thinking on strategy and tactics, practiced caution with regard to the tactics of academic and consumer boycott and strike-action, and spoke against the “necklace” where branded as agents of the system. This led to bloody scenes of internecine violence between 1983 and 1999. The apartheid regime also took advantage of this and fermented more violence through police brutality, vigilante groups, and the so-called third force in the 90’s as well as various sly ways of setting anti-apartheid groups against each other. The gangsters where also infiltrated and used by the agents of the system to escalate violence and proliferate lethal drugs such as mandrax, cocaine and heroine in the townships. 4





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The situation worsened in the late between the 80’s and the early 90’s. We saw scenes of the youths operating in the street committees, defense units and the so-called people’s courts, mediating with the whip and “necklace” in domestic and neighborhood conflicts. The street committee members would go on house-to-house raids, forcefully taking young people, including young girls to go on street-patrols. There were then many reports of acts of sexual abuse and rape of young girls being taken to certain hide-outs and camps and being raped. As a result of fear of the comrades and cynicism towards the apartheid police these cases were never reported. There was no chance of these instances being dealt with by the people’s courts because members thereof were culprits in some instances. Some neighbors, including businesses people started abusing the street committees, defense units to settle old scores and pursue personal agendas. This was aided by the corruptible nature of members of these outfits who often took bribery and ended up as being some kind of hired assassins or hired lynch mobs in some instances. The rot had set it. Suddenly lawlessness and disorder became the norm in schools, the culture of teaching and learning declined, the schools became the dens of drugs and alcohol and sex, gang-rape spilled from the schools into the streets, and fire-arms became toys. The gangsters became the coolest cats and heroes of the townships. Car-hijackings, house-breaking and heists became sport for young people growing in South Africa. People started talking of the degeneration of morals amongst the youth. The media and academia coined the term “lost generation” to refer to the youth of this generation. None of the old people who celebrated the recklessness of the young lion are now owning up to the role they played in elevating thoughtless\ reckless, theory-less action thereby inculcating the culture of disrespect for reasoning and fostering the culture of acting without thinking, which spawned the comradetsotsis, the jackrallers, the trigger-happy, gun-totting gangsters, and the adventurously kleptomaniac men and women who govern our lives today. Generalizing about the youths and collectively referring to them as “the lost generation”, became a convenient way of running from the fact that the system and our political parties, civil society organization, the media and academia, has failed the youth. A proper term would be the generation in search of role models. A generation that has seen struggle firebrand becoming business brands, guerrillas becoming corporate gorillas, comrades becoming tenderpreneurs, respected leaders being culprits and suspects in corruption scandals. Children have seen fathers raping babies and their mothers being clobbered to death by their own fathers. Young people have seen and heard of priests from all religions being involved in rapes, child-molestation, pyramid scandals, and various corrupt dealings. Many of the corrupt government officials, captains of crime syndicates, drug-lords and mafia-bosses of today, are the very same comrades of the street committees, defense units, people’s courts, and guerilla armies of yesterday. The long and short of it is that glorifying mediocrity, recklessness, violence and idiocy today is investing in the doom and damnation of the future. Marginalizing the many imaginative, creative, innovative and critical, intelligent minds and voices in South Africa\ Azania at the expense of giving too much platform to the theatrical, comical and farcical Malema’s is a serious act of injustice against the youth and posterity. Mphutlane Wa Bofelo is a writer, activist, life-skills facilitator and performance poet who has been published in several journals, websites and anthologies and has performed at various events.




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Excerpt from Affidavit5 of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ Filed as Expert Witness Affidavit in High Court, W.C. # 19963-096 Brief Description of the Milgram Experiment: [19.] The Milgram experiment was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. [20.] Milgram devised the experiments in response to the question raised by Hannah Arendt, in her coverage of the war crimes trial of Adolf Eichmann. Eichmanns defence was that he should not be held personally responsible for a crime against mankind because he was doing his duty in the social system of which he was a part. His lawyers said a court might judge the social system as criminal, but not the person doing their duty within that social system. This argument was rejected. Eichmann’s adjudicators concluded that he was individually responsible for the crimes he committed, regardless of the social system of which he was a part, and he was executed. [21.] Arendt then raised the question which fascinated Milgram: Was Adolf Eichmann some unusual deviant, some sadistic exception to common humanity, or was he just a bureaucrat? What he actually did was shuffle papers in an office and make phone calls and give orders. Was he normal? [22.] The Milgram experiment was designed to simulate the conditions in which Eichmann operated, and to determine how many individuals would – like Eichmann – follow orders and be obedient to the system in which they operated; and how many would practice civil disobedience and refuse to be obedient to perceived illegal authority. Milgram’s experiment revealed that a significant majority of the population – 65%, like Eichmanns millions of accomplices – merely follow orders, irrespective whether the orders violate their deepest moral beliefs; only 35 % possessed the skills and competencies for civil disobedience. [23.] Furthermore, when individuals could share the responsibility or blame, with just one other person, 92% of individuals would, like Eichmann, cooperate with authority; and refrain from civil disobedience; and only 8% possessed the skills and competencies for civil disobedience. [24.] In Perils of Obedience, Yale and Harvard University social psychologist, Dr. Stanley Milgram summarised his ‘Eichmann’ Obedience experiment, as follows: “The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous importance, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects [participants] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects [participants] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.”

[25.] The relevant questions then become, what are the resources: the emotional, psychological, and sociopolitical skills and competencies, that: A. the 37% possess, when individually confronting perceived illegal authority; and B. the 8% possess, refusing the given opportunity, from an ideological or social peer, to share the blame, with them; and individually confront perceived illegal authority.

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http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/2333061




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17 March 2010 The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Min. of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1L1 Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca || kennej@parl.gc.ca CC:

Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley7

Mr. Charles Hawkins, Manager of Media Relations Immigration & Refugee Board of Canada Email: charles.hawkins@irb-cisr.gc.ca

Mr. William Davis Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Refugee Protection Division Email: info@irb-cisr.gc.ca

High Comm. Mr. Abraham Sokhaya Nkomo SA High Commissioner to Canada Email: rsafrica@southafrica-canada.ca

High Commissioner Ruth Archibald High Commission of Canada in Pretoria Email: pret@international.gc.ca

Sir Vidia & Lady Nadira Naipaul c/o: Evening Standard Mng Ed.: Doug Wills Email: managingeditor@standard.co.uk

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Amnesty Intn’l: refteam@amnest.org EU Cncl. Ref. & Exiles: ecre@ecre.org

Mr. Brandon Huntley c/o: Attorney Russel Kaplan Email: kaplan@travel-net.com

Foreign Ambassadors & High Commissioners SA Press Ombud: johanr@ombudsman.org.za ProJourn: mschmidt@frayintermedia.com

For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)      

30 Media Corporations Editors; [1/5/25] 7 Political Party Leaders; [0/0/7] 2 Gov. Protection Bodies, including the Public Protector; [0/0/2] 12 Human Rights Org’s, incl. the F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela Foundations; [1/4/7] 9 University Vice Chancellor’s; [0/0/9] 76 Academics who signed a Petition to the Canadian Charge D’Affaires in Pretoria, objecting to the granting of ‘White Refugee’ status to Brandon Huntley. [3/3/73]

140 of SA’s Academic, Media, Political and Civil Society ‘TRC’ ‘Leaders’ were personally contacted to determine their commitment to the Rule of Law. They were informed that it was assumed that they (a) are Proudly TRC SA leaders who agree that if SA does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, it is not a democratic country and (b) if informed of evidence the SA government is legally and politically persecuting a SA citizen; they would wish to express their democratic objections thereto, with at the very least a public comment, that they object. Not one would provide a comment to object to the SA Government persecution of the RHWR. Not one disputed the RHWR’s persecution: the illegal arrest, detention, obstruction of justice, denial of defence and due process, conviction & sentence for a lawful act; i.e. political & legal persecution. 123 (87%) were so deliberately indifferent they had no objection to their comment being stated as: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Name (Job Description) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.”






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Persecution of ‘RHWR’ who sent 6 SA politicians, 5 SMS’s calling them ‘Kaffirs’: Murderers, Rapists, Corrupt Politicians, Thieves, Gang Drug Dealers, Politicians whose public speeches/songs include ‘Kill the Boere’ (Malema), “Kill Whites’ (Nelson Mandela) or ‘One Bullet, one Farmer’ (Mokaba)….. all are entitled to their ‘Rule-of-Law’ Constitutional Rights. They may not be illegally arrested or detained, or denied any of their ‘free and fair trial’ constitutional rights. What Rule-of-Law rights does a RHWR have if you call a Lying, Hypocrit politician a ‘Kaffir’? None! RHWR can be: (a) illegally arrested, without a valid arrest warrant (18 July 2007); (b) denied right to appear in court within 24 hours of arrest (19 July 2007); (c) illegally detained for 33 days in Pollsmoor prison (18 July – 22 Aug 2007); (c) denied right to information (alleged Arrest Warrant) to defend her rights (18 July 2007 to present); (d) denied impartial investigating Officer, Prosecutor and Magistrate (18 July to present); (e) framed in court by Investigating Officer and Prosecutor who intentionally withhold critical evidence of innocence (cellphone conversations with plaintiff) from the court; (f) framed by Magistrate who ignores Plaintiff committing perjury on affidavit and witness stand; (g) denied valid legal internationally recognized Political Necessity defence; (h) denied expert witness evidentiary testimony; (i) denied right to not be found guilty of an act that is ‘lawful’ (i.e. as per ‘reasonableness’ test); (j) denied right to withdraw formal admissions if Prosecution breach the ‘Formal Admission/Plea’ Agreement; (k) denied right not to be sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for an act that the law says is ‘lawful’; (l) denied right to file a complaint with the police documenting your persecution, for their investigation. Succinctly; if you are a RHWR; you can be legally & politically persecuted and prosecuted, & not one Proudly South African Hypocrit, will object to your persecution; i.e. ‘F*ck-the-Rule-of-Law’!?

F*ck-the-Rule-of-Law….. First They Came…. “First they came ..” is a poem (amended below) attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals, while the Nazi’s purged targets, group after group. “THEY CAME FIRST for the RHWR who called lying corrupt two-faced hypocrit politicians ‘Kaffirs’8, and I didn't speak up because I am repulsed by bigots, who use ‘Kaffir’ ‘Nigger’ ‘Whitey’ hate-speech. THEN THEY CAME for the Afrikaners, Boere and foreigners, and I didn't speak up because I think Afrikaners, Boere & Foreigners are ignorant & racially intolerant.. THEN THEY CAME for the progressive Jews and libertarians and I didn't speak up because progressive Jews and Libertarians are ideologically prejudiced THEN THEY CAME for the free speech bloggers and journalists, and I didn't speak up because free speech writers are so uncouth, rude and offensive. THEN THEY CAME for the Family Value Protestants, Catholics & homeschoolers, and I didn’t speak up because I was a politically correct Black Consciousness Revolutionary. THEN THEY CAME for me, ‘Amandla struggle liberator’ a fighter of ‘freedom for the people’ Not even then did I wonder: “What does ‘Rule-of-Law’ mean in an unconscious fragile-ego mind?”

A ‘F*ck-the-Rule-of-Law’ Comparison for Unconscious Politically Correct Fragile-ego Minds: Public Rally at Uni.: “Kill the Boer Rapists”9

5 Private “Kaffir” SMS’s sent to 6 Politicians: » » » » »

Private, No Intent to Harm, no incitement Illegally Arrested: No Arrest warrant10 Detained Pollsmoor, denied Bail Hearing: 33 days4 Only 1 ‘Kaffir’ Interpretation allowed11 ‘Kaffirs’ No longer exist; ‘Kaffir’ reality erased13

» » » » »

Public Call to Arms, Intent?, Incitement to violence? Charges filed; not yet Arrested No arrest, trotting around Sandton ANC Mantashe: many “Kill Boer” Interpretations12 ‘Kill Boer Rapists’ Reality Exists, Not to be erased

A young man asks: What would happen if he sang ‘Kill All the Black People14’ at a public gathering? 8

http://www.scribd.com/document_collections/2296122 http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/2339672 http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520262/AA-01-b-08-12-28-State-v-Johnstone-Incomplete-Further-Particulars 11 http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520178/AA-01-3-5-09-08-11-Propositions-of-Law-with-Reference-to-Authorities 12 http://www.scribd.com/doc/28381848/10-03-14-IOL-Outrage-over-Malema-Song-Oversensitive 13 http://www.scribd.com/doc/20520152/BB-09-08-12-Magistrate-Louw-S-v-Johnstone-Crimen-Injuria-Conviction-Written-Reasons 14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P_7d9Vyrcc&feature=player_embedded 9





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RHWR Consciousness: Do ‘Kaffirs’ exist in Proudly-Hypocrisy-F*ck-the-Rule-of-Law-SA? According to Steve Biko Black Consciousness, is a matter of Mental Attitude, not pigmentation! “Being black is not a matter of pigmentation - being black is a reflection of mental attitude.” -- Steve Biko, The Definition of Black Consciousness, I Write What I Like, 1978 So, according to Steve Biko, you don’t need to have a black skin, to be able to practice ‘Black Consciousness’; anyone of any pigmentation can practice or observe ‘Black’ or consequently ‘White’, or Human Consciousness’. But Black Consciousness does not have the same goals as White Consciousness, nor Human Consciousness. Certainly not the Black Consciousness of Black Liberation Theology; among others, the Black socialist philosophy of Robert Mugabe. BLT is not shy about its feelings towards white western civilization constitutional republic culture founded on private property, freedom of speech, & individual rights. According to Black Liberation and Black Power, and A Black Theology of Liberation, by James H. Cone, and Jeremiah Wright: “The goal of black theology is the destruction of everything white.”

“While it is true that blacks hate whites, black hatred is not racism.”

“We will not let whitey cool this one with his pious love ethic, but will seek to enhance our hostility, bringing it to its full manifestation.”

“It is a theology that confronts white society as the racist Antichrist, communicating to the oppressor that nothing will be spared in the fight for freedom.”

“The black experience is the feeling one has when attacking the enemy of black humanity by throwing a Molotov cocktail into a white-owned building and watching it go up in flames.”

“(Black Theology) must… get down to the real issues at hand (“cutting throats” to use LeRoi Jones’s phrase) and not waste too much time discussing the legitimacy of religious language.

“There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: ‘How can we become black?’”

“There is no place in this war of liberation for nice white people who want to avoid taking sides and remain friends with both the racists and the Negro.”

Human Consciousness is focused on understanding and influencing experience towards a Human Consciousness; Black Consciousness is focused on understanding and influencing experience towards Black Consciousness/Black Liberation Theology. According to Dr. David R. Hawkins15, in Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour: An Anatomy of Consciousness16, the lower the human consciousness the greater the disavowal of personal & social responsibility, glorification of the negative, and justification for cruelty and mayhem. The Sufi Levels of Consciousness17 have a similar range of levels of consciousness, from the lowest level of Belief, up to Social Contracts, et al, finally to Pure Reason and higher. Once again the greater personal responsibility the individual takes for their decisions, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions, the higher they climb up the levels of Human Consciousness. Contrasting the goals of Human Consciousness, with those of Black Consciousness, you notice the following: how Black Consciousness and Human Consciousness define or describe ‘Freedom’. Human Consciousness defines ‘Freedom’ as an individual’s conscious capability to freely choose to be personally responsible. It is the freedom to consciously choose to be responsible for your thoughts, beliefs, actions and choices; which grants you the freedom of higher consciousness, understanding, wisdom, spiritual security. The more responsibility you take the greater your Human Consciousness freedom. Black Consciousness however considers ‘freedom’ the freedom from responsibility. Get that: Human Freedom is: to be responsible vs. Black freedom is: not to be responsible. Think for example: Somalia, Charles Taylors Liberia, or Zanu-PF Zimbabwe. Does Black Consciousness/BLT Freedom aim for the avoidance of responsibility, whether political, psychological, emotional, parental, financial, spiritual, racial, ethnic, cultural; whatever!?

15 16 17

http://www.veritaspub.com/ http://astore.amazon.com/whitrefu-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=86 http://sqwormsgreean.blogspot.com/2008/10/from-belief-to-pure-reason-road-from.html




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Do Black Consciousness Courts enable: Black Freedom: i.e. Not to be Responsible Cultural Beliefs and Procreation Practices Behavioral Definition for ‘Kaffir’: Incapable of sexual restraint, breeds cockroach-prolifically without personal financial or psychological responsibility to, or emotional concern for, its offspring; abuses women and children, cultural ideal of manhood endorses rape as sexual slavery entitlement, etc. This ‘Kaffir’ definition generally referred to a person of any pigmentation of uncivilized cultural behavior, someone who lacks the will to take personal responsibility for their behaviour, thoughts, beliefs, procreation, relationships and decision-making, etc. Note: This ‘Kaffir’ definition does not exist –- i.e. is banned -- in Proudly Hypocrisy ‘F*ck-the-Rule-ofLaw’ SA courts of law; if spoken by RHWR. Put differently, even if someone is behaving in accordance with this ‘Kaffir’ definition, you are banned from saying so, to such person. Black consciousness protects them from hearing the truth, which may encourage them towards being responsible. Black Consciousness courts of law require you to pretend to a ‘Kaffir’, that he is not a ‘Kaffir’. Black Consciousness Courts of Law require you to know the truth; but to conceal the truth; thereby transforming you into a ‘Kaffir’. Radical Honesty18 Consciousness and Pure Reason Culture/Religious Definition for ‘Kaffir’: This is known as the original etymological definition for ‘Kaffir’, and referred to Farmers (Kufaar) who planted seeds and covered them with ground; which was then referred to as ‘to cover’, and in behavior, to ‘know the truth, but conceal it’. Muslims subsequently converted the principles of ‘concealing the truth’, to ‘concealing the truth about Islam’. Etymologically ‘Kaffir’ originally meant ‘someone who knows the truth, but deliberately conceals it’. In Human Consciousness terms, it is a state of consciousness of a Liar; a hypocrite; a deceiver; a manipulator. Note: This ‘Kaffir’ definition does not exist -– i.e. is banned -- in Proudly Hypocrisy ‘F*ck-the-Rule-ofLaw’ courts of law; if spoken by RHWR. It does not matter how much the politician’s or receivers ‘hypocrisy’ stinks, or how loathsome it is. Black consciousness courts protect them from hearing the ‘Kaffir’ truth, which may encourage them towards being responsible. A court, community or nation founded on the principles of Human Consciousness would encourage you to take personal responsibility for your observations, and to honestly share such observations, with a commitment to providing the other person with some valuable feedback, which they could then use to enable their Human Consciousness growth. Families, communities or nations who practice Human Consciousness, as described are communities where a greater number of individual citizens take personal responsibility for their conduct and behaviour, to abide by the social contracts of the community; and play their role in enabling the growth of those they come into contact with; thereby raising the entire communities Human Consciousness. Conversely, communities who practice Black Consciousness, i.e. avoiding responsibility for their decisions, thoughts, beliefs and actions, are communities which spiral downwards to an ever lower and lower human consciousness. This manifests as more violations of the social contract; more crime, rape, theft, corruption. South Africans must decide what they want their destiny and future to be. Currently their addiction to the principles of Black Consciousness: their celebration for the disavowal of personal and social responsibility, politically, psychologically, emotionally, and financially; is heading for Zimbabwe and Haiti, and not, in slow motion. How many South Africans ever ask themselves: What does the Black Consciousness/Black Liberation Theology doctrine of disavowal of personal responsibility have to do with South Africa’s crime problems, corruption problems, service delivery problems, unmarried mothers problems, unwanted and homeless children problems, rape and abuse of women and children problems, drug addiction problems; race conflict and misunderstandings problems; and not to mention her –- to know the truth and conceal the truth -- Politician problems? Is it true: The truth is called hate speech; by those who hate the truth?

18 Radical Honesty is a communication technique developed by Dr. Brad Blanton that challenges people to give up their addiction to lying, by focusing the practitioner’s attention on being present with what is happening within themselves and separating their objective observation from their subjective judgment and having a higher level of consciousness as to which is which.




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For the White Refugee Record: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics on #19963-09: Dr. Brad Blanton – Radical Honesty author, ‘Dr. Truth’ psychologist and ‘Honesty in Politics’ Candidate for US Congress in 2004 and 2006 – stated under oath in an Expert Witness Affidavit19, filed in the High Court Western Cape #19963-0920; that: 

If South Africa does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, as one of its hallmarks,; then it is not a democratic country.

Hon. Mrs. De Lille, and the NPA Senior Prosecutor conducted a political and legal prosecution and persecution campaign against the defendant.

The law of crimen injuria is a law so ridiculous, it appears to date back to a belief in curses from witchdoctors. [Put differently, any society that values the principle of 'crimen injuria'; is one that values protecting the right of people with fragile ego's to not be offended as more important, than protecting the right of Galileo's and Voltaire's to offend.]

The South African government are deliberately and intentionally punishing defendant for practicing her culture and religion of Radical Honesty: non-violently telling another the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; with a commitment to remaining in the conversation until sincere forgiveness has occurred.

The South African government are deliberately and intentionally denying defendant her right to a defence; and ignoring the justification and accuracy of her non-violent civil disobedience political necessity defence.

That there is a significant difference between posed forgiveness and real forgiveness and that this difference is almost always avoided by politicians, including South Africa’s alleged Truth and Reconciliation politicians. Put differently: S. Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation was not real & sincere; but fake & posed; a political fraud committed against SA citizens.

The following individuals and organisations were requested to please clarify their and/or their Organisation’s official response to Dr. Blantons allegations:

Mainstream Media Editorial Mng’t: RHWR Comment / Representation: **Sowetan Sun: Editor: Charles Mogale: 26 February 2010 “I have taken the time to read Dr Blanton's offering and regret that I am not able to offer any opion on his views. I do not feel aptly qualified to proffer any opinion as, you will appreciate, ours is a tabloid publication which does not cover the subjects Dr Blanton raises.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743238/10-02-22-Sowetan-Sunday-World-Editor-Charles-Mogale

Beeld: Editor: Tim du Plessis: 25 February 2010 “Kindly be informed that I am not going to comment on the questions/issues raised in you letter. There will be no further correspondence or liaison in this matter.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27357977/10-02-22-Beeld-Editor-Tim-du-Plessis

3rd Degree: Exec. Producer: Deborah Patta: 03 March 2010 “3rd degree is an investigative current affairs programme not a public elected body with a responsibility to comment on issues. All comment from e.news and current affairs falls under the head of news as pointed out in a previous e-mail.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741647/10-02-22-ETV-3rd-Degree-Exec-Producer-Debora-Patta

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See Evid. Doc’s listed at: http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/02/dr-truth-sas-trc-was-fake-dog-and-pony.html http://www.scribd.com/my_document_collections/2333061




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Business Day: Editor: Peter Bruce, 23 February 2010: “I didn't read all of it, because it was so long and so demented. So, I don't have any reply or any comment. I don't want to have anything to do with it. Sorry” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27358006/10-02-22-Business-Day-Peter-Bruce

Daily News: Editor: Alan Dunn: 25 February 2010 “Mr Alan Dunn, Editor, Daily News, will not be commenting on Free Speech Legal Issue. Any response on the Huntley case will be in our editorial column.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741628/10-02-22-Daily-News-Editor-Alan-Dunne

Mail and Guardian: Editors: Keith Nichols & Mathew Burbidge: 22 February 2010 Mr. Nichols stated that he had “No Comment” to the issues raised by American politician and author, Dr. Brad Blanton’s allegations of South African State’s Political and legal prosecution and persecution of nonviolent civil disobedience Free Speech dissenter in South Africa. Asked whether it would be fair to say whether Mr. Nichols choice not to make any comment on the issue, demonstrated that he did not care about the Free Speech issues raised, he said he was not going to comment. Asked whether it would be fair to conclude that his statement of No Comment, reflected that he did not care about a South African citizen's being politically and legally prosecuted and persecuted. He again responded that he was not going to comment, with “I am not going to comment on that, okay,” and put down the phone. http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743162/10-02-22-Mail-Guardian-Ed-KNichols-MBurbridge

Saturday Star: Editor: Brendan Seery: 26 February 2010 “I would much prefer deliberate indifference.” “Deliberate Indifference: Brendan Seery (Editor: Saturday Star) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Saturday Star is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743217/10-02-22-Saturday-Star-Editor-Brendan-Seery

702 Radio: Station Manager: Ms. Pheladi Gwangwa: 01 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Pheladi Gwangwa (Station Manager, Radio 702) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Radio 702 is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27357910/10-02-22-702-Radio-Station-Manager-Pheladi-Gwangwa

Die Burger: Editor: Henry Jeffereys: 27 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Henry Jeffreys (Editor, Die Burger) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Die Burger is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27823922/10-02-22-Die-Burger-Editor-Henry-Jeffreys

Cape Argus: Editor: Chris Witfield: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Chris Witfield (Editor, Cape Argus) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and your fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Cape Argus is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741568/10-02-22-Cape-Weekend-Argus-Chris-Witfield




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Cape Times: Editor: Alide Dasnois: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Alide Dasnois (Editor, Cape Times) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Cape Times is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741584/10-02-22-Cape-Times-Editor-Alide-Dasnois

The Citizen: Editor: Martin Williams: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Martin Williams (Editor, The Citizen) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and your fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, The Citizen is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743296/10-02-22-The-Citizen-Editor-Martin-Williams

City Press: Editor: Ferial Haffajee: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Ferial Haffajee (Editor, City Press) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, City Press is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741601/10-02-22-City-Press-Editor-Ferial-Haffajee

Daily Maverick: Brkic Branco: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Brkic Branco (Editor, Daily Maverick) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Daily Maverick is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741615/10-02-22-Daily-Maverick-Brkic-Branko

Daily Sun: Editor: Themba Khumalo: 02 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Themba Khumalo (Editor, Daily Sun) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Daily Sun is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27741638/10-02-22-Daily-Sunday-Sun-Editor-Themba-Khumalo

Daily Dispatch: Editor: Andrew Trench: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Andrew Trench (Editor, Daily Dispatch) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Daily Dispatch is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/10-02-22-Daily-Dispatch-Editor-Andrew-Trench

E-News: Head of News: Patrick Conroy: 04 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Patrick Conroy (Head of E-News) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, E-News is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743088/10-02-22-ETV-Head-of-E-News-Patrick-Conroy

Financial Mail: Editor: Barney Mthombothi: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Barney Mthombothi (Editor, Financial Mail) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Financial Mail is deliberately indifferent.”




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Finweek: Editor: Colleen Naude: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Colleen Naude (Editor, Finweek) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Finweek is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743118/10-02-22-Fin-Week-Editor-Colleen-Naude

George Herald: Editor: Mandi Botha: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Mandi Botha (Editor, George Herald) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, George Herald is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743133/10-02-22-George-Herald-Editor-Mandi-Botha

The Herald: Editor: Jeremy McCabe: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Jeremy McCabe (Editor, The Herald) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, The Herald is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743307/10-02-22-The-Herald-Editor-Jeremy-Mccabe

Independent on Saturday: Editor: Trevor Bruce: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Trevor Bruce (Editor, Independent on Saturday) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Independent on Saturday is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743150/10-02-22-Ind-News-on-Sat-Editor-Trevor-Bruce

Pretoria News: Editor: Zingisa Mkhuma: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Zingisa Mkhuma (Editor, Pretoria News) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Pretoria News is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743173/10-02-22-Pretoria-News-Editor-Zingisa-Mkhuma

Rapport: Editor: Lisa Albrecht: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Lisa Albrecht (Editor, Rapport) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Rapport is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743183/10-02-22-Rapport-Editor-Liza-Albrecht

SA Press Association: Editor: Mark van der Velden: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Mark van der Velden (Editor, SA Press Association) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, SAPA is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743208/10-02-22-SAPA-Mark-van-der-Velden

Sowetan: Editor: Bongani Keswa: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Bongani Keswa (Editor, Sowetan) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally




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persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Sowetan is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743231/10-02-22-Sowetan-Editor-Bongani-Keswa

The Star: Editor: Moegsien Williams: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Moegsien Wiliams (Editor, The Star) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, The Star is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743248/10-02-22-Star-Editor-Moegsien-Williams

Sunday Independent: Editor: Makhudi Sefara: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Makhudu Sefara (Editor, Sunday Independent) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Sunday Independent is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743260/10-02-22-Sunday-Independent-Editor-Makhudu

Sunday Times: Editor: Ray Hartley: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Ray Hartley (Editor, Sunday Times) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Sunday Times is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743275/10-02-22-Sunday-Times-Editor-Ray-Hartley

Sunday Tribune: Editor: Philani Mgwaba: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Philani Mgwaba (Editor, Sunday Tribune) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Sunday Tribune is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743285/10-02-22-Sunday-Tribune-Editor-Philani-Mgwaba

Volksblad: Editor: Ainsley Moos: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Ainsley Moos (Editor, Volksblad) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Volksblad is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27743073/10-02-22-Volksblad-Editor-Ainsley-Moos

Political Parties & Gov. Departments: RHWR Comment / Representation:

African Christian Democratic Party: Rev. Kenneth Meshoe: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Rev. Kenneth Meshoe (Leader, African Christian Democratic Party) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, ACDP is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224559/10-02-22-ACDP-Rev-Kenneth-Meshoe

African National Congress: Pres. Zuma & Sec. Gen. Mantashe: “Deliberate Indifference: President Zuma and Sec. General Mantashe, and the ANC are deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions flying-scotsman.co.nr



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being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, the ANC are deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224609/10-02-22-ANC-Pres-Zuma-Sec-Gen-Mantashe

Congress of the People (COPE): Mr. Lekota & Shilowa: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Mr. Lekota and Shilowa (Leaders, Congress of the People) are deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, COPE is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224638/10-02-22-COPE-Mr-Lekota-Shilowa

Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities: Rev. Wesley Mabuza: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Rev. Wesley Mabuza (Commission for the Promotion and Protectio of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, the Commission is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224628/10-02-22-Comm-Cultural-Religious-Ling-RWesley-Mabuza

DA: Helen Zille: 11 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Helen Zille (Leader, Democratic Alliance) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, the DA is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224680/10-02-22-DA-Hellen-Zille

Freedom Front Plus: Dr. Pieter Mulder: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Dr. Pieter Mulder (Leader, Freedom Front Plus) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Freedom Front Plus is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224688/10-02-22-Freedom-Front-Plus-Dr-Pieter-Mulder

Inkatha Freedom Party: Chief Buthelezi: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Mangosuthu Buthulezi (Leader, Inkatha Freedom Party) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, IFP is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224746/10-02-22-IFP-Chief-Buthelezi

Public Protector: Adv. Thulisile Madonsela: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Adv. Thulisile Madonsela (Public Protector) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Public Protector is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224791/10-02-22-Public-Protector-Adv-Thulisile

United Democratic Movement: Bantu Holomisa: 11 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Bantu Holomisa (Leader, United Democratic Movement) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, UDM is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224549/10-02-22-UDM-Bantu-Holomisa




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Non-Profit Human Rights Related Org’s: RHWR Comment / Representation:

Afriforum: CEO’s: Kallie Kriel & Alana Bailey: 24 February 2010 “AfriForum's policy is to submit our own comments. You thus do not have any mandate to submit any comment on our behalf. AfriForum is taking on the government of Zimbabwe in court tommorrow and launched a legal aid fund on Monday. We are using our full capacity to address these issues, thus the statement that we could not adhere to you request. I am dissapointed by the way you are trying to abuse our response re our busy schedule, to try and force us into a comment. I regard our correspondence with you as closed.” – Kallie Kriel “Thank you very much for the email. Unfortunately we are extremely busy at the moment and will not be able to respond to this.” – Alana Bailey [Response to questions requesting clarification of comment; has been ‘Deliberate Indifference’] http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224573/10-02-22-Afriforum-Kallie-Kriel-Alana-Bailey

Afrikanerbond: Exec. Dir.: Jan Bosman: 05 March 2010 With reference to your letter of 20 February 2010 as well as several follow-up letters pertaining to the same matter. We do not have the means or the ability to answer on all the issues raised in your letter or to give counter arguments on the supporting documents provided. That said we will limit our response as follows. Section 16 of the Constitution provides as follows: “(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes (a) freedom of the press and other media; (b) freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; (c) freedom of artistic creativity; and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research. (2) The right in subsection (1) does not extend to(a) propaganda for war; (b) incitement of imminent violence; or (c) advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm.” With the above in mind we are of the opinion that one must realise that freedom of speech includes the right to offend within reasonable limits and that when in doubt – rather not abuse or misuse freedom of speech. In short: We support the adage “With great freedom comes great responsibility. In reviewing all the information available to us we cannot support your call for freedom of speech. Our contention is that your communication can border on hate speech with reference to the K** word as this word is offensive. We are of the opinion that the tone of language used in your communication is insensitive, hurtful and harmful. We believe that there is an onus on all South Africans to refrain from making undesirable remarks which allude in a disparaging manner to race, gender and the like. In view of the spirit and intention as well as the constitutional imperative of nation building, we will not condone the use of any language which is undesirable. [Response to questions requesting clarification of comment; has been ‘Deliberate Indifference’] http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224593/10-02-22-Afrikanerbond-Jan-Bosman

F.W. de Klerk Foundation & Center for Constitutional Rights: Adv. N. de Havilland: 05 March 2010 “The goals of the Centre for Constitutional Rights (the Centre) are to promote the values, rights and principles in the Constitution; to monitor developments, including draft legislation that might affect the Constitution; to inform people and organisations of their constitutional rights; and to assist people and organisations to claim their rights. The Centre is a unit of the F W de Klerk Foundation, which is a registered non-profit organisation. South Africa is a constitutional democracy which observes and protects the full spectrum of human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and dissent. Its record, in this regard, is recognized nationally and internationally, inter alia by the respected human rights organization Freedom House in New York. We support both Ms de Lille’s right not to be harassed and not have her dignity impaired and Dr Blanton’s right to freedom of expression, provided that it does not amount to propaganda for war, incitement of




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imminent violence, or advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm. We do not agree with the original decision of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board to grant Mr Brandon Huntley refugee status on the grounds that he “was a victim [of persecution] because of his race rather than a victim of criminality, who presented clear & convincing proof of state & security forces’ inability or unwillingness to protect him.” Neither do we agree with the views expressed in the affidavit by Dr Brad Blanton Ph.D that is quoted in your letter. Accordingly, we regret that we cannot assist you with this matter.” [Response to questions requesting clarification of comment; has been ‘Deliberate Indifference’] http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224667/10-02-22-Ctr-Const-Rights-Adv-N-de-Havilland

Nelson Mandela Foundation: Chairperson of the Board: Prof. Jakes Gerwel; CEO: Mr. Achmat Dangor; Spokesperson, Ms. Zelda Le Grange: 28 February 2010 “Having consulted our principals, we do not believe we should comment on your initiative. We do want to state that we do not believe in the concept of White refugees.” [Response to questions requesting clarification of comment; has been ‘Deliberate Indifference’] http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224781/10-02-22-Nelson-Mandela-Foundation-Prof-Jakes-Gerwel

SA Inst. of Race Relations: Mr. John Kane-Berman & Mr. Franz Cronje: 24 February 2010 “We are not in a position to comment on your letters.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224806/10-02-22-SAIRR-CEO-FransCronje

Black Sash: National Director: Marcella Naidoo: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Marcella Naidoo (National Director, Black Sash) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Black Sash is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224615/10-02-22-Blacksash-Marcella-Naidoo

Ctr Study of Violence & Reconciliation (CSVR): Ex. Dir. Adele Kirsten: 01 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Adele Kirsten (Exec. Dir., Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, CSVR is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224651/10-02-22-CSVR-Adele-Kirsten

Freedom of Expression Institute: Exec. Dir. Melissa Moore: 11 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Melissa Moore and the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) are deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, the FXI are deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224700/10-02-22-FXI-Mellissa-Moore

Human Science Research Council: CEO: Dr. Olive Shisana: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Dr. Olive Shisana (CEO, Human Science Research Council) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, HSRC is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224732/10-02-22-HSRC-Dr-Olive-Shisana

Inst. for Global Dialogue: Exec. Dir.: Dr. Garth Le Pere: 27 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Dr. Garth Le Pere (Exec. Dir., Inst. for Global Dialogue) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions flying-scotsman.co.nr



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being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Inst. for Global Dialogue is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224757/10-02-22-Inst-for-Global-Dialogue-Dr-Garth-LePere

SANGONET: Exec. Dir.: Dave Barnard: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: David Barnard (Exec. Dir., SA NGO Network) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, SANGONET is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224811/10-02-22-Sangonet-Exec-Dir-David-Barnard

UCT: Social Justice Coalition & TAC: Gavin Silber & Nathan Geffen: 26 February 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Nathan Geffen & Gavin Silber (UCT Social Justice Coalition & TAC) are deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, we are deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28224818/10-02-22-Social-Justice-Coalition-GSilber-NGeffen

University Management: RHWR Comment / Representation:

Univ. of Capetown: Dr. Max Price: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Dr. Max Price (Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Capetown) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, UCT is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944650/10-02-25-UCT-Dr-Max-Price

Univ. of Fort Hare: Dr. Mvuyo Tom: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Dr. Mvuyo Tom (Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Fort Hare) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Ft. Hare is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944657/10-02-25-Univ-Ft-Hare-Dr-Mvuyo-Tom

Univ. of Johannesburg: Prof. Derek van der Merwe: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Derek van der Merwe, (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Johannesburg) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Johannesburg is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944664/10-02-25-Univ-Jhb-Prof-van-de-Merwe

Univ. of Kwazulu-Natal: Prof. Malegapuru Makgoba: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Malegapuru Makgoba, (Principal and Vice Chancellor, Univ. of KwazuluNatal) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, University of Kwazulu-Natal is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944671/10-02-25-Univ-KZN-Prof-Malegapuru-Makgoba

Univ. of Limpopo: Prof. Mahlo Mokgalong: 03 March 2010 flying-scotsman.co.nr



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“Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Mahol Mokgalong (Principal and Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Limpopo) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Limpopo is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944679/10-02-25-Univ-Limpopo-Prof-Mahlo-Mokgalong

UNISA: Prof. Barney Nyameko Pityana “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Barney Pityana (Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of SA) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, UNISA is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944691/10-02-25-UNISA-Prof-B-Pityana

Univ. of Orange Free State: Prof. Jonathan Jansen “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Jonathan Janse (Rector, University of Orange Free State) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of OFS is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944702/10-02-25-Univ-OFS-Prof-Jonathan-Jansen

Univ. of Pretoria: Prof. Callie Pistorius: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Callie Pistorius (Vice Chancellor and Principal, Univ. of Pretoria) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Pretoria is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944713/10-02-25-Univ-of-Pretoria-Prof-Callie-Pistorius

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Prof. Russel Botman: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Russel Botman (Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Stellenbosch) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Stellenbosch is deliberately indifferent.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/27944640/10-02-25-Univ-Stellenbosch-Prof-R-Botman

Proudly ‘TRC’ Academics who Objected to Canada Charge D’Affaires, Mr. White; Re: Brandon Huntley’s ‘White Refugee’ status: RHWR Comment / Representations:

**Univ. of Witwatersrand: Head: School of Human and Community Development: Prof. of Critical Psychology: Norman Duncan: 08 March 2010 “Matter referred to the Legal Office” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Administrative Assistant, Dr. Brett Bowman, Prof. Garth Stevens, Dr. Daleen Alexander, Dr. Vinitha Jithoo, Prof. Kate Cockcroft, Dr. Lakesha Sullivan, Ms. Megan Bantjies. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223857/10-02-28-Prof-Norman-Duncan-Crit-Psych-Univ-of-Wits

** Univ. of Stellenbosch: English Dept.: Dr. Ralph Goodman: 02 March 2010 “Thank you for your submission. I see where you are coming from.




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My family and I have been the victims of violent crime on several occasions. You raise the issue of farm murders - and I agree that this is a very serious and worrying matter that is damaging our entire society. As I saw it, the petition was not about denying the fact of crime in South Africa, but was more to do with the reputation of our society, and the petition wanted to suggest that, despite the high crime rate, this country is more than just about crime. I don't think this will resolve our differences, but it is at least a response to your views.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223894/10-02-28-Dr-Ralph-Goodman-English-Dept-Univ-of-Stb

**Univ. of Witwatersrand: School of Human & Community Development: Admin: Thandi Buso “Sorry I am unable to go through this correspondence to very serious time challenges but hope to do so as soon as is possible.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] School Finance Admin: Ms. Lerato Moroeng, Ms. Lunghile Khumalo. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222179/10-02-28-Thandi-Buso-Univ-of-Wits

Vaal Univ. of Technology: Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Prof. Gordon Zide “Your e-mail message of 1 March 2010 has reference. I wish to inform you that I am a TRUE South African Democrat who lives by the strict values and principles espoused in our Constitution. For your information, I was the Guest of the State during the dark days of apartheid and was for my political convictions brutally beaten up and tortured by the then apartheid Special Branch. Much as I suffered so much I hold no grudges against the White Policemen who tortured me and many others who fought for a free democratic South Africa, which sees no race and gender but just South Africans joined by the same destiny of yearning for a South Africa that sees no race but just South Africans. Evidently your e-mail is promoting and protecting the White interests and shows a total lace of the grotesque conditions under which the Black majority of our Country live. For your information there are multitudes of Blacks in South Africa who are equally victims of crime and your e-mail is totally oblivious to their plight. I am just responding to inform you that I am not closing this matter and I shall appreciate it if you would stop corresponding with me on the subject as we have better things to do rather than lead the Country into a pit of abysmal ignorance. [Academic Peer Review Transparency] CC: Prof. I.N. Moutlana, Vice Chancellor & Principal http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112035/10-02-28-Prof-Gordon-Zide-Deputy-Vice-Chair-Vaal

Univ. of Capetown: Institutional Planning: Ms. Judy Favish: 01 March 2010 “I re-affirm my view that there is no white persecution in South Africa and that Mr Huntley is a liar and an opportunist.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112965/10-02-28-Judy-Favish-Inst-Planning-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Ops & Liaison Manager: Mr. Keith Benjamin: 01 March 2010 “This has to be the biggest load of hogwash I have the misfortune of having to read. To delete it would be kind. It is filled with racist bile that is sickening in the extreme. Try to get your facts straight: Nelson Mandela had stepped down in 1999 and yet you quote him as the President. Do not waste my time with this rubbish. Go and find a hole somewhere and crawl into it. Then seal it so that the likes of your racist butts will never see the light of day again.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112987/10-02-28-Keith-Benjamin-Ops-Liaison-Mng-UCT

Univ. of Stellenbosch: English Dept.: Prof. Meg Samuelson: 01 March 2010 “By signing the open letter I was in no way indicating that I would be prepared to enter into such correspondence. Please remove me from your mailing list - I do not require the kind of information that you are disseminating in order to assess the situation in which I live and work or in order to determine the kinds of interventions that I wish to make.” flying-scotsman.co.nr



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Cape Peninsula Univ. of Technology: Mr. Samuel Henkeman, Manager: Transformation & Diversity: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Samuel Henkeman (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Professor L Vuyisa Mazwi-Tanga, Prof. Anthony Staak, Deputy ViceChancellor, Mr Alwyn Van Gensen, Registrar. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222120/10-02-28-CapePeninTech-Samuel-Henkeman-Manager-

Personal Capacity: Thandi Lewin “Deliberate Indifference: I, Thandi Lewin am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222196/10-02-28-ThandiLewin

Legal Resources Center: National Director: Ms. Janet Love: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Janet Love (National Director, Legal Resources Center) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Jhb LRC, Capetown LRC, Durban LRC, Grahamstown LRC. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112070/10-02-28-Janet-Love-Nat-Dir-Legal-Resource-Center

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University: Dept. of Biochemistry and Microbiology: Ms. Ruby-Ann Levendal “Deliberate Indifference: I, Ruby-Ann Levendal (Organisational Transformation and Equity, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Dr. Hajierah Davids, Dr. Tim Downing, Dr. Vaughan Oosthuizen http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222091/10-02-28-Ruby-Ann-Levendal-NMMU

Resolve Workplace Solutions: Dr. Wendy Orr “Deliberate Indifference: I, Dr. Wendy Orr (Resolve Workplace Solutions) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222240/10-02-28-Dr-Wendy-Orr-Resolve-Workplace-Resolutions

Antioch Univ.: Prof. of Critical Race, Gender & Leadership Studies: Dr. Philomena Essed: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Philomena Essed (Antioch Univ. USA) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular




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ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Laurien Alexander, Program Director, Dr. Carol Baron, Dr. Alan E. Guskin, Dr. Lize Booysen, Dr. Jon Wergin http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223868/10-02-28-Dr-Philomena-Essed-Antioch-Univ

Univ. of California: Humanities Research Institute: Dir. Prof. David Theo Goldberg: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, David Theo Goldberg (University of California Irvine, USA) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Assoc. Director: Dante Noto, Dr. Mizuko Ito: Research Director, Dr. Heather A. Horst, Dr. Hye Ryoung Ok, Yolando Choo, Shane Depner, Jessica Tuong Vi Pham, Manager: Arielle Read, Jennifer Wilkens http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110294/10-02-28-Prof-David-T-Goldberg-UCLA-HRI

Independent Journalist: Christie van de Westhuizen: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Christie van der Westhuizen (Independent Journalist) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110213/10-02-28-Christie-v-d-Westhuizen-UCT-IPS

Univ. of Johannesburg: Deputy Vice Chancellor: Adam Habib: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Adam Habib (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Johannesburg) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Professor Gert Roodt, Center for Work Performance http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110115/10-02-28-Prof-Adam-Habib-Univ-of-Jhb

University of Kwazulu-Natal: Dean of Research: Cheryl Potgieter: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Cheryl Potgieter (Research, Univ. of Kwazulu Natal) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Prof. SS Abdool Karim, Mr. Nelson Moodley, Ms. Smita Maharaj, Corporate Relations, Mr. Len Mzimela, Corporate Relations http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110191/10-02-28-Prof-Cheryl-Potgieter-Univ-Kwazulu-Natal

UNISA: Inst. for Social & Health Sciences: Prof. Kopano Ratele: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Kopano Ratele (University of South Africa) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Vice-Principal: Prof. B.J. Erasmus, Prof. M.C. Mare, Dr. J.S. Maseko, Researcher: Lebohang Letsela, Researcher: Hawabibi Laher http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112994/10-02-28-Prof-Kopano-Ratele-UNISA




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UNISA: (Former) Acting Vice-Principal: Strategy, Planning & Partnerships: Ms. Thandi Sidzumo-Mazibuko “Deliberate Indifference: I, Thandi-Sidzumo-Mazibuko (Acting Vice-Principal, Strategy, Planning & Partnerships, UNISA) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Principal & Vice-Chancellor: Prof. NB Pityana, Prof. M.S. Makhanya, Prof. DH van Wyk, Corp. Comm.: Financial Manager: Tsholofelo Dube, PA to Exec. Dir.: Karen van de Merwe, Executive Director: Dr. Marie Ferreira. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222206/10-02-28-Thandi-Sidzumo-Mazibuko-UNISA

Univ. of OFS: Vice Chancellor: Prof. Jonathan Jansen: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Jonathan Jansen (Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Orange Free State) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Editor: Edumela: Ms. Leonie Bolleurs, Mariana Kriel. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2811190710-02-28-Prof-Jonathan-Jansen-Univ-of-OFS

Univ. of Pretoria: Education: Prof. Mokubung Nkomo: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Mokubung Nkomo (Univ. of Pretoria) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. J.D. Jansen, Dean of Education, Sec: Mrs. Yvonne Munro http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223823/10-02-28-Prof-Mokubung-Nkomo-Educ-Univ-Pta

Univ. of Salford: Vice Chancellor: Strategic Leadership Team: Prof. Martin Hall: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Martin Hall (Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Salford) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Press Office, Dr. Glyn White, 20th Century Literature & Culture, Mr. John Allbutt, Dept. of Psychology, Dr. Peter Eachus, Dir. Of Psychology , Dr. Simon Cassidy, Prof. of Psychology, Dr. Lynne Marrow, Prof. of Psychology, Dr. Ashley Weinberg, Prof. of Psychology. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113032/10-02-28-Prof-Martin-Hall-Vice-Chancellor-Univ-of-Salford

Sunchon National University, S. Korea: English Instructor: Melanie Steyn “Deliberate Indifference: I, Melanie Steyn (Sunchon National University, South Korea) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113071/10-02-28-Melanie-Steyn-Sunchon-Nat-Univ-S-Korea

Univ. of Western Cape: Director: Women’s and Gender Studies Unit: Prof. Tammy Shefer: 07 March 2010




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“Deliberate Indifference: I, Tammy Shefer (Department of Women’s Studies, Univ. of Western Cape) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Acting Director: Lindsay Clowes, Mr Joachim Jacobs. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222149/10-02-28-Prof-Tammy-Shefer-Gender-Studies-UWC

Univ. of Capetown: Sociology: Prof. Ari Sitas: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Ari Sitas (Department of Sociology, University of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Owen Crankshaw, Prof. Ken Jubber, Ms. Noma-Afrika Florence, Prof. Lungisile Ntsebeza. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110125/10-02-28-Prof-Ari-Sitas-Sociology-Dept-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Admin: Accounts: Debtors: Ms. Carmelita Raizenburg: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Carmelita Raizenburg (University of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Helen Duncan, Information Designer; Lindy Duncan, Finance Assistant; Ms. Joy Henry, Office Manager, Office of the Executive Director http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110163/10-02-28-Carmelita-Raizenburg-Admin-UCT

University of Capetown: Mechanical Engineering: Charles J. Nicholas: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Charles J Nicholas (Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Kevin Bennett, Mrs. Clare Bloomer. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110176/10-02-28-Charles-J-Nicholas-Mechanical-Engineering-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Dep. Vice Chancellor: Sociology: Prof. Crain Soudien: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Crain Soudien (Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mr. Rob Sieborger; Prof. Neville Alexander, Dr. Alan Cliff; Prof. Laura Czerniewicz. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110246/10-02-28-Prof-Crain-Soudien-Deputy-Vice-Chancellor-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Head of Sociology: Dr. David Cooper: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, David Cooper (Department of Sociology, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Own Crankshaw, Dr. Jacques de Wet. flying-scotsman.co.nr



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Univ. of Wits: (Former) Dir. Social Science & Research: Prof. Deborah Posel: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Deborah Posel (Sociology & WISER, University of Witwatersrand) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. Kevin Thomas, Prof. Sally Swartz; Prof. Mark Solms; Dr. Nokuthula Shabalala. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110101/10-02-28-Prof-Deborah-Posel-Research-UCT-Wits

Univ. of Capetown: Psychology Dept. Prof. Donald Foster “Deliberate Indifference: I, Donald Foster (Psychology Dept., Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. Anton Schlecther; Dr. Ines Meyer; Prof. Johann Louw; Dr. Libby Eaton. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111933/10-02-28-Prof-Donald-Foster-Psychology-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Student Dev. Office: Director: Ms. Edwina Goliath: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Edwina Goliath (Dept. of Student Affairs, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Nadierah Pienaar, Ms. Natalie Brandreth, Mr. Daluxolo Jacobs, Ms. Linda Lapping. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111963/10-02-28-Edwina-Goliath-Director-of-Student-Dev-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Finance Manager: Ms. Famza Jaffar: “Deliberate Indifference: Fahmza Jaffar (University of Capetown) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Maureen Lawrence; Ms. Terisa Brandt http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111994/10-02-28-Famza-Jaffar-Finance-Mng-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Office of Vice-Chancellor: Discrimination & Harrassment Office: Mr. Francois Botha: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Francois Botha (Discrimination & Harrassment Office, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Rashieda Khan, Prof. Jo Beall; Mrs. Eileen de Villiers http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112002/10-02-28-Francois-Botha-Discrimination-Office-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Assist. Warden: Mr. Frans Mamabolo: 07 March 2010




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“Deliberate Indifference: I, Frans Mamabolo (Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mr. Chris Aquino, Project Officer, Ms. Judith du Toit, Project Manager. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112011/10-02-28-Frans-Mamabolo-Admin-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Transformation Office: Ms. Gafsa Dattay: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Gafsa Dattay (Transformation Office, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mrs. Anne Fereday, Admin Officer, Prof. Jo Beall, Deputy Vice Chancellor; Mrs. Eileen de Villiers, Assistant Director, OVC. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112017/10-02-28-Gafsa-Datay-Transformation-Office-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Sociology Dept.: Prof. Jacques de Wet: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Jacques de Wet (Department of Sociology, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Prof. Jeremy Seekings, Dr. Frank Matose, Dr. David Lincoln. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112045/10-02-28-Prof-Jacques-de-Wet-Sociology-Dept-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Sociology Dept: Dr. Judith Head: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Judith Head (Department of Sociology, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Prof. Owen Crankshaw; Dr. Johann Graaff; Assoc. Prof. Ken Jubber. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112960/10-02-28-Dr-Judith-Head-Sociology-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: School of Economics: Dr. Justine Burns: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Justine Burns (Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Charlene Juries, Prof. Haroon Bhorat, Prof. Anthony Black, Dr. Beatrice Conradie; Prof. Johannes Fedderke. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112983/10-02-28-Dr-Justine-Burns-Economics-Dep-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Graduate School of Business: Prof. Kurt April: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Kurt April (Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town; Ashridge Business School (UK)) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.”




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[Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mr. Clint Allen, MBA Support Programme; Mrs. Aniesah Ajam, Project Coordinator; Mrs. Junita Abrahams, Business Developer Director; Prof. Steve S. Burgess. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112999/10-02-28-Prof-Kurt-April-Bus-School-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Postgraduate Center and Funding Office: Ms. Linda Vranas: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Linda Vranas (Postgraduate Center and Funding Office, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Bongine Ndamane; Mrs. Sandra Dewberry, Finance & Operations Manager; Ms. Erica van Wyk, Admin Assist. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113011/10-02-28-Linda-Vranas-Funding-Office-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Engineering & Built Env.: Comm. & Marketing Mng: Ms. Mary Hilton: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Mary Hilton (Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Samantha Reizenburg, Snr. Secretary, Ms. Hilda Leather, Admin officer. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113040/10-02-28-Mary-Hilton-Comm-Mark-Mng-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Vice-Chancellor: Dr. Max Price: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Max Price (Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Gerda Kruger, Exec. Director; Mr. Ray Hartle, Media Manager; Ms. Jo Beall, Deputy Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Thandabantu Nhlapo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Chris McEvoy, Writer http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113054/10-02-28-Dr-Max-Price-Vice-Chancellor-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Claire Kelly: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Claire Kelly (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Claire-Kelly-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Khairoonisa Foflonker: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Khairoonisa Foflonker (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.”




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[Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Ashly Dorkin: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Ashly Dorkin (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Emma Daitz: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Emma Daitz (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Theresa Daniels: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Theresa Daniels (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Diversity Studies: Haley McEwen: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Haley McEwen (Diversity Studies, University of Cape Town) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Noma-Afrika Maseti, Ms. Kim Foster, Ms. Catherine Napoleon, Ms. Carren Duffy http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110229/10-02-28-Diversity-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Sociology Dept.: Assoc. Prof. Melissa Steyn: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Melissa Steyn (Intercultural and Diversity Studies, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Ramela Bhaga; Assoc. Prof. Lungisile Ntsebeza; Prof. Colin Tredoux. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223788/10-02-28-Prof-Melissa-Steyn-Sociology-UCT




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Univ. of Capetown: Graduate School of Business: Prof. Mills Soko: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Mills Soko (Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Prof. Walter Baets; Prof. Thomas Koelble; Dr. Shadrick Mazaza; Dr. Chipo Mlambo. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223805/10-02-28-Prof-Mills-Soko-Grad-Sch-Business-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Student Services: Exec. Dir.: Ms. Moonira Khan: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Moonira Khan (Department of Student Affairs, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Nadierah Pienaar, Personal Assist. to Exec. Dir.; Mr. Ishaak Khan, Consultant; Ms. Fatima Khan, Refugee Attorney. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223828/10-02-28-Moonira-Khan-Exec-Dir-UCT-Student-Svc

Univ. of Capetown: Exec. Office: Marketing Manager: Mr. Murray Steyn: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Murray Steyn (Communication & Marketing Dept; Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Charmaine Dublin, Mr. Ayanda Botha, Ms. Rethea Deetlefs, Mr. Aloy Gowne http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223842/10-02-28-Murray-Steyn-Mark-Mng-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Psychology Dept: Prof. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Heather Maytham, Admin. Officer; Mr. Jeffrey Bagraim, Senior Lecturer; Prof. Donald Foster, Prof. Joha Louw-Potgieter, Head of Dept. Organisational Psychology; Dr. Lauren Wild; Assoc. Prof. Colin Tredoux http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223878/10-02-28-Prof-Pumla-Gobodo-Madikizela-Psych-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Dept. Clinical Lab. Sciences: Tech. Officer: Roshan Ebrahim: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Roshan Ebrahim (Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Debbie Victor, Dr. Eliya Madikane, Prof., Dr. Andrew Whitelaw. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222071/10-02-28-Roshan-Ibrahim-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Office of Vice-Chancellor: OVC: Director: Mr. Royston Pillay: 07 March 2010




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“Deliberate Indifference: I, Royston Pillay (Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Ms. Eileen de Villiers, Assistant Director, OVC; Ms. Deborah Hendricks, Personal Assist.; Ms. Rashieda Khan, Administrator. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222082/10-02-28-Royston-Pillay-Dir-OVC-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Religious Studies: Dr. Sa’diyya Shaikh: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Sa’diyya Shaik (Dept. of Religious Studies, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mrs. Nabowayah Kafaar; Dr. Andrea Brigaglia; Prof. David Chidester; Prof. James Cochrane, Dr. Sibusiso Masondo, Prof. Chuck Wanamaker. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222104/10-02-28-Dr-Sa-diyya-Shaikh-Religious-Studies-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Dept. of Education: Snr. Lecturer: Ms. Salma Ismail: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Salma Ismail (Academic Staff Development, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Assoc. Prof. Rudiger Laugksch, Director; Dr. Kevin Williams, Senior Lecturer; Ms. Ferial Parker, Lifeskills Education Specialist; Prof. Johan Muller, Deputy Dean. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222113/10-02-28-Salma-Ismail-Educ-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Exec. Offices: Admin Assist.: Sean Sivertsen: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Sean Sivertsen (Office of the Deputy Registrar, Univ. of Capetown) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Loraine Leonard; Mr. Hugh Amoore; Mr. Carl Herman; Mr. Marius Lund http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222128/10-02-28-Sean-Sivertsen-Admin-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Senior Planning Officer: Sonwabo Ngcelwane: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Sonwabo Ngcelwane (Dept. of Institutional Planning, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Email: Ms. Rochelle Speller; Ms. Jane Hendry, Ms. Lindi Tlou, Ms. Zone Mdeldle. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222132/10-02-28-Sonwabo-Ngcelwane-Planning-Ofc-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Dept. of Elec. Engineering: Assoc. Prof. SP Chowdhury: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, SP Chowdhury (Dept. of Elec. Engineering; Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or flying-scotsman.co.nr



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more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mrs. Kehinde Awodele; Dr. Paul Barendse, Mr. Pierre Biziman; Prof. M. Braae; Dr. Sunetra Chowdhury. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222142/10-02-28-Prof-SP-Chowdhury-Elec-Eng-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Management Studies: Prof. Communication Unit: Mrs. Terri Grant: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Terri Grant (School of Management Studies, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Ms. Fazeela Felton; Mr. Gert Human; Assoc. Prof. Ian McDonald; Dr. Anton Schlechter; Prof. John Simpson. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222158/10-02-28-Terri-Grant-Comm-Unit-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Dept. of Commercial Law: Ms. Tracy Gutuza: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Tracy Gutuza (Dept. of Commercial Law; Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. June Pym, Ms. Shanaaz Solomons; Prof. Richard Christie, Prof. Dennis Davis, Prof. Alan Rycroft. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222222/10-02-28-Tracy-Gutuza-Comm-Law-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Faculty of Law: Ms. Waheeda Amien: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Waheeda Amien (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mr. Karl Appolis, Prof. Jaco Barnard-Naude, Dr. Amanda Barratt, Dr. Kristina Bentley http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222232/10-02-28-Waheeda-Amien-Law-UCT

Univ. of Capetown: Sociology Dept.: Dr. Zimitri Erasmus: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Zimitri Erasmus (Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Capetown) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. Jonathan Grossman, Dr. Johan Graaff, Prof. Owen Crankshaw http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222248/10-02-28-Dr-Zimitri-Erasmus-Sociology-UCT

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Dep. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Arnold van Zyl: 08 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Arnold van Zyl (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Prof. H. Russel Botman; Prof. Julian Smith, Prof. Magda Fourie, Prof. Leopold van Huyssteen. flying-scotsman.co.nr



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Univ. of Stellenbosch: Dept. of Education: Dr. Brenda Leibowitz: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Brenda Leibowitz (Stellenbosch University) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Y Waghid, Prof. A.E. Carl, Prof. R. Newark, Prof. LLL Le Grange, Ms. S Le Roux. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110153/10-02-28-Dr-Brenda-Leibowitz-Educ-Dept-Univ-of-Stb

Univ. of Stellenbosch: English Dept. Prof. Daniel Roux: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Daniel Roux (Dept. of English, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mr. R. Roppelt, Dr. C Viljoen, Mr. Johann Aspeling http://www.scribd.com/doc/28110263/10-02-28-Prof-Daniel-Roux-Univ-of-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: English Dept.: Prof. Dirk C. Klopper: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Dirk C. Klopper (Dept. of English, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. David de Villiers, Mrs. Elsa Winckler, Dr. T Steiner. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111918/10-02-28-Prof-Dirk-Klopper-English-Dept-Uni-of-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Educ. Psychology Dept: Prof. Doria Daniels: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Doria Daniels (Educational Psychology, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Estelle Swart, Mrs. C Louw, Ms. L.J. Collair, Senior Lecturer: Mr. A Lewis, Mrs. M.M. Oswald, Mrs. M.D Perold, Mrs. M. Nel http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111947/10-02-28-Prof-Doria-Daniels-Educ-Psych-Univ-of-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Dept. of Physiological Sciences: Prof. Faadiel Essop: “Deliberate Indifference: I, Faadiel Essop (Dept. of Phys. Sciences, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Mrs. Graselda Simon, Prof. Kathy Myburgh, Dr. Anna-Mart Engelbrecht, Dr. Carine Smith, Dr. Rob Smith, Dr. De Wet Strauss. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28111979/10-02-28-Prof-Faadiel-Essop-Phys-Sciencies-Uni-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Inst. Legal Advisor to Management: Prof. Gerhard Lubbe: 07 March 2010




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“Deliberate Indifference: I, Gerhard Lubbe (Faculty of Law, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Law Faculty: Yolandi Sylvester, Mr. Johann Aspeling. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112025/10-02-28-Prof-Gerhard-Lubbe-Legal-Adv-to-Mngmt-Univ-Stb

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Employment Equity & Promotion of Diversity: Dr. JeromeAlexander van Wyk: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Jerome-Alexander van Wyk (Employment Equity & Promotion of Diversity, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Dr. Barbara Pool, Mr. Llewellyn McMaster, Mr. Mohammed Shaikh, Hillary Siebritz-Le Roux http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112079/10-02-28-Dr-Jerome-Alexander-van-Wyk-Univ-of-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Business School: Leadership Development: Prof. Julian Sonn: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Julian Sonn (Business School, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Eon Smit, Prof. Wim Gevers, Prof. Barnie Jordaan, Prof. Meshach Aziakpono, Dr. Babita Mathur-Helm, Dr. John Morrison http://www.scribd.com/doc/28112973/10-02-28-Prof-Julian-Sonn-Leadership-Bus-Sch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Psychology: Prof. Leslie Swartz: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Leslie Swarts (University of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency]: Dr. Charl Nortje, Mr. Desmond Painter, Mr. Chris Petty, Dr Nceba Somhlaba, Mr. Henry Steel, Prof. Mark R. Tomlinson, Ms. Sherine van Wyk, Ms. Cecile Joubert http://www.scribd.com/doc/28113005/10-02-28-Prof-Leslie-Swartz-Psych-Dep-Uni-of-Stellenbosch

Univ. of Stellenbosch: English Dept.: Dr. Rob Gaylard: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Rob Gaylard (English Dept. University of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. AH Gagiano, Prof. Tobie de Coning, Mrs. C Knoetse, Ms. H. Tselana. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28223902/10-02-28-Prof-Rob-Gaylard-English-Univ-Stb

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Psychology Dept.: Dr. Ronelle Carollissen: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Ronelle Carollissen (Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures &/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or flying-scotsman.co.nr



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more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Prof. Tony Naidoo; Prof. Awie Greeff, Mr Zuhayr Kafaar; Prof. Ashraf Kagee; Prof. Lou-Marie Kruger; Ms Marieanna le Roux; Ms. Anthea Lesch; Dr. Elmien Lesch; Dr. Helene Loxton http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222063/10-02-28-Dr-Ronelle-Carollissen-Psych-Univ-Stb

Univ. of Stellenbosch: Faculty of Health Sciences: Community Services & Interaction: Deputy Dean: Dr. Therese Fish: 07 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: I, Therese Fish (Fac. Health Sciences, Univ. of Stellenbosch) am deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you and Brandon Huntley, fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom I am deliberately indifferent; or on occasion, whose persecution I publicly, or privately endorse.” [Academic Peer Review Transparency] Dean: Prof. Wynand van der Merwe, Prof Jimmy Volmink, Prof. Marietjie de Villiers, Mrs. Nadia Goliath, Mr. Eben Mouton. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28222217/10-02-28-Dr-Therese-Fish-Dep-Dean-Univ-Stb




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140 of SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law For the Record RHWR Memo: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt

ProJourn Administrative Secretary: Mr. Michael Schmidt From: Michael Schmidt [mailto:mschmidt@frayintermedia.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:57 AM Subject: Read: ProJourn Admin. Sec., Mr. Michael Schmidt; RE: For Your Records & Information. Your message To: Michael Schmidt Subject: ProJourn Admin. Sec., Mr. Michael Schmidt; RE: For Your Records & Information. Sent: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 03:00:56 +0200 was read on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 06:49:04 +0200 From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:49 AM To: 'mschmidt@frayintermedia.com' Subject: ProJourn Admin. Sec., Mr. Michael Schmidt; RE: For Your Records & Information. Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law ProJourn: mschmidt@frayintermedia.com Please find below and attached PDF, sent to Min. of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada; whereupon you are CC’d, for your records and information. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone

SA Press Council: Ombudsman From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:46 AM To: 'johanr@ombudsman.org.za' Subject: Att: Press Ombudsman, SA Press Council; RE: For Your Records & Information. Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law SA Press Ombud: johanr@ombudsman.org.za Mr. Ombudsman, Please find below and attached PDF, sent to Min. of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada; whereupon you are CC’d, for your records and information. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone




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140 of SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law For the Record RHWR Memo: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt

European Council on Refugees & Migrants (ECRE): From: Laurent Aldenhoff [mailto:laldenhoff@ecre.org] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 3:33 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: Read: EU Cncl. Ref. & Exiles (ECRE): Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley; White Refugee Your message To: General emails Subject: EU Cncl. Ref. & Exiles (ECRE): Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley; White Refugee Sent: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 01:37:27 +0100 was read on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 14:33:10 +0100 ECRE is an AISBL under Belgian law, Registration Number 0809.651.278 From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:37 AM To: 'ecre@ecre.org' Subject: EU Cncl. Ref. & Exiles (ECRE): Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley; White Refugee Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law EU Cncl. Ref. & Exiles: ecre@ecre.org ECRE, Please find below and attached, email to Min. of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada, which was CC’d to yourselves, for your records, and information. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:18 AM To: 'kennej@parl.gc.ca'; 'Minister@cic.gc.ca' Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Min. of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1L1 Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca || kennej@parl.gc.ca


Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley[1]

For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)






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140 of SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law For the Record RHWR Memo: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt

Amnesty International: Refugee & Migrants Team From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:35 AM To: 'refteam@amnest.org' Subject: Att: Amnesty Intn'l; Refugee Team: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: B. Huntley, White Refugee Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law Amnesty Intn’l: refteam@amnest.org Please find below email to Min. of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada, which was CC’d to yourselves, for your records, and information. Respectfully, Lara Johnstone From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:18 AM To: 'kennej@parl.gc.ca'; 'Minister@cic.gc.ca' Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Min. of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1L1 Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca || kennej@parl.gc.ca


Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley[1]

For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)

High Commissioner Ruth Archibald, High Commission of Canada in Pretoria From: pret@international.gc.ca [mailto:pret@international.gc.ca] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:26 AM To: jmcswan@mweb.co.za Subject: Read: Att: HC Ruth Archibald, HC for Canada, Pta: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Your message To: PRET ( G) Subject: Att: HC Ruth Archibald, HC for Canada, Pta: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Sent: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:25:22 +0200 was read on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 02:26:01 +0200 From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:25 AM To: 'pret@international.gc.ca' Subject: Att: HC Ruth Archibald, HC for Canada, Pta: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley






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140 of SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law For the Record RHWR Memo: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt

Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law

High Comm. Mr. Abraham Sokhaya Nkomo, SA High Commissioner to Canada From: rsafrica@southafrica-canada.ca [mailto:rsafrica@southafrica-canada.ca] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:05 PM To: 'Lara Johnstone' Subject: Read: HC Mr. A. Sokhaya Nkomo; Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Your message To: Subject: Sent:

rsafrica@southafrica-canada.ca Att: HC Mr. A. Sokhaya Nkomo; Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley 3/16/2010 2:24 AM

was read on 3/16/2010 2:05 PM. From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:24 AM To: 'rsafrica@southafrica-canada.ca' Subject: Att: HC Mr. A. Sokhaya Nkomo; Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law

Mr. William Davis, Immig. & Ref. Board of Canada: Refugee Protection Division: From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:23 AM To: 'info@irb-cisr.gc.ca' Subject: Att: Mr. William Davis, IRB: Refugee Prot. Division: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law CC: Mr. William Davis Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Refugee Protection Division Email: info@irb-cisr.gc.ca From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:18 AM To: 'kennej@parl.gc.ca'; 'Minister@cic.gc.ca' Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Min. of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1L1 Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca || kennej@parl.gc.ca


Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley[1]

For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)






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140 of SA Elite say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law For the Record RHWR Memo: Notices Sent and Acknowledgements of Receipt

Mr. Charles Hawkins, Mng. of Media Relations: Immig & Refugee Brd, Canada From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:22 AM To: 'charles.hawkins@irb-cisr.gc.ca' Subject: Att: Mr. Charles Hawkins, IRB, Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law CC: Mr. Charles Hawkins, Manager of Media Relations Immigration & Refugee Board of Canada Email: charles.hawkins@irb-cisr.gc.ca From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:18 AM To: 'kennej@parl.gc.ca'; 'Minister@cic.gc.ca' Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Min. of Citizenship and Immigration Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 1L1 Email: Minister@cic.gc.ca || kennej@parl.gc.ca


Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley[1]

For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 SA Editors, Politicians, Academics et al confirm they are Deliberately Indifferent to the Rule-of-Law; have No Objections to SA Governments persecution of ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”)

Minister of Citizenship and Immigration: Mr. Jason Kenney From: Minister [mailto:Minister@cic.gc.ca] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:07 PM To: Lara Johnstone Subject: Read: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Your message To: kennej@parl.gc.ca; Minister Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Sent: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 20:17:39 -0400 was read on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 08:07:19 -0400 From: Lara Johnstone [mailto:jmcswan@mweb.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:18 AM To: 'kennej@parl.gc.ca'; 'Minister@cic.gc.ca' Subject: Ref: Fed. Crt. Rev: IMM 4423-09: Brandon Huntley Attach: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28430454/10-03-13-140-SA-Elite-Del-Ind-to-Rule-of-Law






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