10-31-16: Volkstaat Jus Sanguinis Petition: NL: Perm. Comm. Vluchteling Strafrecht

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30 March 2011 Mr. Uri Rosenthal Minister of Foreign Affairs PO Box 20061, 2500 EB The Hague, The Netherlands

Ref: (i) Bosman Family descendants Jus Sanguinis Application for Dutch Citizenship in April 2010; (ii) 05 December 2010 and 08 March 2011 Jus Sanguinis Petition to Kingdom of Netherlands

c/o & via: Mr. Wouter Jurgens Head of Political Affairs Netherlands Embassy Pretoria Tel: (012) 4254522 | Fax: (012) 4254521 CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC: CC:

Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Council of Ministers of the Netherlands Hon. Amb. Z.E. dhr. Rob de Vos, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Ambassade, Pretoria Mr. Geert Wilders, Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Mr. Kees van der Staaij, Staatkundige Gereformeerde Partij (SGP) Mr. Mark Rutte, People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) Mr. Job Cohen, Labour Party (PvdA) Ms. Sadhia Rafi, European Legal Network on Asylum Netherlands Coordinator Mr. Ben Vermeulen, Prof. Constitutional Law, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam Prof. Cees Groendijk, Katholieke Univ. Nijmegen Perm. Comm. van Deskundigen in Intnl vreemdelingen Vluchtelingen en Strafrecht Dr. Thomas Spijkerboer, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam Board of Directors, Federation of Refugee Organisations in Netherlands Board of Directors, Greenpeace International Prof. Gerard-Rene de Groot, Maastricht Univ, Nationality Law expert UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Regional UNHCR Office in Den Haag

RE: Circumstances and Legal Arguments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Incomplete Response to Jus Sanguinis Petition Arguments: Request Full Written Reasons clarifying the alleged errors of fact or of law made in the Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper submitted to Netherlands Government Overview: 

Summary of Jus Sanguinis Dutch Citizenship Events & Correspondence

Clarify Ministry of Foreign Affairs allegations of Jus Sanguinis Erroneous facts or legal arguments in African White Refugee letter to Netherlands Ambassador

Updated Circumstances Confirm International Refugee Agency discrimination against, and endorsement of, censorship of ‘White Refugee’ facts and arguments.

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Circumstances and Legal Arguments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Response to Petition Arguments: Request Dutch Foreign Ministry provide Full Written Reasons clarifying the alleged errors of fact or of law made in the Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper submitted to Netherlands Government.

Updated Peak Oil and/or Netherlands Circumstances: Is the Netherlands Government’s support for Military Intervention in Libya founded on Peak Oil motives; or Humanitarian motives?

Are the Netherlands Humanitarian Concerns for their SA Descendants to endorse the ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on their Dutch settler rotting corpses?

Summary of Jus Sanguinis Dutch Citizenship Events & Correspondence On 28 March 2009, the editor of the Algemene Dagblad, wrote an article Ons woon baie lekker in Holland1, where he referred to recent changes in Dutch laws, which provide Afrikaners who are direct descendants of Dutch citizens, to reclaim their Dutch citizenship. The article tells the story of South Africans Hendrik and Lynette de Vries, from Voorburg; whose progenitor left Den Haag in the 18th century. “Steeds meer blanke Zuid-Afrikanen vragen een Nederlands paspoort aan. Dat komt vooral doordat de Nederlandse wetgeving Afrikaners de mogelijkheid biedt de nationaliteit van hun voorouders aan te nemen, segt de Nederlandse ambassade in Pretoria.”

The article was reposted on the blog of Dutch/South African journalist, Adriana Stuijt: Afrikaners with proof of Dutch roots eligible for NL passports… 2, and a Dutch website: OnsVirJou: “We live very well in Holland”3 After researching my family tree, I applied to the Dutch Consul, in April 2010. I provided the Dutch consul with the completed form: Assessment Regarding Eligibility for a Dutch Citizenship/Passport4, to which I attached the details of my direct genealogical history from my Dutch Stamvader: Hermanus Bosman (19/04/1682 – 26/07/1769) who emigrated from Holland, arriving in the Cape on 19 April 1707; son of Lambertus Bosman (1655 – 1713) and Maria Fransz (1656 – 1722) of among others Utrechse Straat, Amsterdam. On 21 April 2010, Ms. Ineke Solinas, from the Dutch Consul responded with the report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Den Haag, Nederland: Er zijn geen recente wijzigingen geweest in het Nederlands nationaliteitsrecht waaruit volgt dat Zuid-Afrikanen met Nederlandse voorouders recht hebben op de Nederlandse nationaliteit puur en alleen op basis van de Nederlandse roots zonder zelf in het bezit te zijn van het Nederlanderschap. Er zijn drie mogelijkheden te verzinnen op grond waarvan er Zuid-Afrikanen zijn die thans ook in het bezit zijn van de Nederlandse nationaliteit terwijl ze al generaties lang of geruime tijd in Zuid-Afrika wonen: -Men is als Nederlander naar Zuid-Afrika gekomen, is niet Zuid-Afrikaan geworden, heeft kennisgevingen afgelegd of paspoorten aangevraagd om het Nederlanderschap onder destijds geldende Nederlandse nationaliteitswetgeving te behouden, vervolgens door afstamming de Nederlandse nationaliteit doorgegeven aan de volgende generatie en die weer naar de generatie daarna met inachtneming van alle voorwaarden om verlies van het Nederlanderschap te voorkomen door het afleggen van opties en dergelijke;


http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/1012/Binnenland/article/detail/308209/2009/03/27/Ons-woon-baie-lekker-in-Holland.dhtml http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2009/10/afrikaners-with-proof-of-dutch-roots.html http://www.onsvirjou.nl/2011/03/23/ons-woon-baie-lekker-in-holland/?lang=en 4 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110417_applic_bosman_jussanguinis?mode=a_p 2 3

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

-Men is op een gegeven moment vrijwillig Zuid-Afrikaan geworden voor 1 april 2003 met verlies van het Nederlanderschap tot gevolg en kan sinds 1 april 2003 onder bepaalde voorwaarden de Nederlandse nationaliteit herkrijgen; of -Men heeft op een gegeven moment als afstammeling van een Nederlander én in het bezit van de Zuid-Afrikaanse nationaliteit het Nederlanderschap automatisch door langdurig verblijf in geboorteland Zuid-Afrika verloren tussen 1 januari 1985 en 1 april 2003, maar de Nederlandse nationaliteit onder bepaalde voorwaarden hebben kunnen herkrijgen. Met andere woorden, Zuid-Afrikanen die enkel een beroep kunnen doen op een verre Nederlandse voorouder en dus niet onder een van de drie bovengenoemde categorieën vallen, kunnen thans niet op een eenvoudige wijze Nederlander worden. Ik stuur de post een cc toe van dit bericht met de hoop dat zij mij misschien het een en ander kunnen verduidelijken m.b.t. wat het AD bedoeld zou kunnen hebben.

There are no recent changes in the Dutch Nationality law, providing South African citizens with Netherlands progenitors the right to Dutch citizenship, purely on the basis of Dutch roots, if they don’t already possess Dutch citizenship. There are, 'three possibilities in which South Africans could still qualify even though they have already lived for a long time in South Africa namely: "One has gone to South Africa as a Dutch citizen, did not become a South African citizen, and submitted frequent applications to the (Dutch government) reconfirming that they did not want to relinquish their Dutch citizenship; and had thus passed also along their Dutch citizenship rights to their own next generation - always maintaining all these requirements to maintain their Dutch citizenship rights by reaffirming this fact in statements and applications (over the years); One has become a South African citizen before 1 April 2003 and thus automatically had lost Dutch citizenship as a result of this. Under certain circumstances in such events, one can reapply and regain Dutch citizenship since 1 April 2003; One is a direct (descendant of a Dutch citizen and now has South African nationality and has lost Dutch nationality automatically due to long-time stay in South Africa between 1 January 1985 and 1 April 2003 - but would be able to regain Dutch citizenship under certain circumstances.' In other words, South Africans cannot rely on one distant progenitor for Dutch citizenship, if they do not fall under the aforementioned three categories. I send the post copied to the journalist who wrote the article, with the hope that he may be able to provide an explanation as to what the Algemene Dagblad meant in their report.

On 17 April 2010, I wrote a letter to Mr. Casper Naber, asking him to please provide me with the details of the recently changed Dutch nationality law, which provide South Africans who are direct descendants of Dutch citizens, to reclaim their Dutch citizenship. On 21 April 2010, I wrote a letter5 to Mr. Geert Wilders to enquire whether he was aware of these ‘recent changes in Dutch nationality law, which provide South Africans who are direct descendants of Dutch citizens, to reclaim their Dutch citizenship. On 23 April 2010, Mr. Casper Naber wrote an article Bange ‘Suid Afrikaners’ wragen Wilders om hulp6.


http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/04/help-asseblief-graaf-wilders-royal.html http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/1000/Nieuws/article/detail/478692/2010/04/23/Bange-Zuid-Afrikanen-smeken-om-Wilders-hulp.dhtml


Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Nobody has explained what Dutch Nationality laws enabled South Africans Hendrik and Lynette de Vries, from Voorburg; whose progenitor left Den Haag in the 18th century; to get Dutch citizenship. In the meantime other South Africans joined the Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe; for African White Refugees7 group, and others who could prove their direct genealogical descent from a European Stamvader/progenitor joined the Petition. On 05 and 06 December 2010, the African White Refugees Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper was submitted to various Dutch Political, Refugee, Population and Energy Experts; via the Dutch Embassy in Pretoria8. From 07 to 16 December the Petition was submitted to similar Political, Refugee, Population and Energy experts from other Jus Sanguinis Progenitor nations of France9, Germany10, United Kingdom11 and Switzerland12; and finally to NATO Military Committee13 Officials. On 21 December 2010, Mr. Jurgens responded14 by totally ignoring the TRC Fraud, Population Policy, Peak Oil, etc, etc. issues and arguments raised in the Petition and Briefing Paper, and focussing his response solely on: - with regard to the claim of refugees status, the following applies: as you are now in your own country, you cannot be considered a refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention or under the Dutch Asylum Act. If you are outside your own country you can ask the authorities of the country in which you are now, or UNHCR/UNDP, for protection. - with regard to the application for citizenship of the Netherlands I would like to inform you that under the Dutch Nationality Law it is possible in certain cases to regain Dutch citizenship. This might be an option that is relevant in your case. Please check the website of the Netherlands Embassy for more detailed information on the Nationality Law (http://southafrica.nlembassy.org/Products_and_Services/Consular_services/Dutch_National ity)

As another legal observer noted: The downside of following that suggestion of him (and I think, that is precisely why he suggested it in the first place) is the fact that the whole issue would be rerouted along personal lines – “Mr. A” or “Mrs. B” applies to regain Dutch citizenship as individuals and, whether any one such application might be granted or refused, the whole issue remains side-tracked into stacks of individual cases. In contrast to such a situation, I believe we need to make them realise that we are dealing here with the fate of a whole people – more specifically, as far as the current Dutch Government is concerned - a people that finds itself in Southern Africa for centuries now due to Dutch decision-making and Dutch political behaviour – the fact that we are talking here of past political behaviour does not get them “off the hook” in my mind. (If current governments are not responsible for the behaviour of their predecessors and have got nothing to do with it, the current German government should not pay the Jews for Hitler’s policy; to cite but one example). Thus I think the Dutch must not continue to be able, as they had done all along, to shrug their shoulders and say “…well we put you here as farmers, medical personnel and administrators who had to serve many of our needs while we made piles of money in the East - now that you served your purpose, we are done with you; we implore you to accept 7

http://www.facebook.com/African.White.Refugees http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_netherlands.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_france.htm 10 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_germany.htm 11 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_uk.htm 12 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_switzerland.htm 13 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_nato.htm 14 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/Amb-Pta_Rob-de-Vos.htm 8 9

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Black majority rule – and, by implication, also the consequences that go along with it: unspeakable hardship of murder, robbery, rape, theft, corruption, maladministration and suppression of the very culture you inherited from us”. Therefore, I think, the Dutch (especially) owe us moral and political support to regain selfgovernment…maybe they must be told exactly that?

On 11 March 2011 the amended petition and updated briefing paper (Wake Up Whitey!: African White Refugee Canaries in the International Ethno-Cultural Geopolitical Coalmine, added to hardcopy petition) was re-submitted to the Dutch Government, this time for the attention of Prime Minister Mark Rutte. On 29 March 2011, Mr. Wouter Jurgens, Head of Political Section, Royal Netherlands Embassy Pretoria responded once again totally ignoring the TRC Fraud, Population Policy, Peak Oil, etc, etc. issues and arguments raised in the Petition and Briefing Paper, repeating the contents of his previous response, in addition to: I hope that answer has been satisfactory for you. As neither the circumstances nor the legal arguments with regard to the petition have changed the embassy sees no reason to again forward the petition to the Netherlands government in The Hague. We therefore consider the matter closed. Of course we remain available to answer any further questions that you might have.

Neither Mr. Wouter Jurgens nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have ever clarified exactly which factual circumstances and or legal arguments in the Jus Sanguinis Petition they dispute as being factually or legally inaccurate; justifying their decision to disregard and ignore the Jus Sanguinis arguments and petition requests, as unworthy of implementation.

Clarify Ministry of Foreign Affairs allegations of Jus Sanguinis Erroneous facts or legal arguments in African White Refugee letter to Netherlands Ambassador: In Request for Transparent Official Forwarding of African White Refugees Petition to Officials and citizens of the Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden: Volkstaat Secession in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) Netherlands Citizenship for African White Refugees15, Jus Sanguinis provided the following arguments, in support of their request: [1]

Judge James Russell’s African White Refugee Assertions of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, US State Department and British Home Office as ‘credible and trustworthy sources’ of ‘objective evidence’ regarding White Refugees is erroneous.


Censorship & Suppression of African White Refugees Documentation by International and South African Officials, Organisations and Corporations:




International Refugee Agency Response to Political & Legal Persecution of Radical Honesty culture Member in South Africa


SA Political, Academic and Media Elite Response to Political & Legal Persecution of Radical Honesty culture Member in South Africa

SA Media and Constitutional Court Response to Political & Legal Persecution of Radical Honesty culture Member in South Africa: CENSORED from public discourse.


Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr


UNHCR Response to African White Refugee Petition to Federal Court Canada, Justice’s via: Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada: deliberate indifference to African White Refugees.


Conclusions and Justification for Request for Transparent Official Forwarding: International NGO’s and Government Departments, who endorse (i) the ANC / AntiApartheid Movement (AAM)’s narrative of South African Apartheid history, and/or (ii) Poverty Pimping (abnormal government-sponsored population explosions of poverty and violence) breeding wars as a tactic for power/status16; (iii) Human Rights and social justice, while ignoring, censoring or suppressing the population policy requirements for an ecological social contract (Ecolaw: the ecological carrying capacity laws of sustainability17); cannot be considered ‘credible and trustworthy sources’ of ‘objective documentary evidence’; when it comes to respectively (i) their nemesis: “Boers” (i.e. ethno-cultural conservative European Africans); and (ii) & (iii) the demographic/overpopulation ecological overshoot root causes of resource war political violence.


Please clarify the Jus Sanguinis Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding the aforementioned African White Refugee allegations.

Updated Circumstances confirm International EU and UN Refugee Agency discrimination against, and endorsement of censorship of ‘White Refugee’ facts and arguments. [1]

French UNHCR Rep. & EU Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Law Prof.'s legal allergy to Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat 4 African White Refugees Petition18: Prof. Denis Alland demands that the webpage with the Jus Sanguinis petition to himself be deleted.


Prof. Denis Alland, Univ. Paris II; UNHCR Rep. (1989-97), ECRE & ELENA Refugee Law Expert Declares Legal War on African White Refugees19: Prof. Denis Alland threatens to sue Jus Sanguinis to demand that the webpage with the Jus Sanguinis petition to himself be deleted.


African White Refugee Petition to NL: ECRE & ELENA Officials posted to ECRE & ELENA Facebook Wall deleted20: European Council on Refugee's and Exiles (ECRE) and European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) delete the African White Refugee Petition to ECRE & ELENA: Prof: B Vermeulen; K Groenedijk; T Spijkerboer & GR de Groot (Youtube link21) from their ECRE facebook wall (twice!).


ECRE and the United Nations Objections to the Anti-White Refugee bias and discrimination behaviour of aforementioned EU and UN Refugee Agency Experts?: NONE.

Circumstances and Legal Arguments of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Response to Petition Arguments: Request Dutch Foreign Ministry provide Full Written Reasons clarifying the alleged errors of fact or of law made in the Jus 16 Their preference for ‘collateral damage’ slave and cannon fodder breeding as a policy to secure their own aggrandizement -- as opposed to population policy common sense human rights, peace and social justice ecological carrying capacity advocacy -- “committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups… with the intention of maintaining that regime.”? (International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid; 18 July 1976, Article XV: Art. II 17 18 Laws of Sustainability are articulated by Dr. Albert Bartlett, in Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth and the Environment, republished in The Essential Exponential! For the Future of our Planet 18 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/02/french-unhcr-rep-eu-legal-network-on.html 19 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/02/prof-denis-alland-univ-paris-ii-unhcr.html 20 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/03/african-white-refugee-petition-to.html 21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfdtX5LV9XU

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Sanguinis Petition Government.







Please provide the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Written Reasons clarifying the Jus Sanguinis Petitioners Errors of Fact or Law. Please inform us where our facts, legal principles or logic are incorrect. Which Jus Sanguinis allegations and conclusions are not supported by our facts, legal principles or logic? Please show how the course of action we propose is not the most beneficial to avoid and mitigate resource war violence and population pressures friction between different cultures. Please show how the Dutch Government can guarantee their Jus Sanguinis Dutch descendant settler families in South Africa their cultural and racial survival, while silently endorsing the ANC’s breeding war and Affirmative Action policies, and Black Liberation Theology Truth and Reconciliation on the rotting corpse of settlers ‘reconciliation’, steering South Africa towards systemic collapse and white genocide?

Jus Sanguinis Population Policy and Just War Theory Principles TRC Fraud arguments: [1]

Population Policy Common Sense: Eco-Numeracy, Exponential Capacity, Youth Bulges, Population Pressure Conflicts and the Competitive Exclusion Principle.


Just War Tradition: Mutually Agreed Rules of Combat between Culturally Similar Enemies: Jus Ad Bellum Convention, Principles of Jus In Bello & Just Post Bellum.

Please clarify the Jus Sanguinis Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding the aforementioned Jus Sanguinis principles in the Briefing Paper (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr):

Just War Theory TRC Fraud Arguments: [3]

If justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done (R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy22); where in the TRC’s enquiry into the nature and causes of Apartheid violence, did they make an impartial enquiry into the evidence whether Boer & African cultures were similar enough for Just War Theory to apply; and if so to hear evidence contradicting the ANC’s ‘liberation struggle’ being a ‘Just War’.


Jus Sanguinis argue that the ANC (a) did not have a just cause, (b) did not declare war on Apartheid as a last resort, (c) the ANC’s war against apartheid was not declared by proper authority; (d) ANC did not possess right intention, (e) ANC did not have a reasonable chance of success, and (f) ANC did not use proportional force; (f) Post Bellum: ANC are doing all in their power -- including the continuation of their breeding war against whites in South Africa – to facilitate the destruction of Boer-Afrikaner and other minority cultures, some of whom (the Radical Honesty culture) have absolutely no standing whatsoever in SA’s alleged ‘multi-culti’ courtrooms; (g) the ANC repeatedly reneged upon its promises of Amnesty destroying all trust in future political agreements. 1.


[No Right Intention; No Proper Authority; Not a last resort; No reasonable Chances of Success; No Proportional Force] Forsaking commitment to Gandhian Nonviolence, honour & character.. ANC-Fanonstein spawned a Government of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs

R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy ([1924] 1 KB 256, [1923] All ER 233)

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr



[No Right Intention; Not a last resort; No reasonable Chances of Success; No Proportional Force] SA Communist Party (SACP)’s M-Plan: Violent Liberation & Mandela’s Cult of Personality


[No Right Intention] No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?


[No Right Intention]: Did ‘Evil Apartheid’ raise poor Black living standards to highest in Africa?


[No Just Cause, No Last Resort, No Proper Authority, No Right Intention, No Proportional Force] Black Consciousness & Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation: ‘Violence as a cleansing Liberating Force’


[No Just Cause, No Last Resort, No Proper Authority, No Right Intention, No Proportional Force, No Reasonable chances of success] ANC’s People’s War: Terrorize the People to Support the ‘Liberation Struggle’


[No Just Cause, No Reasonable Chances of Success, No Proportional Force] Stalinist Popular Front: ANC’s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps


[No Right Intention; No Just Cause] Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse


[No Right Intention; No Just Cause] Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC’s Population Production of Poverty & Violence Breeding War

Please clarify the Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding aforementioned Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper Arguments (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr).

Censored by TRC’s Fraud: ANC’s Black Power ‘Operation Production’ Breeding War confirms Apartheid was a Just War for Demographic Survival of Boer Afrikaners: [6]

“We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war,” was the ‘Just War defence’ response by Attorney Jason G. Brent, to an individual who disputed that the National Party could rationally conclude that white South Africans were facing extinction as a result of the ‘swart gevaar’ (ANC and Africans breeding war decisions and actions); and as a result needed to implement Apartheid for the survival of whites.


In his book Humans: An Endangered Species23 Mr. Brent further expands on this issue, in a larger context: “No one has the right to use his penis or her womb to destroy all of humanity. There is not a God given right to reproduce or to reproduce in a manner which results in the total and complete destruction of our species.”


Where is the legal or other authority that grants black South Africans the right to use their penis and wombs’ to participate in an operation production breeding war so as to exponentially render white South Africans in South Africa’s destruction?


As per aforementioned Justice Must not only be done, but be seen to be done (R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy24) principle; when during the TRC process did the TRC make any enquiry into the Population Policy Nature and Causes for establishing

23 24

http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/03/humans-endangered-species-i-power-of.html R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy ([1924] 1 KB 256, [1923] All ER 233)

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Apartheid, and how much of Apartheid violence was a result of Population growth, Cultural Friction Theory Population Pressures and Demographic Youth Bulge violence, etc population factors? [10]


The following chapters in the Briefing Paper provide greater evidence to these issues: 1.

[Population Policy Self Defence Motive for Apartheid] Nature and Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival


[Friction Theory] Pandora’s Multi-Culti Apartheid Box: SA’s Multi-Cultural MultiLingual, Multi-Racial Integration Nightmare


Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED


Apartheids Strategic Demographic & Political Mistakes

Please clarify the Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding aforementioned Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper Arguments (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr).

International Law Multi-Cultural Friction Theory TRC Fraud Arguments: [12]

International Law requires that a Mono-cultural legal society – i.e. where the entire society abides by the same legal system’s principles and doctrines – requires the rule of law provisions of legislation to be adequately accessible and sufficiently precise to enable people to regulate their affairs in accord with the law (Lithgow & others v. United Kingdom25, European Court of Human Rights). Consequently a society professing to be a legal Multi-cultural society, such as South Africa’s legislative provisions should be as or more adequately accessible and sufficiently precise for the individual and groups to regulate their affairs in accordance to such laws.


The Constitution provides an entitlement for invoking26 cultural law27 in S. 15 (3), 30, 31, and 185, which require the application of choice of law rules, confirming SA as a legal multi-cultural society. However SA courts have denied the Radical Honesty culture all Audi Alteram Partem rights to present their cultural doctrines and principles evidence, to assert their right to invoke cultural law, or to invoke her internationally recognized political necessity defence. 1.

Was Truth and Reconciliation Seen to be Done, by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission? The evidence shows that it was not only not done, but also not seen to be done.


Western Descartian Individualist “I Think, therefore I am” vs. African Ubuntu Conformist “I participate, therefore I am,” clarifies the dual opposing cultural and existential worldviews of Africans and Europeans in South Africa.


TRC Social Contract provides NO Definitions for Multi-Cultural Multi-Interpretation of Key Concepts of ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Reconciliation’, ‘Closure’ and ‘Ubuntu’, clarifies that nowhere in any TRC social contract legislation are any of these terms


Lithgow & others v. United Kingdom (1986) * EHRR 329 § 110 Ex parte Minister of Native Affairs: In re Yako v Beyi 1948 (1) SA 388 (A) at 397: Appellate Division held that neither common nor customary law was prima facie applicable. Courts had to consider all the circumstances of a case, and, without any preconceived view about the applicability of one or other legal system, select the appropriate law on the basis of its inquiry. 27 SALC, Sept 1999: Report on Conflicts of law: P.22: ‘1.58. The Constitution now provides an entitlement for invoking customary law in legal suits. Because ss 30 and 31 specifically guarantee an individual and a group's right to pursue a culture of choice, it could be argued that application of customary law has become a constitutional right. Previously, the state had assumed complete discretion in deciding whether and to what extent customary law should be recognized, an attitude typical of colonial thinking, for Africans were subject to whatever policies the conquering state chose to impose on them. Now, however, the state has a duty to allow people to participate in the culture they choose, implicit in this duty is a responsibility to uphold the institutions on which that culture is based.’ 26

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

defined, even though Calvinist Christianity’s concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation are totally different to Black Liberation Theology’s concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation.



Black Liberation Theology: Salvation/Liberation by Marxist/Fanon Class Struggle, not Reconciliation/Forgiveness of Sins, explains black liberation theology’s perspective to forgiveness and reconciliation as economic in accordance to Marx and the Jesuits liberation theology theories.


Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?.


Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED. Sincere forgiveness and sincere race relations based on honesty not welcome in South Africa; and according to the Constitutional Court ‘not in the interests of justice’.

Please clarify the Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding aforementioned Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper Arguments (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr).

Peak Oil Population Policy Friction Theory Common Sense: Peak Oil GeoPoLegal Military Necessity of Ethno-Cultural Secession and Economic Relocalisation. [15]


The petitioner argues in favour of the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving the multi-cultural conflicts to occur as a result of population pressures colliding with declining resources, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic friction theory resource war consequences of Peak Oil. 1.

Wake Up Whitey!: African White Refugee Canaries in the International EthnoCultural Geopolitical Coalmine.


Europe commits Ethno-Cultural Suicide: Dr. Frank Ellis reviews Dr. Thilo Sarrazin’s Germany Consigns Itself to Oblivion.


Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: Cultural & Ethno Homogeneity.


Multiculturalism Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures.


Peak Oil, Economic Collapse & Friction Theory Cultural Conflict.


ABC’s of Ecology: Food Production & Population Growth; Peak Oil and Population DieOff.


Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession.


Secession in SA: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK): Electoral Commission for the Election of a Boer-Afrikaner People’s Assembly.

Please clarify the Petitions Errors of Fact or Law regarding aforementioned Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper Arguments (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr).

Updated Peak Oil and/or Humanitarian Hypocrisy Circumstances: Is the Netherlands Government’s support for Military Intervention in Libya founded on Peak Oil motives; or Humanitarian motives? Allegations the US Regime Change of Libya Motivated by Peak Oil Factor:

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr


Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, states, among others, the following in an interview on Russia Today28: 1.

The EU started this war, and their motive for the military mission to Iraq is regime change; one of the motives therefore being Libya’s oil.


The English establishment are a political class who spend their career in politics, who operate, vote and think like sheep, who lack independent critical thinking faculties.


The Eurozone cannot work between such diverse countries as Greece and Germany; who are trapped in the EU prison.


Celente: Would US target Libya if they had broccoli instead of oil?29: PrisonPlanet: Oil & hypocrisy “just beyond belief”: Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says it is not support for the Libyan people, but interest in the country's vast oil fields that is driving US rhetoric. “The only reason they are interested in Libya is for their oil. Do you hear anybody screaming and yelling here about all those people that were killed last week on the Ivory Coast or in Sudan?” Celente questions. Gerald Celente says the hypocrisy is “just beyond belief” and the western world is calling for the head of Gaddafi but not for the head of any other leader from rioting countries like Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia or Yemen. “Why? Because it is oil. You think we’d be in Iraq if the major export there was broccoli?” exclaimed Celente.


US about to order Libya invasion - Castro30; News.AU: CUBA and Nicaragua have sprung to the defence of embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, with Fidel Castro claiming Washington plans to order a NATO invasion of Libya to seize oil interests…. Washington, he said, "will not hesitate to give the order for NATO to invade that rich country, perhaps in the coming hours or days."


Libya Operation: Foreign Oil Interests Prompt Invasion31; Russia Today (03 March): Mideast expert Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya says that US wants to appropriate Libyan oil, and that operations have already begun.


Petroleum and Empire in North Africa: NATO Invasion of Libya Underway32; GlobalResearch: “Are events unfolding in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt more about petroterrorism or about freedom and democracy? How much oil is there in North Africa? Who is in control of that oil? What is the relationship between the West and Muamar Gaddafi? Is he really the terrorist we've all been led to believe he is? Who is the Libyan "opposition" and who are the "rebels" we read about? Presented with this story are petroleum industry concessions maps ** for North Africa that people might want to ponder in between the Western propaganda on Libya. [..] The US/European/Israeli nexus seeks to dislodge state-ownership -- to whatever extent it actually exists -- and dislodge any Chinese workers or companies involved in the oil exploitation, and replace these with western companies and western agents.


Dutch Soldiers to Join Military Mission in Libya, Xinhua33: “The Dutch government has decided to send 200 troops to join the military actions against Libya, local media reported on Tuesday. The country will also dispatch six F-16 jet fighters and one minehunter ship, according to reports of the Dutch state news agency. Defense Minister

28 29 30 31 32 33

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqKdDNM7jpQ http://www.prisonplanet.com/celente-would-us-target-libya-if-they-had-broccoli-instead-of-oil.html http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/us-about-to-order-libya-invasion-castro/story-e6frfku0-1226010585130 http://tv.globalresearch.ca/2011/03/libya-operation-foreign-oil-interests-prompt-invasion http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23481 http://english.cri.cn/6966/2011/03/23/2021s627996.htm

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Hans Hillen told reporters the Dutch contribution was for three months, after which NATO and the Netherlands would decide whether and how to continue the mission. [23]

MPs back expanding Dutch role in Libya no-fly zone, DutchNews.NL34: A majority of MPs is in favour of expanding the Dutch role in Libya to include monitoring the no-fly zone, according to media reports on Friday afternoon. The cabinet is to send a briefing to parliament later in the day outlining exactly what the Netherlands is prepared to add to the Nato mission. The Netherlands has already sent six F-16 fighter jets and has committed 200 military personal to help monitor the arms embargo. The Netherlands hopes to become part of the Nato team monitoring the no-fly zone over Libya as soon as possible, prime minister Mark Rutte told reporters on Thursday evening.


The Dutch contribute to war-mongering, EnergyPub35: As NATO forces are now flying cover over Libya, and the Netherlands is contributing with F-16 fighters and a minesweeper, Dutch media have noted that the Netherlands is a major player in the international weapons trade, especially considering how small a country it is. Dutch daily NRC reports that according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, only Israel and Sweden earn more from the export of weaponry [per head of the population].


Dutch contribute six F-16s and a KDC-10 to Odyssey Dawn, F-16 Net36: The Dutch government deployed six F-16s, a KDC-10 tanker and a navy minesweeper to help enforce the arms embargo against Libya.


The Netherlands sends fighter jets, 200 soldiers to Nato Libya mission, DutchNews.NL37: The Netherland is to send six F16 fighter jets and 200 soldiers to take part in the Nato mission in Libya, the cabinet decided at an emergency meeting on Monday night. The cost of the Dutch contribution is around €20m, which will come from a special government fund for international activities.


Dutch Opposition Appear to Support NATO Arms Embargo Mission, Radio Netherlands Worldwide38: The Dutch opposition appears to support the proposed Dutch participation in a NATO operation to control the UN arms embargo against Libya. So far only the Socialist Party has raised objections. Last night, Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced the Netherlands would send six F-16 fighter planes, minesweeper HNLMS Haarlem and a KDC-10 fuelling plane to the Mediterranean to monitor the embargo. The Dutch parliament is currently being briefed on the mission by Chief Commander Peter van Uhm. Labour Party MP Frans Timmermans says his party has a large number of questions but the party thinks the Netherlands should help "prevent the massacre of the Libyan people" by Muammar Gaddafi. Green Left MP Arjan El Fassed says the party supports the mission "As long as the mission helps protect Libyans." Nevertheless, the MP thinks more clarity in needed about the nature and scope of the operation before the party gives its approval. On Twitter Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders said supporting the cabinet plans for military participation in Libya is "very difficult". He feels the Arab countries are not doing enough. On Tuesday, he called for a "limited supportive role" for the Dutch. On Tuesday, Socialist Party leader Emile Roemer voiced his fears that the Netherlands would be drawn into "a civil war in which the international community is acting as an air force for the rebels". Although the government does not officially require parliamentary support for a foreign mission, it is customary such missions to be sent with the support of a large majority. The coalition parties, the conservative VVD

34 35 36 37 38

http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2011/03/mps_back_expanding_dutch_role.php http://www.energypublisher.com/article.asp?id=50939 http://www.f-16.net/news_article4320.html http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2011/03/the_netherlands_sends_fighter.php http://www.rnw.nl/africa/bulletin/dutch-opposition-appear-support-nato-arms-embargo-mission

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

and Christian Democrats appear to have the backing of D66 and the Green Left. If the Christian Unions puts aside its concerns, there is a narrow majority. Meanwhile, the Labour Party says it is positive about the proposed mission, which means there is broad parliamentary support. [28]

Should the Netherlands get involved in Libya?; Dutch News.NL39:

Are Netherlands Libyan Regime Change Motivations: Peak Oil; or Humanitarian? Are Netherlands Libyan Regime Change Motivations: Peak Oil related? [29]



If so, the Netherlands Foreign Ministry repudiate the Peak Oil justifications provided in the Jus Sanguinis Petition as erroneous and unjustified in their written response to the Petitioners.


But then proceed to confirm the Peak Oil Justifications in the Jus Sanguinis petition as accurate and justified, in their actions towards Libya, by considering it necessary to support the overthrow of Gaddafi, in order for the EU to gain access to Libya’s oil reserves; as a result of the reality of Peak Oil.

Or; are Netherlands Libyan Regime Change Motivations: Humanitarian?



Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr


Netherlands Humanitarian Concerns for Libya’s death Toll: Endorse Military Invasion and Regime Change 1.

Libya unrest death toll ‘tops 200’40, AlJazeera: “Residents told Al Jazeera that at least 200 people had died in the eastern city of Benghazi alone, while the New York-based Human Rights Watch on Sunday put the countrywide death toll at 104. The rights group said the figure was "conservative".”


Libya unrest: Scores killed in ‘massacre’41, BBC: “Details have emerged of huge casualty figures in the Libyan city of Benghazi, where troops have launched a brutal crackdown on protesters. More than 200 people are known to have died.

Are the Netherlands Humanitarian Concerns for their SA Descendants to endorse the ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on their Dutch settler rotting corpses? [33]

Consequences of International Conspiracy of Silence Endorsing ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on the rotting corpses of SA’s Dutch descendant farmer settlers. 1.

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO): AFRIKANER42: Afrikaners in general, and the Afrikaner farmers in particular, are at times the target of ethnic violence. The South African murder rate is extremely high at 48 murders per 100,000 of the population, compared to 2 murders per 100,000 in Europe, for example. If Afrikaner farmers are taken as a statistical population, the murder rate is 287 per 100,000.


Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper: Land Grabs and Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRCPeace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?:



Wikileaks: More Civilians Killed In South Africa Than in Iraq War Over Last 6 Years43, Sarah Maid of Albion, 25 October 2010


Farm Murders rise 3,095% in ANC’s ‘TRC Rainbow Democracy’

Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper: Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse: A.


Deaths in Police custody increase 25,725% in ANC’s ‘TRC Rainbow Democracy’

Vlaams Belang Humanitarian Statements to the South African Government voicing their Humanitarian concern objections to ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on the rotting corpses of SA’s European settlers. 1.

SA Farm Attacks44: EU MP Philip Claeys, from Vlaams Belang (VB) confronts Pres. Zuma at EU Parliament, about SA's more than 3000 murdered white farmers, since 1994; & what concrete measures the ANC are taking about crime/ Philip Claeys (VB) confronteert president Zuma met moorden op blanken45.


http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/02/20112206386812127.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12517327 42 http://www.unpo.org/members/8148 43 http://sarahmaidofalbion.blogspot.com/2010/10/wikileaks-more-civilians-killed-in.html 44 http://sa-farm-attacks.co.nr/ 45 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb7zETQ6YZw http://www.philipclaeys.org/archief.php?id=452/ 41

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr



46 47 48

Vlaamsbelang: Parliamentarian John Vrancken: ‘South Africa is neither free, nor peaceful, nor democratic: he also slammed the ‘genocide going on inside South Africa of the white farm-families’, noting during the parliamentary debate that more than 2,500 Boer-farmers had already been murdered since 1994 in a ’clearly-targeted terrorism campaign against this white SA minority’. ‘Vrancken noted while framing his questions that ‘when the previous regime ended in South Africa (in 1994) that country 's new government was being held up to us as a model-democratic state,'a shining example of freedom, peace and democracy for all of Africa, and this idealised view is still being presented to us today.'However this highly idealistic viewpoint which is constantly being forced upon us, clearly does not match the actual reality on the ground.' * "In fact, South Africa very rapidly became the most criminal society on earth under the Mbeki-regime,' he noted. He noted that South Africa, as a member of the UN security council, was constantly voting against any motions which want to condemn the human rights violations in Sudan, Angola, Namibia and especially in Zimbabwe, a country which he said was facing out-and-out genocide.’ “We also cannot condone the true genocide which is currently taking place inside South Africa targeting the white farmers in the so-called farm murders. Clearly an overwhelmingly white minority is being targeted here and systematically being terrorised. Yet the black SA government which has now been in power since 1994 has taken no structural steps to stop these attacks against white farm families.46

EU Newspapers Humanitarian Written and Public Statements to the South African Government voicing their Humanitarian concern objections to ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on the rotting corpses of SA’s white European settlers: 1.

White farmers 'being wiped out': Over 3,000 have been killed since 1994. Now the ANC is accused of fanning the hate47. Sunday Times.UK: March 28, 2010: Death has stalked South Africa’s white farmers for years. The number murdered since the end of apartheid in 1994 has passed 3,000. In neighbouring Zimbabwe, a campaign of intimidation that began in 2000 has driven more than 4,000 commercial farmers off their land, but has left fewer than two dozen dead. The vulnerability felt by South Africa’s 40,000 remaining white farmers intensified earlier this month when Julius Malema, head of the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) youth league, opened a public rally by singing Dubula Ibhunu, or Shoot the Boer, an apartheid-era anthem, that was banned by the high court last week.


Afrikaner farmers abandoned: In South Africa young black men torture and murder approximately one hundred white farmers per year48; Trouw.NL: February 01, 2010: Van Zyl (63) and his wife Retha (66), a much loved local teacher who had just retired, were ‘slaughtered like animals’ on their farm Poortjie in the Free State. Both were first attacked and cruelly mutilated with a meathook, and then shot dead with their own shotgun, said police. Netcare 911 spokesman Chris Botha described the scene at the time as “absolute carnage’ after paramedics arrived. It was the second farm attack in the Odendaalsrust district that week.


South Africa: Hunting season on white farmers still not finished, Het Vrije Volk Editorial: 07 February 2010: In South Africa an average of two farmers a week are killed. On the wall of one farm attack was written in the blood of the victims, "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer"(Shaya-maBulu in Xhosa), referring to a battle from the time of apartheid. In response to the article in Trouw you read that many

http://www.topix.com/forum/world/south-africa/T3S5H5A7Q7FNMTKCC http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article7078730.ece#cid=OTC-RSS&attr=797093 http://www.trouw.nl/nieuws/wereld/article2976849.ece/Afrikaner_boeren_in_de_steek_gelaten_.html

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

doubt the official statement by police that the motive could be robbery. Sometimes nothing is even stolen, or the perpetratiors have waited until the victims came home. [36]

Netherlands Foreign Affairs Ministry Statements voicing their Humanitarian concern objections to ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on the rotting corpses of SA’s Dutch descendant farmer settlers. 1.



International Refugee Agencies or United Nations Statements voicing their Humanitarian concern objections to ANC’s Black Liberation Theology Reconciliation on the rotting corpses of SA’s Dutch descendant farmer settlers. 1.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Jus Sanguinis Petition Organizer www.jussanguinis.com www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Dutch Embassy Email Response from Wouter Jurgens, Head of Political Section, Royal Netherlands Embassy Pretoria. Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 3:40 PM Dear Ms Johnstone, Thank you very much for your email with regard to the petition. Please note that we had already forwarded the petition to the Foreign Ministry in The Hague in December and had provided you with the following answer: "Dear Ms Johnstone, I hereby confirm the reception of your petition in which you plead for "Netherlands citizenship for white African refugees". On behalf of Ambassador De Vos, I would like to convey to you that the embassy has looked carefully at your petition. Based on the issues you raise in your petition I would like to make the following observations: - with regard to the claim of refugees status, the following applies: as you are now in your own country, you cannot be considered a refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention or under the Dutch Asylum Act. If you are outside your own country you can ask the authorities of the country in which you are now, or UNHCR/UNDP, for protection. - with regard to the application for citizenship of the Netherlands I would like to inform you that under the Dutch Nationality Law it is possible in certain cases to regain Dutch citizenship. This might be an option that is relevant in your case. Please check the website of the Netherlands Embassy for more detailed information on the Nationality Law (http://southafrica.nlembassy.org/Products_and_Services/Consular_services/Dutch_Nati onality). I hope that the abovementioned provides adequate information to respond to your petition. Yours sincerely, Wouter Jurgens Head of Political Section Royal Netherlands Embassy Pretoria P: +27 (0)12 425 4522 F: +27 (0)12 425 4521 E: wouter.jurgens@minbuza.nl" I hope that answer has been satisfactory for you. As neither the circumstances nor the legal arguments with regard to the petition have changed the embassy sees no reason to again forward the petition to the Netherlands government in The Hague. We therefore consider the matter closed. Of course we remain available to answer any further questions that you might have. Yours sincerely, Wouter Jurgens Head of Political Affairs Netherlands Embassy Pretoria P: +27 12 4254522 F: +27 12 4254521 M: +27 83 2925808 E: wouter.jurgens@minbuza.nl Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return for African White Refugees Petition to Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 08 March 2010 Prime Minister Mark Rutte Council of Ministers of the Netherlands c/o: Hon. Amb. Z.E. dhr. Rob de Vos Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Ambassade Netherlands Embassy, SA Via: PO Box 346, Kaapstad 8000 Tel: +27-21-4215660 | Fax: +27-21-4182690

Ref: Peak Oil: Resource Scarcity & National Security1; Peak Oil Domino2 Revolutions3; Crash of World Economy Ponzi scheme4.

Dear Prime Minister Rutte & Council of Ministers,

Hardcopy of Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses Petition & Briefing Paper: Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis EU Citizenship for African White Refugees. Please find attached the updated hardcopy of the Petition and Briefing Paper submitted to Officials from Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, on 05 December 2010, for your investigation and consideration. The Briefing Paper includes every Petitioner’s original signature individually (Pg JS.17-19) and collectively at their NL Stamvader/Progenitor’s History (Pg: JS.20-21). Please Note: SA Political, Religious, Media and Academic TRC elite have been honourably notified of the contents of this Jus Sanguinis petition, and its allegations of TRC Fraud, as detailed at: Audi Alteram Partem Notice to Republic of South Africa5. The Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return to Europe for African White Refugees Petition and Briefing Paper was submitted by email to the Stamvader/Progenitor nations of Netherlands6, France7, Germany8, United Kingdom9, and Switzerland10; and finally to the NATO Military Committee Chiefs of Defence11, between 05 to 16 December 2010. One hundred and sixty EU politicians, academics, legal experts and military officials were petitioned; the majority of whom acknowledged receipt of the petitions for their attention. The Boer Volkstaat for African White Refugees Petition appeals for: [A] Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Boer-Volkstaat in S. Africa; or in the absence thereof;


Military Study Warns of Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis, Der Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,715138,00.html http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Leaked-German-Military-Study-Warns-of-Peak-Oil-Crisis.html; Oilquake in the Middle East, by Michael Klare http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-03/oilquake-middle-east 2 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/03/humans-endangered-species-i-power-of.html 3 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/02/tunisia-egypt-libyatick-tock-peak-oil.html 4 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/03/exponential-economic-population-growth.html 5 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/za_southafrica.htm 6 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_netherlands.htm 7 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_france.htm 8 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_germany.htm 9 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_uk.htm 10 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_switzerland.htm 11 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_nato.htm

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

[B] The legislative enactment of Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by the relevant Progenitor/Stamvader EU Nations, for EU citizenship for African White Refugee descendants. The Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Petition Evidentiary Arguments and Justifications; are contained in the attached Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses Briefing Paper, which is also available for PDF download from www.african-white-refugees.co.nr. Briefly the Justification arguments are: 

International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Just War Theory; S. 235 of the SA Constitution, 23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination signed by the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party;

ANC’s TRC Fraud: African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud: (a) Just War Theory Arguments; (b) Clash of Cultures Friction Theory Arguments; (c) Population Policy Common Sense Arguments.

Population Policy Friction Theory Common Sense: Peak Oil GeoPoLegal Military Necessity of Ethno-Cultural Secession & Economic Relocalisation: The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil.

On 05 January 2011, the General Secretariat Parliamentary Services Office of Hansheiri Inderkum, Swiss President of the Council of States; requested that the Petition be submitted in hardcopy form and bear each Petitioners original signature; that such original hardcopy be submitted to the Swiss Embassy in Pretoria. Consequently hardcopy Petitions and Briefing Papers are also being submitted to the other Petitioned Progenitor Nations, NATO, and other EU and UN nations. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone (Co-Founding Petitioner to France, United Kingdom and Netherlands)

Hendrik du Plessis (Co-Founding Petitioner to France and Germany)

Jus Sanguinis Petitioners to Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (See Pg JS.17-19 & 20-21):



JONES: Annelien

MEYER: Deon Gerhard

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

MEYER: Gerhard

MEYER: Jeandre

MEYER: Jean Simonet

OLIVIER: Derrick

OLIVIER: Jacomina Aletha (Laetitia) Dr (born RAS)

OLIVIER: Johannes Diederik (Jay-D) Dr

VAN DUIJN: Mignon (born OLIVIER)

VAN TIL: Michael Marsden

VAN ZYL: Erasmus Johannes Hendrik

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return, for African White Refugees ·§· www.jussanguinis.com PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

05 – 16 December 2010

Permanente Commissie van Deskundigen in Internationaal vreemdelingen Vluchtelingen en strafrecht European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Refugee Law Experts Postbus 201 NL-3500 AE Utrecht Tel: (30) 207 42 14 Fax: (30) 296 00 50 Netherlands c/o & via:

Z.E. dhr. Rob de Vos Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Ambassadeur Netherlands Embassy, SA

c/o & via: Netherlands Consulate PO Box 346, Kaapstad 8000 Tel: +27-21-4215660 Fax: +27-21-4182690 Dear Permanent Commission Members,

Volkstaat Secession in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) Netherlands Citizenship for African White Refugees Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners descended from Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Stamvaders/Progenitors: Hermanus BOSMAN1, Andreas Lutgerus KOLVER2, Arnoldus Mauritius MEIRING3, Meindert Jansz NOOME4, Hendrik Cornelisz OLIVIER5, Jan Harmensz STEENKAMP6, Bartus VAN TIL7, Willem VAN ZYL8 and Gysbert VERWEY9; hereby petition the Kingdom of Netherlands / 1

BOSMAN, Hermanus: 19 April 1682, Amsterdam. Cape ETA: 19 April 1707. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Bosman_Hermanus.htm KOLVER, Andreas (Andries) Lutgerus: 1743, Zwolle. Cape ETA: 1780. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Kolver_AndreasLutgerus.htm MEIRING, Arnoldus Mauritius: 1695, Lingen. Cape ETA: 28/03/1743. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Meiring_ArnoldusMauritius.htm 4 NOOME, M. Jansz: 14/02/1813, Zaandam. Cape ETA: 17/09/1851. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Noome_MeindertJansz.htm 5 OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz: 1661, Ouwerkerk. Cape ETA: 1661. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Olivier_HendrikCornelisz.htm 6 STEENKAMP, Jan Harmensz, Nieuwkerk. Cape ETA: 1714. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Steenkamp_JanHarmensz.htm 7 VAN TIL, Bartus: 15/01/1867, Dorkwerd. Cape ETA: 1887. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_VanTil_Bartus.htm 8 VAN ZYL, Willem, Delft. Cape ETA: 1699. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_VanZyl_Willem.htm 9 VERWEY, Gysbert, 1630, Milligen. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Verwey_Gysbert.htm 2 3

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

Koninkrijk der Nederlanden: Queen Beatrix and the Dutch Royal Family, Government Officials, business, media, academic, religious and civil society citizens, and former AntiApartheid Movement Activists for: [A] International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/Boere-Volkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof; [B] The legislative enactment of Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by the Netherlands Government, for African White Refugee descendants, from Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Progenitors/Stamvaders. Our Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Petition Justifications (evidentiary details provided in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper # 10/31/16), are: (i)

International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Right-of-Return, International Covenant on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc;


S. 235 of the SA Constitution and the Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party (Encl. to Briefing Paper);

(iii) African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud. (iv) The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multicultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil. The Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper does not discuss every evidentiary argument in support of the ‘TRC fraud’ and ‘Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation‘ justifications. Instead it focuses on a few glaringly obvious ‘Politically Incorrect TRC fraud’ international principles and historical and current events categorized under [A] TRC Fraud: Just War Tradition Arguments; [B] TRC Fraud: Clash of Culture’s Friction Theory; and [C] TRC Fraud: Population Policy Common Sense. Most of which were, and continue to be, either negligently ignored or intentionally censored by the TRC and its sycophantic Proudly South African Rainbow Hypocrisy worshipping academia and media, formerly known as the ‘Anti-Apartheid Movement’, also known by Baruch Hirson’s democratic socialist publication Searchlight South Africa as “the most successful Popular Front Lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.”10 “The ANC’s Camp Quatro regime of terror, was a necessary element in the total practice of repression and deception which made the Anti-Apartheid Movement the most successful Popular Front lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.” “In its 30 years’ existence, the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) put international collaborative organisations of the period of the Spanish Civil War and of the StalinRoosevelt-Churchill alliance to shame. Extending to the press, the churches, the 10 Mutinies in the Liberation Armies: Inside Quadro, by Paul Trewhela (Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 1: July 1990 p. 30-35). Searchlight South Africa’s expose of ANC Mbokodo Camp Quatro atrocities available at: (www.mbokodo-quatro-uncensored.co.nr)

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

bourgeois political parties, the trade unions and the radical, even the ‘trotskyist’ left, the AAM has been an outstanding success for Stalinism.. [..] Vital to its success has been a practice of open and covert censorship now blown wide open. [..] The ANC’s Camp Quatro prisoners were its necessary sacrificial victims.”

The Briefing Paper concludes that multi-culturalism is impossible between conflicting cultures, and emphasises that the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multicultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the sociopolitical and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil; cannot be overestimated or overstated. The African White Refugees Briefing Paper, including an Executive Summary can be read/downloaded at: www.african-white-refugees.co.nr, & www.jussanguinis.com. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone (§ » BOSMAN, Hermanus, § » KOLVER, Andreas Lutgerus)

Hendrik du Plessis (Co-Founding Petitioner to France and Germany)

On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to Netherlands: § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »

CRACKNELL, Magda: § » STEENKAMP, Jan Harmensz JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » BOSMAN, Hermanus JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » KOLVER, Andreas Lutgerus MEYER, Deon Gerhard: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz MEYER, Gerhard: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz MEYER, Jeandre: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz MEYER, Jean Simonet: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz NIEUWOUDT, Anita: § » MEIRING, Arnoldus Mauritius NIEUWOUDT, Anita: § » VERWEY, Gysbert OLIVIER, Jacomina Aletha (Laetitia) Dr (born RAS): § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz OLIVIER, Johannes Diederik (Jay-D) Dr: § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz OLIVIER, Derrick: § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz VAN DUIJN, Mignon (born OLIVIER): § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz VAN TIL, Michael Marsden: § » VAN TIL, Bartus VAN ZYL, Erasmus Johannes Hendrik: § » VAN ZYL, Willem VERWEY, Andre: § » VERWEY, Gysbert

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

„“All the great nations of the earth have what the Jews call a Diaspora”, and nations have “special and residual obligation(s) toward them”, which “include recognizing their right to citizenship”.‟ – -- Conservative MP Quintin Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St. Marylebone, announcing his support for right of return legislation in Britain1. “The Dutch government „has a very special responsibility towards all South Africans of Dutch descent.‟” --–Kees van der Staaij, Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party, in response to a Jus Sanguinis Right of Return letter from Boers, to Geert Wilders2 “Karl Marx had it wrong. Class has, to be sure, been a major factor in history; but class itself is a derivative concept that is based on the ultimate causative power in history: sex. Marx‟s famous formulation must be revised: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of struggles based on the division of our species into two sexes, jealousies emanating from this division, exaggerations of the differences between the sexes, misunderstandings about sexual reproductive power, and metaphors derived from sex. Together, these closely related matters constitute the most important, but largely neglected, set of motive forces in human history. Control -- or the claim of control -- over the means of reproduction has been even more fundamental to history than has control of the means of 1

Joppke, Christian, Immigration and the Nation-State; The United States, Germany and Great Britain, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, p.110 Bange Zuid-Afrikanen smeken om Wilders' hulp, Casper Naber & Axel Veldhuuzen, Algemene Dagblad, 23/04/2010 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/04/help-asseblief-graaf-wilders-royal.html 2


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

production.” -- Eve‟s Seed: Biology, the Sexes and the Course of History , by Robert McElvaine “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war.” –-- Jason G. Brent, Attorney and author of Humans: An Endangered Species “Population control will be difficult enough to achieve peacefully if society has merely to deal with families that differ in their desire to have children. If groups larger than the family assert their intention to exceed community norms, the difficulty in achieving population control will be greatly compounded. This problem is often stated as a racial problem. Some exponents of “Black Power” identify all proposals to control population as “genocide” and call upon blacks to engage in a breeding war” -- Garrett Hardin, Stalking the Wild Taboo: Population, Biology and the Law, p.231 “With complete freedom in reproduction, conscientious people will be eliminated.” -- Garrett Hardin, The Feast of Malthus: Living within Limits and The Tragedy

of the Commons

“What is the greater danger - nuclear warfare or the population explosion? The latter absolutely! To bring about nuclear war, someone has to DO something; someone has to press a button. To bring about destruction by overcrowding, mass starvation, anarchy, the destruction of our most cherished values-there is no need to do anything. We need only do nothing except -- breed. And how easy it is to do nothing.” -- Isaac Asimov „As far as relations with the other peoples of SA the National Party believed that its interests could be best served by following a policy of "separateness" - or apartheid. Only in this manner, would the whites in general - and Afrikaners in particular - avoid being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the black peoples of our country. Only in this manner would they be able to maintain their JS.02

Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

own identity and their right to rule themselves [..], because any other course would inevitably lead to inter-racial conflict.‟ -- Submission to Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) by National Party Leader, President F.W. de Klerk3 “The agricultural department of a bank in South Africa has calculated the per capita murder rate of ethno-European farmers to be four (4) times greater than the average murder rate for the population of South Africa.” -- GenocideWatch Report, 2002 “The Committee also interviewed 15 prosecutors -- all of them state advocates -in Bloemfontein, Capetown, Kimberley, Pietermaritzburg and Pretoria. They were unanimously of the view that .... the degree of violence and cruelty during farm attacks was exceedingly high. Most state advocates attributed this extreme violence to racial hatred.” -- Report: Comm. of Enquiry into Farm Attacks, July 20034 “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquests. The 50 million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” -- Moammar Gadhafi, April 10, 2006 “In fact, let us deal with this “racist” label right now. It is not racist to defend your country against an obvious and growing threat. It is not racist to defend your culture, your heritage, and your traditions. It is not racist to work to ensure a democratic future for your children and grandchildren. If you choose not to defend your country, your culture and the democratic future of your children, [.. ] there is no getting away from the label I have for you. You are a traitor and a betrayer of your country, a betrayer of your culture, and a betrayer of our yet unborn children.” -- Paul Weston: “We Will Hold You to Account” for Islamicization of Europe5, Amsterdam Freedom of Speech Rally


Submission to Truth & Reconciliation Commission by National Party Leader http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/09/sa-farm-attacks-wwwsa-farm-attacksconr.html 5 http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/10/we-will-hold-you-to-account.html 4


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

Numerical Significance of 10/31/16 10: 10 October 1825 Birth of a Boer President: Paul Kruger: Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger (10 October 1825 – 14 July 1904), better known as Paul Kruger, or Uncle Paul (Afrikaans: "Oom Paul") was State President of the South African Republic (Transvaal), four times. He gained international renown as the face of Boer resistance against the British during the South African or Second Boer War (1899–1902). Kruger was also instrumental in the formation of the Kruger National Park, after advocating the policy of setting aside specific areas for animals to proliferate without human interference. Kruger was a descendant of German immigrants to South Africa. His ancestor, Jacobus Krüger, emigrated from Berlin to South Africa in 1713 to work as a mercenary for the Dutch East India Company (VOC). There are streets and squares named after Kruger in Dutch towns and cities. In Amsterdam's Transvaalbuurt where most of the names of the streets and squares are taken from the Boer wars there is a Krugerstraat and a Krugerplein. There are other "Transvaalbuurts" in other Dutch towns and cities. These names were given some years after the Second Boer War.

31: 31 October 1517 Martin Luther Posts 95 Theses on door of Castle Church, sparking the Protestant Reformation The 95 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, is widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Luther considered the doctrine of Indulgences to be religious corruption. The sale by the church of indulgences (forgiveness) made the church huge profits. The archbishop of Mainz, Albert of Brandenburg, sponsored such a sale in 1517 to pay the pope for his appointment to Mainz and for the construction of Saint Peter's in Rome. He selected Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar, to preach the indulgences and collect the revenues. When Tetzel arrived in Saxony, Luther posted his famous 95 theses on the door of the church of All Saints ("Castle Church"), at Univ. of Wittenberg. Copies of the 95 theses quickly spread throughout Europe and unleashed a storm of controversy. The Saxon Dominican provincial charged Luther with heresy, and he was summoned to appear in Augsburg before the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan. Refusing to recant, he fled to Wittenberg, seeking the protection of the elector Frederick III, (Frederick the Wise) of Saxony. When the Wittenberg faculty sent a letter to Frederick declaring its solidarity with Luther, the elector refused to send Luther to Rome, where he would certainly meet imprisonment or death.

16: 16 December 1838 Battle of Blood River: The Day of the Vow: Afrikaner’s Covenant with God The Battle of Blood River, so called due to the colour of water in the Ncome River turning red from blood, (Afrikaans: Slag van Bloedrivier; Zulu: iMpi yaseNcome) was fought between 470 Voortrekkers led by Andries Pretorius, and an estimated 10,000–15,000 Zulu attackers on the bank of the Ncome River on 16 December 1838, in what is today KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Casualties amounted to three thousand of King Dingane's soldiers dead, including two Zulu princes competing with prince Mpande for the Zulu throne. Three Trekker commando members were lightly wounded, including Pretorius himself. The besieged Voortrekkers took a public vow (or covenant) together before the battle, led by either Andries Pretorius or Sarel Cilliers. In return for God's help in obtaining victory, they promised to build a church. Participants also vowed that they and their descendants would keep the day as a holy Sabbath. In 1994, the ANC Government unilaterally changed the name to the „Day of Reconciliation‟, while escalating their „breeding war‟ tactic of war: the population explosion of poverty & misery blamed on apartheid!


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

TABLE OF CONTENTS:  Numerical Significance of 10/31/16  Volkstaat Secession: Jus Sanguinis Right -of-Return Founding Petitioners & their Progenitors/Stamvaders

JS.4 JS.8-19

 Endorsements


 Executive Summary


[A] Just War: Tragedy of the Breeding War Commons 1.

Just War Tradition: Mutually Agreed Rules of Combat between Culturally Similar Enemies: Jus Ad Bellum Convention, Principles of Jus In Bello & Just Post Bellum



Population Policy Common Sense: Eco-Numeracy, Exponential Functions & Carrying Capacity, Youth Bulge Population Pressure Conflicts & Competitive Exclusion Principle.


[B] Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid Conflict 1.

Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence, honour & character.. ANC-Fanonstein spawned Gov. of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs



Pandora‟s Multi-Culti Apartheid Box: SA‟s Multi-Cultural, Multi-Lingual, MultiRacial Integration Nightmare



SACP‟s M-Plan: Violent Liberation & Mandela‟s Cult of Personality



No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?


No Right Intention: Did „Evil Apartheid‟ raise poor Black living standards to highest in Africa?



Black Consciousness & Fanon‟s Handbook for Black Liberation: „Violence as a cleansing Liberating Force‟



ANC‟s People‟s War: Terrorize the People to Support the „Liberation Struggle‟



The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival



Apartheids Strategic Ethno-Demographic Political Mistakes



[C] Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud 1.

TRC Social Contract provides NO Definitions for Multi-Cultural MultiInterpretation of Key Concepts of „Forgiveness‟, „Reconciliation‟, „Closure‟ and „Ubuntu‟.



Western Descartian Individualist “I Think, therefore I am” vs. African Ubuntu Conformist “I participate, therefore I am.”



Black Liberation Theology: Salvation/Liberation by Marxist/Fanon Class



Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

Struggle, not Reconciliation/Forgiveness of Sins 4.

Stalinist Popular Front: ANC‟s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps


Was Truth and Reconciliation Seen to be Done; by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission?



Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC‟s Population Production of Poverty & Violence Breeding War



Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?



Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State‟s Systemic Collapse



Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED



[D] Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return 1.

Wake Up Whitey!: African White Refugee Canaries in the International EthnoCultural Geopolitical Coalmine



Europe commits Ethno-Cultural Suicide: Dr. Frank Ellis reviews Dr. Thilo Sarrazin‟s Germany Consigns Itself to Oblivion



Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: Cultural & Ethno Homogeneity


Multiculturalism Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures



Peak Oil, Economic Collapse & Friction Theory Cultural Conflict



ABC‟s of Ecology: Food Production & Population Growth; Peak Oil and Population DieOff



Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession



Secession in SA: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK): Electoral Commission for the Election of a Boer-Afrikaner People‟s Assembly



[E] Evidentiary Annexures Attached & Online [a]

Letter from Nelson Mandela to Freedom Front: General Constand Viljoen: Mandela endorses the Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party, on April 23, 1994.



Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party



ONLINE6: List of Signatories to the Why We Are White Refugees Petition


ONLINE: Updated List of Names of Farmers/Small Holders Murdered since 1994, as compiled by Adriana Stuijt7, verified by Lara Johnstone

Research, Compilation and Admin Info: Research, compilation and editing done by Lara Johnstone and Hendrik du Plessis. The Jus Sanguinis website (www.jussanguinis.com) is sponsored by emigrated South African International corporate attorney in New Zealand and United States of America, Dr. Jay-D Olivier. Read/Download Briefing Paper at: www.jussanguinis.com; Direct link: www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

6 7

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/minister-of-citizenship-immigration-canada http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners Hereby Petition their Relevant EU Progenitor/Stamvader Nations for: [A] International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a „European Union/Boere-Afrikanerâ€&#x; Volkstaat in South Africa; Or in the absence thereof [B] Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by all relevant EU nations, for their African White Refugees descendants.

Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Justifications: (i)


(iii) (iv)

International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Right-ofReturn, International Covenant on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc; S. 235 of the SA Constitution & Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party ANC / Anti-Apartheid Movement / TRC Fraud Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-Cultural Secession and Relocalisation.


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

Volkstaat Secession: Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners & their Stamvaders/Progenitors Overview: EU FOUNDING PETITIONERS 8:


COX, William Ernest (Billy) CRACKNELL, Magda DE BEER, Jesica DUNCAN, Bennie DU PLESSIS, Hendrik DU PLESSIS, Louis Pierre DU PLESSIS-HOBERG, Annelie DU PLESSIS STODDART, Ria DU PREEZ, Jaco HOGAN, Sabrina JOHNSTONE, Lar a LE GRANGE, Johannes Ferdinand LE GRANGE, Johannes Ferdinand Jnr LE GRANGE, Philip Mario LE ROUX, Andries Theron LE ROUX, Inge LE ROUX, Rudolph Martin MEYER, Deon Gerhard MEYER, Gerhard MEYER, Jeandre MEYER, Jean Simonet NIEWOUDT, Anita OLIVIER, Derrick OLIVIER, Laetitia Dr (nee Ras) OLIVIER, Johannes Diederik (Jay -D) Dr RAUTENBACH, Kobus VAN DUIJN, Mignon (nee Olivier) VAN TIL, Michael Marsden VAN ZYL, Erasmus Johannes Hendrik VENTER, Jaco VERWEY, Andre VERWEY, Anita N ieuwoudt VORSTER, Lize R uselle ( nee Du Plessis)

FRANCE: CILLIER, JosuĂŠ DU PLESSIS, Jean Prieur DU PRE/DES PRES, Hercule DE VILLIERS, Jacques (Jacob) DU TOIT, Francois HUGO, Daniel LE GRANGE, Pierre LE ROUX, Gabriel LOMBARD, Pierre MARE, Ignace ROUSSEAU, Pierre ROUX, Paul GERMANY: KRIEL, Hermanus RAUTENBACH, Georg Frederich VENTER, Heinrich Conrad NETHERLANDS: BOSMAN, Hermanus KOLVER, Andreas Lutgerus MEIRING, Arnoldus Mauritius NOOME, Meindert Jansz OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz STEENKAMP, Jan Harmensz VAN TIL, Bartus VAN ZYL, Willem VERWEY, Gysbert SWITZERLAND: VOSTER, Jan UNITED KINGDOM: COX, William Stoyel JOHNSTONE, Augustus James STEAR, Sir John Richard WIGGILL, Isaac


On 27 August 2009, the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) granted white South African, Brandon Huntley, Official 'White Refugee' Status: The IRB ruling found Huntley "was a victim (of persecution) because of his race rather than a victim of criminality; who presented clear and convincing proof of the South African state and security forces' inability or unwillingness to protect him." Transcript of IRB RULING: MA8-04910 at: http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/transcript-of-irb-william-davis-ruling.html


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#

Executive Summary “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” -– Mahatma Gandhi “We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone.” – Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Opinion, 24 September 1903

The purpose of this Briefing Paper is to argue that: [A] International and EU Political Recognition for VVK negotiations for a „European Union/Boere-Afrikaner‟ Volkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof [B] Jus Sanguinis Right of Return legislation by relevant EU nations, for African White Refugees, is fully justified as a result of, among others: (I) International Law, (II) S 235 of the SA Constitution, Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination, between Freedom Front, African National Congress & SA Government; (III) African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud; and (IV) the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic friction theory resource war consequences of Peak Oil. Limitations of space and concern for the readers patience do not provide the opportunity to discuss every evidentiary argument in support of the „TRC fraud‟ thesis. Instead we focus on a few glaringly obvious „Politically Incorrect TRC fraud‟ evidentiary examples, seemingly deliberately ignored or censored by the Proudly South African Rainbow Hypocrisy worshipping academia and media, formerly known as the „Anti-Apartheid Movement‟, or if you prefer the democratic socialist publication Searchlight South Africa description of the Anti-Apartheid Movement: “the most successful Popular Front Lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.” 9

TRC Fraud: Just War Tradition Arguments: 1.

Just War Tradition: Mutually Agreed Rules of Combat between Culturally Similar Enemies: Jus Ad Bellum Convention, Principles of Jus In Bello and Just Post Bellum, provides a brief overview of Just War Theory principles, and argues that the TRC‟s „Just War‟ and consequent „crimes against humanity‟ declarations against apartheid negligently or deliberately ignored fundamental Just War principles: Specifically the ANC had no Just Cause and its People‟s War „liberation struggle‟ was not a War of Last Resort. The ANC had no Proper Authority, No Right Intention, No Reasonable Prospects of Just War Success and its Desired End was not proportional to the Means Used. The ANC attacked illegitimate civilian targets – its own people - and did not use proportional force. Finally, the ANC‟s Promises of Amnesty were reneged upon, destroying all trust in future multi-cultural political agreements for minority cultures.


Mutinies in the Liberation Armies: Inside Quadro, by Paul Trewhela (Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 1: July 1990 p. 30-35). Searchlight South Africa‟s expose of ANC Mbokodo Camp Quatro atrocities available at: (www.mbokodo-quatro-uncensored.co.nr)


Excerpts from Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return: African White Refugees Briefing Paper 10/31/16#


Forsaking Commitment to Gandhian Non-violence, honour and character, the ANC-Fanonstein spawned a Government of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs argues that the ANC violent liberation struggle was anything but a Just Cause of Last Resort, and that the ANC was without Proper Authority or Right Intention in its liberation struggle actions.


SA Communist Party (SACP)‟s M-Plan: Violent Liberation and Mandela‟s Cult of Personality provides additional argument to the ANC‟s lack of Just Cause, justifications for violence as Last Resort, and lack of Right Intention.


No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule addresses in greater detail how and why we allege that the ANC lacked among others Proper Authority, to justify its violent liberation struggle declaration of war.


No Right Intention: Did „Evil Apartheid raise poor black living standards to the highest in Africa, argues that the ANC‟s alleged outrage to justify waging war on behalf of living standards of poor black South Africans was not sincere, but fraudulent and hypocritical, considering its endorsement of the far worse living standards of poor black Africans in African states under the direct political control of the ANC‟s „liberation struggle‟ Marxists political elite friends.


Black Consciousness and Fanon‟s Handbook for Black Liberation: „Violence as a cleansing liberating force‟ provides further evidence for the ANC‟s lack of Just Cause of Last Resort and Right Intention. The ANC did not consider violence a last resort, but an essential „cleansing liberating force‟. In their „Fanon Black Liberation‟ perception, liberation could only be achieved by violence, from the „rotting corpse of the settler‟; for violence was the cleansing force which freed the native from his inferiority complex, made him fearless and restored his selfrespect. It was a total repudiation of Gandhi‟s honour and integrity of non-violence principles.


The ANC‟s People‟s War: Terrorize the People to Support the Liberation Struggle argues that the ANC‟s decision to „People‟s War‟ terrorize their own people, to coerce them to join the „liberation struggle‟ meant it had no Just Cause, nor was it a Last Resort. It means the ANC had no Proper Authority, no Right Intention and did not use proportional force.


Zimbabwefication of South Africa: The State‟s Systemic Collapse, argues that the evidence of the ANC‟s actions to facilitate the Zimbabwefication of South Africa‟s Systemic Collapse is the final „hand in the cookie jar‟ evidence for the ANC‟s lack of Right Intention and Proper Authority; for these Systemic Collapse realities were exactly what common black citizens feared would occur under Black Rule, and why the ANC decided to terrorize them to participate in the alleged „liberation struggle‟.


In Stalinist Popular Front: ANC‟s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps, the democratic socialist publication, Searchlight South Africa, argues that the ANC‟s Anti-Apartheid Movement was one of the largest and most successful Popular Front Lobby‟s for Stalinist fascism anywhere in the world. An examination of the treatment of ANC members by ANC Military Intelligence Mbokodo Officers at Camp Quatro in Angola, reveal the inner-workings and nature of the ANC and its secret decision-making body: the SA Communist Party. It reveals among others how the ANC and SACP condoned torture, imprisonment without trial or charge, executions,


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murder and assassination of its own ANC dissenting members, that was far worse than that inflicted by allegedly „evil Apartheid‟ on its enemies.

TRC Just War Fraud: Clash of Cultures Friction Theory: 1.

In Pandora‟s Multi-Culti Apartheid Box: SA‟s Multi-Cultural, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Racial Integration Nightmare, Mike Smith provides an overview of SA‟s huge diversity of languages, cultures, and ethnicities. It argues that where two cultures have almost opposite cultural values on any given issue, both cultures existential cultural reality would be that practicing multi-culturalism with the relevant other culture is impossible due to its perceived „dysfunctional‟ values. Whereas multi-cultural fundamentalists would insist that one of the culture‟s values was functional, and the other‟s values dysfunctional, and consequently the latter would be coerced to discard their values; the principle of Apartheid or „separateness‟, or alternatively secession and different Ethno-Nationalist Volkstaat‟s allows for each and all culture‟s to maintain and practice their cultural values, within their own ethno-cultural State.


Western Descartian Individualist „I Think, Therefore I Am” vs. African Ubuntu Conformist “I Participate, therefore I Am‟ provides further argument for the huge difference of cultural points of worldview, confirming that Africans and Apartheid Afrikaners were/are not Culturally Similar Enemies. The Westernized worldview encourages an individualist free thinking concept of cultural and personal identity, whereas the latter worldview encourages a culture of identity which requires blind obedience to conformity. The clash of these worldviews are further exacerbated in South Africa by a legal and political elite which pretend the differences don‟t exist, in favour of manipulating the ignorant poverty stricken vote farm‟s confusion, with apartheid blame game tactics for their own political gain.


Black Liberation Theology: Salvation/Liberation by Marxist Class Struggle, not Reconciliation/Forgiveness of Sins, clarifies how Black Liberation Theologies conceptual understanding of Forgiveness and Reconciliation are very different to , for example, those of Calvinist Christianity; and that in the absence of sufficiently precise legislation clarifying the meanings and definitions of key concepts, citizens are unable to regulate their affairs with individuals from other cultures in accordance with the rule of law. Subsequent evidentiary information for the bias, omissions and conflicts of interest of the TRC Commission, conclude that a wide range of black and white, left and right citizens concluded that Truth and Reconciliation was not seen to be done, by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission.


TRC Social Contract provides NO definitions for Multi-Cultural, MultiInterpretation Key Concepts of „Forgiveness‟, „Reconciliation‟, „Closure‟ and „Ubuntu‟, argues that the TRC social contract provides NO definitions for multicultural multi-interpretation for the Key Concepts of „Forgiveness‟, „Reconciliation,‟ „Closure‟ and „Ubuntu‟, which are socially, culturally, religiously, psychologically, and racially important terms; which have multiple different meanings for different cultures, religions, etc. This results in citizens from conflicting cultures not being provided with sufficiently precise legislation to enable them to regulate their affairs with other cultures in accordance to the law.


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Was Truth and Reconciliation Seen to be Done, by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission, argues that, among others Anthea Jefferey‟s The Truth About the Truth Commission, Generals Malan, Viljoen, Geldenhuys and Liebenberg‟s Assessment of the probable results of the activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as perceived by former Chiefs of the SADF IRO the SADF, and their additional Complaint filed with the Public Protector (which was just ignored), raise so many issues of conflicts of interest, bias, omissions, censorship, etc. by the TRC, that it is no surprise how John Kane Berman, the Head of the SA Institute of Race Relations concluded in the foreword to The Truth about the Truth Commission that: “The commission also said that there could be no healing without truth, that half-truths and denial were no basis for building the new South Africa, that reconciliation based on falsehood would not last, and that selective recollection of past violence would easily provide the mobilisation for further conflict in the future. If these are its criteria for the role of truth in promoting reconciliation, it has failed to meet them.”

TRC Just War Fraud: Population Policy Common Sense: Mandela and Tutu‟s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) negligently or deliberately ignored the role of Population Pressures and Black Power/African Ideal of Manhood Breeding War Policies, as (a) Youth Bulge Population Pressure‟s aggravating factors for Racial Conflict Resource War Political Violence, and (b) the „swart gevaar‟ motives to establish Apartheid to avoid European national suicide; i.e. for Boer-Afrikaners to maintain their identity and right to rule themselves, to avoid being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of black S. Africans. 1.

Population Policy Common Sense: Eco-Numeracy, Exponential Functions & Carrying Capacity, Youth Bulges Population Pressure Conflicts and Competitive Exclusion Principle, provides not only an overview of these Population Policy issues as factors contributing to Resource War Conflicts, National Security issues, but argues that if the ANC was seriously concerned about reducing socio-economic and psycho-political misery, they would welcome any opportunity to educate the poor on the Malthusian misery and starvation consequences of irresponsible procreation policies. When such opportunities were submitted to the SA elite, who profess to be concerned about alleviating the misery of socio-economic poverty, by means of an Amicus Curiae to the Constitutional Court, the entire TRC elite endorsed it being censored from the SA public, indicating that their alleged concerns for the SA poor, are of the Poverty Pimp variety; i.e. are NOT SINCERE.


The Nature and Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival argues that while the ANC‟s „liberation struggle‟ declaration of war against the Apartheid Government was not in accordance with Just War principles; there is enough evidence to suggest a further in-depth argument into the probability that the Apartheid Governments response to the ANC‟s declaration of war, can be considered that of a Just Cause, a Last Resort, declared by Proper Authority and of Right Intention.


Apartheid‟s Strategic Demographic and Political Mistakes, supports the aforementioned argument that Apartheid was a Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival, and describes the strategic political and demographic mistakes made by Apartheid Political leaders. These mistakes being the decisions to use cheap alien labour, which dispossessed them of their fatherland, as a result of JS.012

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massive non-white exponential population growth; and how the consequent spiralling population pressure‟s exacerbated racial friction theory safety and security problems. Kemp argues that only by understanding the relationship between demographics and political power, by abandoning their dependence on non-white labour, and “accepting that their salvation lies in a smaller territory, congregating in such territory to form an outright demographic majority,” can Afrikaners be saved in Africa. 4.

In Land Grabs and Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality, we argue as stated that Land Grabs and Farm Murders are not the result of a Rainbow-TRC-Peace, but of a Racial-Hatred-War Reality, which both the ANC and the Anti-Apartheid TRC elite deliberately ignore, like alcoholics addicted to their Rainbow-TRC-Peace Illusion. They are a direct result of a refusal to address Population Policy issues of exponential population growth.


In Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC‟s population Production of Poverty and Violence Breeding War we argue that the ANC and its concomitant Anti-Apartheid Movement remains one of the most successful professional Poverty Pimp Political Organisations and Movements in the world. It continues to pretend to act as an intermediary on behalf of the black SA poor, disadvantaged and alleged „victimized‟ groups, but has no serious intentions whatsoever of addressing the root causes of these groups socio-economic poverty or psycho-political „freedom/liberation‟ babble ignorance. In fact the ANC derives its political power from pimping ever more black Africans into poverty; i.e. from sustaining and in fact increasing its alleged disadvantaged and victimized political power base, while deflecting the blame for its poverty pimping consequences upon the proverbial scapegoat of „apartheid‟. Put succinctly the ANC pimps its own people into poverty by its conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration.”10 The poor are a commodity not only to ANC politicians, but AntiApartheid religious and political activists, from those with impressive Archbishop titles to the Poverty Pimping Professors who suck up the research grants to “support themselves and their cronies while they are studying, romanticizing or otherwise exploiting the [African] poor.”


Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED, argues for many of the issue raised in this Briefing Paper. The Amicus has been hugely censored by the SA media, even though it is supported by expert witness statements from (i) Dr. Brad Blanton11, founder of Radical Honesty, best selling author of Radical Honesty series of books, and former candidate for United States Congress from Virginia, in 2004 and 2006; as well as (ii) Dr. T. Michael Maher12, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Communication at the University of Louisiana, since November 1974, author of the study: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection.

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return: 10

Mbeki‟s Legacy Not His Alone, Meshack Mabogoane, 08 October 2008, Mail & Guardian Statement of Consent by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: Practicing Radical Honesty, Futilitarianism; i.e. Radical Honesty about Anger and Forgiveness; Paradigms and Contexts 12 Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue 11


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Wake Up Whitey!: African White Refugee Canaries in the International Ethno-Cultural Geopolitical Coalmine, details the past and future ethnocultural comparison demographic statistics of South Africa, Europe, United States and the world.


Europe commits Ethno-Cultural Suicide: Dr. Frank Ellis reviews Dr. Thilo Sarrazin‟s Germany Consigns itself to Oblivion: Dr. Frank Ellis, Former Professor of Russian and Slavonic Studies at Leeds Univ. UK reviews Dr. Sarrazin‟s epic, including his analysis, commentary and selected translations.


Jus Sanguinis Right of Return Cultural & Ethno Homogeneity, asks whether the Failure of Multi-Culturalism in Europe, including Europe‟s demographic decline, should motivate European Union States to invite their Blood Relatives home from the Diaspora; and also .provides a brief Historical and Current Reality overview of Jus and Lex Sanguini, and Right of Return laws and their contribution to Principles of Cultural and Ethno Homogeneity.


Jus Sanguinis Right of Return Cultural & Ethno Homogeneity, provides a brief Historical and Current Reality overview of Jus and Lex Sanguini, and Right of Return laws and their contribution to Principles of Cultural and Ethno Homogeneity.


Multiculturalism Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures, argues How and Why Multiculturalism is Impossible with Cultures whose values are Diametrically Opposing, or considered by each other as Dysfunctional Cultures; including suggestions for an EU Moratorium on Muslim Immigration and Voluntary Repatriation.


Peak Oil, Economic Collapse & Friction Theory Cultural Conflict, argues that it is impossible to overestimate the International, Geopolitical, National, Ethnic, Cultural importance of amicably resolving Multi-Cultural Conflicts and potential for Population Pressure Cultural Conflicts, prior to their aggravation by the sociopolitical and economic Friction Theory Resource War consequences of Peak Oil. This reality is clearly clarified in three Military Peak Oil Reports (2 American and 1 German) released in 2010, warning that the „socio-political and economic consequences of Peak Oil will be severe‟, of the “total collapse of the markets” and of serious political and economic crises, which could threaten the continued survival of democratic governments. Put differently Peak Oil‟s consequences on among others transportation costs, the financial markets, and food production, shall significantly aggravate what Military genius and geo-political thinker Homer Lea qualified as the angles of convergence, of States converging lines of self interest, in the Conflict over Scarce Resources. Simply put, multi-cultural conflict will experience Friction Theory on Steroids.


ABC‟s of Ecology: Food Production & Population Growth; Peak Oil and Population DieOff, argues that increased food production is a direct causal factor of population growth; the world‟s exponential population explosion is a direct result of the cheap oil stimulated green revolution food production surpluses; and the reality of Peak Oil, means that declining oil production, will have catastrophic consequences to food production, and result in a population dieoff.


Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession, argues Multicultural conflict Friction Theory on Steroids resulting from Overpopulation colliding with Scarce and Depleting – particularly Energy - Resources (Ecological JS.014

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Overshoot) can be hugely mitigated by strategically implementing the Parallel Goals of Economic Relocalisation and Ethno-Nationalist Political Secession. Relocalized states and communities can better plan for a world of Energy Depletion, by rebuilding more balanced local economies that emphasise local food, energy and water systems, for local political stability. 9.

Secession in SA: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK): Electoral Commission for the Election of a Boer-Afrikaner People‟s Assembly, provides a Constitutional Overview of Section 235 in the SA Constitution, the right to Self Determination for “any community sharing a common cultural and language heritage, within a territorial entity in the Republic..”, as a prelude to an overview of The Role and Task of the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) / Electoral Commission for the Election of a Boer-Afrikaner People‟s Assembly. Because “the right to self-determination can only be claimed and it's practical implementation only be negotiated on behalf of a people by a body they elected and mandated for this purpose in a free, fair and democratic election; to be held within such a people”, the VVK has been established to facilitate such an election of a Volksraad, to attain a mandate from the people, to initiate the negotiations for a Boer-Afrikaner Volkstaat.

Election of a Boer-Afrikaner People‟s Assembly Talking Points: The Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners consequently Petition their Relevant EU Progenitor/Stamvader Nations for: [A]

International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a „European Union/Boere-Afrikaner‟ Volkstaat in South Africa; Or in the absence thereof;


Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by all relevant EU nations, for their African White Refugees descendants.

Their Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return Petition Justifications: [i]

International Law, Jus Sanguinis, Right-of-Return, International Covenants on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc.;


S. 235 of the SA Constitution & Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party;

[iii] African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud; [iv] The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic friction theory resource war consequences of Peak Oil. The VVK and supporting organisations are of the firm belief that any national or international assistance or recognition rendered to it by any roleplayer, including the South African Government, shall constitute a contribution to the establishment of a durable, and more importantly ecologically sustainable peace in Southern Africa. Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioner Boers endorse any and every other cultural, ethnic or linguistic group‟s right to their ethno-cultural self-determination.


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