10-31-16: Volkstaat Jus Sanguinis Petition: NATO Mil. Comm.: Albania: Brigadier General Maksim Malaj

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05 – 16 December 2010

Brigadier General Maksim Malaj, NATO: Military Committee: Chief of Staff Chief of the General Staff, Albania c/o: Anders Fogh Rasmussen Secretary General North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Blvd Leopold III Brussels, Belgium, 1110 via: Mark Laity Chief of Strategic Communications Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) SHAPE Public Affairs Office Public Affairs Office B-7010 SHAPE BELGIUM

Ref: NATO‟s New Strategic Concept1, Peak Oil: Implications Of Resource Scarcity On (National) Security; Center for German Army Transformation, Group for “Future Studies”, July 20102; Russia Hits Peak Oil3

Dear Brigadier General Maksim Malaj,

Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) EU Citizenship for African White Refugees In Military and Civilian Justified Request for Transparent Official Forwarding of African White Refugees Petition to NATO Military Committee: Chiefs of Staff: Boer Volkstaat; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) EU Citizenship for African White Refugees4, to NATO Secretary General Rasmussen, I requested he forward this correspondence to you for your attention and strategic decision making consideration. 1

http://www.nato.int/strategic-concept/index.html Military Study Warns of Potentially Drastic Oil Crisis, Der Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,715138,00.html Leaked German Military Study Warns of Peak Oil, Robert Rapier, Oil Price, 03 September 2010: A study on peak oil by a German military think tank shows that the German government is closely studying the issue of peak oil, and is aware of the potential for serious consequences as oil production declines. The study is reminiscent of the Hirsch Report, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy, that warned of the risks posed by peak oil. The document warns of the potential for regional shortages, market failures, and a shift in political power toward those capable of exporting oil. http://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Leaked-German-Military-Study-Warns-of-Peak-Oil-Crisis.html 3 Russia Hits Peak Oil, Rob Mackrill,, The Daily Reckoning, 15 April 2008: Russian oil has peaked already according to Leonid Fedun, vice-president of Russian oil giant Lukoil http://www.dailyreckoning.co.uk/commodities-trading/russia-hits-peak-oil-00087.html 4 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nato/NATO_Sec-Gen-Rasmussen.htm 2

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

Boer Volkstaat for African White Refugees in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Blood EU Citizenship for African White Refugees Founding Petitioners descended from: 1. Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Stamvaders/Progenitors: Hermanus BOSMAN5, Andreas Lutgerus KOLVER6, Arnoldus Mauritius MEIRING7, Meindert Jansz NOOME8, Hendrik Cornelisz OLIVIER9, Jan Harmensz STEENKAMP10, Bartus VAN TIL11, Willem VAN ZYL12 and Gysbert VERWEY13; 2. French Huguenot Stamvaders/Progenitors: Josué CILLIER14, Jacques (Jacob) DE VILLIERS15, Jean Prieur DU PLESSIS16, Hercules DU PRE/DES PRES17, Francois DU TOIT18, Daniel HUGO19, Pierre LE GRANGE20, Gabriel LE ROUX21, Pierre LOMBARD22, Ignace MARE23, Jacques MOUTON24, Pierre ROUSSEAU25, and Paul ROUX26 3. Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland Stamvaders / Progenitors: Berndt (Barend) BURGER27, Johan KOTZE28, Hermanus KRIEL29, Georg Frederich RAUTENBACH30, and Heinrich Conrad VENTER31 4. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Progenitors: William Stoyel COX32, Augustus James JOHNSTONE33, Sir John Richard STEAR34, and Isaac WIGGILL35 5. Swiss Confederation / Confoederatio Helvetica Stamvaders/Progenitors: Jan VOSTER36 have respectively petitioned: A.

Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden: c/o H.E. Z.E. dhr. Rob de Vos, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Ambassadeur, Netherlands Embassy37, Pretoria, RSA, on 05 December 2010: (1)

HRH Queen Beatrix, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden38


BOSMAN, Hermanus: 19 April 1682, Amsterdam. Cape ETA: 19 April 1707. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Bosman_Hermanus.htm KOLVER, Andreas (Andries) Lutgerus: 1743, Zwolle. Cape ETA: 1780. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Kolver_AndreasLutgerus.htm MEIRING, Arnoldus Mauritius: 1695, Lingen. Cape ETA: 28/03/1743. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Meiring_ArnoldusMauritius.htm 8 NOOME, M. Jansz: 14/02/1813, Zaandam. Cape ETA: 17/09/1851. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Noome_MeindertJansz.htm 9 OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz: 1661, Ouwerkerk. Cape ETA: 1661. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Olivier_HendrikCornelisz.htm 10 STEENKAMP, Jan Harmensz, Nieuwkerk. Cape ETA: 1714. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Steenkamp_JanHarmensz.htm 11 VAN TIL, Bartus: 15/01/1867, Dorkwerd. Cape ETA: 1887. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_VanTil_Bartus.htm 12 VAN ZYL, Willem, Delft. Cape ETA: 1699. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_VanZyl_Willem.htm 13 VERWEY, Gysbert, 1630, Milligen. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/NL_Verwey_Gysbert.htm 14 CILLIER, Josué: 1667, Orléans. Cape ETA: 21/08/1700. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Cillier_Josue.htm 15 DE VILLIERS, Jacques (Jacob): 1661, La Rochelle. Cape ETA: 1689. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_DeVilliers_Jacques-Jacob.htm 16 DU PLESSIS, Jean Prieur: Poitiers. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_DuPlessis_JeanPrieur.htm 17 DU PRE/DES PRES, Hercules: 1645, Courtrai. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_DuPlessis_JeanPrieur.htm 18 DU TOIT, Francois: 1664, Lille. Cape ETA: 1686. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_DuToit_Francois.htm 19 HUGO, Daniel: 1664, Serzy, Champagne. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Hugo_Daniel.htm 20 LE GRANGE, Pierre: 1664, Cabriere, Provence. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_LeGrange_Pierre.htm 21 LE ROUX, Gabriel: 25/07/1667, Cour-Cheverney. Cape ETA: 1689. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_LeRoux_Gabriel.htm 22 LOMBARD, Pierre: 1658, Pointaix, Dauphine. Cape ETA: 12/05/1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Lombard_Pierre.htm 23 MARE, Ignace, Calabria. Cape ETA: 1706. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Mare_Ignace.htm 24 MOUTON, Jacques: Lille. Cape ETA: 1699. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Mouton_Jacques.htm 25 ROUSSEAU, Pierre: 1666, Orleanais. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Rosseau_Pierre.htm 26 ROUX, Paul: 1665, Oranje. Cape ETA: 1688. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/FR_Roux_Paul.htm 27 BURGER, Berndt: Lübeck. Cape ETA: 1690. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/DE_Burger_Berndt.htm 28 KOTZE, Johann: 25 Jan 1652, Königstein. Cape ETA: 13 May 1691. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/DE_Kotze_Johann.htm 29 KRIEL, Hermanus: 1694, Hanau. Cape ETA: 1719. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/DE_Kriel_Hermanus.htm 30 RAUTENBACH, G. Frederich: 1734, Tremnitz. Cape ETA: 1757. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/DE_Rautenbach_GeorgFrederich.htm 31 VENTER, Heinrich Conrad: 1663: Cape ETA: ?. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/DE_Venter_HeinrichConrad.htm 32 COX, William Stoyel: 1883, Devon. Cape ETA: 1880‟s. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/UK_Cox_WilliamStoyel.htm 33 JOHNSTONE, Augustus James: 1810, Edinburgh. Cape ETA: 1820‟s. See http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/UK_Johnstone_AugustusJames.htm 34 STEAR, John Richard Sir: Unknown. Cape ETA: Unknown. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/UK_Stear_JohnRichardSir.htm 35 WIGGILL, Isaac: 17/08/1789, Painswick. Cape ETA: 29/04/1820. See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/UK_Wiggill_Isaac.htm 36 VOSTER, Jan, 1695, Bern. Cape ETA: Jan 1717. See: See: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/LIB/CE_Voster_Jan.htm 37 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/Amb-Pta_Rob-de-Vos.htm 38 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Queen-Beatrix.htm 6 7

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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HRH Prince of Orange, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden39 HRH Prince Constantijn, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden40 HRH Princess Laurentien, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden41 HRH Princess Magriet, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden42 HRH Princess Maxima, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 43 Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven, Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 44 Mr. Geert Wilders, Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV)45 Mr. Kees van der Staaij, Staatkundige Gereformeerde Partij (SGP)46 Mr. Mark Rutte, People‟s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD)47 Mr. Job Cohen, Labour Party (PvdA)48 Ms. Sadhia Rafi, European Legal Network on Asylum Netherlands Coordinator49 Mr. Ben Vermeulen, Prof. Constitutional Law, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam50 Prof. Cees Groendijk, Katholieke Univ. Nijmegen51 Permanente Commissie van Deskundigen in Internationaal vreemdelingen Vluchtelingen en strafrecht52 Dr. Thomas Spijkerboer, Vrije Univ. Amsterdam53 Board of Directors, Federation of Refugee Organisations in Netherlands54 Board of Directors, Greenpeace International55 Prof. Gerard-Rene de Groot, Maastricht Univ, Nationality Law expert56 UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Regional UNHCR Office in Den Haag57

French Republic / Republique Francaise: c/o H.E. Hon. Jacques Lapouge, Republique Francaise Ambassador, French Embassy58, Pretoria, RSA, on 07 December 2010: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

President Nicolas Sarkozy, Elysee Palace, Paris59 Jacques Chirac & Jean-Francois Cope, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire / Union for a People's Movement (UMP)60 Jean-Marie Le Pen, Front National (FN) / National Front61 Cecile Duflot, The Greens / Les Verts (VEC / LV)62 Philippe de Villiers, Movement for France / Mouvement pour la France (MPF)63


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Prince-of-Orange.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Prince-Constantijn.htm 41 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Princess-Laurentien.htm 42 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Princess-Margriet.htm 43 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Princess-Maxima.htm 44 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/HRH_Pieter-van-Hollenhoven.htm 45 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/PVV_Geert-Wilders.htm 46 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/SGP_Kees-vd-Staaij.htm 47 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/VVD_Mark-Rutte.htm 48 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/PdvA_Job-Cohen.htm 49 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ELENA_Dutch-Cnl-for-Refugees.htm 50 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ELENA_Ben-Vermeulen-Prof.htm 51 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ELENA_Cees-Groenedijk-Prof.htm 52 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ELENA_Permt-Comm-Refugee-Law-Experts.htm 53 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ELENA_Thomas-Spijkerboer-Dr.htm 54 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/VON_Fed-Refugee-Orgs.htm 55 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/Greenpeace-Intnl-Brd-Dirs.htm 56 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/Gerard-Rene-de-Groot-Prof.htm 57 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/UNHCR-Den-Haag.htm 58 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/Amb_Jacques-Lapouge.htm 59 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/President-Nicolas-Sarkozy.htm 60 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/UMP_J-Chiraq--JF-Cope.htm 61 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/FN_Jean-Marie-Le-Pen.htm 62 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/LV_Cecile-Duflot.htm 63 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/MPF_Philippe-de-Villiers.htm 40

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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Martine Aubry, Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste (PS)64 Herve Morin, New Centre / Nouveau Centre (NC) / European Social Liberal Party / Parti Social Liberal Europeen (PSLE)65 Frederic Nihous, Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition / Chasse, Peche, Nature, Traditions (CPNT)66 Gilles Piquois, European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator for France67 Francois Julien – Laferriere, ELENA Refugee Law Expert, Professor in Public Law at the Universite de Paris-Sud68 Denis Alland, ELENA Refugee Law Expert, Professor in Public Law at the Universite Pantheon-Assas Paris II69 Jacqueline Benassayag, France Terre d'Asile, ELENA Refugee Assistance Org.70 Catherine Teitgen-Colly, ELENA Refugee Law Expert, Professor in Public Law at the Université de Paris-Sud71 Alexis Spire, EU Democracy Observatory (EUDO) on Citizenship Expert, Center National de La Recherche Scientifique, Universite Lille 2 Droit et Sante72 Patrick Weil, EUDO Citizenship Expert, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Université Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne73 Christophe Bertossi, EUDO Citizenship Expert, Director of the "Migrations, Identities, Citizenship" Program, French Institute of Intl Relations - Ifri (Paris).74 Board of Directors, Forum réfugiés75 Jean H. Laherrère & Xavier Chavanne, Membre d'ASPO France, Membre d'ASPO: Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas76

Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland: c/o H.E. Hon. Dieter W. Haller, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ambassador, Federal Rep. of Germany Embassy77, Pretoria, RSA, on 10 December 2010: (1) (2)

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Chancellor Angela Merkel & Federal Ministers of State78 H.H. Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Maria Theresia von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis, Prinz Albert von Thurn und Taxis 79 Horst Seehofer, Christian Social Union of Bavaria / Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern 80 Guido Westerwelle, Free Democratic Party (FDP) / Freie Demokratische Partei 81


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/PS_Martine-Aubry.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/NC_Herve-Morin.htm 66 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/CPNT_Frederic-Nihous.htm 67 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/ELENA_Gilles-Piquois.htm 68 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/ELENA_FJ-Laferriere-Prof.htm 69 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/ELENA_Dennis-Alland-Prof.htm 70 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/FTDA_Jacqueline-Benassayag.htm 71 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/ELENA_Catherine-Teitgen-Colly.htm 72 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/CNRS_Alexis-Spire.htm 73 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/CNRS_Patrick-Weil.htm 74 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/IFRI_Christophe-Bertossi.htm 75 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/Forum-refugies.htm 76 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/fr/ASPO-France.htm 77 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Amb-Dieter-Haller.htm 78 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Chancellor_A-Merkel.htm 79 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/HH-Gloria-Thurn-und-Taxis.htm 80 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/CSU_Horst-Seehoffer.htm 81 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/FDP_Guido-Westerwelle.htm 65

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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Sigmar Gabriel & Thilo Sarrazin, Social Democratic Party of Germany / Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands 82 Rolf Schlierer, The Republicans / Die Republikaner (REP) 83 Gesine Lotzsch & Klaus Ernst, The Left / Die Linke 84 Udo Voigt, National Democratic Party of Germany / Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) 85 Sebastian Frankenberger, Ecological Democratic Party / OkologischDemokratische Partei (ODP) 86 Claudia Roth & Cem Ozdemir, Alliance '90/The Greens / Bundnis 90/Die Grunen87 Prof. Dr. Holger Hoffmann, European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator for Germany, University of Applied Sciences of Bielefeld88 Karl Kopp, Pro Asyl89 Dr. Kay Hailbronner, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Chair of Public Law, Public International Law and European Law, Universitat Konstanz90 Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Research Fellow: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt91 Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands92 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Blendinger, ASPO Deutschland e. V. / (Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas)93 Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Citizens Movement Pax Europa / Burgerbewegung Pax Europa94 Andreas von Bülow, Former Minister for Research and Technology, Speaker at Axis for Peace 2005, Axis for Peace 200595

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: c/o Dr. Nicola Brewer, High Commissioner, British High Commission96, Pretoria, RSA on 11 December 2010: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth II97 Prime Minister David Cameron98 HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh99 HRH Prince Charles of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall100 HRH Prince William of Wales & Ms. Kate Middleton101 HRH Prince Harry of Wales102


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/SPD_S-Gabriel_T-Sarrazin.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/REP_Rolf-Schlierer.htm 84 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/De-Linke_G-Lotzsch.htm 85 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/NPD_Udo-Voigt.htm 86 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/ODP_Sebastian-Frankenberger.htm 87 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Grunen_C-Roth.htm 88 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/ELENA_H-Hoffmann-Prof.htm 89 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Pro-Asyl_Karl-Kopp.htm 90 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/EUDO_Kay-Hailbronner.htm 91 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/EUDO_Anuscheh-Farahat.htm 92 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/EU-Com-Energy_Gunther-Oettinger.htm 93 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/ASPO-Germany.htm 94 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Pax-Europa_Udo-Ulfkotte.htm 95 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Axis-for-Peace_Andreas-von-Bulow.htm 96 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/HC-Nicola-Brewer.htm 97 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Queen_Elizabeth_II.htm 98 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/PM_David_Cameron.htm 99 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Prince_Phillip.htm 100 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Prince_of_Wales_Duchess_of_Cornwall.htm 101 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Prince_William_Kate_Middleton.htm 83

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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HRH The Duke of Kent103 & HRH The Duchess of Kent104 HRH The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester105 HRH The Duke of York106 HRH The Earl and Countess of Wessex107 HRH Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy108 HRH The Princess Royal109 Nick Griffin, British National Party110 Brian Nugent, Free Scotland Party / Freiceadan Saor Alba111 Alistair McConnachie, Independent Green Voice 112 Annabel Goldie MSP, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party / Partaidh Toraidheachd na h-Alba / Scots Conservative an Unionist Pairty 113 Robin Harper, Scottish Green Party / Partaidh Uaine na h-Alba 114 Alex Salmond MSP, Scottish National Party / Partaidh Naiseanta na h-Alba / Scottis Naitional Pairtie115 Nick Oakeshott, Asylum Aid, European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator for United Kingdom116 Amnesty International - Int'l Secretariat, Refugee and Migrant Rights Team117 Mike Blakemore, Amnesty International UK118 Greenpeace – UK: Board of Directors119 Sarah Astor and Julian Darley, Oil Depletion Analysis Center (ODAC)120 Helena Wray, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Senior Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University in London121 Caroline Sawyer, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Reader in Law, Oxford Brookes University122 Sir David Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE, Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust123 Rebecca L. Zahn, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, University of Edinburgh124 Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher MP, Advisory Council: Global Footprint Network, Former U.K. Minister of Environment 2001-2003, House of Commons125 Norman Myers, Advisory Council: Global Footprint Network, Professor and Visiting Fellow at Green College, Oxford University & Said Business School126


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Prince_Harry.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Duke_of_Kent.htm 104 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Duchess_of_Kent.htm 105 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Duke_of_Gloucester.htm 106 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Duke_of_York.htm 107 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Earl_&_Countess_of_Wessex.htm 108 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Princess_Alexandra.htm 109 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Princess_Royal.htm 110 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/British-National-Party.htm 111 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Free-Scotland-Party.htm 112 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Independent_Green_Voice.htm 113 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Scottish_Conservative_Unionist_Party.htm 114 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Scottish_Green_Party.htm 115 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Scottish_National_Party.htm 116 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Asylum-Aid_Nick-Oakshoft.htm 117 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/AI-Int-Sec_Refugee-Migrants-Rights.htm 118 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Amnesty-Intnl-UK.htm 119 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/Greenpeace-uk.htm 120 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/odac.htm 121 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Helena-Wray.htm 122 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Caroline-Sawyer.htm 123 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_David-Attenborough.htm 124 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Rebecca-L-Zahn.htm 125 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/GFN_Michael-Meacher.htm 103

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM, Advisory Council: Global Footprint Network, National Assembly of Wales127 Professor John Cleland, President: Int'l Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Professor of Medical Demography, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London128 Professor Aubrey Manning OBE President of the Wildlife Trusts, Emeritus Professor of Natural History, University of Edinburgh, Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust129 CEO: Mr. Simon Ross & Board of Trustees, Optimum Population Trust130 Sir Crispin Tickell, Chancellor of Kent University, Dir.: Policy Foresight Program, James Martin Inst., Former UK Permanent Rep.: UN Security Council, Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust131 Dr James Lovelock CBE, Author of 'The Revenge of Gaia', Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust132 Dr Jane Goodall, Founder, Jane Goodall Institute, UN Messenger of Peace Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust133 Professor John Guillebaud, Emeritus Professor of Family Planning and Reproductive Health, University College, Former Medical Director, Margaret Pyke Centre for Family Planning, Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust134 Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director of Forum for the Future, former Chair: UK Sustainable Development Comm., Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust135 Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge, Patron: Optimum Population Trust, Optimum Population Trust136

Swiss Confederation / Confoederatio Helvetica: c/o: H E Mr R Barfuss, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Swiss Confederation137, Pretoria, on 14 December 2010: (1) (2) (3)


Hansheiri Inderkum, President of the Council of States138 Jean-Rene Germanier, President of the National Council139 Hans Grunder, Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland / BurgerlichDemokratische Partei Schweiz (BDP) / Parti bourgeois democratique Suisse (PBD) / Partito borghese democratico Svizzera (PBD) / Partida burgais democratica Svizra (PBD)140 Christophe Darbellay, Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland / Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei der Schweiz (CVP) / Parti DemocrateChretien Suisse (PDC) / Partito Popolare Democratico Svizzero (PPD) / Partida Cristiandemocratica Svizra (PCD)141


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/GFN_Norman-Myers.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/GFN_Rhodri-Morgan.htm 128 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/IUSSP_John-Cleland.htm 129 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Aubrey-Manning.htm 130 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Brd-Dir-CEO-Simon-Ross.htm 131 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Crispin-Tickell.htm 132 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_James-Lovelock.htm 133 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Jane-Goodall.htm 134 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_John-Guillebaud.htm 135 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Jonathon-Porritt.htm 136 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/OPT_Partha-Dasgupta.htm 137 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/Amb-R-Barfuss.htm 138 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Council-of-States-Pres_Hansheiri-Inderkum.htm 139 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/National-Council-Pres_Jean-Rene-Germanier.htm 140 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/BDP_Hans-Gruder.htm 141 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/CVP_Christophe-Darbellay.htm 127

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

(5) (6)

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Fulvio Pelli, Die Liberalen / Les Libéraux-Radicaux / I Liberali / Ils Liberals142 Jurg Scherrer, Freedom Party of Switzerland (FPS) / Freiheits-Partei der Schweiz (FPS) / Parti Suisse de la Liberté (PSL) / Partito svizzero della Libertà (PSL) / Partida Svizra da la Libertad (PSL)143 Martin Baumle, Green Liberal Party of Switzerland / Grunliberale Partei (GLP) / Parti vert'liberal (PVL) / Partito Verde-Liberale (PVL) / Partida Verda-Liberala (PVL)144 Giuliano Bignasca, Ticino League / Ligue des Tessinois / Lega dei Ticinesi145 Eric Stauffer, Geneva Citizens' Movement / Mouvement citoyens genevois146 Hans Moser, Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland / EidgenossischDemokratische Union (EDU) / Union Democratique Federale (UDF) / Unione Democratica Federale (UDF) / Uniun democrata federala (UDF)147 Ueli Leuenberger, Green Party of Switzerland / Grune Partei der Schweiz (GPS) / Les verts - Parti ecologiste suisse (PES) / I Verdi - Partito ecologista svizzero (PES) / La Verda - Partida ecologica svizra148 Ruedi Aeschbacher, Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland (EVP) / Evangelische Volkspartei der Schweiz (EVP) / Parti Evangelique Suisse (PEV) / Partito Evangelico Svizzero (PEV) / Partida evangelica da la Svizra (PEV)149 Bernard Hess, Swiss Democrats Schweizer Demokraten / Democrates Suisses / Democratici Svizzeri / Democrats Svizers150 Christian Levrat, Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP) / Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz (SP) / Parti socialiste suisse (PS) / Partito Socialista Svizzero (PS) / Partida Socialdemocrata de la Svizra (PS)151 Toni Brunner, Swiss People's Party / Schweizerische Volkspartei / Union Democratique du Centre / Unione Democratica di Centro / Partida Populara Svizra152 Muriel Trummer, EU Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator, Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe (SFH) / Organisation Suisse d'Aide aux Refugies (OSAR) / Swiss Refugee Council153 Board of Directors, International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), EU Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Refugee Council154 Lutheran World Federation, Department for World Service, EU Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Refugee Council155 Board of Directors, Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe (SFH) / Organisation Suisse d'Aide aux Refugies (OSAR), EU Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Refugee Council156 Dr. Alberto Achermann, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, University of Fribourg157


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Liberalen_Fulvio-Pelli.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/FPS_Jurg-Scherrer.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/GLP_Martin-Baumle.htm 145 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Ticino-League_Giuliano-Bignasca.htm 146 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/GCM_Eric-Stauffer.htm 147 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EDU_Hans-Moser.htm 148 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/GPS_Ueli-Leuenberger.htm 149 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EVP_Ruedi-Aeschbacher.htm 150 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Swiss-Democrats_Bernard-Hess.htm 151 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/SP_Christian-Levrat.htm 152 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Swiss-Peoples-Party_Toni-Brunner.htm 153 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/ELENA_Muriel-Trummer.htm 154 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/ELENA_ICMC-Brd-Dir.htm 155 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/ELENA_Lutheran-World-Federation.htm 156 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/ELENA-OSAR_Suisse-DAide-Refugies.htm 143 144

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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(23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)

Prof. Christin Achermann, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Centre de Droit des Migrations158 Prof. Giani D‟Amato, Dir.: Swiss Forum of Migration & Population Studies (SFM), EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Centre de Droit des Migrations159 Prof. Martina Kamm, Swiss Forum of Migration and Population Studies (SFM), EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Centre de Droit des Migrations160 Roger Schawinski, Founder: Radio 24 AG161 Board of Directors, Global Footprint Network162 Dr. Daniele Ganser, Senior Researcher, Center for Security Studies (CSS), Eth Zurich, Head of CSS Business of Peace Research163 Basil Gelpke, Producer: A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash164 Lieutenant General Andre Blattmann, Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, Swiss Armed Forces165

for: [A]

International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/Boere-Volkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof;


The legislative enactment of Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by the respective EU Progenitor/Stamvader Governments, to grant their African White Refugee descendants „EU‟ citizenship.

Our Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Petition Justifications (evidentiary details provided in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper # 10/31/16), are: (i)

International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Right-of-Return, International Covenant on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc;


S. 235 of the SA Constitution and the Accord on Afrikaner SelfDetermination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party (Encl. to Briefing Paper);

(iii) African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud. (iv) The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multicultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil.


http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Alberto-Achermann.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Christin-Achermann.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Gianni-DAmato.htm 160 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Martina-Kamm.htm 161 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Radio24_Roger-Schawinski.htm 162 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Global-Footprint-Network.htm 163 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/CSS_Daniel-Ganser-Dr.htm 164 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Oil-Crash_Basil-Gelpke.htm 165 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/Swiss-Armed-Forces_Lt-Gen-A-Blattmann.htm 158 159

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

The Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Briefing Paper does not discuss every evidentiary argument in support of the „TRC fraud‟ and „Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation„ justifications. Instead it focuses on a few glaringly obvious „Politically Incorrect TRC fraud‟ international principles and historical and current events categorized under [A] TRC Fraud: Just War Tradition Arguments; [B] TRC Fraud: Clash of Culture’s Friction Theory; and [C] TRC Fraud: Population Policy Common Sense. Most of which were, and continue to be, either negligently ignored or intentionally censored by the TRC and its sycophantic Proudly South African Rainbow Hypocrisy worshipping academia and media, formerly known as the „Anti-Apartheid Movement‟, also known by Baruch Hirson‟s democratic socialist publication Searchlight South Africa as “the most successful Popular Front Lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.”166 “The ANC‟s Camp Quatro regime of terror, was a necessary element in the total practice of repression and deception which made the Anti-Apartheid Movement the most successful Popular Front lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.” “In its 30 years‟ existence, the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) put international collaborative organisations of the period of the Spanish Civil War and of the StalinRoosevelt-Churchill alliance to shame. Extending to the press, the churches, the bourgeois political parties, the trade unions and the radical, even the „trotskyist‟ left, the AAM has been an outstanding success for Stalinism.. [..] Vital to its success has been a practice of open and covert censorship now blown wide open. [..] The ANC‟s Camp Quatro prisoners were its necessary sacrificial victims.”

The Briefing Paper concludes that multi-culturalism is impossible between conflicting cultures, and emphasises that the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multicultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the sociopolitical and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil; cannot be overestimated or overstated. The African White Refugees Briefing Paper, including an Executive Summary can be read/downloaded at: www.african-white-refugees.co.nr, & www.jussanguinis.com. We herewith request your legal, social, cultural and/or political support in this endeavour. Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone (Co-Founding Petitioner to Netherlands, France and United Kingdom)

Hendrik du Plessis (Co-Founding Petitioner to France and Germany)

On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to Netherlands:


Mutinies in the Liberation Armies: Inside Quadro, by Paul Trewhela (Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 1: July 1990 p. 30-35). Searchlight South Africa‟s expose of ANC Mbokodo Camp Quatro atrocities available at: (www.mbokodo-quatro-uncensored.co.nr)

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

» CRACKNELL, Magda: § » STEENKAMP, Jan Harmensz » JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » BOSMAN, Hermanus » JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » KOLVER, Andreas Lutgerus » MEYER, Deon Gerhard: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz » MEYER, Gerhard: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz » MEYER, Jeandre: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz » MEYER, Jean Simonet: § » NOOME, Meindert Jansz » NIEUWOUDT, Anita: § » MEIRING, Arnoldus Mauritius » NIEUWOUDT, Anita: § » VERWEY, Gysbert » OLIVIER, Jacomina Aletha (Laetitia) Dr (born RAS): § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz » OLIVIER, Johannes Diederik (Jay-D) Dr: § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz » OLIVIER, Derrick: § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz » VAN DUIJN, Mignon (born OLIVIER): § » OLIVIER, Hendrik Cornelisz » VAN TIL, Michael Marsden: § » VAN TIL, Bartus » VAN ZYL, Erasmus Johannes Hendrik: § » VAN ZYL, Willem » VERWEY, Andre: § » VERWEY, Gysbert

On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to France: § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

» BURGER, Christa: § » MOUTON, Jacques » CILLIERS, Adriaan: § » CILLIER, Josué » DE BEER, Jesica: § » DU TOIT, Francois » DUNCAN, Bennie: § » DE VILLIERS, Jacques (Jacob) » DUNCAN, Bennie: § » LOMBARD, Pierre » DUNCAN, Bennie: § » MARE, Ignace » DUNCAN, Bennie: § » ROUX, Paul » DU PLESSIS, Hendrik: § » DU PLESSIS, Jean Prieur » DU PLESSIS, Louis Pierre: § » DU PLESSIS, Jean Prieur » DU PREEZ, Jaco: § » DU PRE/DES PRES, Hercules » DU TOIT, Francois Jacobus: § » DU TOIT, Francois » HOGAN, Sabrina: § » HUGO, Daniel » JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » DE VILLIERS, Jacques (Jacob) » LE GRANGE, Johannes Ferdinand: § » LE GRANGE, Pierre » LE GRANGE, Johannes Ferdinand Jnr: § » LE GRANGE, Pierre » LE GRANGE, Philip Mario: § » LE GRANGE, Pierre » LE ROUX, Andries Theron: § » LE ROUX, Gabriel » LE ROUX, Inge: § » LE ROUX, Gabriel » LE ROUX, Rudolph Martin: § » LE ROUX, Gabriel » ROSSOUW, Braam: § » ROSSEAU, Pierre » VORSTER, Lize Russelle (born Du Plessis): § » DU PLESSIS, Jean Prieur

On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to Germany: § § § § § §

» BURGER, Christa: § » BURGER, Berndt (Barend) » BURGER, Christa: § » KOTZE, Johann » DU PLESSIS, Hendrik: § » KRIEL, Hermanus » DU PLESSIS, Louis Pierre: § » KRIEL, Hermanus » VORSTER, Lize Russelle (born Du Plessis): § » KRIEL, Hermanus » RAUTENBACH, Kobus: § » RAUTENBACH, Georg Frederich

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

§ » VENTER, Jaco: § » VENTER, Heinrich Conrad On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to United Kingdom: § § § § §

» » » » »

COX, William Ernest (Billy): § » COX, William Stoyel DE BEER, Jesica: § » STEAR, John Richard Sir DU PLESSIS, Louis Pierre: § » WIGGILL, Isaac JOHNSTONE, Lara: § » JOHNSTONE, Augustus James VORSTER, Lize Ruselle (born DU PLESSIS): § » WIGGIL, Isaac

On behalf of Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Founding Petitioners to Switzerland: § » DU PLESSIS, Louis Pierre: § » VOSTER, Jan § » VORSTER, Lize Russelle (born DU PLESSIS): § » VOSTER, Jan

Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees PO Box 5042 George East, RSA, 6539 ·§· Cell: +27 (71) 170 1954 ·§· www.jussanguinis.com

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