11-01-18: RSA v. Shrien Dewani: Radical Honesty Amicus Application

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CITY OF WESTMINSTER MAGISTRATES COURT UNITED KINGDOM Case No: 1004020346 Issue: Extradition to RSA Preliminary Hearing: 20 January 2011 In the matter between: REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (RSA)




NOTICE OF MOTION Take Notice that Lara Johnstone, South African citizen, member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion1, intends to apply to the Magistrate of this Court for the following orders: (a)

For an Order to approve the Applicant as a Pro Se Amici Curiae in the above proceedings in terms of Re Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (Northern Ireland) [2002] UKHL 252 (Lord Woolf, para 32);


The founding affidavit of Lara Johnstone, Member of the Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, filed herewith will be used in support of this application.


The Parties were requested to provide their written consent, or objections, in Notice to Parties: Request Consent to Proceed as Amicus Curiae; neither of which have been received as of date of service.

1 On 26 March 2010, Johnstone applied to the Constitutional Court to proceed as an Amicus Curiae in CCT: 23-10: Citizen v. McBride, as a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion. On 03 May the Application was approved by the Chief Justice: “Ms. Lara Johnstone, Member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, is admitted as an Amicus Curiae.� On 18 July 2010, she filed her Heads of Argument: Radical Honesty SA Amicus Curiae in Support of a Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act. One of the orders requested is the courts confirmation whether Radical Honesty is an officially recognized culture and religion, or a refugee status. 2 http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200102/ldjudgmt/jd020620/ni-1.htm


If approved for submission, the Radical Honesty Amicus brief shall (a) address alternative legal arguments to those of both the Plaintiff and Defendant, i.e. from a Radical Honesty culture/religion perspective; (b) ‘argue points deemed too far reaching for emphasis by parties intent on winning their particular case’3; (c) ‘apprise the court of broad-based legal, social, economic, ecological and cultural enquiry implications for its consideration to avoid unintended consequences for groups not before the court,’4 (d) inform the court of information to base its decision on a larger, more comprehensive, and more accurate reality based natural law, and particularly Descartian Critical Thinking Existential vs African Ubuntu Conformist Psychological Jurisprudence legal framework, so that the court’s final judgment shall include a fully-informed refined legal analysis;


The Applicant’s argument shall be founded on the Applicant personal journey through the Ubuntuist Conformist South African legal and judicial system, for the past nine years, in among others: George Magistrates Court (SAP 572/02), Cape Town Magistrates Court (Case # 17/1384/07) (Case # 14/1198/08), Cape Town High Court (HC-CPD # A 696-04) (HC-WC: # 19963-09) and SA Constitutional Court (#CCT 23-10) (CCT 01-11?: Johnstone v SANEF and others); and has never received anything remotely resembling a Descartian Heuristic /

Western Civilization

concept of a free and fair trial (excluding Constitutional Court, where matters are still pending). (f)

16 Taaibos Ave, Heatherpark, George, 6539, and/or Email: jmcswan@mweb.co.za, is appointed as the address/email address at which the applicants will accept notice and service of all process in these proceedings.


Applicant shall serve all process in these proceedings, in accordance to United Kingdom Criminal Procedure Rules: Rule 4.65: Service by … e-mail or other electronic means.

The Clerk of the Court is requested to kindly place this matter before the Magistrate / Judge, for their appropriate consideration and response. Dated at George, Western Cape, South Africa; this 16th day of January 2011.


Luther T. Munford, When Does the Curiae Need an Amicus?, 1 J. App. Prac. & Process 279, 280 (1999). Paul M. Sandler & Andew D. Levy, Appellate Practice for the Maryland Lawyer: State and Federal: Amicus Briefs 331 (1994). 5 http://www.justice.gov.uk/criminal/procrules_fin/part_04.htm 4

___________________________ LARA JOHNSTONE, Pro Se 16 Taaibos Ave, Heatherpark George, 6529 Tel/Fax: (044) 870 7239 Cel: (071) 170 1954 Email: jmcswan@mweb.co.za.


Clerk of the Court City of Westminster Magistrates' Court 70 Horseferry Road London, England SW1P 2AX General Fax: + 44 (020) 7805 1193 Email: gl-horseferry.court@hmcourts-service.gsi.gov.uk AND TO:

PLAINTIFF: REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (RSA) (Plaintiffs Counsel) Advocate D. Damerell National Prosecuting Authority 115 Buitengracht Street Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 487 7142 Email: dadamerell@npa.gov.za CC: Adv. J.A. Niehaus Deputy Director: Capetown National Prosecuting Authority 115 Buitengracht Street Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 487 7245 | Fax: (021) 487 7200 Cel: 084 814 8535 Email: janiehaus@npa.gov.za CC: Adv. D. Rangaka Chief Prosecutor: NPA HQ National Prosecuting Authority VGM Building,140 Westlake & Hartley Street, Silverton,0127 Tel: (012) 845 6963 | Fax: (012) 845 7326 Cel: 084 294 8356 Email: drangaka@npa.gov.za CC: Adv. A. Smith Chief Prosecutor: Capetown National Prosecuting Authority 48 Parade Street Cape Town, 8001

Tel: (021) 465 3824 | Fax: (021) 462 1890 Cel: 084 497 3894 Email: asmith@justice.gov.za AND TO:

DEFENDANT: SHRIEN DEWANI (Defendant’s Counsel) Andrew Katzen Hickman & Rose Solicitors Aylesbury House 17-18 Aylesbury Street Clerkenwell Green London EC1R 0DB Tel: 020 7702 5331 | Fax: 020 7253 1367 Emergencies (Pager): 07659 138 106 Email: mail@hickmanandrose.co.uk, akatzen@hickmanandrose.co.uk CC: Clare Montgomery QC Griffin Building Gray's Inn, London, WC1R 5LN DX 400 Chancery Lane Tel: +44 (0)20 7404 3447 | Fax +44 (0)20 7404 3448 Email: matrix@matrixlaw.co.uk, claremontgomery@matrixlaw.co.uk, PracticeStaff_TeamT@matrixlaw.co.uk

CITY OF WESTMINSTER MAGISTRATES COURT UNITED KINGDOM Case No: 1004020346 Issue: Extradition to RSA Preliminary Hearing: 20 January 2011 In the matter between: REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA (RSA)




FOUNDING AFFIDAVIT OF LARA JOHNSTONE, MEMBER OF RADICAL HONESTY CULTURE & RELIGION TABLE OF CONTENTS A. The Applicant B. The Present Application C. The Interest of the Applicant and the Public Interest D. Argument: Descartian Jurisprudence does not exist in ‘Rainbow Hypocrisy SA’ [I]

Ubuntu Legal Heuristic Application of ‘Free & Fair Trial’, not same as Descartian EU


Descartian Reality in South Africa: ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movement committed Truth & Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud


Systemic Ubuntufied Criminal & Political Corruption of Criminal Justice System


Motive: Negligence; or Malice?: Dunning & Kruger Effect; or Pathological Fraudsters?

E. Conclusion: Relief Requested [V]

Private Prosecution of Mr. Dewani in UK Courts, with Impartial, Competent EU Judge, and EU British Jury, is the only means Hindocha & Dewani families will receive a free and fair trial, to determine Mr. Dewani’s guilt or innocence based on Descartian worldview concepts of evidence.

I the undersigned, LARA JOHNSTONE do hereby make oath and say: 1.

I am the only member – to my knowledge – of the Radical Honesty6 culture and religion currently living in South Africa.


I am a former employee, current friend of Dr. Brad Blanton, the founder of the Radical Honesty culture and religion (Futilitarianism), and member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion; duly authorized to represent myself as a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion (Radical Honesty – SA).


The facts stated in this affidavit are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct. Save where I state otherwise, or the context so indicates, they are within my personal knowledge, from the record of documentation filed in SA courts, by myself.


When dealing with legal questions, I rely on: A

A Paralegal Certificate, and Paralegal Diploma, both with Distinction, from the South African Institute of Legal Training and Damelin Correspondence Career Development College.


My Radical Honesty culture and religion’s Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract7 practices of resolving disagreements honourably and transparently as adults, with a commitment to remaining in such conversation until sincere sensate forgiveness occurs. (Note: We have no lawyers in our culture, and Ubuntuist conformist South African lawyers, frequently are dismissive of the Radical Honesty culture and its radical honesty practices).

[A] 5.

THE APPLICANT: I am an unemployed adult female paralegal rule-of-law political activist, resident at 16 Taaibos Ave, Heatherpark, George. I make a very simple living as Vermicompost worm farmer (www.sqworms.co.nr).

6 7

Practicing Radical Honesty, by Brad Blanton, PDF: http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/blantonb__prh?mode=a_p Chapter 9: Radical Honesty About Anger: http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/blantonb__rh-anger-forgiveness?mode=a_p


As a rule-of-law political activist, I endorse the rule-of-law for all, rich, poor, white, black, left and right, religious or atheist. I filed my submission to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission8 on 18 January 1999, wherein I detailed my willingness to donate my entire inheritance to facilitate sincere Truth and Forgiveness. I am separated (filed for divorce) from African-American Demian Emile Johnson, who is, and has been, incarcerated in California Dept. of Corrections, for the entire duration of our marriage9. In addition to Radical Honesty I have been involved in non-violent civil disobedience actions on behalf of my former husband10, Greenpeace11, Amnesty Int’l, Pacific Inst. for Criminal Justice12, Jericho 9813, Crack the CIA14, The Disclosure Project15, New Abolitionist16, Justice for Timothy McVeigh17, Alliance for Democracy18, Boycott 2010 World Cup19, Right of Return for African White Refugees20, et al21. I am 43 years old, have never been on welfare, have used an IUD as contraception since the age of 19, and hence has never been pregnant, nor had an abortion. I have lived an ecological small footprint life; to avoid aggravating overpopulation, resource wars; materialist consumerism and resource depletion.22


RADICAL HONESTY SA, is a culture and religion founded on the practice of Radical Honesty, i.e. Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness processes, i.e. the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract23, as excerpted from Dr. Brad Blanton’s book, Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends24.


Submission to ‘Register of Reconciliation’ and donation to Presidents Fund for Reparations to assist victims of gross violations of human rights dated 18 January 19998 [PDF: www.scribd.com/doc/16224046] 9 98-05-31: Sun Times: US convict wins love and support in SA town,; 98-09-24: YOU & Huisgenoot: Volkrust FarmGirl Doomed Love for Black Convict, by Frans Kemp 10 RSA OVERSEAS: South African on hunger strike in California, by Ilda Jacobs 11 In Easter 1993, she was arrested with a few dozen Greenpeace activists in a Save Our Seas anti-nuclear demonstration at Sellafield, Nuclear Power station, in Scotland, for trespassing. She was neither charged nor prosecuted. See: Greenpeace’s Campaign Against Ocean Dumping of Radio-Active Waste, 1978 – 1998 (www.greenpeace.org). 12 98-07-04 Miami Herald: Police action harms image as protectors 13 Jericho 98 is the movement to Free America’s Political Prisoners. She participated in Jericho 98, wrote to President Mandela to request his support for the many Anti-Apartheid Activists whom the ANC conveniently forgot, rotting away in America’s prisons: Marilyn Buck, Jaan Laaman, Tom Manning, etc. She visited Marilyn Buck in prison a few times, helped where she could. 14 99-03-16: San Francisco Chronicle: CIA Class Action Suit For Not Reporting Drug Trade 15 Presidential UFO: George W. Bush’s UFO Mail: Are You Ready for the Revolution? 16 New Abolitionist: Race Traitor: Zero Tolerance 17 April 2001: New Abolitionist: Tim McVeigh and Me 18 In 2000, she was arrested & detained for 3 hours, with Brad Blanton, Ronny Dugger (founding editor of Texas Observer and Alliance for Democracy), & others in the Wash, DC, Capital of the Rotunda. Issue: Campaign Finance Reform. District Attorney declined to Prosecute. 19 09-12-17: IOL Tech.: Anti-SA Smear Campaign on Facebook 20 10-04-23: Algemene Dagblad: Zuid Afrikanen Smeken Om Wilders Hulp; 10-04-25: Sunday Argus: SA family seeks repatriation to Netherlands; 1004-30: Mail & Guardian: Persecuted Afrikaners Talk of Returning Home; 10-05-17: Christian Science Monitor: White South Africans use Facebook in Campaign to Return to Holland 21 On 17 Dec 1998, she was arrested at Oakland Federal Building, with anti-war protestors, who shut down the Federal Building for two hours. She was detained by Oakland Police for an hour, before being released. Alameda Co. District Attorney declined to prosecute. 1998-12-19 Beeld: SA `plaasmeisie' vas in VSA oor Golf-protes 22 The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to regenerate the resources a human population consumes and to absorb and render harmless the corresponding waste. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how much of the Earth (or # of Earths) it would take to support humanity if everybody lived a given lifestyle. All we do, buy and breed has ecological consequences. Ecological Footprint, excluding ‘Child-Free’ factor (www.myfootprint.org/en/) is 13.16 gha. 23 PDF: http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/090611_sqworms_prh-social-contract?mode=a_p 24 PDF: http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/blantonb__prh?mode=a_p


Dr. Blanton: Founder of Radical Honesty culture and Religion (Futilitarianism), is: A

President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises Sparrowhawk Book Publishing and The Center for Radical Honesty, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world;


Former candidate for Congress (Green Independent & Democratic Party) in 2004 and 2006, on the platform of ‘Honesty in Politics’25;


Pope of the Radical Honesty Futilitarian Church; i.e. “Dr. Truth”26;


Author of (a) Radical Honesty: How To Transform your Life by Telling the Truth; (b) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends, (c) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that Can Change the World, with Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations with God series); (d) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; (e) The Truthtellers: Stories of Success by Radically Honest People and (f) Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second-Sound-Light-Being; (g) Some New Kind of Trailer Trash.


International recognition of Radical Honesty as a culture and religion: A

The Radical Honesty culture and religion has been acknowledged as a culture and religion dedicated to truth-telling, by Neale Donald Walsch27, the bestselling author of the Conversations with God series: Conversations With God (books 13), Friendship with God, Communion with God, The New Revelations, Tomorrow's God, What God Wants, Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends, Happier than God, and his newest book When Everything Changes, Change Everything. Mr. Walsch is the co-author/producer with Dr. Blanton of the book and DVD: Honest to God.


The Radical Honesty culture and religion has been acknowledged as such by Tikkun Magazine, in Radical Hope: Futilitarianism28, by Brad Blanton. Rabbi Michael Lerner, author of The Left Hand of God: Taking Our Country Back from the Religious Right (Harper San Francisco, 2006) is not only rabbi of Beyt Tikkun but is also the editor of TIKKUN magazine: A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics,

25 26 27 28

See Video Documentaries at: www.why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html See Center for Radical Honesty at: www.radicalhonesty.com http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/ Blanton, Brad. 2004. Futilitarianism, Tikkun 19(6):43: http://www.tikkun.org/article.php/Blanton-futilitarianism

Culture and Society. TIKKUN is one of the most respected intellectual/cultural magazines in the Jewish world, but also one of the most controversial. 10.

Sun Tzu & Scipio Bushido Dischordian Activist Philosophy:


South African citizens horrifically despondent and apathetic about the Systemic Ubuntufied Criminal & Political Corruption of the SA State, and the SA TRC Political, Academic, Media and Religious Elite’s endorsement of Political and Legal Persecution of Minorities, frequently ask me why I bother to file application after application, letter after letter; to South African government officials, who mostly simply ignore my applications and complaints.


Despondent South African citizens think I am stark raving mad, to continue giving authorities the benefit of the doubt that they will act. ‘Can’t you see the entire system is corrupt to the core?’ ‘The country is going to hell in a handbasket? Your conduct is absolutely and utterly pointless, because the entire system is so corrupt, the rule of law does not exist; and even if some elite are occasionally found guilty, this is only as a result of falling out of favour with the current flavour of mobjustice elite, not a result of impartial rule-of-law justice being applied’. ‘Even if you do ever get them before a court of law, they manipulate the courts; it will just be another kangaroo court trial’.


They are correct: South Africa is a country ruled by men, who belong to different political, religious and ideological mobs, and they shall pretend to demand the ‘rule of law’ for their own mob members; but never do they demand the rule of law for their enemies; which is the essence of Descartian thinking citizens upholding the principle of the rule-of-law. I have two reasons for my behaviour.


Firstly: As a matter of honour and principle; I give every single person in authority the benefit of the doubt, that they are sincere about conducting their legal, political, media or other duties and responsibilities as a person of alleged authority in any particular profession with due Descartian cognitive diligence, impartiality, honour and competence. An official can only act on information provided to them; and it is unfair to criticize any official, or court for not acting on any matter, when they are not provided with the opportunity to do the right thing; the opportunity to act.


Secondly: If the relevant authorities do not act, there is a record of them having been notified of the information; a paper trail; in my case thousands of paper trails. The more times they are notified, the greater the paper trail. Should they ever find themselves before a court of law, not of their own manipulation (even if that is only in

heaven on their Day of Judgement, if that version of the life hereafter is accurate), they cannot say 'we did not know'; because they did. 16.

Sun Tzu said something to the effect of: 'always leave your enemies an avenue of retreat', or "To a surrounded enemy, you must leave a way of escape."

Tu Mu,

commenting on Sun Tzu, advised, "Show him there is a road to safety..." Ch. 7. Scipio said: “Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.”


Anni Dewani (born Hindocha), 28, was murdered when the taxi she and her husband (Defendant) were in was hijacked as it drove through, Gugulethu, a township in Cape Town on November 13, 2010.

18. The murder made world headlines: Honeymoon horror: Newlywed Briton's wife is killed after armed robbers hijack them in taxi29, Ian Evans, DailyMail.UK, 15th November 2010; Honeymoon horror makes world news30, November 15 2010 at 09:30am, SAPA/IOL) 19. Four African SA’s have been arrested in connection with the murder – one sentenced to 18 years in prison. SAPS insist the killing was ‘masterminded’ by the Defendant.31 20. Defendant: Mr Dewani, 31, from Bristol, was allowed to return to South Africa by the

South African Police, who declared he was not a suspect; who subsequently changed their mind. Defendant was arrested and granted bail by this court, and is awaiting an extradition hearing. Defendant denies any involvement, and those speaking in his defence say he is being used as a scapegoat to protect South Africa’s tourism industry.

C. THE INTEREST OF THE APPLICANT & THE PUBLIC INTEREST: 21. The Applicant is of the view that the main application raises novel questions which are crucial for the rule of law, the principle of legality, particularly on the issue of extradition


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1329361/Newlywed-Britons-wife-killed-armed-robbers-hijack-taxi-South-Africa.html http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/honeymoon-horror-makes-world-news-1.810192 Husband 'may return to South Africa to face trial' over taxi gun murder of his honeymoon bride, Mail Foreign Service, DailyMail.UK, 17 January 2011 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1347913/Shrien-Dewani-South-Africa-face-trial-Anni-Dewanis-honeymoon-murder.html 30 31

of British citizens to nation states, whose legal systems are not founded on the same principles of Descartian worldview jurisprudence as exemplified by Magna Carta Britain.

22. JUSTICE’s 1996 report with the Public Law Project noted that:32 This report uses the term ‘public interest’ with reference to either a type of case or a group or organisation. There is no easy definition of what this means. In relation to cases, we have used it to refer to those which raise a serious issue which affects or may affect the public generally or a section of it.

23. I submit that (a) if the Defendant is sincere that he is (i) not guilty; and (ii) wishes to clear his name in a impartial, competent, professional court that cannot be bribed, corrupted; where his innocence is proven on the basis of Descartian Western rule-oflaw legal jurisprudence concepts; he should challenge the Plaintiffs to find him guilty in a British court of law; and the British courts should support him to receive a Descartian free and fair trial. 24. I submit that (b) if the Plaintiff’s are sincere that they have (i) a Prima Facie case of Murder (in accordance to Descartian Rule-of-Law jurisprudence) against the Defendant, they shall (ii) honourably accept the opportunity to try the Defendant in a Descartian Jurisprudence court of law, which is untainted by Ubuntufication opportunities for Kangaroo Court financial, political or legal manipulations on behalf of the Defendants Innocence or Guilt. 25. The murdered woman’s uncle, Mr. Ashkok Hindocha wants Mr. Dewani to stand trial in South Africa; because he believes that South Africa’s justice system is more fair, more competent, than Britains. This belief of his is founded upon the fact that FIFA awarded the 2010 World Cup to South Africa and not Britain. Mr. Hindocha had no knowledge whatsoever of the work of investigative reporter, Andrew Jennings exposing the corruption of FIFA, how South Africa was awarded the world cup, as a result of staggering bribery and corruption; nor of the Zug Swiss Prosecutor’s disclosure33 that ‘Senior Fifa Officials Involved in Largest Bribery Scandal in Olympic History’; released in the middle of the 2010 World Cup.34 26. If the Hindocha and/or Dewani family are not interested in ascertaining the innocence or guilt of the Defendant based on Descartian evidentiary jurisprudence; blinded as

32 A matter of public interest: Reforming the law and practice on interventions in public interest cases (1996) at pp4-5. http://www.publiclawproject.org.uk/downloads/PublicInterest.pdf 33 Kanton Zug: The statement from the Zug prosecutor's office (in German): http://www.zio.ch/verfahren+nach+wiedergutmachung+eingestellt/28202/detail.html 34 World Cup of Bribery: Zug Swiss Prosecutor: ‘Senior Fifa Officials Involved in Largest Bribery Scandal in Olympic History’ http://why-we-arewhite-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/06/world-cup-of-bribery-zug-swiss.html

they are to prove his guilt or innocence by any kangaroo court possibility available to them; then the Ubuntu Conformist SA criminal justice system, will be as happy to oblige them, as Pope Leo X, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and

Magdeburg, were to oblige those eager to purchase their socio-political

status forgiveness or revenge indulgences, by selling their souls for 30 pieces of silver.

D. ARGUMENT: DESCARTIAN FREE AND FAIR TRIALS DO NOT EXIST IN ‘RAINBOW HYPOCRISY SA’ [I] Ubuntu Legal Heuristic Application of ‘Free & Fair Trial’, not same as Descartian EU “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” -- Mohandas Gandhi


Few westerners realize that the African concept of Ubuntu is founded on existential identity foundations which are totally opposite to European Descartian existential identity foundations. In the Descartian “I Think, Therefore I am” westernized existential paradigm an individual’s sense of identity is a result of his ‘thinking’, his cognitive conscious awareness to recognize his cognitive biases, and to educate himself to overcome them, so as to improve his critical thinking faculties, his conscience. The socio-cultural consequences of such a paradigm produced western civilisation’s critical thinking giants, whose ‘critical thinking faculties’ drove them to take the road less travelled. Individuals such as Galileo Galilei, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Socrates, Mark Twain, Leonardo Da Vinci, Friederich Nietzche, Aristotle, Soren Kierkegaard, etc. etc. etc. All were courageous enough to discard appeal to conventional ‘earth is flat’ metaphorical ideological, political or religious authority, by the courage to doubt. The essence of their identities and discoveries, being a result of their own critical thinking faculties; their "Cogito, ergo sum," or "I think, therefore I am," worldview.


In the Ubuntu “I participate, therefore I am” African existential paradigm the individual’s identity is not a result of his own critical thinking faculties and powers. The Ubuntu African’ sense of identity is a result of his willingness to conform to peer pressure, to be accepted to participate in the tribe. The Ubuntu African is not encouraged to increase his personal meta-cognitive critical thinking conscience to

improve the quality of his character, to ‘know himself’, and hence his knowledge of right and wrong, in accordance with his principles and values. The Ubuntu African’s sense of identity and self-esteem is a result of his community’s acceptance of his willingness to conform to their demands and their values. 29.

Themba Sono refers to the result of this Ubuntu African paradigm as the “constrictive nature” or “tyrannical custom” of a derailed African culture, especially its “totalitarian communalism”. The Ubuntu African’s existential psychology is focused on belief, not reason. Rationality is overwhelmed by emotional identity to belong, and to conform, in order to improve the individual’s sense of self-worth.


For example: In Ubuntu and the Challenges of Multiculturalism in post-apartheid South Africa35, themes also repeated in Ubuntu an African Assessment of the Religious Other36, Dirk Louw, of Dept of Philosophy, University of the North writes: [..] According to traditional African thought, “becoming a person through other persons” involves going through various community prescribed stages and being involved in certain ceremonies and initiation rituals. Before being incorporated into the body of persons through this route, one is regarded merely as an “it”, i.e. not yet a person. Not all human beings are therefore persons. Personhood is acquired. [..] Ubuntu and consensus A second important overlap between Ubuntu and a decolonising assessment of the other pertains to the extremely important role which agreement or consensus plays within this assessment. Without a common scale, i.e. without an agreement or consensus on criteria, the beliefs and practices of the other simply cannot be judged without violating them. Ubuntu underscores the importance of agreement or consensus. [..] However, the desire to agree, which - within the context of Ubuntu - is supposed to safeguard the rights and opinions of individuals and minorities, is often exploited to enforce group solidarity. Because of its extreme emphasis on community, Ubuntu democracy might be abused to legitimize what Themba Sono calls the "constrictive nature" or "tyrannical custom" of a derailed African culture, especially its "totalitarian communalism" which "...frowns upon elevating one beyond the community" (1994:xiii, xv). The role of the group in African consciousness, says Sono, could be “... overwhelming, totalistic, even totalitarian. Group psychology, though parochially and narrowly based..., nonetheless pretends universality. This mentality, this psychology is stronger on belief than on reason; on sameness than on difference. Discursive rationality is overwhelmed by emotional identity, by the obsession to identify with and by the longing to conform to. To agree is more important than to disagree; conformity is cherished more than innovation. Tradition is venerated, continuity revered, change feared and difference

35 Ubuntu and the Challenges of Multiculturalism in post-apartheid South Africa © Dirk J. Louw, Department of Philosophy, University of the North, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, South Africa 36 Ubuntu: An African Assessment of the Religious Other, Louw Dirk J, Philosophy in Africa, University of the North

shunned. Heresies [i.e. the innovative creations of intellectual African individuals, or refusal to participate in communalism] are not tolerated in such communities (1994:7; cf. also Louw, 1995).”


A simplistic, yet accurate religious metaphor to compare the difference between the former and the latter; would be that the former built their ego-identity-house on a solid rock (“An unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates; ‘Know thyself” – Solon); whereas the latter’s ego-identity-house would be built on quicksand (“If I don't know I don't know, I think I know. If I don't know I know I know, I think I don't know.” R. D. Laing’s description of schizophrenia). Clearly the former would greatly enhance an individuals psychological security; while the latter would feed the individuals psychological insecurity.


Another fundamental difference between the Descartian Individualist vs the African Ubuntu worldview is their approach to the concept of personal responsibility.


The Descartian considers the capability of taking personal responsibility to be one of the key foundations for achieving psychological, political and financial freedom. A Descartian’s freedom is a result of their conscious capability to freely choose to be personally responsible for their thoughts, beliefs, actions and choices; the consequence of which is the freedom of higher consciousness, understanding, wisdom, spiritual security. Consequently the Descartian greatly appreciates constructive feedback, knowing constructive feedback enables them to take responsibility for their blinds spots, improving their capability to enhance their practice to be in greater alignment with their preaching.


Conversely the Ubuntuist considers the absence of personal responsibility to be the key foundation for achieving psychological, political and financial freedom. An Ubuntuis’ freedom is a result of their capability to avoid being held responsible, for their thoughts, actions, beliefs and choices; the consequence of which is total freedom from any and all responsibility to anyone, including themselves. Consequently the Ubuntuist demands sychophancy and Ubuntufication conformity; for they reinforce the Ubuntuist false illusion in his fake sense of security; whereas constructive criticism is experienced as a direct attack on their insecure fragile ego-identity.


Consequently when the Descartian is confronted with any problem, the solution lies in taking responsibility for psychologically, ideologically, politically and/or spiritually confronting the root causes of the problem; and having the courage, discipline and will to apply the required healing measures.


When the Ubuntuist is confronted with any problem, the solution lies in avoiding any and all psychological, ideological, political and/or spiritual responsibility for the problem; and finding an external agent to blame for the problem; which only increases his sense of powerlessness to fix the problem, he has decided is beyond his control; and consequently aggravates his psychological insecurity.


In AIDS, Witchcraft, and the Problem of Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa37, Adam Ashforth examines the dynamics of socio-economic and psycho-spiritual insecurity in the everyday life of Soweto residents. He proposes that African occult violence be understood as a form of psycho-spiritual insecurity. Among others he concludes: “In communities where a witchcraft paradigm informs understandings about other peoples’ motives and capacities, life must be lived in terms of a presumption of malice.”


Psychologically, heuristics are simple, efficient rules, which are hard-coded by evolutionary and cultural learned processes, which explain how people make decisions, come to judgement, solve problems. Heuristic rules can work well; or lead to systematic errors or cognitive biases. It is not rocket science to observe how the Descartian Individualist Pro-Responsibility worldview, psychologically enabled and strengthened the problem solving skills of the Descartian geniuses; whereas the Ubuntuist conformist Anti-Responsibility worldview, is easily observed in: A

Badly performing schools blame witchcraft38 ES Malele and Ben Matlhosa were amongst the poorest performing schools in 2010. They blame witchcraft. Their principals claimed to the MEC the reason for their under-performance was "witchcraft", department spokesman Joseph Mabuza said. "The principals said that the learners did not trust each other, and they believed that there are learners within the schools who are bewitching them.


'Witchcraft' made me do it, says judge39 A senior military judge who doused herself with petrol and then set herself alight has told medical staff she believed "witchcraft" was behind her actions. Colonel Yvonne Nomoyi, the military's first black senior judge, is understood to have expressed bewilderment at why she had set herself alight in the garage of her home on June 26, saying she had no idea what had prompted her behaviour. Neither did she know who would want to bewitch her into committing the suicidal act.


http://www.sss.ias.edu/publications/occasional Sunday Times/Times Live/SAPA: 14 January 2011: http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article851368.ece/Badly-performing-schools-blame-witchcraft 39 IOL: Karyn Maughan: 14 July 2008: http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/witchcraft-made-me-do-it-says-judge-1.408201 38


Military judge escapes prosecution: SANDF official still at work despite suicide attempt40 A Senior military judge has escaped prosecution for attempting suicide because some of the SA National Defence Force’s top brass allegedly believed her claim that she had been bewitched. The defence force’s first black female judge, Colonel Phildah Nomoyi, 41, doused herself with petrol and set herself alight in her garage in June.


Witchcraft and Statecraft: Liberal Democracy in Africa, by Nelson Tebbe [..] Prominent politicians and intellectuals are moving away from a philosophy of non-racialism understood as governmental blindness toward differences of culture.3 They are demanding African solutions to what they see as uniquely African problems.4 Witchcraft tops the list of those unique problems. In colonial times, witchcraft was thought to be “the outstanding problem of the lawgiver in Africa.”5 Today it remains central to statecraft. Fear of the occult6 has not faded with apartheid but, surprisingly to many, has only intensified during the transition to democracy.7 [..] A large majority of the citizenry believes in witchcraft. Belief in the occult is widespread. Africans comprise some seventy-five or eighty percent of the population of South Africa,53 and among them fear of the occult is commonplace. This is true even among people who also observe Christianity.54 The Ralushai Commission reported that “belief in witchcraft is as prevalent as ever” and it “form[s] part of a basic cultural, traditional, and customary principle of Africans in South Africa and Africa as a whole.”55 That report has been criticized for faulty scholarship,56 but here its conclusion is not particularly controversial. Witchcraft beliefs are not limited to a particular economic class, to rural areas, to nonprofessionals, or to older generations, but instead are widely (although perhaps not evenly) held across contemporary Africa.57 Recognition of these beliefs therefore may well impact the legitimacy of democratic experiments in southern Africa.


Notably, individuals actively practicing psychological heuristic problem solving rules as Descartian individualists would experience each successive heuristic problem solving practice, to have improved their critical thinking capabilities, which would have involved a greater willingness to accept responsibility for prior errors and hence an improvement in their sense of self-worth and psychological security. Conversely individuals practicing psychological heuristic problem solving rules as Ubuntuist conformists would find that each successive problem solving practice of avoiding taking responsibility, exacerbate their addiction to sycophancy conformist agreement (to shut



down any little voices of the conscience) hence escalating their psychological, ideological and spiritual insecurity. 40.

Simplistically a Descartian Individualist heuristic prosecution and court would focus on finding the evidentiary truth, in the matter, no matter how politically or ideologically incorrect or offensive to the ‘earth is flat’ masses; it encourages individual responsibility, accountability and root cause problem solving. Conversely an Ubuntuist Conformist heuristic prosecution and court focuses on enforcing the designated politically correct truth, encouraging the absence of responsibility and freedom from accountability to generate the necessary ‘evidence’ to manufacture the politically correct designated ‘ubuntuist truth’.

[II] Descartian Reality in South Africa: Censorship of ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movement’s Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” -– Mahatma Gandhi


Ubuntuist Conformism values the suppression of non-conformist ideas. The punishment for refusing to conform to Ubuntuist Conformism is censorship, isolation and nonrecognition, as an individual unworthy of personhood.


Conversely Descartian Individualists highly value the principles of Freedom of Expression as an essential and important principle in the Search for Truth. This is very well described by T Emerson, in The System of Freedom of Expression at 6-7 (1970): “...freedom of expression is an essential process for advancing knowledge and discovering truth. An individual who seeks knowledge and truth must hear all sides of the question, consider all alternatives, test his judgment by exposing it to opposition, and make full use of different minds. Discussion must be kept open no matter how certainly true an accepted opinion may seem to be; many of the most widely acknowledged truths have turned out to be erroneous. Conversely, the same principles applies no matter how false or pernicious the new opinion appears to be; for the unaccepted opinion may be true or partially true and, even if wholly false, its presentation and open discussion compel a re-thinking and re-testing of the accepted opinion. The reasons which make open discussion essential for an intelligent individual judgment likewise make it imperative for rational social judgment.”


How have the South African Political, Academic and Media Elite, responded to constructive criticism, that its Truth and Reconciliation was not sincere; but fake? Have they responded as Descartian Individualist’s; or as Ubuntuist Conformists?


Censored: Radical Honesty SA TRC Fraud allegations filed with SA Constitutional Court (CCT 23-10), supported by expert witness affidavit and statements from Dr. Brad Blanton, world leader in sincere forgiveness:

41 42 43 44 45 46 47


Application to Chief Justice to proceed as In Forma Pauperis Amicus Curiae, by Lara Johnstone, Member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion (PDF41)


03 May 2010: Concourt Directions dated 03 May 2010: “Ms. Lara Johnstone, Member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion, is admitted as an Amicus Curiae.” (PDF42)


18 July 2010: Heads of Argument: Radical Honesty SA Amicus Curiae in Support of a Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act (PDF43)


Written Statement by Consent of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: Practicing Radical Honesty and Futilitarianism; i.e. Radical Honesty about Anger and Forgiveness; and Paradigms and Contexts: The Revolution of Consciousness (PDF44); and Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission (PDF45)].


Written Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness for How and Why Journalists Avoid the PopulationEnvironment Connection and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue (PDF46) and Study: How and Why Journalists Avoid the PopulationEnvironment Connection (PDF47)


Less than 48 hours after being honourably served with the documentation for Tutu and TRC Officials response; Archbishop Tutu abruptly announced

http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100326_rhapplic2concourt-amicus?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100718_rhwr-concourt-amicus?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100718_rhwr-concourt-amicus?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100518_cc2310_affid-bblanton?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/091202_affid-bblanton-reasonablenesstest?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100522_cct2310_affid-dr-t-m-maher?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/mahertm_journo-env-pop-connection?mode=a_p

his retirement: Archbishop Tutu Announces Retirement After TRC Fraud Allegations48. 45.

Censored: Boer Volkstaat Theses Petition & Briefing Paper submitted to EU and NATO, endorsed by over 76 International and South African websites. The Petition and Briefing Paper: “focus on a few glaringly obvious 'Politically Incorrect TRC fraud' Inconvenient Truths. These TRC Fraud Inconvenient Truths are deliberately ignored or censored by the Proudly South African Rainbow Hypocrisy worshipping academia and media, formerly known as the 'Anti-Apartheid Movement'; or if you prefer democratic socialist publication Searchlight South Africa's description of the Anti-Apartheid Movement: “the most successful Popular Front Lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.” –- Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses Briefing Paper: Executive Summary49



Dutch Ambassador Acknowledges Receipt of Boere-Volkstaat Secession for African White Refugees Petition to Netherlands Gov.50


'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition delivered to French Gov., c/o & via: Ambassador Jacques Lapouge, Pretoria51


'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition delivered to German Gov.; c/o German Amb. Dieter W. Haller52


'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition delivered to UK Gov.; c/o UK High Commissioner: Dr Nicola Brewer53


'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition delivered to Swiss Gov.; c/o Swiss Ambassador: H E Mr R Bärfuss54


'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition to NATO Military Committee: Chiefs of Staff; c/o SHAPE & NATO Sec. General Anders Fogh Rasmussen55

Censored: Swiss President Requests Printed Hardcopy of (TRC Fraud) Boer Volkstaat Theses Petition: A


48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

Swiss President Requests Printed Hardcopy of Boer Volkstaat Theses Petition56

Censored: Radical Honesty SA v. SANEF Press Council, et al: Radical Honesty takes 88 SA Media Elite to Concourt for Censorship of Media –- TRC FRAUD – Corruption 57 A

Notice of Motion: Application for Direct Access for a Writ of Habeus Mentem and Certiorari/Review (PDF58)


Founding Affidavit of Lara Johnstone(PDF59)

http://beforeitsnews.com/story/112/406/Archbishop_Tutu_announces_retirement_after_TRC_fraud_allegations.html http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exec-summ.htm http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/exclusive-dutch-ambassador-acknowledges.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/boere-volkstaat-for-african-white.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/boere-volkstaat-for-african-white_14.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/boere-volkstaat-for-african-white_15.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/boere-volkstaat-for-african-white_6117.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/12/boere-volkstaat-for-african-white_17.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/01/swiss-president-requests-printed.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/01/radical-honesty-sa-v-sanef-press.html http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110201_cct_nom-hmentem?mode=a_p

C 48.

Proof of Service Affidavit (PDF60): Evidentiary Annexure A (PDF61)

Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses: Executive Summary: TRC Fraud Allegations: TRC Fraud: Jus t War Tradi ti on Arg uments : Just War Tradition: Mutually Agreed Rules of Combat between Culturally Similar Enemies: Jus Ad Bellum Convention, Principles of Jus In Bello and Just Post Bellum: Just War Theory is a derivative of international law, which deals with the justifications – theoretical or historical – to determine whether a war can or could be ethically justified, and what forms of warfare, are, and are not allowed. The Just War tradition dates back to ancient Military codes of conduct founded on chivalry. Generally the just war tradition --a set of mutually agreed rules of combat-- are only applicable between culturally similar enemies; which was not the case between Boer-Afrikaners and Africans; as ignored by the ANC and TRC. The six principles of Just War are: * having a just cause, * being a last resort, * declared by proper authority, * possessing right intention, * reasonable chance of success, and * using proportional force. On the working hypothesis that the ANC & TRC were correct, and Boer-Afrikaners and Africans were culturally similar, the Briefing Paper explores each of the Just War principles to determine; whether the ANC’s ‘liberation struggle’ met any of the ‘just war’ criteria. It concludes that: The ANC had no Proper Authority, No Right Intention, No Reasonable Prospects of Just War Success and its Desired End was not proportional to the Means Used. Finally, under Post Bellum principles, the ANC’s Promises of Amnesty were reneged upon, destroying all trust in future multi-cultural political agreements for minority cultures. Forsaking Commitment to Gandhian Non-violence, honour and character, the ANCFanonstein spawned a Government of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs: Mphutlane wa Bofelo was arrested and imprisoned for his anti-apartheid activism. In his essay Racist, sexist, violent-peddling, Malema hate-talk dangerous for the future he describes in great detail the ANC’s strategic and tactical ‘liberation struggle’ decisionmaking. How the ANC “celebrated the recklessness of the young lion .. elevating thoughtless \ reckless, theory-less action thereby inculcating the culture of disrespect for reasoning and fostering the culture of acting without thinking, which spawned the comrade-tsotsis, the jackrallers, the trigger-happy, gun-totting gangsters, and the adventurously kleptomaniac men and women who govern our lives today.” Conclusions reached: the ANC had no Proper Authority, no Right Intention, No reasonable prospects of success, and used disproportionate force. SA Communist Party (SACP)’s M-Plan: Violent Liberation and Mandela’s Cult of Personality: The ANC’s M-Plan was Mandela’s 1953 decision to abandon non-violent opposition to apartheid, in favour of a Marxist-Leninist violent ‘liberation struggle’. The decision occurred subsequent to the spectacular failure of the 1952 Defiance Campaign, which failed to non-violently mobilize the black masses against apartheid. Paul Trewhela’s Searchlight South Africa article A Death in South Africa: the Killing of Sipho Phungulwa

59 60 61

http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110201_cct_f-affid_hmentem?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110114_cct_pos_affid-ljohnstone?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110114_cct_pos_annex-a?mode=a_p

describes the SA Communist Party’s M-Plan, as a ‘liberation with necklaces and boxes of matches, before education’ new Paedontocracy mindset, a “milieu in which teenage armies, teenage generals, teenage courts and teenage executioners gave lessons in patriotism to the workers.” This autocratic culture of violence hugely benefited the ANC elite by terrorising the African public to provide support to the ‘liberation struggle’ against their will. The ANC silenced Apartheid’s moderate non-violent opponents, by assassination and ‘necklace terror’. The ANC silenced its dissidents, by means of executions, torture and horrific abuses, such as at Camp Quatro. Conclusions reached: the ANC had no Proper Authority,











disproportionate force. No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule: Dr. Gedaliah Braun’s discussions and evidence compiled over 16 years of frank conversations with Africans, are detailed in his book Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred and Self-Deceipt: A Philosophers Hard Headed Look at the Dark Continent. Dr Braun details his many brutally frank conversations with working class black South Africans from all walks of life; asking them whether they wanted black rule. He could not find one black South African who wanted black rule. He concludes that although many black Africans were very unhappy with particular aspects of Apartheid rule; they most definitely did not want black rule. They feared that black rule would be similar to black rule in the rest of Africa, which was far worse, than life under apartheid. Dr. Braun confirms Rev. John Gogotya’s allegations in ANC: VIP’s of Violence that “the ANC is not the authentic voice of the black people in South Africa.. does not represent the majority of blacks in South Africa”. It confirms that the ANC’s decision to embark on a violent liberation struggle, was to force the black population by means of coercion and terror, to support the ANC’s agenda of overthrowing white rule. Conclusions reached: The ANC lacked Proper Authority, did not have Right Intention in launching the ‘liberation struggle’; had no prospects of success and used disproportionate force against their own people. No Right Intention: Did ‘Evil Apartheid raise poor black living standards to the highest in Africa: The evidence proves that while Apartheid withheld political suffrage at the national level (not local, or regional) from black Africans, it did provide them with the highest living standards of all Africans on the continent of Africa. In fact Apartheid provided poor black Africans with higher living standards than middle class whites in any communist state, such as the Soviet Union. Consequently the ANC’s alleged outrage to justify waging war on behalf of living standards of poor black South Africans was not sincere, but fraudulent and hypocritical, considering the ANC’s endorsement of the far worse living standards of poor black Africans in African states under the direct political control of the ANC’s ‘liberation struggle’ Marxists political elite friends. Conclusion: The ANC lacked Right Intention. Black Consciousness and Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation: ‘Violence as a cleansing liberating force’: The ANC and Black Consciousness movements were hugely motivated by the Marxist ‘violence as a cleansing liberating force’ on the ‘rotting corpse of the settler’ ideas of Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth Handbook of Black Liberation. In the Fanon Black Liberation perspective, violence is anything but a last resort. For Fanon or ‘black liberation’ movements, violence was the essential component

required for the colonized mind to be liberated from his inferiority complex. Violence was what liberated the native, making him fearless and restoring his self respect. In the absence of violent liberation, the native could never be really liberated from the psychological shackles of his inferiority complexes. Peaceful negotiations were to be avoided at all cost; for they would deny the native’s colonized mind his liberation: ‘the cleansing liberating force of violence on the rotting corpse of the settler.’ It was a total repudiation of Gandhi’s doctrine of self-respect, honour and integrity by means of nonviolent passive resistance. Conclusion: The ANC’s decision to launch a violent liberation struggle lacked right intention, proper authority, and their ‘liberation struggle’ declaration of war, was not ‘as a last resort’. The ANC’s People’s War: Terrorize the People to Support the Liberation Struggle: The ANC’s decision to launch a People’s War Liberation Struggle to terrorize the African people to support the ANC’s agenda, was founded on all of the aforementioned principles. The ANC’s agenda had nothing to do with liberating the African people to a sense of Gandhian sense of self respect, personal responsibility and dignity; to the contrary. Launching the Peoples War was a means of forcing the black masses into involuntary conscription on behalf of the ANC’s agenda to overthrow white rule of law, which the majority black Africans preferred and which provided the black masses with the highest living standards and most effective justice system on the African continent. In Witchcraft and the State in South Africa, German social science researcher, Johannes Harnischfeger details the use of witchcraft to terrorize African communities, and purge dissent, by means of people’s courts and necklacing moderates or anyone who supported the Apartheid system’s rule of law. Anyone who was perceived as collaborating with Apartheid could face the wrath of the People’s committee’s and the necklace. For example: the payment of rent for government owned housing could be a capital offence. Additionally young men were promised free sex if they joined the ANC to become a Cadre. Young women were required to participate in the ANC’s ‘operation production’ of human cannon fodder ‘breeding war’. They were forbidden to use contraceptives and required to acquiesce to being impregnated by ANC cadres.

As confirmed by Rev. Gogotya: “The ANC strategy was to intimidate black

moderate leaders. When the riots started and the violence escalated in the townships, the people who were targeted were all professional blacks, teachers, doctors, lawyers, black businessmen,” as part of the ANC’s goal to destabilize and impoverish black communities. The consequent destablisation symptoms were then blamed on the Apartheid government. Conclusion: The ANC’s decision to launch the People’s War to terrorize their own people to join the liberation struggle meant it had no just cause, nor was it a last resort, nor of right intention, nor did they possess the Proper Authority, or use proportional force. Zimbabwefication of South Africa: The State’s Systemic Collapse: All of the aforementioned enabled the ANC to liberate Africans from Apartheid’s Euro-Centric values of respect for the Rule of Law, respect for the importance of Education and Infrastructure maintenance, Personal Accountability and Responsibility. The ANC’s liberated Africans are now liberated to Africanize South Africa, in a free for all, to loot and pillage. The ANC’s Rainbow Democracy of Liberation from Personal Responsibility, and Accountability has resulted in – among others – the following Systemic collapse statistics: (i) Deaths in Police Custody have risen by 25,725% under the ANC; (ii) Farm Murders have risen by 3.095% under the ANC; (iii) Squatter Camps have increased by 1,000% under the ANC; (iv) 70% of

legal graduates under ANC rule are unable to read, while 70% of black matrics are functionally illiterate; (v) the Justice and Political Systems have effectively been turned into Mafia State corruption parasitic enterprises. These are precisely the problems articulated to Dr. Braun by black Africans they were petrified would happen under black rule. Conclusion: The ANC’s actions for the past 16 years demonstrate in absolutely unequivocal clarity their intention to liberate ‘liberate’ the African people, from the concept of ‘freedom to be responsible’ to the concept of ‘freedom as freedom from responsibility’. The ANC have liberated Africans by providing with an absolutely meaningless national political vote, while robbing them of Apartheids competent and efficient legal justice system, education system, health care system, and safety and security in their communities. Stalinist Popular Front: ANC’s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps: The democratic socialist publication, Searchlight South Africa, argues that the ANC’s Anti-Apartheid Movement was (and still is) one of the largest and most successful Popular Front Lobby’s for Stalinist fascism anywhere in the world. To understand the thinking, purpose and decision-making of the ANC, requires an examination of the treatment of ANC members by ANC Military Intelligence Mbokodo Officers at Camp Quatro in Angola, which reveal the inner-workings and nature of the ANC and its secret decision-making body: the SA Communist Party. It reveals among others how the ANC and SACP condoned torture, imprisonment without trial or charge, executions, murder and assassination of its own ANC dissenting members, that made the ‘evil Apartheid’ atrocities seem like minor misdemeanours, in comparison. Conclusion: The ANC lacked proper authority, right intention and did not use proportional force.

TRC Jus t War Fraud: Clas h of Cultures Fri cti on Theory: Pandora’s Multi-Culti Apartheid Box: SA’s Multi-Cultural, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Racial Integration Nightmare: Mike Smith’s Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box: Rationales for Apartheid series provides a detailed account of the political, cultural, religious and other motivations and causes for the establishment of apartheid. In Chapter 2: What does ‘Diversity’ mean in South Africa he provides an overview of SA’s huge diversity of languages, cultures, and ethnicities, detailing the absolute integration nightmare, and how the policy of Apartheid was in fact the fairest system of government, considering South Africa’s multicultural and ethnic realities. Western Descartian Individualist ‘I Think, Therefore I Am” vs. African Ubuntu Conformist “I Participate, therefore I Am’: Few westerners realize that the African concept of Ubuntu is founded on existential identity foundations which are totally opposite to European Descartian existential identity foundations. In the Descartian “I Think, Therefore I am” westernized existential paradigm an individual’s sense of identity is – or should be -- a result of his ‘thinking’. In the Ubuntu “I participate, therefore I am” African existential paradigm the individual’s identity is not a result of his own critical thinking faculties and powers, or lack of them. The Ubuntu African’ sense of identity is a result of his willingness to conform to peer pressure, to be accepted to participate in the tribe. The Ubuntu African is not encouraged to increase his own self-esteem and certainty in his sense of identity by increasing the power of his critical thinking faculties. The Ubuntu African is

not encouraged to increase his personal meta-cognitive critical thinking conscience to improve the quality of his character, to ‘know himself’, and hence his knowledge of right and wrong, in accordance with his principles and values. The Ubuntu African’s sense of identity and self-esteem is a result of his community’s acceptance of his willingness to conform to their demands and their values. Themba Sono refers to the result of this Ubuntu African paradigm as the “constrictive nature” or “tyrannical custom” of a derailed African culture, especially its “totalitarian communalism”. The Ubuntu African’s existential psychology is focused on belief, not reason. Rationality is overwhelmed by emotional identity to belong, and to conform, in order to improve the individual’s sense of selfworth, which is measured by his participation, not critical thinking. The Descartian Western and Ubuntu African existential values which determine the individuals foundation for their sense of identity, purpose and meaning, are not slightly different; but opposing. If only slightly different, they could be compatible for a peaceful multi-cultural society. They are however in direct opposition to another; which means they are and will forever be in conflict with another; for supremacy. They are incompatible for a peaceful multi-cultural society. The former is capable of tolerating the latter, as it does for its less metacognitively aware cultural members; but the latter’s sense of personal identity shall continually be assaulted for not being ‘included’, aggravating his psychological insecurity. The psychologically insecure Ubuntu African’s response will be political and social coercion to ‘include’ to coerce society to ‘accept’ Africans ‘participation’, irrespective of their skills or competency to participate in any given skill, task or event. The clash of these worldviews are further exacerbated in South Africa by a legal and political elite which pretend these existential identity differences don’t exist, in favour of manipulating the ignorant poverty stricken vote farm’s confusion, with apartheid blame game tactics for their own political gain. Black Liberation Theology: Salvation/Liberation by Marxist Class Struggle, not Reconciliation/Forgiveness of Sins: In Black Liberation Theology Forgiveness and Reconciliation are achieved by means of a violent economic Marxist class struggle. In Calvinist Christianity Forgiveness and Reconciliation have absolutely nothing to do with economics or a violent class struggle, but are a result of a spiritual (i.e. inner self) emotional, intellectual and psychological process. Black Liberation Theology believes that whites can only be forgiven once they have given up their belief in their whiteness and whiteness cultural values of merit, property rights, etc; and helped to violently overthrow whiteness to establish a Marxist Leninist communist utopia. Calvinist Christianity believes that anyone is forgiven when they take responsibility for their actions, sincerely apologize and a process of intellectual, emotional and psychological change sincerely occurs within both individuals. Forgiveness occurs when both reach a new understanding of the other persons point of view, and they transcend their enmity and anger over prior perceived insults or unjust actions with a determination to start their relationship on a clean slate. It’s a spritiual and psychological inner process of transcendence. While the ANC’s ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ actions and conduct are founded on Black Liberation Theology doctrine, they have avoided clearly articulating what exactly they mean by Black Liberation Theology ‘forgiveness’ and ‘reconciliation’, to particularly the Conservative Christian public. If the ANC did honestly reveal their Black Liberation Theology violent Marxist ‘reconcilication’ doctrine definitions; it would result in Conservative, particularly Calvinist Christians being

fully aware that ‘forgiveness’ and ‘reconciliation’ do not mean the same things to Boer/Afrikaners and ANC Black Liberation theology Marxists. Because they are opposing ideas about ‘reconciliation’, Calvinist ‘reconciliation’ is as impossible as Marxist ‘reconciliation’. The TRC Political and Religious elite have exploited the African and European masses by avoiding clarifying these huge differences in meaning between the two camps, so as to benefit from the masses ignorance, and confusion, and scapegoat the Calvinist Christian community, whose ‘reconciliation’ perspectives are an impediment to ANC’s Black Liberation Theology ‘reconciliation’ overthrow of whites communist utopia. In the absence of sufficiently precise legislation clarifying the meanings and definitions of these key concepts, citizens are unable to regulate their affairs with individuals from other cultures and religions in accordance with the rule of law. TRC Social Contract provides NO definitions for Multi-Cultural, Multi-Interpretation of Key Concepts of ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Reconciliation’, ‘Closure’ and ‘Ubuntu’: In the TRC Report, Archbishop Tutu and the TRC Commissioners accuse Apartheid for having maintained legal oppression by means of vague definitions; yet in the exact same TRC Report (in fact in all TRC social contract legislation) there are NO definitions whatsoever for the Key Concepts of ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Reconciliation,’ ‘Closure’ and ‘Ubuntu’, which are socially, culturally, religiously, psychologically, and racially conflicting terms; which have multiple different meanings for different cultures, religions, etc. So, if Apartheid maintained legal oppression by means of vague legal definitions, what kind of legal oppression (dictatorship?) are the ANC maintaining by means of NO LEGAL DEFINITIONS FOR KEY TRC SOCIAL CONTRACT LEGAL CONCEPTS? Do the ANC want to deliberately create confusion, where citizens racial animosities are aggravated into enmity for the other, by establishing a legal framework where racial and conflicting cultures are unable to regulate their affairs with other cultures in accordance to the law, due to lack of clear legal definitions for key social contract concepts? Was Truth and Reconciliation Seen to be Done, by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission?: The answer by any impartial individual is an unequivocal NO. For those unaware of the evidence, a good place to start would be (i) Anthea Jeffery’s The Truth About the Truth Commission, (ii) Generals Malan, Viljoen, Geldenhuys and Liebenberg’s Assessment of the probable results of the activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as perceived by former Chiefs of the SADF IRO the SADF, and their additional Complaint filed with the Public Protector (which was simply ignored). These raise so many issues of conflicts of interest, bias, omissions, censorship, etc. by the TRC, that it is no surprise how John Kane Berman, the Head of the SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) concluded in the foreword to The Truth about the Truth Commission that: “The commission also said that there could be no healing without truth, that half-truths and denial were no basis for building the new South Africa, that reconciliation based on falsehood would not last, and that selective recollection of past violence would easily provide the mobilisation for further conflict in the future. If these are its criteria for the role of truth in promoting reconciliation, it has failed to meet them.”

TRC Jus t War Fraud: Populati on P oli cy Common Sense:

Mandela and Tutu’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) negligently or deliberately ignored how Population Pressures and Black Power/African Ideal of Manhood Breeding War Policies were motives for establishing apartheid, and hugely aggravated political violence during Apartheid. Firstly the fear of the ‘swart gevaar’ was a predominant motive for establishing Apartheid. Europeans were petrified of Euro-African national suicide: that Boer-Afrikaners would lose their identity and right to rule themselves as a result of being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of black S. Africans. Secondly, the ANC’s cultural and political breeding war created huge Youth Bulge Population Pressures deliberately aggravating Racial Conflict Resource War Political Violence, during Apartheid. Population Policy Common Sense: Eco-Numeracy, Exponential Functions & Carrying Capacity, Youth Bulges Population Pressure Conflicts and Competitive Exclusion Principle: Population Policies are the foundation of all other national and international political and social policies, as the point of population stabilisation is to reduce or minimize Malthusian misery. The absence of political and religious intervention in favour of population stabilisation is a consequence of those who prefer to financially or politically benefit from Malthuisian misery, starvation and resource war conflicts of overpopulation colliding with scarce resources. Naturally political, media and religious ‘leaders’ who reap political and religious social or financial benefits from Poverty Pimping, endorse the ANC’s abnormally sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty, moral degeneration and social disintegration. In fact if the ANC had been sincere about liberating Black Africans out of their poverty and misery, Mandela et al could have avoided the armed liberation struggle and could simply have started a non-violent cultural campaign to educate Africans to change their procreation values: to value the importance of education for their children, the importance of avoiding procreating until married in a committed loving relationship; the importance of concentrating wealth by saving, the importance of small committed families, dedicated to nurturing their children. If more Africans adopted these value systems, they would be able to lift themselves out of poverty. Such a campaign would also have sent the Apartheid voters and government a strong message that Africans were starting to take personal responsibility for their families, for how they breed, for their children’s future, sending a clear message to Apartheid Politicians and voters that such Black Africans were worthy of national political suffrage reward for their acceptance of personal, familial and social responsibility. Politicians and the media avoid educating the people about the importance of living in accordance to natures carrying capacity laws; the failure consequences being pestilence, war famine and death; or for example: the ‘Tragedy of the Common’s ‘social trap’ relationship between ‘Thou shalt not steal’ and ‘Thou shalt not breed’. The majority of citizens are totally ignorant that carrying capacity is an absolute necessity for honest bottom line ecological accounting. Citizens are clueless that a laissez faire birth control policy with no social welfare policies generally provides for a society in equilibrium to its carrying capacity; whereas a laissez faire birth control policy within a social welfare state results in runaway population growth, and ultimately in greater misery, poverty and resource wars. Citizens are ignorant that they should hold their political leaders ecologically accountable: legislators can have either a laissez fair birth control policy; or a social welfare state; but not both. If welfare policies are too precious to be abandoned, legislators must introduce limits to the right to breed, in order to avoid the misery, poverty and resource wars consequences of runaway population

growth colliding with scarce or declining resources. Other ecological carrying capacity issues dealt with are the Tragedy of the Commons, which effectively means that a limited finite world means a limited finite world of rights. Greater overpopulation and resource scarcity, results in less rights and more resource war violence. Resource war violence is aggravated by Youth bulges. Seventy to Ninety percent of all civil conflicts result in countries with large populations of idle young men: Youth Bulges. It concludes with Dr. T. Michael Maher’s study: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population – Environment Connection. The Nature and Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival: An examination of the motives for the establishment of Apartheid shows how Boer Politicians and citizens were petrified of the consequences of African cultural and political breeding wars: of “being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the blacks”. They believed that only by establishing apartheid would white Africans be able to maintain their own identity and their right to rule themselves. The most fair, non-violent and benign geopolitical manner of self defence of European African community in South Africa, was to establish Apartheid. Verwoerd described the motives, practices and policies of apartheid as Separate Development, or Harmonious Multi-Community Development and Live and Let Live; established as a result of the fear of the ‘superiority of the Natives’. Dr. Malan described Apartheid as a policy setting itself the task of preserving and safeguarding the racial identity of the white population, and likewise the black populations as separate racial groups; since the absence of apartheid would result in the national suicide of the whites. According to social geographer John Western in his book Outcast Capetown, the strategic political motives for establishing apartheid were the white national suicide fears about the ‘swart gevaar’ breeding war population explosion. The motives for Apartheid were a direct result of the black African community’s cultural and political breeding war policies which overwhelmed and outnumbered whites. He compared Apartheid’s fears of the upper ruling classes of Britain when confronted with the population growth of the poor in Britain’s industrializing cities in the 1900’s. He concludes that the two strategic motives for establishing apartheid was the fear of the ‘swart gevaar’ and how white communities overwhelmed with black immigrants would aggravate racial conflict, and turn such communities into violent ghettos. To avoid this reality, white communities would need to be physically separated from black communities and blacks would need to be legally limited in their ability to enter white communities to maintain the safety and security of white communities. Conclusion reached: Legislating Apartheid was a just cause for white survival, of ‘self defence’ right intention, a last resort; declared by proper authority, with reasonable chances of success, using proportional force. Consequently it was politically a Just War for Self Defence, in response to Black Africans cultural and political breeding war to establish black African hegemony. Apartheid’s Strategic Demographic and Political Mistakes: In The Lie of Apartheid and other True Stories from Southern Africa Arthur Kemp describes the strategic political and demographic mistakes made by Apartheid Political leaders. These mistakes being the decisions to use cheap alien labour, which dispossessed them of their fatherland. Cheap alien labour resulted in massive non-white exponential population growth, due to social welfare medical conditions provided to alien labour black populations, which hugely contributed to their population growth. The consequent spiralling population pressures

exacerbated racial friction theory safety and security problems. Kemp argues that only by understanding the relationship between demographics and political power, by abandoning their dependence on non-white labour, and “accepting that their salvation lies in a smaller territory, congregating in such territory to form an outright demographic majority,” can Afrikaners be saved in Africa. Land Grabs and Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality: Dr. Philip du Toit’s expose in The Great SA Land Scandal, details that European and African perspectives towards farming and land management are totally contradictory. Each group perceives the other groups land management perspective as dysfunctional. While South Africans are informed they live in a Rainbow Democracy, Farm Murders have risen 3,095%, since 1994. As detailed in the Radical Honesty SA Amicus Curiae to the Concourt, a comparison of the Farm Murder statistics that occurred during the declared wars known as the Mau Mau War in Kenya and the 15 year Rhodesian War, then the reality for farmers under the ANC Rainbow TRC government are not ‘peace’; but a full blown ‘race war’. This race war is obviously an opportunity for ANC Black Liberation Theologists to ‘liberate’ colonized minds, by providing them the opportunity to experience the cleansing force of violence on the rotting corpse of the settler. Bluntly, Land Grabs and Farm Murders are not the result of any Rainbow-TRC-Peace, but of a Racial-Hatred-War Reality. It is a RacialHatred-War reality which both the ANC and the Anti-Apartheid TRC elite deliberately ignore, censor and suppress. According to State Prosecutors the level of violence, rape and torture that occurs during these farm murders are attributed to ‘racial hatred’. Racial hatred is not the result of ‘forgiveness’ or ‘reconciliation’ for Calvinist Christians; but it is what drives the Black Liberation Theologists concepts of reconciliation on the ‘rotting corpse of the settler’. These diabolical opposing meanings for these key concepts must be confronted, including the reality that cultures whose foundational values are contradictory cannot hope to establish a peaceful multi-cultural society. You cannot follow the recipe for road-kill stew, and hope to end up with a crème brullee. It is scientifically, politically and legally impossible to create a peaceful multi-cultural society with cultures who have opposing values and beliefs. Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC’s population Production of Poverty and Violence Breeding War: Black African culture does not value European culture’s values such as the importance of education, refraining from procreating any children until parents are in a committed loving relationship, concentrating family wealth by saving, to nurture children’s educational opportunities, etc. According to Robert McElvaine in Eve’s Seed: Masculine Insecurity, Metaphor and the Shaping of History, the primary causal factor of conquer and multiply slave and cannon fodder cultures is the religion of masculine insecurity. Insecure masculinity is the result of men in psychological envy of women’s child bearing capabilities, because ‘only women bleed’. Examples of this ‘only women bleed’ insecurity are the practices of male circumcision to induce male bleeding, mimicking female menstruation. Other examples of masculine insecurity are men’s efforts to avoid a single standard for human behaviour and achievement, and how insecure men throughout history have setup ‘no woman’s lands’ in war, politics, clergy, business, men’s clubs, etc. McElvaine concludes that insecure men often seek validation of their manhood by pursuing power, and that masculine insecure leaders have had a hugely disproportionate influence on shaping their cultures and institutions to benefit and perpetuate insecure masculinity

beliefs. African males are particularly prone to masculine insecurity beliefs, as a result of their identities being a result of Ubuntu ‘I participate, therefore I am’ conformist identities. Whereas a Descartian males security would be a result of his critical thinking faculties and him knowing himself; the African males psychological security is not something he has any control over, it is a result of his chameleon like ability to conform. Examining the Anti-Apartheid Movement’s Poverty Pimping social and political policies, it is easy to conclude that it remains one of the most successful professional Poverty Pimp Political Organisations and Movements in the world. It continues to pretend to act as an intermediary on behalf of ‘liberating’ the black SA poor, disadvantaged and alleged ‘victimized’ groups, but it has no serious intentions whatsoever of addressing the root population policy causes of these groups socio-economic poverty or psycho-political ‘freedom/liberation’ babble ignorance. In fact the ANC derives its political power from pimping ever more black Africans into poverty; i.e. from sustaining and in fact increasing its alleged disadvantaged and victimized political power base, while deflecting the blame for its poverty pimping Malthusian resource war consequences upon the proverbial scapegoat of ‘apartheid’. Succinctly: the ANC pimps its own people into poverty by its conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration.”62 The poor are a commodity to ANC politicians and Anti-Apartheid religious and political activists, from those with impressive Archbishop titles to the Poverty Pimping Professors who suck up the research grants to “support themselves and their cronies while they are studying, romanticizing or otherwise exploiting the [African] poor.” Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED: The Amicus is supported by expert witness statements from (i) Dr. Brad Blanton63, founder of Radical Honesty, best selling author of Radical Honesty series of books, and former candidate for United States Congress from Virginia, in 2004 and 2006; as well as (ii) Dr. T. Michael Maher64, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Communication at the University of Louisiana, since November 1974, author of the study: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection. The South African political, legal and media elite decision to censor and suppress the information in the Radical Honesty SA Amicus before the Constitutional Court, from the SA public, has clearly and unequivocally demonstrated their political, legal and religious commitments. The SA TRC elite are not committed to honesty, truth, sincere forgiveness and reconciliation. They are not committed to addressing the root population policy and demographic causes for apartheid, and the current race war reality South Africans citizens live in. They are committed to perpetuating their political and social benefits from their TRC FRAUD PR PUBLICITY STUNT.


The majority of South African citizens of all ethnicities, cultures, religious and political persuasions are suffering from Battered TRC Fraud Syndrome. They have allowed the TRC fraud to rape them of their psychological integrity, by requiring them to participate and


Mbeki’s Legacy Not His Alone, Meshack Mabogoane, 08 October 2008, Mail & Guardian Statement of Consent by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: Practicing Radical Honesty, Futilitarianism; i.e. Radical Honesty about Anger and Forgiveness; Paradigms and Contexts 64 Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue 63

perpetuate the TRC fraud, pretending that sincere Truth Telling and Forgiveness occurred; when any sincere honest Descartian Individualist enquiry would inform them that they were and are perpetuating a massive lie.

[III] Systemic Ubuntufied Criminal & Political Corruption of Criminal Justice System 50.

Hypocrisy and Deception of the Stalinist Anti-Apartheid Movement:


The following example of Anti-Apartheid hypocrisy is just one out of hundreds; the statistics on other socio-economic and political issues affecting South Africans are as bad. For example: Farm Murders have increased by over 3,000 percent under the ANC, and squatter camps by over 1,000 percent. De at hs


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De m oc ra c y’ ‘Crime Against Humanity’ Apartheid South Africa: 1963 – 1994: 75 Deaths in 31 Years = 2.4 Deaths per year Throughout the entire apartheid-era up to 75 people died in police-custody throughout the period between 1963 and 1994.65/66 The Anti-Apartheid organized worldwide protests against this ‘crime against humanity’! ‘Rainbow Democracy’ South Africa: Jan – Nov 2010: 566 Deaths in 11 months = 617.4 Deaths per year Political parties yesterday called for a swift investigation into the deaths of 566 people at the hands of police in the current year. The call comes after the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) revealed yesterday that out of this overall national figure, 16 of those killed by police were innocent people. Many of the policemen involved have not even been suspended, let alone charged!67 The Anti-Apartheid movement celebrates ‘TRC Rainbow democracy’ and ‘freedom’.

65 The South African Police: Manager of Conflict or Party to the Conflict, Dr. Johan Olivier, Center for Study of Violence and Reconciliation http://www.csvr.org.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=671&Itemid=200 66 A Crime Against Humanity - Analysing the Repression of the Apartheid State, Edited by Max Coleman, a publication of the Human Rights Committee in South Africa: The Detention Weapon See: http://www.sahistory.org.za/pages/library-resources/online%20books/crime-humanity/detention%20weapon.htm 67 Parties urge probe into 566 deaths, Canaan Mdletshe, Mhlaba Memela & Sibongile Mashaba, The Sowetan, 23 November 2010 http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/11/23/parties-urge-probe-into-566-deaths


SA is a Criminal Mafia Parasite State that breeds and feeds crime, for political and financial benefit of the TRC FRAUD elite:


While living in California from 1997 to 2002, I mentored under the tutelage of criminologist and psychologist Dr. Richard Korn. In the 1970’s Dr. Korn had also been a mentor to John Maher, who subsequently founded Delancey Street Foundation; which is the most successful rehabilitation program in the world. Much of the ground covered in my mentorship was to learn the ‘tough love’ psychological skills taught at Delancey Street, which made it so phenomenally successful.


One of Dr. Korn’s friends and mentors was the Prison Reformer Tom Murton, whose prison reform experiences were detailed in the movie Brubaker (played by Robert Redford); which was based on Murton’s 1969 book Accomplices to the Crime: the Arkansas Prison Scandal, detailing the experiences of Murton while as a warden at the Tucker and Cummins Prison in Arkansas. Dr. Korn’s view was always that the only way to observe the true reality of any prison system, was to experience it from the inside.


Long story, but in 2003, I got myself sentenced to a one year prison sentence for contempt of court. For an entire year, I observed and noted the workings of the South African prison system firsthand.


On 11 June 2004, I submitted Essay on Proudly South African Parasite Hypocrisy, to the Department of Corrections, which accuses the South African Government, that its Criminal Justice and Penological (Prison) Policies are a Major Intentional Source of New South Africa’s ‘Kaffirs’. In a letter, dated 13 July 2004, Hon. M.P. Mr. James Selfe, DA; responded to my ‘provocative’ allegations, agreeing with my conclusions therein.


In 2009 I provided the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation a copy of the report, in the event that they were interested in feedback from the belly of the beast, by someone with experience of rehabilitation programs that work. The CSVR were not remotely interested.


On 24 November 2011 the Center for the Study of Violence (CSVR) issued their Ubuntuist Conformist report on the causes of crime in South Africa: SA's violent crime has roots in apartheid, says report68. The ANC South African Government had paid the CSVR R3.5 million to commission the report. The CSVR demonstrated their Ubuntuist Conformist --



‘scapegoat apartheid’, while ignoring the African Ubuntuist worldview belief systems -appreciation. 59.

Below is a Brief Overview of the Ubuntuist Kleptomaniac Corrupt Conformist South African Justice System. Ask yourself what conduct would be seen by the Anti-Apartheid Movement at South African Embassies, if the government in charge of this criminal justice system were conservative White Afrikaner men. How many Amicus Curiae briefs would be filed by the Anti-Apartheid Movement International NGO community, to inform this court that Mr. Dewani should not be extradited, because the ‘racist apartheid’ SA Justice system would not give him a free and fair trial? I suggest to you that the real motivations of the Anti-Apartheid Movement was their hatred for conservative brutally honest white Afrikaner men, who provided black South Africans with the best Justice, Education, Health etc systems and government on the African continent!

69 70 71 72 73 74 75


Cop gives uniforms to armed robbers69, 13/05/2007; SAPA/IOL: Police constable arrested for supplying police uniforms for a planned robbery in Nelspruit.


Nel’s lawyer questions manner of arrest 70/Nel arrest was an order ‘from higher up’71, 10/01/2008, Cape Times/Cape Argus: Gerrie Nel, the head of Directorate of Special Operations (Scorpions) , who headed the corruption investigation against National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi was arrested at his Pretoria home in front of his wife and children at about 9pm. It was later revealed that the arrest, by Captain Tsietsi Mano and Snr Supt. Ntebo (Jan) Mabula was ‘on orders from higher up’. [Note: Mabula was recently appointed to head the Hawks in NW province and is in charge of the Eugene Terre’blanche murder investigation. See also Two cops who arrested Nel were unfairly rewarded and promoted72, Solidarity, 25/03/2008, and Friends and Foes73, 01/02/2008: Business Report: An overview of the friends and foes of Selebi, prior to his trial on corruption.]


668 Missing SAPS dockets in 2008-09; Minister cannot stay silent74, 16/03/2009: There has been a 56% increase in the number of missing police dockets over the past year, the Democratic Alliance said on Sunday. In 2005 and 2006, 382 dockets were lost or stolen. This figure increased to 427 in 2007 and 2008 and in 2008 and 2009, 668 dockets went missing. The documents are used to record information that can be used for a prosecution. Only 6% (41 of the 668 cases), resulted in "disciplinary procedures" being taken against the police officers responsible.


DA reveals extent of SAPS crisis75, 16/03/2009: Forensic Science Laboratories: Since June 2007, we have seen a 93.8% increase in backlogs countrywide – up from 6068 to 11758 backlogged samples in the most recent figures released by the Ministry. [..]In particular, it is alarming to note massive increases in the number of backlogs in

http://www.scribd.com/documents/26126043 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20080110040045553C308342&sf= http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20080110154657878C974650&sf= http://www.solidaritysa.co.za/Tuis/wmprint.php?ArtID=1524 http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=4222219 http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-03-16-missing-dockets-the-minister-cannot-stay-silent http://www.eyeoncrime.co.za/?q=node/512

chemistry samples (up 103 percent since June 2007), questioned documents (4618 percent) and scientific analysis (61 percent).

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85


‘Polisie wou roof, kaap, moor (Police wanted to rob, hijack, murder)76, 18/08/2009: News24: 2 NW police officers charged with murder, attempted murder, robbery and hijacking, after attempting to get a motorist to pay an illegal fine.


500 Polisielede skuldig (500 Police Officers Guilty)77, 08/09/2009: News24: More than 500 police officers were found guilty of among others murder, rape, assault, robbery and corruption. 38 for murder, during 2008/09 financial year; 33 attempted murder, and 20 for rape. Total of 660 charged with illegal conduct.


Top cops 'knew stats were cooked'78, 17/10/2009: Western Cape police commissioner Mzwandile Petros and one of his former assistants, Anwa Dramat -- now head of the Hawks -- were informed at least two years ago that police stations in the province were manipulating crime statistics, according to internal police reports leaked to the Mail & Guardian.


Cops in uniform ‘gang-raped me’79, Magdel Fourie, News24, 27/10/2009: Martie Olivier, a mother of three was allegedly repeatedly raped by two uniformed policemen in Kempton Park. The police refused to let her lay a charge of rape. She was repeatedly raped after her husband was irregularly arrested on an alleged minor traffic violation.


DA: Rot has set into SAPS80/81, 17/11/2009: A series of replies to Democratic Alliance (DA) parliamentary questions released today reveal that lost and stolen police case dockets are up 57%, sample backlogs at forensic science laboratories are up 105%, compliance with recommendations from the police watchdog are down from 42% to 10%, and only 5% of Hawks applicants have been vetted, meaning that at this rate it will take more than seven years for all applicants to be vetted.


Police in crime conspiracy82, 12/12/2009: Crime statistics manipulation into fudging of crime statistics: how police downgrade serious crimes, such as child rape, refuse to open dockets, or destroy dockets.


Commander moved after escape83, 30/12/2009: News24: Barberton police station commander & deputy transferred, after 31 suspects, mostly illegal miners sawed their way out of prison.


Burglaries: Reservist fingered84, 31/12/2009: News 24: Police Reservist Fingered for 8 house-breaking / burglaries (PMB), from same house. He sold stolen goods to pawn shops while in uniform, but after arrest was released for alleged “lack of evidence”.


Senior cop held for corruption85, 31/12/2009: News24/SAPA: High ranking police officer & constable arrested for stealing 18 bags of dagga from police evidence stores; constable helped to transport dagga to house in Nyanga township.

http://www.scribd.com/documents/26063690 http://www.scribd.com/documents/26063701 http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-10-17-top-cops-knew-stats-were-cooked http://www.news24.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=722052ef-9136-4781-b2ba-6c52856794dc&cid=1059 http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-11-17-da-govt-unconcerned-about-problems-at-saps http://www.mg.co.za/article/2009-11-17-da-govt-unconcerned-about-problems-at-saps http://www.scribd.com/documents/24353402 http://www.scribd.com/documents/25725998 http://www.scribd.com/documents/25725999 http://www.scribd.com/documents/25726000

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95


Crooks-in-action: SAPS Crime Intel.86, 17/01/2010: Policeman: 'The allegations are that these three people received information from senior officers in crime intelligence to go to certain individuals who are businessmen, get them on video while they are receiving stolen goods, then they go in and they extort money from them. They say, 'If you don't pay me R100 000 by the end of the day we are going to arrest you.' And 90% of the time the people pay it. After they've extorted the money from these businessmen they go back to crime intelligence officers and pay them their cut of the extortion money.'


Municipal officials accused of taking bribes 87, 21/01/2010: SAPA/IOL: Durban Municipal Officials alleged received bribes to hire underachievers to Metro Police.


Cops deadly rampage88, 21/01/2010: Cape Times: VIP Protection Unit Officer, Zamumzi Nombewu, 35, who guarded cabinet ministers goes on deadly rampage killing his wife, wounding two men, one a police officer and hijacking 3 cars, before committing suicide.


70% Law Graduates Unable to Read89, 22/01/2010: According to Investigation by Council of Higher Education: 70% SA's law graduates been so badly educated that they can barely count, operate a computer, or read and write in English; while 70% of black matrics are functionality illiterate.


Officers held for robbery90, 22/01/2010: IOL: 11 Held including 2 Police Officers, arrested for 15 bank and business robberies in Ventersdorp, Orkney, etc. Captain & Inspector escorted burglars to targeted banks & businesses; if alarm went off, they would response, and declare it a false alarm.


Political Outlook for 2010: Slow Death91, 22/01/2010: Financial Mail: SA’s slow death from incompetence & corruption. SA drowning in policies and statements of intent, but implementation lacking. NEC members lack courage to speak out. NEC populated by cowards.


Cop ‘too lazy’ to help victim92, 25/02/2010, IOL: Police refuse to open a docket on attempted hijacking and assault against man who tried to hijack a Pretoria paramedic; who was told to open an accident report.


Prosecutor stole dockets – but won’t go to jail93, 26/02/2010; Sowetan: Former PMB prosecutor Amos Ngcobo, 40, who accepted bribes to steal more than 40 court dockets to fund his drinking, gets suspended sentence.


SA police ‘lost’ 5,900 firearms worth R24m in 3 years94, 28/01/2010: SAPS police officers managed to ‘lose’ 2,944 firearms at a cost of R16m over a 9-month period in 2009 alone - reporting them either ‘lost’ or ‘stolen’.


‘Polisielede’ roof, skok boer en sy gesin (‘Police officers’ rob, torture farmer and family)95, 28-01/2010, Marietjie Louw-Carstens, Beeld: Eight Heavily armed men, with semi-automatic weapons, 3 in police uniforms arrived on the farm of Okkie Malherbe

http://beta.mnet.co.za/carteblanche/Article.aspx?Id=3811&ShowId=1 http://www.scribd.com/documents/25733328 http://www.scribd.com/documents/25726606 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/03/70-of-law-graduates-barely-able-to-read.html http://www.scribd.com/documents/25733335 http://www.scribd.com/documents/26062301 http://www.scribd.com/documents/27603929 http://www.scribd.com/documents/27603948 http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2010/01/sa-police-lost-5900-firearms-worth-r16m.html http://www.beeld.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=c8952aa2-3d08-4b44-b56f-ab84c3d2a3c7&cid=1928

(63) and his wife, Emmerentia (53), on their farm Doelen. The attackers tied up the family, shocked them with cattle prods and put plastic bags over their heads. They demanded money and keys for the gun safe, and stole R120 000. A neighbour activated the panic button, whereupon the attackers left.



Police commissioner suspended96 09/03/2010: Divisional Comm. of Legal Services, Lindiwe Mtimkulu suspended, after damning report that Mtimkulu was incapable of making legal decisions, because she suffered from fundamental misunderstanding of legal processes. Mtimkulu’s Leg. Svc has backlog of 19 000 legal claims.


Get-out-of-jail-free guards97, 11/03/2010, Daily News: Minister says if prison officials are corrupt, no amount of security measures can keep prisoners in prison, after a daring escape by 8 dangerous awaiting trial prisoners from Westville Prison.


Hawks swoop on top officer98, 11/03/2010: Durban Police Station Commander arrested for stealing case dockets & hiding them, including one where he was charged with assault.


Get-out-of-jail-free guards9911/03/2010: No amount of Prison Security measures will work, when corrupt officials facilitate the escape of prisoners – Minister. Eight maximum security prisoners escaped Westville Prison, last month.


Limpopo-boer vermoor (Limpopo farmer murdered)100, 12-03-2010, Beeld: A 65 year old farmer was murdered in Limpopo, by five armed robbers, one of them allegedly a policeman.


3 Cops held for Hijacking101, 12/03/2010: 3 Police Officers arrested for hijacking courier services van in Meyerton: held him up at gunpoint, demanding he surrender vehicle.


Boer vir 48 uur in selle nada thy aanvaller ontwapen (Farmer in cell for 48 hours after disarming attacker of knife)102, 16-03-2010, Charles Smith, Beeld: Chris Grobler, 23 a farmer from Kroonstad, was attacked by a former employee fired for theft, who repeatedly returned to the farm to harass the family and had been removed by the police. He returned again with a knife. The farmer disarmed the robber of his knife, and called the police, who never came. The attacker filed a complaint, and the police arrived to arrest the farmer for hurting the attackers arm, when he disarmed him of the knife.


Call for dead to be avenged 103, 16/03/2010: Sowetan: 7 serial killers, including a former policeman, appeared in court for murder of nine women, ritually murdered for body parts (ears and breast cut off).


Cop shops (mis)managed104, 18/03/2010: Station commanders are failing in their most basic duty of exercising control over police officials, dockets, firearms and vehicles. Weekly inspections are "generally disregarded" and national orders are ignored. Furthermore, station commanders and other heads have a "serious lack" of skills and

http://www.scribd.com/documents/28218948 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100311123756530C474822&sf= http://www.scribd.com/documents/28301891 99 http://www.scribd.com/doc/28301889/ 100 http://www.beeld.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=6313887d-7293-479a-aa7a-055bd2f2d09c&cid=1928 101 http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=13&art_id=nw20100312160120367C930971 102 http://www.beeld.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=7dcc4d80-5165-441e-9668-8fb899260882&cid=1928 103 http://www.scribd.com/doc/25793748/ 104 http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthAfrica/News/1059/86cf6c350b96492ea86bff3680ac87b7/18-03-2010-10-45/Cop_shops_(mis)managed 97 98

knowledge. These damning findings are compiled in a report about what is happening at 733 of the country's 1 116 police stations by the police's national inspectorate.

105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112


Sakeman aangehou nadat hy diefstal aanmeld (Businessman arrested after reporting robbery) 105, 19/03/2010, Tom de Wet, Volksblad: Mr. Lucky Elisseou (41) a co-owner of the Spar supermarket in Riebeeckstad reported a robbery, and was then accused by the robber of attempted murder.


Prisons chief wastes millions106, Carien du Plessis, IOL, 22/03/2010: Minister wastes millions by adopting an elaborate hiring policy for low level staff.


Joburg cops caught kidnapping107, 24/03/2010, Sowetan: Five people, including a 27 yr old policeman and 56 year old reservist were arrested for allegedly kidnapping and assaulting a Zimbabwean man, demanding he pay them R50,000 and hand over his Audi A4 in return for his release.


Four cops to stand trial108, 02/04/2010, Sharika Regchand, Mercury: Former station commissioner of Pietermaritzburg’s Mountain Rise Police Station, Hariram Badul was informed by Magistrates court that he and 3 others would stand trial in the high court on charges of racketeering, fraud and corruption. Colonel Yunus Khan, Captain Suresh Naraindath, Constable Patrick Nkabini, Pietermaritzburg police station clerk Edward Isaac and local businessman Sigamoney Pillay are accused of defrauding the state of equipment worth R1-million.


Cops at airport without permit109, 13/04/2010, Sibongile Mashaba, Sowetan: 3 senior police officers accused of drug smuggling entered a restricted cargo area of OR Tambo International Airport without permission, to retrieve a drug consignment from Brazil.


Min. of Police: R315,000 on vanity110, 01/09/2010: SAPS Minister spent R315 000 on 10 billboards which comprised of a giant photo of the Minister of Police with a caption reading "Come FIFA 2010 World Cup, we are ready".


‘As lede nie hou van blou uniforms, kry hulle oranje’ (If police don’t like blue uniforms, they get orange’)111, 02/05/2010, Buks Viljoen, Beeld: General Bheki Cele said in Amersfoort that he is very worried about the level of corruption in the police in the province. According to him countrywide there were more than 10,000 police officers behind bars and the situation is getting worse as policemen proceed to even commit crimes in uniform. Today someone is arrested for 13 bags of drugs, and tomorrow there are only 3 left, said General Cele.


Alleged drug syndicate to appear in court112, 02/05/2010, IOL: A 14-man gang, including six policemen, seven Nigerians and a security officer are alleged to be part of a drug syndicate linked to an international network. The police officers (warrant officers' Sello Johnson, Molatedi Motsamai, Gilbert Weimers, Pule Ningiza, Johannes Motsek and reservist Constable Canon Mcharlies) helped the syndicate to transport drugs in and out of the Free State using official vehicles while on duty.

http://www.volksblad.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=63c62bcf-5cd8-43c9-83d2-5302bb14f29e&cid=2114 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100322045248278C186739&sf= http://www.sowetan.co.za/PrintArticle.aspx?ID=1125534 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100402043044148C703400&sf= http://www.sowetan.co.za/PrintArticle.aspx?ID=1131679 http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71654?oid=196335&sn=Detail http://www.beeld.com/printArticle.aspx?iframe&aid=31489df2-4dfe-4030-8d18-402316a7ad60&cid=1928 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=nw20100502182452627C900939&sf=



Farm Attack: Female cop in court113, 24/05/2010, Amanda Roestoff, Beeld: A female police officer was arrested following a farm attack in Schewizer-Reneke in North West, and police are looking for a former police officer in connection with the attack on Abraham Oosthuizen, 35, a seed and cattle farmer on his farm Grootlaagte.


R30K to clear your criminal record114, 07/07/2010, The Star, IOL: Three men, one a police captain were involved in selling a new form of ‘get out of jail free” card - for R30 000 they would sell you a new ‘clean criminal record’. This they did for Lucky Tileni Mathebula, stealing documents pertaining to his criminal profile and removing his criminal record from the police’s Criminal Record Centre system.


Twelve police officers arrested in one day 115, 28/07/2010, SABC: In one day 12 police officers arrested, six in Northern Cape for corruption; six in Durban from the Tactical Response Unit charged with robbery and theft of firearms.


Probe after top cops party [held at brothel in Sandton] 116, 31/07/2010, Kafiesha Ajam, IOL: Acting Station Commissioner of Hillbrow Police Station arranged farewell party to for top cop, to receive an award for leadership, at a notorious Joburg brothel owners house.


Dossier fingers top cop117, 07/08/2010, Kashiefa Ajam, The Star/IOL: Paul O’Sullivan the man who blew the whistle on corrupt police chief Jackie Selebi has laid charge against Gauteng police intelligence chief Joey Mabasa, who he claims is involved with a gangster who has taken a contract hit on him.


Meer wolwe in skaaps(polisie)klere as wat mense dink (More wolves in sheeps(police)clothing than what people think118, 21/08/2010, Herman Scholtz, Rapport: It appears there are far more corrupt police than the public are led to believe. Rapport deterined that in one courtroom in the Pretoria Regional Court, at least 45 cases involved robbers pretending to be police officers.


‘Cops rented guns, uniforms to thugs’119, 17/09/2010: Graeme Hosken, The Star: A defiant police constable was arrested for allegedly leasing guns, bulletproof vests, radios, uniforms, blue lights and sirens to gangs of robbers for thousands of rands. It was believed that the arrest exposed what is believed to be the tip of the iceberg of a vast criminal syndicate operating from within the ranks of the SAPS.


ICD Rep: 2 deaths by SAPS a day120, 30/09/2010: DA: Rise in police criminality. Ind. Complaints Directorate (ICD) annual report, showed that the total number of cases received by the ICD regarding the police has increased by 4.2% to a total of 6375 cases in 2009/2010.


High-profile cops had big money121, 05/10/2010: A trio of high-profile West Rand organised crime unit officers received about R3million combined extra income from unknown sources.

http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Farm-attack-Female-cop-in-court-20100524 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100707043920162C231006&sf= http://www.sabcnews.com/portal/site/SABCNews/menuitem.5c4f8fe7ee929f602ea12ea1674daeb9/? vgnextoid=e7b709aff891a210VgnVCM10000077d4ea9bRCRD&vgnextfmt=default&channelPath=home 116 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100731102045432C223553&sf= 117 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100807072352537C989008&sf= 118 http://www.rapport.co.za/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Meer-wolwe-in-skaapspolisieklere-as-wat-mense-dink-20100821 119 http://www.iol.co.za/general/news/newsprint.php?art_id=vn20100917041006820C312058&sf= 120 http://da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8746 121 http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/10/05/high-profile-cops-had-big-money 114 115

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130


Corruption a ‘hobby’ in metro police122, 07/10/2010: Corruption has become a “hobby” within the Tshwane Metro Police Department). This was revealed in a report by the Institute of Security Studies three years ago. The report, “City Blues: Corruption and Corruption Management in SA’s Metro Police Departments”, dates back to 2007, but nothing, sources in the department said, has changed in the past 3 years.


R80m stolen from Guardian's Fund123, 10/10/2010: An estimated R80 million has been defrauded & stolen from the Guardian's Fund by corrupt justice officials & syndicates Justice Min.


DA: 74% Increase Referrals to SAPS124, 12/10/2010: No. of dockets being sent back by lower courts for further investigation has increased by 74%; i.e. requisite investigations are not being carried out before a docket is referred to court.


Judge slams corrupt officials125, 13/10/2010: The time has come for courts to bring down the full wrath of the law on state officials who arrogantly breach constitutional imperatives, by acting with impunity and are not taken to task by government - mostly because of inability, unwillingness or political reasons.


Mthethwa: Cele approved his house126, 14/10/2010: Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has confirmed that more than R3-million was spent on [Police Commissioner] Bheki Cele’s home.


Cele in ‘conflict of interest’127, 15/10/2010: National police commissioner General Bheki Cele was dealt a blow when his boss, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa, confirmed that Cele himself had signed off the purchase of his R4-million house.


5 000 detectives lack training128, 15/10/2010: Nearly 5 000 of the country's detectives lack the requisite 14 weeks of training for the job, police officials admitted to Parliament.


SA a last on world citizen safety index129, 17/10/2010: South Africa fails dismally in providing its citizens with a safe environment, says a study by the World Justice Project. According to its Rule of Law Index, SA was next to last on the list of 35 countries in the order and security category - beating only conflict-ridden Liberia and worse than Nigeria. Countries recently wracked by violence, including Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria and the Philippines, fared better than SA. The index measures how laws are implemented and enforced in practice and [how they] affect people's lives. SA's poor showing was underscored by the fact that 6% of respondents in 2009 reported a murder in their household in the past 5 years, 25% reported a burglary in the past 3 years. These are among the highest worldwide.


Top cops ‘knew stats were cooked’130, 17/10/2010, M&G: WC Pol. Comm, M. Petros & current head of Hawks, A. Dramat warned 2 years ago, in “Manipulation of crime statistics” report, by Jan Solomons, which recommends a full investigation, of “a substantial number of stations involved in manipulation.”

http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/corruption-a-hobby-in-metro-police-1.684253 http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article699241.ece/R80m-stolen-from-Guardians-Fund--Radebe http://www.da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8790 http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/judge-slams-corrupt-officials-1.685778 http://www.iol.co.za/mthethwa-cele-approved-his-house-1.685965 http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article707978.ece/Cele-in-conflict-of-interest http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/5-000-detectives-lack-training-20101014 http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article712482.ece/SA-a-dismal-next-to-last-on-world-citizen-safety-index http://www.scribd.com/documents/24351876

131 132 133 134 135 136 137


3226 SAPS Lost Firearms in 2009-10131, 20/10/2010: The current SAPS firearm management policy and system does not seem to be succeeding in ensuring that police firearms are properly accounted for and managed. Yesterday, the National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele admitted in Parliament, in response to my questions, that 3 226 SAPS firearms were lost or stolen in 2009/10.


Gov. has little idea of corruption cases: PSC132, 28/10/2010: The government has no knowledge of what has happened to at least two-thirds of cases reported to its National Anti-Corruption Hotline during the past six years, says Public Service Commission.


Konstable werf glo vir kapingsindikaat (Constable working for hijacking syndicate)133, 28/10/2010, Andre Damons, Beeld: Constable Tebogo Rasejane (29) from Brixton appeared in court with four other hijackers after he and another police officer allegedly recruited them to hijack vehicles for a syndicate. George Yassim (24), Frank Yassim (23), Bennet Kuzwayo (33) en Giro Ubisse (42), from Mozambique and Malawi were arrested for hijacking a van with R1,5 million cargo of cigarette’s and disclosed they were recruited by the police officers.


R1.3 Million per month for consultant with matric134, 30/10/2010: A consultant employed by the South African Police Service (SAPS), whose highest qualification was matric, was paid R1.3 million a month. This was revealed by Sindi Chikunga, chairwoman of the National Assembly police oversight committee, during a hearing with the SAPS and the State Information Technology Agency (Sita). The consultant’s mother had been working as a director and her father as a deputy director at the SAPS, Chikunga said. Police Nat Comm Gen. Bheki Cele had on a previous occasion confirmed this.


Cops put lid on nepotism135, 31/10/2010: The police were granted an order interdicting the Sunday Independent newspaper from publishing details of malfeasance and violation of laws by the SAPS Crime Intelligence – without argument – at the North Gauteng High Court on Friday night.


476 metro cops probed: bribery, et al136 03/11/2010: More than 10 percent, or 476, of the Joburg metro police department’s (JMPD) staff complement have been investigated internally in the past year for allegations ranging from theft to bribery, assault and misconduct. But, of the 476 metro police officers probed by the service’s internal affairs unit, less than 4 percent – or a mere 19 officers – were dismissed. The disclosure by City of Joburg policing service’s management follows exposés by The Star and Saturday Star, into what seems to amount to criminal conduct and abuses by JMPD officers. The cases were reported in the JMPD’s latest annual report.


Cloud over murder statistics137, 05/11/2010: Discovery of unrecorded post-mortem reports and allegations of police negligence and manipulation of crime figures raises alarm bells.


Lawyers to Sue Min of Justice138, 13/11/2010: Jhb Attorneys Assoc. Judge Satchwell, Law Society of SA, angry about collapse of country’s courts.

http://da.org.za/newsroom.htm?action=view-news-item&id=8824 http://www.timeslive.co.za/Politics/article732637.ece/Government-has-little-idea-of-corruption-cases--PSC http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Konstabel-werf-glo-vir-kapingsindikaat-20101028 http://www.iol.co.za/news/r1-3m-for-consultant-with-matric-1.690064 http://www.iol.co.za/news/cops-put-lid-on-nepotism-1.690078 http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/gauteng/476-metro-cops-probed-for-bribery-assault-1.708336 http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-11-05-cloud-over-murder-statistics

138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146


Porn lover, SMS pest back in robes139, 13/11/2010: A magistrate who trawled Internet porn sites on his work computer and one who sent foul SMSes to a female clerk are back on the bench.


Cop bribery stats the tip of the iceberg – Lead SA140, 15/11/2010: A Lead SA survey that showed that nearly 2,500 people had bribed traffic cops over past 3 months was just the tip of the iceberg – Justice Project SA (JPSA). Most bribes in Johannesburg (1889), Ekurhuleni (387) and Tswhane (121), Capetown (9).


Illiteracy of high school pupils is shocking - MEC141, 15/11/2010, Schalk Mouton, TimesLive: Almost half of high school pupils in Gauteng are illiterate, says Gautent MEC for education, Barbara Creecy. About 50% of Grade 6 pupils passed languages, 38% maths. Only 30% of Grade 3 pupils could read and write, with under 40% numerically literate. Going into high school about 50% of children can’t read or write.


Cop identified as robber142, Hanti Otto, IOL, 17/11/2010: Warrant Officer Silas Gafane, formerly of a Pretoria Specialized Commercial Crimes Court orderly, was identified in court as robber, who broke into the Erasmia home of Munawar Gafoor on 14 April 2009.


Many law graduates lack essential skills - LSSA143, 22/11/2010, Politicsweb: Law Society of SA (LSSA) is concerned many law graduates lack essential skills, due to substandard education. LLB graduates lack basic essential skills such as research, computer work, literacy and Numeracy, which places great burden on legal profession to provide skills, and places clients at risk of attorneys not properly qualified to represent them.


Police to pay for farmers torture144, 22/11/2010: Minister of Police to pay R500,000 to farmer illegally arrested, and tortured by police, on false charges of being a member of the Boeremag. Willie Nel was kept in custody at various police stations while being tortured by members of a special task unit, who kept him cuffed to a chair, kicked him in his kidneys, administered schocks to his private parts and suffocated him with rubber tubing.


Man in polisieselle aangerand (Man attacked in police cells)145, Susan Cilliers, Beeld, 24/11/2010: Mr. Willem Pienaar is in hospital with severe jaw and kidney injuries after he was attacked by fellow prisoners in the Ottosdal police cells. It is alleged the injuries appear as if some of his injuries were inflicted with a whip.


Prison official arrested after drug kingpin absconds146, 25/11/2010, Changtall Presence, Eyewitness News: The Hawks have arrested a prison official from the Boksburg Correctional Centre for letting a notorious drug kingpin off the hook. The official reportedly tampered with the parole records of 72-year-old Solly Motsepe who was arrested in the 90s, after police found R20 million worth of mandrax in his possession. Motsepe was supposted to remain on parole until 2017, but has no absconded.

http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/article761446.ece/Lawyers-want-to-sue-Radebe http://www.iol.co.za/porn-lover-sms-pest-back-in-robes-1.746928 http://www.citypress.co.za/SouthAfrica/News/Cop-bribery-stats-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-Lead-SA-20101115 http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article764588.ece/Illiteracy-of-high-school-pupils-shocking---MEC http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/cop-identified-as-robber-1.831995 http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=212350&sn=Marketingweb+detail http://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/police-to-pay-for-farmer-s-torture-1.875532 http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Man-in-polisieselle-aangerand-20101124 http://www.eyewitnessnews.co.za/articleprog.aspx?id=53829


Bad cop gets top job147, 29/11/2010, Anna Majavu, Sowetan: Officer fingered in fraudulent claims probe now heads tender unit at police headquarters. A former Free State deputy police commissioner earlier accused of abusing state funds has been transferred to police headquarters in Pretoria, where he now holds a key position. Independent Complaints Directorate recommended he be fired, instead he was promoted.


‘Pass black matrics’148, 01/12/2010, Sne Masuku & Tebogo Monama, Sowetan: SA Democratic Teachers Union in KwaZulu-Natal calls for “biased marking” process in favour of black pupils from under-resourced schools.


Three cops arrested for robbery149, 11/12/2010, SAPA/TimesLive: Three policeman arrested in connection with a business robbery on the corner of Jeppe and Harrison Street, Jhb. They allegedly stormed into the jewellery shop, produced their appointment certificates claiming to be on official police business, grabbed the shop owner, pointed firearms at him and stole a bag which contained R25, 000 and an undisclosed amount of jewellery on Friday at 1.30pm. They were arrested on the spot by sector police.

[IV] Motive: Negligence; or Malice?: Dunning & Kruger Effect; or Pathological Fraudsters? “Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.” - Mohandas Gandhi

60. The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes. 61. Dunning and Kruger were awarded the Ig Nobel Prizes in Psychology in 2000 for their report, Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments.150 62. David Dunning, Cornell professor of social psychology, was perusing the 1996 World Almanac, when he noticed a strange article in Offbeat News. McArthur Wheeler was a bank robber who believed that by rubbing lemon juice over his face, he would be invisible from the CCTV cameras. Of course he was easily identified and arrested.


http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/11/29/bad-cop-gets-top-job http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2010/12/01/pass-black-matrics http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/article810582.ece/Three-cops-arrested-for-robbery 150 Burson, K.; Larrick, R.; Klayman, J. (2006). "Skilled or unskilled, but still unaware of it: how perceptions of difficulty drive miscalibration in relative comparisons". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90 (1): 60–77. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.90.1.60. PMID 148 149

63. As Dunning read through the article, he wondered: If Wheeler was too stupid to be a bank robber, perhaps he was also too stupid to know that he was too stupid to be a bank robber — that is, his stupidity protected him from an awareness of his own stupidity. 64. Dunning wondered whether it was possible to measure one’s self-assessed level of competence against something a little more objective — say, actual competence. They tested their hypothesis in a series of experiments.151 Briefly they propose that, for any given skill, incompetent people will: A

tend to overestimate their own level of skill;


fail to recognize genuine skill in others;


fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;


recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they can be trained to substantially improve.

65. ‘Rainbow South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation LemonJuice PR publicity stunt: “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” Mohandas Gandhi

66. I submit when it comes to Rainbow South Africa’s ‘Reputation’, it is founded on what Radical Honesty Public Relations guru Scott Ginsberg refers to as “the ever-rising tide of corporate and political bullshite.”152 No less than verbal diarhea public pronouncements public relations propaganda, which no ‘Rainbow South Africa’ politician has any intention of putting any ounce of practice into. 67. In fact, when it comes to Rainbow South Africa’s ‘Reputation’, South Africa’s politicians have a lot in common with McArthur Wheeler. Unlike Mohandas Gandhi, they are not interested in earning a reputation of honour and integrity, by practicing what they preach; like McArthur Wheeler, they would like to rob the “Benefit of the Doubt International Public Trust Bank’, and they think that by smearing ‘verbal diarhea’ Lemon Juice onto their public pronouncement faces, they shall not be recognized by the CCTV Fourth Estate, or the SA citizens as robbing South Africa’s International Reputation bank.


Kruger, Justin; David Dunning (1999). "Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (6): 1121–34. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1121. PMID 10626367 Dunning, David; Kerri Johnson, Joyce Ehrlinger and Justin Kruger (2003). "Why people fail to recognize their own incompetence". Current Directions in Psychological Science 12 (3): 83–87. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.01235. 152 Scott Ginsberg on Radical Honesty – Greatest Branding Secret in Modern Marketing http://www.hellomynameisblog.com/2009/02/greatest-branding-secret-in-history-of.html

68. The SA Media Fourth Estate could have chosen to expose South Africa’s McArthur Wheeler politicians for their TRC fraud, for failing to practice what they preach, but their critical thinking faculties appear to have been hijacked by Ubuntufication. They see the symptoms, but lack the courage to enquire into and expose the root causes of South Africans TRC fraud disease. 69. In Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram describes the perils of blind obedience to authority, as described in An Essay on Proudly South African Hypocrisy153: When people accept definitions of action provided by legitimate authority, although the individual performs the action, he allows authority to define its meaning. It is this ideological abrogation to the authority that constitutes the principal cognitive basis of obedience. If, after all, the world, event, job, or the particular situation is as the authority defines and describes it, a certain set of actions follows logically. Because the individual conforms and without critical analysis accepts the authority's definition of the situation, obedient action follows willingly, often enthusiastically.

70. In John Pilgers The War You Don’t See154 and Why Are Wars not being Reported Honestly155; John Pilger describes journalists and editors confirming their role as censorship agents, along similar lines of reasoning as detailed in Dr. T. Michael Maher’s report: How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population – Environment Connection,156 Pilger writes: "I am perfectly open to the accusation that we were hoodwinked," said Jeremy Paxman, talking about Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction to a group of students last year. "Clearly we were." As a highly paid professional broadcaster, he omitted to say why he was hoodwinked. Dan Rather, who was the CBS news anchor for 24 years, was less reticent. "There was a fear in every newsroom in America," he told me, "a fear of losing your job... the fear of being stuck with some label, unpatriotic or otherwise." Rather says war has made "stenographers out of us" and that had journalists questioned the deceptions that led to the Iraq war, instead of amplifying them, the invasion would not have happened. This is a view now shared by a number of senior journalists I interviewed in the US. "Does that make journalists accomplices?" I asked him. "Yes... unwitting perhaps, but yes."


04-06-11: Proudly SA Parasite Hypocrisy: Fraudulent Rehabilitation Boomerang [PDF: www.scribd.com/doc/34104187] http://www.johnpilger.com/videos/the-war-you-dont-see-trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egcTynu6sBk 155 http://johnpilger.com/articles/why-are-wars-not-being-reported-honestly 156 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/mahertm_journo-env-pop-connection?mode=a_p 154

71. In Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-

political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’157 filed as Expert Witness Affidavit in High Court, W.C. # 19963-09; Dr. Blanton explains what happens in cultures of obedience; how and why studies show that 92% of citizens lack the psychological and emotional skills for non-violent disobedience. Brief Description of the Milgram Experiment: [19.] The Milgram experiment was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. [20.] Milgram devised the experiments in response to the question raised by Hannah Arendt, in her coverage of the war crimes trial of Adolf Eichmann. Eichmanns defence was that he should not be held personally responsible for a crime against mankind because he was doing his duty in the social system of which he was a part. His lawyers said a court might judge the social system as criminal, but not the person doing their duty within that social system. This argument was rejected. Eichmann’s adjudicators concluded that he was individually responsible for the crimes he committed, regardless of the social system of which he was a part, and he was executed. [21.] Arendt then raised the question which fascinated Milgram: Was Adolf Eichmann some unusual deviant, some sadistic exception to common humanity, or was he just a bureaucrat? What he actually did was shuffle papers in an office and make phone calls and give orders. Was he normal? [22.] The Milgram experiment was designed to simulate the conditions in which Eichmann operated, and to determine how many individuals would – like Eichmann – follow orders and be obedient to the system in which they operated; and how many would practice civil disobedience and refuse to be obedient to perceived illegal authority. Milgram’s experiment revealed that a significant majority of the population – 65%, like Eichmanns millions of accomplices – merely follow orders, irrespective whether the orders violate their deepest moral beliefs; only 35 % possessed the skills and competencies for civil disobedience. [23.] Furthermore, when individuals could share the responsibility or blame, with just one other person, 92% of individuals would, like Eichmann, cooperate with authority; and refrain from civil disobedience; and only 8% possessed the skills and competencies for civil disobedience. [25.] The relevant questions then become, what are the resources: the emotional, psychological, and socio-political skills and competencies, that:


Blanton, Brad Ph.D: Reasonableness Test Radical Honesty Skills & Competencies Affidavit [PDF: www.scribd.com/doc/33790671]

A. the 37% possess, when individually confronting perceived illegal authority; and B. the 8% possess, refusing the given opportunity, from an ideological or social peer, to share the blame, with them; and individually confront perceived illegal authority. [27] The results of the Stanley Milgram Tests on Obedience (which have since been replicated by other social-scientists with the same results) clearly show that acts of civil disobedience are acts that the man on the Clapham omnibus are emotionally, psychologically and socio-politically incapable of. Put differently they are acts that require the use of special emotional, psychological and socio-political skills and competencies. [28] To apply the man on the Clapham omnibus reasonableness test, to someone consciously and deliberately committing an act of civil disobedience to perceived illegal authority; would be the same as applying the man on the Clapham omnibus reasonableness test, to determine whether a heart surgeon’s decisions and actions made during open-heart surgery, were negligent or unreasonable; or asking a clown, whether an astronauts decisions during lift-off, were ‘reasonable’ or not. [29]. Consequently, the reasonableness test that should be applied to cases of civil disobedience, are not those of the man on the Clapham omnibus; because he does not have these special skills and competencies. The reasonableness test that should be applied, is the standard of the ordinary skilled person, exercising and professing to have that special skill.


For now the Ubuntu Conformist South African elite prefer their Battered TRC Fraud Syndrome co-dependent abuse relationship with SA citizens; addicted to the belief that no Fourth Estate can see them robbing the Public Trust International Bank; thanks to them coating their faces and press statements with an “ever-rising tide of corporate and

political bullshite”158 Lemon Juice. 73.

Should they ever find themselves before a court of law, not of their own manipulation (even if that is only in heaven on their Day of Judgement, if that version of the life hereafter is accurate), they cannot say 'we did not know'; because they did.

E. Conclusion: Relief Requested: 74.

If the Hindocha and/or Dewani family are not interested in ascertaining the innocence or guilt of the Defendant based on Descartian evidentiary jurisprudence; blinded as they are to prove his guilt or innocence by any kangaroo court possibility available to


Scott Ginsberg on Radical Honesty – Greatest Branding Secret in Modern Marketing http://www.hellomynameisblog.com/2009/02/greatest-branding-secret-in-history-of.html

them; then the South African criminal justice system, will be as happy to oblige them, as Pope Leo X, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and Magdeburg, were to oblige those eager to purchase their socio-political status forgiveness or revenge indulgences, by selling their souls for 30 pieces of silver. 75.

Private Prosecution of Mr. Dewani in UK Courts, with a Descartian Individualist Impartial, Competent EU Judge, and EU British Jury, is the only means the Hindocha & Dewani families will receive a free and fair trial, to determine the Defendants’ guilt or innocence based on Descartian worldview concepts of evidence.

Dated at George, Western Cape, South Africa; this 18th day of January, 2011 Signed and Sworn to at George on this the 18th day of January 2011, the Deponent acknowledging that she knows and understands the contents of this Affidavit, and that she has no objection to taking the prescribed oath and that the oath is binding on her conscience.

___________________________ LARA JOHNSTONE, Pro Se 16 Taaibos Ave, Heatherpark George, 6529, RSA Tel: (044) 870 7239 Cel: (071) 170 1954 Email: jmcswan@mweb.co.za.

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