11-05-31: Radical Honesty SA Response to Anuscheh Farahat: RE: Jus Sanguinis Page Deletion

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Radical Honesty SA to EUDO: Anuscheh Farahat RE: Jus Sanguinis Petition & Briefing Paper CC: EUDO: Guido Tintori; German Law Journal Editors 31 May 2011 Anuscheh Farahat EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Research Fellow: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Senckenberganlage 31 60325 Frankfurt am Main Bundesrepublik Deutschland Email: a.farahat@jur.uni-frankfurt.de; anuscheh.farahat@gmx.de

CC: Guido Tintori Robert Schuman Centre European University Institute Via delle Fontanelle 19 I-50014 - San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy Tel: [+39] 055 4685 - 708 Fax [+39] 055 4685 - 770 Email: Guido.Tintori@eui.eu


Russel A. Miller German Law Journal Editor Associate Professor of Law Washington & Lee Univ Office: 461 Sydney Lewis Hall Tel: 540-458-8516 | Fax: 540-458-8488 Email: millerra@wlu.edu

CC: Peer Zumbansen Germal Law Journal Editor Professor of Law Osgoode Hall Law School Tel: 416-736-5535 Fax: 416-650-4321 E-mail: pzumbansen@osgoode.yorku.ca


Prof. Dr. Gregor Bachmann German Law Journal Editor Bürgerliches Recht Freie Universitat, Berlin Email: lehrstuhl.bachmann@rewiss.fuberlin.de

CC: Prof. Dr. Frank Schorkopf German Law Journal Editor Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Institut für Völkerrecht und Europarecht Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5 37073 Göttingen E-mail: europa@uni-goettingen.de

Dear Ms. Farahat, EUDO Legal Expert Endorses Legal Multi-Cultural Fascism: racial and cultural suicide and extermination of conservative White African Refugee Christian Boers? Many thanks for your email of 30 May 2011: Deletion of my name on your website. Dear Sir or Madame, I was very angry and surprised when I realized that you put my name on your website in a - in my eyes - dubious context of ethnic homogenity. I remember

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

recieving an e-mail from you months ago. But I never answered you affermatively. I have never published any articles on jus sanguinis. Moreover, I'm not yet a doctor. It is a breshness of you to publish my name without any admission on this page: http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/EUDO_Anuscheh-Farahat.htm I therefore, very much urge you to delete my name from your website. Otherwise, I going to take legal action against you. With regards Anuscheh Farahat

My name is Lara Johnstone. I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion (www.radicalhonesty.com) and the organizer of the Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat African White Refugees Petition and Briefing Paper1. I contacted you as an alleged EUDO Migration and Nationality Law expert as per the website of The European University Institute: European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship: Farahat, Anuscheh2 Anuscheh Farahat studied law and political science at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt and the University of Paris X-Nanterre. She holds a Master of International and European Law (Maîtrise en droit international et européen, University of Paris X-Nanterre), and in 2006 she passed the first state exam in law (J.D. equivalent). Between 2006 and 2009 Anuscheh has been working as a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. Currently she is a research fellow at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt, working with Prof. Thomas Groß. Her current research focuses on transnational migration and the potential role of human rights in migration law. Anuscheh is also a member of the “Network Migration Law”, an association of young German scholars and practitioners in migration law. She is currently finishing her PhD dissertation on “Progressive inclusion and congruence: Legal Principles of transnational migration” (provisional title).

RE: Dubious Context of Ethnic Homogeneity. I am Proudly White, and was married to a Proudly Black African American man, whom I greatly respect (separated filed for amicable divorce) for 13 years. I totally understand the preferences of individuals who prefer racial purity, as Mahatma Gandhi did, as detailed by Gandhi‟s quotes on the matter in the Briefing Paper‟s Executive Summary3. In Radical Honesty the greatest test of an individuals commitment to justice, is not to uphold the law for those you agree with, or who are a member of your own tribe; but to uphold the law for those who may even consider you their enemy. That is the true test of a legal experts commitment to justice and the rule of law for all. To uphold the rule of law simply for those who agree with your personal relevant ideology is to do nothing more than endorse legal lynching and mobjustice! Nowhere on the EUDO page does it refer to you as someone who hates white people, or who discriminates against white refugees; or that you are a multi-cultural fascist who demands that all races miscegenate and commit suicide, for they are not allowed the legal rights to protect their racial purity, culture and heritage. Is this an error?


http://african-white-refugees.co.nr/ http://eudo-citizenship.eu/people/country-experts/230-farahat-anuscheh3 http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exec-summ.htm 2

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Now I am confused: In my culture, we give everyone from any race or culture the benefit of the doubt. Hence I gave you the benefit of the doubt, that you would be someone who stands up for the rights of all people, including conservative white Christians Boers Refugees; and that even if you did endorse multiculturalism for those whose preference it is to miscegenate and commit racial suicide; you would also support the rights of those who prefer not to miscegenate and commit racial suicide. The EUDO website further implies that you have a master in International Law. In Radical Honesty we don‟t have any lawyers. We teach all our culture‟s members radical honesty communication skills and our members make a commitment to honourably resolve all their disagreements honourably face-to-face; so we don‟t need lawyers; unless we deal with other culture‟s citizens whose lawyers refuse to teach their members honest and honourable dispute resolution skills; for the love of profiting from their misery. So, I am no lawyer, only a paralegal. Consequently please pardon my legal stupidity. Jus Sanguinis Recording of Correspondence to Anuscheh Farahat: The webpage you refer to in your email has simply documented the Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat African White Refugees Petition and Briefing Paper correspondence to yourself; as it has also documented the Jus Sanguinis correspondence to other EUDO Migration and Nationality Law experts: Dr. Kay Heilbronner4; Dr. Holger Hoffman5; Prof. Gerhard de Groot6; Dr. Alberto Achermann7; Prof. Christin Achermann8; Prof. Giani D‟Amato9; Prof. Martina Kamm10; Helena Wray11; Caroline Sawyer12; Rebecca L. Zahn13; and many other International Politicians, Legal Experts, including ELENA experts, Energy Experts, Population Policy experts, etc. The correspondence to yourself, prior to this correspondence; is detailed at the website as: 11 Dec 2010: Email to Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; African White Refugees Petition: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat: Petition for Volkstaat Secession in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) German Citizenship for African White Refugees (PDF 14) 23 Apr 2011: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; RE: [DE Boer/Settler] Applic. filed in 'Kill Boer/Settlers Hate Speech' Trial: Afriforum v Malema: NL-FR-DE-UK-CH 'Boer/Settler' Application filed in 'Kill Boers/Settlers Hate Speech' Trial: [07-2010 EQ JHB] Afriforum v Malema: For Your Records: „Boer/Settler‟ descendant of Dutch, French Huguenot and British „Settlers‟ Interpretation of ANC‟s „TRC Social Contract Fraud‟ Recommendation to Constitutional Court: Resolve „Kill Boer/Settler Hate Speech‟ Descartian v. Ubuntu Cultural Friction by Implementing: (A) 23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination to provide Boers with a „Kaffir‟ Free Speech Volkstaat; and/or (B) Jus Sanguinis Repatriation of „Settlers‟ to European Progenitor Nations (PDF 15)

In the annexures I provide you a copy of both emails sent to you for your impartial investigation and action (remember I thought you were someone concerned with justice; I thought you cared about justice for all people, including white conservative Christians; I was not aware that you may be a legal multicultural fascist who supports racial suicide and extermination for white conservative Christian refugees). 4

http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/EUDO_Kay-Hailbronner.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/de/ELENA_H-Hoffmann-Prof.htm 6 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/Gerard-Rene-de-Groot-Prof.htm 7 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Alberto-Achermann.htm 8 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Christin-Achermann.htm 9 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Gianni-DAmato.htm 10 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/ce/EUDO_Martina-Kamm.htm 11 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Helena-Wray.htm 12 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Caroline-Sawyer.htm 13 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/uk/EUDO_Rebecca-L-Zahn.htm 14 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/101209_js-ror_de-eudo-afarahat?mode=a_p 15 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110419_de-boer-settlers-amicus?mode=a_p 5

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Consequently all the website does is inform anyone who visits it of the aforementioned FACTS: that Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat African White Refugees have petitioned you (and other legal experts) to make an impartial enquiry into their grievances; and to support justice on their behalf. Does the World Have a Right to Know about the ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movements Rainbow Duhmockery ‘Kill Boere’ Racial and Cultural Suicide Breeding War Acts of War against Conservative White Christian African White Refugees? A few examples of recent crimes committed against conservative White South Africans; of which you are no doubt blissfully unaware: Excerpt from Complaint to International Criminal Court against Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, F.W de Klerk, Norwegian Nobel Committee, SA Constitutional Court Justices; and 96 SA and International Media Publications and their Editors (PDF16): [13] Radical Honesty alleges the Defendants cover up and censorship of the ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movements (i) Frantz Fanon/Black Consciousness („liberation by violence on the rotting corpse of the settlers‟) (ii) Black Liberation Theology („violent elimination of „whiteness‟); and (iii) Houari Boumediene/Black Power Breeding War (“The wombs of our women will give us victory”)17 inspired TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FRAUD (“TRC FRAUD”) perpetrated against citizens of South Africa, and predominantly against white Afrikaner/Boer/Settlers; is committed in the context of endorsing the ANC‟s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by Africans over other racial groups, particularly Boer/Afrikaners and committed with the intention of maintaining the ANC regime. [14] Radical Honesty‟s TRC FRAUD arguments in regard to Just War principles of honourable war are: (i) having just cause, (ii) being a last resort, (iii) being declared by a proper authority, (iv) possessing right intention, (v) having a reasonable chance of success, and (vi) the end being proportional to the means used. [60] Respondents Ms. Celia Dugger of the Africa New York Times bureau, Ms. Ainslinn Laing of the UK Telegraph, and Editor Mr. Casper Naber of the Algemene Dagblad have also been provided with various updates on the TRC FRAUD legal applications filed to the Constitutional Court, as well as the TRC FRAUD arguments filed in the Boer Volkstaat Theses Briefing Paper (PDF18) submitted to Boer/Settlers European Stamvader/Progenitor Nations, NATO and other EU nations19. None of the SA Media Editors; nor the New York Times, Telegraph or Algemene Dagblad have provided any argument or evidence to contradict any of the TRC FRAUD arguments and evidence submitted to them; yet they refuse to publish the information or to allow for the TRC FRAUD argument to be debated in SA or International public discourse. The consequences of their censorship being their endorsement of the real life genocide and crimes against humanity consequences of the TRC FRAUD; such as for example: 16

http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110509_icc_trcfraud_complaint?mode=a_p “One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” -- Houari Boumediene, President of Algeria, at the United Nations, 1974 (Boumediene was an ardent supporter of the ANC and SWAPO) 18 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/101205_js-ror_awr-briefing-paper?mode=a_p 19 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/index.htm 17

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Farmer: Andre van der Merwe murdered, dragged 1.2 km behind his truck 20 (No English News Media reports found in online search; only Beeld & blog translations) Farmer van der Merwe was unmarried, was dragged about 1.2 km behind his own Toyota truck by his murderers, who shot him in the back of his head, chest and cheek, said the NorthWest police. “You did not want to see the corpse. The murderers tortured him terrible. He did not have a shirt on anymore and his shorts were torn apart. They dragged him behind the truck over loose wire and mud,” said a man who wished to remain anonymous, for fear of being persecuted. 04-09-09 to 10-06-01: Helen Lotter, 57 & Alice Lotter, 76, tortured to death; Kill the Boer in blood on Welkom farm house wall (Censored by English SA media; who were too busy reporting on the ‘racism’ of the Reitz Four satire video in Bloemfontein) (PDF attached) Boer woman’s womb was carved from her body with a broken beer-bottle… 2010-06-09 Welkom, Free State. The unmarried 57-year-old farm woman Miss Helen Lotter was stabbed repeatedly with a broken beer-bottle – so fiercely and deeply that her sexual organs internally and externally were extensively mutilated – and her cervix and uterus were completely missing: ‟ testimony by coroner. “Most cruel, violent crimes I‟d ever seen while on the Bench…‟ said High Court judge S.P.B. Hancke The gardener of the two unarmed, frail Boer women who were tortured to death on March 6 2009 was found guilty of their extremely cruel murders. The trial left many questions unanswered: why the women were tortured to death over a three-hour period; why the slogan “Kill the Boer‟ was daubed on the farm house wall; why so little of value was „robbed‟. High Court judge S.P.B. Hancke ruled that it was proven beyond any reasonable doubt that gardener Joseph Hlongwane, 22, had tortured to death the elderly, unarmed Helen Lotter and her daughter Alice, 57, on March 6 2009. No explanation was given by the gardener as to why he had displayed such extreme cruelty, carrying out at least three hours of torture. He will be sentenced on Wednesday 9 June 2010. Helen Lotter, 57 died of repeated, sharp trauma injuries to her lower body The frail, unarmed mother, Mrs Alice Lotter (76) died from multiple, deep stabbing wounds to her neck and throat on the night of 6 March 2009; her daughter Helen, left, succumbed to 'severe, repeated, sharp trauma injuries to her lower body administered with knives and a broken beer bottle.' A post-mortem examination by Dr Horst Bumba described that all of Helen‟s front teeth were bashed out and that her entire body and face were „covered in severe bruises, chafing and stabbing wounds.‟ Helen Lotter was tortured so extensively that her womb 'was completely missing', and 'slabs of human fat the size a man's hand were sliced off her body', according to the postmortum examiner‟s testimony.

[61] The 3000 farm murders have occurred in a country officially allegedly at peace, after having achieved alleged „reconciliation‟, indicate that the “rainbow reconciled nation” is nothing but an illusion not reflected in evidentiary facts and reality on the ground. People who have forgiven each other, or are participating in such a conversation, collaborate to address and eliminate the root causes of their dispute, they don‟t murder, rape and torture those they allegedly forgave, in order to rob them; unless their definition for „forgiveness‟ is liberation and salvation „murder, rape and torture‟ on the „rotting corpses of settlers‟.



Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Deleting Your Name from Jus Sanguinis website & Your Threats of Legal Action: As far as I understand the law, and please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken; you are totally in your rights to ignore the petition, or to issue any statement rejecting the premises of the petition or evidence to prove any of the petitions arguments to be incorrect or its conclusions to be incorrect. You may also issue a statement in support of the petition; but you have no legal rights to demand that the page dedicated to documenting the evidentiary fact of the correspondence of the petition submitted to you be deleted. I am unaware of any allegations of inaccurate reporting on your Jus Sanguinis page (I apologise for referring to you as a Dr.; that was an error; and I have corrected it); and if there is no inaccuracy; only a statement of accurate facts, including the evidence for such factual documentation of correspondence to yourself; how exactly is this against the law? Please could you kindly provide me with the actual law that you are implying I have violated; by publishing the factual record of the Jus Sanguinis petition and briefing paper correspondence to yourself. If you and EUDO and other legal, political and other related organisations hate conservative white Christians; and endorse legal multi-cultural fascism (the denial to other cultures and races of their legal rights to protect their racial purity, culture and heritage); then surely any individuals or citizens from any race or culture who wish to practice Gandhian Jus Sanguinis racial and cultural purity to protect their racial and cultural heritage, have a right to know that you and your legal associated organisation (EUDO) either endorse legal multi-culturalism policies that endorse their cultural and racial suicide and extermination; or refuse to uphold the law for racial and cultural minorities to protect their racial and cultural heritage from extinction? Respectfully,

Lara Johnstone Radical Honesty SA Jus Sanguinis Petition Organizer www.jussanguinis.com www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

11 Dec 2010: Email to Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; African White Refugees Petition -----Original Message----From: Jus Sanguinis VS/RoR [mailto:jussanguinis@mweb.co.za] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 1:19 AM To: ' (a.farahat@jur.uni-frankfurt.de)' Subject: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; African White Refugees Petition sent, c/o & via: German Amb., Pta. Importance: High Attach: 10-12-09__DE-Jus_Sanguinis_Petition__DE-Amb_Dieter-Haller_#.pdf 10-31-16__DE-Jus_Sanguinis_Petition__EUDO_Anuscheh-Farahat_#.pdf Jus Sanguinis Petition to: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert Research Fellow: Goethe-Universit채t Frankfurt Senckenberganlage 31 60325 Frankfurt am Main Bundesrepublik Deutschland Delivered to Fed. Rep. of Germany Ambassador: Dieter W. Haller, Pretoria Date of Delivery: Saturday, December 11, 2010 12:32 AM Further Information: 'Boere-Volkstaat for African White Refugees' Petition to German Gov. The African White Refugees Petition, from 34 Founding Petitioners to Europe; six of whom are petitioning the German Government, was submitted to the Pretoria Offices of Ambassador Dieter W. Haller on Saturday, December 11, 2010 12:32 AM. Ambassador Haller is requested to officially forward the Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Petition and African White Refugees Briefing Paper to Officials and citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Petition letters delivered to the German Embassy were addressed to Political leaders, Refugee and Nationality Law legal experts, and Peak Oil/Ecological Social Contract experts: The Political Officials: * Chancellor Angela Merkel & Federal Ministers of State; * H.H. Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Maria Theresia von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis, Prinz Albert von Thurn und Taxis; * Horst Seehofer, Christian Social Union of Bavaria / Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern; * Guido Westerwelle, Free Democratic Party (FDP) / Freie Demokratische Partei; * Sigmar Gabriel & Thilo Sarrazin, Social Democratic Party of Germany / Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; * Rolf Schlierer, The Republicans / Die Republikaner (REP); * Gesine Lotzsch & Klaus Ernst, The Left / Die Linke; * Udo Voigt, National Democratic Party of Germany / Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD); * Sebastian Frankenberger, Ecological Democratic Party / Okologisch-Demokratische Partei (ODP); * Claudia Roth & Cem Ozdemir, Alliance '90/The Greens / Bundnis 90/Die Grunen Recipients of the petition from European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) organisations and legal experts on Refugee and Nationality law in Germany:

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

* Prof. Dr. Holger Hoffmann, European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator for Germany, University of Applied Sciences of Bielefeld; * Karl Kopp, Pro Asyl; * Dr. Kay Hailbronner, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Chair of Public Law, Public International Law and European Law, Universitat Konstanz; * Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Research Fellow: Goethe-Universit채t Frankfurt. Peak Oil / Ecological Social Contract Experts Recipients of African White Refugees Petition: * G체nther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands; * Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Blendinger, ASPO Deutschland e. V. / (Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas); * Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Citizens Movement Pax Europa / Burgerbewegung Pax Europa; * Andreas von B체low, Former Minister for Research and Technology, Speaker at Axis for Peace 2005, Axis for Peace 2005. The Petition reads as follows: --Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners descended from Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland Stamvaders / Progenitors: Berndt (Barend) BURGER, Johan KOTZE, Hermanus KRIEL, Georg Frederich RAUTENBACH, and Heinrich Conrad VENTER; hereby petition the Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Chancellor, Government Officials, business, media, academic, religious and civil society citizens, and former Anti-Apartheid Movement Activists for:

[A] International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/BoereVolkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof; [B] The legislative enactment of Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by the Federal Republic of Germany, for African White Refugee descendants, from Bundesrepublik Deutschland Progenitors/Stamvaders. Our Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Petition Justifications (evidentiary details provided in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper # 10/31/16), are: (i) International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Right-of-Return, International Covenant on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc; (ii) S. 235 of the SA Constitution and the Accord on Afrikaner SelfDetermination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party (Encl. to Briefing Paper); (iii) African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud. (iv) The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multicultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil. ---

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Jus Sanguinis is a Right-of-Blood citizenship policy to preserve a Nations Cultural & Ethnic Homogeneity; in contrast to Jus Soli, which is a Right-ofSoil citizenship policy. The "TRC Fraud" and "Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation" arguments are dealt with in great detail in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper. For example, the Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation argument concludes that multi-culturalism is impossible between conflicting cultures, and emphasises that the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil; cannot be overestimated or overstated: * African White Refugees are the Canaries in the International Ethno-Cultural Geopolitical Coalmine. * Europe is committing Ethno-Cultural Suicide: Dr. Frank Ellis reviews Dr. Thilo Sarrazin's Germany Consigns itself to Oblivion * Ethnicity is a basis for, rather than threat to, democracy and freedom; consequently if Europe's demographic decline is the motivation for its immigration policies, its democracy needs should motivate it to invite its blood relatives home from the Diaspora * Multiculturalism is Impossible between hugely different cultures, and particularly between cultures with many diametrically opposed value and belief systems * The 'socio-political and economic consequences of Peak Oil will be severe', warns numerous Military Energy reports, which include the "total collapse of the markets" and serious political and economic crises, which could threaten the continued survival of democratic governments. Put differently Peak Oil's consequences on among others transportation costs, the financial markets, and food production, would aggravate multi-cultural conflict to experience Friction Theory on Steroids. * Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession, argues that the aforementioned Multi-cultural conflict Friction Theory on Steroids consequence of Overpopulation colliding with Scarce and Depleting particularly Energy - Resources (Ecological Overshoot) can be hugely mitigated by strategically implementing the Parallel Goals of Economic Relocalisation and Ethno-Nationalist Political Secession. Relocalized states and communities can better plan for a world of Energy Depletion, by rebuilding more balanced local economies that emphasise local food, energy and water systems, for local political stability. For all of these reasons, it is argued that International Legal and Political Support and Recognition should be given to Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) Election, to elect an Boer-Afrikaner People's Assembly (Volksraad). This Volksraad shall attain a mandate, to initiate the negotiations for a Boer-Afrikaner Volkstaat. The Petition and Briefing Paper is being submitted to the following 'Progenitor/Stamvader' nations: Netherlands, France, Germany, United Kingdom and Switzerland, on respectively 05-06, 07-08, 09-10, 11-12, and 13-14 December, culminating on 15-16 December whereupon other European Union nations shall be petitioned to provide International and EU Political and

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/Boere-Volkstaat in South Africa. Original Petition & Briefing Paper documents available in PDF to view/download at: Jus Sanguinis Petition to German Officials & Citizens: http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_germany.htm Founding Petitioners to Germany: http://www.jussanguinis.com/FP/eu_germany.htm Stamvaders from Germany Petition is Founded Upon: http://www.jussanguinis.com/PS/eu_germany.htm African White Refugees Briefing Paper: http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/index.htm African White Refugees Briefing Paper Executive Summary: http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exec-summ.htm Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) http://vvk.co.za/

________________________________________ From: Jus Sanguinis VS/RoR [mailto:jussanguinis@mweb.co.za] Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 12:32 AM To: 'info@germanconsulatecapetown.co.za'; Subject: Amb. Dieter W. Haller, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ambassador: Re: African White Refugees Petition to Germany Importance: High HE Hon. Dieter W. Haller, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Ambassador Federal Rep. of Germany Embassy, SA P.O. Box 2023 0001 Pretoria Tel.: +27 (0) 12 427 8977 Fax: +27 (0) 12 427 8982 Hon. Ambassador Haller, Please find attached in PDF: Request for Transparent Official Forwarding of African White Refugees Petition to Officials and citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Volkstaat Secession in South Africa; or Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) German Citizenship for African White Refugees. The Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Europe for African White Refugees campaign herewith submits the following Petitions to the French Embassy in South Africa, for official forwarding to the following French Republic Officials and Civil Society Citizens: 1. 2. Thurn Thurn 3. Union

Chancellor Angela Merkel & Federal Ministers of State[1] H.H. Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Princess Maria Theresia von und Taxis, Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis, Prinz Albert von und Taxis [2] Horst Seehofer, Christian Social Union of Bavaria / Christlich-Soziale in Bayern [3]

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

4. Guido Westerwelle, Free Democratic Party (FDP) / Freie Demokratische Partei [4] 5. Sigmar Gabriel & Thilo Sarrazin, Social Democratic Party of Germany / Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands [5] 6. Rolf Schlierer, The Republicans / Die Republikaner (REP) [6] 7. Gesine Lotzsch & Klaus Ernst, The Left / Die Linke [7] 8. Udo Voigt, National Democratic Party of Germany / Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) [8] 9. Sebastian Frankenberger, Ecological Democratic Party / OkologischDemokratische Partei (ODP) [9] 10. Claudia Roth & Cem Ozdemir, Alliance '90/The Greens / Bundnis 90/Die Grunen[10] 11. Prof. Dr. Holger Hoffmann, European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) Coordinator for Germany, University of Applied Sciences of Bielefeld[11] 12. Karl Kopp, Pro Asyl[12] 13. Dr. Kay Hailbronner, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Chair of Public Law, Public International Law and European Law, Universitat Konstanz[13] 14. Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert, Research Fellow: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt[14] 15. Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) / Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands[15] 16. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Blendinger, ASPO Deutschland e. V. / (Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas)[16] 17. Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, Citizens Movement Pax Europa / Burgerbewegung Pax Europa[17] 1. Andreas von Bülow, Former Minister for Research and Technology, Speaker at Axis for Peace 2005, Axis for Peace 2005[18] The Justifications for the “Official Forwarding Request” made via the German Embassy, are contained in the PDF letter addressed directly to Ambassador Haller. Respectfully Submitted, Lara Johnstone Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right of Return for African White Refugees http://www.jussanguinis.com http://www.african-white-refugees.co.nr

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

23 Apr 2011: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; RE: [DE Boer/Settler] Applic. filed in 'Kill Boer/Settlers Hate Speech' Trial: Afriforum v Malema: -----Original Message----From: Jus Sanguinis [mailto:jussanguinis@mweb.co.za] Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:30 PM To: (a.farahat@jur.uni-frankfurt.de) Subject: Dr. Anuscheh Farahat, EUDO; RE: [DE Boer/Settler] Applic. filed in 'Kill Boer/Settlers Hate Speech' Trial: Afriforum v Malema: Attach: 11-04-19__DE-Boer-Settlers_Amicus_KillBoers-HateSpeech_07-2010-EQJHB_NoM+FA+HoA.pdf Dr. Anuscheh Farahat EU Democracy Observatory on Citizenship Expert Research Fellow: Goethe-Universit채t Frankfurt Senckenberganlage 31 60325 Frankfurt am Main Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dear Dr. Farahat, Update to Jus Sanguinis (www.african-white-refugees.co.nr) petition sent to your office, c/o German Embassy, Pretoria; in December 2010. http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/eu_germany.htm Please find attached PDF documents delivered to Ambassador of Germany in Pretoria: HE Hon. Dieter W. Haller and Office of Military Attache: * [DE 'Boer/Settler'] documents filed in 'Kill Boers / Hate Speech' Trial: 07-2010 EQ JHB] AFRIFORUM V. MALEMA: For Your Records: The SA media are aware of these [EU: NL-FR-DE-UK-CH] Boer/Settler documents filed with the High Court Registrar, in this matter; but are choosing to -once again (as in CCT 23-10: Citizen v. McBride; & in CCT 06-11: Radical Honesty SA v SANEF & Others) -- censor Radical Honesty SA's allegations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Fraud. It remains to be seen whether Judge Colin Lamont is as petrified of the SA media, and as easily manipulated by them, as the entire bench of SA Constitutional Court Justices were in CCT 23-10 and CCT 06-11. The entire SA-TRC legal, political and media elite, are fully cognisant of the reality that the entire Constitutional Court is corrupt and are endorsing the media's censorship of the Concourt and media's corruption. (http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/za_southafrica.htm) The ANC's Anti-Apartheid Movement, aka "the most successful Popular Front Lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world" [1] are alive and well; and an entire country of 'liberation struggle hero's' (sic) too petrified to expose the reality of their TRC lies, censorship and fraud [2]? Respectfully, Lara Johnstone Jus Sanguinis Petition Organizer www.jussanguinis.com www.african-white-refugees.co.nr Tel: +27 (44) 870 7239 Cel: +27 (71) 170 1954 Email: jussanguinis@mweb.co.za

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

[1] In Mutinies in the Liberation Armies: Inside Quatro, Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa (www.mbokodo-quatro-uncensored.co.nr) writes: "The ANC/SACP did a very good job in preventing public knowledge of its secret history from emerging… Those who survived the Gulag system of the ANC/SACP did so knowing that to reveal what they had been through meant rearrest, renewed tortures and in all probability, death. They had to sign a form committing them to silence.. "This regime of terror, extending beyond the gates of the ANC/SACP „Buchenwald' of Quadro, was a necessary element in the total practice of repression and deception which made the Anti-Apartheid Movement the most successful Popular Front lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world. "In its 30 years' existence, the AAM put international collaborative organisations of the period of the Spanish Civil War and of the StalinRoosevelt-Churchill alliance to shame. Extending to the press, the churches, the bourgeois political parties, the trade unions and the radical, even the „trotskyist' left, the AAM has been an outstanding success for Stalinism..."

[2] Table of Contents: [EU: NL-FR-DE-UK-CH Boer/Settler] Heads of Argument: I. LEGAL PRINCIPLES ADDRESSED AND RELIED UPON: A. Multicultural Conflict-of-Laws Substantive Due Process: Clarity & Impartiality B. Bolam Test: Common Law Reasonableness Test: Skill & Competencies C. Political Necessity: Freedom of Speech & Civil Disobedience D. Judicial Activism: A More Searching Judicial Enquiry: Search for Truth E. Ecolaw 101: Laws of Sustainability: Ecological Social Contract F. Law of Ecological Stability: State of System at Time the Act is Performed II: RADICAL HONESTY TRUTH & FORGIVENESS SOCIAL CONTRACT PRINCIPLES A. Radical Honesty Overview: Being Specific about Anger and Forgiveness B. Stanley Milgram Studies on Obedience: Legal, Socio-political Implications C. Common Law Reasonableness Test: Skills and Competencies D. Rule of Law & Forgiveness: Individuality, Independence & Integrity III: POPULATION POLICY COMMON SENSE PRINCIPLES A. French Riddle of the Lily Pond: State of the Eco-Cultural System B. Thou Shalt Not Transgress Carrying Capacity Prophets C. Eco-Numeracy: Exponential Functions and Carrying Capacity D. Tragedy of the Commons: Limited World, Limited Rights E. Overpopulation: Resources Scarcity and Resource War Violence F. Demographics and Violence: Youth Bulges G. Population Pressures, Resource Wars and National Security H. How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection IV: JUST WAR & TRAGEDY OF ANC‟S BREEDING WAR COMMONS A. Apartheid: Crime Against Humanity; or Just War for Demographic Survival? B. ANC‟s Liberation Struggle violated Just War (Honour) Theory Principles: C. No Just Cause: ANC Could Have Non-violently Ended their Breeding War D: No Right Intention: Apartheid raised Black Living Standards to Highest in Africa E: No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule? F: No Proportional Force: People‟s War Terror for „Liberation Struggle‟ G No Proportional Force: ANC‟s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps H: War No Last Resort: Violence a Liberating Force‟ on Rotting Corpse of Settler

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

V: TRC FRAUD: „CRIME OF APARTHEID‟ WAS FALSIFICATION OF SA HISTORY A. TRC Social Contract Maintains Legal Oppression by Avoiding Key Definitions B. Black Liberation Theology vs Calvinist Christian Concepts of Reconciliation C. Was Truth & Reconciliation Seen to be Done by Black Liberation Theology TRC? D. Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Demographic Survival? E. Farm Murders: A Rainbow TRC Peace, or Racial Hatred War Reality? F. ANC‟s Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping Population Production Breeding War VI. A DESCARTIAN DIALOGUE: INTENTIONS AND DEFINITIONS OF „KAFFIR‟? A. Existential Friction Theory Identities: Boer Descartian v. Ubuntu Conformist B. Radical Honesty Habeus Mentem Eco-Psycho-Cultural Definitions of Kaffir C. SA Courts: Radical Honesty Intention & Definitions of „Kaffir‟ Irrelevant D. CCT: Radical Honesty Intention & Definitions of „Kaffir‟: Not In Interests of Justice VI. STATE OF TRC FRAUD‟S SYSTEM: SYSTEMIC ECO-CULTURAL COLLAPSE A. 74% of White South Africans: We Are African White Refugees B. Ethno-Nationalism is foundation for Democracy, not its threat C. Multi-culturalism is Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures D. Peak Oil, Economic Collapse & Friction Theory Cultural Conflict E. Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession F. Boer Volkstaat in SA: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK)

Radical Honesty SA * P O Box 5042, George East, 6539 * Tel: (044)870 7239 Cell: (071) 170 1954

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