11-06-02: Radical Honesty to Oprah: SA's Black Liberation Theology TRC Fraud

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Radical Honesty SA to Oprah Winfrey; CC: Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins; UFS: J. Jansen; Pastor James Manning

Req. for Info: What is Oprah’s Position on the Black Liberation Theology TRC Fraud Documentation filed by Maya Angelou’s Nephew: Demian Emile Johnson’s South African Wife; in SA Courts and the International Criminal Court; including in the Reits Four Matter? 03 June 2011 Dear Ms. Winfrey,

Request for Information from Ms. Oprah Winfrey: [1]

What is Ms. Oprah Winfrey‟s Position regarding the Black Liberation Theology TRC Fraud Documentation filed by Maya Angelou‟s Nephew: Demian Emile Johnson‟s South African Wife; in SA Courts and the International Criminal Court; including in the Reits Four Matter?


What is Ms. Oprah Winfrey‟s position on the reality that the one culture in South Africa that practices 100 % transparency, brutal honesty, and a commitment to sincere forgiveness; IS DENIED THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF EXISTENCE BY THE 'TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION' (SIC) SOUTH AFRICAN COURTS, POLITICIANS AND GOVERNMENT?


Have you been sent to South Africa by America‟s Foxy White, Half-White and Black Poverty Pimping Liberals; who are upset about Honourable Black Conservatives such as Pastor James Manning1 and Meshack Mabogoane2 agreeing to be Ethno-Nationalist Jus Sanguinis Expert Witnesses3 regarding the TRC Fraud4 conducted by Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and F.W. de Klerk?


http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exp/Manning-James.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exp/Mabogoane-Meshack.htm 3 http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/Expert-Witnesses.htm 4 http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/index.htm 2

Oprah to Visit (Black Liberation Theology) ‘Transformed’ University of Free State: I read in Oprah to visit ‘transformed’ UFS5: that you have decided to visit the alleged „transformed‟ UFS. Talk show host and media magnate Oprah Winfrey will visit the University of the Free State this month, apparently because she is impressed by its transformation. Prof Jonathan Jansen, vice-chancellor and rector, said Oprah approached the university three weeks ago to organise a visit. "From what I've heard she is so impressed with transformation at the university that she wanted to come see it for herself," he said. Jansen added that he could not provide more information about the visit yet, but said she would "definitely be making a big speech". The university made headlines after a video shot by four students was leaked three years ago. It showed five workers on their knees eating food that had allegedly been urinated on by students from Reitz hostel. The four men - RC Malherbe, Johnny Roberts, Schalk van der Merwe and Danie Grobler - were found guilty in the Bloemfontein Magistrate's Court last year of crimen injuria and sentenced to 12 months in prison or a fine of R20 000 each. Jansen, who took over as the university's rector in 2009, caused a stir when he said the four men should be forgiven and disciplinary charges against them withdrawn. In February, the so-called Reitz Four apologised to the five workers who appeared in the video.

Censored by Sunday Times: Dr Maya Angelou’s Nephew’s Wife’s Allegations of South Africa’s Black Liberation Theology TRC Fraud: Sunday Times Archive: 31 May 1998: US convict wins love and support in SA town: Volksrust rallies behind woman's campaign to free jailed husband6, Michael Schmidt, Sunday Times: A South African plaasmeisie has won a surprise victory over the hearts of residents of her home town of Volksrust after marrying a black American who has spent 15 years in jail for murder. Born into a family related by marriage to former Prime Minister B J Vorster, was a child rebel, spurning racism for friendship with a black teacher. She became involved in student protests during the 80s and worked for Greenpeace and Amnesty International. Lara, now 31, made waves in October last year when she announced her marriage to Demian Johnson, 33, a black American in jail since the age of 18 for the killing of a taxi driver. Her parents, initially shocked by her decision to marry Demian, have become his greatest supporters and have urged all their friends to write to the parole board, demanding he be set free. A significant number of Volksrust residents have backed the call. [..] Letters calling for his release have poured in from around the world, but not from his own aunt, the poet and writer Maya Angelou.

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http://www.timeslive.co.za/entertainment/article1099628.ece/Oprah-to-visit-transformed-UFS http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/980531_suntimes_michaelschmidt?mode=a_p

[Note: Dr. Angelou initially refused Lara Johnstone‟s requests for her to provide a letter in support of her nephews parole hearing. Dr. Angelou subsequently changed her mind – how could she refuse to support her nephew‟s parole hearing, when conservative white Afrikaans Christians in South Africa had written letters in support of his parole hearing? Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife – Lara Johnson - at the time a legal American immigrant, with permanent residency status was arrested in San Francisco by the INS on 28 January 2002, detained in Yuba County Jail until 28 February 2002 and summarily deported to South Africa, on 02 March 2002. The Dept. of Homeland Security in Johannesburg have refused all Johnson‟s enquiries to appeal her deportation, stating that the INS have lost her file. According to the San Francisco City Attorney, Arizona may not arrest and deport Mexican illegal immigrants; but San Francisco may arrest and deport legal European immigrants.7] Censored from Sunday Times readers, by Sunday Times Editors and Journalists: 

The UFS Reits Four „Reconciliation‟ was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Allan Boesak, the Dutch Reformed Black Liberation Theologian, who instigated the World Alliance of Reformed Churches to declare apartheid a heresy; and the author of the Black Liberation Theology book: Farewell to Innocence: A Socio-Ethical Study on Black Theology and Black Power.

Unlike the followers of Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins; the Reits Four and a significant number of South Africa‟s Calvinist Christians are blissfully clueless that the „forgiveness‟ definition being used by SA‟s Black Liberation Theology Politicians and Theologians is not the Calvinist Christian „forgiveness‟ definition; but the Marxist Black Liberation Theology „forgiveness‟ definition. (Vatican Assassins: Answer to White Protestant Genocide in South Africa: Secession or Return to Europe8)

The TRC Fraud elite are conducting this Black Liberation Theology Forgiveness; without the honour and integrity and balls to clearly and legally define their BLT concept of forgiveness; have and continue to do all in their efforts to censor and coverup the reality that the forgiveness definition they are applying to the South African „reconciliation‟ process is not the Calvinist definition, or the Radical Honesty definition; but the Black Liberation Theology definition. (TRC Fraud Complaint to ICC9)

Oprah‟s Mentor, Mother, Sister and Friend, Dr. Maya Angelou‟s Nephew, Demian Emile Johnson‟s former South African wife filed a TRC Fraud Amicus Curiae in the Reits Four matter which included a demand for transparency on these TRC Fraud cultural differences of Forgiveness definition issues (Radical Honesty - RSA Amicus filed in Reitz Four matter10)

Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife‟s Amicus argued that the Reits Four were being legally lynched by the SA Media, and that the SA media were deliberately censoring the information in the Radical Honesty SA Amicus before the Concourt in Citizen v. McBride (Radical Honesty - RSA Amicus filed in Reitz Four matter11) (Ubuntufied Legal Lynching: The Reitz 4 TRC Fraud Prostitution Circus12). [Note: The Concourt


28 April 2010: SF City Attorney Representation: Legal Assistance to Challenge Unjust Immigration Law: In Forma Pauperis Application to SF City Attorney for Legal Assistance to Challenge INS-SF, for damages; for their illegal arrest, detention and deportation of a legal immigrant/resident, from streets of San Francisco. http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100428_sf-city-att_deportation-l-johnson?mode=a_p 8 Vatican Assassins: Answer to White Protestant Genocide in South Africa: Secession or Return to Europe: http://www.vaticanassassins.org/2010/12/answer-to-white-protestant-genocide-in-south-africa-secession-or-return-to-europe/ 9 http://tiny.cc/ICC-TRC-Fraud-Genocide 10 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/07/radical-honesty-rsa-amicus-filed-in.html 11 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/07/radical-honesty-rsa-amicus-filed-in.html 12 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/02/ubuntufied-legal-lynching-reitz-4-trc.html

subsequently ruled in favour of the Radical Honesty Amicus‟ Argument, that Intention of the Individual who made the alleged „insulting‟ statements or actions is of primary concern; which if applied in the case of the Reitz 4 would find them INNOCENT OF ALL CRIMEN INJURIA CHARGES of Racism] 

Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife‟s Complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) against 88 SA media publications and editors argued that the Media were deliberately censoring South Africa‟s TRC FRAUD, sensationalising the Reits Four‟s alleged „racism‟; while deliberately censoring the „Kill Boer‟ murder and torture of Hellen and Alice Lotter; who were so badly tortured by their gardner with a broken bottle, stabbed into their vaginal area, their entire womb was missing (TRC Fraud Genocide Charges filed to ICC against: Mandela, Tutu, de Klerk, Nobel Committee, SA media, etc13)

City Press accused Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife of being a member of a Right Wing Group for attempting to scupper the Reitz four trial (Rightwing group tries to scupper Reitz trial‟ - City Press14)

Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife filed a complaint with the SA Police, who referred it to the Press Ombudsman (Complaint to SAPS against City Press, for Criminal Defamation & Fraud; RE: „Rightwing group tries to scupper Reitz trial‟15)

The Press Ombudsman and Press Appeal Panel denied Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife Application for Review of City Press‟s article‟s allegations she was attempting to scupper the Reits 4 trial (Press Ombudsman Ruling: Radical Honesty White Refugee vs City Press; RE: CityPress article: “Rightwing Group Tries to Scupper Reits Trial”16) (Radical Honesty - SA Appeals to Judge Zulman, Press Appeals Panel; for Review of Press Ombudsman City Press/Reitz Four Ruling17)

Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife‟s TRC FRAUD allegations filed in (I) Citizen v. McBride, before the SA Constitutional Court (CCT 23-1018); (II) Radical Honesty SA v. SANEF & 87 Others (CCT 06-1119); Radical Honesty Amicus Curiae in Afriforum v. Malema (072010 EQ JHB20) and Complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC TRC Fraud Censorship Complaint21): ALL CENSORED AND IGNORED by SA & Intnl Media.

Dr. Angelou‟s nephew‟s wife‟s TRC FRAUD allegations delivered to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela Foundation and FW de Klerk Foundation, Trevor Manuel: ALL CENSORED AND IGNORED by relevant authorities to whom they were addressed. (Radical Honesty SA to FW de Klerk: TRC Fraud Elite's One-Meaning-OnlyKaffir-Dictatorship22) (Open Letter to Tutu: Why do you endorse blacklisting of TRC Fraud critics & evidence?23) (Open Letter to Foxy Liberal Hypocrit: Trevor Manuel24)

Radical Honour Wise Words Advice to Oprah Winfrey: If you want Respect from Honourable Race Conscious Aware White Folk: Wake the Fuck Up!


http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/05/trc-fraud-genocide-charges-filed-to-icc.html http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/07/rightwing-group-tries-to-scupper-reitz.html 15 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/08/audi-alteram-partem-complaint-to-saps.html 16 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/11/10-11-03-press-ombudsman-ruling-radical.html 17 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2010/11/radical-honesty-appeals-to-judge-zulman.html 18 http://tiny.cc/Concourt_23-10 19 http://tiny.cc/Concourt_06-11 20 http://tiny.cc/Afriforum-v-Malema 21 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/05/trc-fraud-genocide-charges-filed-to-icc.html 22 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/05/radical-honesty-sa-to-fw-de-klerk-trc.html 23 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/01/open-letter-to-tutu-why-do-you-endorse.html 24 http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/03/open-letter-to-foxy-liberal-hypocrit.html 14

Why Foxy Liberal PsychoInfant White-Guilt Crackers like Foxy Liberal PsychoInfant Niggers The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro‟s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball through tricks of tokenism: false promises of integration and civil rights. In this profitable game of deceiving and exploiting the politics of the American Negro, those white liberals have the willing cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders. These “leaders” sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains. These “leaders” are satisfied with token victories and token progress because they themselves are nothing but token leaders…. Once the Negro learns to think for himself, he will no longer allow the white liberal to use him as a helpless football in the white man‟s crooked game of “power politics.” The white conservatives aren‟t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don‟t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox. The white liberals control the Negro and the Negro vote by controlling the Negro civil rights leaders. As long as they control the Negro civil rights leaders, they can also control and contain the Negro‟s struggle, and they can control the Negro‟s so-called revolt. -- Excerpts from 1963 speech by Malcolm X: “God’s Judgement of White America.”

Honour to God: The Roots of Psychological and Spiritual Security and Confidence: In Oprah talks to Maya Angelou25; you write: The woman Oprah calls mentor-mother-sister-friend offers wise words about the roots of confidence, the trouble with modesty and how to do the impossible.

Frankly: In my personal experience from my brief dealings with Dr. Maya Angelou as the wife of her grand nephew; she is a two faced fucking hypocrite, who is far more interested in finding two-faced hypocrite white people to kiss her butt, and crawl up her fucking ass and tickle her tonsils; so they can buy her books; than she is remotely interested in associating with brutally honest and honourable white folk; who refuse to lie to her; and only tell her the 100% truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; 24 hours a day. Dr. Angelou has no time or interest in honest honourable white folk who refuse to kiss anyone‟s butt, because they judge any and every single person, not on their skin colour or their religion or culture; but on the quality of their honourable character. Dr. Angelou loves white folk suffering from white guilt complexes, like Oakland Crack Addicts love their crack pipe‟s enough to sell their kids for one. If you seriously and sincerely want advise on the roots of honourable and ethical selfconfidence and brutal honest race relations of brutal honesty (honour) love and respect; i.e. how to do the Race Relations Honourably Impossible; consider the teachings of Pastor James Manning of Atlah World Ministries; or Dr. Truth: Brad Blanton; founder of the Radical Honesty 25


culture and religion. These are men who highly value honour; and whose honourable teachings to their flock demand that they practice honourable transparency and brutal honesty with their flocks. If your psychologically insecurity complex addiction is for more and more two faced hypocrite politically correct white and black folks suffering from Dunning and Kruger26: Primacy Effect27 cognitive racial biases28, regarding their racial consciousness29 stupidity; to kiss your ass, then by all means continue your Oprah Psychological-Infancy Imperial Crusade! You are high on Race Relations Psychological-Infancy (sycophancy) Hypocrisy Crack Cocaine! Come sniff yourself a Mandela, Tutu and De Klerk UFS Rainbow Duhmockery Psycho-Infancy Crackpipe! Tutu, Mandela and De Klerk‟s TRC fraud Rainbow Duhmockery South Africa shall be quite happy to provide you with thousands of moronically ignorant white and black folks suffering from Dunning and Kruger30: Primacy Effect31 cognitive racial biases32, about their racial consciousness stupidity; to kiss your Psychological Infant (Nigger?33) ass. While Pastor Manning and Dr. Blanton are Modern Day Psychological Liberation from Mainstream Consumer Zombie Mass Media Mind-Fuck Slavery Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass Teachers; You, Tutu, Mandela and De Klerk are nothing but a Poverty Pimping PsychoInfancy Crack Addicts, enslaving your ignorant moron imbecile followers in ever greater Psychological Infancy two-faced hypocrisy self-deception „freedom‟: the „freedom‟ to be a two-faced political correct non-white or non-black hypocrit. “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves” -- Harriet Tubman “If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more.” -- Harriet Tubman “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.” - Frederick Douglass “To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.” - Frederick Douglass “The soul that is within me no man can degrade.” - Frederick Douglass “A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.” - Frederick Douglass “I would unite with anyone to do right; and with no-one to do wrong” – Frederick Douglass “Being black is not a matter of pigmentation - being black is a reflection of mental attitude.” -- Steve Biko, I Write What I Like, 1978


Lara Johnstone Radical Honesty SA 26

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwagon_effect 28 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_bias 29 http://tiny.cc/WhatIsRacism 30 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect 31 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwagon_effect 32 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_bias 33 Oprah Winfry has Jungle Fever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyGfiDIxDso 27

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