11-07-14: RHSA: UStb: HR Botman: VVK Abel Malan & Prof. Anton vd Merwe Dispute

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14 July 2011

Prof. Russel Botman Rector: Stellenbosch Univ. Tel: +27 21 808-9111 | Fax: +27 21 808-3714 Email: vc@sun.ac.za Prof Julian Smith Vice-Rector (Community Interaction) Tel: +27 21 808-9111 | +27 21 808-3714 Email: jfsmith@sun.ac.za

c/o: Prof. Gerhard Lubbe Institutional Legal Advisor to Management Tel.: +27 21 808-4853 | +27 21 886-6235 gfl1@sun.ac.za

Prof. Anton van Niekerk Dept. of Philosophy Phone: 27 21 808 2418 | Fax: 27 21 808 3556 Email: aavn@sun.ac.za

Martin Viljoen Senior Media Liaison Practitioner Tel: +27 21 808 492 viljoenm@sun.ac.za

Desmond Thompson Senior Writer/Researcher Tel: +27 21 808 3724 | Fax:27 21 808 3724 desmond@sun.ac.za

Wayne Muller Kampusnuus Editor Tel: 27 21 808 4851 | Fax: 21 808 4851 kampusnuus@sun.ac.za

Liezl Scholtz Journalist Tel: +27 21 808 2927 | +27 21 808 2927 liezls@sun.ac.za

Sonika Lamprecht Journalist Tel: +27 21 808 9221 | Fx: 27 21 808 9221 sonika@sun.ac.za

Ilse Arendse Journalist Tel: +27 21 808 4639 | 27 21 808 4639 ilsea@sun.ac.za

Mattie van der Merwe Editor Tel: +27 21 808 4625 | 27 21 808 4625 jmvdm@sun.ac.za

Prof. Russel Botman,

RE: Radical Honesty Submission to Univ. of Stellenbosch from Radical Honesty SA: (I) Prof. Anton van der Merwe & VVK Mr. Abel Malan; (II) SA Media and TRC Elite’s Censorship of ANC’s TRC Fraud

I have read the articles: Burger: Stellenbosch-prof in sy kantoor geslaan1; Mike Smith Political Commentary: Lippy Liberal Afrikaner Prof. Anton van Niekerk meets his match2; Verkenners Beweeging: Bekkige filosoof se mond gesnoer3; Univ. of Stellenbosch: ‘Attack on Prof Anton van Niekerk reprehensible’ – Rector4. The Stellenbosch Univ. blog article states that you considered this incident so important, you called a Press Conference: At the press conference Prof Botman strongly condemned the incident. “As a University it is our duty and role to stimulate and guide constructive debate and discussion. Academic freedom and freedom of expression and speech go hand in hand and it is nonnegotiable,” he said. “In addition to the charge of criminal assault, among others, SU is considering its legal position and will work from within the full strength of the law to take all possible steps to protect personnel against such acts and intimidation.” An alleged member of the rightwing group named Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie assaulted Prof Van Niekerk and vandalised his office in the process. This follows after an opinion piece by Van Niekerk that recently appeared in the media. In the column he expressed his opinion that there has been an alarming shift in the public debate “of effective extenuation of the role Afrikaners played in apartheid”.

Radical Honesty SA Submission: Radical Honesty SA is unlike all South Africa’s Ideological, cultural and racial tribes; all of whom only endorse the rule of law for their own tribal members, or those closely affiliated to their tribe. The Radical Honesty culture endorses the rule of law for all tribes; the highest test of any individuals commitment to the rule of law; is when they endorse the rule of law for someone whom perceives them as their enemy. I am the daughter of a former Kwa-Zulu Natal farmer (Farm: Gerizim near Utrecht). On 11 October 1997, I married African-American Demian Emile Johnson in Folsom Prison, California, where he has been serving a sentence of 15 to life since 1982 (separated, filed for amicable divorce). My original commitment to South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation process may be found in my Submission to ‘Register of Reconciliation’ and donation to Presidents Fund for Reparations to assist victims of gross violations of human rights dated 18 January 1999; which detailed my willingness to donate my entire Inheritance to facilitate sincere Truth and Forgiveness. I joined the Radical Honesty culture and religion in 1999, after reading Dr. Blanton’s book Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By Telling the Truth, going to one of his workshops; and learning how to be specific about my anger, and to share it honourably face-toface to the individual I was angry with; with the commitment of remaining in the conversation until sincere sensate forgiveness had occurred. I am the only member of the Radical Honesty5 culture and religion, in South Africa. The Radical Honesty culture and religion are founded upon the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness6; as excerpted from: Practicing Radical Honesty7. Radical Honesty is a powerful process by which people can make corrections in the minds distorted and only partly conscious map of the world. Our maps of the world are distorted by our repressed anger and resentment; the greater the amount of repressed anger and resentment, the greater the distortion. The key to individuality, integrity, individual freedom, and free societies, lies in providing people with the skills and capabilities to get over their

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

http://www.dieburger.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Stellenbosch-prof-in-sy-kantoor-geslaan-20110714 http://mspoliticalcommentary.blogspot.com/2011/07/lippy-liberal-afrikaner-prof-anton-van.html http://www.verkenners.org.za/ http://blogs.sun.ac.za/news/2011/07/14/%E2%80%98attack-on-prof-anton-van-niekerk-reprehensible%E2%80%99-%E2%80%93-rector/ Founded by Dr. Brad Blanton, author, psychologist and ‘Honesty in Politics’ Congressional Candidate: www.radicalhonesty.com Chapter 9: Radical Honesty About Anger: Practicing Radical Honesty, by Brad Blanton, Ph.D.

anger, and experience sincere forgiveness. It is the way the statistics from Stanley Milgram’s experiments on blind obedience to authority8 get changed.9 Radical Honesty culture and religion was founded by Dr. Brad Blanton, who is: (1) President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises Sparrowhawk Book Publishing and The Center for Radical Honesty, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world; (2) former candidate for Congress in 2004 and 2006, on the platform of ‘Honesty in Politics’10; (3) Pope of the Radical Honesty Futilitarian Church; i.e. “Dr. Truth”11; and (4) author of (a) Radical Honesty: How To Transform your Life by Telling the Truth; (b) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends, (c) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that Can Change the World, with Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations with God series); (d) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; (e) The Truthtellers: Stories of Success by Radically Honest People and (f) Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second-Sound-Light-Being; (g) Some New Kind of Trailer Trash. As a rule-of-law political activist, I endorse and have advocated for the rule-of-law for all, rich, poor, white, black, left and right, religious or atheist. I am separated (filed for divorce) from Demian Emile Johnson, who is, and has been, incarcerated in California Dept. of Corrections, for the entire duration of our marriage12. In addition to Radical Honesty I have been involved in non-violent civil disobedience actions on behalf of my former husband13, Greenpeace14, Amnesty Int’l, Pacific Inst. for Criminal Justice15, Jericho 9816, Crack the CIA17, The Disclosure Project18, New Abolitionist19, Justice for Timothy McVeigh20, Alliance for Democracy21, Boycott 2010 World Cup22, Right of Return for African White Refugees23, et al24. I am 44 years old. With the help of an IUD, inserted at age 19, Common Sense and a love for children, I have never been pregnant, nor had an abortion; nor brought any unwanted children onto the planet; nor contributed to local, national or international overpopulation or resource wars; nor advocated on behalf of population or economic growth; or materialist consumerism.

VVK is ‘Right Wing’ of Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Julius Malema, Russel Botman, or who? I don’t know what you mean by ‘right wing’. To be left or right of something, refers to particular reference points; in the same as to be West (left) or East (right) of Greenwich Meantime. So you can be in the Eastern Hemisphere, but be west of a particular reference

8 Great World Trials; The Adolph Eichmann Trial, 1961. pages 332-337; 1997.: Eichmann, speaking in his own defense, said he did not dispute the Holocaust facts. During the whole trial, Eichmann insisted that he was only "following orders"—the same Nuremberg Defense used by some of the Nazi war criminals during the 1945–1946 Nuremberg Trials. He explicitly declared that he had abdicated his conscience in order to follow the Führerprinzip. Eichmann claimed that he was merely a "transmitter" with very little power. He testified that: "I never did anything, great or small, without obtaining in advance express instructions from Adolf Hitler or any of my superiors." 9 Ibid. Ch. 8: Community and Compassion: Work of Stanley Milgram; (p81) 10 See Video Documentaries at: www.why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/p/honesty-in-politics.html 11 See Center for Radical Honesty at: www.radicalhonesty.com 12 98-05-31: Sun Times: US convict wins love and support in SA town, 98-09-24: YOU: Volkrust FarmGirl Doomed Love for Black Convict, by Frans Kemp 13 RSA OVERSEAS: South African on hunger strike in California, by Ilda Jacobs 14 Easter 1993: arrested with a few dozen Greenpeace activists in a Save Our Seas anti-nuclear demonstration at Sellafield, Nuclear Power station, in Scotland, for trespassing; neither charged nor prosecuted. See: Greenpeace’s Campaign Against Ocean Dumping of Radio-Active Waste, 1978 – 1998 15 98-07-04 Miami Herald: Police action harms image as protectors 16 Jericho 98 is the movement to Free America’s Political Prisoners. Filed Petition to President Mandela to support the many Anti-Apartheid Activists whom the ANC conveniently forgot, rotting away in America’s prisons: Marilyn Buck, Jaan Laaman, Tom Manning, etc. Ignored by Mandela. 17 99-03-16: San Francisco Chronicle: CIA Class Action Suit For Not Reporting Drug Trade 18 Presidential UFO: George W. Bush’s UFO Mail: Are You Ready for the Revolution? 19 New Abolitionist: Race Traitor: Zero Tolerance 20 April 2001: New Abolitionist: Tim McVeigh and Me 21 2000: arrested & detained for 3 hours, with Brad Blanton, Ronny Dugger (founding editor of Texas Observer and Alliance for Democracy), & others in the Wash, DC, Capital of the Rotunda. Issue: Campaign Finance Reform. District Attorney declined to Prosecute. 22 09-12-17: IOL Tech.: Anti-SA Smear Campaign on Facebook 23 10-04-23: Algemene Dagblad: Zuid Afrikanen Smeken Om Wilders Hulp ; 10-04-25: Sunday Argus: SA family seeks repatriation to Netherlands; 10-0430: Mail & Guardian: Persecuted Afrikaners Talk of Returning Home; 10-05-17: Christian Science Monitor: White South Africans use Facebook in Campaign to Return to Holland 24 17 Dec 1998: arrested at Oakland Federal Building, with anti-war protestors, who shut down the Federal Building for two hours; detained by Oakland Police for an hour, before being released. Alameda Co. DA declined to prosecute. 1998-12-19 Beeld: SA `plaasmeisie' vas in VSA oor Golf-protes

point; i.e. Capetown is West of George; but both are in the Eastern Hemisphere. So what reference points do you refer to, when you say the VVK is ‘right wing’? If Russel Botman is a far left communist, then perhaps it is true the VVK is far right of Russel Botman. But it is not clear which reference points you refer to, when you state that the VVK is ‘far right’. Furthermore, if the VVK is indeed a ‘right wing’ organisation; what does that mean? Does it mean they should not be listened to? They should be ignored, or censored? Their opinions are not worthy of critical enquiry and investigation? For example: The liberal DA, African National Congress, Afriforum, FW de Klerk Foundation and Nelson Mandela Foundation, Afrikanerbond and South African media editors, all pretend to the world that they support ‘truth and reconciliation’. They pretend they support the rule of law and justice for all South Africa’s cultures and tribes. I am a member of a culture whose social contract is founded on truth telling and sincere sensate forgiveness; where we have blacks and whites who live in accordance to our social contract of brutal honesty; and yet I am hated and despised by the Democratic Alliance, the ANC, who consider me to be lower than an Apartheid Kaffir. I am ignored as if I don’t exist. They pretend to support ‘truth and reconciliation’ but at the same time endorse the legal and political persecution of the only individual in South Africa whose entire culture is founded on truth telling and sincere forgiveness. In fact CityPress consider a culture founded on truth telling and sincere forgiveness to be ‘right wing’. So, what do you mean, Prof. Botman, when you say an organisation is ‘right wing’? And why even refer to any organisation as ‘right wing’, why not address the issues they raise, the issues and values they stand for; and if you have any objections to those issues, provide your evidence and engage them in debate.

Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression; Except for ‘Right Wing VVK’? I agree with you that Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression should be considered negotiable; except unlike you; I mean it. To you they are simply words that you do not practice. To me they are words which I practiced even if it meant upholding my commitment values to them by being imprisoned by the ANC. My allegation of your two-faced hypocrisy lack of commitment to your alleged ideals; is your endorsement of the censorship from the public of your – and a few of your colleagues – endorsement and support for the legal persecution and prosecution of minorities, such as Brandon Huntley and members of the Radical Honesty culture. Perhaps you have forgotten? On 25 February 2010 I contacted your office for comment: Request Univ. of Stellenbosch’s Official Comment on Radical Honesty Culture & Religion Free Speech Legal Issue: Non-violent civil disobedience Radical Honesty expression of Dissent to Politically Correct Tyrannical Insanity. American politician and author Dr. Brad Blanton accuses SA Government of conducting a legal prosecution and persecution campaign against non-violent civil disobedience Free Speech dissenter (PDF). Your comment was: Univ. of Stellenbosch: Prof. Russel Botman: 03 March 2010 “Deliberate Indifference: Prof. Russel Botman (Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Univ. of Stellenbosch) is deliberately indifferent to certain people of certain ethnicities and/or ideologies and/or cultures and/or religions being politically and legally persecuted and prosecuted; and you fit one or more of those particular ethnic, ideological, cultural or religious categories, towards whom, Univ. of Stellenbosch is deliberately indifferent.”

The Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie represents a significant number of Afrikaans and English speaking South Africans who wish to secede to a Volkstaat; in accordance to the South African Constitution’s Right to Self Determination Clause. The entire TRC elite; from the DA, African National Congress, Afriforum, FW de Klerk Foundation and Nelson Mandela Foundation, Afrikanerbond and South African media editors have and continue to pretend that the VVK do not exist; to censor any and all information about their activities, their meetings, their upcoming election. As far as the ‘TRC Elite’ are concerned conservative Afrikaners don’t exist, and have no right to express their perspectives in the media; nor should their organisations activities be reported upon, because they are not to be considered worthy to be part of South Africa’s TRC Rainbow. They are less than ‘white scum’; only worthy of being gang-raped, murdered, robbed, tortured. Did your alleged values to endorsing Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech ever extend to inviting the VVK to come to Stellenbosch University for a debate on their perspective to South African Apartheid history; or their reasons for why they wish to secede? Don’t you give a flying fuck about their ‘academic freedom’? If the last Afrikaans University in South Africa does not give a flying fuck about all Afrikaners, and all their different perspectives and give them an Academic Voice; is your University really committed to encouraging your students Academic Freedom Critical Thinking minds?

Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression; Except for ‘TRC Fraud’? As detailed in the documentation submitted to you in February 2010, the leading world expert on truth-telling and sincere forgiveness, Dr. Brad Blanton says the TRC was a fraudulent PR publicity stunt. Radical Honesty SA filed an Amicus Curiae in the Constitutional Court matter of Citizen v. McBride (CCT 23-10) arguing that South Africa’s TRC was not sincere, but fake. On 03 May 2010 the Concourt approved the Application. On 18 July 2010 Radical Honesty submitted Heads of Argument (PDF25), in support of Radical Honesty Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 34 of 1995. It was supported by the expert witness statements of Dr. Brad Blanton (PDF26) and Dr. T. Michael Maher (PDF27). The South African media bribed the Constitutional Court to pretend the Amicus (supported by two international expert witnesses) had never been filed. The SA media censored any and all mention of the Amicus Curiae and its TRC Fraud argument before the Concourt from the SA public. Even the Right2Know campaign28 endorses the censorship of the TRC Fraud Arguments from the South African public, including dozens of other SA organisations29. Dozens of South Africans Political, Academic, and Media TRC elite were aware of this media and Concourt corruption; that reduces Rupert Murdoch and News International’s corruption to that of kids stealing other kids lollipops: (CAS # 823-08-2010): Bribery Conspiracy to Censor Ecolaw TRC fraud evidence before Concourt from Public’s Right to Know, to (a) enable TRC elite to retain TRC-PR benefits & (b) obstruct administration of Ecolaw Concourt justice.(PDF30). On 19 April 2011 Radical Honesty filed an application to proceed as an Amicus Curiae in the ‘Kill Boers’ Hate Speech Equality Court case of Afriforum v. Malema (PDF31). The Amicus application requests the court to “admit the attached Heads of Argument as the Radical Honesty Culture and Religion’s Official For the Court Record Objective Reasonable32 Perspective in this matter. 25

http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100718_rhwr-concourt-amicus?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100518_cc2310_affid-bblanton?mode=a_p 27 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100522_cct2310_affid-dr-t-m-maher?mode=a_p 28 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/za/Right2Know.htm 29 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/za_southafrica.htm 30 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100823_greenscorpions-saps-823-8-2010?mode=a_p 31 http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/110419__eq-07-10?mode=a_p 32 Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the 26

On 05 May 2011 Radical Honesty SA filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court at the Hague rrequesting the ICC: Prosecutor’s Office to: “Initiate an investigation into the allegations that the respondents are to be held criminally culpable for their endorsement and concealment of TRC FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against white South Africans, and ethno-cultural legal and political persecution of Afrikaner/Boer and Radical Honesty cultures. Complainants allege the Defendants cover up and censorship of the ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movements (i) Frantz Fanon/Black Consciousness (‘liberation by violence on the rotting corpse of the settlers’) (ii) Black Liberation Theology (‘violent elimination of ‘whiteness’); and (iii) Houari Boumediene/Black Power Breeding War (“The wombs of our women will give us victory”)33 inspired TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FRAUD (“TRC FRAUD”) perpetrated against citizens of South Africa, and predominantly against white Afrikaner/Boer/Settlers; is committed in the context of endorsing the ANC’s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by Africans over other racial groups, particularly Boer/Afrikaners and committed with the intention of maintaining the ANC regime. Did Stellenbosch University endorse academic freedom and freedom of expression, and to encourage their students that critical thinking and enquiry requires hearing all sides to an argument; to invite Radical Honesty to debate the TRC Fraud arguments submitted to the Concourt; being censored from all SA citizens right to know?

Why not? Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression; Except for ‘TRC Fraud’? In light of aforementioned; would it be fair to say that when it comes to endorsing Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression; you and your university endorse the censorship of academic voices which you disagree with? It is not more accurate to say that: As a University, it is your duty and role to censor any and all debate and discussion that contradicts your ideological and political perspective? If not, when shall the University of Stellenbosch be issuing the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie an invitation to debate their justifications for Secession Arguments to encourage constructive and inclusive debate on these important issues? If not, when shall the University of Stellenbosch be issuing the Jus Sanguinis International and South African expert witnesses an invitation to debate their evidentiary arguments justifying that South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation was a Fraud? Currently available South African and International Expert Witnesses willing to testify before any Parliamentary Hearing or Enquiry on specific arguments raised in Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper submitted to EU Progenitor/Stamvader nations. The following Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat 10/31/16 Theses Briefing Paper expert witnesses are available to testify as expert witnesses before any Parliamentary Hearing or Enquiry to the following expertise issues. Their expert witness testimony and participation should not necessarily be perceived as implicit support for the Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper in general, only on their specific area of expertise. Name & Qualifications

Expertise Requested & Available:

common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission 33 “One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.” -- Houari Boumediene, President of Algeria, at the United Nations, 1974 (Boumediene was an ardent supporter of the ANC and SWAPO)

Andres Herkel, MP Pro Patria Union / Group of the European People's Party, Estonia Vice Pres. of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe34

Brad Blanton, Ph.D Psychologist, Best Selling Author, Founder Radical Honesty culture; Green Independent Candidate for U.S. Congress in 2004 & 200636

James David Manning Ph.D Chief Pastor at Altah World Ministry Church, New York37

34 35 36 37 38 39 40

» Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and freedom, Tartu conference concludes35 » Role of Ethnic National identity in national constructions, together with the historical narratives they are based on, contribute to conflict, when they are incompatible and, antagonistic. » Why a society without a strong sense of ethnic identification, will often lack the social cohesion democracy and individual freedom require. How when a nation ignores the claims of ethnic communities within its population, that undermines the chances for democracy and individual rights. » Why it is important for Tallinn to continue to support peoples without statehood? » If Estonian political figures can and will serve as “effective intermediaries” for unrepresented former Soviet peoples to inform the Council of Europe and other international organizations about the situation of these nations; would they do so for the Boers in South Africa; or suggest that Netherlands political figures do so? » Radical Honesty Beyond Left/Right Problem Solving: No real thinking or problem solving happens amongst great pretenders including during Ecological Overshoot Denial: There is no possibility for a real resolution of resource war conflicts between the "clique of the ignorant" ‘right wing’ versus the "clique of cowardice" ‘left wing’; while ignoring the masculine insecurity demographic slave and cannon fodder breeding-war root causes of these Poverty Pimping ecological conflicts: Real Conflict Resolution is Hard Enough: Taboos Against SelfExpression and Root Cause Problem Solving Make It Damned Near Impossible » Radical Honesty Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED » Difference between fake intellectual forgiveness and sincere sensate forgiveness. » Importance of honesty, truth telling & sincere forgiveness to healthy relationships. » Consequences of fake intellectual forgiveness to creating toxic political correct relationships. » Radical Honesty Tao of Democracy Problem Solving Process » Importance of brutal honesty for healthy race relations; and consequences of toxic political correctness for aggravating race relation tensions, as detailed in his Video Presentations: » Call me Uncle Tom Ruckus Please Sir38 » A Call to Arms for White People of Truth39 » Her Name is "Ms Ann"40 » Roland "Clark Gable" Martin & Winnie "Floozy" Mandela

http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Herkel-Andres.htm http://www.eesti.ca/?op=article&articleid=30517&lang=en http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Blanton-Brad.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Manning-James.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeA7OOBhlDk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_aIvfFq3BA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuEc-nFULY8

Jason G. Brent USA: Former Judge; Author: Humans: An Endangered Species41

» “We must all understand that the most potent weapons of war

are the penis and the womb. Therefore, if you cannot convince a group to control its population by discussion, debate, intelligent analysis etc., you must consider their action in using the penis and the womb to increase population an act of war” -

» “No one has the right to use his penis or her womb to destroy

all of humanity. There is not a God given right to reproduce or to reproduce in a manner which results in the total and complete destruction of our species.” -- Humans: An Endangered Species42

» If you were the counsel for white South Africans prior to

implementing Apartheid; who perceived (rightly or wrongly) Africans to be using their penis and womb's as acts of war; what would you have suggested to your Afrikaner clients, as their Population Policy legal counsellor, were their legal ‘Just War Self Defense’ options for survival in the face of such a breeding war act of war?

T. Michael Maher, Ph.D Prof. & Head: Dept. of Communication, University of Louisiana, USA43

Nicolai Sennels, Ph.D Psychologist, Denmark; Author: Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologists Experiences from Copenhagen Municipality46

Frank Ellis, Ph.D Former Professor of Russian & Slavonic Studies at Leeds Univ. UK; Author: Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle48 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

» Written Statement by Consent of T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to SA Concourt for How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection44 and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue45: » “Population growth has been implicated in promoting water shortages, urban sprawl, global climate change, and most importantly for this court case, massive migration, social stress and resource scarcities that can lead to violence (cf Thomas Homer-Dixon, Environment, Scarcity and Violence)." » “The evidence clearly suggests that population growth is bad policy. But in most countries pressure to change pronatalist or pro-immigration policies is light, which is explained by my next point. 2. In covering population-driven environmental problems, media seldom link the problem to its source in population growth.” » Multi-culturalism Impossible with Dysfunctional Cultures: Danish Psychologist: “Integration of Muslims in Western 47 Societies is not possible” » While self-reflection and self responsibility is a basic principle of Western upbringing, the Muslim upbringing focuses on finding external causality events or reasons for his problems. This cultural pattern supports the experience of being the victim to external conditions and thereby diminishes the individual’s motivation for taking responsibility for their life. » Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle » Europe commits Ethno-Cultural Suicide / Review of Dr. Thilo Sarrazin’s Germany Consigns Itself to Oblivion49 » Demographic decline of Europeans in Europe / Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for Everybody » Time to face the truth about Multiculturalism

http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Brent-Jason.htm http://tiny.cc/JasonGBrent http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Maher-Michael.htm http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/mahertm_journo-env-pop-connection?mode=a_p http://issuu.com/js-ror/docs/100522_cct2310_affid-dr-t-m-maher?mode=a_p http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Sennels-Nicolai.htm http://nicolaisennels.dk/?page_id=823 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Ellis-Frank.htm

Jared Taylor, Ph.D Editor: American Renaissance, America's premiere publication of racial-realist thought, President: New Century Foundation, Former Director: National Policy Institute.50

Russel Kaplan Canada: Attorney for White Refugee Brandon Huntley51 Sebastian Ronin Canada: Chairman, Renaissance Vanguard International (RVI)53

Robert Stilson USA: Former Intelligence Agent; Black Liberation Theology Doctrine Researcher56 Paul Kruger Chairman: Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK)57 Gedaliah Braun Ph.D Professor of Philosophy, Nigeria, Kenya & Papau New Guinea; Author: Racism, Guilt, SelfHatred & Self-Deceit: A Philosophers Hard-Headed Look at the Dark Continent58 Andries Breytenbach Leader: Herstigte Nationale Party, Afrikanerfront60 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

» Race Realism: “Race realism is rejection of the agreeable fantasies about race that have become orthodoxy since the 1960s. First, it is obvious that most people prefer the company of others of their own race. Forced integration therefore causes tension and resentment.....” » Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society-language, religion, class, ideology-it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century... Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. » Brandon Huntley’s Application to Canada for White Refugee Status52 » Future applications by South Africans for White Refugee status » Peak Oil, Ethno-Nationalism, Secession » Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and freedom, Tartu conference concludes54 » Ethno Nationalist Secession-by-Default: Post-Peak Oil Devolution of the Industrial Nation-State55 » Origins of Black Liberation Theology. » Doctrine of Black Liberation Theology to ‘reconciliation’, ‘salvation’, ‘whiteness’ and ‘white guilt’. » Black Liberation Theology’s perspective towards personal responsibility vs. Victimology. » The political need, role and purpose of the VVK » VVK & International Law, SA Constitution: Self Determination. » Importance of International Support for VVK & Volkstaat » Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred & Self-Deceit: A Philosophers Hard59 Headed Look at the Dark Continent : » Sixteen years of frank conversations with Black Africans and Black South Africans regarding their preference for white or black rule. » How westernized blacks use ‘white guilt’ and ‘black rage’ to manipulate whites. » The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for BoerAfrikaner Demographic Survival: » Verwoerd and Malan’s ‘swart gevaar’ (black peril) motives for establishing Apartheid: Verwoerd described the motives,

http://tiny.cc/FrankEllis http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Taylor-Jared.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Kaplan-Russell.htm http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/transcript-of-irb-william-davis-ruling.html http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Ronin-Sebastian.htm http://www.eesti.ca/?op=article&articleid=30517&lang=en http://renaissancevanguard.wordpress.com/three-pillars-2/ http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Stilson-Robert.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Kruger-Paul.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Braun-Gedaliah.htm http://tiny.cc/Gedaliah-Braun http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Breytenbach-Andries.htm

practices and policies for apartheid, aka separate development, or Harmonious Multi-Community Development61, and Live and Let Live62 in depth, in the submissions to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on South West Africa, about the ‘superiority of numbers of the Natives’63 Andries Visagie Former Spokesperson for AWB; Ch: Geloftevolk Republikeine64 Ben Geldenhuys

» Overview of Projek 2010 Database information: ‘racial hatred’ aspects of murders of Afrikaners. » Verkenners Beweging Genocide Complaint to International Criminal Court (ICC): Probe ANC for genocide: the Hague ICC petitioned.

Chairman: Verkenners Beweeging & Projek 201065

Marius Coertze Clive Derby Lewis Attorney


Meshack Mabogoane Founder: Federal Africa


Freelance Journalist: (i) How ANC is Sponsoring SA's Moral Holocaust; (ii) Denial and blame stand in way of development68; (i) The search for cultural inspiration amid ruins; (ii) Songs used as buoys to keep ANC myth afloat69’; (i) Mbeki's legacy not his alone; (ii) Salute the bravery and vision of SA’s founders70

Steyn von Ronge Leader: Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging (AWB)71

General Constand Viljoen

» TRC was a Fraud & Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse » Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or RacialHatred-War Reality?

» Just War: Tragedy of the Breeding War Commons: Just Post Bellum: ANC: Promises of Amnesty Reneged Upon Destroying all Trust in Future Political Agreements » Double standards and political fraud involved with the case of Clive Derby-Lewis. » How the ANC is sponsoring SA’s Moral Holocaust, through its “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration". ANC regime motives for destroying its vulnerable citizens by exploiting their weaknesses. The array of government policies and programmes around sexuality stoking moral decay in black communities: “In the name of "human rights", social, moral and legal restrictions on sexuality, especially among young people and even minors, were removed. Indeed, the departments of education and social development have formulated measures encouraging widespread sexual activities among teenagers, and it rewards them.” The ANC’s motives for “social engineering aimed at producing a degenerate social climate and, out of that, a malleable rabble.” ANC’s role in falsifying history. How and why accepting one’s underdevelopment begins the process of development. » TRC was a Fraud & Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse » Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or RacialHatred-War Reality? » 23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination, signed by Freedom Front, SA Government (National Party) and ANC

61 Dr. Eiselen, W.W.M., “Harmonious Multi-Community Development”, in Optima, Mar. 1959, p.1. Dr. Eiselen was at that time Secretary for Bantu Administration and Development. 62 Address by the South African Prime Minister, Dr. H.F. Verwoerd, address to the SA Club, London, in Fact Paper 91, Apr. 1961, p.14 63 1964-01-10: ICJ: Ibid (www.icj-cij.org): Counter-Memorial filed by Gov. of the Rep. of S. Africa (Books I-IV), p.463 64 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Visagie-Andries.htm 65 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Geldenhuys-Ben.htm 66 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Coertze-Marius.htm 67 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Mabogoane-Meshack.htm 68 (i) http://allafrica.com/stories/201002100307.html; (ii) http://www.businessday.co.za/Articles/Content.aspx?id=104427; 69 (i) http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=95832; (ii) http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=106783 70 (i) http://www.mg.co.za/article/2008-10-08-mbekis-legacy-not-his-alone; (ii) http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=108003 71 http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_vonRonge-Steyn.htm

Founder: Freedom Front Plus Political Party72

Frank Salter, Ph.D Germany: Max Planck Institute for Behaviour Physiology; Author: On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration73

» Complaint to Public Protector of TRC Handling of SADF » Assessment of the Probable Results of Activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as perceived by Former Chiefs of the SADF IRO the SADF

» On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an

Age of Mass Migration: The strategies used in group competition, with a particular interest in win-win strategies, those that would be adaptive to all groups, or what you termed "Universal Nationalism".

Arif Hasan Akhundzada

» The Pashtun, A Post-Peak Oil Tribal Beacon for the Occident,

Renaissance Vanguard International Executive (Pakistan)74

» Peak Oil, Ethno-Nationalism, Secession » Ethnicity a basis for rather than threat to democracy and

by Arif Hasan Akhundzada, RVI Pakistan Representative ©

freedom, Tartu conference concludes

» Ethno

Nationalist Secession-by-Default: Post-Peak Devolution of the Developing Industrial Nation-State

Eric Jon Phelps Author: Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends (PA-USA)75


» Jesuit Origins and Political Implementations of Liberation Theology

» Liberation Theology as a Tactical Tool of the Jesuit CounterReformation to destroy Protestantism

» Vatican Assassins: Answer to White Protestant Genocide in South Africa: Secession or Return to Europe

General Johan van der Merwe Former Commissioner: South African Police Force (RSA)76

» Unjust denial of amnesty to Eugene de Kock. » The Conflict of the Past: A Factual Review, by Johan van der Merwe

Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone Radical Honesty SA

72 73 74 75 76

http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_ViljoenConstand.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/JS-RoR/nl/ZA-NL_Salter-Frank.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exp/Akhundzada-ArifHasan.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exp/Phelps_EricJ.htm http://www.jussanguinis.com/BP/exp/vanderMerwe-Johan.htm

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