11-08-09: AGC: PR Report: TandemArmies Al’Quds BlackStone-Tampa Vote

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Acting Guardian Council/Ubermensch NWO Shibumi Matrix NSSM44: Att: President Vladimir Putin; Admiral Michael Mullen & Judge Advocate General: Vice Admiral James W. Houck; CC: Colonel Gaddaffi, Libya 22 August 2011 TandemArmies Al’Quds BlackStone-Tampa Vote: As of 06 September 2011: OPEC & OIC to Implement the Ubermensch NWO Shibumi Matrix Act: A Total Oil Embargo of EU & USA until they have repatriated all their DKPBECB Taker Cain Muslims back to Leaver Abel Susa, Iran. Declined: Offer to Run for Civilian Office: South Africa, Africa or World: It is my personal opinion that approximately 99% of citizens couldn’t give a sincere and serious flying fuck about solving the alleged problems they complain about. They are only interested in whining like goddamn fucking 13 year old spoilt brats who have not been brought up by an adult mother or father. Any citizen who is serious about problem solving knows this: 

You have to accurately identify the SOURCE of the problem

You have to possess the WILL TO ACT to eliminate the source of the problem

If you lack the will to either accurately identify or eliminate the problem; it is far more honest for you to simply tell yourself: I AM NOT SERIOUS ABOUT SOLVING THIS PROBLEM. I should stop complaining about it being a problem.

Citizens don’t even lack the honour or integrity to do the latter: to admit that they are NOT SERIOUS ABOUT PROBLEM SOLVING; but that they are just a bunch of whining fucking moron imbeciles, who endlessly whine about problems they have fuck all interest or sincerity in fixing. Instead they elect a bunch of farm managers for their problem farm, and blame the farm managers that there is not enough milk (for their pity me parties), or too much cow dung (crime). Most farm managers go along with this farming slavery plantation charade, because the slavery and cannon fodder plantation farming system has evolved to the point that nobody appointed to farm manager positions can in fact solve any of the problems. The good one’s do their best to mitigate the symptoms; and the corrupt ones just exploit their status as farm manager.

Group Problem Solving Requires Every Individual to (A) agree on the SOURCE of the problem; (B) have the will, or be willing to agree to mutual coercion at times when they are struggling; to ACT to eliminate the source of the problem. In my personal opinion – based upon the evidence I have collected and analysed – most of these problems other citizens whine endlessly about are a result of (A) citizens who lack honourable problem solving skills; and (B) overpopulation colliding with declining or scarce resources. Both of these are a direct and indirect result of citizens who have been bullshitted, bamboozled and lied to by their legal, political and religious farmers; who in turn were themselves bullshitted, bamboozled and lied to by their predecessors. The system may not have been devised to be a bullshitting, bamboozling and deception system, it may have simply evolved to such a state, as a result of ignorance, collective denial and the conformity and herdlike behaviour of humans in a crowd. The Pied Piper as such need not be any ‘evil individual’ or even ‘evil group of individuals’ but purely the ‘evil memes’ which we all allowed due to ignorance, self-deception, addiction to conformity, etc. to hijack our critical thinking faculties; to force us into ever tighter intellectual and relational straight-jackets. Any individual sincerely or seriously committed to awakening his or her particular animal farm’s citizens to even consider the ideas that the source of their problems are a result of: (A) citizens who lack honourable problem solving skills and refuse any and every opportunity to learn problem solving skills; and (B) overpopulation colliding with declining or scarce resources; is going to be consciously or unconsciously ignored or crucified. An analogy: Any serious and sincere ‘rehabilitation’ expert who has helped individuals to rehabilitate themselves from a life of crime and drugs, like Delancey Street has; can tell you that you cannot help anyone addicted drugs, until they themselves have hit rock bottom, to such a horrific extent, that they finally get slapped in the face with their problem, and decide they are serious about needing help to help themselves. The ultimate lesson being: YOU CANNOT HELP ANY ADDICT TO OVERCOME THEIR ADDICTION; IF THEY ARE NOT DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS ABOUT WANTING TO BE HELPED. The worlds farms are populated by citizens of which I’d guess about 92% are HAPPILY addicted to being Duhmockery lied to, bamboozled and deceived. That’s fine, but I am not going to wrap myself in a goddamn fucking straight-jacket to run for office, to promise a country of 13 year old goddamn fucking brats, more bullshit for free shit; just so I can consider myself a farm manager. Then I’d rather farm with worms, or horses. I told my mother, if I ran for office; I probably wouldn’t accept her vote, as a valid vote. I don’t want a horse voting for me, thinking they are going to live in the stables and go for nice long rides down to the beach; when in fact they are a sheep, and they are going to sheared and eaten for BBQ. I don’t want a cow voting for me, thinking she is a rabbit. The entire goddamn fucking farm has to be clear that I mean fucking business about shaping up the farm; or they must continue to wallow and whine that there is cowdung in their feed and horse-urine in their water. I don’t want a citizen to vote for me, who thinks golf rules are more important than the social contract constitution (which should be far fucking simpler, and founded on natural law, than the horseshit for brains bullshit we have in this country). I don’t want citizens to vote for me, who feed, clothe and pay niggers and crackers to breed like goddamn fucking rabbits on steroids broodsows and then complain when those baby niggers grow up to be mean mother fucking niggers and crackers too goddamn fucking lazy to do an honourable hours work, let alone live an honourable life. I don’t want niggers and crackers to vote for me, cause they want someone to implement a law that denies anyone the right to call them goddamn fucking niggers or crackers or kaffirs or dagoes or yids or whatever, cause they prefer not to confront reality about their nigger/kaffir/cracker etc like behaviour.

Anyone who votes for me has to prove they are goddamn fucking serious about wanting to solve the problems they complain they are concerned about; and they have got to prove it to me in writing under oath. And if not they must fuck of with their goddamn fucking bullshit. Go whine to someone else with their bullshit fucking problems, which are nothing but their fucking version of intellectual cocaine or heroin that they use to assuage themselves about why their goddamn fucking lives are such a miserable fucking hellhole. I admit I have not formulated a voter test; but I shave – as per your request – herewith drawn up a draft, which I have labelled ‘Honour Voting Contract’. It is attached. I submit that I don’t know anyone who would be willing to enter into such an ‘Honour Voting Contract’ with me, and if there are such individuals they are most surely such a small minority, that it is essentially pointless. Unless they are ‘One Man with Courage is a Majority’ type of individuals and the court considering the matter; considers the issue of ‘One Man with Courage is a Majority’ issue a relevant factor worthy of enquiry. I am still busy with the clarifications you requested regarding my ‘Fatherhood Test’ and ‘Ecological Test’. I hope to provide you with them by tomorrow or soon as they are completed. Respectfully Submitted,

VOTER TEST: ‘HONOUR VOTING CONTRACT’ I __________, swear under oath that I: [I] [II]


Am honourably sincere and seriously concerned about solving our nations problems I understand that problem solving requires that: [A]

the root cause of the problem be accurately identified


citizens and politicians require the political will to act to eliminate the root cause of the problem


If or where a root cause of a problem is identified, and my behaviour contributes towards the problem; then I must be willing to confront my own behaviour and to find the will to amend my behaviour


If I am repeatedly not willing to amend my behaviour, which is a contributory factor to the problem, I shall receive a notification from the party that the party is withdrawing from this ‘Honour Voting Contract’, due to my lack of honour and will to practice what I preach.


The termination of the ‘Honour Voting Contract’ shall mean the party is no longer obliged to consider my ideas, suggestions or criticism seriously, since I have deemed myself as lacking the honour and political will to practice what I preach.


If I proceed to (A) contribute in my behaviour towards said problem; and (B) politically advocate on behalf of others purely focussed on obtaining power for their own nefarious purposes, by exploiting citizens lack of problem solving skills ignorance; I shall be placed on the Honour Voting Contract Hit Squad Notification list and given one warning. The second warning shall inform me that I have one months notice to leave the country, and cessation of my citizenship. If I fail to leave the country, I shall be given a humane execution by the ‘Honour Voting Contract Hit Squad’.

Accurate Identification of Problems: [A]

I understand that: [1]

Root cause problem solving is impossible in a politically correct environment


If I question or dispute, any issue you have identified as an alleged ‘root cause’ for any problem in this ‘Honour Voter Contract Oath’; I must attach the alleged root cause issue I dispute, including my written evidentiary reasons, attached to this ‘Honour Voting Contract’ Oath.


I may be contacted to provide further evidentiary reasons or witness testimony, in the event that it is determined that the party’s root causes were inaccurately identified. I shall be permitted to submit such evidence in a hearing that is totally free from any notions of political correctness and interested purely in scientific evidence. If or where ‘due order’ of proceedings policies require to be broken in order to make any particular point; such proceedings may be so broken, with relevant evidence for the need to do so.


The party may also decide that the evidence I have submitted is not sufficient to alter the party’s policy on said problem issue; and decline to enter into this ‘Honour Voting Contract’ with me. I may subsequently submit further evidence for reconsideration.


If the party accepts my ‘Honour Voting Contract’ with full understanding of my dispute on particular problems root causes, I may continue to oppose – by any honourable legal advocacy means I choose - the resolution of the problem as identified by the party.

Overpopulation is a direct and indirect root cause and aggravating factor for most of our national problems: exponential resource use and decline, local national and international resource wars, local resource wars: crime, poverty, political correctness, etc: [A]



I understand that: [1]

Solving the overpopulation problem to reach a state of ecological sustainable carrying capacity requires massive population reduction


Humane Personal Responsibility Policy: Every male has the right to father only one live child, and every woman has the right to one live birth


The right to either father a child or for a female to give birth can be sold or transferred; and a process shall be implemented to monitor such.


If a live child were born with a birth defect or with some other disability it would not permit either the father or mother to produce another child.


Each couple would have the right to have all appropriate pre-natal tests to determine if the child in the womb would be born with a birth or genetic defect and if the chance existed that the child would be born with such a defect to have an abortion.


Since survival of our species depends on the one child rule, under Judge Jason Brent’s proposal (Humans: An Endangered Species) any attempt to evade the rule would result in death of the evader and of any second child. The rule to be fair must be absolute, without a single exception. If the female cannot or refuses to provide the name of the father she and the child shall be immediately executed.


Since the policy is applied equally, no individual or group is harmed except to the extent that an individual cannot either father or give birth to a second child.


Since the birth of a child is very hard to hide, there must be communal responsibility and accountability for any attempt to do so. Those who knowingly failed to report the birth of a second or any higher number of children would themselves be subject to the very same severe punishment that would be meted out to the parents of the second or higher numbered child—no religious, cultural or ethnic exemptions would be approved.

Welfare Problem: Contributes to Dependency on State: [A]

I understand that: State Welfare will be abolished [1]

Children are the responsibility of their parents and family.


Children who – as a result of austerity measures and hardship, or for whatever personal reasons – object to their parents having brought them into the world, may act to honourably depart, by informing their parents of their intentions, arranging a farewell with their friends. Their parents are obliged to provide for the funds to enable their honourable euthanasia/suicide.


Should their parents object to the child departing by euthanasia or suicide, the parents may offer to take care of their children in their home, which the children may accept, or not, as their preference.

Corporate Ecological Predation: Legal Standing for Corporations to be Abolished: [A]



I understand that: [1]

Legal Standing for Corporations shall be abolished


A system shall be established – after hearings heard on the matter – for severely simplifying the role of corporations in society.

Other Problem Issues:


I understand that it is my responsibility to ascertain the party’s position on any issue of my concern.


I have been unable to identify the party’s policy on the following problem/s I am concerned about: _____________________________________


I shall be contacted by a party official to inform me of information about the particular issue of concern that I was unable to find the party’s policy upon.


My ‘Honour Voting Contract’ oath shall not be considered fully confirmed, until I re-confirm it, subsequent to having been informed of the additional information about aforementioned issue of concern.


If I disagree with said policy; I may honourably withdraw my ‘Honour Voting Contract’ Oath. Intentions: Honourable Free Society of Men Who Rule Themselves: [A]

I understand that this ‘Honour Voting Contract’ Oath is intended to: [1]

Raise citizens consciousness about conducting their affairs with their fellow citizens honourably


The party’s intentions are to solve as many problems as quick as possible to the point where the smallest possible government can be achieved, that provides citizens with the greatest level of possible responsible (not anarchic) freedom


Mutual Coercion, Mutually Agreed Upon is the absolute Necessary Requirement for Freedom; to avoid the Tragedy of the Commons.





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