12-03-24: Open Letter to George Zimmerman: Please can you be my Neighbourhood Watch Captain!

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SQ Worm Society (SQWorms) GREEAN: Garden Route Energy Emergency Action Network P O Box 5042, George East, 6539, RSA Tel: (044) 870 7239 |Cell: (071) 170 1954 www.sqworms.co.nr www.greean.co.nr

Open Letter to George Zimmerman Please can you be my Neighbourhood Watch Captain! Dear Mr. Zimmerman, I want to thank you for inspiring me. I want to thank you for inspiring me to know that there are still men in this world who, as citizens, take responsibility for being the protectors of their communities women and children, who will make a sacrifice to do neighbourhood watch and patrol their communities and protect women and children in their communities and guard against outsiders. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your concern for your community. So many men in this world seem to think sport and pornography and gangs and drugs are more important to them, than protecting the women and children in their communities. You deserve a medal! Like you, I am a member of a multi-racial family; I am married to an African American: Demian Emile Johnson. He is in prison in California, and has been for our entire marriage. He is a good man. He admitted to me and his family that his choice of friends when he was young meant that if he did not land himself in prison, he would have ended up dead in a gang drug fight. When I went to live in the Oakland ghetto, he was very concerned. He gave me a long list of instructions about how to act and what to wear and what not to wear, while living in the Oakland ghetto. He told me what Oakland gang members think of white women „white meat‟ and what to do to avoid becoming their „white meat‟ target. He told me what gang members wear to identify themselves to other gang members, their codes of dress and so on. In 2002, even though I was a legal immigrant to America, I was arrested by the San Francisco Immigration Service and deported. Although the San Francisco city council are extremely hostile to Arizona for deporting illegal immigrants from Arizona, San Francisco had no objections whatsoever to the INS arresting and deporting legal immigrants from San Francisco. Perhaps it was because I am white. None of my husbands family – including his great aunt, Dr. Maya Angelou -- objected to my illegal deportation, even though they –- as liberals –- presumably object to the deportation of illegal immigrants from Arizona. The world thinks we live in a Mandelatopia Rainbow country, but South Africans live in a fully fledged race war. The details of this race war are clear in the Genocide Charges filed against Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and others at the International Criminal Court1. 1


Race War Statistics: Welkom: Helen and Alice Lotter (57 and 76) tortured to death by their gardener, who used broken bottles to stab them in their vagina‟s. He cut off Helen Lotters breast with a broken bottle and used her blood to write „Kill the Boer‟ on the wall. Helen Lotter was so severely tortured and mutilated with the broken beer bottle that the coroner said that her entire cervix and uteris were missing. Censored by SA & World Media. 2 North West Province: Farmer Andre van der Merwe was murdered by his employees. He was beaten and then, while still alive, dragged for 1.2 km behind his truck. A man who saw the corpse but was too afraid to be identified said “You did not want to see the corpse. The murderers tortured him terrible. He did not have a shirt on anymore and his shorts were torn apart. They dragged him behind the truck over loose wire and mud.”3 Johannesburg: Rob Kaplan who ran a computer training center for blacks, was shot twice in the chest, stabbed, beaten, pistol-whipped and tortured for hours with a household heating iron by three Zulu-speaking robbers seeking the keys to a nonexistent safe4. Dullstroom: 78 yr Johanna Moore was tortured to Death with Clothes Iron5. Hundreds of thousands of more examples of South Africa‟s Criminal Race War.

South Africa’s Police: Deaths in Police custody have increased by over 25 thousand (25,725) percent under Mandela‟s ANC. (1963 – 1994: 75 Deaths in 31 Years = 2.4 Deaths per year | Jan – Nov 2010: 566 Deaths in 11 months = 617.4 Deaths per year) South Africans are living in a race and crime war and unfortunately most of the South Africa‟s men consider sport, pornography, gangs and drugs to be more important than protecting the women and children in their communities. In black communities alleged criminals are tortured for hours and then given public executions by necklacing (None of the worlds Trayvon Martin supporters have objected to this kind of community neighbourhood watch policing in South Africa‟s black communities) Perhaps, from this tip of the iceberg reality of life in South Africa, you can understand why I want to thank you for inspiring me to know that there are still men in this world who, as citizens, take responsibility for being the protectors of their communities women and children. Please submit my respect to your mother and father for raising you with such community and family oriented values. With much respect,

Lara Johnstone SQ Worm Society

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http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2011/05/trc-fraud-genocide-charges-filed-to-icc.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LROnnBexfIQ http://www.scribd.com/doc/25781841/ http://why-we-are-white-refugees.blogspot.com/2012/02/norwegian-78-yr-joanna-moore-tortured.html

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