08-02-25-29: BBB Annapolis MD: Middle East

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]©™®

§§ Official U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) [final version will be] submitted to: (i) Official Library Public Archives, via respective Emb/H.C. Pta; (ii) International Court of Justice, Hague. §§

{<SLAMDUNK><YELLOWCAKE>}: February 4, 2008 †Andrea Muhrrteyn† {JAG<>CIA}||{MI6<>KGB}: February 8, 2008 †Lara-Lynn Prince† {GMT + 2; 12:30 hrs}: February 13, 2008 †Lara Braveheart† {17 S, IDL + 00.70/45sec; 23:55 hrs}: February 14 (+3), 2008 †Lara JonFigDye Braveheart† {17 S, IDL + 00.70/45sec; 23:55 hrs}: February 29, 2008 “Behold I come as a thief in the night. They gathered them together in a place called Armageddon. The 7th Angel held high his () pharmacopia-blood depopulation-bowl () into the air..”

~§†~ Capt. Ramius Vilnius Putin Stanley, Thors Twin-Pollijarny, LA-USMC-TX ~†§~


BRAVEHEART * *B STRATEGY to Combat Weapons of Mass Deception & Destruction Cheyenne-KingWyoming Lobster-Ssatin Summit's. ~§†~ “YOU ARE ‘GODDAMN’ RIGHT, I AM ORDERING THE () CODE RED ()” ~†§~ “You can’t handle the truth. We live in a world that has walls guarded by men with guns. You gonna do it? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You curse the Marines. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. Our existence while grotesque & incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You need us on that wall. We use words like honour, code, loyalty, as the backbone of a life spent defending §§something§§. I have neither the time nor inclination to explain myself to any ‘bureaucrat’ too gutless to look me in the face, or to answer my telephone calls, who wishes to benefit from the freedom I provide; while questioning the manner in which I provide it. If so, pick up a weapon and stand a post.” Lt Cdr. (McNa)Lara Braveheart (JAG-USMC) / Col. Mathew Dawson (RCMP) / Lt. Col. Randolph Jessop (USMC-JAG)

~§†~ Bob Woodman’s Red October Harts War Hunt 4 a Few Good Syriana Marines ~†§~ [Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®


President Ahmadinejad, (on behalf of Pres’: Karzai, Maliki & OIC) President G.W. Bush; Admiral W. Fallon, Centcom; General Casey, Army Chief; Admiral M. Mullen, JCS; Dmitry Medvedev, United Russia, Kremlin CHEYENNE KING WYOMING LOBSTER SSATIN SUMMIT Valentin(e)us Menandrian Memphite ArcSeal Title: §†§


Tentative Venue: Date:


Green Zone, Baghdad (33 N, 44 E) 4 - 9 June 2008

JERICHO G.PEACE.C PATRIOT PARTICIPANTS + VAGAS REPRESENTED: President Vladimir V. Putin President Nicholas Zarkosy Prince William Prince Harry Andreas von Beulow General David Petraeus General Peter Pace Sean McKormack Donald Rumsfeld Jesse Ventura Erik Prince Scott Ritter Stan Goff Alex Hallahan Andre Lugovoi George Tennet Josh Rushing Jon Michael Dye Michael Martin Timothy Braveheart McVeigh Lara Braveheart

Kremlin; U.N. Security Council European Union (EU); French CIA European Union (EU); SIS; Royal Navy European Union (EU); SAS; Australian Navy NATO; U.N. Security Council USMF-Iraq; USMC; NATO; UN Sec. Council USMF-Iraq; Pentagon White House; Dept. of State USMF-Iraq; Dept. of Defense; U.S. Senate; U.S. Congress BlackwaterUSA; US Navy; JAG USMC; UNSCOM; MOSSAD US Army Special Forces; French Foreign Legion IRA; French Foreign Legion KGB; Duma, Spetsnaz USMF-Iraq; CIA; FBI USMF-Iraq; USAF; USMC USMC; Coast Guard; Secret Service BlackwaterUSA; US Army S.F.; NAIM NSA; CIA; BlackwaterUSA; US Army S.F.; NAIM JAG; CIA; BlackwaterUSA; USMC; Russian Navy

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

BRIEF REASONS FOR JERICHO Green.PEACE.Council 1. HUMAN RESOURCE SCARCITY: It is hardly necessary for me to raise the issue of history’s oil/black gold and conquest (whether land or ideology, etc.) deification, curse on the Middle East (world). Nor human resource scarcity: geopolitical sincerity, commitment and honourability (political radar Richter scale value?)? Is it remotely possible to envision a stable, reasonably peaceful Middle East (world), in the absence of very frank public political, academic, and corporate conversations (particularly prole education) on among others, but predominantly: consequences of population growth (vis a viz natural resources)? HomerLea-Orwell would humbly suggest the answer as: ‘MISSION IMPOSSIBLE’. 2. GEOPOLITICS & NATIONAL INTEREST: In the (i) face of Peak Oil, (ii) absence of UFO Disclosure revealing the reality of free energy capabilities; there is no future GDP growth. The only future ‘economic growth’ is of the ‘yum, yum’ variety: depopulation of each country’s population towards a balance with their ecological footprint. Wars are huge consumers of energy. They are extremely destructive. We will have destroyed nations, cities and infrastructure, and lack the energy to rebuild, no matter how many printing presses there are printing how many billions of whatever bourse currency.


B. C. D.

3. OPTIONS: International acceptance of the Oil Depletion Protocol/Jericho Forgiveness step to Healing Process: (2008) All nations leaders take responsibility for reducing their population ecological footprint as humanely as possible, U.S. withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, release of political prisoners, Palestinian statehood; (2009 ) political will for return to Gold (or similar) standard, ‘Homers negative compound interest protocol’, official UFO Disclosure & international space program.. Religious Wars, i.e. fulfilment of Armageddon (‘end times’) prophecies. ‘Nationalistic’ Wars, driven by Corporate Predators, predominantly Investment Bankers. Manmade Depopulation Biological Wars: From AIDS & Ebola, to SARS, cancer, etc. etc.

My {our} effort herewith is to attempt to encourage (A), and reduce the likelihood, or at the very least the causation and severity of (B), (C) and (D); whereby (A) occurs within a new relating context, focussing repressed energies which plausibly contributed to (B) - (D) towards a new more transparent, intimate, meaningful way of communicating and relating. I can’t guarantee that it will work. We will be a work in progress as we experiment, and all of us will at times stumble, fall, make fools of ourselves, help each other stand up again, and hopefully intentionally help ourselves, while helping each other. [Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®


GRATEFUL WINNARAINBOWWOMAN DEADWOOD LOGISTICS: Tentative Venue (subject to “Jericho G.Peace.C”): Green Zone, Baghdad (33 N, 44 E) Valentin(e)us Menandrian Memphite ArcSeal Title (subject to Venue confirmation): §†§ §†§ ~♪♫♪~ U.N. AMERICANS IN PYONGYANG, IRAQ ~♪♫♪~ Date: June 4 - 9, 2008 FBI~ §►†۞†◄§ ~DEI Idaho Observer Җ Memory Room Anniversary Date: 11 June 2001 DreamCamp Ayuahusca-YuriyatinDaffodil-Shaman TeamDirectors: Timothy McVeigh, David Petraeus, Peter Pace, Erik Prince & William Windsor. Lily Scrambled Eggs Status: Copper Active

HART SWAN DEER HUNTERR POKER MENU: Blackstone Crown Wind-Ripple Agents DeuxJaVue: Three (3) of a Kind (10 or above) King Tomb MoonShinbone DejaVue: Straight  Ascalon Champagne Crossing TarT: Flush  Whitehorse, YXY: Full House, Straight Flush, 4 of a Kind [~~] 4 or more wins, shall make the BB eligible for LILY VARAMIN: WILD CHEYENNE WOLF DEATH VALLEY Scrambled FatherThunderhood Eggs (Copper Removed) [~£$€~] Wales Options: (a) Should all 20 invitees choose to respond in one payment, the Hart Swan Soker Spades shall be dealt out as an additional card, at the beginning of each round (Bank Ref: “GPC.”); (b) Should any one win any of the above hands, if at that moment they so desire, they may choose to nominate any other participant to enjoy their meal; and (c) Cooperative FigDye Protocol participation (whether positive or negative – simply unequivocal as requested, or a simple blunt NO THANK YOU will make for a nice change) will be rewarded by (Copper Removed), at {June 6: 17 S IDL 00:00hrs} 14:45 hrs, on June 07, 2008; by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

LOGISTICS: WHAT: Twenty three (23) Kind-Winnarainbow-Woman/Sacred Mosque for Arab Unity ‘Guest’ DVD’s, 1 for Israel, & 1 (“►◄”) for each Muslim Unity Nation (22). Verbal, & subsequent written, commitment to (i) English text ODP/JERICHO PROTOCOL(“▲”) (incl. non-Muslims); (ii) An Arabic Islam ‘We in Arab Unity’(“▼”) (Arabs only) = (a) 1 Original (22 copies) Arabic ‘Constitution/Freedom Charter’ text & (b) 1 Original Artwork (22 prints).[+ Palestine Statehood]

HOW & WHEN: Mar 2:

Mar 4:

Mar 5:

Mar 7:

JAGFIGDYE PARTICIPATING PATRIOTS 19:00 hrs (GMT + 7): JAGFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS PARTICIPATING PATRIOTS (a) pdf signed commitment by Lara Braveheart, (b) pdf (unsigned, i.e. invitation for alleged enthusiastic participants JAG-USMC commitment) emailed to David Luciano Greenpeace Star individuals, c/o Erik Prince, General David Petraeus, Stan Goff & Scott Ritter; CC: (i) JAG McDonald, (ii) Speaker Ms. Pelosi & (iii) Alaska Post Editor. Deadline for submission: 19:00 hrs (GMT + 7): JAGFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS PARTICIPATING PATRIOTS: Submit via pdf email (Subject Title: Patriot JagFigDye Protocol) to: larabraveheart@cia.gov, CC: (a) JAG McDonald (jagweb@jag.navy.mil), (b) JAGFIGDYE PARTICIPANTS Speaker: Mr. Sean McKormick, c/o House Speaker: Ms. Pelosi (AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov), (c) Roselyne PeachMuseum (head@kremlin.museum.ru). 14:55 hrs (GMT + 2): O.D.P./JERICHO PROTOCOL COMMITMENT signed by Lara Braveheart, on behalf of all JAGFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS PARTICIPATING PATRIOTS, emailed (pdf) to Ayatollah Khomeini c/o OIC Sec. Gen. (cabinet@oic-oci.org); CC: (a) President Ahmadinejad; c/o Iraq Min of For. Affairs, (press@iraqmofa.net), (b) JONFIGDYE SECURITY Patriots Speaker: Muqtada al-Sadr, c/o (mnfi.webmaster@iraq.centcom.mil) and (c) Roselyn PeachMuseum (head@kremlin.museum.ru) LYNFIGDYE ENDORSING PATRIOTS Deadline for submission: 19:00 hrs (GMT + 7): LYNFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS ENDORSING PATRIOTS: Submit via pdf email (subject title: Patriot LynFigDye Protocol) to: larabraveheart@cia.gov; CC: (a) JAG McDonald (jagweb@jag.navy.mil), (b) LYNFIGDYE ENDORSERS Patriots Speaker: Mr. Mathew Simmons (info@simmonsco-intl.com), (c) Roselyn PeachMuseum (head@kremlin.museum.ru).

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

Mar 8:

Mar 11:

Mar 12:

Mar 13:

Mar 18:

Mar 19:

14:55 hrs (GMT + 2): O.D.P/JERICHO PROTOCOL COMMITMENT signed by Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, on behalf of all LYNFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS ENDORSING PATRIOTS, emailed (pdf) to Ayatollah Khomeini c/o OIC Sec. Gen. (cabinet@oic-oci.org); CC: (a) President Ahmadinejad; c/o Iraq Min of For. Affairs (press@iraqmofa.net), (b) JONFIGDYE SECURITY Patriots Speakers: Muqtada al-Sadr and Major General Berger (mnfi.webmaster@iraq.centcom.mil) and (c) Roselyn PeachMuseum (head@kremlin.museum.ru). JONFIGDYE SECURITY PATRIOTS: Deadline for submission: 19:00 hrs (GMT + 7): JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS: Submit via pdf email (subject title: Patriot JonFigDye Protocol) to: larabraveheart@cia.gov; CC: (a) cabinet@oic-oci.org, (b) mnfi.webmaster@iraq.centcom.mil, (c) head@kremlin.museum.ru. 14:55 hrs (GMT + 3): O.D.P./JERICHO PROTOCOL COMMITMENT signed by Admiral William Fallon, on behalf of all JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS, emailed (pdf) to Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart (larabraveheart@cia.gov), CC: (a) Judge McDonald (jagweb@jag.navy.mil), (b) IAEA Sec. General, (Official.Mail@iaea.org), and (c) Roselyn Museum (head@kremlin.museum.ru). 14:55 hrs (GMT + 2): O.D.P/JERICHO PROTOCOL COMMITMENT signed by Lt. Cdr Lara Braveheart, endorsing & supporting Admiral Fallon, on behalf of all JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS, emailed (pdf) to Mr. Khozrazi, Iran Embassy, Pretoria; c/o Mr. Mohammadi and HE Amb Asl (internalpolicy@iranembassy.org.za), from JAGFIGDYE, JONFIGDYE & LYNFIGDYE PATRIOTS: 09:05 - 12:55hrs (GMT + 2): Three (3) by Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, and one (1) by General David Petraeus, USMF-Iraq signed O.D.P./JERICHO PROTOCOL COMMITMENT, on behalf of PARTICIPANTS, ENDORSERS and SECURITY originals (pdf copies) are delivered, and as appropriate signed and witnessed at Iran Embassy; subsequently thereto (pdf scanned) and emailed by Mr. Mohammadi to (i) UN Security Council, (ii) IAEA, (iii) Ayatollah Khomeini, and (iv) Erik Prince, BlackwaterUSA; all c/o IAEA Secretary General. JAG-NSA, JAG-BWUSA, JAG-KGB, JAG-SIS, JAG-IIST, ET AL. (GMT + 2): 12:55 – 14:55 hrs: (a) Lara Braveheart, (†▼▲†) MISO 528004 (“LB”), to deliver JAG-NSA Case 07-146 boxes (3), to Charge D’Affaires Teitelbaum, U.S. Embassy, Pta., who officially authorises JAG-KGB, JAG-SIS & JAG-IIST ID’s. JAG SSATIN SUMMIT GIFTS:

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

Mar 20:

Mar 21:

Mar 22:

Apr 18:

May 21:

OSAMA SNOWFLAKE ALLADIN ۵‫ۼ‬۵ RED HARTS WAR LIBERTY LB delivers ‘Show Me Your Masterpiece’ 23rd ABSA L’Atelier Awards JAG military courtesy artwork posters (“†♠†”) by Joshua Homer Jackstone: †♠† DETAILS: (Total: 8): (a) 1 original (background & artwork colour) + 1 copy (b&w xerox of original), both as ‘Osama W. Snowflake Alladin’ Ssatin gifts to HE Mr. Jean Felix-Paganon, French Embassy, Pta, for respective delivery to: H.E. Cardinal Ratzinger (Vatican Louvre Archives), and ABSA Brd. Dir’s (North Towers Gallery); (b) Seven (7) (background b&w, artwork colour): 4 delivered to Mr. Teitelbaum for delivery (‘Osama G.H.W. Snowflake Alladin’ Ssatin gift) to Pres. V. Putin; G. W. Bush; M. Ahmadinejad & P.M. G. Brown (from all Lily Truth Participants, on behalf of Osama Bin Ladin & Al Qaeda); & 3 delivered to Canadian High Commissioner, Pretoria: for delivery (Red Harts War Liberty gift) to President Vladimir Putin, Prince William & Erik Prince (from Lara Braveheart on behalf of Timothy Braveheart McVeigh). JAGFIGDYE PARTICIPANT FINANCIAL & ACCESSORY LOGISTICS 07:55 (GMT + 4): “The Trust” bank deposits (cleared by ABSA): BlackwaterUSA deposits – via Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation -- £21,000 per participant (tax-deductible) into ABSA Bank, George, Southern Cape, South Africa. Bank Code: 632005; Account Name: Lara Johnson (Savings Account); Account Number: 9192969325 | Ref: GPC. Participants may forfeit their 2 DVD guests to BlackwaterUSA (which may be used for BlackwaterUSA guests), in exchange for BlackwaterUSA covering their ‘Trust’ and ‘Logistics’ costs. Logistics costs of €21,000 are to be paid by BlackwaterUSA, to General David Petraeus – via Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. JAG-HEARTS-TITHE: An additional 9% of the aforementioned total contributions are to be donated to Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation and Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Reference as above. Original <> RED RUSSIAN HEART <> invitations, and accessories are mailed by courier express mail, from Geronimo Postnet Spur, Cathedral Square, York St., George; c/o E. Prince, Blackwater USA, Moyock, N.C., to all “The Trust” recipients. NOBLE KNIGHTS OF THE MYSTIC ZION MOSQUE Lara Braveheart visits Iran Embassy: On behalf of Knights Templars and Priory of Sion, Iran Embassy delivers Lara Braveheart to Iranian Revolutionary Guard and BlackwaterUSA at Wonderboom AirForce Base; for air-transfer by Iranian Revolutionary Guards on BlackwaterUSA aircraft (stop over at Djibouti) to arrive at Shiraz Airport, Iran on April 19; to remain in Iran, at a place designated by Ayatollah Khomeini, until May 20. Lara Braveheart transferred by Iranian Revolutionary Guard, to Baghdad, Green Zone (details arranged between Gen. Odierno, & Mr. Larijani).

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

Jun 4-9:

Jun 12: Jun 19: Sep 7-11:

LILY TRUTH: DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR Grateful Winnarainbow Woman Deadwood Lobster Ssatin Summit: G.PEACE.C SECURITY: Forty-four (44) ►◄ (2 from each Arab Unity nation), of the JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS of the ‘UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA’ shall be personally responsible for security during Lily Truth: , with Gen. Odierno & Bergner (on behalf of Israel signatories). As a Mordecai 9’11 Vanunu goodwill gift from Mossad; to be arranged with Gen. Odierno & Petraeus, these 44 ►◄ Arab Unity signatories may in 4 groups (1 per day) of 11 attend for a 2:55 min’s, the Lily-Truth proceedings, as ‘JonFigDye Patriot Sacred Mosque’ guests. NASRULLAH BBC CLARKE: PALESTINIAN STATEHOOD United Nations signing of OIL DEPLETION PROTOCOL (ODP), and Israel and U.N. Security Council recognition of Palestinian Statehood. USMF-Iraq begins to officially withdraw from Iraq & Afghanistan. ‘UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA’ CEREMONIES USMF-IRAQ Honourable Military Withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan (unless official written request signed by at least 48 JONFIGDYE PATRIOTS is submitted to President G.W. Bush, c/o Admiral William Fallon, requesting otherwise, especially considered in terms of “political, military, civic, spiritual or otherwise contribution to sincere contribution in the Muslim Unity conversation, to enable & support Muslim civil, civic and spiritual society solutions, for a stable, at least reasonably peaceful Middle East”. ‘JonFigDye Patriot ceremonies’: The 23 ‘Guest’ DVD’s (edited by Robert Redford, Omar Sharrif & Ang Lee) are delivered to Mr. Larijani by Gen Odierno & Bergner. Ayatollah Khomeini, Al Sistani, Muqtada al-Sadr, et al deliver ‘Muslim Unity Constitution text’ to Mr. Maliki and ‘Muslim Unity Sacred †۞† Noble †۞† Mosque’ display/safekeeping respectively in Baghdad and Kabul.

AL MUKHABARAT / MOSSAD / AL’QAEDA / HAMAS Victorville Monologue Җ Memory Room Anniversary Dates: April 19-23 1995 & Mar 21, 2003

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  DAVID LUCIANO GREENPEACE STAR  Invitations & R.S.V.P. Logistics Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

♥ LILY LOVE ♥ Venue: St. Petersbugh/Konstantin Palace (Vladimir Putin's choice) (60 N, 30 E) Tentative Date: February 11-18, 2009 Memory Room Anniversary Dates: February 21, 1963 & March 14, 1883

♦ LILY PEACE ♦ Ust Barguzin, Lake Baikal, Siberia (Vladimir Putin's choice) (53 N, 109 E) Tentative Date: July 4-11, 2009 Memory Room Anniversary Date: July 28, 2001 & November 3, 1963.

♣ LILY PLYNTY ♣ Craters of the Moon & Yellowstone National Parks, ID & WY (43 N, 113 W; 45 N, 111 W) Tentative Date: August 4- 11, 2010 Memory Room Anniversary Dates: April 19, 1776; October & December 20, 1917.

♠♥♪♦♣ LILY VARAMIN ♠♥♪♦♣ U.S.S. Lincoln, Eisenhower & Nebraska King Midway Phoenix Islands, Bering St. AL, Polynesia; (66N, 168W/ 170W, 5S) Tentative Date: Dec 25, 2010 – Jan 02, 2011 Memory Room Anniversary Dates: September 11, 1990, 2001 & 2008

[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  David Luciano Greenpeace Star  ☼  ☼ Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

O.D.P./Jericho PARTICIPANT Protocol Commitment I, the undersigned Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, JAG-Internal Affairs §§ 07-146; herewith sign on behalf of the aforementioned JERICHO G.PEACE.C PATRIOT PARTICIPANTS and the VAGAS represented, who have provided me with their written JAGFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS PARTICIPATING PATRIOTS of the UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA commitment thereto, including to: I.

Primary or endorsing support for: a. personal artistic (ideological, spiritual, military security, political or otherwise) contribution to the peaceful success of Grateful ‘Arab Unity’ Winnarainbow Woman Deadwood Lobster Ssatin Summit, held June 4 - 9, in Green Zone, Baghdad; b. their political, military, civic, spiritual or otherwise contribution to sincere contribution in the Muslim Unity conversation, to enable & support Muslim civil, civic and spiritual society solutions, for a stable, at least reasonably peaceful Middle East; c. USMF-IRAQ honourable withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, to commence on June 19, 2008, for final completion by September 7 - 11, 2008 for the benefit of the Iraqi and Afghani people and Muslim Unity.


Continued support and appreciation for Alan BBC Clarke, international release of political prisoners, as a Jericho Step to Healing Process.

III. Accordingly, they herewith request United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to schedule United Nations Assembly discussion and negotiation for (i) International Acceptance of the Oil Depletion Protocol (aka ASPO’s Rimini Protocol), as an International Jericho Forgiveness step to Healing Process; and (ii) Israel and U.N. Security Council recognition of Palestinian Statehood; the finalized signing, and international public release thereof, to occur on 12 June 2008.

________________________________________ LT. CDR. LARA BRAVEHEART, JAG-IA §§ 07-146



RE: VAGAS – JAG §§ 07-146


[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  David Luciano Greenpeace Star  ☼  ☼ Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

O.D.P./Jericho ENDORSER Protocol Commitment I, the undersigned Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, JAG-Internal Affairs §§ 07-146; herewith sign on behalf of seventy-two (72) Non-Muslim leaders, who are (a) Presidents, Prime Ministers & Opposition Political Party Leaders, (b) Religious Political leaders, (c) Government Military or Intelligence Agency leaders; and/or (d) Recognized Insurgent Political, Military or Intelligence leaders; from Israel, Canada, Australia, Venezuela, France, China, UK, USA and Russian Federation, and the VAGAS represented, who have provided me with their written LYNFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS ENDORSING PATRIOTS of the UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA commitment thereto, including to: IV. Primary or endorsing support for: a. personal artistic (ideological, spiritual, military security, political or otherwise) contribution to the peaceful success of Grateful ‘Arab Unity’ Winnarainbow Woman Deadwood Lobster Ssatin Summit, held June 4 - 9, in Green Zone, Baghdad; b. their political, military, civic, spiritual or otherwise contribution to sincere contribution in the Muslim Unity conversation, to enable & support Muslim civil, civic and spiritual society solutions, for a stable, at least reasonably peaceful Middle East; c. USMF-IRAQ honourable withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, to commence on June 19, 2008, for final completion by September 7 - 11, 2008 for the benefit of the Iraqi and Afghani people and Muslim Unity. V.

Continued support and appreciation for Alan BBC Clarke, international release of political prisoners, as a Jericho Step to Healing Process.

VI. Accordingly, they herewith request United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to schedule United Nations Assembly discussion and negotiation for (i) International Acceptance of the Oil Depletion Protocol (aka ASPO’s Rimini Protocol), as an International Jericho Forgiveness step to Healing Process; and (ii) Israel and U.N. Security Council recognition of Palestinian Statehood; the finalized signing, and international public release thereof, to occur on 12 June 2008. ________________________________________ LT. CDR. LARA BRAVEHEART, JAG-IA §§ 07-146



RE: VAGAS – JAG §§ 07-146


[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  David Luciano Greenpeace Star  ☼  ☼ Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

O.D.P./Jericho SECURITY Protocol Commitment I, the undersigned Admiral William Fallon, US Central Command (CENTCOM); herewith sign on behalf of seventy-two (72) Muslim leaders, who are (a) Presidents, Prime Ministers & Opposition Political Party Leaders, (b) Religious Political leaders, (c) Government Military or Intelligence Agency leaders; and/or (d) Recognized Insurgent Political, Military or Intelligence leaders; and the VAGAS represented, who have provided me with their written JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS of the UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA commitment thereto, including to: I.

Primary or endorsing support for: a. personal artistic (ideological, spiritual, military security, political or otherwise) contribution to the peaceful success of Grateful ‘Arab Unity’ Winnarainbow Woman Deadwood Lobster Ssatin Summit, held June 4 - 9, 2008 in Green Zone, Baghdad; b. their political, military, civic, spiritual or otherwise contribution to sincere contribution in the Muslim Unity conversation, to find Muslim civil, civic and spiritual society solutions, for a stable, at least reasonably peaceful Middle East; c. USMF-IRAQ honourable withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, to commence on June 19, 2008, for final completion by September 7 - 11, 2008 for the benefit of the Iraqi and Afghani people and Muslim Unity.


Continued support and appreciation for Alan BBC Clarke, international release of political prisoners, as a Jericho Step to Healing Process.


Accordingly, they herewith request United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to schedule United Nations Assembly discussion and negotiation for (i) International Acceptance of the Oil Depletion Protocol (aka ASPO’s Rimini Protocol), as an International Jericho Forgiveness step to Healing Process; and (ii) Israel and U.N. Security Council recognition of Palestinian Statehood; the finalized signing, and international public release thereof, to occur on 12 June 2008.









[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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§†JAG-BW-JAG†§ Charge D’Affaires 16 Taaibos Ave, George, S.C., (22E, 34S)

Mobile: +

Lily Truth:  David Luciano Greenpeace Star  ☼  ☼ Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode] ©™®

O.D.P./Jericho SECURITY Protocol Commitment I, the undersigned Lt. Cdr. Lara Braveheart, JAG-Internal Affairs, §§ 07-146; herewith sign in support of, and endorsing Admiral William Fallon, US Central Command (CENTCOM), General David Petraeus, Commanding General Multi-National Forces – Iraq; and the seventy-two (72) Muslim leaders, who have provided them with their written JONFIGDYE BRAVEHEART ANNAPOLIS SECURITY PATRIOTS of the UNITED NATIONS OF AMERICA commitment thereto, including to: I.

Primary or endorsing support for: a. personal artistic (ideological, spiritual, military security, political or otherwise) contribution to the peaceful success of Grateful ‘Arab Unity’ Winnarainbow Woman Deadwood Lobster Ssatin Summit, held June 4 - 9, in Green Zone, Baghdad; b. their political, military, civic, spiritual or otherwise contribution to sincere contribution in the Muslim Unity conversation, to find Muslim civil, civic and spiritual society solutions, for a stable, at least reasonably peaceful Middle East; c. USMF-IRAQ honourable withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan, to commence on June 19, 2008, for final completion by September 7 - 11, 2008 for the benefit of the Iraqi and Afghani people and Muslim Unity.


Continued support and appreciation for Alan BBC Clarke, international release of political prisoners, as a Jericho Step to Healing Process.


Accordingly, they herewith request United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, to schedule United Nations Assembly discussion and negotiation for (i) International Acceptance of the Oil Depletion Protocol (aka ASPO’s Rimini Protocol), as an International Jericho Forgiveness step to Healing Process; and (ii) Israel and U.N. Security Council recognition of Palestinian Statehood; the finalized signing, and international public release thereof, to occur on 12 June 2008.









[Ref: JAG Case: 07-146/Admin/08-02-25_29: BBB Annapolis MD [text: black-legal; colour-davincicode]®™©]

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