Daily Oxytocin Boosters

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Daily “Oxy” Boosters By Karen Chaston

Have you noticed every time you fly the flight attendant say’s “In a case of emergency, please put your oxygen mask on first and then assist others”. This is fantastic advice and the best way to start every day.

The dawn of each day is an opportunity to make it a new way. Awaken to the Essence of who you are – start each day by taking care of your requirements, by filling up your tank and then once you are fulfilled you can start giving to everyone else. This E-book is designed to give you a selection of 9 “Oxytocin Boosting” practices that you can select from each morning so you can design your personalised 45 minute “Oxy Boost session”. Then when you leave your house, you are complete, topped up and in overflow. From overflow, you give from a space of EASE, without burning out as opposed to from a space of DIS-EASE or depletion and resentment....”what about me?, When is it my time?”

What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin is a natural hormone in our bodies (male & female) and is often referred to as the “Ease Hormone” or the “Bonding Hormone”. When we hug or kiss someone Oxytocin levels go up and Oxytocin plays a huge role in pair bonding. This hormone is greatly stimulated during sex, birth, breast feeding and is the main reason for the instant bond between mother and child. A dolphin is full of Oxytocin. Just thinking about a dolphin boosts Oxytocin in your body.

Here are the benefits you will experience when you embrace an Oxytocin Lifestyle On a personal level Oxytocin: • reduces cravings • releases toxins and fat • lowers blood pressure • stimulates longevity • increases your body’s ability to heal • allows your body to feel nurtured and loved • reduces feelings of depression and repression• intensifies bonding and trust between partners • promotes a healthy sleep cycle • boosts orgasm On a professional level, Oxytocin: • allows you to be more magnetic and authentically influential• stimulates brain cell growth and boosts memory• strengthens your self-esteem and feelings of selfworth• helps you be consistent in manifesting your intentions • helps you own your voice, with less fear and more ease • allows you to create prosperity without burnout while feeling prosperous (as a state of being) On a global level, Oxytocin: • allows women to see one another as sisters; here to support the shift away from Ego and toward Essence • allows women to collaborate in creating new industries and trends that are vital for the planet to thrive • helps you to bond with your purpose and bigger calling and to nurture it • allows women to recognize their Joyous Warrior Spirit and Rise together for harmony

Please choose from these 9 selecIons to design your own personalised 45 minute Oxytocin morning Booster session. #1 Oxy Booster Oxytocin Breathe. Do 3 Oxytocin Breathes as you get out of bed and whilst you are in the shower. During the day, remember to breathe this way every hour or so and especially when you feel you have acLvated adrenalin or are feeling stressed. For an oxytocin Breathe Demonstra2on go to: h<ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06IKsiTaaWQ # 2 Oxy Booster Meditate – Minimum 10 to 20 mins. First thing in the morning is the Lme when our corLsol levels are the highest. MeditaLon can help you clear away these feelings and centre your mind. #3 Oxy Booster GraItude Journal Purchase a beauLful hard covered journal and spend 15 mins wriLng down 5 things you are grateful for –. Evoke all your senses – feel, touch, smell, see, hear – in your wriLngs. Try to write about different things each day. Your day will be much happier and you will be more confident that life is really good.

#4 Oxy Booster Walk – 30 mins Research shows that walking has a number of physical benefits (lowers blood pressure, decreases stroke risk, keeps excess weight at bay), though most importantly its oxytocin boosting and has numerous emotional benefits: ü Lightens mood ü A form of meditation ü Slows mental decline ü Improves sleep And most importantly, you get to spend time with yourself enjoying nature - all the elements, fresh air, enjoying the gardens, sky, sun.

#5 Oxy Booster Dance – couple of songs You have been sleeping for hours, you may have some aches and pains, Put on the head phones and move your body. Joyously. Dance like no-one is watching. Personally I love to do a 5 – 30 minute DYBO (Dance Your But’s Off). This not only moves my body it also allows me to feel the stale energy in my body – any But’s that are stopping me from being me.

#6 Oxy Booster Stretch – 5 mins Throughout each day our bodies perform various functions, so a stretch gets your body ready for what’s ahead. This is crucial especially if you sit at a desk all day.

#7 Oxy Booster Look into the Mirror Spend 5 minutes staring into the mirror. Look into just one eye (going from eye to eye, puts you into stress/adrenalin) and yes you can blink. This is the first step to you becoming your own best friend. You are the only person you will spend your entire life with, so let’s start embracing and appreciating who we are. And if you do not like whom you see, great, awareness is the first step to change. Listen to a love song as you look into your eye. Listen to the words and if you choose to sing along, be aware that you are singing the words to YOU.

Personally I listen to: “I won’t give up on you” by Jason Mraz “Born this Way” by Lady Gaga “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz Isn’t She Lovely by Jimmy Higham & Jon Walmsley

#8 Oxy Booster Drink Water Drink a glass of alkaline water. At the minimum use filtered water and add some lemon juice. Also add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt - best minerals. #9 Oxy Booster Set your intentions for the Day By planting the seeds of your intentions, you are consciously living your life. Yes things may come up that have a more important priority, though you will consciously decide if they are more important as opposed to just going from one thing to another without completing any task.


About the Author:

Karen Chaston: Karen is a Resonator with BraveHeart Women Global community and CEO of Alionment. Karen is a wife, mother and former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a publicly listed company, who knows first-­‐ hand what adrenalin (or specifically stress) does to a woman’s body. Both the BraveHeart Women programs are geared around assisLng women to be more inspired, passionate and collaboraLve which leads to more profitable, successful and balanced organisaLons. Karen’s vision is to help women in both corporate, business and professional backgrounds to rediscover their natural intuiLve abiliLes and to realise how powerful and fulfilling living this way can be.

Contact Details Email: Karen.chaston@braveheartwomenresonate.com Karen.chaston@alionment.com.au Websites; hMps://braveheart.infusionsoP.com/go/bhwmp/R11060/ www.alionment.com.au h<p://www.meetup.com/BraveHeart-­‐Women-­‐Resonate-­‐ Sydney-­‐Australia/

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