Helpingto Eliminate Global Plastic Pollution
Aquapak’s unique invention, an environmentally friendly and functional polymer, gives plastics a whole new meaning.
Amber’s Army is a Norfolk based family charity, aiming to ‘Create Rainbows in the Darkest of Days’ for Norfolk families who have a child with a terminal cancer diagnosis.
The charity was established in 2023 by the parents of Amber Sheehy, Jon & Amanda, in their daughter’s memory Amber was first diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2019, she fought like a true warrior but sadly lost her cancer battle in 2023 aged 8.
The board of trustees is comprised of friends of Amber’s parents who all played a significant part in supporting the whole Sheehy family during Amber’s cancer journey
What we do…
We are committed to creating memories and experiences that will last a lifetime for the WHOLE family not just the poorly child. We are also there to provide emotional support When Amber was given a terminal diagnosis, we made a bucket list of seemingly ‘impossible’ experiences and were able to make the impossible happen.
We are not a ‘wish’ charity and know that beautiful memories are often the smallest days out, precious family time, experiences money can’t buy and, most important of all, each memory we help create is filled with love, laughter and smiles.
Support Us
Please visit the Amber's Army shop to help support our work for families.
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Charity Registered in England - 1202354
Dear valued readers,
It gives me great pleasure to bring you Issue 51 of Executive Insight Magazine. In this edition, we focus heavily on the importance of sustainability goals across a number of core industry sectors, from packaging, through to aviation and mining. 2030 is a core goal for country and industry ESG visions and the subsequent decade will be crucial in terms of climate change and how worlds leading economies, industries and organisaitons can reform carbon output and reduce these emissions by investing in new technologies, greener visions and most importantly, thinking of our future generations and leaving a better planet for them and not worse than when we entered it. Scientists have been very clear that unless change happens now, it could very well be too late leading into the 22nd century. As the worlds leading GDP contributors have gone through their development and multiple industry revolutions, we now have a host of emerging countries who look to follow in their footsteps. We must work together and ensure that the same carbon outputs in terms of required energy, mainly from fossil fuels isn’t repeated for the next 40-50 years. As G8 countries move forward in the development of greener energy, what happens to the planet if emerging nations don’t follow suit. These are key topics that all industries and countries must work together on and although business is a competitive marketplace where everyone is vying for that next customer order, together we need to share sustainability innovations to help the planet moving forward.
Our cover piece for Issue 51 is with Mark Lapping, CEO of Aquapak. We talk to Mark about their new products, mainly being the innovative Hydropol brand, their continued partnerships with industry leading alliances and how they continue to operate with industry best practices across the sector to ensure a global stance on packaging manufacturing sustainability.
We also speak Karl Farrow, MD at CeraPhi Energy, who are a business to watch now and for the future. They are developing Geothermal energy solutions which will enhance the UK’s renewable energy sector. With a core team who are driving this organization forward, we feel that CeraPhi are well worth any investors interest, it’s a real pleasure for us to support and promote a business that is very close to our operational headquarters in the UK.
Other important business operations and developments covered in this edition are with Steppe Gold and their CEO Mr. Aneel Waraich, we speak to them about their continued production growth at their ATO mine in Mongolia and their aspirations for 2023.
Leading forward from here we speak to Errol Smart who is taking Orion Minerals to the next operational level throughout the year ahead, with an incredible portfolio of operations across the African region, further investments recently placed into the business will really ensure they hit their roadmap for the next 12 months ahead.
The Executive Insight team and I, really hope you enjoy reading through Issue 51 and we look forward to bringing Issue 52 to your attention soon.
Sincere best wishes,
Jon Bradley Head of Editorial Content
10 - 13 14 - 25
Review Mining ESG
ESG – environmental, social and governance – and the issues it embraces will not be new to the Mining industry although the term may be unfamiliar. Miners have long grappled with matters related to the ‘green’ or sustainability agenda, but ESG now brings together all these themes in a comprehensive framework that can help a mining company navigate and balance the benefits to the planet, people and profit successfully.
ESG has come to the forefront primarily through investors demanding increased attention on environmental, social and governance-related matters and data. In short, investors are starting to look beyond financial statements and now want to consider the ethics, competitive advantage and culture of a mining organisation. They’ve also proposed new standards and frameworks against which mining investments should be measured.
Against this background, it can be difficult for mining companies to navigate what is important and how it should be reported. The following issues are covered by the ESG agenda for the mining industry:
• Environment: biodiversity, ecosystem services, water management, mine waste / tailings, air, noise, energy, climate change (carbon footprint, greenhouse gas), hazardous substances, mine closure.
• Social: human rights, land use, resettlement, vulnerable people, gender, labour practices, worker/ community health & safety, security, artisanal miners, mine closure / after use.
• Governance: legal compliance, ethics, anti-bribery and corruption (ABC), transparency. Within this, mining companies need to consider whether there are environmental, social or governance risks that may affect their ability to: raise capital; obtain permits; work with communities, regulators and NGOs; and/or protect their assets from impairments. And then there may be opportunities to: reduce energy and water bills or carbon emis-
sions; improve operational performance; enhance community and regulatory relationships; and manage closure viability.
Many mining and minerals business are already taking active steps on their ESG agenda; identifying their priorities and measuring their performance. But in our experience, the real benefits come when you move beyond measurement and take action to improve.
This is the first in a series of articles on ESG in Mining. The next article will identify the four reasons why the Mining industry should act on ESG.
ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues are rising up the agenda for companies in the mining and minerals industry. Here are four reasons why we think a proactive response on ESG will benefit any mining business.
1 Investors, lenders and customers care about ESG
In our experience, today very few transactions are done without a review of ESG issues. Responsible investment and buying are a reality and investors, lenders and customers now want to see and be kept informed that ESG issues are in hand. This need to demon-
strate a track record of good ESG performance will now only increase; and failure to act positively will ultimately reduce access to customers and funding and/ or increase the cost of funding. Good ESG = more and cheaper funding for your next project.
2: Governments, regulators, NGOs, employees, communities… are watching too Internal and external stakeholders are increasingly demanding transparency and performance on ESG issues. Mining and mineral businesses and their stakeholders face challenges on many fronts including performance related to climate change, energy, water, sanitation, land use, ecosystem services, food, education, health, local infrastructure, vulnerable people, and corruption.
Priorities will be specific to each company and even individual mine sites, but having the interests and agenda aligned for all stakeholders can only help everyone involved.
3: You avoid the inevitable risks that come with poor ESG performance
No one likes taking on unnecessary risks, especially when it can
disrupt or even halt a critical project. Here are just some of the ESG risks that can be avoided if you manage this agenda proactively:
• Unhappy communities disrupting expansions or operations at a mine site.
• Failed tailings dams and environmental pollution resulting in the loss of licences, disruption to operations, and civil or criminal liability.
• Poor planning and design exposing infrastructure to physical climate change risks.
• An inefficient use of scarce resources like water and energy threatening business continuity
• Poor workplace health and safety resulting in the loss of licences, disruption to operations, and civil or criminal liability.
4: You benefit from significant opportunities through strong ESG performance
ESG is not just about managing or avoiding the downside. There is also plenty of upside potential to go after, including:
• A track record of performance and strong stakeholder relationships that give you access to resources, funding, clients and faster development schedules.
• Meaningful’ bottom line’ savings from areas such as reduced energy costs, better use of water, and more effective and efficient management of many other resources.
• The ability to attract and retain the best people in the industry. Make the whole team proud and want to work for you.
The next step for any mining business now should be not only to work out where the key ESG risk and opportunities are, but also to put that agenda into action, make improvements and realise the benefits for all.
In tackling ESG risk and opportunities we would recommend the following six-step approach to any Mining business:
• Assess and screen ESG risks and opportunities across your mining portfolio or for a single site.
• Set your ESG strategy and objectives at both a board level and for your corporate executive.
• Agree and define your strategic action plan from board level through to individual sites.
• Pursue specific project interventions at each mine site that focus on your prioritised ESG issues.
• Collect and report ESG data for your investors and other key stakeholders.
• Seek certification and associated independent validation of your ESG performance.
Risk and opportunities –There are several, and arguably too many, ESG frameworks and guidelines that will influence what you want to consider across the environmental, social and governance spectrum. But its important first to understand where you stand, are clear on where you’d like to be, and determine the risk and opportunities relevant to your business in that context. No two mining ventures or operations will be the same: risks and opportunities will vary in both importance and how they can be addressed. First you need to understand what ESG means for you today, whilst being mindful of an evolving playing field.
Strategy and objectives – Having gained the insight into where you are now, you will be in a much stronger position to establish a clear pathway to achieving your strategy with objectives and priorities for the future. You will also be able to do that at an organisational level and make differentiated choices at an individual site scale. This combination, together with clear coordination and inter-dependencies will ensure your overall ESG strategy is robust, achievable and understood across your business.
Action plan – Like any strategy your ESG plan will require investment, management attention and resources. It will also drive related or affected operational activity and opportunities, so it is critical your ESG action plan is prioritised and fully integrated with operational management and delivery. To be successful you want ESG actions fully owned and integrated at a site level.
Project interventions – By integrating ESG into the way you do business, progress on your ESG strategy ultimately comes down to progress on projects. These may be company-wide or site specific, but the given the scale of mining operations, this means you need leadership and focused action to translate ideas and strategy into tangible action and positive, material impact.
Collect and report – Your ability to demonstrate progress will come down to not only project implementation but also the collection and reporting of ESG data. Your key stakeholders, particularly investors, are increasingly asking for robust data sets and benchmarking to evidence ESG performance and demonstrable progress against key performance indicators you have set.
Seek certification – One of the easiest ways to demonstrate ESG progress is to seek certification and assurance from an independent authority, be that the International Council for Mining and Metals (ICMM), Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) or another third-party that applies IFC performance standards or similar frameworks. These assurance schemes provide a ‘gold standard’ by which your ESG programme can be evaluated and provide further incentive to strive for even better ESG risk and opportunity management.
ReportPackaging Sustainability
The global sustainable packaging market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.5% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2031. The market expansion is attributable to the government’s stringent laws on sustainable development and the packaging industry’s rising need for recycled packaging materials. The production and use of packaging that enhances sustainability are referred to as sustainable packaging. It relies heavily on life cycle analyses and inventories to guide packaging selections and reduce its environmental impact.
Benefits offered by sustainable packaging products such as strength, transparency, insulation, and water resistance, the growing use of sustainable packaging in industries such as healthcare, pharmaceutical, automobile, nutraceuticals, and fashion, the increase in global plastic pollution, the use of a wide range of sustainable packaging products by modern agricultural practices to increase productivity, and the ability of sustainable packaging to preserve a product’s integrity are all discussed.
However, the high cost of raw materials hinders the expansion of the global market. In contrast, increased demand from end-use sectors, less reliance on petroleum resources, and advances in research and development (R&D) will create new growth prospects for the global industry in the future years.
Stringent Environmental Regulations to Boost the Market Growth
Beijing regulations and the possibility of a ban on conventional plastics, such as single-use non-bi-
and investing wisely.
odegradable plastics such as cutlery, plastic bags, and packaging, have been motivated by environmental pollution concerns. As a result, manufacturers have also been focusing on expanding the usage of corn, sugar, and other crops in the production of biodegradable plastics.
Jilin Province and the tropical island of Hainan will adopt further prohibitions on single-use plastics and non-biodegradable food service goods by mid-2021, it was revealed. In 2021, for instance, Maine was the first U.S. state to pass a law-making firm responsible for packaging trash. Manufacturers will be responsible for the recycling and disposal of plastic containers, cardboard, and non-recyclable packaging under the Extended Producer Responsibility program. Later, Oregon became the second state in the U.S. to pass a packaging law.
Changing Consumer Behaviour to Lead to Market Expansion
According to a recent poll conducted by Capgemini on sustainability and transforming
consumer behavior, 79% of consumers are altering their purchase patterns mostly owing to social responsibility, inclusion, and environmental effect. In addition, 53% of consumers and 57% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 have switched to lesser-known brands because they are more environmentally friendly. A bit more than 52% of customers claimed to have an emotional connection with sustainable companies or organizations.
Increasing Consumer Awareness to Escalate Market Revenues
Before purchasing a product, consumers assess a variety of things, including the brand image and packaging designs of the company. Consumers are aware of sustainable products and their significance in environmental protection as a result of government awareness initiatives and legislation. Numerous businesses face severe criticism from various consumer groups regarding their packaging practices and are under pressure to implement sustainable packaging alternatives.
Trends In Compact Packaging and Green Packaging to Favour Market Expansion
The increasing attention of key companies on packaging reduction to lower production costs is expected to boost market growth. For example, Rene just introduced (the Fab 5 Collection) with five various lip colours in a single tube, which not only expands the range of products available to clients but also minimizes the number of raw materials utilized in packaging. In addition, ladies favour it because of its compact packaging, which allows them to carry fewer products while receiving a greater variety.
Green packaging is a growing global trend that manufacturers must follow to remain competitive in the market. Typically, FMCG businesses conduct downsizing strategies to reduce their raw material prices. This feature will promote market expansion during the forecast period.
Manufacturers of personal care products are changing their focus to eco-friendly options by minimizing the number
“ “
We’ve been quite strategic in investing
of raw materials utilized in product packaging. This is a result of evolving consumer packaging sustainability attitudes.
Corporate Strategies to Embrace Sustainable Packaging to Open Significant Opportunities
Diverse food service providers are substituting single-use plastic straws, closures, lids, caps, cups, and food trays with paper or compostable alternatives. This effort is anticipated to generate substantial growth prospects throughout the foreseeable future. To advance their green ambitions, companies such as Unilever and Procter & Gamble have begun incorporating post-consumer recycled plastics into their packaging solutions. Shortly, such meas-
ures are anticipated to present prospective growth prospects for the key companies.
Government Subsidies Across the Globe to Pave Way to New Opportunities
As governments around the world are aware of the challenges posed by environmental issues, numerous efforts and legislation have been enacted to promote producers of sustainable packaging. Government efforts that provide subsidies to package makers, particularly in industrialized nations, offer market participants lucrative chances to increase their existing production output.
As a result of these government measures, significant market participants have begun investing in the
creation of various recycling programs for waste packaging materials generated by industries and commercial establishments.
APAC Continues to be the Global Leader
Based on region, Asia-Pacific was the largest market in 2021, accounting for more than two-fifths of the worldwide sustainable packaging market share, and is anticipated to continue to lead the pack during the forecast period. The same segment is anticipated to exhibit the highest CAGR over the projection period, at 7.8%. In the Asia-Pacific region, urbanization has facilitated the expansion of the sustainable packaging market. In addition, the presence of big manufacturing enterprises, primarily in the healthcare, pharma-
ceutical, and cosmetic sectors, contributes to the expansion of the regional market.
The largest Chinese e-commerce sites and expedited shipping companies have actively reduced their use of packaging materials. SF Express, for instance, utilized recyclable packing cartons that can be recycled approximately ten times on average. In domestic first-tier and numerous second-tier cities, the company has adopted more than one hundred thousand of these boxes, mostly to replace paper boxes and plastic bags and to reduce the use of foam blocks and tape. The company noted that its activities are in response to the need for sustainable growth in the logistics industry.
to Eliminate Global Plastic Pollution
Aquapak’s unique invention, an environmentally friendly and functional polymer, gives plastics a whole new meaning.
Aquapak is a science-led business with over 10 years of research and development in polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) resin technology. The UK-based company was established with a clear mission - to help businesses shift to a less polluting world by developing planet-friendly material technologies and helping to enable the circular economy.
Are you ready for the circular economy?
Let us explore sustainable packaging together at Norner’s advanced technology centre in Norway:
• Film extrusion development centre
• Injection and blow moulding development centre
• Plastics recycling pilot centre
• Compounding pilot centre
• Advanced laboratories for analysis and testing
What we can help you with:
• Mono material, barrier and MDO development
• Alternative materials for barrier functionality
• Testing and validation of recycled material quality
• Application development with materials
• RecyClass certification and protocol testing
• Bioplastics and compostable alternatives
• Food and medical packaging
• Pharmacopeia testing
• Material and package testing
Norner is a global market leader of industrial polymer R&D services based in Norway where we operate an advanced technology centre for development and testing. Our main focus is on innovations and investments which address climate change and plastic circularity.
norner.no | post@norner.no
Norner is a leading industrial polymer Research & Development centre for the polymer and plastics industry with over 40 years of experience. Norner currently has 90 employees from 12 nationalities and is in an exciting development.
Our business vision is to become the market leader in industrial R&D services through the development of innovative and sustainable polymer solutions in close cooperation with leading industry. Norner operates advanced laboratories, polymerisation units and a processing pilot centre relevant to industrial-scale operations. We want to create value for our customers, owners, and society through innovation supporting the UN’s sustainability goals.
We are moving into a new, purpose-designed technology centre in Porsgrunn 2022, where we also in -
Aquapak’s flagship product marketed under the name of Hydropol™ is an innovative, water soluble, biodegradable polymer for a wide range of applications, designed to eliminate plastic pollution at source. The unique polymer technology offers excellent functionality that is both recyclable and environmentally safe, enabling multiple end-of-life options.
“The new material has been developed to solve some of the existing challenges that the world, and particularly the packaging industry, is facing. However, we don’t believe there is a single silver bullet suitable for all applications so our aim is to collaborate with other materials and other partners in order to enable them to design better products. And they can do it now, with a new tool in their toolbox - Hydropol™,” says company CEO Mark Lapping.
He explains that Hydropol™ is non-toxic and marine-safe and because of its inherent biodegradability in different environmental conditions, it offers a safer alternative to conventional polluting plastics.
“Hydropol™ is a soluble polymer - it dissolves in water, literally leaving no trace, hence it doesn’t produce any toxic micro plastics. It looks like a plastic and behaves like one, but it doesn’t break down like a plastic. It breaks down into CO2 and water and a little bit of biomass, which over time will be completely assimilated and then biodegrade.”
vest in new facilities, for the benefit of our customers and projects.
Norner covers the whole polymer value chain from catalyst and process development for polymerisation, polymer modification, polymer additivation, and industrial applications of polymer to innovative solutions for plastics in a circular economy. We provide R&D and technical services to various industry segments where innovative solutions of plastics and composites are requested. We are owned by SCG Chemicals, one of the largest integrated petrochemicals companies in Thailand and we have more than 700 customers in over 60 countries.
Our efforts are based on expertise, knowledge and a continuous search for new opportunities together with our values;
As such, the product may be the solution to one of today’s key questions, one that has been worrying experts and, increasingly, the general public - what happens to plastics at the end of their product life?
Making a difference
Mark Lapping affirms that there is no question about the role of plastics as such: “Let us remember that plastics are a miracle material. Brought into the world some 70 years ago, they’ve completely revolutionised the way we think of storing and transporting materials, for example food, and, let’s be very clear, they are irreplaceable. The issue is how we use them and what we do with them.”
He explains that as there are so many different polymers, it is hard to split them apart for recycling. For that reason, today only less than 10% of plastic films is recycled, while about 90% is either landfilled or incinerated.
Here Hydropol™ can make a real difference - the polymer can either follow the biodegradation route, or it can be combined with other materials to make them recyclable. For example, in paper mills, Hydropol™ has been proven to wash off in the repulping process, allowing 100% of paper fibres to be recycled with no negative effects to the paper mill.
“As focus on designing circular products is increasing, we can offer a new polymer for the packaging industry to be processed into a film, coated on other materials, injection-
moulded into a product. It is thermo-processable, so can be used to design products with a different end of life; it also acts as a barrier: gas, oxygen, grease, fat, oil, you name it. “
Environmentallyfriendly and functional
Mark Lapping pointed out that the base material that Aquapak uses is polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), that has been around for a long time in niche uses Aquapak has made it into a more functional product. allowing it to be thermally processed on conventional equipment. “Hydropol can be formulated to dissolve in water at different temperatures from ambient to boiling water only. This property and all the other functional attributes makes it a truly sustainable and Circular Economy material”
To develop a highly functional thermally processable version of polyvinyl alcohol that can be widely used by industry was something that a lot of companies have tried but never succeeded. Aquapak did and patented the new technology.
Mark Lapping, who joined the company 4 years ago, remarked that it was the focus on the environment and the functionality that first attracted him to Aquapak. “With a background in the packaging industry, I
Hydropol™ is
was intrigued to find new tools to be able to create better products for a new sustainable world.”
“And because I came from the packaging world, I was also looking at the functional
benefits needed in order to design great products.
Hydropol™ offers both - it is functional yet fully environmentally friendly, supporting the circular economy.”
The right expertise
The company continues to invest in its capability, affirmed Mr Lapping. “We have great shareholders who can see the benefits of this material and the long-term goals of
the company.”
Aquapak’s modern 4,700 m2 compounding production facility located in Birmingham has 10,000 tonnes capacity, doubled from 5,000 last year, and can be further
a soluble polymer - it dissolves in water, literally leaving no trace, hence it doesn’t produce any toxic micro plastics. It looks like a plastic and behaves like one, but it doesn’t break down like a plastic. It breaks down into CO2 and water and a little bit of biomass, which over time will be completely assimilated and then biodegrade
“ “
A Leader in Innovative Polymer Solutions
Contact Jon Bradley: jon@jsinternationalmedia.com www.jsinternationalmedia.com Let’s build something together! Increase customer reach. Build customer awareness of your business and brand. Promote the benefits of your products or services. Communicate information about your business. Increase sales and demand. Gain an advantage over your competiton. EXECUTIVE INSIGHT 20 EXECUTIVE INSIGHT MAGAZINE I SPRING 2023
increased up to 50,000 tonnes. “Our aim is to build up and sell out this plant, and then to set up another.”
Aquapak continues invest in R&D, but has also formed R&D collaborations with a number of major plastics and bio plastics producers to create new materials and innovative combinations of Hydropol™ with wellestablished plastics and paper.
“We also collaborate with nine UK universities, to complement our in-house expertise. We have some incredibly talented people working for
I’m really proud of the diversity of our team - there are 60 of us, and we speak over 20 languages.
our company. Being located in Birmingham is a great help as it is such a cosmopolitan place, and because of the universities, it has attracted a
lot of talented people. I’m really proud of the diversity of our team - there are 60 of us, and we speak over 20 languages.”
For a green future
As CSR has now become a key part of any company strategy, and ‘reusable, recyclable or compostable’ is the goal everyone aspires to by 2025, Hydropol™ seems to be the right product coming at the right time, with a potential that is almost unlimited, given the number of potential applications.
“Our customer base, as well as our supply chain, is international. We can buy our material anywhere and we can sell our product anywhere. Obviously, we recruit locally but we have also people working for us, in different parts of the world: in the US, in Australia and in Asia.”
“Still, we are proud to be here in Birmingham, taking a UK technology to the world, and then scaling it up here in the UK. We want to grow, we want to get our product out there into the market, use it in mainstream applications. To this end, will continue to expand our capacity and capability both in terms of material and people. The world needs innovative materials to enable the circular economy, and we are going to provide them.”
Our customer base, as well as our supply chain, is international. We can buy our material anywhere and we can sell our product anywhere.
Mongolia’s Golden Potential
Steppe Gold, the Canada-based company engaged in precious metals and minerals exploration, is progressing its highly promising gold and silver projects in Mongolia. We spoke to Aneel Waraich, Executive Vice President and Director on the Board, about the business’ fast development and its ambitious expansion plans for the future.
Steppe Gold is Mongolia’s premier precious metals company, projected to produce over 100k ounces of gold in 2022 and 2023 from its 100% owned flagship asset, the ATO Gold Mine, at industry-leading costs in the $700 per ounce range.
Now Is the Time
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Over the past 12 months, more than 200 public metals and mining companies have used 6ix to reach more than 30 million investors in Canada and the United States. 6ix provides a cloud-based marketing software platform that enables organizations to engage in modern investor marketing. Large-scale trends, such as increasingly self-directed investors and broad and instant availability of information online, are changing the role and responsibilities of the investor relations (IR) department in most organizations around the world In today's data-centric, multi-channel business environment, IR professionals are being pushed fundamentally to change how they engage and interact with investors
"It's been a great experience working with 6ix. I had just started working in the resource sector, in the capital markets sector, over the last year. And so my introduction of partnering with 6ix to make sure that Steppe Gold story goes out has been a fantastic one – very positive. We have been able to explore really innovative, creative solutions to get the story out, so it's not the same old webinar with the same old investor presentation but ensuring we ' re collaborating with our peers across the sector. So I've enjoyed the experience immensely The use of 6ix's technology is the strength of this partnership, and once again, we have been able to see that through delivering new viewer experiences and reaching out to new potential investors by not delivering the same old investor presentation over and over again."
6ix's technology solution is designed to enable the effective execution, management and analytical measurement of digital IR activities, helping organizations acquire new investors more efficiently, build stronger relationships with existing investors and facilitate modern investor communications. Through our Investor Experience (IX) Platform, we deliver an easy-to-use, integrated suite of advanced applications, which today include AI-powered Ads, Social, Email and Analytics To enable our customers to obtain maximum value from our IX platform, we created an ecosystem of third-party applications and a network of resources to foster thought leadership marketing, sharing and collaborating among our users
We designed the 6ix Investor Experience (IX) Platform to be valuable for any organization with an IR function; however, our near-term go-to market strategy is to specialize in the metals and mining sector.
6ix's clients are in the exploration-development and production stages, across a broad range of commodities, including gold-silver, copper, zinc, lithium and uranium.
S i l o n i W a r a i c h , S t e p p e G o l d
In 2021, Steppe released robust feasibility study results that added another 10.5 years of mine life at double the current production profile, launched its Phase 2 infrastructure plans, secured a landmark US $65 million financing package and was awarded Mongolia Bloomberg’s 2021 Development of the Year.
A remarkable success for a young company
established only six years ago. The company’s Executive Vice President Aneel Waraich describes the fast pace of the progress: “From the very beginning, the idea was to focus on Mongolia, a highly prospective, relatively under-explored region. In 2017, we acquired our first asset, and by 2018, we were able to successfully raise $25 million and list on the mainboard
of the Toronto Stock Exchange, as the only mining IPO that year.”
“We started production in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020 and have been generating cashflow, with no operational hiccups, no issues on the technical side since. The short and fast development demonstrates that we are able to overcome obstacles, handle challenges, and still move
the business forward.”
He remarks that Steppe wants to focus on the precious metal side of the country where there is no dominant player. “With 100,000 ounces in two years we will be the largest, primary precious metal producer in-country. And we want to bring that to 300,000 plus ounces in the next three to five years as we continue to de-risk our
own pipeline of assets and maybe consolidate further. That’s quite impressive.”
Proudly Mongolian Mr Waraich asserts that from its inception in 2016, the company was very clear about its intention to build a company that is perceived as local, with its core team having a sound track record in the country, going back to 2009.
“Today, our CEO is Mongolian, half our Board is Mongolian and, most importantly, 99% of our team are from our local communities. That has always been key for us from the very beginning. We are well embedded in the local cul -
ture and working to the benefit of our local population.”
Steppe’s impact may be quite substantial, as the mining sector is very important for Mongolia’s economy –it is the biggest employer in the country, the largest driver of GDP, taxes, and royalty revenues. Mining has a role to play in driving the country forward, improving the way of life for its population and creating more jobs and educational opportunities. “Generations can be impacted by what we’re doing today. That’s why it is important to do it properly: with the locals and for the locals,” says Mr Waraich.
LIMING is a leading Chinese company operating in the mining and aggregate industry since 1987. Its product range includes crushers, vibrating screens, mobile crushers, mills and mineral processing machinery. According to the statistics of China Customs, the export volume of the group has ranked first in China mining machinery industry for 10 consecutive years. LIMING has 6 production bases with a total of 1,600,000 square meter workshops and 1,700 employees.
Established in 2009 to provide engineering and equipment for mining projects in Mongolia.
In 2017, we started cooperation with Steppe Gold Company’s ATO mining project by supplying a mobile crushing plant, and currently we are completing the installation of a crushing plant with a capacity of 1000 tons of ore per hour.
We are the representative of China Liming Heavy Machinery Company in Mongolia. And providing you following information.
Shanghai production base
“Today we have an operating mine employing over 300 Mongolians, and a plan to double that number over the next few years as we expand. We will also create additional jobs in the other assets. And it’s not just about jobs.”
“We are impacting the local communities through both indirect and direct benefits, by creating scholarship programmes and through a variety of social initiatives, by supporting local athletes for example. Seeing the changes we create and their benefits is one of the most rewarding aspects of our activity here,” he says, adding that has so far Steppe has provided over 1000 scholarships to local talent, allowing more people to attend university.
“We are also trying to create many additional jobs to support its operations. We are procuring consumables and food locally. This reduces our carbon footprint as we are not transporting things from aboard, or even from other regions of Mongolia.”
Steppe Gold is strongly committed to mitigating and rehabilitating environmental impacts as much as possible, by supporting biodiversity offsets, sustainable development,
and looking at renewable energies as part of its Phase 2 planning. “Basically, our corporate vision is to leave the property and local community, better than when we started this journey,” Mr Waraich affirms.
Unlocking potential
He is confident that Steppe Gold’s potential is huge. “We have explored and are operating on only about 10% of the property. So there’s room down the road to use our own cash flow to
continue to grow. There could be other satellite deposits on this property, with perhaps a three to five million ounce deposit, maybe even more.”
In the meantime, the company is finalising discussions on project financing and EPC arrangements for the Phase 2 expansion which is already underway. A new crushing unit has been installed to be made operational in April 2023, set to allow the company to drive higher crushing rates in the remaining oxide phase.
Progress has also been made at Steppe’s other assets in Mongolia: in addition to its flagship ATO project, the company has an approximately 20,000 metre drill programme planned at Mungu, northeast of the ATO resource, UK in the south of the Country and further follow up at ATO deposits. Steppe has commenced exploration at the Uudam Khundii property, comprised of one exploration licence covering around 14,500 hectares in the south-west of the country.
The high-potential Uudam Khundii gold project was acquired in 2017, in partnership with the Province of Bayankhongor, and in October, the company announced that with strong local partners and stakeholders, and with a foundational social programme and new prospective licence areas, it is poised to consolidate its leading position in this district and plans to accelerate its exploration and development work.
“We are committed to a strong two-way partnership with all stakeholders in this region and will make sure, just as we did at the ATO Gold Mine, to embark on a programme of local procurement, employment opportunities and investment in education. Again, we want to ensure that local communities are the direct beneficiaries of the economic development arising from the exploration, development and operation of mining in the region.”
With a strong social licence, recognition from leading institutional investors and the robust foundation laid in 2021 resulting in paid-for inventory and healthy cash flow, 2022 has been an exciting and highly-productive year for Steppe Gold.
“In 2023, we will continue to unlock our potential across all of our licences in Mongolia, while seeking out new opportunities,” concluded Mr Waraich.
Harnessing Earth’s
Geothermal energy is the cleanest, cheapest and most efficient baseload green energy available anywhere. Geothermal resources are theoretically more than adequate to supply humanity’s energy needs, although only a very small fraction is currently being commercially exploited. UK-based CeraPhi Energy is set to change that, explains the company’s founder and CEO Karl Farrow.
Geothermal is a form of renewable energy taken from heat derived from the earth’s subsurface. It is one of the cleanest forms of energy and can be applied as a direct power source as well as for heating and cooling utilities. CeraPhi Energy’s closed loop solution makes geothermal available everywhere and anywhere.
Innovative technologies. Sustainable solutions.
Halliburton leads the future of energy.
Geothermal offering:
• 70 + years of experience
• Industry-leading people, products, services, and technology
• Integrated, full cycle solutions for greater efficiencies and profitability
• Successful global execution by leveraging our in-country experience to streamline the field development process
Halliburton Geothermal Services
Since the 1950s, Halliburton has pioneered the development of global geothermal resources. We offer a full array of products, technology, and integrated services that lower the resource development costs of low-and high-enthalpy geothermal projects. At Halliburton, we collaborate to identify and develop conventional (hydrothermal), enhanced (stimulated), advanced (closed loop), and direct heating geothermal projects, applying the best solutions to each geothermal project. Our comprehensive approach can manage all four stages of a geothermal well lifecycle: subsurface understanding and testing, well construction, completions, and production.
Geothermal advantages
• Geothermal energy is a cost-effective, reliable, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource that offers an endless supply of power. This energy source can be accessed and harvested anywhere in the world.
• Geothermal energy systems are relatively clean. They adapt to many industrial applications, in addition to heating and cooling residential and commercial buildings.
• Geothermal power plants can produce electricity or heat 24/7, as geothermal systems are not affected by weather. They occupy a much smaller footprint than other power plants.
“We are pleased to build on our decades of global geothermal business to collaborate with CeraPhi to deliver and maximise the value of their geothermal wells. This agreement will allow us to deliver fully integrated solutions to reduce planning time, lower costs and optimise the value chain performance.”
Steve Nowe, Senior Area Manager Halliburton Europe.
Formation evaluation
Geothermal solutions by lifecycle stage
Well Construction
Formation evaluation
Drilling fluids
Completion tools
Formation evaluation
Completion tools
Well testing
Artificial lift
Well integrity and diagnostics
Surface and well monitoring
Water management
In conventional geothermal wells, bottomhole temperatures can reach 480°F to 600°F (250°C to 316°C). These ultra-high temperatures and thermal expansion can harm equipment, accelerate cement fatigue, and eventually result in casing collapse. Enhanced and advanced geothermal systems require detailed subsurface knowledge so horizontal and vertical wells can optimally target the reservoir for maximum heat exchange. Halliburton designs tools and services specifically for these difficult conditions, which require models of temperatures and pressures in and around the well. Once we determine the proper geothermal system, we can provide the right well construction and completion products to successfully execute field development plans.
In addition, our team can screen, identify play fairway, characterize and verify the reservoir, and prepare field development plans to best harness geothermal resources.
Our software solutions and technical expertise support all geothermal system types, including conventional high temperature, advanced closed loop, and enhanced geothermal systems. We also provide comprehensive heat flow maps, reservoir characterization, and geologic modelling to provide accurate information regarding the formation’s capacity, conductivity, and structure (fault proximity).
Halliburton is an industry leader in key subsurface technologies such as core sampling, borehole imaging while drilling, high-resolution sonic imaging, formation density tools, and formation pressure sampling.
Well Construction
The hard granite and basalt formations that are targeted for conventional geothermal wells are often highly fractured with unconsolidated formations overlaying these harder formations. Both sets of conditions generally suffer from excessive fluid loss during drilling and cementing operations which can result in decreased rates of penetrations (ROPs), stuck pipe, loss of zonal isolation, and wellbore instability. Halliburton controls these losses with a portfolio of products designed for these severe loss conditions. Advanced closed loop geothermal projects require precise lateral placement and mapping for well interception, implementation of multi-lateral well design, and enhanced stimulated projects require optimal placement in the reservoir for heat transfer.
At Halliburton, we collaborate on well construction to determine the proper drill bits, tool specifications, directional drilling, managed pressure drilling (MPD), drilling fluids, and cementing for each geothermal well. This integrated team tackles such challenges as borehole and bottomhole stability, high temperatures, hard rock formations, well control issues, lost circulation, corrosion, pore pressure, and ROP reliability. In geothermal environments, well placement and directional drilling require a comprehensive approach to drilling operations. Our drilling team provides solutions to avoid risks and minimize problems by implementing tools that provide reliable measurements of well trajectory, borehole temperature and pressure, and drill string vibration. Plus, we can obtain the necessary information in ultra-high temperatures.
Two defining characteristics of conventional geothermal resources are ultra-high temperatures and large, irregular fracture systems. To accurately characterize the resource and production capacity, testing and imaging tools must make reliable and focused measurements in highly variable environments with hostile downhole conditions. Enhanced and advanced geothermal systems require tailored completion solutions to maximize heat exchange with the geothermal reservoir.
Halliburton offers the optimal completion hardware, packers, interval control valves (ICVs), stimulation, and material selections to manage conductivity, flow, and thermal cycling in geothermal wells. Cost-effective down hole tool solutions include bidirectional anchoring devices, sensors that are designed for use in ultra-high-temperature environments, and premium hangers and packers optimized for reliable liner installations.
Production monitoring and logging operations ensure well integrity, create conductivity and flow assurance, mitigate corrosion and scaling, proppant efficacy, and arrange for brine (heavy minerals) disposal. Halliburton offers the latest in production logging tools, including mechanical well integrity measurements, real-time fibre monitoring of injection and production well flow, and integrated sensor diagnostics (ISD). We provide mechanical and chemical scale treatment to maintain economic production rates, and reliable water management in geothermal energy production with electric submersible pumps (ESPs).
How did it all start?
Karl Farrow, with a successful career in the global energy sector and an investor and business entrepreneur himself, could see the potential of geothermal in the challenging and uncertain times of climate change and an increased focus on sustainability and green energy.
In his introductory message he says: “After nearly 30 years in the energy sector I finally realised the reason for my life’s journey, discovering the true potential of the energy beneath
our feet, so I decided to do something about it, bringing together the best minds and experts I could find to develop a scalable solution unleashing geothermal energy from its ubiquitous state to become our first choice of clean baseload energy within the next 30 years, to help meet the 2050 Paris Agreement targets to achieve net zero.”
Heat from the ground
In just two years, CeraPhi Energy has become a leading project development company delivering global geo-
thermal energy solutions at scale. With its proprietary technology, the company offers solutions through the development of new wells and infrastructure or through reusing and repurposing existing oil and gas wells or deep-water wells including the use of mine water.
“CeraPhi Energy is a part of the energy transition. We all come from an oil and gas background, and we were very interested in trying to apply that knowledge from oil and gas elsewhere, looking at how we could make an positive impact on
the environment.
“Looking at taking heat from the ground, and our focus was actually making that commercial, both for heating, direct use and also for power generation. Applying skills from oil and gas obviously helped us to do that; amongst other things, we were looking at removing the exploration risksre-purposing existing oil and gas wells that are coming to the end of life, and looking at how these can be used for energy production in a green and environmentally safe manner.”
The fact that the existing wells can
be used is one of the biggest advantages of CeraPhi’s approach, and its viability has been verified by the global interest shown in it. While established and headquartered in the UK, CeraPhi has an operational office in Houston, US, and representatives in the Middle East and Brazil. “Our key markets currently are the UK, Europe, North America but the potential is worldwide,” says Karl Farrow.
Proprietary technology
He points out that the uniqueness of the company is based on
its technology, developed with a different approach to heat commercialisation. Its CeraPhiWell is a closed loop downhole heat exchanger that draws up subsurface heat for different applications for scalable baseload energy.
“We wanted to do something which was effectively doable today, without going into a long, extended R&D programme, but also to take some innovation and technology provisions along that process to enhance what was already available in the market.”
He explains that CeraPhiWell propri-
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etary patents cover the design and installation of a downhole heat exchanger system utilizing existing technologies in a novel manner. The system has a level of flexibility that allows the recovery of commercially useable heat energy from the subsurface virtually anywhere around the globe.
Additionally, the CeraPhiWell can be considered a fallback/insurance option for those wells that fall short of expectations regarding well output. In this instance CeraPhiWell retrofit architecture can be installed to bring some commercial return instead of having to undertake costly well abandonment.
The company has also developed special software that enables it to manage the process of energy delivery in an investor-friendly manner, calculating suitable projects that can be developed into a commercial business case. CeraPhiPro software basically provides a custom-built energy solution aligned to the end user’s requirements.
Flagship project
The company currently has around about $100 million in total worth of projects ready to roll over with several different clients, says Karl Farrow. In August 2022, CeraPhi Energy has entered into an exclusive drilling and intervention services agreement with Halliburton, with an initial focus of supporting CeraPhi’s
existing opportunities to repurpose end-oflife oil and gas wells in the UK and USA.
“This is a very exciting stage of CeraPhi’s commercialisation and totally in line with our strategic plan to align ourselves with serious execution and delivery partners who believe in the tremendous opportunity for geothermal and have the ability to scale globally.”
“We are moving into our first development site over the coming
months. This will be a turning point for the company, moving us from a technology demonstrator into a commercial stage,” says Karl, adding that CeraPhi has just been awarded funding from the Net Zero Technology Centre in Aberdeen to support that project.
The funding will also enable the company to validate its technology in repurposing oil and gas wells, to establish proof of technology and to
This will be a turning point for the company, moving us from a technology demonstrator into a commercial stage “
move towards becoming commercially operational. Speaking about the award, Karl Farrow said: “With the support of the NZTC this project will be a flagship project not only for CeraPhi Energy, but potentially ground breaking for the UK, providing a step change in energy transition.”
Battling climate change in partnerships
For a small company that was founded only two years ago the
progress is impressive. Karl affirms that the credit goes to a very strong team, dedicated to the mission of impacting on the trajectory of climate change.
“The environmental aspect has attracted a team of people who are not only employees – nearly 90% of our employees are also investors. We have grown a strong stakeholder base from an employee foundation, which I think is also a great achievement.”
The human factor, teamwork and partnerships will continue to be key for the company going forward. “From the very beginning, partnership has been the core pillar of our strategy, we knew we would never do it alone. We have spent a good part of the last two years building up a network of partners, and we’ve signed over 50 different partner agreements.”
“And we continue to do that. We are taking
our partners on a journey which is beneficial for them as we’re opening doors to opportunities that they would never have. These are medium- to long-term opportunities, but they are opportunities that could completely change the global energy landscape,” he says, in concluding.
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Progress Rock-Solid
Orion Minerals, a globally diversified metals explorer and developer, is on track to become a new-generation base metals producer through the development of its projects in South Africa’s Northern Cape.
Orion Minerals has achieved incredible progress since it came to South Africa in 2015. Today, with three projects under its belt and a major funding package in place, the company is well positioned to deliver critical metals for the global energy transformation.
“The Northern Cape province of South Africa is extraordinary – it is a traditional base metals mining district, with large-scale mines for a variety of metals including iron ore, manganese, copper, zinc and others. However, since the 1990s, the area had been neglected with virtually no exploration undertaken,” said Orion’s Managing Director and CEO Errol Smart.
A geologist by profession with an impressive 30-yearplus career spanning junior and mid-tier mining and exploration projects around the globe, Mr Smart saw a clear opportunity in the Northern Cape as a very attractive exploration and mining investment destination – offering incredible geological terrain, fantastic, well-developed infrastructure and properties available for acquisition and consolidation. Under his leadership, Orion Minerals has grasped this opportunity, putting together one of the best portfolios of prospecting and mining rights for base metals in the world.
Three pillars
Orion currently has three major properties, with the Prieska copper-zinc project being the centrepiece of its South African asset portfolio. Historically mined between
the 1970s and 1990s, Prieska is one of the world’s top-30 volcanogenic massive sulphide base metal deposits, with major potential.
“We have already proved that the ore body remains open in every dimension, which means that Prieska can become an even more significant long-life copper-zinc producer under our ownership than it was previously,” says Errol Smart.
The second asset is the Okiep copper project, located 450km west of Prieska, in a premier historical copper district where ore was mined as long ago as the 17th century. Orion saw a fantastic opportunity in this area that, yet again, had been neglected since the 1990s, and consolidated six different groups of properties in that region.
“In Okiep, we tested some new exploration technology using airborne electromagnetic surveying, and very quickly made a new nickel-copper discovery. There’s enormous exploration potential that has not been tapped using modern exploration methods.”
And last but not least, within the Areachap Belt, Orion holds yet another property that hosts the Jacomynspan deposit containing copper, zinc and nickel sulphide mineralisation, waiting
to be exploited using the latest processing technology. The application of this technology represents a potential game-changer, says Mr Smart, as it is delivers greatly improved recoveries and economics.
Responsible mining
He points out that widespread adoption of the latest technologies is making the mining industry more environmentally and socially friendly. “We came to South Africa with a very strong ESG culture and mindset, long before ESG was so widely embraced by the mining industry. We set out to operate in an environmentally
and socially responsible manner. We have achieved very strong stakeholder engagement, working with our local communities, developing local supply chains and redeveloping our mining world.”
“The aim has always been to get sustainable livelihoods built around our mining operations so that, when the mine eventually closes, as it will, the surrounding economy will sustain – it may be an agricultural economy, or it could be a manufacturing economy. That has always been very important to us.”
He explained that Prieska will use renewable energy, with 175 MW of operating solar
power and 250 MW of wind power at its disposal. In addition, on the project boundary, one of South Africa’s largest green hydrogen projects is currently being built. “On a 24-hour cycle, we’ve got 16 to 20 hours of effective renewable energy generation. That opens the doors for a whole lot of opportunity in the modern world of critical metals, and ESG.”
Orion is also striving to localise its contractors and suppliers as much as possible – both at the South African level but also at the local towns and Northern Cape level. The company has been well supported by local
suppliers as well as engineering and study groups, without the need to import experts from abroad. “We’ve got a top skill set right here, in South Africa,” affirms Mr Smart.
Funded to progress
With the company now transitioning to a mine development and construction phase, Orion has been assembling the key elements of an overarching strategic funding package that will allow it to accelerate the development of its two most advanced base metal assets, Prieska and Okiep, towards production.
In December 2022, Orion Minerals signed
definitive agreements with certain subsidiaries of Triple Flag Precious Metals for a US $87 million funding package. In February 2023, the company signed off on ZAR250 million (over US $13,5 million) worth of funding facilities secured from South Africa’s Industrial Development Corporation (IDC).
And on 15 March 2023, the company unveiled a strategic funding package comprising an AU $13 million (US $8,7 million) placement underpinned by highly regarded private South African mining group Clover Alloys (SA) together with an attaching options package that provides a clear pathway to secure additional equity funding of up to AU $60 million (US $40 million).
The placement is also supported by existing long-term Orion shareholders Delphi Group and, subject to shareholder approval, Tembo Capital.
Clover Alloys, led by prominent mining executives Adam Fleming as Chairman and Philip Kotze as CEO, has a strong track record in developing and operating chrome operations with specialist expertise in the rapid, highly capital efficient development of modular processing plants.
Mr Smart pointed out that the overarching funding package being provided by Triple Flag
together with the IDC and the recently unveiled AU $73 million (US $48 million) strategic funding package with Clover Alloys, was pivotal for Orion’s transition from being an exploration company to a mine developer.
“Securing the involvement of Clover Alloys as part of a broad strategic funding package represents a game-changer for Orion that puts us in an outstanding position to realise our growth vision as a major new South African base metals producer,” he said.
“Clover Alloys’ expertise will be invaluable to Orion as we complete the feasibility studies at Prieska and Okiep and execute our rapid development plan. This investment brings huge momentum to our company and, together with the support of our other cornerstone shareholders, puts us in an outstanding position to become a near-term producer.”
The funds secured will allow Orion to carry out demonstration trial mining and allow de-watering to commence from underground mine workings. “Both of these work streams are critical to our early works Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS), which we expect to complete by mid-2023 and mark the official start of development at the Prieska copper-zinc mine,” Mr Smart says.
A senior project developer representing IDC added: “The Prieska copper-zinc mine represents
an important, long-life base metals asset that promises to deliver high socio-economic returns in the Northern Cape. We are delighted to be on board as a development funding partner, therefore assisting to unlock what we feel is a high-impact project.”
Changing the rules of the game
Mr Smart reflected that, looking back, overall progress has been astonishing. “It has been exactly six years since Orion exercised its option to acquire the Prieska copper-zinc project. This is a relatively short time to take a base metals project of this scale from closure over thirty years ago, to a fully permitted project with a long mine life.”
He further noted that a lot has changed in South Africa’s mining industry over that space of time, a process in which he himself took an active part as the Chairman of the Minerals Council South Africa Junior and Emerging Miners’ Forum. The forum has been pivotal in facilitating change, particularly in regards to key regulations and legislation governing mineral rights in South Africa.
“South Africa is a traditional mining region.
To bring a junior mining company into this environment, with a mining culture, great mining skills and established mining supply chains, is a fantastic opportunity,” he concluded. An opportunity Orion Minerals is set to maximise.
Down for Great Resources
Tempest Minerals is pushing ahead full steam with its portfolio of highly promising projects in Western Australia and beyond. Romana Moares spoke to Managing Director Don Smith about their current achievements and their ambitious plans for the future.
Tempest Minerals Ltd (TEM) is an Australian mineral exploration company with a diversified portfolio of projects in Western Australia for precious, base and energy metals, and with exposure to projects in other parts of the world.
The company listed via an initial public offering (IPO) in 2017 under the name Lithium Consolidated Mineral Exploration Limited (Li3) with the goal of feeding the rapidly growing battery mineral industry. Li3 went on to acquire multiple lithium projects on 3 continents and has had a string of successful exploration and divestment transactions.
In 2019, faced with a challenging lithium market, the board decided to expand the strategic focus of the company in a more diversified direction and began looking at other commodities such as copper. At the end of 2019, Li3 acquired private exploration company Warrigal Mining and has subsequently continued to develop a portfolio of precious and base metals projects in Western Australia to complement the existing energy metal projects.
Rebranded for the future
In August 2020, shareholders decided to rebrand the company to Tempest Minerals Ltd to better reflect the evolved business and its more diverse commodity focus. In the same year, the company got a new Managing Director – Don Smith, a geologist and entrepreneur with over 20
years’ experience in the mining industry.
Don has worked in operational, development, exploration and consultant roles for junior through to multinational firms spanning 6 continents and numerous commodities, including base and precious metals and energy minerals.
He has been the founding director of a number of private and public resource companies including the successful listings on the ASX of Platypus Resources and Alderan Resources. He is currently involved with several start-ups and also consults to the industry.
With a Bachelor of Science degree from Newcastle University and a Master of Business Administration from the Australian Institute of Business, he is also a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
“I actually grew up in mining, with both my parents operating small mines, so I was exposed to that industry from a very young age,” he says, while admitting that career-wise, mining was not his first choice. He enrolled at university to study languages and only later switched to geology.
After working in var-
ious countries around the globe, he eventually returned to Australia where he founded Xeni, an incubator for creating new projects and new companies. One of those projects became Tempest, just at the onset of the global pandemic.
“Although we have a range of other activities, Tempest Minerals is my core focus,” he says. Speaking about TEM’s activities, he explained that the company’s current focus is on its copper and gold exploration projects, which span more than 900 km2 within four areas in the prolific Yalgoo Green Belt region in
Western Australia. However, TEM continues to be involved in Lithium projects in the Yilgarn region –which TEM recently announced will be divested into a new ASX listed company named Electra Minerals Ltd.
The sustainable way
The Yalgoo region is the location of the Messenger, Meleya, War West and Euro projects prospective for multiple commodities including: copper, gold, base and precious metals; the adjacent Mt Magnet, a world-class gold and precious metals mining district, is home to the Range project.
Don explained that the potential of the region was discovered purely by chance. “My business partner was driving one day through the area, and saw some guys digging on the side of the road with a machine. Although this supposed to be an area with nothing in it, he saw that the wall of a shallow pit that one of the guys had dug was nearly solid gold.”
Realising that the former governmental geological maps of that area were wrong, the company increased its landholding in the Yalgoo region and started doing studies to better understand the geology.
Mr Smith pointed out that Tempest Minerals had always been keen on using innovative scientific methods to drive economic discoveries, employing the latest technologies which hold the potential to upgrade and expand its operations. As such, in 2021 the company had identified Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) surveys as a potential tool to carry out non-invasive exploration across its Yalgoo and Mt Magnet projects.
Most of our projects are located in remote areas with many protected species so naturally we strive to work so as not to disturb the local environment 68
The results from the first phase of the EPR survey show around 250 metal-related anomalies. Following the survey results and their validation, the company started conducting drilling programs in 2022, to be followed also in 2023.
The digital approach has also helped the company stay at the forefront of sustainability; preserving the natural environment has been a highly important aspect of its operations. “Most of our projects are located in remote areas with many protected species so naturally we strive to work so as not to disturb the local environment,” said Mr Smith.
He acknowledged that from its very beginning, Tempest has been committed to the highest social and environmental standards and practices, believing that mineral exploration and sustainability are not mutually exclusive nor adversarial in purpose but are instead complementary. Resources – in particular minerals, such as lithium for energy storage and copper for electronics – are important for technologies that will enable a sustainable future.
On a growth trajectory
Tempest Minerals is well on track with its ambitious plans, he affirmed, saying that the company is currently progressing its Meleya Project, one of the most exciting base and precious metal exploration opportunities in Australia today.
Together with the state government co-funded (EIS) program, the first two holes were drilled into this area in early 2022 discovering copper and other minerals. Since then, the company has started wide-space drilling across the whole region. “The project is very exciting for us as given the survey results, there is a greater opportunity to find minerals in that region than was previously thought,” he reflected.
In addition to Western Australia, the company has also exposure to several projects in Africa and North America, and in Spring 2022 entered into a conditional agreement to invest in a Papua New Guinea focussed companyLole Mining (recently renamed to Tolu Minerals Ltd) and its portfolio of three high-grade gold and silver assets, with short-term production and exploration potential.
Mr Smith said that the company has invested AU$1 million in the venture and remains a key shareholder in Tolu which is
expected to list on the ASX in early 2022.
“This is a major milestone development for Tempest and our shareholders.
While we are pushing ahead with our exploration fronts at the Yalgoo and other regional projects in Western Australia, we
have identified this opportunity to drive growth through exposure to a near-term gold producer which is in line with our
ambitious strategy to make more discoveries, and transform from a small company to a medium-size operator,” he concluded.
Paraco is a family-owned propane company that has a rich history that dates back to 1968. The company was founded by visionary entrepreneur Pat Armentano and was originally named Patsems, Inc., a welding supply distributor based in Mount Vernon, New York. In December 1979, Patsems purchased Paraco Fuel Corporation, a fuel oil, and propane distributor in Peekskill, New York. This acquisition added 500,000 gallons of retail propane and 700,000 gallons of No. #2 oil to the company’s portfolio.
Over the years, Paraco continued to grow and expand its reach. In June 1985, Paraco purchased Suburban Propane’s Long Island operation in Smithtown and Shirley, New York. This acquisition included 2.5 million gallons of retail propane and was a significant milestone in the company’s history. In 1987, Pat Armentano became the Chairman of the Board, and his son, Joe Armentano, was promoted to CEO. Under Joe’s leadership, Paraco made several strategic acquisitions, including Furman Gas Company in Ballston Spa, New
York, Airgas Northeast bulk propane division in Stratford, Connecticut, and AmeriGas in New Hyde Park and Catskill, New York. These acquisitions expanded the company’s reach and added millions of gallons of retail propane to its portfolio. In 2005, Paraco purchased Long Island Bottled Gas and AmeriGas in Brewster, New York, further expanding its presence in the region.
In 2006, Paraco made its first entry into the Pennsylvania market by acquiring Traugers LP Gas in Dalton, Pennsylvania. This acquisition added 700,000 gallons
of retail propane and more than 1,700 customers to the company. Paraco continued to expand into new territories and made several more acquisitions in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Virginia.
In 2012, Paraco entered into joint ventures with three companies in Georgia, Florida, and Illinois and opened a regional headquarters located in Charlotte, North Carolina. These joint ventures added approximately 3 million gallons of retail propane to the company’s portfolio and expanded its reach in the motor fuel
and exchange markets. Paraco has continued to grow and expand its reach over the years, becoming one of the largest propane companies in the United States. The company is proud of its rich history and remains committed to providing reliable and efficient propane services to its customers.
Services Offered By Paraco Gas
Propane For Home Paraco provides a wide range of propane services for homeowners. Their propane heating solutions include furnaces, space heaters, and fireplaces, ensuring that families are kept
warm and cozy throughout the winter months. Propane appliances like clothes dryers, oven ranges, and water heaters fuel everyday life, making household tasks more convenient. Additionally, propane pool heaters allow for more use of the pool during the warmer seasons.
Outdoor living spaces are also a priority for Paraco, with offerings like fireplaces, fire pits, propane heaters, and outdoor kitchens that can transform a backyard into a relaxing retreat. Lastly, propane generators provide backup power during power outages, and the company’s BBQ tank exchange program ensures that customers
are always BBQ-ready.
Propane For Business
Paraco also offers propane services for businesses in a variety of industries. Propane is a versatile and cost-effective fuel source that can power a range of applications. Propane forklifts are known for their powerful performance and reliability, making them a top choice for businesses in need of material handling solutions. Restaurants can benefit from propane’s precise temperature control and even heating, allowing them to serve the best possible food to their customers.
In the building and construction industry, propane is a clean and efficient fuel source that
can be used to power construction sites and equipment. Paraco also offers propane refill and storage solutions for businesses, including cylinder exchange and refill programs and storage containers that can hold up to 36 BBQ tanks.
Paraco’s propane autogas offering provides a greener and more cost-effective alternative to gasoline and diesel fuel for fleet vehicles. In the agricultural and industrial
sectors, switching to propane can help businesses cut energy costs, increase efficiency, and meet their carbon emissions goals.
Overall, Paraco’s propane for business services offers a range of cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for businesses in a variety of industries. From material handling and construction sites to fleet vehicles and agricultural operations, Paraco’s propane servic-
es can help businesses increase efficiency, reduce costs, and support their sustainability goals.
Partnership With Thuesen Mechanical
Paraco Gas has recently partnered with Thuesen Mechanical to provide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services to customers in Westchester, New York, and Fairfield, Connecticut. For over 50 years, Paraco has been providing propane for various purposes, including
home heating, indoor and outdoor cooking, pool heating, and generator usage. With this new partnership, Paraco is expanding its services to complete the home heating and cooling services for its customers.
The partnership between Paraco and Thuesen Mechanical is beneficial for both companies and customers alike. Paraco customers will now have access to a wider range of options to heat and cool their
homes, while more technicians will be available for installations, repairs, and maintenance. This will bring value to both Paraco and its customers. Paraco CEO, Joe Armentano, sees this partnership as a way to evolve the business into a full-service energy company.
The new venture between Paraco and Thuesen Mechanical, Paraco Energy and Home Services, will offer plumbing, heating
system installations, air conditioning, water treatment systems, and energy conservation services in Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess in New York, as well as in Fairfield County, Connecticut. This new chapter for Paraco, with Thuesen Mechanical as a partner, has been welcomed by the CEO and COO of Paraco, Joe Armentano and Christina Armentano, respectively. Christina Armentano was drawn to Thuesen
Mechanical’s reputation in the HVAC space and saw this partnership as a way to expand the service offerings to Paraco’s growing customer base.
Final Thoughts About The Company
Taking into account the recent developments, it is quite evident that Paraco Gas is heading towards becoming a full-service energy company by expanding its services to include heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
in addition to its current propane services. This is evident from the partnership with Thuesen Mechanical, which will allow Paraco to offer complete home heating and cooling services to its customers. There is no denying the fact that, over the years, Paraco has continued to grow and expand its reach through acquisitions and joint ventures, making it one of the largest propane companies in the United States.
Lake Shore Gold is a Canadian gold mining company that has a long and storied history. The company was founded in 2002 and initially focused on exploring and developing gold properties in Ontario, Canada.
In 2005, Lake Shore Gold acquired the Timmins Mine, a historic gold mine located in Timmins, Ontario. The Timmins Mine had been in operation since the early 1900s and was one of the most prolific gold producers in Canadian history. Lake Shore Gold quickly set to work revitalizing the mine, investing in new equipment and infrastructure to increase production and extend the life of the mine.
Over the next several years, Lake Shore Gold continued to acquire and develop new gold properties in Ontario, including the Bell Creek Mine and the Timmins West Mine. The company also made significant investments in exploration and development, with the goal of discovering new gold deposits and expanding its production capacity.
In 2011, Lake Shore Gold achieved a major milestone when it announced that it had surpassed 1 million ounces of gold production at the Timmins Mine. This was a significant achievement
for the company and a testament to its commitment to investing in its operations and developing new gold resources.
In 2016, Lake Shore Gold was acquired by Tahoe Resources Inc., which later became Pan American Silver Corp. after a merger in 2019. Today, the Timmins Mine, Bell Creek Mine, and Timmins West Mine continue to be important assets for Pan American Silver, and the company remains committed to investing in exploration and development to ensure the longterm success of its operations.
Operational Mines
Lake Shore Gold has two operational mines in Canada: the Timmins West mine and the Bell Creek mine. The Timmins West mine is an underground mine that produces gold from the Timmins deposit, while the Bell Creek mine is an underground and openpit mine that produces gold from the Bell Creek deposit. In this article, we are going to focus more on The Bell Creek Mine.
Bell Creek mining operations are accessed through a production shaft and portal/ramp system from the surface. The
sublevels on 20-23m vertical intervals are established by driving access ramps from the main ramp system. The primary level development headings are mined 4.0m wide by 4.5m high, while the silling development headings are extracted at 3.0m wide by 3.0m high. The primary ramps are typically driven at a maximum declination of 15 percent. The current mining method being employed is longhole stoping. These methods allow for efficient and productive extraction of the ore while ensuring the
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safety of the workers and minimizing environmental impact.
After ore extraction through the long-hole stoping method, it is hauled to the surface for further processing. The ore is transported through the shaft using skips or through the portal/ramp system via trucks. However, for ore mined at 505mL and above, truck transportation is used to move the ore to the surface. The ore is then stockpiled on the surface before being loaded into the crusher located at the Bell Creek Mill. This process ensures that only the high-grade ore is sent for processing, minimizing operational costs and maximizing profits. The development waste is kept underground, where it serves as backfill material for the extracted stopes, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring safety for workers.
At Bell Creek, all mined ore undergoes processing on-site at the Bell Creek Mill,
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which is a conventional gold processing plant. The ore is processed using cyanidation, which involves the use of a cyanide solution to dissolve the gold and silver contained in the ore. The plant uses gravity and carbonin-pulp (CIP) recovery methods, which are highly efficient in recovering gold from the ore. Currently, the mill processes approximately 4,500 tonnes of ore per day, with a maximum capacity of 5,359 tpd. The recovery rate for the Bell Creek ore is impressive, with a rate of approximately 94.8%, which is a testament to the high-grade nature of the ore and the efficiency of the processing plant. The entire process is meticulously monitored to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and the safety of the workers.
The Bell Creek Mine is equipped with state-
of-the-art surface and underground infrastructure designed to efficiently process high-grade ore while minimizing environmental impact. The conventional mill is a crucial component of the processing plant and is responsible for crushing and grinding the ore. It also houses a gravity concentration circuit and a cyanide leaching and CIP gold absorption process. Recently, the throughput capacity of the mill has been upgraded to approximately 6,000 tpd by LSG, which increases the mine’s production capacity significantly.
In addition to processing the ore from the Bell Creek Mine, the mill also processes material from the Timmins West Mine, further increasing its efficiency. The mine also features a crushed ore storage dome and a permitted tailings facility, which includes a polishing pond and
associated infrastructure. This infrastructure ensures that the mine operates smoothly and efficiently, with minimal environmental impact, while maximizing production output and profits.
The Bell Creek mine is an important asset for Lake Shore Gold and the Timmins Gold Camp. With a long history of gold production and significant mineral resources, the mine has the potential for continued success in the years to come. By employing responsible mining practices and engaging with local communities, Lake Shore Gold is well-positioned to continue to operate the Bell Creek mine in a sustainable manner.
Local Engagement and Economic Contribution
Lake Shore Gold, being an integral part
of the Timmins community, acknowledges the importance of collaborating with local businesses. This strategic partnership allows them to access essential resources promptly, enabling them to operate effectively. The Timmins mining region has witnessed a proliferation of enterprises that cater to the needs of the producers, and Lake Shore Gold is committed to supporting the local economy by prioritizing local suppliers. As responsible corporate citizens, they procure from Canadian companies items that are challenging to source locally. Additionally, Lake Shore Gold includes the indigenous community in their plans for future opportunities, as evidenced by the In-Benefit Agreement (IBA) Agreements with the
First Nation communities of Timmins West and Bell Creek. Environmental Stewardship
Lake Shore Gold’s commitment to eco-friendly business practices is commendable, as evident in its conscientious efforts to reduce their environmental footprint. A specialized environmental team oversees this aspect of their operations to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards of environmental stewardship. They strive to stay at the forefront of innovative technologies that minimize their impact on the environment while keeping their operations cost-effective.
Corporate Ethos and Future Outlook
Lake Shore Gold’s dedication to reducing costs while maintaining its commitment to
sustainable business practices is reflected in its corporate ethos. Their openness to new technologies that align with their environmental goals is indicative of their forward-thinking approach. Lake Shore Gold’s continued engagement with the local community, coupled with its unwavering focus on sustainable practices, augurs well for their continued success in the future.
Final Thoughts
There is no denying the fact that Lake Shore Gold has a rich history of exploration, development, and gold production in Canada. The company’s success can be attributed to its commitment to investing in its operations, developing new resources, and engaging with local communities. The Bell Creek Mine, one of Lake Shore Gold’s two operational mines, is a significant asset for the company. Through the use of responsible mining practices and state-of-the-art infrastructure, Lake Shore Gold has positioned itself for continued success in the years to come. Overall, Lake Shore Gold’s contributions to the mining industry and the Timmins community serve as a testament to the importance of sustainable and collaborative practices in the extractive sector.
AllKansanshi Mining Zambia
The history of Kansanshi Mining can be traced back to the fourth century when various parties mined intermittently at the site. However, it wasn’t until 1969 that the development of an open-pit mine was approved by the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM). Mining activities were conducted at the site, but due to economic conditions, the processing project was halted, and only mining was carried out until April 1986, when it ceased, again due to economic conditions.
In 1988, mining activities resumed for a brief period before operations were formally ceased. ZCCM initiated closure and reclamation activities at the mine. Later, in 1995, the ZCCM Privatisation Trust Fund was created to oversee the sale of ZCCM assets,
including the Kansanshi mine.
Cyprus Amax Minerals Corporation acquired the mine from ZCCM and the government of Zambia. In 2001, First Quantum Minerals acquired an 80% interest in the Kansanshi mine from Cyprus Amax. With
the acquisition, First Quantum Minerals embarked on a plan to develop the mine in two phases, which was proposed in 2002. Commercial production began in April 2005.
Over the years, the Kansanshi mine has undergone several
expansions, increasing its production capacity and extending its mine life. In 2010, a major expansion was completed, which increased the mine’s processing capacity to 25 million tonnes per annum. In 2013, a further expansion was completed.
The Kansanshi mine is located in the North-Western Province of Zambia, approximately 10 kilometers north of the town of Solwezi. The region is known for its rich mineral resources and has several other mines in operation, including Lumwana, Kalumbila, and Sentinel.
Mining Process
The Kansanshi is primarily a vein deposit that contains three distinct types of ore. These types are primary sulfide, mixed supergene, and oxide,
to their copper and gold mineralization
At the Kansanshi mine in Zambia, mining operations are carried out in two large open pits, namely the Main and Northwest pits, utilizing conventional open-pit mining techniques. Hydraulic excavators and a fleet of haul trucks, some of which are equipped with electric trolley assist, are used to transport ore and waste materials to the surface.
The ore extracted from the mine is processed in a flexible manner that allows for variation in the type of ore being extracted.
The processing methods include an oxide leach circuit, a sulfide flotation circuit, and a transitional ore “mixed float” circuit.
The choice of processing method is dependent on the type of ore being extracted and its composition. The flexibility in ore processing methods ensures that the maximum value is extracted from the extracted ore, which contributes to the overall success of the Kansanshi mine.
One great thing is that the processing methods for the different types of ore extracted from the
mine are specifically designed to extract maximum value. The sulfide ore is processed through a circuit that involves crushing, milling, and flotation to produce a copper concentrate. Similarly, mixed ore is treated through a similar circuit with the option of further processing the flotation concentrate via a high-pressure leach circuit.
Oxide ore, on the other hand, requires a more complex processing method that involves crushing, milling, flotation, leaching, and the SX/EW process to produce
both sulphidic and gold-bearing flotation concentrates, as well as electro-won cathode copper.
To recover gold from all ore types, six gravity concentrators are used, and the gravity concentrates are treated using Gemini tables to produce a highgrade concentrate for direct smelting to gold bullion. The combination of these processing methods allows the Kansanshi mine to produce a range of valuable products from the different types of ore extracted from the mine.
Moreover, a portion of the copper con -
centrate produced from the sulfide and mixed ore circuits is processed through a High-Pressure Leach (HPL) facility. The HPL process involves the recovery of copper by oxidation and leaching in autoclaves, which leads to the production of a copper-rich solution. In addition, gold is recovered from the HPL residues through the use of an acid-resistant gravity concentrator. This processing method ensures that the maximum value is extracted from the ore extracted from the mine.
The Kansanshi copper smelter has proven to be a valuable asset for First Quantum, allowing the company to extract maximum value from the copper it produces in Zambia. The smelter’s impressive nominal capacity of 1.2 million tonnes per annum of concentrate, combined with its efficient trapping of 100% of sulfur dioxide by-product, has resulted in the production of over 300,000 tonnes of blister copper per year.
Additionally, the smelter’s recycling process has led to the creation of over 1 million tonnes per an -
num of sulphuric acid, reducing the need for imported acid in the treatment of oxide copper ores. By neutralizing acid produced by the smelter in the leaching circuit, First Quantum has further optimized the efficiency and sustainability of its copper production processes. Finally, the smelter’s success has resulted in the creation of 700 specialist jobs, further boosting the local economy and creating more opportunities for skilled workers in the region.
CSR Efforts
Kansanshi Mining
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cant efforts to support the local community and environment in Zambia. The company has partnered with various organizations, including the Zambia National Parks and Wildlife Authority, the Zambia Road Transport Safety Agency, NGOs and CSOs, and the North-western Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to provide support in areas such as wildlife
conservation, road safety, gender equality, and small business training. Additionally, Kansanshi engages with traditional leadership to maintain a social license to operate and support local values. The company’s CSR efforts help to foster a better mining industry in Zambia and improve the lives of those in the surrounding communities.
Final Thoughts
Kansanshi Mining is heading towards a promising future with its focus on sustainable and responsible mining practices. As the demand for copper continues to grow, the company’s investment in modernizing its operations and increasing production capacity will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. Furthermore, Kansanshi Mining’s commitment to community development and environmental sustainability will help ensure that its operations have a positive impact on the local community and the environment. Overall, Kansanshi Mining is a company that is worth watching as it continues to grow and thrive in the mining industry.
E.ON Group
E. ON was one of the first companies in the world to embrace offshore wind power on a large scale
The E.ON Group is deemed as one of the largest energy infrastructure and networks operators in Europe. Not only that, but it also functions as a provider of various ingenious customer solutions for approximately 50 million customers out there. The company has always been a great advocate of energy transition and has worked a lot in this regard in order to propel it in the region. E.ON Group is considered to be a company that is always working for the betterment of climate and is assiduous when it comes to sustainability and the better future of our planet.
Today, the United Kingdom has successfully achieved its various netzero carbon emissions targets. The credit goes to E.ON, who established as well as operated the onshore wind farms throughout Great Britain
E.ON is indeed a unique name. The name of the company basically reflects their aim and their long term objective. E.ON is fundamentally a name that comes from the Greek word aeon. Aeon means age or an era, and E.ON company, as its name suggests, is aiming for a new era of energy.
E.ON, unlike other companies, is not very old. They do not have a huge history, but they certainly have strong historical roots. The company was established around 20 years ago, in June 2000. It came into existence after the merger of two companies VIAG and VEBA. These two companies were founded during the era of 1920s, and both of these had their own large energy divisions.
When E.ON was established, similar operations and modus operandi were followed. Everything remained the same during the initial years of the formation of the new company. However, later in 2014, the company shifted its focus and made a strategy taking into consideration the new energy world with renewables, customer business, and energy networks.
Today, the company is regarded as one of the largest private energy companies in the entire world. Moreover, after acquiring the innogy, the
company is now moving towards providing customer solutions and energy networks in the best manner possible. It focuses on these specific areas in order to develop a sustainable energy world.
Wind Farm Operations
E.ON, as we have mentioned before as well, is known to be working in the area of renewable energy. It all started in the year 1991 when the company, at that time, established their first-ever onshore wind farm. From that period of time, the company has continued to work for the development of wind, biomass, and solar technologies and have endeavoured to bring innovation in order to help overcome the challenges faced with regards to climate change. They have strived to achieve and create a sustainable energy system for the future.
In their brief history, the company has played a significant role in making the renewable energy future better. In this regard, they have evolved their expertise by means of a substantial portfolio of both the offshore as well as the onshore wind farms throughout the United Kingdom. In fact, in the last decade, the company has made massive investments of more than £3.3bn alone in UK renewables.
In 2013, when the largest offshore wind farm in the World was built, which is known as London Array, E.ON was a major partner of the association or the consortium that built it. Along with that, it has also helped in building the first wind farm off the south coast of the UK as the partners in Rampion.
In 2019, the majority of the company’s wind generation business and its operations were handed over to RWE. After making developments in large scale renewables for around 30 years, the company now aims to provide assistance to customers, guiding and helping them in becoming more substantial at their homes. In addition to this, the company has also intended to take the edge off its carbon footprint in order to contribute to a better
and sustainable future energy world.
Onshore Wind Farms
Today, the United Kingdom has successfully achieved its various net-zero carbon emissions targets. The credit goes to E.ON, who established as well as operated the onshore wind farms throughout Great Britain. A few of the great examples include Rhyd-y-Groes on Anglesey in 1992 and Camster in the Scottish Highlands in 2014.
The initial developments of onshore wind farms in the United Kingdom helped in testing the latest technology. Not just that, but it also helped in proving its potential as an essential addition to fulfil the energy needs of the UK. As a result of these successes and achievements, the establishment of
Hydrotechnik Lübeck
Hydrotechnik Lübeck is a family-run business, that efficiently maintains the harmony between protecting marine life and the success of the energy industry. Such a feat involves a wide range of solutions that encompass air, water, and oil, to keep clean the world’s oceans and open waters. These challenges are achieved by combining unrivalled knowledge of hydraulic engineering to create compressed air barriers that ensure the survival of marine life, both locally in Germany, and across international borders. Accordingly, Hydrotechnik Lübeck amalgamates good, solid craftsmanship with fresh and innovative ideas.
Based primarily in Lübeck, Germany, their main environmental practises can be found in underwater noise protection, oil barriers, and diving walls. Each operation can guarantee their clients the efficient clearing of polluted water quickly and safely. For example, a Compressed Air Oil Barrier is a technical operation that has been utilizes by Hydrotechnik Lübeck for over ten years in locks, ports, rivers, canals, and even industrial plants. Quite simply, rising air creates a barrier on the water that stops everything from floating in the designated space. A similar concept is also used in sound mitigation, in which Hydrotechnik Lübeck utilizes state-of-the-art technology to create the ‘Big Bubble Curtain’. This mechanism is adopted for noise protection during offshore pile driving and offshore munitions detonation. Other environmental protections include diving walls, in which a specialist team of dedicated divers conduct essential underwater work. Each project is in compliance with multiple safety standards, utilising knowledge and experience even in the dark depths of the water.
When looking at the industry, underwater noise protection is developing rapidly in Europe, creating a larger global network. Alongside the underwater noise sector, significant developments are beginning to emerge in the air oil barrier and diving walls industry, as greater awareness of marine life protection emerges. An example of
such awareness means that Hydrotechnik Lübeck welcomes the exciting challenge of expanding global awareness of underwater noise protection. The recognition of Hydrotechnik Lübeck’s work is fundamental for the survival of underwater species, as the communication between animals underwater is necessary for survival and can be sensitively disturbed by sectors such as shipping and oil and gas exploration. Consequently, there is no doubt that underwater noise protection will become a key operation for years to come, making mechanisms such as the ‘Big Bubble Curtain’ so important.
Hydrotechnik Lübeck prides itself on the company’s family roots, and the stability that this foundation creates across the entire company. Evidently, the company’s CEO Cay Grunau has been with the company for over 45 years, encouraged by a strong sense of commitment and longevity that stems across the Hydrotechnik Lübeck team. Grunau has a long history in engineering that has transported him to his position today. Grunau, as a civil engineer for the majority of his life, has a strong passion for hydraulic engineering. When speaking to Grunau, he told us about the importance of his passion:
“This professional goal has been clear to me since I was allowed to accompany my father in constructing the Ennepetalsperre in the Sauerland at the age of 12. The nature on our planet is just too beautiful and essential for us. So it is important that we protect it when it is endangered. There is nothing more excellent than being active on the water, as well as being underwater and making our contribution to the protection of the animal world, nature, and the environment.”
Fundamentally, Hydrotechnik Lübeck’s vital work in hydraulic engineering is a great example of how marine life can co-exist in the oil and energy industry. This is possible by using specialized technology and knowledge of the sector that rightfully puts the environment at the heart of its business, creating a more excellent marine climate one project at a time.
supply chain and investment potential took place, which can further prove to be beneficial for the development of the UK’s renewable energy sector.
Offshore Wind Farms
The first-ever offshore wind farm of the UK, the twin turbines off the coast of Blyth in Northumberland, was also built by the E.ON. The company had a major contribution towards it. Today, the offshore wind sector of the UK is at a whole new level, and the credit for such outstanding development and progress goes to E.ON. As a result of that, the development of other offshore wind projects also took place, which may include the establishment of the Thames Estuary, the Solway Firth, the south coast, and the east of England.
If we combine all of these wind farms, it can produce the amount of energy that can fulfil the
energy needs of around 1.1 million homes. Not only do all of these wind farms help power millions of homes, but they also tend to show that renewable energy is better in contrast to other fossil fuel alternatives in terms of cost as well as efficiency.
The Boiling Spring Wind Farm
In early 2020, E.ON announced that they are going to develop a new wind farm in the USA. The construction of the 150-megawatt-project started in early 2020 and was then completed in December 2020. This project was commissioned in the month of December 2020 and is now operating and active.
It was the first wind project started by E.ON in Oklahoma. The Honda automotive group, under an electricity supply contract, acquired or secured all of its energy from Boiling Springs. The purpose of
purchasing renewable energy was to produce cars at the US plants in Alabama and Ohio.
E.ON and Their Approach Towards Sustainability
E.ON has always proved that they are a company that always acts with social responsibility and is concerned regarding the global climate and natural resources. The company has believed that in order to serve their customers, shareholders, employees and business partners in a better manner, they need to take into account the social responsibility and operate their business sustainably and responsibly. This way, they can truly provide value to all of them.
How Do They Contribute
The company tends to contribute towards sustainability by supporting its customers in producing clean electricity and by increasing or expanding renewable energy. They offer the security of supply with the establishment of distribution grids that further act as platforms for connecting the consumers with the energy producers. Another good thing about the company is that they consider and tend to help the customers who are not economically well.
Various innovative and efficient solutions are provided to communities and cities so that they can make use of the energy in a better manner and more sustainably. These solutions may include smart energy management, low-carbon generation, and efficient heating and cooling. Moreover, the company also provides its customers with e-mobility solutions. An example of this may include public charging infrastructure. Again, it is important to highlight that E.ON is not only helping its customers, but they are also trying to avoid the output of CO2 emissions. In order to make it more efficient and successful, they are reducing their own carbon footprint.
Other Initiatives Regarding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Gender Equality
The company has always created a secure environment for its employees and have been very supportive when it comes to gender equality. They have formed a kind of workspace where all of their employees can work for their own betterment and development. The company provides an opportunity for its employees to thrive in their work and explore their own capabilities.
Health & Safety of Employees and Customers
E.ON has always prioritised the safety and health of their staff. The employees of the company always tend to get wonderful treatment from the company. Not just the employees but the customers are also guaranteed protection and safety as the company always installs devices and solar panels in the homes of customers that are not dangerous and are considered safe.
Innovation & Development of Infrastructure
Due to their innovation, today, E.ON is regarded as one of the most successful companies in Europe and in the entire world. They tend to offer innovative solutions to their customers so that everyone can utilise energy sustainably and efficiently. Along with that, innovation is also shown in the development of distribution network infrastructure so that proper supply of energy can be provided.
Responsible Production & Consumption
The company tends to assist their customers in limiting the use of energy and reducing the emission of CO2 by providing solutions or products that are digital and well distributed. Not only are they advocating this and informing their customers about conserving energy, but they themselves are also applying the same and reducing their energy consumption.
Latest News & Development
E.ON To Provide Sustainable Energy At The Hansa Centre Bottrop & A New Data Centre In Essen From 2022
E.ON is always regarded as a company that is ameliorating sustainability and making energy consumption more efficient. Recently as well, according to the latest news, the E.ON has aimed to develop the energy concepts and provide sustainable energy at the Hansa Centre Bottrop & a new data centre on Ruhrallee in Essen.
Both of these projects were established by FAKT AG, which is a real estate development company. Regarding these projects, E.ON will make sure that the supply and generation of energy are climate-friendly and low-CO2 is emitted. This work is expected to commence in 2022.
JDS Mining About All J
DS Energy & Mining Inc. is a reputable engineering and construction management firm founded in 2004 by Jeff Stibbard, who serves as its President and CEO. With its headquarters located in British Columbia, Canada, the company specializes in providing engineering, procurement, construction management, and project management services to the mining, energy, and infrastructure sectors.
In 2005, JDS Energy & Mining partnered with Chief Jim Boucher of the Fort McKay First Nation to establish a successful First Nations-owned midsize mining fleet and services company, which resulted in revenue growth exceeding $100 million.
In 2007, the company provided underground ramp development services for G-9 Mines in Mexico and supported the construction and operation of the Minto Copper Mine by purchasing and constructing barges on the Yukon River.
Additionally, in 2009, JDS Energy & Mining was
involved in the construction of the first LEED-certified building in Kelowna, B.C., and was retained by Eldorado Gold Corp. to manage the construction and environmental management of the Kisladag gold mine.
The company’s technical expertise was further demonstrated in 2012 when it was engaged as a technical advisor for the Gaucho Kue project and partnered with Hatch to provide engineering, procurement, and construction management services.
In 2013, the company formed JDS Silver after
purchasing Silvertip Mine and signed a socio-economic agreement with five Kaska First Nations in just six weeks. JDS Energy & Mining was engaged by Kaminak Gold Corp. in 2016 to complete a PEA and a NI 43-101 compliant Feasibility Study for the Coffee Mine, while JDS Silver secured financing for the construction and operation of the Silvertip Mine.
The company’s impressive technical expertise was highlighted when it was awarded the full EPCM contract for the Gahcho Kué diamond mine project, which was completed ahead of schedule
and named the world’s largest and richest new diamond mine.
In 2018, JDS Energy and Mining Inc. continued to expand its operations by reviewing the underground Preliminary Feasibility Study at the Karowe Project in Botswana and establishing its underground division, led by Cody Stibbard, VP Underground. The company was also retained to begin construction of the Eagle Gold Project for Victoria Gold, cementing its position as a leader in engineering and construction management services.
In 2019, the company’s parent company, Jeffco Holdings, acquired Cariboo Railroad Construction and Track Maintenance, and JDS Energy & Mining completed the construction of the Eagle Gold Project for Victoria Gold. The company also formed the JDS Group of Companies, restructured into divisions, and invested in the construction of a track maintenance and inspection yard in Prince George.
In 2021, JDS Energy & Mining established the JDS Drilling & Blasting Division and partnered with Deans Knight Resource Fund to offer a unique approach to investing in publicly listed resource businesses worldwide. The company also completed the construction of
the Madsen Project for Pure Gold Mines and acquired the Harmony Project on Haida Gwaii through JDS Gold. These developments demonstrate JDS Energy & Mining continued commitment to providing diverse and innovative services in engineering, construction management, and project management across various sectors.
Services Engineering
JDS Engineering is a prominent engineering firm that specializes in maximizing the value of mineral projects. With offices located in Vancouver, Toronto, and Hermosillo, JDS Engineering offers a comprehensive range of engineering services encompassing all levels of engineering studies, assistance for explo-
ration projects, and mining operations.
Their engineering services include technical engineering studies, operational support, due diligence and scoping studies and permitting support. Whether it is assessing resources, developing a conceptual mine plan, or evaluating appropriate recovery methods, JDS Engineering offers its clients unique, value-adding, risk-appropriate solutions – the very definition of exceptional engineering.
JDS Energy & Mining Inc. is a leading construction company specializing in delivering resource projects in Canada’s north and Latin America. With over 17 years of experience, JDS has a unique approach to
project delivery that prioritizes flexibility and risk tolerance. The company’s commitment to treating every project as if they own it is reflected in its ability to deliver projects of any size on time, on budget, and without harm.
JDS offers a range of construction services, including EPCM, mine reclamation & closure, and permitting support, among others.
JDS is a reliable partner in providing underground contract mining services worldwide. With a proven track record of excellence in project execution, value delivery, and fit-for-purpose design, JDS offers a wide range of services, including development mining, production mining, technical services, underground
construction, and engineering. The company’s expertise transcends multiple languages, regulations, and jurisdictions to ensure projects are delivered according to owners’ requirements. With experience in narrow-vein to bulk mining methods, such as block caving, JDS utilizes its fleet of contract-owned equipment to get the job done efficiently. With extensive global experience and capabilities to work in remote environments, JDS is a trusted partner in underground mining services.
Drilling & Blasting
JDS Drilling & Blasting is a specialized surface drilling and blasting service offering over 40 years of combined experience to deliver maximum resource value for customers safely, on time, and on budget. The company’s commitment to safety excellence, ESG, and training the next generation is reinforced by a dynamic team of industry experts.
JDS Drilling & Blasting provides a wide range of services, including open-pit mine contract blasting, controlled drilling & quarry blasting, civil & road blasting, utility blasting, dam & curtain grouting, anchor & piling installation, service hole drilling & big hole drilling, and pipeline services. The company’s highest priority is
safety, and JDS Drilling & Blasting is dedicated to raising the bar and leading by example in championing the highest health and safety standards across every project they undertake.
Along with these, the company also offers JDS HSSE Services and Equipment services.
Following are some of the projects where JDS Mining is involved:
MT. Nansen Project
JDS and Alexco Environmental’s partnership, MNRLP, has contracted with CIRNAC to remediate and close the abandoned Mount Nansen mine site in Yukon, including removal and placement of contaminated materials into the mined-out pit, demolition of infrastructure, regrading, and revegetation. MNRLP will also handle permitting and, care & maintenance
(ELG) MINE Project
JDS was tasked with excavating vertical development and constructing an escape way infrastructure using a mechanized raise climber for the Subsill, Z71, and Limon Deep mining zones at Media Luna, an underground deposit in Mexico. The project includes two raises with a total of 325 m of vertical development, with JDS also responsible for the design and procurement of escape way ladders and landings.
Rosario Project
JDS provided operational support to Santacruz Silver’s Rosario Project in Mexico, aiming to increase average daily production from 150 to 500 tpd. Services included procurement of workers, service design, HSE program implementation, mine planning, third-party geotechnical assessment, site resource optimization, material supply management, and personnel training.
Final Thoughts
As a company, JDS Energy & Mining Inc. is headed toward continued growth and success in the mining, energy, and infrastructure sectors. The com-
pany’s commitment to providing exceptional engineering, construction management, and project management services has earned them a reputation as a reliable and innovative partner for clients across the globe.
With over 17 years of experience, JDS has established itself as a leader in the industry, and its impressive track record of successful projects speaks for itself. With its focus on providing exceptional services and delivering projects of any size safely, on time, and on budget, JDS Energy & Mining is well-positioned for continued success in the future.
Welcome To The Future Of
National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, previously known as “NEC”, is an entirely owned subsidiary of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC). The company was
incorporated in the year 1979 and mainly dealt with the development of infrastructure of the energy industry in Trinidad and Tobago. Not just that, but the corporation also provides its premier services in the particular area of natural gas-based development.
History Of National Energy
It all started in 1979 when the company got incorporated and was named the National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited. The company was formed by the county’s government and has
been owned by them since then. Previously, the company was referred to as NEC. They can be considered as one of the first companies to take the lead in the area of business development within the energy industry.
The first major task or project that National
Energy carried out was the implementation of the first methanol and granular urea plant in the country. Then later, in 1983, the company got its first CEO, Mr Eldon Warner. He certainly became a blessing for the company as due to his wonderful contribution and expertise, he was able to help
the company succeed with various projects. Mr Eldon Warner previously worked at the Industrial Development Corporation. He capitalised on his vast experience working at the IDC and assisted National Energy in project implementation. Mr Eldon Warner remained the CEO of the company from 1983 till 1988.
By 1984, the company was able to complete both the methanol as well as the urea plant. In the same year, commercial production was started as well. Along with that, the shipment of the first methanol was also departed for Holland in that particular year.
Initially, the National Energy Corporation was only concerned with the commercial and financial operations of the urea plant. However, with the passage of time, they took complete responsibility for the methanol plant, and all aspects of the plant came under the authority of National Energy. Along with that, the company also started to recruit more staff, and the number reached over 300. The majority of the staff recruited dealt with the technical stuff.
In 1984, the company got various infrastructural projects from the government, and one of the major projects they got was the construction of 56
kilometres onshore pipeline to Phoenix Park from Guayaguayare. In August 1984, the operational pipeline was handed over to the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC).
Even though there were a lot of developments during 1983-84, National Energy still faced negative growth consecutively from 1983 to 1986. The major reason for this issue was the economic downturn in this particular period of time. Then in 1988, the company’s production became steady and stabilised. The company, however, decided to diversify the methanol plant to TTMC further. A similar action was taken in 1990 as well, and the urea plant also diversified.
In 1992, the company completed the construction of Savonetta Pier 2. This same year is considered to be very important for the company as the government decided to merge it with the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC). The main purpose of merging these two was to enhance efficiency and make the operations more cost-effective. As we mentioned before as well, National Energy became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC).
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From 1992 to 1999, there were various important projects that were completed under the IPD department. These include PT. Lisas Industrial Estate, Rivulet Road, La Brea Industrial Estate Phase 1, Savonetta Pier 2, and Savonetta Pier 4.
From 1999 till 2003, the company experienced infrastructural growth and re-operationalization. In January 1999, National Energy was reoperationalized as a subsidiary of the NGC. During that period, the company took over the management of the fleet of four vessels that ultimately increased their share of the towage and harbour market. In addition to this, the acquisition and conversion of Savonetta 3 and marketing of La Brea Industrial Estate also took place, which further helped in attracting various small to medium-sized energy companies.
In 2004, the company restored their mandate of 1979. They were given responsibility for developing new energy-related projects in the country. In the same era, the company was given
the task to develop the Union Industrial Estate into a modern industrial park. In 2004, the construction of the Fabrication Yard was also completed. This helped the company to promote local participation in the energy sector of the country.
Then after ten years, in 2014, phase one of the Port of Galeota was opened. In 2016, La Brea Industrial Estate main corridor was reconstructed, and due to that, the safe off-loading of the BPTT’s Juniper platform was able to take place in 2017. In that similar period, the National Energy also helped in the development of the Caribbean Gas Chemical Limited Plant.
In 2018, the company initiated the project of TT Engage for the purpose of investment facilitation. Along with that, in 2019, National Energy also signed an MOU with KTK Tugs of Curacao. The main idea behind this partnership was the formation of a cross border market development strategy.
Recent Developments
One of the primary concerns of the National
The programme will basically enable large scale implementation of energy efficiency projects and will also help the entire country in its transition and adaptation towards a low carbon environment.
Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited is to promote energy efficiency. Therefore, the company supported the Energy Services Company (ESCO) model, which is also called the SUPER ESCO. This programme is still under development. The programme will basically enable large scale implementation of energy efficiency projects and will also help the entire country in its transition and adaptation towards a low carbon environment.
In addition to this, the company is also engaged in various projects associated with renewable energy. These include the Paris Agreement Goals, Preysal Service Station, Project Lara, Model Solar House, and Renewable Energy In Schools And Community Centres.
Health, Safety, Security, & Environment (HSSE)
National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited is one of the few companies in the country that focuses and gives importance to the HSSE. In this regard, they have taken various important actions and initiatives.
The company’s Health and Safety Management looks after the employees and works for their betterment. Process Safety Management works for the purpose of enhancing business and process safety. Along with that, the Business Continuity Management assists in removing and eliminating the negative elements that may harm the business operations. For the betterment of the environment, the company focuses on Environment Sustainability and has implemented various effective strategies in this regard.
The way the National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited is growing, we can certainly say that in the forthcoming years, it will become one of the biggest corporations in the country. Moreover, their efforts for environmental sustainability and the kind of services they are providing to the people is praiseworthy. Companies all around the globe need to take inspiration from National Energy and should imitate what they are doing so that the entire globe can be benefited.
Executive Insight Magazine published by J S International Media ©2023 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MAGAZINE EXECUTIVE INSIGHT LEADING THE PROFESSIONAL CHARGE Ambersarmy.org.uk