Body Piercings

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Evolution of Body Piercings By: Blair Luchs Jim Lorgan

Works Cited • “Body Art.” Body Jewellery Shop. Body Jewellery Shop, 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. <http:/‌‌body_piercing_in formation/‌body_art.cfm>. • “History of Evolution of Body Piercing and Body Piercing Jewelry.” Piercing Map . N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. • Martell, James. “The History of Body Piercings.” Evaluseek Publishing, 2004. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. <‌thehistory-of-body-piercings.html>.

Works Cited Cont. • Pryillis, Rita. “Body of Work.” Workforce Management 89.11 (2010): 20-28. Print. • Romanieko, Lisiunia A. “Body Piercing and Identity Construction.” Palgrave Macmillan (2011): 12. Print. • Rubin, Lawrence. “Tattoos and Body Piercing: Adolescent Self Expression of Self Mutilation.” Psychology Today. Sussex Directories Inc., 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. <‌blog/‌popularculture-meets-psychology/‌200907/‌tattoos-and-bodypiercing-adolescent-self-expression-or>.


•Background of Body Piercings •Ancient Tools of Piercings •Modern Piercing Tools •Modern Types of Piercings •Reasons for getting Piercings •Culture of Piercings

Background of Body Piercings *The exact date of when piercing began is unknown *Piercing can be seen as far back as the ancient Egyptian times but were restricted to those of noble birth *There have also been recording from the bible of nomadic tribes exchanging piercings from 2000 years ago *The perception of piercings has changed over the years with some cultures reserving it to only the noblest of birth and other classifying it as low and demonic

The‌Ancient’s‌Tools‌of‌Piercings • People of ancient times were limited to the use of wood and certain metals as a way of making rings for piercing. • For those at the highest class of ancient society, Gold and Diamonds were used to show off a families’ extreme wealth and prowess

Modern Piercing Tools •Piercing Needles: Regular beveledtipped hollow needles, similar to those used for medical purposes •Piercing Gun: Typically used for ear piercings, they are said to cause more pain than needles because they use blunt studs, and are somewhat unsanitary due to the fact that they are so hard to clean •Cork: used to receive needle after going through the tissue •Forceps: used to stabilize tissue

Modern Day Piercings • • • • • • • • •

Gauges Ears Nose Lip Tongue Eyebrows Nipples Bellybuttons Female and Male Genitalia

Reasons for Getting a Certain Piercing Nostril Piercing: • Nostril Piercing has been the most popular and preferred form of piercing throughout the ages • People still use nostril piercing today including young teens and various celebrities

Ear Piercing: • Ear piercing is also a very common form of piercing because of its ability to be used with both men and women around the world. • Ear piercing represents can represent multiple aspects of a person including their class and social status

Culture • Self Expression i.e. type and location • Style • Class • Emo Culture • Frowned upon in professional settings

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