Jim Slogar English 106 Koyuncu
Portfolio Cover Letter After creating any piece of literature it is a vitally important step in the writing process that the author goes back and takes another look at their work in order to make any changes or revisions that may further improve their writing. By stepping away from their original project for a while and then revisiting it, it becomes much easier to identify areas that need work and determine places where things can be deleted or added. In class we were assigned to perform such a task, as were told to make a revision portfolio. My revision portfolio contains assignment #2, where we had to write a ten page paper comparing and contrasting characters Christopher McCandless from the movie Into the Wild and Timothy Treadwell from the movie Grizzly Man along with the revised work cited page from that assignment. It also contains assignment #4 in which we were instructed to create a photo essay with photos taken around campus, and captions to go along with each of those photos. With the photo essay, there’s also a revised rationale paper to describe the reasoning behind each design decision. The final part item in the portfolio is the revised work cited for assignment #4 in which we created a power point presentation on a certain type of fashion or hairstyle. With these revised pieces of work, I was able to put together a solid portfolio displaying my productivity throughout the semester.
When revising any assignment it is crucial that you take into consideration the comments of your instructor. For assignment #2 there was very little critical comments on the rubric itself seeing as how I received a 100% on the assignment. There were a few grammatical mistakes on the paper, but no real areas of the body that need improvement. As for assignment #3 there was
Jim Slogar English 106 Koyuncu
quite a few comments. Apparently I was not supposed to describe the photos with the captions but rather add some additional information pertaining to the slide. I also need to add an introduction slide and conclusion slide. These comments gave me a good base to start my revision.
The first assignment I chose to revise was assignment #2. I just cleaned up some of the grammatical mistakes and made them sound better. I then moved on to assignment #3. For the photo essay I added a introduction slide and a conclusion slide, and also reworded some of the captions so they were no longer just describing the photos. After I did that, I then revised both works cited pages and added the numbers to each source that corresponded with the MLA handbook. With all those changes, and the addition of cover letter my portfolio was complete.