CSI Adventure

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Teacher Information Overview I developed this geocaching activity for use with the CSI summer camp at the Smithsonian in DC. For this activity, teams of 3-4 students use GPS receivers (preloaded with waypoints) to find 10 "evidence" caches. Each cache contains a cache card with 3-4 questions the students must answer or tasks they need complete. Each cache has a different theme and relate to the topics investigated during the camp. After a team completes a cache and has all the correct answers, they are provided with a clue card that will help them determine the next waypoint in the adventure. Preparation 1 - Use a GPS receiver to mark 10 waypoints (numbered 1 through 10) where you can hide a cache card and/or container. Be sure to pick locations that are safe (i.e. not too close to a road or away from poison ivy) and can be supervised from one location as you will need to be in one spot during the activity to check team answers. 2 - Load these 10 points onto all the GPS receivers you will be using. 3 - Print copies of the adventure materials. All the materials for this activity can be found on my Forensic Science Lesson Plans page at http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classforsci.html. • Cache Cards - 2 sets (one for you and one to use for the adventure) • Clue Cards- 2 sets - I laminated the cards, punched a hole in the corner of each one, and hooked them together with an o-ring. As the kids complete the caches, I can turn to their next clue card and allow time for them to determine the waypoint. With them hooked together, I don't have to worry about losing a card during the adventure and having teams waiting until its found. • Answer Key - One copy for each teacher • Group Answer Sheet - One per group 4 - Prepare the cache containers. • Cache 1 - Fingerprint Patterns - Cache card + magnifying glass in a small container • Cache 2 - Fingerprint Ridge Structures - Cache card + magnifying glass in a small container • Cache 3 - Blood Type & Transfusions - Cache card only • Cache 4 - Blood Spatter - Cache card only (Need spatter pattern taped to back of the card) • Cache 5 - Hair Evidence - Cache card only • Cache 6 - Chromatography - Cache card with black "mystery marker", small plastic cup, small bottle of water, & filter paper in a small container (Need to make 3 sample chromatograms using black markers and tape them to the back of the card) • Cache 7 - Impression Evidence - Cache card with toy car & ink pad in a small container (Need to make 3 sample tire prints using toy cars and tape them to the back of the card) • Cache 8 - Biological Evidence - Cache card only • Cache 9 - Forensic Entomology - Cache card only (Need "Fly Development" chart taped to the back of the card) • Cache 10 - Crime Scene/Eyewitness Basics - Cache card only (Need penny challenge taped to the back of the card) 5 - On the day of your event, use a GPS receiver to locate all 10 waypoints and place the cache cards and containers. If you are conducting this event in a public area, you will want to label the cards and containers to prevent them from being moved or taken.

T. Trimpe 2009


Procedure 1 - Use the CSI Adventure PowerPoint to review the basics of GPS technology, geocaching, and how it is used in investigations. The presentation also includes an overview of the activity, rules, procedures, and instructions on how to use the Garmin eTrex Legend units that I have. The PowerPoint is available at http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classforsci.html. 2 - Provide each group with a starting clue card and group answer sheet. Allow time for each group to determine their first waypoint and have them write the number in the correct location on the answer sheet. Collect the starting cards when all the groups are finished. 3 - Head to the area where you have set up the activity and allow time for the GPS units to link up to the satellites. 4 - Once all the units are ready to go, help the students load their first waypoint and send them on their way! Make a note of the starting time as you will need to fill in this information on their answer sheet. 5 - As teams finish the caches, they need to find you to check their answers. If all of them are correct, show them the clue card for that cache and allow time for them to determine the next waypoint. After you have verified that it is the correct one, send them on their way to the next cache. 6 - After a team has completed all 10 evidence caches, record their finishing time on their answer sheet. Results The winning team is the one that finishes all 10 caches in the fastest time. In the case of a tie, you may want to provide a challenge question or two for those teams.

T. Trimpe 2009


CSI Adventure Cache Cards Cache #1

Cache #3 #1: What blood type is shown by the test results?

#1: Identify the fingerprint pattern shown at right.

#2: What blood types could this person receive in a transfusion?

#2: To what class does it belong? #3: How common is this class of fingerprint? Choose from: 60%, 35%, or 5%.

#3: What blood types could receive this type of blood? Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Cache #2

Cache #4

#1: Identify the ridge structure in the red oval.

#1: Which of the 3 droplets at right would have likely been from a wound to the lower leg?

#2: Identify the ridge structure in the yellow circle.

#2: What type of pattern is illustrated by the spatter on the back of this card?

#3: Identify the structure in the orange square.

#3: What are 2 ways we can tell how fast a person was walking from blood droplets at the scene?

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Teacher Note: Cache #1 & 2: You may want to include a hand lens in the cache container. Cache #4: You will need to glue the blood spatter sample from the last page of this document to the back of this card. T. Trimpe 2009


CSI Adventure Cache Cards Cache #5

Cache #7

#2: Which sample is rabbit hair?

# 1: Use the ink pad to make a tire print of the car provided on the back of your worksheet. Which set of tracks on the back of this card matches the car's tires?

#3: What do we call the outer layer of the hair shaft that consists of overlapping scales?

#2: What notorious serial killer was tied to the murder of Lisa Levy through bite marks that were found on her body?

#4: What must be present on hair to test for DNA?

#3: What type of tool might have been used to make the impression shown at right? Choose from: flat screwdriver, needle-nose pliers, or crescent wrench.

#1: Which sample is human hair?

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Cache #6 # 1: Use the materials provided to test the sample pen. Which piece of evidence on the back of this card matches this pen? Note: Save the chromatogram and give it to your teacher when you check your answers!

Cache #8 # 1: Forensic anthropologists analyze skeletal remains to determine four characteristics for a victim. Age, sex, and stature are 3 of them. What is the other one?

# 2: What type of chromatography might be used to determine the specific chemical compounds in a sample of gasoline? Choose from: Liquid, Gas, Thin-Layer, or Paper

# 2: True or False - DNA evidence can be extracted from a skeleton's teeth.

# 3: What do we call the substance that is being dissolved in a solution?

# 3: Give the abbreviation for the database used to find matches for the type of evidence in bottom photo.

# 4: What is the universal solvent? Done? Find your teacher to check your answers. Be sure to bring your chromatogram from #1 with you!

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Teacher Notes: Cache #6: You will need strips from 3 chromatograms (cut to fit the space available) taped to the back of this card. One of the strips should match the pen provided in the cache container. Also include the other materials they'll need: filter paper, a small beaker, pencil, masking tape, and a bottle of water. Cache #7: You will need to make 3 sample tire prints. Make a copy of the tracks reduced enough to fit the space available. Tape them on the back of the card. You'll also need to include one Hot Wheels car (that matches one of the tracks) and an ink pad in the cache container. T. Trimpe 2009


CSI Adventure Cache Cards Cache #9 # 1: To what order do flies belong?

Cache #10 How observant have you been during class?

# 2: Use the chart on the back to determine the approximate age of the blow fly maggot shown.

# 1: Which penny on the back of this card is the correct one?

Note: Assume an average temp of 72oF

# 2: True or False - You can see Bugs Bunny at Walt Disney World.

# 3: What does the abbreviation "PMI" represent?

# 3: What was the name of the software we used to create facial composites? Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Done? Find your teacher to check your answers.

Teacher Notes Cache #9 - You will need to glue the chart (see next page) to the back of this card. Cache #10 - You will need to glue the diagram of pennies (see next page) to the back of this card.

T. Trimpe 2009


CSI Adventure Cache Cards Information for the back of the cache cards

A Cache #9: Fly Development

Cache #4

Choose from: Passive, projected, or transfer




Cache #7: Tire Tracks

Cache #6: Chromatograms

Cache #10




T. Trimpe 2009





Clue Cards Starting Cards: These cards are provided to start the teams in different locations. (For the order of the caches, see the answer key document.) After dividing students into groups, provide one of the starting cards for each group and allow time for them to read the clue and calculate their first waypoint. Collect the starting cards after checking their waypoint to make sure they are going to the correct location. 1st Cache: #1

1st Cache: #9

All Star Investigators

Grissom's Gang

Approximately how many days does it take a blow fly egg to hatch? Use the answer as the waypoint for your first cache.

Multiply the # of layers in a human hair by 3 and use this # as the waypoint for your first cache.

1st Cache: #4

1st Cache: #10

Sherlock's Posse

Dr. G's Gurus

How many blood groups are there? Use the answer as the waypoint for your first cache.

What do we call the location where a crime has occurred? Use the # of letters in this 2-word term as your waypoint for your first cache.

1st Cache: #6

Dr. Bass' Buddies How many possible genotypes are there for blood? Use the answer as the waypoint for your first cache.

Regular Clue Cards (next page): After a team answers all the questions at a cache, they have their answers checked by the teacher. If the answers are correct, they will read the correct card for a clue for the next waypoint. If the answers are not correct, they must return to that cache and try again. Collect the clue cards after checking their waypoint to make sure they are going to the correct location. T. Trimpe 2009


Clue Card - Cache #1

Clue Card - Cache #6

What do we call a person with Type O blood - a universal _____ ? Use the # of letters in the answer as the waypoint for your next cache.

Which evidence sample matched the pen? Multiply it by 4 and use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

Clue Card - Cache #2

Clue Card - Cache #7

How many letters are in the answer to # 3? Use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

Approximately how many days does it take a blow fly egg to hatch? Use the answer as the waypoint for your next cache.

Clue Card - Cache #3

Clue Card - Cache #8

How many genotypes are there for blood? Use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

What do we call the location where a crime has occurred? Use the # of letters in this 2-word term as your waypoint for your next cache.

Clue Card - Cache #4

Clue Card - Cache #9

How many letters are in the name of the blood detecting chemical that produces a blue luminescence? Use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

How many pairs of legs does a fly have? Use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

Clue Card - Cache #5

Clue Card - Cache #10

Multiply the # of layers in a human hair by 3 and use this # as the waypoint for your next cache.

How many stages are in a fly's life cycle? Divide this # in half and use as the waypoint for your next cache.

T. Trimpe 2009


Group Members: ____________________________________________ Use a GPS receiver and the clues provided to find 10 evidence caches. Answer all of the questions at each one and then have your answers checked by a teacher. If your answers are correct, you will receive a clue for your next waypoint to continue your adventure. Our first waypoint is: ___________ Cache #1

Cache #2

Cache #3

#1: ____________________

#1: ____________________

#1: ______

#2: ____________________

#2: ____________________

#2: ______ & ______

#3: ______

#3: ____________________

#3: ______ & ______

Next Waypoint: ______

Next Waypoint: ______

Next Waypoint: ______

Cache #4

Cache #5

Cache #6

#1: ______

#1: ______

#2: ______

#2: ________________

#3: ________________

#3: ________________

#4: ________________

#4: ________________

Next Waypoint: ______

Next Waypoint: ______

Cache #7

Cache #8

Cache #9

#1: ______

#1: _______________________

#1: ____________________

#2: _______________________

#2: __________

#2: ________

#3: _______________________

#3: __________

#3: __________________________

Next Waypoint: ______

Next Waypoint: ______

Next Waypoint: ______

#1: ______ #2: ________________________ #3: ________________________ & _______________________ Next Waypoint: ______

Cache #10

Teacher Use Only:

#1: __________ & ____________

Starting Time: _________

#2: __________

Ending Time: _________

#3: __________

Evidence Points: ________

Next Waypoint: ______

Final Score: ________

T. Trimpe 2009


Answer Key Cache 1: Fingerprint Pattern Q1: Double Loop Q2: Whorls Q3: 35%

Cache 6: Fibers Q1: 2 Q2: Gas Q3: Solute #4: Water

Clue: What do we call a person with Type O blood - a universal _____ ? Use the # of letters in the answer as the waypoint for your next cache. Next Cache: 5

Clue: Which evidence sample matched the pen? Multiply it by 4 for your next cache. Next Cache: 8

Cache 2: Ridgeology Q1: Fork (Bifurcation) Q2: Bridge Q3: Pore

Cache 7: Impression Evidence (Use car D) Q1: C Q2: Bundy (or Ted Bundy) Q3: Needle-nose pliers

Clue: How many blood groups are there? Use the answer as your next waypoint. Next Cache: 4

Clue: Approximately how many days does it take a blow fly egg to hatch? Next Cache: 1

Cache 3: Blood Typing Q1: A+ Q2: A+ & O+ Q3: A+ & AB+

Cache 8: Biological Evidence Q1: Race Q2: True Q3: CODIS

Clue: How many genotypes are there for blood? Next Cache: 6 (AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, OO)

Clue: What do we call the location where a crime has occurred? How many letters make up this term? Next Cache: 10 (crime scene)

Cache 4: Blood Spatter Q1: C (Smallest one) Q2: Projected Q3: Any two: Distance (between droplets), oval (shape), or spines (On the same side, direction of movement)

Cache 9: Chromatography Q1: Diptera Q2: 8 days Q3: Postmortem Interval

Clue: How many letters are in the name of the blood detecting chemical that prodcues a blue luminescence? Next Cache: 7 (Luminol) Cache 5: Hairs Q1: C Q2: B Q3: Cuticle Q4: Root

Cache 10: Forensic Entomology Q1: E Q2: False Q3: FACES Clue: Divide the # of stages in a fly's life cycle in half. Use that # for your next cache. Next Cache: 2

Clue: Multiply the # of layers in a human hair by 3. Next Cache: 9 (3 x 3)

Cache Order

Clue: How many pairs of legs does a fly have? Next Cache: 3







= Starting Caches T. Trimpe 2009






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