CUBA on paper
CUBA on paper
The internal politics established by the regime of the revolution and the economic embargo by the United States of America have led to an evident stagnation in the development of Cuba. The lack of basic elements in health, education, construction and technology are notorious when walking the streets of Havana. Nevertheless, the gradual opening of relations is a sign of hope for better times for the new generation of Cubans. The artistic project Cuba on paper shows us life in Havana after 56 years of revolution and embargo. It is a photographic record realized in long hours of walking the streets of the city, in casual meetings or long talks with the old ones of Cuba, those of the revolution. Jean Solar Philadelphia, PA. 2017
Jean Solar Ch. He is a Chilean artist-photographer based in Philadelphia. Since 2015, he has been training at the University of Arts, where he is obtaining a certification in digital photography. In addition, he attends Fleisher Art Memorial, where he develops part of his artistic projects. Since the mid-nineties he began to learn art and photography techniques, and took occasional workshops during his stay in Santiago, Chile. In 2013 he moved to Vancouver, Canada, where he began a formal training in art and photography at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. His artistic identity was already characterized by street photography with a predominance of white and black, a realistic photography, sometimes focused on people, sometimes on architecture, scenes of daily life in the city, perhaps of social denunciation. Leipzig, 2018. Agradecimientos: Para Ricardo Portugueis C. por las lecciones de fotografĂa de autor.
CUBA onpaper
The artistic project Cuba on paper shows us life in Havana after 56 years of revolution and embargo. It is a photographic record realized in long hours of walking the streets of the city, in casual meetings or long talks with the old ones of Cuba, those of the revolution. Jean Solar Instagram @jsolarcl Philadelphia, PA. USA. 2017. Photobook: Leipzig, Germany. 2018. SUDACA ARTPHOTO