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LFITODAY THE EMINENT HOUSE FUND AWARD >> one of the most prestigious award in lfi

W W W . L F I N T L G R O U P. C O M

exclusive interview

MOST PROMISING ENTREPRENEUR AWARD The Man behind the Organization’s Success

LFI BUSINESS CENTRE New Location New Chapter New Beginning


[Issue 07[ JANFEB2011

A Bi-annual publication LFI Singapore pte ltd

BEYOND 2011 LFI Regional Plans Revealed

laboratory formula SKINCARE SERIES

YOUR AGE DEFYING ESSENTIALS A s imple reg enera ting s ys te m t h at h e lp s t o d e f e n d y o u r sk in ag ain st t h e externa l enviro nment while sig n if ic an t ly d imin ish e s sig n s o f ag in g . I t s P hyto Cellula r F o rmula repa irs y o u r sk in b y st imu lat in g t h e c e lls r e n e w al w it h in and pro mo tes the s ynthes is o f c o llag e n t h u s f ac ilit at in g t h e r e ju v e n at io n o f yo ur s kin to reg a in its r ad ian c e , f ir mn e ss an d y o u t h f u ln e ss.



J ANFe B20 11




04 md notes

our Business embraces sustainability


06 asIa pacIFIc entrepreneurshIp award 2010

the man behind the organization’s success


08 the emInent house Fund award

His meritorious desire and firm believe in Lfi has turned his roller-coaster-like life around!

11 eXecutIve InsIghts


the centurion crown regional directors

12 maX teo 14 shawn pauL 16 jason chIa


18 car sIghtIngs The automotive fashion



23 the new LFI BusIness centre New location, New chapter, New Beginning


28 ethIcaL seLLIng success that lasts!

training & development 31 why team BuILdIng Is Important?

synergy comes naturally from the quality of the relationship, the friendship, trust and love that unites people.”


The Natural Supplement

LFITODAY jan f e b 2 0 1 1

On the cover

management managing director eldee tang general manager alfred tan business development director Archie Teo director, special projects shaik aziz

Editorial sales & marketing manager eleen tang

creative junior art director joel tai Graphic designer lOO cHui cHui

contributors finance & admin manager Connie Contreras training & development manager francis chew

Use your smartphone to scan this code or visit lfintlgroup.com/images/media/lfitoday_07.html for a digital copy of lfitoday.

________________________________________ www.lfintlgroup.com ________________________________________ LFITODAY is a bi-annual publication meant for internal circulation only. Copyright © is held by LFI Singapore Pte Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. For any enquiries, EMAIL enquiry@lfi.com.sg or call hotline 6842 4329 LFI (Singapore) Private Limited, 36 Kaki Bukit Place LFI Business Centre #04-01 Singapore 416214


“Money is definitely important but what I rank higher than the ability to make money is HOW the money is being made.” Looking back upon our humble roots and seeing how we have progressed to having our very own LFI Business Centre, I have never doubted that one day, through LFI, the modern day networker will be a highly respected and professional individual who is not just financially successful and independent, but also far exceeding in other capabilities as well in terms of people management and leadership qualities. With this competitive edge over our adversaries, LFI has taken the lead in ensuring the standard of professionalism remains firstrate in every aspect of our business. Our company also places high emphasis on how we are being perceived by the public and that includes not just our distributors’ image, standard of professionalism, depth of product knowledge, service quality but also the excellence of our websites, product packaging, advertisements & marketing collaterals. LFI will undoubtedly go regional but only at the right time. If we go regional prematurely, there could be no significant regional impact and the move may weaken our local foundation. On the other hand, late entry into the regional market can result in opportunities lost. The other factor that is equally as important as timing is the quality of our distributors. In order to make sure our presence is being felt in the regional arena, our distributors have to remain vigilant and highly disciplined so as to ensure the current high level of standards and professionalism are not being compromised. This emphasis is not only meant for ourselves but also for the benefits of our fellow distributors in the long run. Financial wealth is not the only consideration in this business, the integrity and worthiness of our distributors must be constantly upheld to retain the valued faith and trust of our customers. Money is definitely important but what I rank higher than the ability to make money is HOW the money is being made. Our industry has already suffered countless setbacks from scheming individuals who use network marketing as a platform to getrich-quick unethically. There is a thin gray line between network marketing and direct selling. For the untrained layman, they may also not be able to distinguish between

legitimate network marketing companies from ponzi or pyramid schemes. And when the deck of cards falls, all good and legitimate network marketing companies get the blame. At LFI, we offer our distributors a genuine opportunity for them to build a sound business network without having to incur the high operating costs of a traditional business as compared to ‘other opportunities’ that promise unrealistic investment returns for doing pretty much nothing. Therefore, our business model is sincere, realistic and sustainable. Our company persistently upholds our professionalism in the business but we cannot do it alone. Therefore, we need each and every one of you to help us spread the goodness of network marketing by acting, thinking and behaving responsibly. This outcome cannot be achieved by mere one or two individual agents but a collective effort on the whole. Another important value of our business is credibility. Your customers trust you and that is why they support you. If we are not responsible in our actions to them, or that we promise them the sky but fail to deliver, it breaks not only your individual credibility, but also LFI’s credibility as well. On this note, I hope that all of us can achieve what we want in life through the most ethical and professional ways. Remember, there is no free lunch in this world!

Eldee Tang

Managing Director

BOOST YOUR HEALTH FROM THE INSIDE OUT The concoction of various Chinese herbs coupled with its synergy of properties is the winning formula of Long Far 3 Treasures herbal naturopathy products.


Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award 2010 The Man behind the Organization’s Success


010 has been a phenomenal year for LFI Singapore! Besides attaining an impressive sales volume for the year, the man behind the organization’s success, Mr. Eldee Tang has recently been awarded the Most Promising Entrepreneur Award by Enterprise Asia!

Wellness Sanctuary” was set up in Marine Parade

This award is to honor exemplary entrepreneurs

plan is to grow the company into the region with

who have displayed outstanding accomplishments whilst having the vision and plans to advance their companies to be the leading organizations in the

A few more will be set up progressively in other parts of the island. In 2009, LFI ventured into jewellery business and launched the brand “Just Diamonds by DeFred”. In 2010, LFI opened the

‘Just Diamonds by DeFred’ flagship store at Marina

Square. Another entity known as ‘LFI Global’ will be launched to provide an even larger business

platform for regional expansion. LFI’s long term regional distributors who focus primarily on the anti-aging, wellness and lifestyle industry.

near future. Henceforth, winning this award is both

Eldee, as he is popularly known, is exemplary in

Tang’s enterprising spirit. One who has never neglected

affairs of employees as he believes that a happy

a recognition and independent endorsement for Mr

the social responsibilities that come with the business leadership!

Undeterred by previous bad experience in direct

selling, Eldee Tang started LFI (Singapore) Pte Ltd in 2006 which aims to change the perception of the industry. The company is a joint venture with suppliers from Malaysia and Hong Kong to develop

and distribute healthcare and wellness products. Under

all his undertakings. He takes keen interest in the work force is a productive workforce.

Eldee is always mindful of LFI’s corporate social

responsibilities. Besides sponsoring charitable causes, LFI organises its own annual ‘Sunrise

Charity’ involving its entire workforce to instil in them a sense of responsibility towards the underprivileged in our midst.

his capable leadership LFI has now become one of

He attributes LFI’s success to the excellent

LFI’s business model of continuous innovation, a “LFI

efforts of all stakeholders.

the fastest growing companies in its industry. Under 06

in 2007 as a one-stop weight management centre.

contribution of the employees and the concerted

“... a happy

work force is a





FI Singapore is the leading network company that places great emphasis on rewarding its distributors. Henceforth, there are numerous prestigious awards available from The Consistency and Centurion awards to car fund and even house fund awards! House fund is an additional incentive given to married couples who have already achieved their car fund award. In October 2010, LFI presented this eminent House Fund Award to Mr and Mrs Sean Wong. Both are familiar and friendly faces within our big LFI family. Hear how Sean’s meritorious desire to improve lives of others and his firm belief in LFI has helped turned his life around from the brink of bankruptcy and facing countless lawsuits to a path of financial freedom, happiness and wealth! “We had a dream, an extraordinary one. We blissfully tied the knot on 9 September 2009, and


The Eminent House Fund Award

His meritorious desire and firm belief in LFI has turned his roller-coaster-like life around!

ever since we set out with our life goals aligned, as a dedicated couple team to help improve lives of those with broken marriages or families. The path is one less trodden and it takes great faith for us to make this dream a reality. Life has always been a mysterious puzzle for the both of us and LFI gave us the magical pieces to make this beautiful picture complete. Life was a struggle less than 5 years ago. I was sued to bankruptcy because of business failure, facing countless lawsuits with debts amounting to almost half a million dollars. During my initial years in LFI, my parents divorced and my elder sister suffered from serious health problems. The journey was tougher than what most leaders experienced. I learnt my lesson the hard way, paid a really high price for my stubbornness and strong ego. Despite having achieved my Centurion status in 2008, I had many unsettled debts and lawsuits from my previously failed retail businesses, so while I knew I was on my way to financial freedom, I had to suffer accusations, allegations from those who misunderstood my financial situation. I lost many friends due to my downfall, but won back many true friendships through this beautiful dream platform. The local press documented this spectacular comeback and I was awarded the prestigious Spirit of Enterprise Award at the end of 2006. Miracles do happen. In 2005, my Nissan Sunny was repossessed by the bank and in 2007 LFI gave me my dream car - a BMW 630i. Also in 2005, my house was repossessed and this September, we were honored to be the recipients of the House Fund Award. LFI gave us a home. My wife Adelyne was also born into a very low-income family. She could not even afford new textbooks while in school. After graduation, she tried all sorts of sales jobs for many years but because she was not earning much, she had to take up modeling jobs to supplement her income. She was also a property agent and pharmaceutical sales representative before starting out at LFI. Once the journey began, she found meaning in what she did as a networker, thus quitting her job to focus on helping others achieve their dreams. Network marketing is one of the most magnificent businesses I know, with the magic to bring families closer together. When we started focusing on helping others, witnessing changes in people’s lives, this business becomes so addictive. It allows me to spend meaningful time helping others with my wife, it redirected our lives incredibly, trained us to be more understanding & tolerant towards each other, and gave us the opportunity of building our family’s and children’s’ future as one. Because of this belief and open communication, I spend most of my time daily with my wife, pursuing powerful dreams together. It is remarkable how we can prioritize our family and still successfully work our business around our love ones. The freedom that this business has given us makes us proud to be part of the LFI family. We are ordinary people with an extraordinarily crazy desire to get ahead. Along the way, we faced several problems in relation to our families, finance, health and network, but through our life education at LFI, we have learnt to focus on the solutions, not the problems and that

the greatest success usually comes after the greatest fall. Today, we celebrate this new-found freedom. Now we have an enormous team with loyal leaders because we have been loyal and followed our founder Eldee. Perhaps, this is an important principle we have learnt: by being loyal to someone, we became good examples to others. We are just focused on our dreams and goals, improving ourselves and never quitting, a spirit every entrepreneur must possess. We have chosen to live our lives to the fullest, without regrets. Despite winning several international music awards recently in Hollywood and being offered opportunities to pursue an acting and singing career there, I rejected the offers and decided to give my all to network marketing instead of just pursuing my dream as a singer, as I find more meaning in empowering others and helping these people to attain their goals in life. I will continue singing, writing books and music as it allows me to continue inspiring others into entrepreneurship and encouraging others to lead extraordinary lives. Last month, after we received our House Fund award, both of us were offered by a movie producer to have our roller-coaster-like lives made into a feature film. Interestingly, fairytales do come true. Looking back, we are truly thankful for all the dramatic ups and downs that added many colors to different chapters of our turbulent lives. Our film will certainly touch lives and give hope to others. We love this journey and will always be proud ambassadors of this life-changing making-lives-meaningful company called LFI.

Now, our fairytale lives begin...”


Reduce your apettite naturally.


centurion crown regional directors



Hear it from the stars of LFI Their journeys and success stories Max - Shawn - Jason



max teo


came from a humble family and spent most of my childhood days in a kampong. Not being able to complete my diploma course and with no special skill or talent, I used to live my life one day at a time not knowing what my goals and dreams were! I was first exposed to a network marketing company at the age of 21. Initially, I joined the business out of curiosity. Then I learnt that I could make a 5 figure income despite my education thus I decided to put all my heart and soul into the business. Network marketing business suited me because I neither have to fork out a huge capital outlay nor require special skills or talents. All I have to do is to duplicate what my seniors did. We sold property that were yet to be built, technology that would happen only in the future and hope that could help change the ill-fated of some. Unfortunately, two years of hard work was to no avail! Things did not turn out as promised. We stopped receiving our commission and the company closed down suddenly due to poor management. My whole world collapsed with fear and I struggled to answer to those who trusted in me.

not waste time building castles in the air. Nevertheless, after months of persuasion, he helped me understand how the network marketing industry works, why some companies failed, his future plans for the company and how he would do it differently. Consequently, I decided to give another shot and that was when I finally materialized my 5 figure income dream! I would like to highlight that my achievement today would not have been possible without hard work, my boss’ vision and guidance. In the past, I wanted to give up because success seemed so far and I had difficulty convincing others due to my lack of self-confidence and fear for failure. Fortunately, I have a great mentor who encourages and watches over me. He showed me how this business can be done with honesty and integrity and groomed me into a leader who commands respect. A big part of my success goes to him. By and large, the leader you follow is very important because his leadership can determine the success of your career.

“What motivates you to persevere in the network marketing business in LFI?”

Reality bites! It was hard to face my failure because I was mocked by peers who have never supported this business model and what’s worst was my discouraging parents who continued to lecture me on my impracticality on a 5 figure income dream with my education and background. After that painful episode, I was back to working 2 jobs a day, living one day at a time and no longer dared to dream or had goals in my life again.

My life changed drastically four years ago when my mentor and founder of LFI convinced me to return to this industry. Initially, I rejected him outrightly without giving a second thought because I knew that it would just be another unfulfilled dream. I told him that I wanted to be an ordinary person and 12

Today, my joy in running this business is no longer motivated by earning a 5 figure income. Instead, I am motivated by my team of leaders and agents who have become part of my big family. We work hard to strive for our common goals and share happy moments together. I enjoy and treasure working with my team because they are so committed and dedicated to this business. Success is sweeter when each individual grows to be able to handle a team and becomes a good leader. They have given me enormous job satisfaction. I am very honored and fortunate to work with a team of great individuals and my success is attributed to their hard work. Through these years with LFI, I have learnt that it’s not the destination but the journey that makes success much sweeter! No harm pursuing our dreams no matter how big or small it may be.


Shawn Paul B ein g c a lle d th e younge s t C e nturion R eg io n al S ale s D ire c tor of LFI is e x treme ly flatte rin g fo r me though I pre fe r to re ma in g ro u n d ed a nd be know n s till a s S h aw n , an en trep ren eu r-to-be . Initia lly the title me a n t s o me th in g to me , till my good ma te M arc Z u c k erb erg , the founde r a nd C E O o f F ac e b o o k ca me a long. H e ma de me re a liz e th a t th e re are m uc h bigge r dre a ms o u t th e re w a itin g to b e c ha s e d.

othe r s uc c e s s ful e ntre pre ne urs , I have m y ups a nd dow ns too. Ye t it is only when I fa ll, I c a n le a rn to look for the st r engt h w ithin to pic k mys e lf up. M y bur ni ng de s ire to be a n inde pe nde nt a nd re sponsi bl e s on is w ha t a ttribute s to my c har act er t o ove rc ome a ll a dve rs itie s during my j our ney a s a ne tw orke r a nd this is de fin i t el y t he e s s e nc e tha t w ill prope l me a he ad i n m y future e nde a vors .

H o n es tly, b es id es the fa c t tha t I jus t tu rn e d 2 3 , th e o th er t w o things w hic h I fin d g rea t a b o u t my s elf is my e v er s u p p o rtin g fa mily a n d g re a t frie n d s th at I’v e ma d e th ro u g h o u t th es e fo u r y ea rs in n etw o rk mark etin g in p artic u lar, at L F I. Till la te , I s till re c a ll th e in tro v ert a n d s h y s e lf w h e n I firs t s te p p e d in to th is co mp a n y a s a 1 9 y ea r o ld N S F. A ll I w a n ted fo r my s elf th en w a s a little e x tra in co me o f ab o u t $ 1 k p er mo n th s o th at I c o u ld h av e s o me d ec e n t s a v in g s to do w h ate v er I lik e a fte r I c o mp le te d my N S. B ut it s o o n tu rn ed in to an adve nturous journe y o f g ettin g p ro mo te d toge the r w ith my frie n d s , w ith u n imag in a ble re c ognition, a 5 -fig u re in c o me an d m y ve ry ow n s porty re d BM W 5 S e rie s a ll bundle d up for me a lo n g th e w ay. It s ee ms like a dre a m c ome tru e! N o n eth ele s s , w h at I ga ine d mos t is th e v a s t ex p e rie n ce th roughout my journe y w ith L F I!

I a m a n a bs olute be lie ve r in Rober t K iyos a ki’s princ iple of building weal t h a nd cr eat i ng c a s h f l o w to achi eve f i n a n c i a l independence. H e nc e fo r t h, I ha ve my gam e s e t on seei ng mys e lf wi t h LFI f or t he ne xt 5 year s or mor e and my imm edi at e priority i s t o groom and me ntor my fe llow t eam of f r i ends a nd par t ner s to be wher e I am t oday. The re a ft er, I ’ m s e tting m y eyes on s e ve ra l ove rs e a s ma rke ts that ar e i n the pipe line of LFI globa l s o a s t o f ul f i l l my c hildhood dre a m of ha ving a coupl e of va c a tion home s a round the w orld.

“Being the youngest Centurion Regional Sales Director, where do you see yourself 5 years from now?”

L F I ma k es me u nde rs ta nd tha t the re is n o fre e lu n c h in th is w orld. Like ma ny

O n a c los ing note , I w ould like t o shar e my ingre die nts to s uc c e s s a re ‘pe rsi st ence’ c ouple d w ith ‘dis c ipline ’ a nd ‘c onsi st ent ha rd w ork’! With the s e ingre d i ent s, i t s houldn’t ta ke long for one to s ta r t seei ng s ignific a nt re s ults in LFI. If you bel i eve i t , you’ll s e e it! 15


Jason Chia “What is the success formula for your superstar network?�



L F I’s

Well, I w o u ld s a y the

ha ve a he a d s ta rt or run a prope r

b u ild in g o u r n e tw ork

from our pa re nts . H e nc e forth, our

s u cc e s s and

fo rmu la

b u s in e s s

ed u c a tio n





s y ste m

c l o se l y. We s tro n g ly b elie v e in h a ving

a c l e a r d ire c tio n an d ap p ly in g o n ly the r i g h t m e th o d s .

Mo st o f my tea mma te s s tarte d off

t h e n e t w o rk mark etin g b u s in es s a t LFI

a s n a t i o n a l s e rv ice me n , w aitin g to be enrolled

in to

th e

lo c a l

u n iv e rs itie s .

T h a t w a s w h en w e b e g an to s ha re a



an d

d ire c tio n .


wa n t e d to b u ild th e larg e s t p ro fes s iona l n e t wo r k in th e re g io n th a t e mp o w e rs

y o u n g p ro fe s s io n a ls w h ere b y th e y not

o n l y h a v e an o p p o rtu n ity to e n g a g e in

s tra te gy is s imply a bout s ha ring our bus ine s s opportunity, produc ts a nd

s e rvic e s in the mos t profe s s iona l a nd e thic a l ma nne r. We be lie ve tha t

ha ving a c le a r, long-te rm goa l a s w e ll a s a profe s s iona l a nd e thic a l a pproa c h is e xtre me ly importa nt. It e na ble s us to s ta nd out from the

othe rs

e s pe c ia lly



ne tw ork


time s

a s s uc h w he re the re a re ple nty

ma rke ting

c ompa nie s e me rging in the ma rke t w ith

unfounde d

inte ntions

e xa gge ra te d promis e s . In




fe e l

a nd

tha t

a p a r t - time b u s in es s th at w ill en r ic h

the mos t importa nt e le me nt tha t

o p p o r t u n ity to fu lfill th eir d rea ms . We

a nd s trong is our toge the r ne s s !

t h e i r sk ills an d a b ilities b u t a ls o a n

n a m e d o u r n e tw o rk - S S 2 1 to re p res e nt o u r so p h is tic a tio n a n d s ty le a t th e a ge

o f 2 1 , t h e ag e w h en w e s tarte d ma k in g a 5 - f i g u r e in co me.

T h i s p ro p o s itio n w a s in itia te d by a

c o u p l e o f u s w h o h av e matu red o v e r t ime a n d r e a l iz e d th a t it is a lmo s t imp o s sible f o r o r d in a ry s tu d en ts lik e o u rs e lv es to 16

bus ine s s w ithout a ny c a pita l s upport

holds our SS21 ne tw ork s o c los e

The re fore , I w ould a ls o like to ta ke


e ve ryone




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tha nk

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pe rpe tua l s upport ove r the ye a rs . Without a nyone of the m, our SS21 ne tw ork

w ill


ha ve

e xis te d

toda y. I be lie ve tha t this is jus t the be ginning a nd w e ha ve more to prove moving forw a rd!



We proudly present the LFI Car Fund Award 2010!

From the likes of Mercedes Benz, BMW, Lexus and Maserati,

CAR SIGHTINGS makes you old!”

“ It’s not old age that makes you stop dreaming, but it’s when you stop dreaming that



makes us infinite! Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.”

“ the power of imagination


without a goal is a man without a

“ A man


everything you have and you will have more things to be thankful for.”

“ Learn to be thankful for


you believe is what you will

“ What


The Organic and Nuritional Choice.



The New LFI Business Centre

New Location, New Chapter, New Beginning 18 September 2010 marks the new chapter for LFI Singapore! With an increasing number of networkers joining the company, LFI decided to house itself in its own LFI Business Centre. Located at 36 Kaki Bukit Place, LFI Business Centre covers an area in excess of 40,000sqft. Every level of the business centre has its own merits. The social hall which is three times bigger than the one in the previous office is located conveniently on level 2. There are 12 training rooms to facilitate the availability of more training programs and a grand ballroom which can house up to 300 people. The sales reception and the management staff are housed on level 4 while the highest level of the building sits LFI’s top Regional Sales Directors where each has their own conducive office for work.



Reverses the signs of aging.


Fast acting joint relief spray

LFI Wellness Sanctuary East A holistic clinique that combines the best of









too. The principle of acupuncture


holistic body shaping clinic,



lifestyle, body condition, blood type

dedicated to help women solve

acupoints of the body so as to boost

and eating habits. The objective is to

all their weight and body issues. The

metabolism rate and enhance the

empower our customers with the

modern and minimal setting is an

fat-burning process. Partial slimming


inviting change from the city’s hustle

can also be achieved by inserting

decisions pertaining to lifestyle and

and bustle. The serene ambience sets

needles into the targeted fat areas, like

diet. Therefore, LFI tailored Weight

the mood for the clinic’s aim, which is

tummy, thighs or arms. Not only does it



help your body to burn fats, it also

many of our customers to slim down

enhances blood circulation and expels

and achieve their body’s ideal!






customers. At LFI Wellness Sanctuary, we offer a holistic weight management program that combines both the best of East and West. This program focuses on eastern




technology health products that help in













waste from the body to holistically promote you health, beauty and well

pertaining to lifestyle and diet. Therefore,






Program has helped many of our LFI Weight Management program is

customers to slim down and achieve

complemented with a diet that is

their body’s ideal!

weight loss without affecting their daily lifestyles. Acupuncture slimming is an effective, holistic, natural and painless process. People from diverse range of social and cultural background are beginning to discover the benefits of this holistic slimming process and for good reasons

Locate Us Block 89 Marine Parade Central #02-750 S440089 Contact Us (65) 6344 3121 (65) 6344 2203 Website www.lfwellness.com.sg



Ethical Selling Success that lasts

Ethics are moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong. These are the values an individual uses to interpret whether any particular action or behaviour is appropriate or inappropriate. But the concept of business ethics is not so simple. It is more complicated. It has recently come under intense scrutiny in today’s competitive business landscape. According to some literature, business ethics is the art that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in the business environment. It has immense importance across all areas of business and is pertinent to the conduct of individuals and organisations as a whole. Good business ethics protects business goodwill and supports the overall branding effort of organisations. By 28

and large, it has been vital in ensuring success in legitimate business model with long term potential. Hence, more companies including socially responsible LFI have placed much emphasis on this concept in business. Business ethics is especially noteworthy in the network marketing industry. As a reputable network marketing company, LFI has constantly been creating an environment that supports ethically sound behaviour and instils a sense of shared accountability among our distributors. We want our distributors to conduct business ethically. Ethical selling decisions based on truth, honesty, integrity, and moral judgments are essential to build trust and sustain long-term relationships with loyal customers. On the other

hand, that trust will be breached due to misrepresentation and one may run the risk of personal and corporate liability. Hence, the simplest trick in ethical selling is to tell the truth. If the person you are dealing with has a right to know something, he will discover it anyway, so the right thing to do is to give it to him straight and it is also the easier way to sell. As a professional distributor, it is essential to present the company’s business model by explaining all the salient points clearly to the prospect without using misleading, deceptive or unfair recruiting practices or pressurised selling tactics to persuade the prospect to buy the goods or services. Moreover, one should consciously cover the following points in his presentation:

Cooling-Off Period and Return of Goods - the order forms must contain a cooling-off clause that permits the customer to withdraw from the order within a specified period of time. Inventory Loading should not require or encourage direct sellers to purchase product inventory in unreasonably large amounts Fees - be very clear and don’t use misleading, deceptive or unfair recruiting practices. Unreasonably high fees are prohibited, including high entrance fees, training and promotional fees. Exaggerated Earnings Claims - do not misrepresent the actual or potential sales or earnings of your direct sellers.

Above all, one should give his prospects sufficient time to make informed decisions.

and trust to build a lasting customer relationship.

Very often, there are misconceptions by distributors that presentation must be full of benefits with no drawbacks or negativities. Therefore, some distributors have the tendency to shade the truth while others are outright deceptive. Some distributors tend to rationalise the decisions they have made or an action they have taken by giving creditable but often untrue reasons such as “everybody else is doing it” or “it is not going to hurt anyone” and the like. These are nothing but excuses for self protection. These wrongdoings not only upset the customers but also tarnish the company’s good reputation. Hence, a professional distributor must always adhere to the code of ethics of selling and the company’s code of conduct strictly. What he does reflects on the company and on every distributor out there. Remember, only honesty can establish credibility

Another important element of ethical selling is after-sales service. All of us understand that selling a product or service is not the end of the process and it is after-sales service that completes the cycle. After-sales service is a strong marketing tool that helps organisations to gain competitive advantage and create differentiation. It is also an excellent business practice for professional distributors to ensure customers’ satisfaction and create their loyalty which in turn encourages business retention and repeat sales. Simply, a happy customer is a loyal customer who may help you with word-of-mouth publicity and that translates to selling more in the account moving forward! So always remember to sell ethically to build not only your own credential but the whole of LFI’s!


Reducing skin imperfections.

Training & Development LFITODAY

Why is Team building important? “ Synergy comes naturally from the quality of the relationship, the friendship, trust, and love that unites people. ” Stephen Covey

Lesson from the ducks! The duck never asks itself whether it’s a duck or not. The ‘duckness’ is ingrained in its DNA. It flies south in the Fall and north in the Spring, never questioning “Why?” It is a duck after all. Ducks, like geese, fly in formation, each duck taking its turn leading the flock in flight. When the lead duck gets tired, it fades from the front and is

envelop e d b a c k i n t o t h e f o l d o f the floc k , n a t u r a l l y a n o t h e r b i r d takes th e l e a d . The y a r e d u c k s a f t e r a l l . T h i s is what t h e y d o . The w a y S t e p h e n Co v e y su m s up lea d e r sh i p i n t h e m o d e r n business w o r l d c a n b e d i r e c t l y applied t o t e a m b u i l d i n g a n d ducks: “Syn e rg y c o m e s n a t u r a l l y f r o m the qua l i t y o f t h e r e l a t i o n sh i p , t h e friendsh i p , t r u st , a n d l o v e t h a t unites p e o p l e . ” S t e p h e n C o v e y

I h a v e n o c l u e i f d u c k s l ov e o n e a n o t h e r, w h a t I d o k n o w is t h a t d u c k s n e v e r q u e st i o n t h e importance of team building, training and whether their flock r e p r e se n t s t h e m w e l l e n o u g h , o r if a n o t h e r f l o c k m i g h t b e a b e t t e r f it for them. I f t h e i r f l o c k i sn ’t g e t t i n g t h e j o b d o n e , t h e d u c k st r u g g l e s. I n formation, ducks fly 71% farther t h a n a n y si n g l e d u c k t h a t f l i e s o n its own.


LFITODAY Training & Development

The team is family family is life Ducks instinctively know that without teamwork, not only will they not arrive at their happy destination, their goose will be cooked. Ducks are united by DNA and the common instinct to reach their breeding and feeding destinations faster, safer, and easier. Their lives are fully engaged in the venture - committed - synergized.

If your team is striving for synergy - you must connect emotionally Like ducks, people naturally gravitate tow ards organizations that will shelter and protect them and make their life easier than if they were left to fend for themselves. As humans, we want more than a chilly nest and a little grain to peck at. Most of us want money, freedom, and the respect of our peers. So why is there so much failure when it comes to effective team

building ? The si m p l e f a c t i s, w h e n people’s emotional, p h y si c a l , spiritua l , a n d f i n a n c i a l n e e d s a r e not bei n g m e t , t h e i r p e r f o r m a n c e and atti t u d e su ff e r s. So h o w d o w e m e e t t h e individu a l ’s needs and yet still m a i n t a i n f o c u s o n o u r organiz a t i o n a l g o a l s i n a w a y t h a t is mut u a l l y b e n e f i c i a l t o b o t h the indi v i d u a l a n d t h e b u si n e ss network ?

Ideas Are Team Glue, They Either Stick or They Don’t Build t e a m w o r k i n t o t h e D N A of you r t e a m . C h a n g e t h e w a y your te a m c o n n e c t s e m o t i o n a l l y to your p e o p l e b y c h a n g i n g t h e way yo u c o m m u n i c a t e y o u r i d e a s. Connec t e m o t i o n a l l y b y m e e t i n g the psyc h o l o g i c a l n e e d s o f y o u r teams. If an i n d i v i d u a l ’s t h o u g h t s a n d actions a r e n ’t i n a l i g n m e n t w i t h those of t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n , b o t h a r e degrade d . T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f t e a m buildin g i s c r e a t i n g sy n e rg i st i c teams of i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a r e i n

a l i g n m e n t w i t h t h e o rg a n i z a t i on a l i d e a s a n d st r u c t u r e o f w h i c h t he y are a part. I n a r a p i d l y c h a n g i n g w o r ld f i l l e d w i t h c o m p l e x e n v i r o n m e n ta l i ssu e s, a b o r d e r l e ss g l ob a l e c o n o m y, a n d e v e r i n c r e a si n g competition, the i m p o r t a nc e of team building takes on a d a n g e r o u sl y sh a r p e d g e .

It is also about Goals, Planning and CommunicationS H i l l ’s p r i n c i p l e s a r e t i m e l e s s . Here they are: • A l l y y o u r se l f w i t h a g r o u p o f as many people as you may need to carry out your plan. • P e r so n a l l y f i g u r e o u t w h a t advantages and benefits you can o ff e r e a c h m e m b e r o f y o u r t e a m in r e t u r n f o r t h e i r c o o p e r a t i o n w ith your plan. • A r r a n g e t o m e e t w ith y o u r t e a m b i - w e e k l y a t r e g u la r sc h e d u l e d i n t e r v a l s. • Re m a i n i n “ p e r f e c t ” h a r m on y with your team.

“ No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to ensure the accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people. ” Napoleon Hill “ We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbours. ” Sun Tze



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