Wellness Booklet

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Your Definitive Guide

s s e n l l e W to r e w s n A m a r Your g o r P t en m e g a n a M YO U R E T COMPLE

GUIDEre s S S E N L L u WE c t s & f ig

s fa l li f e In c lu d e s it y, re a b LFI on o e ia ls f ro m y n o im t s te uar s Sanct ! W e ll n e s o n y m re and ma

Discover how these LFI Customers transformed their bodies and lives. Their Story could be YOUR STORY



3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Professor He Zuoguang



LFI WELLNESS SANCTUARY yo u r An swer t o Wel l n e s s Man a g e m en t Pr o g r a m

Professor He Zuoguang

Published for LFI Wellness Sanctuary A Division of LFI Singapore Pte Ltd Blk 89 Marine Parade Central #02-750 Singapore 440089 Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is complete and accurate. However, neither the publisher nor the authors are engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the authors nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book. The opinions expressed in this book represent the personal views of the authors and not of the publisher. Copyright Š 2010 by LFI Singapore Design: Joel Tai Editors: Archie Teo, Eleen Tang All product information are accurate as of March 2010. Featured products are subject to availability. LFI SINGAPORE reserves the right to change or update product specification and packaging. PRINTED IN SINGAPORE

About LFI Wellness Sanctuary LFI Wellness Sanctuary was conceptualized after extensive market research and studies on consumer needs for weight loss solution. With common weight loss solutions offered by slimming centers that often cost up to tens of thousands of dollars, many who could not afford would opt for DIY solutions such as working out in the gym and other slimming alternatives. Some of these programs work for people who are willing to spend money on slimming technologies or have the discipline to follow a strict diet and regular exercise. But the root of the problem that causes weight gain has not been addressed, thus often resulting in “yoyo” effects when they return to their “normal” lifestyle. Core issues of simple obesity weight gain include: 1. stress and aging 2. secondary health conditions 3. lack of understanding of proper diets and nutrition We address these issues by focusing on improving the individual’s health condition to effectively combat weight gain and also promotes anti-aging. At the same time, we educate our customers on the above issues through our Wellness Consultants to achieve an effective weight loss solution. Our weight loss program includes acupuncture, a widely accepted form of TCM treatment that has more than 3000 years of history. Acupuncture achieves the slimming effect by stimulating individual’s acupoints to improve body’s metabolism and other internal organs’ efficiency. This process is complemented with a sensible nutrition program that helps customers achieve their desired results. An effective combination that marries the best of East and West! Eldee Tang Managing Director LFI Singapore

AbOuT THE AuTHOR Professor He Zuoguang 何祚光教授 Head, Medical R&D, LFI Singapore

· Nanjing Medical University, Professor (1992) · Jiangsu Province People’s Hospital, Senior Consultant (1981 to 2007) · 1992年任南京医科大学教授 · 1981年至2007年在江苏省人民医院工作,1993年任主任医师

Prof He has over 45 years of clinical and medical experience in the healthcare industry. He specializes in immunology, renal and hematologic diseases and is a highly acclaimed & outstanding individual in the medical field in Jiangsu province of China. Having obtained scientific funding support from the Chinese Medical Organization, he has devoted most of his time in the studies of the human immune system, the kidney and blood, among others. Several Chinese Medical periodicals and national meeting have also lectured his research works. Prof He was actively involved in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nanjing Medical University, serves as executive editor, verifying and correcting medical research reports. He is also a member of the Chinese Medical Association, and worked in its branch office, helping to prevent and control diseases on a national level. He frequently serves as a volunteer and provides free medical consultation and treatments to those residing in the rural regions of China. Prof He has also served as a consultant for numerous MNCs such as Wyeth, Meadjohnson, Nestle and Dumex Nutritionals, providing training and consultation services to market the products launched by these companies. 何教授在医疗保健行业上有45年以上的临床医疗经验。他专注于免疫学,肾脏和血液病,在中国江苏省医疗领域内是受高度 称赞的优秀人才。在中国医疗机构自然科学基金支持下,他把大部分的时间在研究人体免疫系统,肾脏和血液疾病及其他等 等。在数个中国医学期刊和全国会议上发表和宣讲了他的研究工作。 他在南京医科大学任教授期间,还兼任南京医科大学学报编辑委员会常务编辑,核实和纠正医学研究报告。他也是中华医学 会的成员,并在其分支机构工作帮助防止和控制疾病。有时何教授也提供非常有效的中西结合治疗的方法。他经常作为志愿 者为那些居住在中国农村地区的人们提供免费的医疗咨询和治疗方法。何教授还担任过众多跨国公司的顾问,如惠氏,美赞 臣,雀巢和多美滋营养品有限公司,为他们的产品提供培训和市场咨询服务。

Dr. Lim Choo Keok (PhD) 林秋吉医师

AbOuT THE WRITERS OF RESEARcH Acupuncture PAPER Consultant, LFI Wellness Sanctuary Dr. Wong Pang Ong (PhD) 王邦旺博士 Chief Physician, LFI Wellness Sanctuary 主任医师、医学博士


· Singapore TCM Board Certified Practitioner & Acupuncturist · Principal of Ong Fujian Chinese Physician Hall · 新加坡卫生部中医管理委员会注册中医师、针灸师, · 新加坡福建中医院院长

· Chief Physician · Singapore TCM Board Certified Practitioner & Acupuncturist · Vice Principal of Ong Fujian Chinese Physician Hall · 主任医师 · 新加坡卫生部中医管理委员会注册中医师、针灸师 · 新加坡福 建中医院副院长

Professor Shen Xiao Ming (PhD) 沈晓明教授 Technical Consultant, LFI Wellness Sanctuary 教授、医学博士

Mr. William Chua 蔡潍镇 Fitness Consultant, LFI Wellness Sanctuary 体能顾问

· Vice Principal, Clinical College of Acupuncture and Orthopedics & Traumatology, Anhui University of TCM, China. · Tutor for Postgraduate Students · 中国·安徽中医学院针灸骨伤临床学院副院长 · 硕士研究生导师。

· Fitness Trainer and LFI Product Specialist · 体能教练和LFI产品专家

Contents Chapter 1

Introduction to obesity


肥胖简介 Chapter 2

Obesity and Cardiovascular diseases


肥胖与心血管疾病 Chapter 3

Obesity and diabetes mellitus


肥胖与糖尿病 Chapter 4

Obesity and cancer


肥胖与癌症 Chapter 5

Obesity and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) 肥胖和非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFL) Chapter 6

LFI Wellness Management Program 健康管理计划 Chapter 7

29 39

Testimonials 见证 Chapter 8

Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program 研究论文 Chapter 9

Questions and Answers 问题与回答 References 资料参考



59 68

Chapter 1

Introduction to obesity 肥胖简介


Introduction to obesity • 肥胖简介

Obesity is a formidable enemy to human health!

Classification of simple obesity 单纯性肥胖的分类 1. Whole Obesity 全身肥胖

肥胖是人类健康的大敌! The World Health Organization (WHO) had issued an investigation report on National Obesity percentage in February 2007. The report showed that out of 6.5 billion of the population, there are 1600 million people who were overweight and 350 million were obese in today’s society. The Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service Richard Carmona said in thought-provoking words, “Obesity is the terror within. Unless we do something about it, the magnitude of the dilemma will dwarf 9-11 or any other terrorist attempt.” Obesity Research International Federation’s public affairs director Neville Rigby said, “With more people living in the intensive regions of the cities, people stay away from the traditional sources of food and rely more on the industrialized food supply.” According to WHO, obesity is estimated to increase by another 40 percent in the next 10 years. 2007年2月,世界卫生组织发布一项各国肥胖比 例的调查报告。报告显示,当今65亿人口中,有 16亿人超重,3.5亿人肥胖。美国公共卫生署长 Richard Carmona就曾说过振聋发聩之语,“肥胖 也属恐怖范围内,除非我们针对肥胖做些工作, 否则其造成的严重程度将不亚于“9—11”或任 何其他恐怖活动的影响”。肥胖研究国际联合会 的公共事务主任Neville Rigby说:“城市化使 越来越多的人们居住在密集的区域里,在城市中 人们远离了传统食物,更多依靠工业化食物的供 给。”世卫组织估计在未来10年内肥胖数目还将 增长40%。

Source: istock.com

2. Abdominal obesity 腹部肥胖

Source: istock.com

Whole obesity is the distribution of fats around the body. Abdominal obesity is the distribution of fats around the abdomen. Abdominal obesity is also called “apple shaped” bodies. 全身肥胖的脂肪是遍布全身的,而腹部肥胖的脂 肪是分布在腹部周围,所以腹部肥胖又称“苹果 状”体形。

Introduction to obesity • 肥胖简介

The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated five methods of assessment for obesity 世界卫生组织 (WHO)倡导的五个评估肥胖的方法


(Body Mass Index)

Weight (kg) (kg) Weight Height (m) (cm) Height Height (cm) (m) xxHeight

Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of their height. The formulas universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m2:

1. BMI With reference to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) committee based on the BMI data from 10 Asian countries, it was found that Asian’s BMI did not coincide with the world’s BMI standard developed by Netherlands. Therefore, the WHO officials from around the world together with more than 30 experts published the healthy standards of body mass index specifically for Asians after their discussion in Singapore between 8 to 11 July 2002. Under the new standards, the acceptable range for normal, or optimum body-mass index (BMI) for Asian who are 18 years old and above is between 18.5 to 23 kg/m2. Therefore, BMI above 23 kg/m2 is considered overweight and the obesity body mass index standards are determined by individual Asian countries1. The “Revised BMI Cut-off Points in Singapore” was announced on 16 March 2005. In Singapore, a BMI of 27.5 kg/m2 or more represents high risk of obesity. Recent studies have shown that many Asian populations, including Singaporeans, have higher proportion of body fat compared to Caucasians of the same age, gender and BMI. These studies also showed that Asians have increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus at relatively low BMI levels. In Singapore, about half of adult Singaporeans with BMI of 22 to 24 kg/m2 have at least one cardiovascular risk factor. WHO convened an expert consultation to review the BMI cut


offs to define risks in Asian populations and recommended that for some Asians, BMI of 23 kg/m2 or higher marks a moderate increase in risk while a BMI of 27.5 kg/m2 or more represents high risk2 . 世界卫生组织(WHO)委员会根据所检查的10个亚洲 国家的材料,认为亚洲国家的BMI资料与在荷兰 制定的世界BMI标准不符。2002年7月8日到11日在 新加坡,世界卫生组织官员与来自世界各地三十 多位专家经过磋商后,公布了专门为亚洲人修正 的体重指数健康标准。根据这套新标准,18岁及 18岁以上的亚洲人,BMI在18.5至23之间为正常水 平。超过23为“危及健康”的超重; 而肥胖的标 准由各国自定1 。2005年3月16日新加坡公布了修 订的新加坡BMI的标准(REVISION OF BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) CUT-OFFS IN SINGAPORE), 新加坡 人BMI大于27.5即代表高危(肥胖)。有研究证明 亚洲人(包括新加坡人)体内的脂肪含量,比相 同BMI,性别和年龄的西方人高出许多。研究也发 现,亚洲人与体重相同的西方人相比,更容易患 上高血压,糖尿病,心血管病等与肥胖有关的疾 病。在新加坡,大约有一半的成年新加坡人,BMI 在22至24之间至少会有一种心血管疾病的危险因 素。世界卫生组织(WHO) 召集专家讨论了新加坡 BMI的标准(REVISION OF BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) CUT-OFFS IN SINGAPORE)建议某些亚洲人采用此 BMI标准,即超过23有危及健康地危险,超过27.5 即代表有高危2 。

2. Waist Circumference (WC) 腰围 Waist circumference (WC) reflects the total fat and fat distribution of the composite indicator. The correct position for measuring waist circumference is midway between the upper hip bone and the uppermost border of the right iliac crest. Abdominal obesity was generally defined as WC above 102cm in men and WC above 88cm in women. There are sufficient evidences to prove that male waist circumference larger than 94 cm and female waist circumference larger than 80 cm may have high risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCD)3,4 .


Introduction to obesity • 肥胖简介

腰围(WC)是反映脂肪总量和脂肪分布的综合指 标,正确测量位置在髂前上嵴水平位和第12肋下 缘连线的中点。在腰围才问世还没有明白是怎麽 回事时,男性腰围大于102厘米而女性腰围大于88 厘米被定为腹部肥胖,现在有足够的证据说明男 性腰围大于94厘米,女性腰围大于80厘米就有高 度可能发生与肥胖相关的疾病3,4 。

Table of Summary

4. Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) 腰围与身高比

Table of Summary

3. Waist-Hip circumference ratio (WHR) 腰臀比

A Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) in women or men that is greater than 0.5, is a fairly accurate predictor of an obesity-related conditions, which is actually independent of BMI7,8 . 腰围与身高比(WHtR)不需依赖BMI,能独立预 示肥胖,不论女性和男性如大于0.5,可确定为 肥胖7,8 。

Waist-hip ratio

(>1.0 for men and >0.8 for women) are used as measures of abdominal obesity. Table of Summary

Waist-Hip circumference ratio (WHR) is a better indicator for high risk of heart attack than body mass index (BMI). If obesity is redefined by WHR instead of BMI, the proportion of people categorized as at risk of heart attack worldwide increases threefold5,6 . 腰臀比:男性大于1.0女性大于0.8可被认为有腹 部肥胖。也就是说健康人的腰围必须比臀围小, 腰臀围比值越大的人,腹部积油越多,越容易得 糖尿病、高血压、胆固醇过高症、乳癌和子宫内 膜癌等慢性疾病。猝死的机会也自然地提高。腰 臀比其预示性较BMI好,尤其在心脏病的发作上; 如果用WHR来取代BMI,全世界可能会有心脏病发 作的人,会比现在多三倍5,6。

5. Body fat measurement 身体脂肪的测量 • Determination of thickness of subcutaneous fat layer 皮下脂肪层厚度的测定 • Determination of body fat percentage by CT (computed tomography) CT 测量身体脂肪 • Determination of body fat percentage by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 磁共振成 像(MRI)测定身体脂肪 • Determination of body fat percentage by bioelectrical impedance analysis) 生物电阻抗 分析法测定身体脂肪


Introduction to obesity • 肥胖简介

• Determination of body fat percentage by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry 双能X线骨密度 测量仪测定身体脂肪 • Determination of body fat percentage by the method of hydrostatis weighting 静水测重法 测定身体脂肪 Men with more than 25% body fats and women with more than 30% body fats are consider obese. Two simpler methods for measuring body fats are measuring the thickness of subcutaneous fat layer and bioelectrical body fat measurement impedance analysis. 男性身体脂肪重量大于体重的25%,女性大于30% 定为肥胖。两个最简单的方法是皮下脂肪层厚度 和生物电阻抗分析法测定身体脂肪。

Causes of obesity 肥胖的原因

States (as many as 4 million Americans) suffered from binge eating disorder. The disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese 9 . 尽管有许多原因可引起肥胖,但是过度饮食仍是 一个最实质性的原因。举例来说,1977年和1995 年相比,人们在快餐店进食高能量饮食的人数增 加了三倍,卡路里摄取量翻了两番。特别是在美 国有2%左右的成年人(多达400万美国人),患 上了暴食症(binge eating disorder)。此症在 严重肥胖的人中更是多见9。

2. Sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式 Sedentary lifestyle is main cause for the rapid acceleration of obesity in the last quarter of the 20th century. This is especially linked to child obesity.

1. Over-eating 过度饮食 Although there are several causes that can induce obesity, it is evident that overeating remains as the most substantial reason. For instance, reliance on energy-dense fast-food meals tripled between 1977 and 1995, and calorie intake quadrupled over the same period. About 2 percent of the adults in the United

Source: istock.com

这是20世纪最后25年里肥胖飞快高速增加的主要原 因,尤其与儿童的肥胖有密切的关系。

3. Genetics 遗传因素

Source: istock.com

Polymorphism in various genes that control appetite and metabolism can release adipokine that leads to obesity10 . The FTO gene mutation, heterozygotes had a 30% increased risk oobesity, while homozygotes faced a 70% increased risk. The thrifty gene hypothesis postulates that certain ethnic groups may be more prone to obesity than others11 .


Introduction to obesity • 肥胖简介

各种控制食欲和代谢的基因,其多态性可释放脂 肪素(adipokine)是易罹患肥胖症的原因10。FTO 基因的突变(mutation),如是杂合子 (heterozygotes)可有30%的机会发生肥胖,如 是纯合子(homozygotes)则有70%的机会发生肥 胖。节俭基因的假设可推断为什麽某些民族较其 他民族更容易发生肥胖11 。

Obesity-related disease 与肥胖相关的疾病 1.

Cardiovascular diseases (dyslipidemia, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, pectoris angina, myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease) 心血管疾病(血脂异常,高血压,中风,心脏 病发作,心绞痛,心肌梗死和冠心病。)


Type 2 diabetes mellitus II型糖尿病


Cancer (breast cancer, prostate cancer, rectal-colon cancer (hepatic carcinoma, renal carcinoma, endometrial cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma) ovarian cancer and pancreatic cancer) 13-76 癌肿(乳腺癌,前列腺癌,直肠-结肠癌,肝 癌,肾癌,子宫内膜癌,食道癌,卵巢癌和 胰腺癌)13-76


Osteoarthritis 骨关节炎


Sleep obstructive apnea 睡眠阻塞性呼吸暂仃


Metabolism syndrome 代谢综合征


Gallstone 胆石症


Gout and gouty arthritis 痛风与痛凤性关节炎


Fatty liver disease 脂肪性肝病

4. Virus infection 病毒感染

Source: istock.com

Recently, there are evidences to prove that adenovirus 36, 37 and 2 can induce human stem cells into fat cells. It is important to understand that the virus is the cause of obesity, and may cause long term obesity12 . 最近有证据证实腺病毒36,37和2型能诱导人类干 细胞向脂肪细胞演变。重要的一点是认识到病毒 感染也是肥胖的原因,而且可能是有些人长期肥 胖的原因12 。

5. Other causes 其他原因 Other causes of obesity include psychological factors and lack of sleep.


工作或生活有压力,心理因素和睡眠不足均会引 起肥胖。

10. Fertility complications 生育性并发症 11. Pregnancy complications 妊娠并发症 12. Psychological disorders 心理疾病

Chapter 2

Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases 肥胖与心血管疾病


Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases • 肥胖与心血管疾病

Cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病 Dyslipidemia Coronary Heart


Cardiovascular Diseases Heart Failure

Stroke Myocardial Iufarction

Obesity has long been associated with an increased risk for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). A weight gain of 10 to 20 pounds may result in an increased risk of coronary heart disease of 1.25 times in women and 1.6 times in men. Weight gains of 22 pounds in men and 44 pounds in women may result in an increased coronary heart disease risk of 1.75 to 2.65 times respectively77,78 . 长期以来人们就认识到肥胖可增加冠心病发病的 危险性,体重增加10到20磅可使妇女冠心病的发 生增加1.25倍,男性增加1.6倍。男性体重增加 22磅,女性体重增加44磅冠心病的发生分别增加 1.75倍和2.65倍77,78 。

The risk of death of obese people is double the normal79 ! 肥胖的人其死亡的危险性是正常人的一倍79! According to a United States epidemiological study, the risk of heart disease of a potbellied man is more than double of a normal weight man. Doctor Beck from Institute of Public Health at Harvard University in Boston said, “Regardless of age, excess body fats may increase mortality. However, in the middle-aged men, it is more important and useful to control waist circumference than to simply control body weight.”

Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases • 肥胖与心血管疾病

美国研究人员根据流行病学得出的结论:大腹便 便的男性患心脏病的危险性是体重正常男性的两 倍以上。波士顿哈佛大学公共卫生院的倍克博士 说:“不论年龄大小,躯体脂肪过多都可能增加 死亡率,但是,在中年男性中,控制腰围比单纯 控制体重更加重要更加有用。” Obesity can cause hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction). 肥胖可引起高血脂,高血压,中风,冠心病(心 绞痛,心肌梗死)。


Obese people who may not appear to have high blood fats, elevated blood pressure and angina, may one day have a sudden attack-having stroke or myocardial infarction, and even sudden cardiac death81,82 ! 肥胖的人也可不出现高血脂,高血压和心绞痛, 而在不知不觉中突然哪一天爆发——发生中风或 心肌梗死,甚至猝死81,82 !

Stroke Warning Signs 中风警告标志 You must learn the warning signs of stroke: 您必须了解中风的警告标志:

Obesity 肥胖

Hyperlipidemia (elevations of triglycerides and cholesterol) 高血脂 (高胆固醇,高甘油三脂)

•Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body 突然脸,手或腿,尤其是在身体一侧的麻木或 无力 •Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding 突然意识混乱,说话或理解困难 •Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes 突然一侧或双侧眼睛视物模糊

Elevated blood pressure 高血压

Stroke 中风

Coronary heart disease (Angina, Myocardioinfarction)80 冠心病 (心绞痛,心肌梗死)80

•Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination 突然行走困难,眩晕,失去平衡或协调 •Sudden, severe headache with no known cause 突然不明原因的严重头痛 Not all the warning signs occur in every stroke case. Never ignore the signs of stroke, even if they go away! If you have one or more stroke symptoms that lasted more than a few minutes, don’t delay! If you are obese, reduce body weight first83,84 !


Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases • 肥胖与心血管疾病

并非每一次中风都有的警告标志,不要忽视中风 的迹象,即使它们已消失!如果您有一个或多个 的中风症状,并持续几分钟的时间,不要拖延!如 果您有肥胖,把减少体重放在第一位83,84 !

What is sudden cardiac death? 什么是心脏性猝死? Sudden cardiac death (also known as sudden arrest) is death resulting from an abrupt loss of heart function (cardiac arrest). The victim may have a history of heart disease or simply did not have a diagnosed history of heart disease before thus the time and mode of death is unexpected. Sudden cardiac death can occur within minutes after symptoms appear. The most common underlying reason for patients to die suddenly from cardiac arrest is coronary heart disease. In the United States, there are about 310,000 people who died of coronary heart disease each year without being hospitalized or admitted to an emergency room. Most of these are sudden deaths caused by cardiac arrest85,86 . Sudden death caused by cardiac arrest

没有来得及送医院或急症室抢救,他们的绝大多 数是因为心脏骤停而猝死的85,86 。

2/3 of sudden death of woman resulted from cardiovascular diseases 女性猝死2/3祸起心血管 The risk factors of women’s long-term cardiovascular disease have not been fully explored. Epidemiological study has confirmed that 2/3 women who died of sudden death did not discover that they have cardiovascular disease. It is because clinical symptoms of cardiovascular disease in female patients are not as typical as the men. In addition, it also indicates that most of the women have inadequate understanding or were ignorant of the disease thus delaying the timing for the treatment. 长期来女性心血管疾病的危险因素并未得到充分 的认识,流行病学的研究证实2/3女性猝死患者 死前未曾发现有心血管疾病,这是由于女性心血 管疾病患者临床症状不如男性典型。也暴露出多 数女性对这一疾病了解不够甚至忽视,最终延误 了治疗时机。 However, most heart attacks happen gradually, from mild pain or discomfort. Very often, most people who are affected are not sure what went wrong so they waited for a long time before getting help. Below are the signs that can mean that a heart attack is happening:

Source: istock.com

心脏性猝死(也称为心脏骤停)是突然丧失心功 能所造成的死亡。受害人可能以前有心脏疾病的 历史或根本不曾有被诊断心脏疾病的历史,发病 的时间和方式均无法预料。猝死发生在症状出现 后几分钟内,病人死于突然心脏骤停最常见的原 因是冠心病。在美国每年有31万人死于冠心病而

但大多数的心脏病的发作是慢慢发生的,伴轻度 而短暂的疼痛和心部不适。有此症状的人往往不 知道自已有什么不对,因此未能及时就医。下面 的症状可能意味着心脏病的发作: •Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain

Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases • 肥胖与心血管疾病

胸部不适——大多数心脏病发作涉及不适,在部 的正中持续几分钟,消失后又发生。这种感觉类 似受压,挤压,闷胀的不适或疼痛 •Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach 不适也可出现在上半身,除了心前区外的其他部 分,可在一个手臂或两个手臂,背部,颈部,下 巴或胃部,除了不适外也可有疼痛 •Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort 气促,伴或不伴胸部不适 •Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness89,90 其他症状,包括出冷汗,恶心或眩晕89,90

Obesity and High Blood Pressure 肥胖与高血压 In a study of obesity and hypertension based on observed cases of more than 1 million people, it was found that overweight middle-aged people (40 to 64 years old) have 50% higher chance of getting hypertension than those of normal Patient taking her high blood pressure reading

Source: istock.com


weight. The risk of illness is also 2 times higher than a normal body weight of the same age. Overweight young people have more significant correlation with hypertension91-93 . 在一项肥胖与高血压关系研究里,观察例数超过 100万人,其中超重中年人(40~64岁)患高血压 的人数比正常体重者高50%,其患病的危险是正 常体重同龄者的2倍。在青年人中超重与高血压有 更显著的关联91-93 。

Obesity and Dyslipidemia 肥胖与血脂异常 Obesity can easily lead to dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipid). The Framingham Heart Study with 60 years of research history confirmed that every 10 percent increase in weight has a corresponding increase in plasma cholesterol of 0.3 mmol/L (12mg/dl). The second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) in America found out that the relative risk of having hypercholesterolemia for overweight Americans between the age of 20 to 75 years old is 1.5 times higher than those with normal body weight; while overweight Americans between 20 to 45 years old, their relative risk is 2.0 times higher than those of normal weight94 . 肥胖易导致血脂异常,有60年研究历史的 Framingham Heart Study证实体重每增加10%,血 浆胆固醇相应增加0.3mmol/L(12mg/dl)。“美 国第二届国家健康与营养普查”(NHANES-II) 研 究发现,年龄在20~75岁超重的美国人,高胆固 醇血症的相对危险是正常体重者的1.5倍;在20 ~45岁超重者中,是正常体重者的2倍94 。

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First published on LFITODAY Vol. 3 (Aug/Sept 2008)

Chapter 3

Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus 肥胖与糖尿病


Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus • 肥胖与糖尿病

Diabetes Mellitus Related Diseases 糖尿病相关的疾病

Obesity 肥胖

Metabolism syndrome 代谢综合症

Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病

Diabetes Retinopathy (Blindness)

视网膜病变(失盲) Kidney disease (chronic dialysis or kidney transplant)


High blood pressure 高血压

Lower limbs sensory impairment 两腿感觉受损

According to the estimation of World Health Organisation (WHO), there are about 170 million diabetics patients worldwide and this figure will increase to 300 million people by 2025. Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes and is also an independent disease. Every additional 1 kg of weight gain can increase the risk of diabetes by at least 5%.

Cardiovascular disease (Stroke, Myocardial Infarction) 心血管疾病(中风,心肌梗死)

Foot ulcer


Alzheimer’s disease 早老性痴呆

Lower Limbs Amputation124 下肢截肢124

The risk of type 2 diabetes in an obese person is three times higher than that of a person of normal weight and about 50% of obese people will suffer from diabetes in future. Obesity can shortened the life expectancy of type 2 diabetes patients by up to eight years. Therefore, the World Health Organization promoted the slogan - “Fight Obesity Prevent Diabetes” on November 14, 2004 Diabetes Day 95-98.


Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus • 肥胖与糖尿病

Fight Obesity and Prevent Diabetes Campaign

多。相反,日本人的咖啡消费量在世界上是最少 的,糖尿病患者也最少99-102 。 Diabetes is associated with an increased risk for a number of serious, sometimes life-threatening complications. However, many people are not even aware that they have diabetes until they develop one of its complications. The principle complications or sequelae associated with diabetes are retinopathy, nervous system disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke103-105 .

Source: globalnews.idf.org

据世卫组织估计,目前全世界约有糖尿病人1.7 亿,到2025年将增加到3亿人。肥胖是糖尿病的主 要危险因素,又是一种独立的疾病。体重每增加1 公斤,患病的危险至少增加5%。 肥胖者发生Ⅱ型糖尿病的危险性是正常人的3倍, 约50%的肥胖者将来会患上糖尿病。肥胖可以使Ⅱ 型糖尿病患者期望的寿命缩短多达8年。所以世界 卫生组织在2004年11月14日糖尿病日提出“战胜 肥胖,预防糖尿病”的口号95-98 。 With the increase in coffee consumption among Singaporeans, the relationship between coffee and diabetes has stirred the public’s attention. Finn’s coffee consumption is the first in the world and the number of diabetic patients in that country is also the highest in the world. Likewise, other Nordic countries whose coffee consumption is high also have higher number of patients suffering from diabetes. On the contrary, the coffee consumption in Japan is the lowest in the world and the number of patients with diabetes in Japan is also the lowest 99-102 . 新加坡人喜饮咖啡,咖啡与糖尿病的关系越来越 引起人们的注意;芬兰人的咖啡消费量居世界之 首,该国的糖尿病患者也是世界上最多的。其它 北欧国家的咖啡消费量也大,患糖尿病的人数也

糖尿病因有许多严重有时甚至于是致命的并发 症,而使病情的危险性大增,一些人群甚至在生 命中遭受过很大的威胁。然而很多人甚至不知道 他们有糖尿病,直到他们发生了并发症中的一 种,才恍然大悟。与糖尿病有关的重要并发症或 后遗症有视网膜病变,神经系统疾病,肾脏疾 病,高血压,冠心病和中风103—105 。

Blindness - Diabetic retinopathy 失盲 - 糖尿病视网膜病变 Normal vision

The same view with diabetic retinopathy

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diabetic retinopathy causes 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of blindness each year making diabetes the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults between 20-74 years of age 106-109. 糖尿病视网膜病变每年造成1.2万至2.4万人失 盲,它是20-74岁成年人发生失盲的首要原因106-109 。


Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus • 肥胖与糖尿病

Nervous system disease 神经系统疾病

High blood pressure 高血压

About 60% to 70% of diabetes patients have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage. Almost 30% of diabetes patients aged 40 years or older have impaired sensation in the feet (i.e., at least one area feel impaired). Severe forms of diabetic nerve diseases are major contributing causes to lower-extremity amputations. The rate of amputation for diabetes patients is 10 times higher than people without diabetes110-114 .

About 73% of adults with diabetes have blood pressure greater than or equal to 130/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) or use prescription medications for hypertension 117,118.

约60%至70%的糖尿病患者有轻微到严重程度不 等的神经系统损害。近30%的糖尿病患者年龄在 40岁或以上的有双腿感觉受损(至少有一部分区 域感觉受损),严重形式的糖尿病神经病变是下 肢截肢的重要原因。糖尿病人的截肢是比无糖尿 病的人高出10倍110-114 。

Kidney disease 肾脏疾病 Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. In 2002, a total of 178,689 diabetes patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were living on chronic dialysis or with a kidney transplant115, 116 . 糖尿病是导致肾功能衰竭的主要原因,在2002 年,共有178689人由于糖尿病患有终末期肾脏疾 病而以慢性透析(洗肾)或与肾移植苟延残喘 115 ,116 。 Kidney Disease

Source: istock.com

大约有73%的成年糖尿病人其血压大于或等于 130/80mm汞柱,或在服用降压药中117,118。

Coronary heart disease and stroke 冠心病与中风 Heart disease and stroke account for about 65% of deaths in people with diabetes. Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes. The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher and the risk of death from stroke is 2.8 times higher among people with diabetes. Deaths from heart disease have decreased significantly among men with diabetes in recent years, but that trend has not been true in women. Among women with diabetes, deaths from heart disease rose from 8.3 to 18.2 per 1000 women from 1971 to 2000119-123 . 糖尿病的人有65%死于心脏病和中风,成人糖尿 病患者患心脏疾病的死亡率约2至4倍高于无糖尿 病的成人。有糖尿病的人其中风的风险较无糖尿 病的人高2至4倍,而中风的死亡风险高2.8倍。 在最近几年男性糖尿病患者死于心脏病有显着下 降,但这种趋势在糖尿病妇女身上并不存在。从 1971年至2000年之间患糖尿病的妇女死于心脏病 的由每年每1000妇女的8.3上升到18.2119-123 。

Chapter 4

Obesity and Cancer 肥胖与癌症


Obesity and Cancer • 肥胖与癌症

Cancer 癌症 In 2002, about 41,000 new cases of cancer in the United States were estimated to be caused by obesity13 . A recent report estimated that 14 percent of deaths from cancer in men and 20 percent of deaths in women in the United States were due to overweight and obesity14 . In 2001, experts concluded that cancers of the colon, breast, endometrium, kidney, and esophagus are associated with obesity. Some studies have also reported links between obesity and cancers of the gallbladder, ovaries, and pancreas125 . Preventing weight gain can reduce the risk of many cancers. Experts recommend establishing of healthy eating habits and physical activity in the early years to prevent overweight and obesity. Those who are already overweight or obese are advised to avoid additional weight gain, and to lose weight through a low-calorie diet and exercise. Even a weight loss of only 5 to 10 percent of total weight can bring benefits to health125 . 在2002年估计在美国约有4.1万新的癌症病例是由 肥胖引起13 。最近的一份报告估计在美国14%因癌 症死亡的男性和20%因癌症死亡的妇女是由于超 重和肥胖所造成的14。在2001年专家们得出结论认 为结肠癌,乳腺癌,子宫内膜癌,肾癌,食道癌 和肥胖相关。一些研究也说明了肥胖和胆囊癌, 卵巢癌及胰腺癌之间的联系125。防止体重增加可以 减少许多种癌症的风险,专家建议建立健康的饮 食习惯和在早年就注意体格锻炼能防止超重和肥 胖。建议那些已经超重或肥胖的人士应避免再使 体重增加,并通过低热量饮食和运动来减肥,即 使体重减轻只有总重量的百分之五到百分之十也 可以给健康带来好处125。

Obesity can increase the risk of breast cancer 肥胖增加患乳腺癌的风险 Both the increased risk of developing breast cancer and dying from it are believed to be due to increased levels of estrogen in obese women25 . Before menopause, the ovaries are the primary source of estrogen. However, estrogen is also produced in fat tissue. After menopause, when the ovaries stop producing hormones, fat tissue becomes the most important estrogen source 21 . Estrogen levels in obese women are 50 to 100 percent higher than lean women18 . Picture of a breast cancer patient

Source: myhealth.gov.my

Estrogen-sensitive tissues are therefore exposed to more estrogen stimulation in obese women, leading to a more rapid growth of estrogenresponsive breast cancer. A recent report showed that American women who have a high BMI are more likely to have an advanced stage of breast cancer at diagnosis29 . Another report showed that obese white women may be twice as likely to develop breast cancer as non-obese women 30 . Another factor related to the higher breast cancer death rates in obese women is that breast cancer is more likely to be detected at a later stage in obese women than in lean women. This is because the detection of a breast tumor is more difficult in obese versus lean women19 . Weight gain during adulthood has been found to be the most consistent and strongest predictor

Obesity and Cancer • 肥胖与癌症

of breast cancer risk in studies in which it has been examined17,18,31,125 . 肥胖妇女发生乳腺癌和因此死亡的风险增加的原 因,是由于体内雌激素水平的增加25。妇女绝经期 前卵巢是雌激素的主要来源,不过,脂肪组织也 产生雌激素,绝经期后当卵巢停止生产雌激素, 脂肪组织则成为体内雌激素最重要的来源21。肥胖 妇女的雌激素水平比瘦的妇女高出50到100%18, 因此肥胖妇女体内雌激素敏感的组织接触到更多 的雌激素刺激,导致乳腺癌的发生和更快速的增 长。最近的一份报告表明BMI很高的美国妇女在诊 断乳腺癌时,其乳腺癌正处于高速进展期29;另一 份报告表明肥胖的白人妇女发生乳腺癌的可能是 非肥胖妇女的两倍30。另一个因素,有关肥胖妇女 的乳腺癌死亡率较瘦的妇女高的原因是在瘦的妇 女乳癌比较容易被发现,肥胖妇女的乳腺癌是比 较难发现,发现时已在晚期19。在已被检查和诊断 的乳腺癌病人的研究中发现,成年时体重增加是 预测患乳腺癌风险的最强和不变的因素17,18,31,125 。

Obesity increase the risk of colon cancer 肥胖增加结肠癌的风险 Gross appearance of a colectomy specimen containing two adenomatous polyps and one invasive colorectal carcinoma

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Colon cancer occurs more frequently in people who are obese than in those of a healthy weight40-44,125 . There are evidences indicating that abdominal obesity may be an important factor in the risk of colon cancer44, 45 . In men, a high


BMI tends to be associated with abdominal fat. In women, fats are more likely to be distributed in the thighs and buttocks. Therefore, the two measures of abdominal fat, waist-to-hip ratio or waist circumference, may be better predictors of colon cancer risk. The study that deduced the increased risk of colon cancer among women with high waist-tohip ratios also found out that the association was present only among inactive women and suggested that high levels of physical activity may counteract the effects of increased abdominal fat49 . A number of mechanisms have been proposed for the adverse effect of obesity on colon cancer risk. One of the major hypotheses is that high levels of insulin or insulin-related growth factors in obese people may promote tumor development50, 51,125 . 肥胖的人发生结肠癌比那些健康体重的人更为多 见, 40-44,125。有一些证据表明腹部肥胖在结肠癌 的风险可能是更重要的因素44,45。在男性高BMI往 往与腹部脂肪多相关,而在高BMI的妇女,脂肪 可能多被分布在大腿和臀部。因此,有两种方法 ——腰与臀比或腰围——来测腹部脂肪,这可能 更好的预测结肠癌的风险。 一项研究发现腰臀比高的妇女患结肠癌的风险也 增加,而这种风险增加仅限于其中不运动的妇 女,这表明积极的运动可能会抵消增加患结肠癌 的风险的影响49。有关肥胖增加结肠癌的风险,已 提出了许多不利影响的机理,其中一个主要的学 说是—肥胖的人体内高水平的胰岛素或与胰岛素 有关的生长因子可能会促进肿瘤的发生50,51,125 。

Obesity increase the risk of endometrial (uterus lining) cancer 肥胖增加子宫内膜癌的风险 Obese women have two to four times greater risk of developing endometrial cancer as compared to women of a healthy weight, regardless of menopausal status34-37, 125 . Increased risk has also been demonstrated among overweight


Obesity and Cancer • 肥胖与癌症

women35,37. Obesity has been estimated to account for about 40 percent of endometrial cancer cases in affluent societies38 . It has been suggested that lifetime exposure to hormones and high levels of estrogen and insulin in obese women may be the contributing factors too34-36, 125.

Renal cell carcinoma

An endometrial adenocarcinoma invading the uterine muscle

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

肥胖妇女患子宫内膜癌的风险是健康体重妇女的2 至4倍,而与是否停经无关34-37,125。在超重的妇女 中也显示出有这种风险的增加35,37,在富裕的社会 里估计有40%左右患子宫内膜癌是肥胖的妇女38。 有人提示肥胖妇女在一生中体内高水平的雌激素 和胰岛素可能是促成的因素34-36,125。

Obesity increase the risk of kidney cancer 肥胖增加肾脏癌的风险 Studies have consistently found a link between a type of kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma) and obesity in women37, 52-55, 125. Some studies found out that the risk of having renal cell carcinoma among obese women is two to four times higher as compared to women of a healthy weight. A meta-analysis found out that men and women are exposed to the same amount of risk. However, it has been estimated that the kidney cancer risk is 36 percent higher for an overweight person and 84 percent higher for an obese person compared to those with a healthy weight59 .

An increased exposure to sex steroids, estrogen and androgen, is one possible mechanism of renal cell cancer125 . 研究发现肥胖的妇女与一种肾癌(肾细胞癌)始 终有关联 37,52-55,125,一些研究发现肥胖妇女患肾 细胞癌的风险是健康体重妇女的2至4倍。汇总分 析发现男性和女性之间的风险相同,估计超重的 人其患肾脏癌的风险比健康体重的人高出36%, 而肥胖的人则高出84%59。性类固醇激素——雌激 素与雄激素——体内接触的增加是可能引起肾细 胞癌的一种的机理125。

Obesity increase the risk of Esophageal Cancer 肥胖增加患食道癌的风险 Overweight and obese individuals are two times more likely than healthy weight people to develop a type of esophageal cancer called esophageal adenocarcinoma60-63,125. One of the leading mechanisms to the increased risk of gastric reflux is due to obesity63 . 超重和肥胖的人患食道癌,所患的是食道腺癌而 不是鳞状细胞癌,是健康体重的人的2倍以上60-63,125。

Obesity and Cancer • 肥胖与癌症

Endoscopic image of patient with esophageal adenocarcinoma seen at gastro-esophageal junction. Renal cell carcinoma

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

有关风险增加的原因,主要是由于肥胖增加了胃 食道的返流63。

Reducing weight can lower the risk of cancer 减肥可降低患癌症的风险 There are sufficient evidences to prove that postmenopausal weight loss can reduce circulating estrogens126, and an important finding from one recent study deduced that postmenopausal weight loss may reduce breast cancer risk127. These data provide sufficient reasons for women to be counseled on the potential benefits of weight loss after menopause and suggest that it is never too late to lose weight to decrease the risk of breast cancer127 . Steven Narod from the University of Toronto, Canada and colleagues from universities in Canada, the United States and Poland studied 1073 women, all of whom had a mutation in one of the breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2. These women were divided into two groups to carry out the study. The first group had been diagnosed with breast cancer while the second


group was not. Both groups were paired up, or “matched” based on the same age, genes and nationality. The study shows that women with a mutation in BRCA1 whose weight loss of at least 10 pounds, has a 65% reduction in cancer risk between the ages of 30 and 40. The study also shows that BRCA1 mutation carriers who gained 10 pounds or more between 18 and 30 years of age have 44% higher risk of developing breast cancer if they have 2 or more children 128 . Dr Kat Arney, Cancer Information Officer at Cancer Research UK, said that this study highlights the importance for women and men to maintain a healthy weight so as to reduce their chances of getting cancer129 . 有足够的证据证明绝经后的减轻体重能降低血中 循环的雌激素126,和从最近的一项研究中有一个重 要的发现,就是绝经后的减轻体重可减少患乳腺 癌的风险127。这些数据提供了充足的理由,应忠告 绝经后妇女减轻体重可能有助于减少患乳腺癌的 风险,并减肥永远不会为时已晚 127。加拿大多伦 多大学Steven Narod 和其在加拿大,美国以及波 兰的同事们,对有乳腺癌癌症突变基因BRCA1 and BRCA2其中之一的1073名妇女,将她们分成两组进 行研究,第一组是已被诊断患有乳癌的妇女,而 第二组均没有患乳腺癌。两组均在年龄,基因和 国籍上相匹配。他们的研究结果表明,有一个突 变基因BRCA1的妇女,体重至少减轻十磅以上的妇 女年龄在三十至四十岁之间其相关的患癌症的风 险减少了65%。研究还表明,BRCA1基因突变携带 者年龄在18和30之间,如果他们有2个子女或以 上,体重增加了10磅或更多,有44%以上风险可 能发展成乳癌 128。英国癌症研究的癌症情报官员 Kat Arney博士认为这研究突出的重要性,是不论 妇女和男士维持健康的体重是减少他们得癌症的 最好的方法129。

First published on Female Magazine (Singapore) January 2007



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Chapter 5

Obesity and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) 肥胖和非酒精性 脂肪肝(NAFL)


Obesity and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) • 肥胖和非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFL)

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) 肥胖和非酒 精性脂肪肝(NAFL) Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) is the most common liver disease in the world. The prevalence of NAFL in the general population is estimated to be as high as 36.9%130-134. The course of NAFL has three basic stages.

NAFL是最常见的肝脏疾病,世界上有10-15%的人 口罹患此症,尢其是肥胖人居多 130-134。NAFL的病 情分三个基本阶段。 (1)脂肪变性:其间脂肪聚积在肝脏中,这个阶 段是相对无害。 (2)非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH):在此期间脂 肪仍然继续在肝内积累,并伴随着肝组织炎 症(肝炎),肝细胞破坏(坏死),以及肝 脏疤痕形成(纤维化)。 (3)肝硬化:在此期间发生不可逆转的肝脏的损 害,确诊为与非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH) 相关的肝硬化患者有发展成肝癌的风险135-139。

Cirrhosis leading to hepatocellular carcinoma (autopsy specimen)

(1) Steatosis, during which fat accumulates in the liver, this stage is relatively harmless. (2) Non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), during which fat-accumulation continues but is accompanied by liver inflammation (hepatitis), destruction of liver cells (necrosis), and scarring of the liver (fibrosis). (3) Cirrhosis, during which irreversible damage of the liver occurs. Patients with confirmed NASH-related cirrhosis are at risk of developing hepatic cancer135-139 . Different stages of liver damage

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Relationship Between Obesity and NAFL 肥胖和NAFL的关系 Almost 75% of obese patients have non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL), and central obesity poses a particular risk of developing NAFL. The main cause of non alcoholic fatty liver disease is insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder in which cells become insensitive to the effect of insulin. One of the most common risk factors for insulin resistance is obesity, especially central

Obesity and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) • 肥胖和非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFL)

obesity (abdominal obesity). Studies indicate a correlation between BMI and the degree of liver damage. The higher the BMI, the worse the liver disease141-145 . 几乎75%的肥胖患者有NAFL,在发展中国家中心 性肥胖是构成NAFL的特殊风险140。NAFL的主要原因 是胰岛素抵抗—它是一种代谢紊乱,体内细胞变 得对胰岛素不敏感。肥胖是胰岛素抵抗中最常见 的危险因素,特别是中心性肥胖,(腹部肥胖) 。研究表明BMI和肝损伤的程度相关,BMI越高, 肝脏疾病越严重141-145 。

Obesity Leads to Increased Risk of NAFL 肥胖可增加NAFL的风险

morbid obesity showed that substantial weight loss can have significant improvement on non alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, even a mere 10 percent weight loss can produce a significant improvement in this condition 147,148 . 虽然NAFL可由多种代谢性疾病,如糖尿病,胰岛 素抵抗综合征和腹部肥胖所印起,但减轻体重仍 是其中一个最有效的治疗方法。对行胃绕道手术 来减少病态肥胖的病人进行研究,显示大量体重 减轻的好处是能显着改善NAFL。然而,即使减轻 体重仅达10% ,在这种情况下也可产生显着改善147,148 。 Roux-en-Y Type of Gastric Bypass Procedure

The prevalence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease among patients suffering from obesity is estimated as follows: 70 percent have firststage steatosis, 20 percent have non alcoholic steatohepatitis, and 10 percent have cirrhosis. The risk for non alcoholic fatty liver disease increases with increased obesity. Therefore, patients with morbid or malignant obesity are at even higher risk of contracting this disease146 . 肥胖症中普遍存在的NAFL,其患病情状估计如 下:70%的有第一阶段的脂肪变性,20%的有 非酒精性脂肪性肝炎和10%的肝硬化。越肥胖 NAFL的风险越增加,因此,病态或恶性肥胖的患 者,NAFL的病情越严重146 。

Weight Loss Leads to Reduced Incidence of NAFL 减轻体重可减少NAFL的发生率 Although non alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by a combination of metabolic disorders, like diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome and abdominal obesity, weight loss remains as one of the most effective treatments. Studies of patients who have gone through gastric bypass to reduce


Source: healthsystem.virginia.edu


How do toxins build up in my body? Waste products and toxins

It’s not facials, diet plans or plastic surgery that you need. Bodily disorders, be it bad complexion or illnesses, simply stem from what’s accumulated in your body, so all you need is to detox. Not sure how it works? B & H Capsule has the answers and solution for you...

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wHat will Happen if i don’t detox? Toxins are at the root of most problems. If the body is unable to get rid of these toxins, one may experience unpleasant symptoms ranging from obesity and lethargy to constipation and low immunity to hormonal dysfunction. If the problem is not addressed, it can even escalate to potentially cancer-causing illnesses. Once they are removed, health and well-being return.

How sHould i detox? B & H Capsule contains an effective combination of Traditional Chinese medicinal ingredients that are specifically formulated to heighten the colon and intestinal activities. When the colon system is functioning well, the other detoxification channels are relieved of the stress of having to purge out toxins. This ensures that the body’s natural detoxification works efficiently to purge accumulated toxins. The colon system has also shown to be the body’s most effective channel. How long will it take before i see tHe results? B & H Capsule has been proven to successfully remove 80% of the body’s toxins after a 3-month cycle. It is also effective in breaking down encrustation in the colon from the body. COS essence has also proven to promote peristalsis of the digestive tract, break down stubborn fat, inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent inflammation.You’ll be looking fabulous and feeling great before you even realize it!

does b & H Capsule Have any side effeCts? Be rest assured for the Health Sciences Authority has affirmed that there is no known side effects noted from taking this pill, thanks to the use of its allnatural herbs. Moreover, your body will not develop any reliance on the pill. With the help of B & H Capsule, detoxing doesn’t have to a punishment and deprivation for your body.You don’t have to starve yourself or restrict your diet to just water and fruits. So go ahead indulge in your own needs, look after yourself, regenerate and nurture your body for a better well-being.

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accumulate in our body from the food we eat throughout the years. The human body has its own cleansing system to expel them. But sometimes, the detoxification channels fail to perform efficiently and toxins start to accumulate, especially when your diet is unhealthy or when you engage in bad habits like smoking and drinking.


运动 促进 排毒,

排毒 促进 健康。 Exercise to detox,

detox for health. VINCENT NG

Local Artiste | World Wushu Champion | Sea Games Gold Medallist



LFI (Singapore) (Singapore) Pte Pte Ltd Ltd LFI

LFI Wellness Sanctuary A holistic solution that combines the best of

East & West

Our Services Acupuncture slimming is gaining popularity among people from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds because it is an effective, holistic, natural, and painless process. The principle of acupuncture slimming is to stimulate certain acupoints of the body so that metabolism can be boosted and more energy is burnt. Partial slimming is possible by inserting needles into the fat area to enhance the blood circulation and expel waste from the body. Our acupuncture slimming coupled with a carefully tailored weight management program has helped many of our customers to slim down and achieve their body’s ideal. Bust enhancement & body shaping consultation educates our customers how to enhance their bustline and shape their body to achieve a beautiful contour and silhouette through our DermaCare Series. Wellness Sanctuary is indeed a holistic clinique that combines the best of East and West.


Chapter 6

Wellness Management Program 健康管理计划


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

Wellness Management Program

Wellness Consultant assisting our customer with body analysis

健康管理计划 There are many reasons that contribute to one becoming overweight or obese. They are genetics, lifestyles, metabolic rate, emotional or psychological factors, lack of physical activity and medical reasons. But 70% of our customers are overweight or obese due to their hectic lifestyles, bad eating habits, lack of rest and exercise while 30% are due to medical reasons. Therefore, our LFI Wellness Management Program is especially tailored for individual which targets on their lifestyle and problems without affecting their daily routine.

Consultation with LFI Nutritionist

超重或肥胖可有很多原因引起,有遗传学,生活 方式,代谢率,情绪或心理因素,缺乏体力活动 和疾病等因素,它们之间既相互影响,又相互促 成。70 %的超重或肥胖由不良的生活方式和饮食 习惯,再加上缺乏运动而引起的,而30 %与疾病 的医疗有关。我们lFI健康管理计划是针对每个超 重和肥胖的人的生活方式和存在问题,专门量身 特制的减肥计划,而不影响到他们日常的工作。 LFI’s Wellness Management Program is a holistic weight management program that combines both the best of East and West. This program focuses on eastern acupuncture and western technology health products that help in weight loss without affecting their daily lifestyles. 健康管理计划是一个结合东,西方最好的方法来 重塑全身的减肥计划,这一计划的特点是既有东 方的针灸,又有西方技术的健康产品,尤其是因 人而特定的,不会影响日常的生活方式。

Our Wellness Consultants will assess the customer’s lifestyle, needs or problems to understand their overall health before recommending the kind of treatment that is most effective and best suited for the customer. Our acupuncture physicians are then able to proceed with the acupuncture treatment targeted specifically at each customer’s problems.

Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

我们的健康顾问先全方位的了解顾客的生活方 式,他们的需要和存在的问题,并评估他们的健 康情况。在对每个问题都有了明确认识后,我们 的针灸医师才会针对客户的特有的问题,着手进 行针灸治疗。这种针灸治疗有助于保持或恢复健 康的身体。针灸是将细针插入中国古代经络系统 的穴位内。 This will be complemented with a diet that is planned according to customer’s lifestyle, body condition, blood type and eating habits. The objective is to empower our customers with the knowledge to make intelligent decisions pertaining to lifestyle and diet. 营养学家将根据顾客的生活方式,身体状况,血 型和饮食习惯来规划他们的饮食,其目的是给顾 客传授这方面的知识,以助他们在生活方式和饮 食习惯方面作出明智的选择。使客户明白正确的 饮食,在某种程度上有助恢复自身的良好状态, 有益于健康。此外,也给顾客提供这方面的信息 和新知识,帮助他们更快地达到目标。 Our physician doing acupuncture for our customer


The LFI Wellness Management Program involves 10 acupuncture sessions that help regulate or correct the flow of “Qi” to restore health and LFI health supplements that strengthen the body’s recovery of its original function. LFI健康管理计划涉及一个疗程的10次针灸,它有 助于调节或纠正的“气”的流通和促进健康;而 lFI保健补品可加强身体恢复其原有的功能。

Treatment 治疗 Acupuncture slimming is gaining popularity among people from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds because it is an effective, holistic, natural, and painless process to take off pounds. It is also a complementary therapy to one’s diet and exercise regime. Acupuncture can bolster one’s resilience, help fight cravings, and enhance one’s ability to respond positively to good diet and exercise choices. 针灸减肥有着广泛的文化和社会背景,正在推广 和普及中。针灸减肥有效,无痛,整体和符合生 理,也是饮食和运动减肥中的一个辅助疗法。针 灸可以帮助控制食欲,恢复活力。 Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that was developed in China at least 3,000 years ago. A word made up of the roots “acus” meaning needle, and “puncture” meaning the piercing of the skin, acupuncture literally translates to “puncture with needles.” By placing hair-fine needles into the skin at strategic points in the body known as “acupuncture points,” acupuncture can help to promote healing, alleviate pain, calm spasms and ticking, bolster the immune system, and generally encourage good health in myriad ways. 针灸是传统中医药的一种治疗形式,至少有三 千年的历史。“acus”的字根的含义为针,


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

“puncture”的含义为刺皮肤,acupuncture字面 上可译为“用针刺”。针灸是通过头发细的针刺 入皮肤上的“穴位”。针灸能有助于伤口愈合, 止痛,止痉,增强免疫系统,和促进身体的健 康。

当“气”失去平衡,闭塞或停滞,就产生疼痛和 疾病,反之,疼痛和疾病也可以导致“气”的失 衡。针刺是把针刺入与“气”不和谐位置相对应 的穴位,以求“气”的自由流动和平衡,从而减 轻症状。

The focus of acupuncture treatment is the “qi” (pronounced “chee”) or the life energy of the body. It is the belief of TCM that qi flows though every living thing and that it is what allows life to occur. Qi flows through the body through channels known as meridians. There are twelve major meridians of the body (and several minor meridians), which are associated with twelve major systems of the body. These are the lung, the large intestine, the stomach, the spleen, the heart, the small intestine, the bladder, the kidney, the pericardium, the san jiao (recognized as an organ only in TCM, and is considered to be a heat source of the body), the gall bladder, and the liver meridians. It is through these meridians that the qi flows, promoting life and well being, and affecting the quality of the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

Acupuncture slimming treatments can help our customers to achieve weight loss by means of needling the body and pressing auricular acupoints. Three main aspects can be achieved through acupuncture. Firstly, acupuncture can help most of our obese customers who suffer from different levels of endocrine disorders to regulate their endocrine system effectively. Secondly, acupuncture can reduce the level of activities in the stomach. That is to delay gastric emptying, inhibit the secretion of gastric acid which can reduce food consumption significantly as well as inhibit hyperactivities of the intestinal absorption. Thirdly, acupuncture helps to regulate lipid metabolism by reducing the level of lipid peroxidation in the human body while accelerating fat catabolism. In short, acupuncture is a process of dredging the meridians to regulate the functions of Zang-Fu Organs which in turn accelerate the metabolic processes and build up a new equilibrium between the body absorption, synthesis and metabolism, and decomposition to achieve weight loss purposes.

针灸治疗的关键是“气”,中医认为在每一个有 生命的体内是有“气”在流动,这种流动也被视 为生命的象征。“气”流动所经过的途径,称为 经络。身体内有十二个主要的经络(和几条次要 的经络),它与体内的12个主要的系统相关联; 这就是肺,大肠,胃,脾,心,小肠,膀胱, 肾,心包,三焦(中医认为三焦是体内存在的一 个器官,是体内热的来源),胆囊和肝等。“ 气”正是通过这些经络在体内流动,促进生命和 健康,并对生理,智力,精神和情绪有一定的影 响。 It is believed that when the qi is out of balance, blocked, or stagnated, illness and pain result. Pain and illness can also cause the imbalance of the qi. The process of acupuncture (placing of needles into the acupuncture points which fall along the meridians) corresponds with the location of disharmony of the qi to balance and allow it to flow freely again, thereby alleviating the symptomatic problems.

针灸减肥疗法是通过针刺体表穴位和压迫的耳廓 穴位,达到减轻体重的目的。针灸减肥疗法有三 个好处。首先,针灸可以有效地调整内分泌系 统,有助肥胖顾客改善内分泌的失调;其次,针 灸可以减少胃的蠕动,推迟胃的排空,抑制胃酸 的分泌,可大大减少食物的摄入,另外还能抑制 肠道的吸收功能;第三,针灸有助于调整脂质代 谢,减少人体脂质过氧化作用,反过来加速脂肪 的分解。总之,针灸是一个活络经络的过程,以 此来调整五脏六腑的功能,又能加速新陈代谢, 并在吸收,合成,代谢与分解之间构建一个新的 平衡,达到减轻体重的目的。 Acupuncture slimming treatments provide the customer with an enhanced ability to abstain from addictive foods like sugars and

Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

carbohydrates. In addition, it can bolster the level of energy in the body, making it easier for the patient to maintain an exercise routine and stay active during the day. The effects of acupuncture slimming treatments also have the capability to regulate sleep which is beneficial to promote weight loss. Regular sleeping patterns can sustain the body throughout the day, help to maintain a balanced lifestyle, and allow the metabolism to find a healthy and steady rhythm. Most importantly, during acupuncture slimming treatments, the body releases the endorphins popularly known as the “feel good” chemicals of the body. Many people who undergo acupuncture reported feeling relaxed and energized immediately after an acupuncture slimming treatment. This optimistic attitude and sense of overall well-being assists one throughout the day to make health conscious choices and maintain a positive lifestyle which helps in one’s ability to be successful in their weight loss goals.


针灸除了能抑制食欲之外,还可以提高体能,使 病人坚持日常运动变得简而易行。针灸还能调节 睡眠,有利于减肥。更重要的是在针灸减肥治疗 时身体能释放一种内啡肽的物质,又被称为身 体“感觉良好”的生物肽;很多接受过针灸的人 说,针灸减肥治疗后立即感觉轻松,充满活力。 这种乐观的态度有助于人们选择和保持一个积极 的生活方式,使减肥更有信心。

Supplements 保健品 Besides acupuncture, our customers will be given 4 LFI products to consume as part of the package. They are B&H Capsules, IMU6, Celebrim and S Factor. Each product plays a unique and important role in the Wellness Management Program. 除了针灸之外,我们另外还有4种LFI的产品,也 是健康管理计划一揽子方案的一部分。它们是排 毒美颜胶囊,Imu6,Celebrim HP-57和S-Factor, 每个产品在健康管理计划中发挥着重要作用。 Elimination of toxins in the body is essential to good health. Toxicity has become a big issue particularly in the 21st century. All of us are exposed to environmental pollutants everyday and that accounts for the toxication of our body on the external level. Toxins enter our body from the environment by inhalation of air, ingestion of foods and contaminated drinks. Besides environmental pollution, the direct consequences of growing levels of toxicity resulting from radiation of nuclear pollution and side effects of drugs and antibiotics adds to the increasing cases of cancer and cardiovascular disease.Other diseases such as chronic symptoms of headaches, fatigue, backaches, gastrointestinal problems, and weak immunity are all associated with the rising level of toxicity in the body.

Source: en.citizendium.org/wiki/Meridian

为了身体健康排毒是必不可少的,尤其是二十一 世纪排毒提到更重要的位置。我们每个人每天


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

都生活在污染的环境中,环境中毒素越高我们身 体中毒的可能性越大。通过吸入空气,摄取食物 和饮料,毒素可进入我们的身体。再加上核辐射 的污染和药物和多种抗生素的副作用,其直接的 后果是体内毒素的水平越来越高,癌症和心血管 疾病的病例不断增加。其他方面如慢性头痛,背 痛,疲劳,胃肠道疾病,免疫力低下都与人体内 毒素水平的增高相关。 On the internal level, different types of toxins are produced inside the body naturally. The byproducts of the body’s various biochemical and cellular activities need to be eliminated. If they are not eliminated, they will disrupt the normal functions of the body and cellular, as well as on an organ level. Even our overstressed mind is a potential source of biochemical toxicity. Therefore, the elimination of these toxins is essential to good health and it is through proper detoxification and cleansing programs that help us rid these unwanted and potentially harmful elements from the body. The human biological system is naturally equipped with detoxification mechanism to flush out these harmful chemicals. But toxin becomes a cause of worry when the body system receives toxin beyond the level of toleration or there is a slow down in the process of elimination. These situations are where a good detoxification program can help. The detoxification program helps our system to relieve itself of toxins and wastes and resume its basic functions to regain health and vitality. The body’s main detox organs include the lungs, liver, colon, kidneys, skin and lymphs. Detoxification is a form of transformational therapy that sparks off changes on different functional levels. These changes in turn, lead to healing. Detoxification displaces the years of toxin build ups and helps purge them through the different eliminative organs of the body. Once most of the chemicals are driven out, we start feeling lighter and more energetic. 机体本身也会产生毒素,身体各种的脏器和组织 可产生许多的副产品,就连我们的头脑在过分受

压后也会产生,这些副产品必须除掉,否则会影 响脏器的正常功能,因此排除毒素是维持身体健 康必不可少的。当你接收的毒素超出了身体所能 容忍的水平或者清除的能力,这时排毒计划能给 你帮助。排毒能减少体内的毒素和废料,恢复其 基本功能,使健康和活力再现。身体内排毒器官 包括肺,肝,结肠,肾脏,皮肤和淋巴系统。 Detoxification is also a very important component in treating obesity. Many of the toxins we ingest or produce are stored in the fatty tissues; hence, obesity is almost always associated with toxicity. When we lose weight, we reduce our body fat and also our toxic load. However, during weight loss we also release more toxins and need to protect ourselves from nutrient depletion through extra supplementation, including taking additional antioxidants to balance these toxins. Exercising will also promote the loss of excess pounds and help further detoxification162. 排毒也是减肥中一个重要的组成部分。我们摄入 和制造的许多毒素均是储存在脂肪组织内,当我 们减肥——减少我们体内的脂肪时,原来储存在 脂肪内的毒素也释放出来,此时不把毒素排出必 然影响到我们的机体162。 B&H Capsule is an excellent product for detoxification and is essential during the weight loss process. This product contains a potent combination of proprietary TCM ingredients specifically formulated to heighten colon or intestinal activities. When the colon system is functioning efficiently, the other detoxification channels are relieved of the stress of having to purge toxins. The colon system has been shown to be the most effective channel among the other detoxification channels. It had been proven that B&H Capsules are able to successfully remove 80% of the body’s toxins after a three-month cycle. It is also effective in breaking down encrustation in the colon and removing it from the body. In addition, it contains COS essence, which can promote peristalsis of the digestive tract, break down stubborn fat, inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent inflammation.


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

Therefore, B&H Capsule is a wonderful product to improve our organ functions and body system.

and cultivated for mass consumption. What makes IMU6 Colostrum stand out from other commercially cultivated colostrum is that it is made purely from the bovine colostrum that is extracted during the first 6 hours of a cow’s milking process. 在清除人体毒素后,正是用IMU6初乳来加强我们 身体功能的时间。牛初乳是一种被广泛接受的补 品,适合每个人,从婴儿到老人。牛初乳几乎与 人的初乳是相同的,其免疫因子是人初乳的4倍。 因为它纯粹是从乳牛产乳最初的6个小时内的初乳 中提取的。

B&H Capsules

排毒美颜胶囊是一个很好的排毒产品,也是减肥 过程中必不可少的。该产品含有一个中药成分, 能强有力地提高结肠或小肠的活动,而结肠是最 有效的排毒渠道。除此之外,还含有COM精华,它 可以促进消化道的蠕动,清除体内顽固的脂肪, 抑制细菌的生长和防止炎症。排毒美颜胶囊在服 用3个月后能够排除人体80 %的毒素,它也能粉碎 结肠上的斑块并把它清除出体外。 After the removal of body toxins, it is time to strengthen our body function with IMU6 Colostrum. Colostrum is widely accepted as a vital source of supplement that is suitable for everyone, ranging from infants to the elderly. The benefits of taking colostrum include higher energy levels, toner muscles as well as antiageing effects like clearer skin and a better overall health. In addition, this product is rich in protein and loaded with antibodies as well as other nutrients that are highly beneficial for building the body’s immune system, tissues, and organs. Research has confirmed that bovine or otherwise known as cow colostrum, is almost identical to human colostrum but contains four times as much immune factors. Moreover, the supply of bovine colostrum can be controlled

IMU6 Colostrum

Not only is it virtually impossible to extract human colostrum for commercial purposes, bovine colostrum is used also because of its extremely rich source of proteins and antibodies in the form of immunoglobulin and growth factors. Studies have shown that the bovine colostrum milked during the first 6 hours has the highest content of these constituents. The concept of using bovine colostrum is not new as it has been used to treat HIV-positive patients with chronic diarrhea. It is also a remedy against helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcer. Other benefits include improving the absorption of nutrients, increasing bone mass, strengthening the immune system, regulating the body foundations, preventing autoimmune


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

diseases, accelerate wound healing, preventing scar formation, improving metabolism, burning excess fat, restoration of skin elasticity and preventing premature ageing. Besides the above benefits, IMU6 Colostrum plays an important role in the Wellness Management Program because it contains the only natural source of IGF-1, the most powerful growth factor in our bodies. Medical Research has shown that without adequate amount of IGF-1, our bodies will burn muscle protein before they burn fat (catabolism) during times of fast or diet. Therefore, supplementing your exercise regime with colostrum can help to burn fat and build lean muscle mass. However, do note that muscle weighs more than fat thus there may not be significant change on the scale but differences can be seen on the sizes of the clothes instead! 是什么让IMU6从其他众多商业初乳中脱颖而出 呢?提取人的初乳用于商业用途是不可能的,而 用牛初乳代之是可行的,而且它有极其丰富的免 疫球蛋白和生长因子。研究表明,免疫球蛋白和 生长因子的含量在头6个小时的牛初乳中是最高 的。利用牛初乳并不是新闻,它早已被用来治疗 艾滋病患者的慢性腹泻,也用来治疗引起胃溃疡 的幽门螺旋杆菌。其他的好处包括改善营养的吸 收,提高骨量,加强免疫系统,调整人体的体 质,防止自身免疫性疾病,加速伤口愈合,预防 瘢痕形成,改善新陈代谢,燃烧多余的脂肪,恢 复皮肤弹性和防止过早老化。 除了上述的好处外,IMU6初乳在健康管理计划中 发挥着重要的作用,也因为它含有天然的IGF-1 , 我们的身体内最强大的生长因子。医学研究证明 没有足够数量的IGF-1 ,当我们的机体在禁食或禁 饮时,在燃烧体内脂肪(分解)之前会先燃烧肌 肉的蛋白。因而补充了牛初乳,使你在运动中就 燃烧脂肪,而不燃烧肌肉的蛋白,可造就一身强 健的肌肉。肌肉的重量是大于脂肪,所以早期脂 肪的减少在磅秤上可能没有显着的变化,但从衣 服的大小上是可以看出来的! One of the reasons that causes one to become overweight or obese is bad eating habits.

Therefore, it is essential for our customers to learn how to curb their appetite. Celebtrim H-P57 is an excellent appetite suppressant that tricks the mind into believing that one is not hungry. The main ingredient, Hoodia is a cactus-like plant that contains diet-suppressing substances. Hoodia is not found in any other part of the world except in the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa because it thrives in extremely high temperatures and takes years to mature. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world’s oldest and most primitive tribe, have been eating hoodia for thousands of years, to help ward off hunger pangs during long hunting trips. South African scientists found this plant so promising that they did a test on it and that’s how P57 – an appetite-suppressing molecule, was discovered. P57 is now harnessed in Celebtrim H-P57 and taken as a reliable supplement that helps regulate one’s diet and aid weight loss. 超重或肥胖的原因之一是不良的饮食习惯,所 以遏制食欲是至关重要的。Celebtrim H-P57 是一个极好的食欲抑制剂,它能使人不知饥 饿。Celebtrim H-P57是一种仙人掌类植物,含 有能抑制饮食物质。Celebtrim H-P57除了在南 非卡拉哈里沙漠外,在世界的其他任何地方还没 有发现过,它须在极高的温度中生长,而且历经 多年才能成熟。卡拉哈里沙漠里的San Bushmen 人 是 世 界 上 最 古 老 和 最 原 始 的 部 落 , 他们 吃Celebtrim H-P57已有几千年的历史,吃了 Celebtrim H-P57能在长期狩猎旅行中无饥饿感。南 非科学家对它做了常规测试,发现了P57,一种抑 制食欲的分子。Celebtrim H-P57正是靠P57产生 作用,有助于调节人的饮食习惯和帮助减肥。 Countless testimonials from those who have taken hoodia diet pills have proven that the plant works wonders in suppressing appetite, especially when you’re fasting. Some hoodia users claim they can refrain from food for 56 hours without feeling hungry or thirsty. Powders made from hoodia gordonii contain fiber, organic material and antioxidants. One of the most important active substances in it is steroidal glycosides - molecules that trick the

Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

brain into thinking that the stomach is full. The feeling is in fact similar to what is experienced after a meal.

Celebtrim H-P57

从服用Celebtrim H-P57的人中可找出无数个见 证,证明这种植物可以奇迹般地抑制食欲,当你 在禁食的时候这种作用更加明显。一些服用过 Celebtrim H-P57的人声称,他们可以56小时不吃 不喝,不感到饥饿或口渴。Celebtrim H-P57还富 含纤维,有机物质和抗氧化剂。其中最重要的活 性物质的是甾族配醣体分子,它能使大脑不知道 饿,误以为胃是饱的,有一种好像才经历了饱餐 的感觉。 Celebtrim H-P57 is able to curb calorie intake, resulting in weight loss. Scientific studies have shown that hoodia can significantly suppress one’s appetite, which in turn helps to shed off extra pounds. Obese individuals who took hoodia reported a much lower calorie intake. Most importantly, the use of hoodia as an appetite suppressant is all-natural and does not have any recorded side-effects, unlike drugs. Celebtrim H-P57能够抑制食欲也就抑制了卡 路里的摄取量,导致体重减轻;肥胖的人服用 Celebtrim H-P57后其卡路里的摄取量可减低很 多。最重要的是,作为抑制食欲剂的Celebtrim H-P57是纯天然的,没有任何副作用。


The last product which is included in the Wellness Management Program is S-Factor plus. This product is an excellent meal replacement and supplement for busy individuals as it provides all the daily nutrition we need without having to take any additional synthetic vitamin pills. It is also the perfect solution for those who lead a hectic lifestyle but yet wish to take good care of his or her health in a fast and convenient way. This advanced phytonutrient rich super food contains 90 uniquely combined nutraceutical ingredients. It is a 100% organic super food which does not contain any dairy, wheat, corn, artificial colouring and flavours, synthetic chemicals, preservatives, MSG, lactose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, egg, cholesterol, yeast, or added salt. 在健康管理计划中最后一种产品是S-Factor plus。此产品是极好的代餐包,它含有人体每日 需要的所有的营养,而不必再补充任何合成的维 生素药丸,S-Factor plus 给你的健康提供了快速 和便捷的途径。这种植物营养素含有90个独特的 营养成分,是一个100 %的有机食品,不包含任 何乳制品,小麦,玉米,人工色素,香料,合成 化学品,防腐剂,味精,乳糖,蔗糖,果糖,葡 萄糖,鸡蛋,胆固醇,酵母和食盐。 The reason for the potency of S-Factor plus lies in the ingredients that includes powerful antioxidants, digestive enzymes, plant fibers, probiotics, essential amino acids, standardized herbal extracts, plant sterols, nucleic acids, nutrient co-factors, cell pigments, essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and 6), naturally occurring whole food source vitamins and macro-trace minerals. These ingredients are derived from enzymatically active and alive foods and they work in synergy to provide you with an optimally balanced nutritional support so you don’t have to rely on synthetic vitamin pills. S-Factor plus的好处在于它含有的成分:功能 强大的抗氧化剂,消化酶,植物纤维,益生菌, 必需氨基酸,标准化中药提取物,植物甾醇,核 酸,营养的辅助因子,细胞色素,必需不饱和脂 肪酸(ω-3和ω-6),天然的维生素和微量元


Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

素。这些成分来自保鲜的食品的酶解,为您提供 一个最佳的平衡营养,使您不再需要人工合成的 维生素。 S-Factor plus provides powerful bioactive phytonutrients such as lycopene, zeaxanthin, lutein, sulforaphane, ellagic acid, carotenoids, isothiocyanates, and indole 3 carbinols for those who are looking for a complete nutritional supplement that promotes health, energizes vitality, cleanses the body system, enhances immunity and promotes alkalinity. In addition, S-Factor Plus also contains oat bran concentrate. According to the new FDA Heart Health Claim, “3 grams of oat bran soluble fiber daily, in a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

With reference to the 4 products in the Wellness Management Program, you will realize that none of the products are targeted specifically at weight loss. Instead, all these products are there to help individuals tune their normal body function and at the same time strengthen the body’s recovery. Therefore, with the Wellness Management Program, one can slim down and achieve weight loss in the most natural way without having to alter their lifestyle! In fact, many of our customers managed to achieve significant results without having the need to exercise. There are just three simple steps to remember when you are going through our program. Firstly, be disciplined to follow our diet plan. Secondly, have eight hours of quality sleep every night. Thirdly, drink at least 2 litres of water daily. 你应能察觉有关健康管理计划的4种产品中没有 一个产品是专门针对减肥。相反,所有这些产品 有助调整机体的功能,促进身体的复原。因此健 康管理计划的瘦身是在最自然的方式下,而不需 要变更任何生活方式下实现的!事实上,我们的 许多客户在瘦身上取得成功,并不是增加运动的 结果。当你在执行我们健康管理计划时有三个点 要记住:首先,是严格按照我们的饮食计划。其 次,每晚有8个小时的酣睡。第三,每天至少喝2 升的水。

S-Factor Plus

S-Factor plus提供功效强大的,具生物活性的植 物营养素,如番茄红素,玉米黄质,叶黄素,萝 卜硫素,鞣花酸,类胡萝卜素,异硫氰酸酯,和 吲哚3甲醇,能活跃生命力,净化了体内的系统, 增强免疫力和提高体内含碱的浓度。此外,SFactor plus 还含有浓缩的燕麦麸,根据最近美国 食品及药物管理局有关心脏健康文件宣称:“每 日3克的燕麦麸可溶性纤维,再加低胆固醇和饱和 脂肪的饮食,可降低患心脏病的风险。”

With the Wellness Management Program, we aim to help our customers understand their own bodies and problems. We also empower our customers with the knowledge to make intelligent decisions pertaining to lifestyle and diet. For those who have medical conditions, we hope to improve their health conditions and minimize their reliance on medication consumption. 我们健康管理计划的目标是帮助我们的客户了解 自己的身体和存在问题,还传授我们的客户有关 的知识,以求对生活方式和饮食作出明智的选 择。对于那些有其它疾病的顾客,我们希望能够 改善他们的健康情况,并尽量减少其对药物的依 赖。

Wellness Management Program • 健康管理计划

Chapter 7

Testimonials 见证


Testimonials • 感言

Ah Joo, 47



After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication.

Ah Joo works as a chef in a local Japanese restaurant. His hectic schedule does not allow him to exercise. He weighed about 70kg and had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, serious constipation and poor absorption problems when he first came to LFI Wellness Sanctuary. In fact, he was on medication for both his high blood pressure and cholesterol problems.

Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Ah Joo lost 5kg and his waistline reduced by 3cm within 7 days. After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication. After 3 months, Ah Joo lost a total of 12kg. He no longer suffers from constipation and he feels healthier because his body is able to absorb nutrients better.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 19kg (In 3 Months)


Before 70kg

Weight (kg)


Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


After 59



Esther Tan, 28


Testimonials • 感言

After LFI’s Wellness Management program, Esther managed to lose 12kg and her muscle improved to normal, her fats and arms also went back to normal in our evaluation chart.

Esther used to weigh 62kg and had high water retention due to work-related stress, irregular meals and bad eating habits. Therefore, her first body composition analysis reflected that her muscle was sarcopenic, her fats content under the nutrition status table was over the healthy level and her arms were under developed. Furthermore, her short hours of sleep had caused her metabolic rate to be low and anemic. After LFI’s Wellness Management program, Esther managed to lose 12kg and her muscle improved to normal, her fats and arms also went back to normal in our evaluation chart. She also learnt to manage her stress and develop good eating habits. She does not have anymore water retention problems and she can now sleep better, thus improving her metabolic rate.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 12kg (In 3 Months)

Before 62kg



Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


74 M

Testimonials • 感言

Ah Joo, 47



After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication.

Ah Joo works as a chef in a local Japanese restaurant. His hectic schedule does not allow him to exercise. He weighed about 70kg and had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, serious constipation and poor absorption problems when he first came to LFI Wellness Sanctuary. In fact, he was on medication for both his high blood pressure and cholesterol problems.

Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Ah Joo lost 5kg and his waistline reduced by 3cm within 7 days. After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication. After 3 months, Ah Joo lost a total of 12kg. He no longer suffers from constipation and he feels healthier because his body is able to absorb nutrients better.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 19kg (In 3 Months)


Before 70kg

Weight (kg)


Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


After 59



Felicia Gwee, 26


Testimonials • 感言

Her subsequent body analysis also showed that her fats have reduced to the ideal level, her body cell function has improved and she does not have water retention problems anymore.

With reference to Felicia’s first body analysis, she was overweight by at least 10kg and had high water retention. This was attributed to her irregular meals and unhealthy diet as she likes to eat desserts and tidbits. Felicia’s body cell function was low and she had low metabolic rate due to short hours of sleep. Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Felicia successfully lost 13.5kg within 3 months! Her subsequent body analysis also showed that her fats have reduced to the ideal level, her body cell function has improved and she does not have water retention problems anymore.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 13.5kg (In 3 Months)


Before 62kg

Weight (kg)


Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)




69.5 S

Testimonials • 感言

Schen Quek, 32



Besides weight loss, his blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level reverted to normal and his back does not ache anymore.

Schen used to lead a very unhealthy lifestyle. He also needed to drink alcohol regularly to entertain his guests due to the nature of his work. The frequent drinking and his inconsistent diet have caused him many health problems and he weighed an unhealthy 90kg then. Furthermore, he also had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver and mild diabetes. He experienced backaches and sharp pain on his knees that did not allow him to sleep well at night. Schen could not walk up a flight of stairs without feeling breathless. However, all these changed after he started LFI’s Wellness Management Program. With the help of B&H capsules, IMU6, S Factor and Body Sculpting Gel, Schen lost 15kg within 3months. Besides weight loss, his blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level reverted to normal and his back does not ache anymore. He has even stopped snoring and his knees have stopped hurting. He is delighted to find that he could even jog again! Schen is glad to regain his health and looks forward to better products from LFI Singapore.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 15kg (In 3 Months)

Before 89.9kg



Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)



Size Change (XXL-S)



Serene Saw, 36


Testimonials • 感言

Through the program, Serene also learnt the right eating habits and became a more confident person. She now strongly believes in “losing weight in a healthy manner”.

Serene used to have bad eating habits which resulted in her having a flabby body due to high water retention. Her overall body shape also appeared to be disproportional. Serene’s cholesterol level was high and her first body composition analysis reflected high percentage of body fats.

With LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Serene successfully lost a total of 12kg within 10 weeks. In addition, she also managed to lose 18cm at her waist, 9cm at her arms and 13cm at her hips. Through the program, Serene also learnt the right eating habits and became a more confident person. She now strongly believes in “losing weight in a healthy manner”.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 11kg (In 3 Months)

Before 66.5kg



Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


78.5 S

Testimonials • 感言

Ang Siew Lian, 47



Siew Lian not only looks slimmer now, she also looks younger and healthier. In addition, she also practises good eating habits and is able to sleep and control her stress better.

Siew Lian put on weight due to ageing, stress, lack of sleep, and bad eating habits. She originally weighed 64kg when she first visited LFI’s Wellness Sanctuary. Based on her first body analysis report, her muscle condition was healthy but her fats content was not, based on the nutrition status table.

Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Siew Lian successfully lost 11.5kg within 3 months and she now weighs 52.5kg which is considered an ideal weight for her build and age. Siew Lian not only looks slimmer now, she also looks younger and healthier. In addition, she also practises good eating habits and is able to sleep and control her stress better.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 11.5kg (In 3 Months)


Before 64kg

Weight (kg)


Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)



52.5 77 S










Testimonials • 感言

Benedict Goh, 28

After going through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Benedict successfully lost 19kg within 3 months! In addition, he has learned to lead a healthier lifestyle and practise good eating habits.

Benedict was overweight since young due to his unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits. He has tried very hard to exercise to lose weight but to no avail. His first body analysis has showed that his muscle was sarcopenic and his fats content under the nutrition status table was over the healthy level. After going through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Benedict successfully lost 19kg within 3 months! In addition, he has learned to lead a healthier lifestyle and practise good eating habits. With a better understanding of his body, he is now able to exercise with more significant results. His last body analysis reflected that his muscles have grown stronger and he has managed to reduce his body fats.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 18kg (In 3 Months)

Before 92.5kg



Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


86.5 M

Testimonials • 感言

Ho Yin Yin, 23



Most importantly, our program managed to improve her hormonal imbalance issue and her menstruation has since become regular.

Yin Yin used to skip breakfast and has a soft spot for tidbits. She also suffered from insomnia and only able to sleep for 5 to 6 hours each day. For the past 9 months, Yin Yin also experienced hormonal imbalance and her menstruation was irregular. All the above issues contributed to her being obese. She had previously tried slimming pills but there was little significant results.

With the LFI Wellness Management program, Yin Yin successfully lost 29kg within 3 months! She now practices good eating habits and her insomnia problems have been resolved so she is able to rest well everyday. Most importantly, our program managed to improve her hormonal imbalance issue and her menstruation has since become regular.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 29kg (In 3 Months)

Before 110kg



Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)


Size Change (XXL-S)


94 L

Low Wei Ren, 26


Testimonials • 感言

He believes that his new image has helped him win the confidence of his clients and he no longer has aching knee problems whenever he exercises.

Wei Ren is in the property industry where image plays a crucial role when meeting his customers. However, his unhealthy diet, bad snacking habits and lack of regular sleep caused him to become overweight. As a result, it created a negative impact on his image. Wei Ren attempted to jog and cycle twice a week to try to shed his weight but his heavy body weight caused him to experience bad knee pains.

After completing the LFI Wellness Management Program, Wei Ren successfully lost 19kg and he is now a completely new person. He believes that his new image has helped him win the confidence of his clients and he no longer has aching knee problems whenever he exercises. With the help from our nutritionist providing him with a guideline to a healthy diet, Wei Ren is able to understand his body better and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Body Composition Analysis

Total Weight Loss: 19kg (In 3 Months)


Before 100.5kg


Weight (kg)



Waist (cm)



Size Change (XXL-S)



Chapter 8

Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program 研究论文


Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Simple Obesity with Acupuncture, TCM Herbs and Meal-Replacement (July 09 to December 05, 2007)

针灸、中药配合膳食替代治 疗单纯性肥胖的临床观察 (2007年7月9号至2007年12月5号) Prof. Shen Xiao Ming 沈晓明1 Dr. Lim Choo Keok 林秋吉1 Mr. William Chua 蔡潍镇2 1. Fujian Chinese Physician Hall 福建中医院 2. LFI Singapore 龙发国际 Abstract objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture, Chinese herb and mealreplacement on simple obesity. Methods: 92 cases of simple obesity patients were treated with acupuncture, TCM herbs and meal-replacement for 1 month, out of which 22 of them were treated for 2 months. The results of the weight, fat, waist-hip ratio and basal metabolism were compared after 2 weeks, 1 month and 2 months respectively. Results: The weight, fat and waist-hip ratio decreased significantly in the first month. The basal metabolism decreased significantly in the

first 2 weeks and decreased slightly during the 3rd and 4th week. During the second month, the weight, fat and waist-hip ratio continued to decrease significantly while the basal metabolism remained the same. Conclusion: The effect of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and meal-replacement are effective methods to proven to treat obesity and results are more pronounced after 2 months of treatment. Key Words: Obesity/Simple Obesity Acupuncture Chinese Herbs Diet 摘要目的:观察针灸、中药配合膳食替代治疗单 纯性肥胖的效果。 方法:92例单纯性肥胖患者接受针灸、中药及膳 食替代治疗1个月,其中22例治疗2个月;分别比 较治疗前、治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后、治疗 2个月后的体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢 量。 结果:在第1个月,体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值均显 著降低,而基础代谢量前半月显著降低,后半月 轻度降低;在第2个月,体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值 继续显著降低,而基础代谢量则基本保持不变。 结论:针灸、中药配合膳食替代治疗单纯性肥胖 疗效确切,且2个月的治疗效果比1个月要好。 关键词: 肥胖/单纯性肥胖




Obesity refers to excessive accumulation and (or) abnormal distribution of body fat, which results in body weight gain and this is a common metabolic disease. Generally, obesity is divided into two major categories of obesity - simple and secondary obesity. Simple obesity has no significant endocrine and metabolic disorders, including constitutional obesity and acquirable obesity. Simple obesity accounts for more than 95% of the obese population. Secondary obesity can be found in the Neuroendocrine


Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

disorders, e.g. hypothalamus dysfunction, pituitary disorder, pancreas islet disease, hypothyroidism, hyperadrenalism and gonad dysfunction. Obesity is just one of the main symptoms[1]. Obesity is not only unsightly; it may also be the cause of many health hazards such as lipid metabolic disorder, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease and gout. Therefore, obesity together with AIDS, drug addiction and alcohol abuse are the four worldwide medical social problems. In recent years, we have used acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and meal-replacement to treat simple obesity, which have achieved good results. The report is as follows. 肥胖指体内脂肪堆积过多和(或)分布异常、体 重增加,是一种常见的代谢性疾病。肥胖一般分 为单纯性肥胖和继发性肥胖两大类。其中单纯性 肥胖是指无明显内分泌与代谢性病因的肥胖,包 括体质性肥胖和获得性肥胖,占肥胖人群的95%以 上;继发性肥胖多见于下丘脑病、垂体病、胰岛 疾病、甲状腺功能减退症、肾上腺皮质功能亢进 症、性腺功能低下症等神经、内分泌失调的疾病 中,肥胖只是其主要症状之一[1]。 肥胖不仅不美观,更对健康造成极大的危害,它 是导致脂肪代谢紊乱、冠心病、Ⅱ型糖尿病、高 血压、脑血管疾病、痛风等的危险因素,因而与 艾滋病、吸毒、酗酒并列为世界性四大医学社会 问题。我们近年来采用针灸、中药配合膳食替代 治疗单纯性肥胖取得了良好的效果,现报告如 下。 1 Clinical data 临床资料 1.1 General Information 一般资料 A total of 92 obese cases from LFI Wellness Sanctuary enrolled in this clinical study and all of them completed Treatment Program I. Out of which, 22 cases went through and completed Treatment Program II.

Out of the 92 cases who participated in Program I, 77 of them are female (83.70%) while 15 are male (16.30%); the oldest patient is 63 years old while the youngest is 19 years old and their Mean age is 37.83 ± 10.83; the heaviest patient weighed 138.80kg while the lightest patient weighed 43.50kg thus the Mean weight is 71.82 ± 17.79kg. Out of the 22 cases who participated in Program II, 17 of them are female (77.27%) and 5 are male (22.73%); the oldest patient is 62 years old while the youngest is 22 years old and their Mean age is 39.09 ± 11.22; the heaviest patient weighed 126.30kg and the lightest patient weighed 54.60kg thus the Mean weight is 70.64 ± 17.90kg. 92例单纯性肥胖患者均来自新加坡LFI Singapore 的Wellness Sanctuary,全部完成方案一的治 疗,其中22例完成方案二的治疗。 92例参与方案一的患者中,女性77例(占83.70% ),男性15例(占16.30%);年龄最大63岁, 最小19岁,平均37.83±10.83岁;体重最大 138.80kg,最小43.50kg,平均71.82±17.79kg。 22例参与方案二的患者中,女性17例(占77.27% ),男性5例(占22.73%);年龄最大62岁, 最小22岁,平均39.09±11.22岁;体重最大 126.30kg,最小54.60kg,平均70.64±17.90kg。 1.2 Diagnostic Criteria 诊断标准[2] ① Medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests can be excluded in secondary obesity; 病史、体检和实验室检查可除外继发性肥胖; ② One is diagnosed with obesity when any 2 of the criterions are complied; measured body weight that is 20% more than the standard body weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25, body fat of men that is above 30% and women above 35%. 实测体重超过标准体重的20%,体重指数

Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

( Body Mass Index,BMI)超过25,体脂百分 率男性超过30%、女性超过35%,3项中有2项 符合者。 1.3 In-depth criteria 纳入标准 ① Meet the diagnostic criteria for simple obesity; 符合以上单纯性肥胖的诊断标准; ② Age 18 to 65 years old 年龄18-65岁 1.4 Exclusion criteria 排除标准 ① Secondary obese patients; 继发性肥胖患者; ② Pregnancy or breast-feeding women; 妊娠或哺乳期妇女; ③ Patients with severe cardiovascular disease or liver disease are not to carry out the program that provides acupuncture, medication, meal-replacement, as well as laboratory tests. This is to avoid failure to determine the efficacy, or to collect information. 合并严重心脑血管疾病或肝肾疾病的患者未按 规定方案进行针灸、服药、膳食替代以及检 测,以致无法判断疗效,或资料收集不全的患 者。 2 Method 方法 2.1 Treatment 治疗方法 Acupuncture 针灸: ① Body acupuncture; acupuncture points on the body including Zhangwan, Guan Yuan, Tianshu, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, and so on, according to the condition with the addition and subtraction of main points; electroacupuncture with sparse and density waves for 30 minutes, the interval for next visit is 3 to 7 days; 体针; 中脘、关元、天枢、足三里、三阴交等 为主穴,随证加减;电针疏密波,时间30分


钟;每3-7天1次。 ② Auricular points with pressure: Shenmen, stomach, spleen, Sanjiao, endocrine, subcortical area and so on, according to the condition with the addition and subtraction of auricular points. Using ear magnetic sticker once every 3 to 7 days, and the alternation of two ears; whereby one should press on the magnetic sticker in order to achieve a slight pain at the ears everyday for 5 minutes each time, once in the morning, afternoon and night respectively. 耳穴贴压:神门、胃、脾、肺、三焦、内分 泌、皮质下等,随证加减;采用耳穴磁疗贴, 每3-7天1次,两耳交替;每日早中晚各自行按 压1次,每次约5分钟,以耳廓轻微胀痛为度。 TCM supplement 中药 Consume B&H Capsules, 2 to 4 capsules each time, twice a day. 排毒美颜宝胶囊,每次2-4粒,每天2次。 Meal replacement 膳食替代 S-Factor Plus, according to the guide book, consumption to replace 1 to 3 daily meals; IMU6 Colostrums 2 to 4 capsules each time, 3 times a day. S-Factor Plus,按指导书服用,代替每日的1-3 餐;IMU6 Colostrum,每次2-4粒,每天3次。 Program I 方案一 Acupuncture (body acupuncture and auricular points with pressure, 10 sessions each), consumption of B&H Capsules, IMU6 and SFactor for one month; 为针灸(体针、耳穴贴压各10次),服用排毒美 颜宝胶囊、S-Factor Plus、IMU6 Colostrum,时 间1个月; Program II 方案二 Consume B&H Capsules, acupuncture (body acupuncture and auricular points with pressure, 15 sessions each), consumption of S-Factor for two months continuously. 服用排毒美颜宝胶囊、针灸(体针、耳穴贴压各


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2.2 Observation 观察指标

① Comparison against before treatment and two weeks after treatment, the results of t were 15.96, 14.17, 8.44 and 6.52 respectively. There were very significant differences (P<0.01) in both sides. 治疗前、治疗半个月后比较,结果t值分别为 15.96、14.17、8.44、6.52。经双侧检验,均 为P<0.01,有极显著性差异。

The InBody 2.0 produced in South Korea is used to measure body weight (W), fat weight (F), waist-hip ratio (FD), and basal metabolic rate (BMR). This machine will be used during 4 phases of the treatment. That is, before the treatment, two weeks, one month and two months after the treatments respectively. 采用韩国出产的人体成分分析仪InBody2.0,检测 体重(kg)、肌肉量(kg)、脂肪量(kg)、腰 臀比值、基础代谢量(kcal),时间为治疗前、 治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后、治疗2个月后。 2.3 Statistical Analysis 统计分析 The t test with paired design is used to analyze the Mean of two samples and the statistical data is processed on SPSS11.0 for Windows software. 采用配对设计两样本均数比较的t检验,在 SPSS11.0 for Windows 软件上进行。 3 Treatment Results 治疗结果 3.1 Program I 方案一 Components such as the body weight (kg), fat weight (kg), waist-hip ratio, basal metabolic rate were measured and compared before the treatment and two weeks after the treatment. This study was based on 92 patients who completed Program I and statistical analysis was done on their body weight, fat, waist-hip ratio, and basal metabolic rate. The results were as follows:

② Comparison against two weeks and one month after treatment, the results of t were 10.00, 8.03, 7.79 and 1.91 respectively. There were very significant differences (P<0.01) in both sides of the body weight, fat, waist-hip ratio; no significant difference (P>0.05) in both sides of the basis between metabolism. Please refer to Table 1 and Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4. 治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后比较,结果t值分 别为10.00、8.03、7.79、1.91。经双侧检 验,体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值之间,均为 P<0.01,有极显著性差异;基础代谢量之间 P>0.05,无显著性差异。见表1及图1、图2、 图3、图4。 Table 1 Program I 表1方案一 Statistical analysis of the body weight, fat weight, waist-hip ratio, BMR before treatment, two weeks and one month after the treatment 治疗前、治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后 体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢量情况与统计学分析 NOTE: Comparison before the treatment, △ P<0.05,△△P<0.01 注:与治疗前比较,△P<0.05,△△P<0.01

方案一治疗前、治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后的 体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢量情况及比 较。 92例研究对象规范完成方案一及观察,对其体 重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢量分别进行统

Comparison after 2 weeks treatment,

Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文




3.2 Program II 方案二

Components such as the body weight (kg), lean mass (kg), fat weight (kg), waist-hip ratio, basal

metabolic rate were measured and compared before treatment, two weeks, one month, and two months after the treatment. This study was based on 22 patients who completed Program II and statistical analysis was done on their body weight, fat, waist-hip ratio, basal metabolic rate. The results were as follows:

② Comparison against two weeks after treatment and one month after the treatment, the results of t were 4.76, 3.88, 5.67, 1.81. There were very significant differences (P<0.01) in both sides of the body weight, fat and waist-hip ratio, no significant difference (P>0.05) in both sides of BMR. 治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后比较,结果t值分 别为4.76、3.88、5.67、1.81。经双侧检验, 体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值之间,均为P<0.01, 有极显著性差异;基础代谢量均之间,为 P>0.05,无显著性差异。 ③ Comparison against one month and two months after the treatment, the results of t were 3.67, 4.37, 3.81 and 1.18 respectively. There were a very significant difference (P<0.01) in both sides of body weight, fat and waist-hip ratio; no significant difference (P>0.05) in both sides of BMR. Please refer to Table 2 and Figure 5, 6, 7, and 8. 治疗1个月后、治疗2个月后比较,结果t值分 别为3.67、1.00、4.37、3.81、1.18。经双侧 检验,体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值之间,均为 P<0.01,有极显著性差异;基础代谢量间, 为P>0.05,无显著性差异。见表2及图5、图 6、图7、图8。

方案二治疗前、治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后、治 疗2个月后的体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢 量情况及比较。

Table 2 Program II 表2方案二 Statistical analysis of the body weight, fat weight, waist-hip ratio, BMR before treatment, two weeks, one month and two months after the treatment 治疗前、治疗半个月后、治疗1个月后、治疗2个月后 体重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢量情况与统计学分析

22例研究对象规范完成方案二及观察,对其体 重、脂肪量、腰臀比值、基础代谢量分别进行统 计分析,结果如下:

NOTE: Comparison before the treatment, △ P<0.05,△△P<0.01 注:与治疗前比较,△P<0.05,△△P<0.01

① Comparison against before treatment and two weeks after the treatment, the results of t were 9.31, 7.88, 4.57 and 4.04 respectively. There were very significant differences (P<0.01) in both sides. 治疗前、治疗半个月后比较,结果t值分别为 9.31、7.88、4.57、4.04。经双侧检验,均为 P<0.01,有极显著性差异。

Comparison after 2 weeks treatment,


Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

▲ P<0.05,▲▲P<0.01 与治疗半月后比较,▲P<0.05,▲▲P<0.01

Comparison after 1 month treatment, ※ P<0.05,※※P<0.01 与治疗1月后比较,※P<0.05,※※P<0.01

4 Conclusion 结论

疗前与治疗半个月之间最大减重8.00kg,平均减 重2.99±1.80kg;而治疗半个月与治疗1个月之间 减重的速度相对较慢,但在统计学上仍有极显著 性差异。 In Program II, the results from weight loss are also obvious. The speed of weight loss is fast during the period before and two weeks after the treatment as well as the period between one and two months after treatment. During the former period, the maximum of weight loss among the 22 cases is 6.50kg and the Mean weight loss is 3.39 ± 1.71kg. The speed of weight loss is relatively slower during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment. 方案二减重效果也十分明显。其中治疗前与治疗 半个月、治疗1个月与治疗2个月之间减重的速度 较快,例如,22例患者在治疗前与治疗半个月之 间最大减重6.50kg,平均减重3.39±1.71kg;而 治疗半个月与治疗1个月之间减重的速度相对较 慢。 4.2 Fat Tissues 脂肪

4.1 Body weight 体重 The major concern of these patients, who enrolled for the weight loss program, is their body weight. This study has shown that: In Program I, weight loss has proven to be very effective and the amount of weight loss is greatest between the period before the treatment and two weeks after the treatment. During this period, the greatest amount of weight loss among the 92 cases is 8.00kg and the Mean weight loss is 2.99 ± 1.80kg. Although the speed of weight loss is relatively slower during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment, there are still significant statistical differences during this period. 参与减重计划的患者首先关注的是自己体重的变 化。本研究显示: 方案一减重效果十分明显。其中治疗前与治疗半 个月之间减重的速度较快,例如,92例患者在治

The main objective of weight loss is fat reduction. This study has shown that: In Program I, fat reduction results have been effective and the speed of fat reduction is faster between the period before and two weeks after the treatment. During this period, the greatest amount of fat reduction among the 92 cases is 5.10kg and the Mean is 2.08 ± 1.41kg. There are significant statistical differences during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment even though the speed of fat reduction is relatively slower. 减重主要还是减脂肪。本研究显示: 方案一减脂肪效果十分明显。其中治疗前与治疗 半个月之间减脂肪的速度较快,例如,92例患者 在治疗前与治疗半个月之间最大减去5.10kg脂 肪,平均减去2.08±1.41kg脂肪;而治疗半个月 与治疗1个月之间减脂肪的速度相对较慢,但在统 计学上仍有极显著性差异。

Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

In Program II, fat reduction results have also been very obvious. The speed of fat reduction is fast during the period before and two weeks after the treatment as well as one and two months after the treatment. During the former period, the greatest fat reduction among the 22 cases is 5.00kg and the Mean is 2.27 ± 1.35kg. The speed is relatively slower during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment. 方案二减脂肪效果也十分明显。其中治疗前与 治疗半个月、治疗1个月与治疗2个月之间减脂 肪的速度较快,例如,22例患者在治疗前与 治疗半个月之间最大减去5.00kg,平均减去 2.27±1.35kg;而治疗半个月与治疗1个月之间减 脂肪的速度相对较慢。


Program II has also significantly reduced the waist-hip ratio. The reduction of waist-hip ratio is much faster during the period between one and two months after the treatment; while the periods before and after two weeks treatment and two weeks and one month after the treatment are relatively slower. 方案二也能使腰臀比值显著减少。其中在治疗1个 月与治疗2个月之间速度较快;而治疗前与治疗 半个月、治疗半个月与治疗1个月之间速度相对较 慢。 4.4 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 基础代谢率

There is high positive correlation between waisthip ratio and visceral fat. The waist-hip ratio is of great significance in the assessment of weight loss effects because when the waist-hip ratio decreased, it enabled the risk of obesity-related diseases to reduce significantly even though there are little or no body weight changes. This study has shown that: Program I can significantly reduce the waist-hip ratio. The reduction of waist-hip ratio is much faster during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment while it is relatively slower during the period before and after two weeks treatment. However, there are still significant statistical differences during both periods.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy expended in the conditions similar to early mornings when the body is in a quiet, relaxed and comfortable environment of 18 ~ 20℃, without physical, mental and digestive activities that requires energy consumption. High BMR results from the body’s energy consumption in this environment has great significance to the body’s weight reduction or maintain the effects of weight loss. This study has shown that: In Program I, the reduction of BMR is relatively faster during the period before and two weeks after treatment. During this period, the maximum reduction among the 92 cases is 108.90 and the Mean reduction is 19.80 ± 29.11. The speed of BMR reduction is relatively slower during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment. However, there are no significant statistical differences during both periods.

腰臀比值的大小与内脏脂肪量高度相关,在减重 效果的评估中具有非常重要的意义。当该比值减 小时,即使体重无改变或变化不明显,也能使肥 胖相关性疾病的发病危险显著降低。本研究显 示: 方案一能使腰臀比值显著减少。其中在治疗半个 月与治疗1个月之间速度较快;而治疗前与治疗半 个月之间速度相对较慢,但在统计学上仍有极显 著性差异。

基础代谢率(Basal Metabolic Rate,BMR)为机 体在清晨、安静、松弛状态下,处于18~20℃舒适 环境中,无体力劳动、脑力劳动和消化活动时所 消耗的能量。基础代谢率高,意味着安静时身体 消耗的能量多,这对体重的降低或减重效果的维 持均具有十分重要的意义。本研究显示: 在方案一其中治疗前与治疗半个月之间基础代谢 率下降的速度较快,例如,92例患者在治疗前与 治疗半个月之间基础代谢率最大减少108.90,平

4.3 Waist-hip ratio 腰臀比值


Research Papers on LFI Wellness Management Program • 研究论文

均减少19.80±29.11;而治疗半个月与治疗1个月 之间基础代谢率下降的速度相对较慢,从统计学 分析其实无显著性差异。 In Program II, the speed of BMR reduction is faster during the period before and two weeks after treatment. During this period, the maximum reduction is 76.30 and the Mean reduction among the 22 cases is 23.55 ± 27.33. The speed of BMR reduction is relatively slower during the periods between two weeks and one month after the treatment as well as one and two months after the treatment. There are no significant differences on the BMR between one and two months after treatment. 在方案二其中治疗前与治疗半个月之间基础代谢 率下降的速度较快,例如,22例患者在治疗前与 治疗半个月之间基础代谢率最大减少76.30,平均 减少23.55±27.33;而治疗半个月与治疗1个月、 治疗1个月与治疗2个月之间基础代谢率下降的速 度相对较慢,例如,在治疗1个月与治疗2个月之 间,基础代谢率的降减从统计学分析其实无显著 性差异。 4.5 Comprehensive Mean of regular weight loss pattern 本综合手段的减重规律 Firstly, regardless whether it is Program I or II, the speed of body weight and fat tissues reduction are relatively slow during the period between two weeks and one month after the treatment yet the rest of the other periods are fast; During the period before and two weeks after the treatment, the speed of BMR are relatively fast while the other periods are slower and did not seem to have any increase trends; longer treatment taken for weight loss can reduce the waist-hip rate faster. 首先,无论是方案一还是方案二,在治疗半个月 与治疗1个月之间,体重的减轻速度、脂肪的减去 速度均相对较慢,而其他时段则较快;在治疗前 与治疗半个月之间,基础代谢率的下降速度均相 对较快,而其他时段则缓慢下降,未出现上升趋 势;腰臀比值的降低则是治疗时间越长,速度越 快。

Secondly, Program I and II have the same effects on weight loss during the first month of the program. However, during the second month, the speed of weight loss, fat tissues and waisthip ratio reduction began to accelerate while the BMR changed slightly with the tendency of rapid decline in the early stage and gradually restrained. As a result, first month treatment is more critical as compared to the second month. 其次,方案二的第1个月减重效果与方案一类似; 在第2个月中,体重的减轻速度、脂肪的减去速 度、腰臀比值的减少速度等又开始加快,而基础 代谢率则变化不大,初期急速下降的势头逐渐被 遏制。因此,与第1个月相比,第2个月的治疗更 加关键。 In conclusion, the effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and western naturopathy methods to treat obesity are definite. These methods enable the body weight, fat tissues and waist-hip ratio to reduce significantly and two months of treatment is essential. Depending on individual, the course of treatment can be prolonged further so that the Chinese medicine can nourish the “Qi” and support the “Yang”. In addition, by adjusting the diet composition and doing physical exercises, the body can be strengthened in order to maintain or even improve the BMR. The above mentioned are the focus of the current research while the other subjects are still in progress. 总之,以传统中药、针灸配合西方自然疗法治疗 肥胖症效果确切,可使体重、脂肪、腰臀比值显 著减少,而且2个月的治疗时间是非常必要的。 至于在整个减重过程中如何使基础代谢率保持不 变甚至有所提升,可以依据个人体质,从增加疗 程时间、配合益气扶阳中药、调整饮食结构、加 强身体锻炼等角度着手,目前相关研究仍在进行 中。

Chapter 9

Questions and Answers 问题与回答


Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

1. What should you do if you need to lose weight?

Your body gets energy from food so any excess energy will be stored as fat. This means that if you consume more food than your body requires for daily activities and body maintenance, you will gain weight. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you will need to use up the stored fat in the body. The most effective way to lose weight is to: • reduce your intake of calories • increase your physical activities That is why experts emphasize on diet and exercise when they talk about weight loss.

produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5–2.5 kilograms.

2.哪一种低热量饮食是好的呢? 促进体重减轻的低热量饮食一般分为两大类,低 卡路里饮食和非常低卡路里饮食。 低卡路里饮食通常每天能产生500-1000卡路里, 每星期可减轻体重0.5公斤,美国国家卫生研究院 通过34个随机对照试验确定低热量饮食减轻体重 有效,发现低热量饮食3-12个月之间能降低体重 的8%以上149。非常低卡路里饮食保持蛋白质的摄 入的同时,限制脂肪和碳水化合物的摄入量,每 天饮食产生的热量限制在400卡路里或以下。他们 有明显的饥饿感,平均每周减轻体重1.5至2.5公 斤。

1.如果您需要减肥,您应该做些什么呢? 你的身体从食物中得到能量,任何过剩的能量作 为脂肪储存起来。这意味着如果你吃了的食物比 你身体日常活动和身体维持所需要的要多,你会 体重增加,长胖。减肥,你需要将你身体储存的 脂肪用掉,最有效的方法是: • 减少你摄入的卡路里 • 增加你的运动量 这就是专家所谈的减轻体重中的饮食和运动。

2. Which kind of low calorie diet is good?

There are 2 types of low calorie diets that can promote weight loss. They are low calorie and very low calorie diets. Low calorie diets usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1000 calories per day, which can result in a 0.5 kilogram weight loss per week. The National Institutes of Health of USA reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets and they found out that these diets can lower the total body weight by 8% within 3-12 months149. Very low calorie diets maintain protein intake while limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, the heat generated in daily diet was restricted to 400 calories or below. They subject the body to starvation and

3. What is low-carbohydrate diet?

Low carbohydrate diet is a type of low calorie diet. The renowned low carbohydrate diet created by Dr. Robert Atkins is popularly known as the Atkins Diet. There are four phases of losing weight according to the Atkins diet: (1) induction (2) sustained weight loss (3) pre-maintenance (4) lifetime maintenance. Atkins Diet recommends as low as 20-30 grams of “net carbohydrate” per day, at least in the early stages of dieting150 . The American Medical Association provides the following definition of low-carbohydrate diets. Lowcarbohydrate diets restrict carbohydrates intake to 20 to 60 g per day. The consumption of protein and fat is increased to compensate for part of the calories that formerly came from carbohydrates151. The Atkins diet involves the restriction of carbohydrates and changes the body’s metabolism from burning glucose as fuel to burning stored body fat. Another advantage is the tendency to decrease the onset of hunger (perhaps due to longer duration for digestion because fats and proteins take longer to digest than carbohydrates). A recent research article published by New England Journal of Medicine

Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

confirmed that using a low-carbohydrate diet to reduce body weight was much more effective than a low-fat diet and Mediterranean diet152. Low-carbohydrate diets have been the subject of debates in the medical fields for the last three decades and only recently, a group of researches supports Atkins’ claim152—161. The basis of lowcarbohydrate diet put forth by the U.S. scholars: low-fat, high-protein diet has all the advantages that can help the body’s fat metabolism.

3.什么是低碳水化合物饮食? 低碳水化合物饮食是一种低热量饮食。众所周知 的低碳水化合物饮食是美国阿特金斯医师首倡 的,故又通称为阿特金斯饮食。用阿特金斯饮食 减轻体重分四个阶段: (1)诱导期; (2)持续的体重减轻期; (3)前期的维持期和 (4)终生维持期。 他们建议“净碳水化合物”的水平每天低于20-30 克,至少在节食的初期阶段要这样 150。美国家庭 医师医学会提供了以下的低碳水化合物饮食的定 义:低碳水化合物饮食每天摄入碳水化合物的量 限制在20至60克,而蛋白质和脂肪的摄入量增加, 以弥补部分以前来自碳水化合物的热量151。阿特金 斯饮食至所以要限制碳水化合物,是由此将人体 的代谢从葡萄糖燃烧的供能转变成燃烧体内储存 脂肪而供能。另一个好处是减肥开始的饥饿感减 轻,可能是由于这种饮食要较长时间的消化(消 化脂肪和蛋白质比消化碳水化合物需要更长的时 间)。最近在新英格兰医学杂志发表的一篇多中 心合作研究的文章证实用低碳水化合物饮食减肥 与低脂肪饮食和地中海饮食相比,不论一年或二 年的时间其减肥效果是最好的 152。低碳水化合物 饮食在近三十年的医学界里一直有激烈的争议, 只是在最近一系列的研究结果完全支持Atkins的 主张152—161。近来在低碳水化合物饮食的基础上美 国学者提出了低碳水化合物;低脂肪和高蛋白饮 食,它有低碳水化合物饮食所有的优点,又有利 于人体的脂肪的代谢。

4. How to reduce your calorie intake?

There are no shortcuts to losing weight in a


healthy and sensible way. Intake of 600 to 1000 calories daily in the first two weeks can result in losing between 1 and 2 kg each week and this is a realistic target. During the 4-8 weeks, intake of 300 to 500 calories daily can result in about 1 kg of weight loss per week. Therefore, it takes around 3 months to reduce 10 kg of the body weight.

4.如何降低摄取的卡路里量? 要健康和合理的方式减轻体重并没有捷径可行, 在头两个星期每天少吃600至1000卡路里,可导致 每星期减轻体重在1和2千克之间,这是一个现实 的目标。之后4—8个星期每天少吃300至500卡路 里,每星期可减轻体重约1千克,三个月大约可减 轻体重10千克。

5. What is acupuncture slimming?

Acupuncture slimming is the process of inserting needles into strategic body acupoints and the application of pressure on auricular acupoints to inhibit gastric acid secretion that can prolong gastric emptying time, promote metabolism and body fat consumption, regulate the imbalanced endocrine system to achieve the purpose of slimming.

5.什么是针灸减肥? 针灸减肥是通过针刺人体某些穴位、耳穴按压 等,以抑制胃酸分泌,延长胃排空时间;促进机 体脂肪代谢,消耗积存的脂肪;调节人体内分泌 的失衡,从而达到减肥目的。

6. What kind of results can acupuncture slimming achieve?

Generally, one can lose 3% to 5% of the original body weight within a month through acupuncture slimming treatments. However, do note that someone who has a heavier body weight will slim down faster as compared to the other whose weight is closer to his/her ideal body weight. Acupuncture focuses mainly on self-regulation. Therefore, weight reduction through acupuncture slimming is unlikely to continue indefinitely.


Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

6.针灸减肥能达到一个什么样的效果呢? 一般来讲,一个月能减去3-5%的体重。同时,越 胖的人减的越快,而越接近正常的人减的越慢。 因为针灸主要着眼于调理,减肥不可能是无止境 瘦下去的,针灸不可能让肥胖者最后比正常人还 瘦,更不可能变得骨瘦如柴的。

7. What is so special about acupuncture slimming?

Acupuncture emphasizes on the overall body regulation unlike other slimming methods such as deliberate dieting, exhaustive exercising, liposuction, and other common methods. For instance, when the functions of the spleen and stomach are regulating well, the obese patient will naturally not crave for excessive sweets or fried food and the feeling of hunger will also reduce significantly. Hence, slimming is not a painful process anymore because they do not have to struggle and torture themselves to engage in strenuous exercises despite their poor health or when they feeling hungry. In addition, acupuncture slimming is a simple and very convenient process because it does not leave any scars, produce any toxic or side effects. Furthermore, there are no cases of patients losing consciousness, ketoacidosis or anorexia nervosa when undergoing acupuncture treatments. Therefore, acupuncture slimming is a natural and safe process.

7.针灸减肥的特点是什么? 针灸减肥和其他减肥方式不同,它不主张刻意的 节食、疲劳运动、抽割脂肪等,而是注重对人体 的整体调理。比如,若我们把肥胖者的脾胃功能 调好了,那么他自然就不想吃过量的甜食、煎炸 食品等,而且饥饿感也会明显下降,这样减肥就 不是一件痛苦的事情。不用眼看着好吃的东西, 日复一日、年复一年地去和自己斗争;不用在身 体非常虚弱甚而饥饿的情况下,还要不断地折磨 自己要跑个几千米。另外,针灸减肥非常方便, 不会遗留疤痕,没有毒副作用,没听说针灸减肥 之后,就诊者饿得昏死过去,或者出现什么酮症 酸中毒、神经性厌食症。所以,针灸减肥是一种 绿色减肥模式。

8. What are the advantages of acupuncture slimming?

1. Acupuncture slimming is very effective with 95% success rate. Patients who undergo acupuncture slimming will not experience fatigue, anorexia, diarrhea, rebound, side effects, or relaxation of skin during the process. It is particularly suitable for those who are unable to cope with hunger, exhaustive exercises and/or pain during liposuction. 2. Obesity-related diseases such hypertension, high blood lipids, fatty liver, diabetes, skeleton and joint diseases, dysmenorrhea, and irregular menstruation can be treated simultaneously. Therefore, acupuncture slimming can achieve both healthcare and slimming effects. 3. Acupuncture slimming treatments are customized based on individual characteristics and problems so as to achieve more effective results.

8.针灸减肥的优势在那里? ①在减肥过程中不乏力、不厌食、不腹泻,效 果好(减肥成功率在95%以上),不易反弹, 无副作用,减脂后皮肤不松弛,特别适合于 节食怕饿、运动怕累、手术怕痛的肥胖者。 ②能同时调理高血压、高血脂、脂肪肝、糖尿 病、骨骼骨关节疾病、痛经、月经不调等肥 胖并发症,有治疗和保健双重功能,属于健 康减肥。 ③能根据客人的不同特点,制定出个性化的针 灸减肥治疗方案,针对性更强。

9. What is the mechanism of acupuncture slimming?

Acupuncture slimming (needling body acupoints and pressing auricular acupoints) can achieve 3 main effects: 1. Regulate the Endocrine System: Acupuncture can regulate endocrine disorders in obese patients. 2. Inhibit Appetite: Acupuncture can

Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

reduce stomach activities so as to delay gastric emptying and inhibit the secretion of gastric acid which can significantly reduce food intake. At the same time, acupuncture can inhibit the hyperactivities of intestinal absorption. 3. Regulate Lipid Metabolism: Acupuncture can decline the level of lipid peroxidation in our body and accelerate fat catabolism. In short, by dredging meridians and regulating functions of Zang-Fu Organs, acupuncture can accelerate the metabolic processes and build up a new equilibrium between the body’s absorption, synthesis and metabolism to achieve weight loss.

9.针灸减肥的作用机理是什么? 针灸减肥通过扎针和贴耳穴,主要能收到3个方面 的效果: ①调节内分泌:很多肥胖者都有不同程度的内 分泌紊乱,针灸能有效地调节。 ②抑制食欲:针灸能降低胃的活动水平,使餐 后胃排空延迟,抑制胃酸过多分泌,因而使 进食量明显减少;同时,可抑制亢进的肠道 吸收。 ③调节脂质代谢:针灸能使人体中过氧化脂质 含量下降,加速脂肪分解。总之,针灸通过 疏通经络,调节脏腑功能,以加快人体新陈 代谢,使机体的吸收、合成与代谢、分解形 成新的平衡,从而达到减肥目的。

10. What is the duration of each acupuncture session and the interval between each session for the entire course?

Each acupuncture session takes about 40mins. Firstly, pressure seeds will be pasted on the auricular acupoints and this takes about 5mins. Secondly, the selection of acupoints, sterilization and needling, application of electrical stimulation and withdrawal of needles will take another 35mins. The recommended interval between acupuncture sessions are as follow:


First course: daily consecutive treatments for the first three sessions and intervals of three or four days for the remaining seven sessions. The first course will take around one month. Second course: interval of every five or seven days for all ten sessions which will last around two months.

10.做1次针灸治疗需要多长时间?可以几天 来1次? 做1次针灸治疗大约需40分钟。首先,耳穴贴敷压 籽治疗大约需5分钟;其次,体针从选穴、消毒、 针刺、电刺激到最后起针大约需要35分钟。 在整个针灸治疗计划中,第1个疗程10次的安排 是:前3次是连续治疗,后7次是每隔3~4天治疗1 次,时间1个月;第2个疗程10次安排是:每隔5~7 天治疗1次,时间是2个月。

11. Why is there a need for a second course of acupuncture slimming? Isn’t the first course sufficient to see results?

The effect of acupuncture slimming is a cumulative process. It is unrealistic to expect a slimmer body after just a few acupuncture sessions. Therefore, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the first course, it is strongly recommended that customers take up the second acupuncture course to maximize the result. The second acupuncture course consists of 10 sessions whereby the interval for each session is five or six days apart. Therefore, the entire course should not take longer than two months to complete. Based on extensive clinical studies, the process of acupuncture slimming can be divided into the following three stages: 1) Preliminary Stage (1 to 4 weeks): During this stage, the body weight can be reduced by at least 5% but this trend will not continue. 2) Middle Stage (4 to 8 weeks): There may not be significant weight loss during


Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

this period. As a result, customers may lose confidence and give up on the treatment. In fact, this is a crucial stage because our body will rebuild its new metabolic equilibrium and the body’s fat distribution will also be changed during this period. Therefore, adhering to the treatment program is very important. 3) Last Stage (after 8 weeks): During this stage, the body weight will decrease continually and maintain at a reasonable level. The phenomenon of acupuncture is to maintain the body’s metabolic equilibrium. At the preliminary stage, acupuncture treatments can strengthen the body’s energy consumption so the body will use up the stored fat in order to maintain the metabolic equilibrium which will cause the body weight to decrease quickly. During the middle stage, the surface area of the body decreases and the metabolic equilibrium is also lowered after a few acupuncture sessions. Therefore, the weight changes are gradual and not obvious. During this period, it is important to continue acupuncture treatments with modification of diet plans and exercises in order to rebuild a higher cut-off metabolic equilibrium. This in turn will result the body to consume more stored fat and eventually achieve an ideal slimming effect.

11.为什么我必须做2个疗程的针灸减肥?难 道1个疗程不够吗? 针灸减肥是一个疗效逐渐累积的过程,如果指望 几针扎下去就能够变得身材窈窕,那也是不现实 的。所以,为扩大针灸治疗作用,巩固治疗效 果,当第1个疗程结束后,最好进行第2个疗程 (共10次)。在第2个疗程中,可5-6天针灸治疗1 次,两个月左右完成治疗。 根据大量临床研究,针灸减肥过程一般可划分为3 个阶段: ①初期(1~4周):一般能快速减去5%左右的体 重,但这种趋势不是一直延续。

②中期(4~8周):为平台调整时间,体重变化 缓慢。这可能使部分客人失去治疗信心,放 弃治疗,但这恰恰是机体重建新的代谢平衡 点的关键时刻,这时体重虽未减轻,但体内 的脂肪分布正在发生变化,所以坚持治疗非 常重要。 ③后期(8周以后):体重稳定、缓慢下降,并保 持在合理水平,不再回升。 以上这一现象与针灸对机体代谢平衡点的调节有 关。初期,由于针灸加强了机体的能量利用,为 了维持原有的代谢平衡,机体就要动用积存的脂 肪,所以体重快速下降;中期,由于通过数次针 灸后,体重下降,人的体表面积减小,相应的机 体代谢平衡点也下降,因而体重变化逐渐不明 显。这时需要继续接受针灸治疗,同时积极配合 饮食、运动,以形成较高的代谢平衡点,进一步 动用机体积存的脂肪,只有这样才能获得理想的 减肥效果。

12. Is acupuncture treatment painful?

The nerves that are capable of pain detection are mainly distributed on the superficial area of the body. As the tip of the acupuncture needle is very thin, there will not be any painful feeling when the needle penetrates through the epidermis into the layer of fat underlying it. Occasionally, some people may experience slight pain when they are nervous or worried thus causing their muscles to have tension or spasm. Generally, the pain will naturally disappear when one adapts to acupuncture after one or two sessions. However, it must be pointed out that feelings of sourness, numbness, distension or heaviness around the needled acupoints may occur. Sometimes, these feelings may persist along the meridian lines when the needle is inserted into an acupoint. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) refers this kind of phenomenon as “Zhengan” (needling sensation) which guarantees the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment.


Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

痛觉神经主要分布在身体表皮层,而针尖很细, 所以只要在瞬间穿过表皮层,达到下面的脂肪 层,就不会有很痛的感觉。有些人出现疼痛,可 能是因为精神紧张、恐惧,以致肌肉紧张、痉挛 造成的。一般针刺1-2次适应后,痛感自然就会消 失。 需要指出的是,一般针刺入穴位后会有酸、麻、 胀、重等感觉,有时这些感觉还会沿着一定路线 (经络)向远部传导,中医称为“针感”,并认 为这是保证针灸治疗有效的条件之一。

13. What are the do’s and don’ts with regards to food intake during acupuncture slimming?

The general principle is not to eat until one feels hungry. One should take fish, chicken, lean meat, milk and dairy products, beans and soy products, vegetables and fruits as the main source of energy. Breakfast and lunch should be rich in nutrients while dinner should mainly consist of vegetables and fruits.


be controlled otherwise there is no way to make the body consume fats in the event of excessive carbohydrates intake. The intake of rice or noodles should be controlled at the early stages of acupuncture slimming and regular diet can be restored gradually after the weight reverts back to normal. 14.为什么针灸减肥初期需要配合控制一下米 饭或面食(即碳水化合物)? 首先,肥胖者大多都存在高胰岛素血症,而胰岛 素能抑制脂肪分解,促进脂肪合成。由于碳水化 合物能使胰岛素增高,所以为了使胰岛素水平降 低,就必须控制碳水化合物的摄入。 其次,人体消耗能量时,先是消耗碳水化合物, 然后才消耗脂肪,控制米饭或面食是为了让机体 更多地消耗脂肪。如果摄入过多的碳水化合物, 就没有办法把脂肪消耗掉。 所以,针灸治疗初期需要配合控制一下米饭或面 食,达到标准体重后,就可以逐渐恢复正常饮 食。

13.在针灸减肥期间饮食方面有什么要注意的? 总的原则是不饿不吃,饿了再吃。可以选择鱼、 鸡、瘦肉、奶类及奶制品、豆类及豆制品、蔬 菜、水果等为主要能量来源;早、中餐要吃好, 晚餐以清淡的蔬菜、水果为主。

14. Why should I reasonably control the intake of rice or noodle (carbohydrates) during the early stage of acupuncture slimming? Firstly, an obese patient normally has a high level of insulin in their blood. The insulin can inhibit the decomposition and promote the synthesis of fats. As carbohydrates can induce high levels of insulin in the blood, one must control the intake of carbohydrates in order to decrease it. Secondly, carbohydrates are used for energy consumption before fats can be consumed. Therefore, to make our body consume more fats, the intake of rice or noodle should

15. What is deemed as normal reactions in the acupuncture slimming process?

Body acupuncture and auricular acupressure can inhibit the peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract which can reduce the appetite and relieve the feeling of hunger. At the same time, one may experience reactions such as feeling thirsty, increased frequency of urine, bowel movements, and fatigue. These reactions are normal because our body function is constantly being adjusted to meet the accelerating metabolism and energy consumption. When the body re-establishes its new equilibrium, these reactions will disappear.

15.针灸减肥过程中会有哪些正常反应? 针刺、耳压穴位后,一般可以抑制胃肠的蠕动, 因而食欲降低,饥饿感减轻。同时,可能会出现 口渴、大小便次数增多、疲劳等反应,这些也属 于正常现象。因为通过针灸治疗,机体的内在功 能不断调整,促使新陈代谢加快,能量不断消 耗,等到机体重新建立平衡,这些反应就会消失。


Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

16. Are there any side effects in acupuncture slimming?

There are no side effects in acupuncture slimming. Occasionally, there may be slight subcutaneous hemorrhage or mild allergic reaction at or around the needling area. For slight subcutaneous hemorrhage, there may be a small purple bruising patch which will dissipate after a few days. For mild allergic reactions, there may be a small erythema patch at or around the needling area which may sometimes cause mild itching but it will disappear after a few days.

16.针灸减肥有没有副作用? 针灸减肥没有任何副作用,但针刺的局部偶而会 有微量皮下出血或轻度过敏反应。 局部微量皮下出血,可能会有一小块青紫或淤 青,一般不必处理,几天后即自行消退;局部轻 度过敏反应,主要表现在针眼及周围出现小红点 或红斑,有时有轻度痒感,一般不需处理,几天 后即自行消退。

17. Why does the needling area occasionally become purple or bruised after acupuncture?

The reason is because the tip of the needle hurts the capillaries under the skin. However, this slight subcutaneous hemorrhage does not cause adverse effects to the body and it will disappear after three to five days. It is difficult to avoid such situations even though the probability is low.

17.扎针以后皮肤出现乌青是怎么回事? 由于针尖碰到了皮肤下的毛细血管,所以皮下瘀 血。一般3-5天后乌青会自动消失,对人体健康无 任何不良影响。不过,尽管这种情况出现的机率 很低,但很难避免。

18. Can patients with heart disease, hypertension or hyperlipidemia participate in acupuncture slimming?

Yes. In fact, these patients should participate

in acupuncture slimming. The link between obesity and coronary atherosclerotic heart disease is that some risk factors occur in obese patients result in abnormal lipidemia, increased blood pressure, insulin resistance, and reduced glucose tolerance. As obese patient consumes excessive calories, they will have high levels of cholesterol and increased blood pressure which in turn worsen the atherosclerosis. In addition, with low physical activity, it is difficult for these patients to build up by-pass circulation after the plaque is formed in the coronary artery. Furthermore, these obese patients will consume two times more oxygen when doing physical activities as compared to another with normal weight. The increased consumption of oxygen will increase the cardiac output that may cause the obese patient to suffer from exertion angina easily. Therefore, obesity should be controlled and treated to prevent heart diseases. Obesity is one of the risk factors for hypertension and this is obvious to both pathology and clinical practice. Therefore, obesity should be controlled and treated to prevent hypertension. Obesity is one of the major factors that can influence the level of lipidemia. The body mass index (BMI) is proportional to the level of lipidemia. The incidence of hyperlipidemia is 23% to 40% in obese patients which is much higher than the general population. Therefore, reduction of weight is the most imperative task for patients who have hyperlipidemia.

18.患有冠心病、高血压、高血脂症是否能参 加针灸减肥? 当然能参加针灸减肥,而且应该参加。肥胖与冠 心病之间的联系是由于肥胖同时存在心血管危险 因素,如血脂异常、血压增高、胰岛素抵抗、葡 萄糖耐量减低等。肥胖者摄取过多热量,在体重 增加的同时,血清胆固醇也增加,血压升高,使 动脉粥样硬化加重。另外,肥胖者体力活动减 少,当冠状动脉形成斑块后不易形成侧支循环。 再者,肥胖者由于心输出量增加而增加氧耗量, 当运动时肥胖者的氧耗量将2倍于正常体重者,故 肥胖者易发生劳力型心绞痛。所以,预防冠心病 应从减肥开始。 肥胖作为高血压发病的危险因子,无论是病理

Questions and Answers • 问题与回答

学所述,临床所见都是明确的。所以,预防高血 压应该先减肥。肥胖是影响血脂水平的主要因素 之一,体重指数与血脂升高程度呈正比,肥胖人 群高血脂症的检出率为23-40%,远远高于普通人 群,所以,对于高血脂症的人士,减肥是当务之 急。

19. Can I receive acupuncture slimming when planning for pregnancy? Will it affect the baby in the future?

We suggest that obese women who are planning for pregnancy to participate in acupuncture slimming. This is because their heavy body weight will increase further after pregnancy and this will lead to weak contraction of the womb and may in turn affect the fetus. Therefore, prepregnancy weight loss is a very wise policy for the sake of the mother’s health and it does not affect the baby in the future.

19.怀孕前可不可以针灸减肥?将来对孩子有 影响吗? 对于肥胖而又准备怀孕的女性,我们建议她们参 加针灸减肥。因为如果太胖,怀孕会使体重进一 步增加,这样在分娩过程中,不但会导致宫缩无 力,影响胎儿顺利出生,而且对自己的身体健康 也有不良影响。所以,在怀孕前减肥其实是很明 智的,将来对胎儿也不会有影响。

20. Does menstrual cycle affect the effectiveness of acupuncture slimming?

Menstrual cycles do have some influence on the effectiveness of acupuncture slimming. Many women will experience hormonal changes which can lead to water retention before their menstruation cycle. Hence, their body weight may not reduce during this period or they may even experience slight rebound. However, this is a temporary physiological phenomenon. Their body weight will continue to decline after this period.


20.月经周期对针灸减肥有影响吗? 有一定影响。很多女性月经将至时,体内性激素 的变化会导致钠水潴留,此时体重可能不减,或 略有回升。但这只是暂时的生理现象,过后体重 还会继续下降。

21. What other symptoms and diseases can be relieved or treated when receiving acupuncture slimming treatments?

Obese patients normally have symptoms such as fatigue, aversion to heat, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, abdominal distension, constipation, edema, sexual dysfunction, and etc. These symptoms can be improved significantly during the acupuncture slimming process. Some obese patients also have diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperviscosity, cholelithiasis, osteoarthritis, menstrual disorders, and gout. Acupuncture slimming can also serve as a good adjuvant therapy for treating these diseases.

21.针灸除减肥之外,还能改善哪些症状和治 疗哪些疾病? 肥胖者常伴有乏力、怕热、出汗、头痛、头晕、 心悸、气短、腹胀、便秘、浮肿、性功能减退等 不适症状,通过针灸减肥,它们都会得到明显的 改善。另外,肥胖常伴发的高血压、冠心病、糖 尿病、高血脂症、高粘血症、胆石症、骨关节 病、月经失调、痛风等,针灸在减肥的同时,对 这些疾病也能起到良好的辅助治疗作用。

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YOUR DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO LFI WELLNESS SANCTUARY Obesity is a formidable enemy to health which can cause many illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, osteoarthritis, fatty liver diseases, and etc. This book illustrates the different causes of obesity and how one can lose weight through the most natural and holistic program from LFI Wellness Sanctuary. Numerous customers have benefited from our program and see what they have to say about their current health conditions. “After 3 weeks of the program, my blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and I have since stopped my medication.”

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