LFI Product Catalog

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Healthy living is Your Choice

Your Choice begins with LFI





Product catalog

CONTENTS Long Far 02 B&H Capsules

The award winning Traditional Chinese Medicine

04 S&V Capsules

A natural energy booster and vitality product

05 F-Essence


Brand for everyone

Every woman’s best friend

Laboratory Formula HealthCare Series

06 IMU6 Colostrum

Your essential anti-bodies

08 S-Factor Plus

Meal replacements that works for you

09 Celebtrim H-P57

Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant

dermaCare Series

10 Anti-Cellulite

Reduces skin imperfections

Glucosamine Relief

For joint & muscle recovery

skinCare Series

11 Age-Defying Essentials With Phyto-Cellular formula

12 Nutri-C Capsules

Advanced whitening and collagen synthesis

14 Testimonials Linac Fusion 22 Oxygen Therapy Kit

Your answer to endless hours of oxygen

Humbly beginning in 2006 with just one product B&H Capsules, LFI has since expanded our product range to incorporate numerous other health supplements and beauty formulas for our customers. Specifically categorized into TCM naturopathy products under Long Far, anti-aging products under Laboratory Formula HealthCare series, and technological lifestyle products under Linac Fusion, LFI will continue to bring more exciting and unique products to enhance our customers’ needs in the years to come! Turn the pages and be embraced by the wonderful world of LFI’s product range and learn more about the products that are being used daily by countless satisfied customers! For more information, do visit our website www.lfintlgroup.com regularly or call our customer service hotline 6842 4329.

23 Atom Power by Power ZTM The World’s fuel saving enzymatic agent

All product information are accurate as of Sept ‘10. Featured products are subjected to availability. LFI SINGAPORE reserves the right to change or update product specification and packaging.

LFI Singapore Management

02 03 L O N G F A R


The award winning Traditional Chinese Medicine

B&H CAPSULES 排毒美颜宝 Introduction Undoubtedly LFI’s best selling product, B&H’s popularity is mainly due to the numerous awards for its performance and quality, the most significant being the Hong Kong Top Ten Products Award and the Superbrands award. Celebrities in Hong Kong swear by its efficacy, while even Singapore's own local celebrity Marcus Chin has also personally testified to B&H Capsules as the secret to their perennial radiance.

产品介绍 毫无疑问,“排毒美颜宝”是 LFI最 畅销的产品之一, 它也是在市场上最多消费者所选择的排毒产品。它 荣获香港无数大奖,例如“香港十大产品优越奖” 和“超级品牌奖”。它也是众多香港名艺人的首选 并亲身体验过 “排毒美颜宝”的功效。这还包括了 新加坡顶尖的综艺大哥陈建彬,他将 “排毒美颜宝” 视为必备的保健美颜品。

How Does B&H Capules Benefit You? B&H Capsules contain a potent combination of proprietary Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ingredients specifically formulated to heighten colon or intestinal activities.

“排毒美颜宝”如何帮助你? “排毒美颜宝”内含有多种的中草药成分,它能有 效的加强肠胃的蠕动。

When the colon system is functioning efficiently, the other detoxification channels are relieved of the stress of having to purge toxins. The colon system is also shown to be the most effective channel among the six detoxification channels. It had been proven that B&H Capsules are able to successfully remove 80% of the body’s toxins after a three-month cycle. It is also effective in breaking down encrustation in the colon and removing it from the body. In addition, it contains COS essence, which can promote peristalsis of the digestive tract, break down stubborn fat, inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent inflammation.

For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/longfar/bnh.html

大肠功能如能正常操作,那它将减轻其它排毒器官的 负荷,所以大肠是六个排毒通道中为最有效的一个 通道。 实验证实,服用“排毒美颜宝”3个月后可以排除体 内80%的残留毒素。它也可以软化大肠内的污垢,使 它顺利排出体外。 “排毒美颜宝”含有珍贵的COS精华,COS精华可以 增强肠胃的蠕动,分解顽固脂肪,防止细菌的滋生 ,有消炎的等等作用。

促进排毒, 运动促进 排毒, “ 运动


Exercise to detox,

detox for health. Vincent Ng Local Artiste, World Wushu Champion & Sea Games Gold Medallist

Traditional Chinese Medicine is the mother of natural cures. Singapore celebrity, Vincent Ng completes his exercise regime with B&H capsules. LFI (Singapore) Pte Ltd WWW.LFINTLGROUP.COM | FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY HOTLINE, PLEASE CONTACT (65) 6842 4329.

03 L O N G F A R


A natural energy booster & vitality product

S&V CAPSULES 填精生力宝 Introduction Super Vitality is a natural herbal product that is suitable for all healthy individuals who need to replenish and promote vitality and boost energy. This product is developed from traditional Chinese medicine and manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. The ingredients are made of valuable, pure natural herbs thus the product does not contain any animal hormones. Numerous clinical experiments have shown that "Super Vitality" can promote overall wellbeing and vitality. It is especially ideal for those suffering from fatigue, insomnia, declining libido, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus etc. Therefore, if you are longing for a healthy body that is full of energy and vitality, or dreaming for a satisfactory sexual life, Super Vitality is your choice! Start your regular replenishment and nourishment now in order for all your dreams to come true! How Does S&V Capsules Benefit You? Vitality is an essential component of the human body. Chinese medical research has proven that "vitality" affects the nerve system, secretion and immune system. Hence, when one reaches the age of 30, the function of the respective system declines and this leads to frequent fatigue, insomnia and dreamful sleep, waist soreness and knee flaccidity, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, decrease in sex desire and premature ejaculation. Therefore, "Super Vitality" is a form of tonic to be taken daily to replenish the required nutrients in the body to generate vitality, boost energy and improve one’s overall well-being!

For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/longfar/sv.html

产品介绍 “填精生力宝”是采用纯天然植物的中草药,并以 先进科技方法所配制而成,它完全不含任何动物激 素。经多年临床实验证明“填精生力宝”能有效增 强体魄和精力,提高身体机能。服用 “填精生力宝” 后,身体就犹如“加油”般,疲劳时能即时“加油”; 消耗的精力就能很快恢复,令健康的你更加精力充 沛。 “填精生力宝”适用于健康人士充当每日的补 充剂,并增强和提高机体功能,促使享有持久旺盛 的精力。 “填精生力宝”对疲劳乏力、失眠多梦、 性功能减退、腰膝酸软、头晕昏眩、耳鸣等症状也 有显着的帮助。经多次临床研究证实 “填精生力宝” 具有填精、生力、养阴、安神、益智、调节内分泌、 提高免疫力、增强身体机能和抗氧化等功能。现在 就开始服用 “填精生力宝”,每日常规补充,拥有 健康身体,让你美梦成真。 “填精生力宝”如何帮助你? 中医认为精是构成和维持人体生命的基本物质。现 代医学研究证实,中医所说的“精”包括人体神经内分泌-免疫网络功能。人过了三十岁,精气开始耗 散,神经-内分泌-免疫网络功能开始减退,容易出 现疲劳乏力、失眠多梦、腰膝酸软、头晕昏眩、耳 鸣、 性欲减退、早泄等症状。身体是需要调理,就 像一部机器,长期良好地保养,它可以运行一段很 长的日子而性能依然依旧。人也是这样,尤其是男 人,更加需要调理和保养,补充精气,活力充沛, 经久不衰,才可以日理万机。

03 L O N G F A R


Every woman’s best friend

F-ESSENCE 补气养血宝 Introduction F-Essence is specially formulated to keep women in the pink of health and to give them the rosy supple complexion that they have always longed for. The concoction of precious Chinese herbs like radix angelicae sinensis, resina draconis, rhizome dioscoreae, radix astragali seu hedyari and colla corii asini make F-Essence a true tonic that can preserve a woman’s youth and beautify her complexion. On top of that, it also helps ease common female ailments like irregular menstrual cycles, muscle aches, pain of the waist and knee, dizziness, lack of strength, cold limbs, paleness, abdominal sores, cramps and postpartum weakness. These are often the symptoms of the body’s qi and blood deficiency. Qi and blood are the most essential components of the human body. They ensure that the body’s physiological activities, organs and systems are in good working order. F-Essence is a potent tonic formula that can nourish the body’s qi and blood to improve its overall wellbeing.

产品介绍 “补气养血宝”是特别为女性的身体保健所需而推 出的产品,它是专门针对女性体质,补气兼养血双 管齐下所研制而成的,同时还具有润肤养颜的功效。 “补气养血宝”是采用珍贵的药材,如当归、血竭、 淮山药、黄芪及阿胶珠等,这是真正可以为女性们 所留住青春和美化肌肤的滋补保健品。此外,这保 健品还有助缓解各种不适,如肌肉疼痛、腰膝酸软、 头晕无力、手脚冰冷、面色苍白或憔悴、腰腹疼痛、 月经痛及产后体虚等等症状。出现上述各种不适的 女性,通常是因为气血虚弱所引起的。气和血是人 体最重要的基本元素,它们是脏腑经络等组织器官 所进行的生理活动的物质基础。 “补气养血宝”不 但可以滋养和调理气血,并可改善体质。

How Does F-Essence Benefit You? Resina Draconis Daemonorops (RDD) has been used as a Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1,500 years ago. It is a precious herb that is believed to treat blood disorders. According to modern medical research and clinical studies, the active substances in this herb have shown to improve blood circulation, increase the volume of blood in the coronary, reduce blood viscosity, improve oxygen supply to tissues and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

“补气养血宝”如何帮助你? “补气养血宝”的主要成份是血竭。血竭自1千5百 年前便被作为中草药使用。这是一种珍贵的药草, 被誉为“活血圣药”,一般认为可以用来治疗血液 病。根据现代医疗研究和临床调查,这药草的活性 成份有促进血液循环,增加冠状动脉里的血量,减少 血液粘滞性,改善组织的氧气供应与预防心血管病。

RDD also has the ability to strengthen immunity and prevent chronic illnesses like cancer. This is because of the herb’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties as well as anticancer substances.

血竭能够加强人体免疫能力,并预防慢性病如癌症 的产生。这是因为这药草具有抗炎、止痛的功能, 又含有抗癌物质。

RDD is also commonly used for treating menstrual problems, dysmenorrhea, amenorrheal, hemorrhagic, abnormal vaginal bleeding after delivery, inflammation of the uterus and other gynecological problems because of its ability to regulate blood circulation, aid metabolism and improve immunity. RDD is regarded as the best women’s medicine.

由于血竭能够调节血液循环,有助新陈代谢和加强 免疫力,也用来治疗月经问题、痛经、月经不调, 闭经、出血、产后阴道异常出血、子宫炎症,以及 其它妇产科问题。

For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/longfar/fessence.html




Your essential anti-bodies



Introduction Colostrum is widely accepted as a vital source of supplement that is suitable for everyone, ranging from infants to the elderly. The benefits of taking colostrum include higher energy levels, stronger immunity, toner muscles as well as anti-ageing effects like clearer skin and a better overall health. In medical terms, colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first 72 hours after giving birth, after which it will be replaced by milk. Colostrum is thick and yellow in colour. This liquid is especially rich in proteins, antibodies and other nutrients that protect the young in its new environment while optimizing its growth processes. When mothers breastfeed their infants, the colostrum in the mother’s milk helps to stimulate and augment the infant’s immune system. On top of protecting them from potentially harmful environmental factors, colostrum also helps to stimulate the development, maturation and proliferation of the infant’s tissues and organs. How Does IMU6 Colostrum Benefit You? Research has confirmed that bovine, or cow colostrum, is almost identical to human colostrum but contains four times as much immune factors. Moreover, the supply of bovine colostrum can be controlled and cultivated for mass consumption. What makes IMU6 Colostrum stand out from other commercially cultivated colostrum is that it is made purely from the bovine colostrum that is extracted during the first 6 hours of a cow’s milk. Not only is it virtually impossible to extract human colostrum for commercial purposes, bovine colostrum is used also because of its extremely rich source of proteins & antibodies in the form of immunoglobulin and growth factors. Studies have shown that the bovine colostrum milked during the first 6 hours has the highest content of these constituents. The concept of using bovine colostrum is not new as it has been used to treat HIV-positive patients with chronic diarrhea. It is also a remedy against helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcer. Other benefits include improving the absorption of nutrients, increasing bone mass, strengthening the immune system, regulating the body foundations, preventing autoimmune diseases, accelerate wound healing, preventing scar formation, improving metabolism, burning excess fat, restoration of skin elasticity & preventing premature ageing. For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/labfor/hc_imu6.html

产品介绍 “IMU6牛初乳”被广泛受得认可,证实适合每个人服用 ――从婴儿到老人都适宜――它是重要的滋补保健品 。饮用牛初乳的好处包括提供你更高的能量、增加人 体免疫力、增强肌肉等等。此外,牛初乳还有抗老化 作用,能够使皮肤变得更年轻,同时还能加强你的整 体健康状况。 以医学理论来说,初乳是分娩后72个小时内乳腺分泌 的液体,真正的乳液在之后才会产生。这液体的浓度 大为黄色。牛初乳含有特别丰富的蛋白质、抗体物质,从 而让乍到新环境的小牛起保护作用、帮助小牛快速增 长的营养素。 当母牛以母乳喂养小牛时,母乳中所含的初乳有助于 促进和增强小牛的免疫力。除了保护小牛免受环境因 素的伤害外,初乳也帮助促进小牛体内器官组织的成 长、发育和增殖。“ IMU6牛初乳”所用的,就是同样 一种的初乳。 “IMU6牛初乳”如何帮助你? 研究证实牛初乳跟人初乳几乎一样,但牛初乳含有的 免疫因素是人初乳的4倍。另外,牛初乳的供应可以调 控,并且可以通过培育,大量生产。“IMU6 牛初乳” 跟其它商业培育牛初乳的不同之处是,“IMU6 牛初乳 ”完全以母牛分娩后首6小时内获取的初乳制成。 为什么选用牛的初乳呢?牛初乳含有极为丰富的蛋白 质和抗体物质,这些物质取自免疫血球素与成长因子。 研究显示,母牛分娩后首6个月内分泌的牛初乳,免疫 血 球素与成长因子的含量最高。其实,以牛初乳治病 并不是新的概念,牛初乳已被用来治疗患上慢性腹泻 的HIV阳性病人。牛初乳也用来对抗能引致胃溃疡的幽 门螺 杆菌。其它的功效还有,改善人体吸收营养的能 力,增强骨质,强化免疫系统,调节身体机能,预防 自体免疫疾病,促进伤口愈合,减少疤痕的产生,促 进新陈代谢,燃烧过多的脂肪,恢复皮肤弹性,预防 老化现象过早出现。




Mea l r eplac e m e n t s t hat w or ks f or you

S-FACTOR PLUS Introduction A busy lifestyle can certainly make it difficult for one to have a proper and nutritious breakfast. S-Factor Plus is an excellent meal-replacement and supplement for busy individuals as it provides all the daily nutrition we need without having to take any additional synthetic vitamin pills. It is the perfect solution for those who lead a hectic lifestyle but yet wish to take good care of his or her health in a fast and convenient way. This advanced phytonutrient rich super food contains 90 uniquely combined nutraceutical ingredients. It is a 100% organic super food which does not contain any dairy, wheat, corn, artificial colouring and flavours, synthetic chemicals, preservatives, MSG, lactose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, egg, cholesterol, yeast, or added salt. How Does S-Factor Plus Benefit You? The long-term denial of essential vitamins, minerals & supplements to the body can have detrimental ill-effects on the human body. The combination of all these requirements can be conveniently found in the contents of S-Factor Plus. The reason for the potency of S-Factor Plus lies in the ingredients that includes powerful antioxidants, digestive enzymes, plant fibers, probiotics, FOS, essential amino acids, standardized herbal extracts, plant sterols, nucleic acids, nutrient co-factors, cell pigments, essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6), naturally occurring whole food source vitamins and macro-trace minerals. These ingredients are derived from enzymatically live active foods and they work in synergy to provide you with an optimally balanced nutritional support so you don’t have to rely on synthetic vitamin pills. S-Factor Plus provides powerful bioactive phytonutrients such as lycopene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanphin, lutein, sulforaphane, ellagic acid, carotenoids, isothiocyanates, and indole 3 carbinols for those who are looking for a complete nutritional supplement that promotes health, energizes vitality, cleanses the body system, enhances immunity and promotes alkalinity. In addition, S-Factor Plus also contains oat bran concentrate. According to the new FDA Heart Health Claim, "3 grams of oat bran soluble fiber daily, in a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease." For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/labfor/hc_sfactor.html

产品介绍 忙碌的生活常使我们很难好好的吃一份正餐、好比说享 用一份富有营养的早餐。对于生活忙碌的你我来说, S-Factor Plus是个极佳的代餐,因为它提供我们所有日常所 需的营养。S-Factor Plus是特别调配来充当你日常营养所需 的营养代餐。也就是说,服食S-Factor Plus后,你不必额外 服食其它合成维他命丸。对于生活紧张但又希望能够以 简单方便又健康的方式的人来说,这是最佳的解决方案 。这先进、含丰富植物营养的代餐含有90种能产生特定 健康效果的成份。这100%有机超级食品不含任何奶制品 、小麦、玉米、人造色素和味道、合成化学物、防腐剂 、味精、乳糖、蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖、蛋、胆固醇和酵 母,也不添加盐。 S-Factor Plus如何帮助你?

人体长期缺乏维他命、矿物质和其他的补充品会造成身 体的伤害。但这些有益物质都可以在S-Factor Plus里找到。 S-Factor Plus的成份包括强效抗氧化物、消化酶、植物纤维 、益生菌、FOS、必需氨基酸、标准草药提取物、植物固 醇、核酸、有营养的余因子、细胞色素、必需脂肪酸( Omega 3 与 6)、源自天然产生全食物的维生素和微量矿物 质。这些成份出自酶活性和生物活性食物,它们互相配 合为你提供最佳平衡的营养补充剂,这样一来,你可以 不必再依 赖合成维他命丸了。 S-Factor Plus提供你强效生物活性植物养份,如 lycopene、 zeaxanthin、cryptoxanphin、黄体素、双乙黄丙烷、鞣化酸、 carotenoids、isothiocyanates 和 indole 3 Carbinols 。你希望找

到能促进健康、增加活力、净化身体系统、提高免疫力 和促进碱性的营养补充食品吗? 这就是S-Factor Plus了! 另外,S-Factor Plus也含有浓缩燕麦麦糠。根据新的FDA心 脏健康主张,“食用饱和脂肪和胆固醇含量低的食物,同 时每日吸取3克的可溶解燕麦麦糠纤维,可大大减少患心 脏病的风险。”




Hoodia, a natural appetite suppressant

CELEBTRIM H-P57 Introduction Celebtrim H-P57 is an excellent appetite suppressant that tricks the mind into believing that the body is not hungry. How? Its main ingredient Hoodia is a cactus-like plant that contains diet-suppressing substances. Hoodia is not found in any other part of the world except in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa because it thrives in extremely high temperatures and takes years to mature. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world's oldest and most primitive tribe, has been eating hoodia for thousands of years, to help ward off hunger pangs during long hunting trips. South African scientists find this plant so promising that they did a routine test on it and that’s how P57 – an appetite-suppressing molecule, was discovered. P57 is now harnessed in Celebtrim H-P57 and taken as a reliable supplement that helps regulate one’s diet and aid weight loss.

产品介绍 Celebtrim H-P57是一种降低食欲的极好补剂,它可以让

身体制造一种错觉,让身体不觉得有饥饿的感觉。它是 如何做到呢? Celebtrim H-P57的主要成份是 Hoodia(非 洲仙人掌蝴蝶亚),它是一种含有抑制食欲物质的仙人 掌类植物。 Hoodia只生长在非洲南部的喀拉哈里沙漠,因为这种植

物只能在极度高温的地方下生长,所以需要多年才能 生长。喀拉哈里沙漠的布须曼人(San Bushmen)是世界 最古老的部落群之一。几千年来,他们在进行漫长的 狩猎之旅时就是食用Hoodia来抑制饥饿。南非科学家对 Hoodia的潜在好处深感兴趣而在进行了一系列的测试后 发现了P57,它是一种抑制食欲的分子。Celebtrim H-P57 的成份就含有P57,是一种值得让你信赖的补剂,它可 帮助你调控饮食,从而协助你减轻体重。 Celebtrim H-P57如何帮助你? 无数服用过Hoodia膳食补剂的人都证实了这种植物所发

How Does Celebtrim H-P57 Benefit You? Countless testimonials from those who have taken hoodia diet pills have proven that the plant works wonders in suppressing appetite, especially when you're fasting. Some hoodia users claim they can refrain from food for 56 hours without feeling hungry or thirsty. Powders made from hoodia gordonii contain fiber, organic material and antioxidants. One of the most important active substances in it is steroidal glycosides - molecules that tricks the brain into thinking that the stomach is full. The feeling is in fact similar to what is experienced after a meal.

挥的抑制食欲的奇妙作用,特别是在禁食时效果更为 显著。一些Hoodia服用者更声称在服用后的56个小时内 不沾食物也不觉得饥饿或口渴。Hoodia Gordonii制成的 粉状物含有纤维、有机和抗氧化物质。此外,Hoodia所 含的一个最重要活性物质是steroidal glycosides――让脑 部以为肚子已经饱了的分子;这种感觉跟我们用过食 物后的感觉相似。

Hoodia gordonii is able to curb calorie intake, resulting in weight loss. Scientific studies have shown that hoodia can significantly suppress one’s appetite, which in turn helps to shed off extra pounds. Obese individuals who took hoodia reported a much lower calorie intake. Most importantly, the use of hoodia as an appetite suppressant is all-natural and does not have any recorded side-effects, unlike drugs.

食欲,有助于服用者达到减肥效果。临床和实验也有 一个有趣的发现;人类和动物在食用Hoodia后都自动调 控他们对食物的欲望。过度肥胖者在服用Hoodia后对卡 路里吸收量也大幅度的下降。

Hoodia Gordonii可以抑制卡路里的吸取量从而帮助减轻 体重。科学研究也证实,Hoodia能够显著的抑制人们的

For more information, refer to http://www.lfintlgroup.com/brands/labfor/hc_celebtrim.html

LFI Wellness Sanctuary A holistic clinique that combines the best of


FI Wellness Sanctuary is a holistic body shaping clinic, dedicated to help women solve all their weight and body issues. The modern and minimal setting is an inviting change from the city’s hustle and bustle. The serene ambience sets the mood for the clinic’s aim, which is to provide a holistic wellness for customers. At LFI Wellness Sanctuary, we offer a holistic weight management program that combines both the best of East and West. This program focuses on eastern acupuncture and western technology health products that help in weight loss without affecting their daily lifestyles.

Acupuncture slimming is an effective, holistic, natural and painless process. People from diverse range of social and cultural background are beginning to discover the benefits of this holistic slimming process and for good reasons too. The principle of acupuncture slimming is to stimulate certain acupoints of the body so as to boost metabolism rate and enhance the fat-burning process. Partial slimming can also be achieved by inserting needles into the targeted fat areas, like the tummy, thighs or arms. Not only does it help your body to burn fats, it also enhances blood circulation and expels waste from the body to holistically promote your health, beauty and wellbeing. LFI Weight Management program is complemented with a diet that is planned according to customer’s lifestyle, body condition, blood type and eating habits. The objective is to empower our customers with the knowledge to make intelligent decisions pertaining to lifestyle and diet. Therefore, LFI tailored Weight Management Program

East &West

has helped many of our customers to slim down and achieve their body’s ideal!

Locate Us Blk 89 Marine Parade Central #02-750 Singapore 440089 Contact Us (65) 6344 3121, (65) 6344 2203 Website www.lfwellness.com.sg


Kevin successfully lost 42.5kg to his current weight of 84kg and his BMI is reduce to 31.4kg/m2.

Kevin WOng 32 “

Kevin is a businessman who needs to entertain his business guests very often. As a result, he put on weight from his irregular meals and bad eating habits, having 4 to 5 large meals a day. His short hours of sleep also caused his metabolic rate to be low and he could not exercise then due to his weight. His BMI was 46.9kg/m2 and he suffered from osteoarthritis. With reference to his first body analysis report, Kevin weighed 126.5kg, his muscle was considered sarcopenic and his legs were under developed. After going through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Kevin’s body analysis shown tremendous improvements. His muscle reverted to the normal range, his fats and legs also went back to the normal range in our evaluation chart. With good eating habits of 3 meals a day coupled with improved sleeping hours and regular exercises, Kevin successfully lost 42.5kg to his current weight of 84kg and his BMI is reduce to 31.4kg/m2.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

42.5 kg

(Results In 3 Months)


Before 126.5kg



126.5kg 84kg




Size Diff




After LFI’s Wellness Management program, Esther managed to lose 12kg and her muscle improved to normal, her fats and arms also went back to normal in our evaluation chart.

Est her Tan, 28

Esther used to weigh 62kg and had high water retention due to work-related stress, irregular meals and bad eating habits. Therefore, her first body composition analysis reflected that her muscle was sarcopenic, her fats content under the nutrition status table was over the healthy level and her arms were under developed. Furthermore, her short hours of sleep had caused her metabolic rate to be low and anemic. After LFI’s Wellness Management program, Esther managed to lose 12kg and her muscle improved to normal, her fats and arms also went back to normal in our evaluation chart. She also learnt to manage her stress and develop good eating habits. She does not have anymore water retention problems and she can now sleep better, thus improving her metabolic rate.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

12 kg

(Results In 3 Months)

Before 62kg









Size Diff




After going through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Benedict successfully lost 19kg within 3 months! In addition, he has learned to lead a healthier lifestyle and practise good eating habits.

Benedict Goh, 28 “

Benedict was overweight since young due to his unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits. He has tried very hard to exercise to lose weight but to no avail. His first body analysis has showed that his muscle was sarcopenic and his fats content under the nutrition status table was over the healthy level.





After going through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Benedict successfully lost 19kg within 3 months! In addition, he has learned to lead a healthier lifestyle and practise good eating habits. With a better understanding of his body, he is now able to exercise with more significant results. His last body analysis reflected that his muscles have grown stronger and he has managed to reduce his body fats.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

18 kg

(Results In 3 Months)

Before 92.5kg









Size Diff








Her subsequent body analysis also showed that her fats have reduced to the ideal level, her body cell function has improved and she does not have water retention problems anymore.

Felicia Gwee, 26

With reference to Felicia’s first body analysis, she was overweight by at least 10kg and had high water retention. This was attributed to her irregular meals and unhealthy diet as she likes to eat desserts and tidbits. Felicia’s body cell function was low and she had low metabolic rate due to short hours of sleep. Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Felicia successfully lost 13.5kg within 3 months! Her subsequent body analysis also showed that her fats have reduced to the ideal level, her body cell function has improved and she does not have water retention problems anymore.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

13.5 kg

(Results In 3 Months)

Before 62kg









Size Diff




After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication.

Ah Joo, 47

Ah Joo works as a chef in a local Japanese restaurant. His hectic schedule does not allow him to exercise. He weighed about 70kg and had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, serious constipation and poor absorption problems when he first came to LFI Wellness Sanctuary. In fact, he was on medication for both his high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Ah Joo lost 5kg and his waistline reduced by 3cm within 7 days. After 3 weeks of our program, his blood pressure and cholesterol level dropped to the normal range and he has since stopped his medication. After 3 months, Ah Joo lost a total of 12kg. He no longer suffers from constipation and he feels healthier because his body is able to absorb nutrients better.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

11 kg

(Results In 3 Months)

Before 70kg









Size Diff




Siew Lian not only looks slimmer now, she also looks younger and healthier. In addition, she also practises good eating habits and is able to sleep and control her stress better.

Ang Siew Lian, 47 “

Siew Lian put on weight due to ageing, stress, lack of sleep, and bad eating habits. She originally weighed 64kg when she first visited LFI’s Wellness Sanctuary. Based on her first body analysis report, her muscle condition was healthy but her fats content was not, based on the nutrition status table. Through LFI’s Wellness Management Program, Siew Lian successfully lost 11.5kg within 3 months and she now weighs 52.5kg which is considered an ideal weight for her build and age. Siew Lian not only looks slimmer now, she also looks younger and healthier. In addition, she also practises good eating habits and is able to sleep and control her stress better.

Body Composition Analysis Total Weight Loss:

11.5 kg

(Results In 3 Months)

Before 64kg









Size Diff











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