Currículum Vitae
Name: Juan Miceli - Nationality: Argentine / Italian – Birth date: January 13, 1971 – ID: 21954929 / Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina / Address: Pasaje Nueva Zelanda 4830 / CP 1427 / CABA - Cel: (+54911) 50245131 / Portfolio:
+Developing the master's thesis in Aesthetics and Technology of Electronic Arts at National University Tres de Febrero (UNTReF - Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) under the direction of Ph.D Mariela Yeregui.
+Fashion Design career, School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, Universidad de Buenos Aires (U.B.A). He won a scholarship at U.B.A. during the first two years of studies.
+Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires (U.B.A), where he studied with a scholarship granted by Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Scholarships/ Residencies
*Selected at ELAP Program (Concordia University, Canada, 2022/23)
*Selected by Mecenazgo Cultural (Buenos Aires City’ program for cultural projects financing) for his Ceramic Sovereignty Project, 2021.
*Selected as teacher of the Training Scholarships by FNA (National Fund for the Arts, 2021)
*Selected as artist and lecturer for Factors 8.0 (exhibition and symposium at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 2021)
*His work Filtronica (video and VR) was selected at Voltaje Salon de Arte y Technology (Colombia, 2020),

* 2-year scholarship for the master in Aesthetics and Technology of Electronic Arts at National University Tres de Febrero (2020)
*Selected at Plataforma Bogota online residency and laboratory / Art, Science and Technology division of Idartes (Art Institute of Bogota, Colombia, 2020)
*Selected at the Art-Science Residency SM02 (Universidad Nacional de San Martin- CCGSM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019)
*Selected at Archi Piel Lago performance residence / Centro Cultural Sabato - Casa Belgrado (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018)
*Virtual Art Residence for artists focused on VR tools training and 360 video / Tronadores Films Production company (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018)
*Creation Scholarships for Artists of the FNA, (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017)
*Selected at IV Cycle of Performance at Pasaje 17 (Buenos Aires Argentina, 2017)
*Selected and invited by Expressiones Cultural Center to the residence for Latin-American artists in New London, Connecticut, USA in April-June 2014.
*ABC Grant for Contemporary Artists (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013);
*Selected for National Scholarships, Fondo Nacional de las Artes. (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012)
*Selected for Beca Ecunhi-Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011)
Work Experience in the Film, Advertising and Video games Industry
2001 to present– He works as free-lance art director and/or costume designer of featured films and advertising movies, working with directors such as Lance Accord, Tony Kaye, Luciana Foglio & Lujan Montes, Sofia Alurralde, Mark Mylod, Pablo Fusco, Joaquín Cambre, Andy Fogwill, Patrik Bergh, Tina Bull, Nicolás Kasakoff, Sebastián Alfie, Julian “Little X” Lutz, Anders Hallsberg, Sergio Bizzio, Mario Levin, among many others.
2021 to Present - Artistic and Technic producer of EVA (Argentinian Video-games Exposition) an annual event produced by ADVA (Argentinian Association of Video-games Developers)
Individual Exhibitions
* Mitze installation at El Local (Buenos Aires, Argentina) / reviews
* Tierro Incognita virtual exhibition and process documentation bank hosted at Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Curator: Ángel Jara
* Verano Entero, sound installation at Una Obra Un Artista (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Talking Fossils from the Future video installation and investigation project developed alongside sociologist Lorena Paz at Residencia Arte/Ciencia SM2. It was exhibited at Noviembre Electrónico (CCGSM)
*Slow Cancellation of the Future / video installation and performance, Curator Daniel Joglar, with the support of FNA Creation Scholarships 2017. 704 Oficina de Arte (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Leche Negra / 8 shows of the multiple screen video installation and performance in collaboration with the Contemporary Dance National Company (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
*Tierro Incognita I / video installation at General Sarmiento National University, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Garage / inmersive video installation at Toma 1 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* They are Us / sound installation in collaboration with artist Kathy Halfin Basement City, Brooklyn, New York
* Generativo_Real_ video installation, performance and sculpture at National Museum of Natural Sciences (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Curator Luis Marte.
* Innombrable video installation and performance selected at IV l Ciclo de performance (Galeria Pasaje 17, Buenos Aires, Argentina). Curator Sebastian Kaltz
* Avistaje de Relámpagos video installation at MACA Contemporary Art Museum (Junin, Argentina) Curator Mariana Lerner.
El Impostor (The Impostor) Interactive video installation. Alpha Centauri Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*The Visitor (installation, video, drawing and object) at Expressiones Cultural Center, 2014, New London, Connecticut, USA.
*De Nuestras Bocas Solo Sale la Verdad (Only the Truth Comes Out from Our Mouths) Video Installation. Fundación Lebensohn. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*La Música del Kaos (The Music of Chaos) / Installation of sculptures, video, object and live action (along with the Leim Ensamble musicians) in the Second Biennial in Musical Composition and Research at the School of Arts, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Curator: Claudio Ongaro Haelterman.
*La Suspensión (The Suspension) video installation at ThisIsNotAGallery from November 3 to 24. Director: Carlos Baragli, curator Ms. María Carolina Baulo. Supported by SCULPTURE Magazine. review
*Invocando el Verano Eterno (Invoking the Endless Summer) (Installation of a fountain, sculptures, objects and photographs to record action / 11 x 6 x 3 meters) / Fundación Itaú Cultural - Courtyard. From May 26 to June 24.
Tuition Experience and Academic Activities
*des/Normalización de la Mirada (denormalization of looking) workshop financed by National Fund for Arts (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Experiencias contemporáneas en el cruce entre arte y tecnología en Argentina (Contemporary experiences at the crossroads between art and technology in Argentina) workshop at FLACSO (Facultad latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*From 2014 to present day, in charge of the workshop of Audiovisual Art Direction at EspacioDosPuntos (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Invited as lecturer at the Art, Science and technology Festival Factors 8.0 and the 16° Contemporary Art Simposium organized by Contemporary Art, Technology and Media Laboratory of the University of Santa Maria, Brasil, Museo Arte Ciencia y Tecnología / MACT, Planetário / UFSM.
*Invited as lecturer for Artes Multimediales 2 (Multi medial Arts 2) Cát. Rodríguez - ATAMUniversidad Nacional de las Artes (National University of the Arts - UNA).
*Invited as lecturer and performer in “Guerra de Voces (War of Voices)” at the Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
*invited as lecturer and performer at the event Horizontes Humanos en Acción (Human Horizons in Action) / Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina) .
*Video art Workshop for the community of the City of Coronel Suarez, Buenos Aires at Isidoro Art Space.
*Selected as lecturer at III Congreso Latinoamericano de Teoría Social (Social Theory Congress) / at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (Social Science Faculty) at UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
“Arte y Tecnología. Entrecruces, causas y consecuencias (Art and Technology. Intersection, causes and consequences” Lecture at the Master at CC Paco Urondo (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Invited as lecturer to the simposium Ecos de la figura y de la obra de Turing en Argentina (Echoes of Turing’s work in Argentina) Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS)
*Invited as lecturer with the work La Estafa de la Forma (The Scam of Shape) in the framework of Formas de lo Invisible workshop (SEUBE Extensión Universitaria de Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA)
* Audiovisual production workshop as a way of social integration into the Nathan Hale Arts Magnet school in New London, Connecticut, USA, with the four classes of fifth grade.
*Lecturer and performer exhibitor in the Seminar on Audiovisual Poetics – Action, Projections and Performance Meeting, at Escuela de Arte Leopoldo Marechal (Leopoldo Marechal School of Art).
*“El Palacio Enciclopédico” (“The Encyclopedic Palace”) discussion-debate by Claudio Ongaro Haelterman and Juan Miceli, a view of the matter in the International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Venice 2013, read from the Latin-American aesthetics of the action at Buenos Aires Book Fair.
*Open class along with Claudio Ongaro Haelterman "Estéticas y Poéticas del cuerpo y la piel entre el Tejido, la Trama y la Urdimbre" (“Body and Skin Aesthetics and Poetics behind the Fabric, the Weave and the Warp”). Textile and Costume Design career, Design I, II and III, School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism – FADU – UBA.
*La Obra es la Action de Hacer Obra” (“The Work Is the Action to Do Work”) with Ms. Silvia Duschatzky the face-to-face workshop for the Upper Education Management Diploma (FLACSO). “El Kaos y su Atravesamiento” (“Chaos and How to Face it”) was edited from such joint work (Flacso, 2012).
*“sub-E-merger: Lo Pulcro es lo Hediento” (“sub-E-merger: The Immaculate is Disgusting” at the II Workshops “El pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch” (“Rodolfo Kusch’s Thinking”), organized by UNTREF, UN de Jujuy, UN de Salta.
*“Matar al Simulacro: Una Estética Latinoamericana de la Acción” (“Killing the Sham : A LatinAmerican Esthetics of Action” in the Second Biennial in Musical Com- position and Research, which took place in Centro de Producción e Investigación Audiovisual (CePIA, as per its initials in Spanish, which stands for Audiovisual Research and Production Center), School of Arts, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
*“El Rebote del Preguntar” (“The Rebound of Asking”) Conference-Dialogue along with Claudio Ongaro Haelterman in the context of the “La suspensión” “(“The Suspension”) installation –Juan Miceli – 2011 – ThisIsNotAGallery.
*From July 1998 to July 2005, in charge of the subject and of the curricular development of Art Direction of the Film Director career in CIEVYC (Video and Movie Research Center). From 2005 to 2013
*From 1996 to 1998 he was second assistant of the Textile II and Costume Design subject, chaired by Architect Martin, and first assistant of the subject Psychology, chaired by Ms. Ferino, Industrial Design and Textile and Costume Design careers, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Seminars and Workshops
Daniel Canogar workshop at Andreani Foundation (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*From real to virtual. Photogrammetry, 3D y VR workshop by Solimán López. Art, Science and Technology division of Idartes (Bogota Art Institute, Colombia, 2020) / RealMix Festival
* Affections and algorithms: art in a world of machines. Online seminar by Leonardo Soolas at Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA)
*Hydra Live coding, Real time programming workshop by Flor de Fuego at Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA)
* Giovanna Fossati’s (Amsterdam’s Eye Filmuseum curator) Masterclass at Centro de Estudios Espigas (UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Art and Programming workshop by Guido Corallo at Escena Lab CCRojas (Bs As, Argentina)
*“Manipulación de Herramientas de Manipulación (Handling Handling Tools)” workshop by Jonathan Torres at CCEBA
*Video edition workshop by Marcelo Pulido at Espacio 2 Puntos (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Ceramic workshop by Ayelen Rique
*Bioart workshop by Joaquín Fargas at Universidad Maimonides and C.C.G.S.Martin
* Maratón Laboratory of robotic production coordinated by Daniel Alvarez Olmedo, Fase 9 and Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA)
* Estéticas tecnológicas: utopía, mito y control en el arte robótico, electrónico y by Ricardo Iglesias in the Medialab of Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA)
*Ceramic workshop by Mariana Gabor / Ayelen Rique
*Biotechnology as tool of artistic expression by Joaquin Fargas / Universidad Maimónides and Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA)
*Ceramic workshop by Mariana Gabor / Paloma García Orza
*Video art workshop by Carlos Trilnick (FIVA & National Library of Buenos Aires)
* Artists’ Film Festival seminar by Eduardo Russo, Rodrigo Alonso and Jorge La Ferla at Fundación Proa (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
*Selected to carry out the Interactive Visual Works Workshop under Tomás Rawski’s char- ge in Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Collective Exhibitions
*Tecnosimbiosis, curator: Ana Laura Cantera, Pasaje 17 Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*FACTORS 8.0 - Propagación digital, curator Nara Cristina Santos and Mariela Yeregui, at Museo Arte Ciencia y Tecnología / MACT, Planetário / UFSM - Universidad Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil.
*Virtual Matter(s) Performance Art Series, curator Kathy Halfin, The Hive Art Community, Brooklyn, NYC.
*Desfile Fantasma (Phantom Parade) / street installation and collective performance at La Gran Paternal Estudios Abiertos 8va edición.
*Encuentro Lo Experimental - collective video installation at Kino Palais by AREA (Asociación de Realizadores Experimentales Audiovisuales) Casa Nacional del Bicentenario.
*Filtronica at Factors 8.0 - at Museo Arte Ciencia y Tecnología / MACT, Planetário / UFSM (Universidad de Santa Maria), Brasil
*Hacktividad at Plataforma Bogotá (Colombia) / Laboratorio interactivo de Arte Ciencia y Tecnología de Idartes.
* Voltaje Salón de Arte y Tecnología de Bogota,
*CINE DE ARTISTAS at Fundación Osde (videos: Innombrable, Leche Negra and Generativo Real)
*Traces of Life, Curator por Fang yu Liu y Kathy Halfin at The Hive Art Community, Broo- klyn, NYC. (octubre)
*Touching Without Touch, Curator Kathy Halfin at The Hive Art Community, Brooklyn, NYC.
*Sagrado / Profano IV at Ambos Mundos Fondo de Arte. Curators: Eduardo Saubidet y Silvina Babich
*Densidad media at Centro Cultural Rojas. Curator: Nacho Sánchez
*ArteProgramado at Centro Cultural Rojas. Curator: Wili Peloche.
* El Cine es Otra Cosa, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires. (Innombrable)
* Festival Internacional DocBsAS, at Fundación Osde (Mi Tierra Invencible).
* AUSTRAL, Performance Art Festival / C.C.Purondo / Zona Imaginaria residencia. Curator Hector Canonge (NY) and Daniel Acosta (Bs As)
* IVAHM Festival at Museo La Neomudejar / Madrid, España.
* Desarmadero at CCRecoleta Curator: Proyecto Rotatoria.
*Eternity , Maurizio Cattelan, Art Basel Cities
*Archipiélago 4th Edition at C.C.P. Urondo & Espacio Belgrado. Bs As.
*FIVA Festival de Videodanza, at Almagro, España
*Videobardo Video Festival (Bs.As.,Argentina)
*Seleccionado Proyecto Rotatoria (Festival Gif exhibido en Centro Cultura Recoleta and Cineclub Municipal Hugo Del Carril Córdoba, Argentina)
*III Encuentro de Cuerpos y Corporalidades en las culturas / México City
El Mapa no es el territorio at DArtSystem (Bogota, Colombia)
* IV Ciclo de Performance at Pasaje 17 / curator Sebastián Kalt
* Ficción Barroca Curator Olga Correa. Mac Sur - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Sur
* In Flux of Upturned Pleasure / El Museo de los Sures, Brooklyn, NYC curators:Kathy Halfin y Jean Carla Rodea.
* Osmosis (video art) at Waley Art (Taiwan) curator: Ya-Siang Yang.
*Hard Disk Museum at Arco 17 Forum FORO curator Roberta Bosco / Feria Arco Madrid, España.
* FIVA Festival (Festival Internacional de Video Arte) 12 al 14 de dic CCGSM.
* Osmosis Festival at Waley Art curada por Ya-Siang Yang (Taiwan)
* 7° Festival Nano en FOLA (Fototeca Latinoamericana)
* Festival de Video Poesía de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS)
* The video Mi Tierra Invencible (My Invincible Land) enters Labocine platform (New York)
* VHS (performance) at Ciclo Intervencionismos #7 - Experiencia Hiedra. Curator Augusto Zaquetti.
* VHS Performance at Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, curador
Luis Marte
*Salón de Artes Visuales at MACA Junín (Museo de arte Contemporáneo Argentino de Junín)
*Festival Videoabardo, Kino Palais / Palais de Glace.
*Festival Pop Up Kino ed. #4 (Berlin -Buenos Aires / Public Prize Winner at Espacio Dinamo (Buenos Aires) and Kleiner Salon (Berlin));
* Fifth Under the Subway Video Art Festival
*Invited with the video *La Víctima Invencible (The Invencible Victim) at the XIX International Biennial of Visual Arts of Santa Cruz, curator Eduardo Ribera.
*Selected with the video art *La Víctima Invencible (The Invencible Victim) at the V Festival of Video Poetry Videobardo.
*Selected with the video art *La Víctima Invencible (The Invencible Victim) at FLAVIA Festival –C.C. Borges.
*Itinéraries Contemporains – exhibition of scholars of the FNA-ECuNHi program – Argentine Embassy in Berlin.
*La Suspensión (The Suspension) at the International Video art Festival (FIVA II) at Buenos Aires National Library, Argentina.
* Video installation at the Video verbo exhibition at CCEBA.
* Exhibition of Beca ECuNHi-FNA Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Curators: Marcelo Pelissier, Pablo De Monte, Andrés Labaké.
* La Suspensión en Sal (The Suspension in Salt) – collective action in Salina Grande, Jujuy, Argentina. Performed in the context of the II Workshops “El pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch” (“Rodolfo Kusch’s Thinking”), organized by UNTReF in Maimará, Jujuy.
* Exhibition of Beca ECuNHi-FNA, Espacio Cultural Nuestros Hijos. Curators: Marcelo Pelissier, Pablo De Monte, Andrés Labaké.
+ MONSTERS at Ecunhi – Espacio Cultural Nuestros Hijos. Curator: Marcelo Pelissier.
+ Sound and visual performance by grinbaum | miceli in the “Búsquedas Sonoras” (“Sound Searches”) cycle, organized by Grupo Fuga and Areatec, co-produced by CCEBA, curator: Luis Marte at Cassará Building.
+ Itinéraries Contemporains – exhibition of scholars of the FNA-ECuNHi program – Argentine Galerie – Paris.
+ Diez Conceptos (Ten Concepts), collective exhibition organized by AREATEC in Fundación Cassará. Guest Curator: Luis Marte.
1994 – Exhibition of installation, clothing and objects in the DEME4 exhibition at Espacio Diseño (Design Space) of Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires curator Diana Lisman.
1992 –“Moda al Margen” (“On the Fringe of Fashion”), made in Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (I.C.I., as per its initials in Spanish, in Buenos Aires) in August. Curator: Felisa Pinto.