Brand Intimacy

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brand intimacy

master program industrial design engineering CAPITA SELECTA



Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands




project aim

Main objectives, Brand Intimacy definition.

p.10Case selection Bolletje brand profile, story, competitors,

p.17problem definition p.18 Specific problem detected on the case. Justification.

action plan

Umbrella strategy definition, case interventions.


restructure & redisgn.

Application of the previous research and design principles.



Overview of the case, new packaging proposals.

p.38 GENERAL CONCLUSION Concluding remarks of the project.


project aim In this project it is intended to show the importance of design when developing brand intimacy with a specific company. By redesigning some packaging, graphic language and general brand structure it is believed that the level of commitment and loyalty of the customer will increase and be shown as a long term relationship with the brand which reflects in more equity and profit. The chosen brand for this example is Bolletje. It is expected to be a good example because eventhough they are market leaders, they need to prevent from the over expansion that they made last years. The brand’s main struggle is that due to the over expansion into so many product categories in order to reach almost of sectors of the market, they lost the clear and strong image of what products are for which market segment. They have strong principles, however they’ve lost their connection with youngsters.


brand intimacy Brand intimacy as it is mentioned in the article Creating Brand Intimacy Through Innovation is about developing a relationship with your customer. In this relationship is important to keep in mind that you are dealing with people, and that emotions are the drive for them to get closer to you. With this relationship it is expected to have more profit not only nowadays, but also it is desired to assure the brand’s future.

like so they will feel you closer and develop feelings to your brand. But as all human relationships it has stages.

First stage is getting recognized[8], your brand has to stand out from the rest and have it’s own personality and approach to the customer. Secondly this personality has to be clear enough for them to identify themselves with your brand. Thirdly you seek for customer’s commitment and loyalty while When you develop this kind of link with your customer you give them quality and attention. Details are it works as an engagement for both ways[16]. As a important, engaging intimately means connecting brand you have to take care of every decision you with stakeholders in authentic human ways[5]. make because it will affect the previous, and for the customer is an (most of the times unconscious) However this marketing strategy should be used engagement for a long-term profit to the brand. only when brands have crisis or are in risk of being There has to be an effort from the brand in order in one; otherwise as in all relationships: lose the to take advantage of this long-term commitment of strength, you have to put enough effort to keep the user. them alive, but no to drown them. In order to develop this kind of relationship it is In this project, it is intended to develop brand important to behave as a person. People know how intimacy in some level, with a specific brand. to get along with people, if as a brand 9you operate


study case : bolletje


brand history and profile

HISTORY Founded in 1867 in Almelo. Ter Beek family business. Started as a bakery then Son Bernard kept on working and specialized in Rusk . After second World War they became true biscuit specialists. In 1954 they started as the youngest biscuit factory. This brand is traditional Dutch it has always been in people’s everyday lives because of their products. They are market leaders in rusk and most bread substitutes, not only sold under their name but also under other brand’s names and exported all over the world. More than being a high quality brand, they also rely on the values of surprise, emotional, cost conscious, good

and sensitive to the customer.

KEY TO SUCCESS / EXPANSION In the 70’s they expanded through targeted acquisitions of local and regional bakeries. In 1975 they bought Arks Bakeries BV because of biscuits and gingerbread combination. These and other factors are the key to the brand’s success in the previous years. The fact that they were able to produce different products and sell them to different sectors of the market seemed the best way to assure their future.

market overview As further research and having a more complete panorama of the market is important to know the brand’s competitors so the brand can be consistent and present as well as stand out from the competition.

Table 1. List of competitors.


To understand more how local people percieve the brand and how it should be improved, a word web and a short SWOT analysis was developed.

Points of parity and difference of the brand were written to clarify furthermore the outcome that wants to be reached.



problem statement Interesting enough, the same fact that brought success to this brand, has put them in risk of being in a crisis. Expansion, is the factor that in the beginning let this brand reach to all the different segments of the market, while now this over expansion in the products they offer has created confusion and weaken the brand associations with the customer. This project aims to prevent the crisis that the brand could and move closer to the actual needs of the customer.



a c t ion p l a n After reviewing the aforementioned analysis main groups of products can be spotted: firstly regular products (with friendly-humoristic image) they dictate the general language of the brand and many similarities can be spotted, they communicate clearly, we understand they are part of a family and they fit the brand general image; secondly seasonal products, focused in Christmas, Easter and Sinterklaas, they have a strong image and a coherent language between each other, they use a strong language of the season as well as the brand elements; the third group of products communicates a more organic-healthier line of products that may target a different kind of customer but has no relation at all with the previous two product groups, it can be said that they have a strong image between each other,and the image they want to communicate to the customer but they do not fit the mother brand at all; there is also the farmer’s line when it comes to the traditional rusk, this line has the crafstmanship escence and lastly there are products (Miffy

Line, Breakfast Crackers line, Doing Well! Line and Traditional Fresian Rye Bread) that do not fit with any of the previous categories nor between each other so they could represent a risk for the company because they can either weaken the associations the customer has with the brand or even confuse the perception of the brand because of not having strong brand elements visible. It can be concluded in this stage of the project that Bolletje Group should strengthen the previous associations such as friendly image, close to the user, traditional, Dutch and fun but rather than staying with those, old associations should be brought again to people’s minds; by this associations we mean the fact that they are a family company, they are traditional and they are more than jester [4]. They should clarify the image that in the last years has brought a bit of confusion to their customers because of the new expansions they have developed.



umbrella strategy


heir image as well as their brand perception is strong in some points, such as holiday products, but also really week and all over the place in other products, such as the Miffy line. As we have mentioned before, overexpantion without a holistic strategy. Now it seems a reorganization in the structure and image is needed. Otherwise it could imply a lost of customers to foreign brands.


t is believed that the best strategy to prevent a severe crisis for this brand as well as strenghtening their associasions and having as a result a better brand intimacy that would develop into brand equity is to adopt an umbrella structure.


he umbrella structure is a marketing strategy. Umbrella brands names that are used by a range of different but related products, it is also known as family branding[16]. When people see a strong and clear brand identity they are more eager to try different products from the same brand because of the trust they develop. It has to be really easy to identify for the customer. Less pricy, brand gets more attention. Easier to launch, harder to maintain[8].


his strategy consist in many steps: firstly a closer look to their best sold products in order to chose which ones are better to keep and the ones that have to be shut down from sales or sold in another brand name to keep a better image.


n table 2 is intended to be shown the difference between the actual structure and the one developed as an umbrella approach. Seasonal products are not shown in the table because they are already produced in one time for the year as well as a strong identity, so that line will be left untouched.


his is an overall try to group the categories, however it is not stated in the brand how they are grouped.


reud used to say that unconscious desires determine behavior, based on this the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung developed the theory that there are 12 unconscious universal archetypes. All of us fit in one of this archetypes; because they represent original characters. In order to build a better understanding of a brand and easily relate to it, archetyping is a great strategy. Thus the fact that for us people is more accessible to bond to something that we see as our equal, in order to achieve this brands archetype personalities.


n the particular case of Bolletje, we can find the jester self type archetype, similar to ben an jerry’s ice creams or m&m’s candies. They represent that way of being humoristic, fun, enjoyable, real, breaking the rules but not the order, we get exited when we experience them. The downside of this archetype is that might not be taken seriously, that people could get bored, it could be mistaken as frivol or superficial[4].


fter the recognition phase is done, it comes the harder part, which is the identification part of the brand. The whole relationship you develop with the customer is based on wether they like you or not. This is why is important the use of archetypes.


eing a jester archetype is only one part of the brand, now that the umbrella structure will be applied, the jester face will embrace the main line, however it will also endorse a healthier line, that already exists in a way (doing well! as well as adding the farmers line). Products for kids will also have a specific line developed from the main jester image.


easonal products will stay as they are, these include Easter, Christmas and Saint.


In the next graphic is intended to show the reestructure and image of the umbrella approach.

BOLLETJE MOTHER BRAND Traditional + Jester + new healthier look

GOED BEZIG! Jester, more caring, healthy, organic. CHILDREN LINE Fun, Caring, jester. SEASONAL PRODUCTS Traditional + Jester

Sinterklaas Christmas Easter


res truc ture & redesign

List of products that the brand would keep with in the sub-brands of the umbrella strategy.

Table 2. List of products in new groups.

DETAILED CHANGES: 1. The farmers line will be mixed with the healthy general line they’ve developed; it will embrace the ‘Doing well!’ name; it is expected to reach a younger market as well as a healthier approach to the products. They will fit in packaging and graphic language. 2. The main line will endorse the main products but some were killed. This line will experience some changes in the graphic language, keeping the main jester characteristic with a bolder look

3. The children line will be developed and this will hold the miffy line as well as the schuddenbuijkes, looking similar to the seasonal products. The quite long cookies will also be adopted by this line. 4. A new Snack line will be developed with similar graphic language but it will endorse some of the products that they already produce. 5. Kids line will share image and will edorse other products.


s a i n t Kruidenoten/ Packet Kruidenoten/ Tough tough/ Brose Kuidnotjes/ Chocolate kruidnoen/ Truffle Kruidenoten/ Snow Kruidenoten/ Old Dutch Pepernoten/ Bakers Kruidnotjes/ Stroiegoed/ White chocolate Kruidenoten/ small packs.



Cinammon bunnies/ Choco chics/ Easter eggs


Cinnamon Stars/ Snowmen/ Angels/ Wreaths/ Choco Clocks/ Boompjes.


kids line

Children Biscuits/ Toddler Biscuits/ Rather Long Cookies/ Schuddenbuikjes chocolate and DUO.

Pursuing a bigger fit for the kids line with the main line, the packaging was change using the same graphic elements as in the other brands, branches.


b o l l e tj e

Rusk: real, wholemeal, 10 seeds, twentsche/ Crispbread: gold bros, sesame, wholegrain/ Rye Bread: wholemeal, fries pumpernickel/ Brosse Pancake: Egg cake, Brittle egg biscuit cinnamon/ Cheese snacks: rolls and

domino/ Pepsels: Cheese, peanut, bacon, salt/ Knapper biscuits/ Toast.

There were no graphical or packaging changes in the traditional Bolletje line. The challenge here was to choose which products should stay and which ones should stop being produced; the list on the bottom shows which ones were kept. People already recognize it as well as identify themselves with it, so it was better thought to keep it like this because this part will be the mother brand for the umbrella structure.


Maintaining the jester and traditional dutch line, a playful typography was used.

Monochromatic and bolder colors that give a stronger look.

Monochromatic and bolder colors that give a stronger look.

Simple and geometric graphics that provide a healthier and cleaner image.

Healthier showcase of the product fitting with the goed bezig line

traditional main line


With the new organic and healthy megatrend that we are experiencing, it was thought that a new subbrand of Bolletje could be introduced. Products of this line already are produced, however the aim would be that with a new packaging younger customers that follow this lifestyle would engage with the “Doing well!“sub-brand.

Cardboard that gives a more organic and healthier feeling

Playful typography fitting in the jester image of the brand.

Simpler & cleaner graphics that give a fresh and bold look.

Print that shows the traditional backgrownd of the brand.

doing well

Window that shows product in order to represent the honesty.

Breakfast crackers: wholemeal, spelt and seeds./ Crispread: waldkorn, multigrain, rich and robust, spelt and cereals/ Rusk: spelt grain, oats and rye, dark wholemeal, oeregranen/ Bars: natural, apple, solid natural, cranberry and natural crunchy. 37

conclusion More than just delivering a packaging redesing and a proposal for brand re-estructure, this project has being extremely helpful for realizing why is important to do it. At the same time it has delineated how critical is it for brands to keep updated, to prevent, to think forward and always try to be ahead of what the market needs, wants and fit with it before competitors. Analysing and designing for it has been the biggest challenge, showing in what way emotions and feelings can be created or strenghtened without getting confused. It was thought that stronger graphics would give a more concrete image however it was chosen not to loose the jester image and tradition that the brand represents. One of the biggest findings was that before brand intimacy there have to be previous conditions that grow into this as a result. After researching, it is strongly believed this relationship starts with clear brand values that develop into brand personality. This personality has to be translated into a sturdy brand structure that can support different market segments and then you can grow stronger identification with the customers of that segment that lead to that intimacy. Finally as a brand you percieve the awareness and profit that has been worked out. As a designer, this project gave an idea of how valuable it is to know the connection between the choices you make for a brand that translate in a conversation with the user. Being aware of lifestyle rather than just preferences lets you improve this link. Gives a more holistic approach to whatever you are designing. When you are able to provide this contact in between brand and customer in an effective way your work becomes more relevant. The ability to evoke feelings in the user that would develop into meaningful to products. In this particular case change represents the straightforward movement of the brand to the market needs. To bigger trends that food market is embracing without leaving the characteristics of the brand personality. For the chosen methodology and strategy (umbrella structure, archetyping) it is believed that could be repplicable in other cases. It was chosen because of the need of having a clear image and overview of what should be expressed. Getting to know your client is part of the job, however the archetyping factor helped a lot for understading how brands perform as entities and therefore narrow down the characteristics of a complex structure into tangible graphical choices. Getting to know and trying to attach the feelings to a product is more complex than what people may think. In this study case, it was found really interesting that sometimes it’s not a lack of something in the brand but exactly the opposite; too much of everything; for Bolletje now less means more. Simpler, bolder, stronger. More direct but still fun.

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