RÚBRICA PARA LA EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS 2013 Año internacional de la colaboración en la esfera del agua
2013 Año internacional de la colaboración en la esfera del agua Excellent 20 pts Prediction phase
Seek information
Experiment or Project Presentation
Excellent Make excellent questions about water. Plan some preditions and hypothesis. Excellent They used at least 3 sources for collecting information about the project. Excellent Successfully followed steps and techniques to complete experiment or project. Excellent The project was colorful and organized. The writing was readable and there were no grammatical errors. Excellent The board or physical presentation adequately demonstrated the waters concerns or problems.
Fair 10 pts
Poor 5 pts
Fair Poor Make fair questions, Not complete questions, no predictions and hypothesis predictions at all. Fair One of the three were missing.
Poor Two of the three were missing..
Fair Followed directions with experiement but did not complete successfully. Fair The project was complete and readable. There might have been a few errors made. Fair The project could have worked for more than one of the water problem.
Poor Did not complete experiment or project. Poor The project looked thrown together. They consisted errors or the hand writing was sloppy. Poor The project did not match up with the water problem chosen.