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Table of Contents


Interview Commments of Minelly Caterine Carillo Ríos about her experience in CNCMUN II


Interview Sergio Gonzales answers a few questions.

03 13 14 15

In Case You Missed It A review of CNCMUN II day 1

Schedule Map Invited Schools



Interview ¿Qué significa MUN para usted? Es un evento que me llena de expectativas, algo diferente a lo que usualmente se hace en los colegios, una nueva manera de descubrir y compartir conocimientos. Este espacio me brinda oportunidades que no me esperaba, es muy enriquecedor y me parece muy positivo.

¿Qué opina de sus presidentes? Son algo flexibles, no se encierran en protocolos y entienden que algunos estamos en nuestro primer modelo. De todas formas, siempre nos hacen las correcciones debidas, lo que es bueno porque nos ayudan a mejorar.

¿Qué opina del evento? Es una experiencia maravillosa, jamás la había vivido y es algo que hace brotar mis capacidades, me hace ver lo que soy y lo

Nombre: Minelly Caterine Carillo Ríos

competente que puedo llegar a ser.

Comité: HRC

Además, me brinda muchas herramientas

País que representa: Francia

que sé que voy a utilizar en el futuro.

Colegio Gonzalo Jiménez Navas

¿Qué opina de los delegados? Son personas fantásticas, realmente he visto en ellos mucho potencial, son muy buenos comunicando sus ideas y argumentándolas. Para algunos ya es su segundo modelo y su experiencia me sirve de ejemplo para guiarme.



Interview ¿Qué es MUN para usted? Yo estoy en MUN desde que comencé secundaria en 7mo grado, ahora estoy en 11avo y esto ha sido una escapatoria para mí. Así como para otras personas es el fútbol o el básquetbol, para mi es MUN. Esa manera de sentirme bien y hacer lo que me gusta.

¿Qué le ha parecido el evento? Muy bien, la verdad que los delegados a pesar de que la mayoría son principiantes, están tomando sus posiciones como debe ser, haciendo las cosas adecuadamente.

Nombre: Sergio Gonzales Comité: ECOSOC Cargo: Presidente Colegio Británico de Cartagena

¿Qué más diría de sus delegados? Al comienzo, como todo delegado principiante, comenzaron “dormidos” y no se movía el comité. Muchas veces nos tocó llamar a delegados que no habían hablado, pero es por eso mismo, porque es una serie de delegados a quienes se les asignaron temas o países muy tarde, o están en su primer modelo.

¿Qué opina de su comité? Hasta ahora muy bien. Estoy emocionado de lo que se vendrá.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Security Council (SC) During the first session in the Security Council, the debate focused on the conflict concerning the South Asian Sea and each delegation stated their position. Delegations such as Russia and India seem to be supporting the delegation of China in its effort on keeping the mentioned territory and reach an agreement that helps all Nations, and it is clearly against the delegation of the United States, supported by the delegations of Philippines, France, Brunei and Vietnam. The Chinese delegation claims that the United States wants the territory in question because it has plenty of resources, such as petroleum and oil reservations, while the USA ensures that its intentions are nothing but to protect the freedom of the seas. Also, a crisis took place in which Chinese intelligence discovered US bases with military nuclear capability exploding crude oil and natural gas in the middle of Spratly islands within Russian warfare on them.

As the delegation of the United States has shown weakness and unclearness during the debate, the delegations of China and Russia have taken great advantage of the situation and played the right cards to enclose the US into an agreement in exchange of its economic stability. In the middle of lobby time, the Presidents of the DISEC committee came to the Security Council with the delegates of India, United States and China to discuss about a crisis that took place there in which the Indian government threatened Turkey with the intervention of biological weapons. This was considered by the Security Council as an act of war against Turkey according to the fifth article of NATO in which when one nation is attacked it is considered as a collective aggression against all nations conforming the organization.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Economical and Social Council (ECOSOC) Today in the first day of the CNC MUN, in the committee of ECOSOC, the debate was focused on the topic of recruitment, following to the idea of the recruitment of minors. At the beginning, the position of the countries was with a majority of them with an opposition to child recruitment, making an exception of North Korea, which proposed that this was helpful for the country, and in cases, necessary. The delegates of Uganda and Colombia requested financial aid to help solve the country recruitment issues. Â Further, in the debate, the delegation of United States of America emphasized on the physiological effect war has on children, and the delegation Italy highlighted multiple times one possible solution with the use of the humanitarian law. Germany and France proposed financial aid to the countries that required it and proposed to look out to make sure each country spends the monetary resources properly. At the same time, they threatened countries that apply child recruitment by cutting financial aids.

Moving on in the meeting, the delegations divided into two ideals. United States, France and Germany, with a small participation on Italy defended the idea of how child recruitment affects the individual health, trying to find suitable and peaceful solutions. However, they were later questioned due to the methods they provided and how the country tends to be affected by its economic development. On the other hand, North Korea defended the idea of child recruitment as helpful for the country, joining later Russia, and Republic of Congo as the delegation state that there is lack of help from other countries that it end up being necessary. At the end, a crisis was presented in which there was an eminent attack to France’s embassy from South Sudan. To this, the delegate from France, whose response was crucial, had to choose if she authorized and attacked; which might eradicate minors.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT United Nations Evironment Assembly (UNEA) In UNEA the event started with the honorable chair explaining the background guide, making clear the rules of language; referring to the debate all the delegates were against using fossils fuels in any way, arguing this type of energy brought terrible consequences in the environment to each country, however their agreements deferred when nuclear energy was included in the discussion. The delegates of China and USA were against the idea of eradicating the use of this energy and replacing it completely with renewable energies, while the delegates of Ethiopia, Sub Sahara and Singapur agreed in lobby time to support each other, in the aspect of economy, replacing it completely to solar energy, despite this being an utopic idea, the delegate of China made a point of information, remembered to the delegates that their economies were not balance enough to support other countries, and if they went into a critical phase other well-being countries would be affected. Crisis one was presented to the delegates. The debate continued starting with USA asking for apologies to the other countries, however arguing accidents happened but this should not be an impediment to the evolution of men which benefits on the use of nuclear energy The delegates of United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Spain and Qatar agreed that the magnitude of that problem will cause long term consequences, affecting the environment and future generations. China contradicts, arguing nuclear energy makes a high contribution to each country and that some economies depend on it, having an only income of that type of energy, china closes debate. Crisis two involves solar energy and the damage it causes. All the delegates except China and USA defended the idea of using this energy completely despite the crisis, arguing that the problem was caused by the localization and the solar panels, not the energy. They also said that that type of energy would never cause as much damage as nuclear energy does. The debate was closed by United Kingdom; the chair was open to motions, delegate of China proposed Lobby time for a time of 15 min, delegates agreed.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Historical Crisis Cabinet (HCC) In this commission the main first approached topic was “What should be done about the Cuban missiles?” and there were two main position: one made by USA, which pointed out the USSR’s missiles should be taken out from Cuba because they were a huge threat for USA and the rest of the continent also, arguing about why the URSS sent those weapons secretly, and the delegation of the USSR and SLNF pointed out USA also had missiles near their territory in Turkey. Turkey completely agreed with USA to have missiles in their territory as Cuba with USSR.

Delegations such as UK, France, Turkey, and Nicaragua are in favor of taking out missiles of Cuba for being in peace beside as the delegations of SLNF, Cuba, and Yugoslavia which are against taking out the missiles mainly because USA also has missiles in Turkey. Delegations such as Vietnam, China and North Korea where neutral at the beginning but after pointing some facts as US spying planes that noticed the missiles in Cuba and US missiles in Turkey, they started to be against taking out the missiles.



The first crisis came out when Che Guevara was kidnapped and murdered by unknown people, so the delegations against taking out the missiles were in favor of Cuba situation and against USA attitudes. The delegation of SLNF took out the example of Augusto CĂŠsar Sandino who was murdered some years before to mark out the fact USA get rid of people who is against them. Also, North Korea proposed economic and military help to Cuba after this event. The delegations kept blaming USA for killing Che guevera and, effectively, the US president John F. Kennedy was the one who planned to murder the Che, as a video showed. Consequently, USSR accused USA of not following their constitution where says every person is free.

Finally, Fidel Castro sent a letter which says that after the assassination of Ernesto Guevara, Cuba was very wound, so the people in Cuba will launch missiles if there is not any solution. In cause of this the different delegations started to look for solutions instead of blaming each other in order to avoid a nuclear conflict. Their solution was to reduce by 90% the missiles in Cuba and Turkey. Also, the lock line that USA had in Cuba was removed and a direct line between President Jhon F. Kennedy and Nikita Jrushchov was created.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) This commission started the debate focused on the unmonitored developing of experimental weaponry. The debate was divided between the delegations that supported the creation without limits, as there is any entity allowed to really supervise the creation, and the delegations that see this as a threat to the countries. Some delegations support that the development need to have a real security to create all this weapons, but to do so it is necessary to take into account the non-proliferation treaty. Other topics that were taken into the debate was the K.A.L.I that was seen as an important point to keep the debate moving, proposed by the delegation of India, who state it was helpful to protect their nation, as some others see the use of this as something inappropriate and dangerous to its nation.

The delegation of India was attacked because of the chemical weaponry that contains in its arsenal and the incoherence the countries find as it reclaims for peace. It defends itself as saying that the only reason they have the weapons is their national security as in some points it has feel threaten by different countries, but it does not have to be with their desire of being in peace.

A crisis occurred because the republic of India was going to use their weapons against Turkey and its allies. In the debate China and USA delegates tried to find allies to help Turkey. After the arguments, the delegation of India explained its point and said that it has not been done yet, so there is nothing that could be argued about, but it cannot stop the other countries to find their allies to finish the delegation of India`s ideals.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Comité Colombia Histórica (CCH) El comité comenzó con el tema del narcotráfico. Cada delegado plasmó su punto de vista en el discurso. Fue claro que la mayoría estaba de acuerdo con eliminar el narcotráfico del país. Hubo diferentes puntos de vista, así como, Jorge Luis Ochoa en pro del narcotráfico y por otro lado César Gaviria en contra de este, esto se puede ver evidenciado en las constantes acusaciones mutuas.

Los delegados debatieron sobre qué tipo de medidas deben tomarse para eliminar el narcotráfico del país, es preciso aclarar que el tiempo de debate se extendió de 20 a 40 minutos. Añadiendo, el debate se dividió en dos: delegados como Pablo Escobar y Jorge Luis Ochoa, el lado a favor, apoyándose en que no hay pruebas que los culpen de crímenes relacionados con el tema y abogando que no es la culpa de ellos que los países consuman drogas, otros delegados tales como Cesar Gaviria y Miguel Maza Márquez, abogando en contra, basados en los daños hechos al país ya sea con terrorismo u otras actividades ilícitas. Además, se formó debate por la presencia de Estados Unidos en el tema, en el contexto de la extradición. Finalmente, se cerró la sesión.

Al comenzar la segunda sesión, el comité de CCH presenció una “mini crisis” en la cual llegó uno de los escoltas de Pablo Escobar armado, después, comenzó un debate de 30 minutos. Se volvió a tocar el tema de la extradición y nuevamente se dividieron los puntos de vista, esto es evidenciado cuando Miguel Maza Márquez opinó que la extradición era la única forma de eliminar el narcotráfico, ya que, según él “no se va a llegar a ninguna parte” por medio del diálogo y Jorge Luis Ochoa opinó que la solución más acertada para este problema es el diálogo. Finalmente, Los delegados opinaron sobre ambos puntos de vista. Es importante mencionar que hubo lobby time de 10 minutos propuesto por Luis Carlos Galán y después se continuó con el debate. Asimismo, se formaron bloques entre los delegados y al final cada bloque y delegado dieron su punto de vista y sus requisitos políticos para lograr llegar a un acuerdo del mismo tipo.


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Comité de derechos Humanos (HRC) "Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros”. Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (DUDH) en su artículo 1. HRC es el comité de derechos humanos que supervisa y cumple el pacto internacional de derechos civiles y políticos por los Estados acordados.

En el primer día de HRC se realizó un debate donde su tema principal fue la violación de derechos penales y discriminación hacia la comunidad LGBTI, en donde se pudo ver los diferentes puntos de vista y la división de varios países que están en contra y a favor del tema de la homosexualidad. El debate se dividió en dos posturas, mientras delegaciones como Estados Unidos apoyaban a la comunidad LGBTI, donde hacían énfasis que ellos como comunidad son seres humanos que tienen los mismos derechos que cualquier otro individuo independiente de su orientación sexual, otras delegaciones como Pakistán están en contra de la comunidad LGBTI, ya que su principal fundamento es la religión y sus leyes se basan en eso, respeta las culturas sin necesidad de afectar la ley Sharia.

En el comité se habló también de la influencia de la homosexualidad en aspectos religiosos y culturales, y cómo estos afectan las decisiones de los países. Además, se pudo ver la decisión de algunas delegaciones respecto a la inclusión de los homosexuales en la parte militar.




IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) Este comité se dedica a orientar a los pueblos por su propio desarrollo cultural y científico, primando a la repartición de educación en cada país. En la primera sesión se abrió tema de la agenda para la problemática sobre la educación para los refugiados sirios y la integración e inclusión de estos sistemas en el país. Las delegaciones de los respectivos países en el comité propusieron sistemas de inclusión educativa, mecanismos de financiación para llevar a cabo tales sistemas, mecanismos de protección para aquellas instituciones educativas instaladas en el país sirio y sus fronteras altamente susceptibles a conflictos armados.

Se abrió una moción a la mejoría, protección e implementación de los docentes en las poblaciones de refugiados necesitados, los delegados propusieron un modelo de educación que se acomode a las necesidades de la población, que tenga en cuenta su preservación cultural y que se dicten las clases en el idioma propio de la población, de manera que tanto los refugiados encuentren beneficios sociales y comprendan sobre las clases dentro de las aulas, además, que los docentes obtengan un salario propicio de su trabajo.



La mesa abrió debate al apoyo económico y financiero que las distintas delegaciones del comité aportarían para el proceso de integración social, cultural y educacional, se cuestionó sobre la medida en la que estos refugiados se asocien a un nuevo modelo educacional de un país distinto al de su origen y que se protejan sus derechos. Se presentó la crisis en la sesión, en la que Turquía ha sufrido un incidente en tres instituciones educativas de la república.

La mesa acordó abrir espacio para un tiempo de pausa para que los delegados aseguren llegar a acuerdos sobre formas de solucionar la crisis presentada, de esta forma, el comité podrá solucionar esta crisis de la forma más rápida y efectiva posible. Al pueblo kurdo se le reconocen como culpables de la crisis, los países nórdicos de Noruega y Finlandia han mostrado gran preocupación por esta crisis y reafirman que apoyarán al gobierno de Estados Unidos de manera humanitaria enviando recursos a sus tropas, de esta manera, las delegaciones se apoyarían entre sí en el apoyo hacia esta población.

2017 Bucaramanga Santander - Colombia

Editado y diseñado por: Andrés Rueda Juan José Mantilla

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