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Table of Contents

01 02

Interview Comments of Daniela Saabi about her experience in CNCMUN II.

Interview Augusto Vicco answers a few questions.


In Case You Missed It


Invited Schools

A review of CNCMUN II day 2.

Institutional logos.



Interview ¿Qué significa MUN para ti? Es una oportunidad para ver el mundo desde diferentes perspectivas y tener una mente más abierta.

¿Cómo te ha parecido el evento? Es mi primer modelo y lo he disfrutado mucho.

¿Qué piensas de los presidentes? Me parece que están muy centrados y ubicados en el tema y saben manejar muy bien las delegaciones.

¿Qué cosas positivas ha aportado esta experiencia a tu vida? Me ha contextualizado en diferentes Nombre: Daniela Saaibi Comité: UNEA País que representa: Reino Unido Aspaen Gimnasia Cantillana

situaciones en el mundo y que se pueden presentar en el país en un futuro.

¿Volverías a un Modelo de Naciones Unidas organizado por el CNC? Sí, sí volvería.



Interview ¿Qué es MUN para usted? Es una experiencia que te enriquece la sabiduría, te ayuda a aprender, a mirar los problemas con perspectivas diferentes, a defender argumentos que tal vez en la vida real no quieras defender, entonces te ayuda a mejorar como persona.

¿Qué le ha parecido el evento hasta el momento? La verdad que para ser el segundo va muy bien, todo muy organizado y muy lindo.

¿Qué opina de sus presidentes? Lo mismo, para tener tan poca experiencia en comparación con los de otros modelos saben los procedimientos,

Nombre: Augusto Vicco

lo que tienen qué hacer, cómo hacerlo,

Comité: DISEC

todo muy bien hecho.

País que representa: Rusia Colegio Vermont de Medellín

¿Qué opina del resto de los delegados? Los delegados vienen de colegios muy variados, saben participar, tienen buen inglés y ayudan a enriquecer la experiencia del comité.

¿Cuál tema de su comité prefiere? El primero, que trata de “unmonitored development of experimental weapons”, porque mi país (Rusia) tiene mucho que ver, es muy fácil intervenir en la discusión y porque se basa en situaciones actuales que están ocurriendo en Corea del Norte.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Security Council (SC) During day two in the Security Council the delegates started writing their resolutions and while they were doing so, the President and delegates of China, India and United States from the DISEC committee arrived in the conference room to continue with the debate the two committees were having on day one. After several voting sessions, the Security Council committee decided not to apply the article six of the United Nations Charter to India, thus leaving it as a member of the United Nations and approved an embargo and a NATO intervention against the delegation instead.

As the delegates from DISEC left the room, the delegates from the Security Council proceeded to finish and present their resolutions, which were not approved by the committee in the voting process.

After the working papers were presented and none of them passed, the debate on the South Asian Sea was closed and the committee began debating about the topic concerning the Syrian conflict. Each delegation then began to state their position and blocs started to become clear as the debate progressed.



The delegations of Syria, Lebanon, Russia and Iran have created a bloc and the delegations of United States, France and United Kingdom have created another one, while the delegation of Japan has shown itself as a neutral piece that is not interested in pointing fingers at who is responsible for the Syrian civil war, but rather willing to provide a solution to the unfortunate situation the country is going through as it is a US ally despite of it being strongly against the actions that the country has taken during this war.

A crisis was then released in which the Free Syrian Army invaded the presidential palace and killed several government officials including the Syrian minister of defense Fahd Jassem al-Freij and President Bashar al-Assad with the help of the US government according to the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. An extension to the previous crisis was released in which the US Head of State Donald J. Trump had been attacked by an Anti-government Syrian organization using Irani weapons.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Economical and Social Council (ECOSOC) The second day opened with a crisis: the embassy of France was under an attack sent by South Sudan. During the attack, the situation had certain problem: The attackers were all minors. It was clear that the French ambassador life was in danger, and the delegation of France needed to choose what to do to solve the problem. Â In case of contraattack from France, the children from South Sudan would have died. France's solution was to sleep the minors with a special gas destined by a French scientist, which would make the children fall asleep. However, the second crisis occurred as a report arrived saying that the gas lead to the unstoppable death of the children. The debate question brought by the chair was: Was the gas situation an accident? Or was it on purpose?

In the debate the delegates divided in two groups: some of them support France saying that the event was an accident, some others delegations accused the delegation of France from genocide saying that an accident from that magnitude was not that possible. The delegation of France trying to defend her position, affirmed that France government, with help of the scientists that created the gas, were making an autopsy to see the cause of death of the children, but her statement was questioned as there was no assurance that the results wouldn't be affected.



In the resolutions, France and United States became allies, with the support of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Colombia, Federative Republic of Brazil, Syrian Arab Republic, in which they were concerned about the situation of child recruitment in several countries, and they resolve to create an organization to protect, rehabilitate and rescue the children. This resolution failed, as there was a tie.Â

The second resolution was from Russia and North Korea, proposing to make a campaign too. This resolution won and with the help of the chair they all came to an agreement to make one big campaign, making a union with US and France. The meeting concluded with the opening speeches for the new topic: protectionism, taking on how it was a benefit for countries because they will produce more jobs, but this was not positive for countries whose economies depend a lot on other countries.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT United Nations Evironment Assembly (UNEA) The debate was started by Saudi Arabia asking for the support of the other delegates present to help in the economy crisis. The delegate of Ethiopia expressed it was time to start giving resolutions to this big issue that was risking the well-being of the environment. In that way, the delegate of China agreed, arguing it would be a waste of economic resources if a plan wasn't given, the delegate of Spain said the corresponding country has already dropped 4 point in the use of fossils fuels and with the collaboration of other countries it could drop more, the delegate of Russia expressed to other delegates solar energy wouldn't work in the strong winter and in consequence the rate of mortality would increase drastically. Then, delegate of Costa Rica suggested to store the solar energy exactly for those times of need and gave full support to Russia if a crisis came. The delegate of China argued that depending on other countries wasn't a viable idea because Germany could stop giving resources, leaving China in a crisis of energy. The delegates agreed that it was time to give the resolutions, one of them saying the delegates with good economic resources should help the ones who are just starting to implement renewable energies just in case their economy drops.



The delegate of China proposed to open up the agenda and started the open up speeches of the second topic: crisis of water in 2030. The first crisis was presented to the delegates. The blame was all in USA because water was contaminated and the well-being of other countries was at risk. USA proposed to open up an investigation to confirm if it was a bacteria or virus. Delegates agreed to look for a cure and support fully Saudi Arabia. Suddenly, crisis 2 happened and delegates decided quickly what was best for all: Germany would support fully in an economic ways other delegations, USA would give an aid to apportion in the medicine and China agreed to start an immediate

Chair was open to motions, a debate

investigation to look for a cure.Â

was open with a time of 20 minutes. In this discussion the majority of the delegates were planning already resolutions, the association with USA would be stopped until the issue of contaminated water solves. During that time, China would help support those who don't have water resources. The delegate of South Africa proposed to cut water resource in a specific time to start saving for hard times then the delegate of Spain propose to use solar power purifiers to take more precautions in the issue.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Historical Crisis Cabinet (HCC) After the agreement made by USA and USSR, the Central Intelligence Agency did not agree with this accord because they don’t like the idea of countries who follow communist ideologies so they hijacked the plane where the USSR leader, Nikita Krushev, was flying to Geneva to sign this agreement. Then the CIA personal requested the launch codes in exchange for sparring Krushev’s life. The soviets did what they were asked to, however when the militants got the launch codes then they murdered the soviet premier. They also restarted the escalation in Cuba, by using contact in the navy to impose a complete blockade, bombarding Santiago de Cuba with help of the air force and preparing the complete overrun of Cuba with the armed forces.

After this crisis, all of the different delegations started to blame USA directly for these actions. Suddenly, one member of the CIA appeared in the committee threating all delegations stating that the CIA had taken the building. At this moment delegations as USSR, SLNF and China started to blame USA for all these horrible events but the delegation of USA pointed out that the responsible for this was the CIA and they did not have any relation for those events.



Thanks to the inexistence of a delegation (SLNF), the delegation Revolutionary Armed Forces of America (RAFA) get into the committee to fight against the CIA. As USA lost their military power, that was taken by the CIA, the General Secretary decided to take off the veto of USA, obligating them to select another delegation for having the veto. Finally, the delegation of USA gave their veto to Turkey.

The member of the CIA took some control over the committee in cause of that SLNF and France wanted to make an alliance with the other delegations in order to attack the CIA and USA so the USA delegation pointed it was going to get back the military power taken by the CIA. The different delegations kept looking for solutions for the CIA problem, until the member of the CIA murdered the delegate of SLNF because it was against the CIA classifying them as a “terrorist group�.

The final resolution was made after USA lost their veto, in this resolution was mainly accorded that all countries, except France and United Kingdom, were going to divide the US territory except Washington state which was taken by the CIA. Also, it was requested to give veto power to the new delegation RAFA and finally it was reminded that the world must stay in peace and by any reason nuclear weapons must be used. As it was said before UK and France did not agree with this so the resolution was not done and the CIA remained with the absolute control of USA.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) The last session concluded with the delegation of Turkey stating that India could not do anything in its territory, at the same time the delegations of India, China and USA, because of the crisis that happened, in the Security Council it end up India losing the vote and voice, because he broke the laws stablished by the United Nations. To resume the session India decided to ask for forgiveness, at the same time it decided to sign the nonproliferation treaty. Also, the delegation decided to dismantle the K. A. L. I, as well as the Griffin, after the news that the delegation of India said that the delegation start forming blocks to create their resolutions. In the middle of the lobby time, the delegation of India, China and USA, accompanied by the Vice President of this committee were taken again to the Security Council as it was required.

After the Security Council took the decision, they decided that there was going to be a military intervention on Turkey. India is taken out from the United Nations and after all, China made an Economic embargo to India. All the countries got together with its allies and, after the time passed, there was a resolution created by the delegations of Switzerland and Brazil as the Head of blocks, who took as sponsor the delegations of Canada, Turkey, Italy, Norway, Japan and France. They proposed that every country has the right to develop experimental weaponry only if it is supervise by an international organization.Â



At the end they end up voting to take out France of their resolution as it was first allies with China, Russia and the United States. United States decided to make a press release, in which stated that their country will continue with the development of unmonitored weapons because it is helpful for its self-defense as well is an advance for technology and science. Another press release was carried out by China and Russia in which they stated that the countries deserve to make their weapons better so they can be used to defend when it is needed. As mentioned before, the resolution end up with Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey in favor, leaving China, Russia and United States against, which meant that the resolution clearly passed, ending the first topic.

The second topic started with a point of Russia that would be cited tomorrow and Japan answering that soldiers are weapons, and that make them lose their rights, until China stops them using the constitution of Japan that the soldiers deserve the same rights as any other human being. This ideal is supported by Switzerland that believes soldiers do that and what they should receive are benefits for giving its life for its country, also the delegation of Italy, Norway and Brazil became allies because the money should be used for better things.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Comité Colombia Histórica (CCH) Todo comenzó con un debate informal durante media hora en el cual Pablo Escobar plasmó la primera idea, esta consistía en reducir la pena por la mitad. Los representantes del pueblo como César Gaviria propusieron hacer un referendo para decidir y asimismo para decidir sobre continuar o no con la extradición. Es importante añadir que la mesa corrigió el concepto de referendo y el debate prosiguió. Con esto, se llevó a los delegados a cambiar la propuesta (un referendo) por una constituyente. Asimismo, hubo una crisis en la cual se emitió un video y se repartió un documento con la noticia del asesinato de Diana Turbay. En consecuencia, el debate se dividió en dos, por un lado los que abogaban que no había pruebas para mostrar que los

Después del descanso el debate comenzó

extraditables fueron los asesinos de la hija

con una crisis en la cual se dio un

del expresidente tales como Pablo Escobar y

comunicado, este decía que hubo una

por otro lado el gobierno, los cuales son Luis

bomba en una sede de Drogas la Rebaja en

Carlos Galán y César Gaviria, los que

la ciudad de Cali, esta bomba dejó a 3

abogaban por que los culpables fueron los

heridos y 4 muertos. En consecuencia, César


Gaviria cesó las negociaciones con los carteles del narcotráfico y dictó nuevas normas en la cuales resaltan la creación del bloque de búsqueda, la intensificación de la presencia policial en los barrios creados por Pablo Escobar y el toque de queda. El debate prosiguió y se dividieron los bandos, el cartel de Cali, el cartel de Medellín y el gobierno colombiano. Pablo Escobar les recomendó a los otros bloques que continúen las negociaciones con él y su cartel y, por el contrario, César Gaviria afirmó que no negociaría con carteles que no tengan buena voluntad.



Por otro lado, hubo otra crisis en la cual se decía que habían llegado dineros provenientes del narcotráfico a la campaña del presidente César Gaviria. El delegado Luis Carlos Galán propuso unas nuevas elecciones la cual fue apoyada por Jorge Luis Ochoa y Luis Carlos Galán afirmo que sería pertinente que César Gaviria dejara su mandato como presidente. Después, César Gaviria retó a la competencia a Luis Carlos Galán por no ser congruente con sus ideologías políticas. Hubo otra crisis en donde Luis Carlos Galán fue asesinado y el delegado tomó el papel de la esposa de Luis Carlos Galán llamada Gloria Pachón, y Pablo Escobar, en representación del cartel de Medellín, afirmó que no tuvieron nada que ver con esta muerte. Se tomó un tiempo para empezar a redactar las resoluciones por cada bloque y después salieron a almorzar.

Al llegar del almuerzo se dio la presentación de los papeles de trabajo. El primer bloque estaba compuesto por Juan David Ochoa, Juan Luis Ochoa, María Jimena Duzán, Belisario Betancur y Andrés pastrana, fue presentado por Pablo Escobar y Guillermo Cano, en el cual se hace una negociación con el gobierno para terminar con el conflicto entre el cartel de Medellín y el gobierno. El segundo bloque estaba compuesto por: César Gaviria y Miguel Maza Márquez, Gilberto Rodríguez, Fidel castaño, Helmer Herrera, Orlando Henao y Gloria Pachón y fue presentado por Cesar Gaviria y Fidel Castaño. Se mandaron las enmiendas para cada bloque y se votó por cada una. Al final el papel de trabajo presentado por Pablo Escobar y Guillermo Cano fue sometido a votación y fue denegado, además, el papel de trabajo presentado por Cesar Gaviria y Miguel Maza Marques fue entablado y denegado por el bloque adverso.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Comité de derechos Humanos (HRC) El día de hoy el comité HRC empezó con un debate de 30 minutos en total, con un tiempo estipulado de 1 minuto y 30 segundos por delegado para poder finalizar sus alianzas y poder realizar los respectivos papeles de solución. Luego, se pudo ver que en el comité (HRC) todos los países se unieron para poder así crear todos los delegados un papel de solución que beneficiará a cada uno de ellos y que respetará sus leyes, religiones y culturas, aunque se presentan diferentes posturas todas las delegaciones se unieron y votaron por una sola solución hacia el tema en que estaba dirigido este debate, que era la “Violación de derechos,

Después del primer descanso, se

penalidades y discriminaciones hacia

realizó el protocolo necesario para

la comunidad LGBTI”.

poder proceder a presentar el papel de resolución, que por cuestiones de falta de frases preambulatorias y operativas, se tuvo que entablar este papel llamado “papel de resolución 1.1” del comité HRC. Este papel entablaba soluciones tales como reconocer los derechos y libertades de cada individuo sin importar raza, religión, opiniones políticas o cualquier otra índole.



Durante toda esta segunda sesión, se tuvo la visita de varios estudiantes de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana que se postularon a última hora como delegados y observadores para así amplificar la información sobre este modelo de Naciones Unidas llevado a cabo en estas respectivas instalaciones. Igualmente, en esta segunda sesión de HRC se abrió agenda al nuevo tema con respecto a la “Protección de derechos de personas con discapacidad y políticas incluyentes como plan de desarrollo sostenible”, donde cada delegado empezó con su discurso de apertura para así poder clarificar sus puntos de vista para realizar alianzas y formar bloques desde el principio.

En la última sesión del día, se siguió debatiendo el tema mencionado anteriormente, proponiendo soluciones y poniendo a la vista de las demás delegaciones algunas severas problemáticas que afectan a cada país, poniendo énfasis en la parte científica, humanitaria, política y económica. Por ende, se pudo analizar que el comité de derechos humanos se dividió, dado que algunos no compartían los mismos enfoques y no tenían compatibilidad con las leyes ante la protección de estos seres humanos, esto llevo a varios enfrentamientos por parte de las delegaciones tanto a favor como en contra.



IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO)

La mesa permitió el inicio del debate informal, que abordó la protección de las escuelas ante los atacantes de los pueblos en conflicto. Se propuso la intervención de entidades no gubernamentales, tales como la cruz roja, de forma que se evite que estas instituciones educativas no se transformen en una zona de conflicto mayor y resguardar la seguridad de los estudiantes de la población.

Se presentó la crisis, en la que la delegada de Turquía tuvo que tomar la decisión de ceder o no. Las escuelas ubicadas en las ciudades de Ankara, Adana y Malatya y los distintos delegados formaron una coalición de apoyo entre sí, de manera que las naciones propongan métodos de comunicación y eviten una intervención militar, e instalar una mesa de diálogo en un punto imparcial para establecer un punto de acuerdo en este grupo insurgente.



Se dio inicio al debate formal, el cual se dividió en dos bloques. La resolución del bloque 1, la cual ve como solución varios factores que albergan el compromiso económico y social de las delegaciones para dar oportunidades de inclusión e integración educativa a los refugiados. Se cerró la agenda, después de haber demostrado la concordancia de la solución propuesta por el bloque 1 y la aprobación por los presentes delegados del comité.

Nuevamente, se abrió la agenda con la nueva temática, la cual trata sobre la preservación de minorías étnicas en América Latina. Propuestas hechas por los delegados apuntan a la creación o implementación de curules que generen inclusión en la participación de las minorías étnicas en los pueblos latinoamericanos y modelos educacionales que no solo integren a estas minorías de forma que las integren a la nación, pero que preserven los principios culturales e incluso religiosos de la minoría.

2017 Bucaramanga Santander - Colombia

Editado y diseñado por: Andrés Rueda Juan José Mantilla

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