Mark:__________ Lexical Analysis Quiz 2 Name:______________________
Score: ____ 30 pts
I. Match the following words with the appropriate meaning. (10 pts) a) Phrasal verb b) Idiom c) Multi-word Item d) Homonymy
e) Affective meaning f) Polysemy g) Homophyny
h) Translation i) Chunks of language
j) Pronunciation
__ Ability to recognise and reproduce item in speech. __ Distinguishing between the different shades of meaning that synonymous words have (e.g. extend, increase, expand). __ Multi-word verbs, idioms, strong and weak collocations, lexical phrases. __ Distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form with several but closely related meanings (head: of a person, of a pin, of an organization). __ Awareness of certain differences and similarities between the native and the foreign language (e.g. false cognates). __ Understanding words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings (e.g. flour, flower). __ Distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form which has several meanings which are NOT closely related ( e.g. a file: used to put papers in or a tool). __ A vocabulary item which consists of a sequence of two or more words. __ Are combinations of verbs and adverbial or prepositional particles. The verbs are typically but by no means always mono syllabic and of Germanic origin. __ Are a very complex group, not least because the term frequently occurs in the literature with a variety with different meanings. __ Being able to distinguish between different levels of formality, the effect of different contexts and topics, as well as differences in geographical variation.
II. According to the text “Multi-Word Items in English� answer if the following questions are TRUE or FALSE. (10 pts) 1) ______There are many different forms of multi-word item and the fields of lexicology and idiomatology have generated an unruly collection of names for them, with confusing results. 2) ______Non- compositionality is the degree to which a multi-word item cannot be interpreted on a word-by-word basis, but has a specialized unitary meaning. 3) _____The three important criteria which help us to distinguish holistic multi-words item from other kinds of strings are Institutionalization, Fixedness and prefabs. 4) _____Multi-words items are language-specific and they have particular socio-cultural connotations and associations. 5) _____Multi words items are not a problem for people who is teaching and people who is learning a foreign language.
III. Circle the correct answer (10 pts) 1. Nowadays it is widely accepted that vocabulary teaching should be: a) Learnt by heart. b) Part of the syllabus, and taught in a well-planned and regular basis. c) Taught at home. d) Part of the daily work of a teacher.
2. Which are some of the aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching vocabulary? a) Classroom management and good relation between teacher and students. b) A wide variety of aids, and handouts. c) Synonymy and Pronunciation. d) a and b.
3. How much information can our long term memory hold? a) Just 7 words. b) Any amount of information.
c) Just one paragraph. d) Just 2 lines.
4. Which are the four learning style preferences? a) Optical, Aural, Kinesthetic and tactful. b) Visual, audio-lingual, kinesthetic and tactile. c) Visual, Aural, kinesthetic and tactile. d) Optical, aural, kinesthetic and tactile
5. What do chunks include? a) Verbs, morphemes and adjectives b) Adverbs and nouns. c) Interjections and conjunctions. d) Collocations, fixed and semi-fixed expressions and idioms.
Answer key. Mark:__________ Lexical Analysis Quiz 2 Name:______________________ Date: / / Score: ____ 30 pts I. Match the following words with the appropriate meaning. (10 pts) a) Phrasal verb J Ability to recognise and reproduce item in speech. b) Idiom E Distinguishing between the different shades of meaning that synonymous words have (e.g. extend, increase, expand). c) Multi-word Item I Multi-word verbs, idioms, strong and weak collocations, lexical phrases. d) Homonymy F Distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form with several but closely related meanings (head: of a person, of a pin, of an organization). e) Synonymy H Awareness of certain differences and similarities between the native and the foreign language (e.g. false cognates). f) Polysemy G Understanding words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings (e.g. flour, flower). g) Homophyny D Distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form which has several meanings which are NOT closely related ( e.g. a file: used to put papers in or a tool). h) Translation C A vocabulary item which consists of a sequence of two or more words. i) Chunks of language A Are combinations of verbs and adverbial or prepositional particles. The verbs are typically but by no means always mono syllabic and of Germanic origin.
j) Pronunciation
B Are a very complex group, not least because the term frequently occurs in the literature with a variety with different meanings. - Being able to distinguish between different levels of formality, the effect of different contexts and topics, as well as differences in geographical variation.
II. According to the text “Multi-Word Items in English� answer if the following questions are TRUE or FALSE. (10 pts)
1) TRUE There are many different forms of multi-word item and the fields of lexicology and idiomatology have generated an unruly collection of names for them, with confusing results. 2) TRUE Non- compositionality is the degree to which a multi-word item cannot be interpreted on a word-by-word basis, but has a specialized unitary meaning. 3) FALSE The three important criteria which help us to distinguish holistic multi-words item from other kinds of strings are Institutionalization, Fixedness and prefabs. (Institutionalization, Fixedness and non-compositionality.) 4) FALSE Multi-words items are language-specific and they have particular socio-cultural connotations and associations. (It is typically a problem for people who is teaching or learning a foreign language, because the phenomena of multi-words items and idiomaticity are generally held to be universals in nature languages.) 5) TRUE Multi words items are not a problem for people who is teaching and people who is learning a foreign language.
III. Circle the correct answer (10 pts) 1.
Nowadays it is widely accepted that vocabulary teaching should be:
Learnt by heart.
Part of the syllabus, and taught in a well-planned and regular basis.
Taught at home.
Part of the daily work of a teacher.
2. Which are some of the aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching vocabulary? a)
Classroom management and good relation between teacher and students.
A wide variety of aids, and handouts.
Synonymy and Pronunciation.
a and b.
How much information can our long term memory hold?
Just 7 words.
Any amount of information.
Just one paragraph.
Just 2 lines.
Which are the four learning style preferences?
Optical, Aural, Kinesthetic and tactful.
Visual, audio-lingual, kinesthetic and tactile.
Visual, Aural, kinesthetic and tactile.
Optical, aural, kinesthetic and tactile
What do chunks include?
Verbs, morphemes and adjectives
Adverbs and nouns.
Interjections and conjunctions.
Collocations, fixed and semi-fixed expressions and idioms.
Reflection For us trainee teachers, is really important to know how we could do our work more efficiently, so we need to be aware of the different ways of acquiring knowledge and teaching. We as future teachers need to broaden our vocabulary for expressing ourselves clearly. Students need to have access to the best education, and when students are learning a new language, they always think that if they speak and can understand something in English they are done, and it is not that easy. They need to learn more difficult words and have a wider range of vocabulary. One way of acquiring knowledge that appeared in the text “Teaching vocabulary to advanced students�, is through learning new vocabulary, and for doing it, students can use a wide variety of ways, one is to use EFL dictionaries as early as possible, from Intermediate upwards, dictionaries give independence to students from teacher. In dictionaries students not only can learn new words, but also, they are able to check pronunciation, the grammar of the word, differences between American and British English, style and register, and also provide examples, for getting familiar with the new words by context. Team work is advisable too, because students can exchange knowledge, and ask others to explain some words they don’t know. So, this text is really important and need to be read by future teachers and teachers, for doing their work efficiently. Multi-words items have positives and negatives aspects. We know that is really important and compulsory for teachers to teach, and for students to learn, multi word items, because are necessary when students are learning a foreign language. Students in order to know what the collocations, phrasal verbs or compound words are, and understanding what a native speaker wants to express when they use them, and finally for knowing the sociocultural aspects of different societies. However, the negatives aspects are for example, that could be a problem in teaching and learning, because their non- compositionality means that they must be recognized and learned as holistic units. Also multi-word items are language-specific, this means that they have sociocultural connotations, for example some words have a negative meaning in a particular society or context, and this word could have a positive meaning in other societies. So
this contributes to the difficulties facing L2 learners when they have to learn multi-word items. Nevertheless this multi word items need to be acquired at some stage, so teachers can find some strategies to make them easier to learn. As a conclusion, both texts teach us how to be good teachers and good learners through strategies, because teachers can find many strategies for teaching vocabulary and make their own language rich in words, and students can broaden their number and quality of words, so they can communicate better.