Vol.3 No.11 November 2013
Developing a world-class Filipino workforce at Academy Asia
re you aware that there is a school right in our midst that trains their students with skills necessary to thrive in their line of work? In these hard times when quality and
affordable education seems out of reach, Marikina City is indeed lucky to have the Academy Asia School of Technology and the Arts (AASTA). A private technical vocational institution that believes in quality education as the key to success, AASTA provides valuable skills to those who plan a career to page 4
Acu-Right Trading: “Your one stop shop for all your office needs� f you are looking for some Isupplies great deals on office & equipment, then you really need to read this peace of information. AcuRight Trading is your one stop
shop for all your office needs. Strategically located at No. 9 2nd Avenue Goodrich Village Concepcion I, Marikina City, Acu-Right Trading has a complete selection of office products, including all necessary office supplies such to page 3 as bundy clocks