Vol.2 No.10 October 2012
Shoppers “Walk this Way” to Marikina Sapatos Festival 2012
iscriminating shoppers of the metropolis who want to pamper their feet with durable and fashionable, yet affordable shoes are now wisely trooping to the eastern outskirts of the capital as the city of Marikina launched this year’s shoe festival. On September 10, the city government opened the Sapatos Festival 2012 with the catchy theme “Walk This Way!” Gawang Marikina, Gawang Kinikilala.” The theme encapsulates the city being tagged as the ‘Shoe Capital to page 5 of the Philippines’
Total body relaxation: The Executive Facial Care Experience
fter a hard and long day of work, our body naturally longs for something that will sooth our aching muscles and even lightens up our tired mind. Good for us The Executive Facial Care is in the city. Located at Shoe Avenue Marikina City, The Executive
Facial Care offers a wide variety of personal wellness and body image services that include foot spa, diamond peel, Thai foot massage, body therapy massage (Swedish/Xiamen style), hand spa, warts removal, body scrub, foot paraffin, to page 3 leg wax, arm