2023 Architecture Portfolio

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Juan Sebastiá n Gutiérrez Moreno ARCHITECT


Architect Graduated f rom the Universidad Católica de Colombia. W ith w ide interest i n learning and performs, with creative and teamwork abilities.



Personal Information

23 years, from Bogotá Colombia

March 08, 2000

CC. 1007 339 992 de Bogotá D.C Single.



Commitment, Teamwork, Puntuality, Learnig speed, Creative, Learning speed, Collaboration, Positive attitude.

Spanish Education

Flat number 2, Floor 2, block 19, Mentna Road, Mqabba Malta sebasgutierrezmoreno@gmail.com


+57 350 431 1587

+34 638517996

Professional Architect

Universidad Catolica de Colombia School

Escuela Pedagogica Experimental

SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AR Archicad PH Photoshop AI Illustrator ID InDesing RH Rhinoceros VR SkecthUp W Word EX Excel PP Rhinoceros TW TwinMotion

Design Process



Social Interes Housing

Development of a research document around a topic of personal choise. Housing as an icon of the coffee culture and as a factor of change to recover customs and bring the population back to the countryside.


With a social interest housing project, the aim is to build units that provide an optimal and dignified quality of life for people with limited resources

Prominence of terraces

Detailed Approach

Urban Approach

Casa de Proyección Habitat Projection House

Student housing with an emphasis on film and photography students that has adequate spaces for them to carry out their studies and exhibitions within a place that is proposed as the axis of cultural renewal

Circuit approach in which different volumes are proposed with complementary uses of cultural quality such as galleries and exhibition centers, also proposing housing on the upper levels to increase the flow of pedestrians in the sector.


Square Approach


Architectural Approach Opportunities

1 2 3 4

Use Apartments, Projection rooms and Exhinition areas


Students of disciplines related to projection and interested in cultural spaces.

Unidades de vivienda

Zona de lavanderia

Circulacion acceso viviendas

Estudio de Post producción

Sala de protección niños

Lobby de acceso viviendas


Cinema y estudio principal Administración


Hall de acceso

Structural Approach

Geotextil no tejido


Lamina de drenaje

Manto Impermeabilizante



Apoyo superior ekowood

Marco de ventana

Listones Ekowood



Apoyo facahada flotante

Lamina de polietileno

Piso laminado en madera

Apoyo intermedio

Viga IP

Apoyo fachada flotante

cielo razo

Steel Deck

Revestimineto interior

Revestimiento Exterior

muro en ladrillo #6

apoyo base de fachada


Adoquin 25 x 25

Base de mortero


Suelo Portante

Placa de Contrapiso

Acabado de piso

Contenedor de plantas

Casa Cultural Cafetera Coffe Cultural House

Development of a research document around a topic of personal choise. Housing as an icon of the coffee culture and as a factor of change to recover customs and bring the population back to the countryside.

CDI Taller de Oficios

Child development Center

Proposal for the renovation of a town located on the outskirts of Bogotá that does not have integration spaces for young people and infants, that seeks to transform the dynamics of a sector with social problems through the transmission of trades and knowledge from the elderly to the minors

Urban Approach


Edificio Terrado 51

Multifamily housing Building

Stratum 3/4 Located in Bogotá

Multy-family urbanization proposed as part od the urban renewal of the Tunjuelo river basin that proposes a housing typology that is transformated by combining it with other housing, which gives it a wide range of different types of contemporary family .

Urban Approach

Urban Approach Urban Approach

Urban Approach

Museo Albor de Zipaquirá


Proposed as the head for the cultural renewal of the historic center of Zipaquirá, the Albor Museum offers a wide number of modular spaces designed to contain defferent types of contemporary art exhibitions.

Work Experience




Design and construction studio located in Villavicencio, Colombia. Where the work consisted of the design of multi-family housing buildings with all their common areas, adjusting to the regulations and subsequent realization of photorealistic images for presentation.

AutoCad TW
TwinMotion Access to El diamante Hotel
Apartment in Florencia Aptos. Boulevard Codem Aprtments Manantial SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AR Archicad TW TwinMotion SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AR Archicad TW TwinMotion SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AR Archicad TW TwinMotion

Work Experience

Junior Architect

Dfactory Group S.A.S.

Interior Desing studio and furniture factory located in Bogotá D.C. Colombia. Junior architect in charge of the area of design, logistics, coordinator of manufacturing processes and furniture installation process for projects such as multifamily housing, offices, homes, stores among others.

Line Pipe Int. Co.

Design process for client presentation, planimetry for manufacturing and electrical installations, logistics aand installation coordination

Design stage

Production Stage

Instalation Stage Programs

SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator VR Vray
Apto Chicó
Programs SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator RH Rhinoceros EX Excel
Production Stage
Manufacturing planimetry for furniture designed by an allied studio. Logistics and installation coordination

Design stage

Design and restoration of furniture for the kitchen and living room with alectrical and gas installations. Coordination of adaptation of apartment and isntalation of furniture.

Production Stage

Programs SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator RH Rhinoceros EX Excel

Design stage

Residere Entre verdes

Etapas 3 y 4

Manufacturing planimetry for furniture designed by an allied studio.

Logistics and installation coordination

Programs AC AutoCad AI Illustrator EX Excel

Design stage

Residere Artek 104

Interior design proposal approved for the production of space for children´s games.
SkecthUp VR Vray

Casa Arrayanes

Design stage


Logistics and installation coordination

Production Stage

planimetry for furniture designed by an allied studio.
Programs SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator RH Rhinoceros EX Excel

Production Stage


Design of production plans for decorative elements and furniture in adptation of new facilities of the company

Programs SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator RH Rhinoceros EX Excel

Other projetcs

Programs SK SkecthUp AC AutoCad AI Illustrator RH Rhinoceros EX Excel

Gallery of other projects

Fast food stand proposal

Personal Brand Development

Gallery of other projects

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